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Fizza Kaif


“The primary role of a manager is to ensure the daily functioning of a

department or group of employees.” As a manager, I need to set an example for

employees so that they mirror my actions and are driven to put in work and

complete tasks. I will be a helpful leader and hold myself to high standards of

duty, in a hope to influence others to work. As the workload has gotten heavy in

the business, if employees saw me sitting around doing no work, they would not

feel motivated or pleased to put in hard work. Another action that I will take is

promoting and encouraging teamwork in the workplace to create an energizing

environment. I will push employees to share information and knowledge which

will lessen the workload quicker, and work will be completed more efficiently. If

one employee was in charge of one client, they would not look beyond

themselves, leaving them with less creativity and more pressure. The last step I

would take as manager to ensure productivity and happiness in the business is

hosting regular meetings, until the workload has decreased. These meetings will

consist of questions and answers that employees may have as well as updates

within the business and updates from clients. Setting up daily meetings

establishes recognition between manager, client and employee. This way,

everyone understands where everyone is at with the workload, and any

questions can be answered, giving employees clarification and leaving them with

confidence. I will ensure that everyone is being motivated equally by prioritizing

communication, treating each employee as an individual, encouraging

employees to work in diverse groups.

I can relate my actions back to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. The steps i

will take to keep my employees happy and motivated during stressful times

connects to the Love/Belonging and Esteem categories on the pyramid.

Encouraging teamwork as well as being a good leader and contributing to the

workload will make employees feel a sense of belonging. Having a sense of

belonging has a major impact on performance and allows employees to come to

work with a positive attitude. Organizing daily meetings to discuss work

progression as well as answering questions and minimizing uncertainties relates

to the esteem category on the pyramid because, it will let employees feel as

though they are achieving their goals and that their work matters and is being


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