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 Shift f1 - Help Mode

 Ctrl C - Copy to Clipboard

 Ctrl X - Cut to Clipboard
 Ctrl V - Past from clipboard
 Delete - Delete Selected Item from a chart
 Alt + Delete - Delete all items on a chart
 Tab Select Next Item
 Shift Tab- Select Previous Item
 Ctrl Z - Undo last action
 Ctrl Y - Redo last action
 Alt Right Arrow - Move forward one security
 Alt Left Arrow - Move Backward one security
 Ctrl Right Arrow - Scroll chart Left
 Ctrl Left Arrow - Scroll chart right
 Note - You can also use the wheel mouse to scroll left
and right.
 Ctrl + Zoom In
 Ctrl - Zoom out
 Note You can use Ctrl and the wheel mouse to zoom in
and out.
 Ctrl F - Open Forecaster
 Ctrl I - Insert Indicator
 Crtl O - Open chart file
 Ctrl N - Create a new Layout/Composite file
 Ctrl S - Save a chart
 Ctrl P - Print a chart.
 Alt Enter - Display properties of selected items
 Ctrl D - Start the Downloader
 Ctrl E - Run the Explorer
 Ctrl T - Run System Tester
 Ctrl R - Run Expert Advisor
 Ctrl I - Run Indicator Builder
 Ctrl W - Open Power Console

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