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***************************************** Process RTPA

1/ Installation OVO :

=> Access to link via local machine :

=> Upload the package :
02-Aug-2017 13:53 114M
=> Copied it to server and access to this folder on server with CMD
=> Execute the commande : ito11.bat

=> Access to file C:\osit\etc df_mon.cfg and make these modifications :

"SYSTEM" Critical 5 % * 0000 2400
"SYSTEM" WARNING 10 % * 0000 2400

"D:" Critical 5 % * 0000 2400
"D:" WARNING 10 % * 0000 2400

"E:" Critical 5 % * 0000 2400
"E:" WARNING 10 % * 0000 2400

"F:" Critical 5 % * 0000 2400
"F:" WARNING 10 % * 0000 2400

"G:" Critical 5 % * 0000 2400
"G:" WARNING 10 % * 0000 2400

"H:" Critical 5 % * 0000 2400
"H:" WARNING 10 % * 0000 2400

"I:" Critical 5 % * 0000 2400
"I:" WARNING 10 % * 0000 2400

"J:" Critical 5 % * 0000 2400
"J:" WARNING 10 % * 0000 2400

"K:" Critical 5 % * 0000 2400
"K:" WARNING 10 % * 0000 2400

"L:" Critical 5 % * 0000 2400
"L:" WARNING 10 % * 0000 2400

"M:" Critical 5 % * 0000 2400
"M:" WARNING 10 % * 0000 2400

"N:" Critical 5 % * 0000 2400
"N:" WARNING 10 % * 0000 2400

"O:" Critical 5 % * 0000 2400
"O:" WARNING 10 % * 0000 2400

"P:" Critical 5 % * 0000 2400
"P:" WARNING 10 % * 0000 2400

"Q:" Critical 5 % * 0000 2400
"Q:" WARNING 10 % * 0000 2400

******************************************* ESL configuration


Audit ESL => Interface ESL : Auditing integration => Workflow : SM EMEA2 =>
Drilldown option : per system name => enter the FQDN server =>Run Audit

Switch interface => Request MTP for HPOM => if RTPA date is Red => Other configured
it for 1 week

Check if technical owner is added if not => Add youness enamili

Check in instance monitoring in Show HPOM Details if Browser status is : PROD

******************************************* Check OVO


=> Verifier les services OVO : ovc -status (all 9 process are running) => Si non on
dois install� les certificats via les commandes :

Check certificat if installed : ovcert -list

if not installed proceed to :

ovconfchg -ns eaagt -set OPC_PRIMARY_MGR
ovconfchg -ns sec.core.auth -set MANAGER
ovconfchg -ns sec.core.auth -set MANAGER_ID 81677d82-b4aa-7552-0bb3-96d35d3eb2ba
ovconfchg -ns -set CERTIFICATE_SERVER
ovcoreid -create -force
ovc -kill
ovc -start
ovcert -certreq

After :

ovc �kill
taskkill /f /im ov*
taskkill /f /im perf*
taskkill /f /im coda
ovc -start
opcagt -cleanstart
ovc �status
opcagt �status
(All process should be running)
******************************************* Uninstall OVO

Copy the folder : G:\Edenred Wintel\HPOVO in C:\temp on the server in question

Start the script : A1bins\scripts\oacleanall_Windows_X64.vbs

Check if there are any entry on the folder :

cscript "<C:\Program Files\HP OpenView\bin\win64\OpC\install\oainstall.vbs>"
-remove -a -clean

If not :
Clean up of OA related items from Windows registry (regedit), then re-run OA
1. Delete old OA items from registry:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE<\\SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\Hewlett-Packard\\HP OpenView\>
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Hewlett-Packard\\Measureware Agent
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\Hewlett-Packard\\Measureware Agent

If there is DSISetup item as in picture below, please also delete it.
If Hewlett-Packard only contains HP OpenView, Measureware Agent, DSISetup, you can
delete Hewlett-Packard directory directly.

******************************************* Installation of OVO


1- Copy the folder : G:\Edenred Wintel\HPOVO in C:\temp on the server in

2- cd C:\temp\HPOVO\itopackage12.06-winAgentOne-x64_V1 and start the command :

******************************************* SWAP configuration


Dans le serveur => Click droit sur Windows => System => Advanced system setting =>
Advanced => Change => D�cocher Automaticcly manage pagging
=> Cocher Custum size => D�ffinir la taille apr�s Set => OK
Si la RAM =< 8G =>M�moire d�fini 12G*1024 = 12288
Si la RAM >8G =>M�moire d�fini 4G*1024 = 4096

=> Startup and recovery => Time de display list = 5 => D�cocher Restart
automaticlly =>
Whrite debugging information : Si la RAM =< 8G => Kernel memory dump
=>M�moire d�fini 12G*1024
Si la RAM >8G => Small memory dump =>M�moire d�fini

******************************************* DRC
3/ Suivre les Etapes du fichier R�diger RTPA.docx

4/ Auto Reboot: NO => message : disable as per build guid

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