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1/16/2017 How to deploy axis2 war file n JBoss

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How to install axis2 in the area?

This document explains the procedure to deploy axis2 in the jboss application server.

What is Axis2
Apache Axis2 is a core engine for Web services. It is a complete re-design and re-write of the widely used Apache Axis SOAP stack. Implementations of Axis2 are available
in Java and C. Axis2 provides the capability to add Web services interfaces to Web applications.

What is an AAR ₾le:

The AAR ₾le type is primarily associated with 'Axis Archive' by Apache Software Foundation. Compressed ₾le package for Apache Axis 2 which contains classes and data
for a Web Service. The AAR is a JAR (Java Archive) ₾le and is therefore based on the standard ZIP ₾le format.

 ﴾/SitePages/Home.aspx﴿
1)      Download axis2 Release 1.6.2 war ₾le from the below link
 ﴾/SitePages/TicketingSystem.aspx ﴿

 ﴾/TCSPProfileCenter/infodefault.aspx﴿
 ﴾/Support/DashBoard.aspx﴿

2)      Unzip the downloaded folder to get axis2.war directory.

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1/16/2017 How to deploy axis2 war file n JBoss

 ﴾/SitePages/Home.aspx﴿
3)      Find the Extensions folder under TEMP.RELEASE folder and copy the below .aar ₾les from the path \Extensions\<<Product_ComponentName>>\t24ws\.
 ﴾/SitePages/TicketingSystem.aspx ﴿
a.       t24-EB_CatalogService-tafj-jws.aar - for Temenos Web Services and IF

b.      t24-IF_IntegrationFlowService-tafj-jws.aar - for Temenos Web Services and IF
 ﴾/TCSPProfileCenter/infodefault.aspx﴿
c.       t24-IF_IntegrationFrameworkService-tafj-jws.aar - for Temenos Web Services and IF
 ﴾/Support/DashBoard.aspx﴿
d.      t24-IF_IntegrationLandscapeService-tafj-jws.aar - for Temenos Web Services and IF

e.     t24-DS_DesignStudioInstallerService-tafj-jws.aar - for Design Studio

f.      t24-EB_OFSConnectorService-tafj-jws.aar - for Design Studio

g.     t24-EB_ResourceProviderService-tafj-jws.aar - for IRIS

If the above aar ₾les are not present in TEMP.RELEASE, download the latest versions of the below updates to get corresponding .aar ₾les.

1. EB_CatalogService
2. IF_IntegrationFlowService
3. IF_IntegrationFrameworkService
4. IF_IntegrationLandscapeService
5. DS_DesignStudioInstallerService
6. EB_OFSConnectorService
7. EB_ResourceProviderService

Once the updater tool is run, the update folder will be created. Copy the .aar ₾les from the path given below of the respective update folder.

<< Update folder (t24rel_product_component)>>\Extensions\t24ws\

4)       Copy the required .aar ₾les to the services directory under axis2.war\WEB-INF path and save the same. 

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1/16/2017 How to deploy axis2 war file n JBoss

5)       Download and copy below standard jar ₾les and place it inside \axis2.war\WEB-INF\lib directory

 ﴾/SitePages/Home.aspx﴿
axis2-spring-1.7.1.jar ,
spring-2.5.6.jar ,
 ﴾/SitePages/TicketingSystem.aspx ﴿

6)       For Jboss 4.2.3/5.1:
 ﴾/TCSPProfileCenter/infodefault.aspx﴿
Deploy axis2.war (which has the required .aar ₾les in the services folder) to the jboss under jboss\server\default\deploy path
 ﴾/Support/DashBoard.aspx﴿

For Jboss EAP:

Deploy axis2.war (which has the required .aar ₾les in the services folder) to the jboss EAP under JBoss\standalone\deployments. 

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7)      Start the server. Access the services as shown below:

 ﴾/SitePages/Home.aspx﴿
 ﴾/SitePages/TicketingSystem.aspx ﴿

 ﴾/TCSPProfileCenter/infodefault.aspx﴿
 ﴾/Support/DashBoard.aspx﴿


Best viewed in Internet Explorer 10 & above

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