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How to Troubleshoot Updates installation errors?


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How to Troubleshoot Updates installation errors?

Table of Contents
Errors faced while installing updates
1. Permission denied

i. In UNIX:

ii. In NT:

2. No zip files found in updates directory

3. Can not open <<update name>>

4. updater: updater is a directory

5. Unable to open & file

6. <<update name>> is unable to be resolved to what is on the machine

7. <<update name>> version <<XX>> is the same or lower than the installed

8. The system cannot find the path specified

9. Dependency error

10. Updater is not an identifier

11. Nothing found on Client module

12. Update failed for <<update pack name>>



iii. Update failed: Failed to get a return code from child process

13. <<ComponentName>> branch <<BranchInfo>> does not match <<product>> branch <<BranchInfo>>

14. Updater tool hangs without any progress

Precautionary Steps to avoid frequent errors:

Java Errors faced during updates installation
1. Null pointer exception during updates installation

2. UnmarshallException during updates installation

3. XML is invalid premature end of file

4. Update failed: java: not found

5. Content is not allowed in prolog.


The purpose of this document is to troubleshoot the errors faced while installing updates using T24Updater tool.

Errors faced while installing updates

There are certain commonly faced errors for which the solutions are mentioned in this document.

1. Permission denied

i. In UNIX:
Error Message

This error message occurs in UNIX environment.

To resolve this

Execute updater from sh prompt instead of jsh prompt.

Error Message

To resolve this

1 of 14 3/28/2015 10:46 AM
How to Troubleshoot Updates installation errors?

Include $HOME/updater/bin path in PATH variable of .profile / remote.cmd

Error Message

jsh -->sh updater

Usage: updater <dir-path> <parent-pid> [working-dir callback args...] $

This error message occurs when the JAVA_HOME path is not pointing to jdk's bin.

To resolve this

Set the JAVA_HOME path pointing to jdk\bin's path and run the updater again.

E.g.: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0

ii. ii. In NT:

Error Message

To resolve this

Execute updater as updater.bat as shown below

Error message

To resolve this

Include $HOME/updater/bin path in PATH variable of .profile / remote.cmd

2. No zip files found in updates directory

Error Message

This error message occurs when the downloaded .zip file is not present inside $HOME/updater/updates directory

To resolve this

Place the downloaded zip file inside $HOME/updater/updates and then execute updater from sh prompt.

3. Cannot open <<update name>>

Error Message

This error message occurs in any of the below scenario:

a) gtar path is not mentioned in PATH variable of .profile

To resolve this

Kindly inculude gtar path to PATH variable of .profile

set PATH=%PATH%:<<gtar path>>/bin

and check for the working of gtar using the below command


b) b) TEMP.RELEASE path is not set properly

To resolve this



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How to Troubleshoot Updates installation errors?

c) c) The file R09_EB_Enquiry_1_AIX_5 might be corrupted.

To resolve this

Kindly download R09_EB_Enquiry_1_AIX_5 again from the website.

Note: gtar is used by T24Updater tool in UNIX and it is replaced by tar for NT

4. updater: updater: is a directory

Error Message

To resolve this

This problem occurs when the variables JAVA_HOME and T24_HOME is not set in both UNIX and WINDOWS environment.

Also the path of $HOME/updater/bin should be appended to PATH variable (of remote.cmd or .profile).

Note: The JAVA_HOME should point to the standalone java and not the one inside TAFC directory

(Example: usr/java1.6 and not $TAFC_HOME/java)

5. Unable to open & file

Error Message



installing class fr.jayasoft.ivy.url.IvyAuthenticator

Update failed for R09_EB_LocalReferences_1_LINUX_ELF_AS5.tar :

Message: Update R09_EB_LocalReferences_1, Unable to open & file

Output Summary:

1 files processed.

Updates not successful.


Exiting Updater...

To resolve this

a) a) Need to check for the presence of TEMP.RELEASE record and temp.release directory



001 D

002 /glohd/HDareas/INfareas/intstj4/mbdemo/

b) b) Need to check for the presence of temp.release directory

jsh ~ -->ls -al temp.release

total 392

drwxrwxrwx 2 intstj4 hdin 256 Apr 22 02:23 &SAVEDLISTS&

drwxrwxrwx 2 intstj4 hdin 256 Apr 22 02:23 &SAVEDLISTS&]D

drwxrwxrwx 6 intstj4 hdin 256 Apr 22 02:49 .

drwxr-xr-x 197 intstj4 hdin 49152 Aug 03 09:26 ..

-rwxrwxrwx 1 intstj4 hdin 4 Apr 22 02:22 .jbase_header

drwxrwxrwx 2 intstj4 hdin 256 Apr 22 02:23 VOC

drwxrwxrwx 2 intstj4 hdin 256 Apr 22 02:23 VOC]D

jsh ~ -->cd temp.release

jsh ~/temp.release -->ls


jsh ~/temp.release -->pwd


6. <<update name>> is unable to be resolved to what is on the machine

Error Message

3 of 14 3/28/2015 10:46 AM
How to Troubleshoot Updates installation errors?

Output Summary:

0 files processed.

Updates not successful.


EB_Browser version 3 is unable to be resolved to what is on the


Exiting Updater...

To resolve this

Set the field T24.SERVER to YES in EB_Browser of EB.COMPONENT application and authorise it as shown below

and run updater tool.

7. <<update name>> version <<XX>> is the same or lower than the

Error Message

Output Summary:

0 files processed.

Updates not successful.


EB_BrowserVersion version 11 is the same or lower than the installed version 11

Exiting Updater...

Error message says that R09_EB_BrowserVersion_11 is already installed in the environment and the same

have been updated in your SPF record.

To resolve this

Since re-installation of same update version is not possible. Hence we should re-generate SysDef.xml file and download updates.

8. The system cannot find the path specified.

Error Message:


JAVA_HOME is not set correctly

To resolve this:

Set JAVA_HOME to a valid jdk installation path.

9. Dependency error
Error Message

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How to Troubleshoot Updates installation errors?

To resolve this

Since dependency check is made by the updater tool based on the update.xml file present inside the tar file,

the tool will not install the update if dependency check fails. Hence we should re-generate SysDef.xml file and download updates.

This problem could occur when the .tar pack present inside the .zip file is removed or renamed.

10. updater is not an identifier

Error Message

jsh daubol ~ -->sh updater

updater[14]: =/t24_uatas3/bnk/ is not an identifier

To resolve this

Set the below variable in your .profile (or remote.cmd), and execute the updater command again

export T24_HOME=$HOME

11. Nothing found on Client module

This error occurs in the scenario when T24 updates are installed and its corresponding tag in updater.xml file is commented

Error Message:


Un-comment the corresponding tag in updater.xml file. In this case, as T24 updates are installed, uncomment the below lines

Note: similarly when Browser / ARC IB, TAFC, TAG updates are installed, their corresponding tag should be

un-commented in updater.xml file.

12. Update failed for <<update pack name>>

When this error message is thrown while installing updates, refer the corresponding &COMO& record

for the exact error message. It could be either SUBROUTINE_CALL_FAIL error message or TOO MANY CHARACTERS.


Error Message







installing class fr.jayasoft.ivy.url.IvyAuthenticator

Update failed for R09_EB_Logging_2_LINUX_ELF_AS5.tar

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How to Troubleshoot Updates installation errors?

Output Summary:

1 files processed.

Updates not successful.


Exiting Updater...

On checking the corresponding &COMO& record

029 Copying new t24lib eb_logging

030 [12:29:43]cp -r R09_EB_Logging_2_LINUX_ELF_AS5/t24lib/eb_logging t24lib

031 Copied new t24lib.


033 No Records selected


035 ** Error [ SUBROUTINE_CALL_FAIL ] **

036 Unable to perform CALL to subroutine TEC.START.TIMER , Line 82 , Source F.READ

037 Press C to continue or Q to quit


This error message occurs because the t24lib and t24bin used by T24Updater tool is replaced by itself

during the process of installation.

To resolve this

Point JBASE_PATH and JBCOBJECTLIST in .profile (or remote.cmd) to a different location other than

$HOME/t24bin and $HOME/t24lib as shown below:


Error Message

To resolve this:

This error is fixed in EB_Upgrade_X (EB_Upgrade_1 or higher)

Procedure to be followed:

a) Create folder in as run1

b) Now take a copy of the t24lib and t24bin from and place them in run1

c) Edit your .profile/remote.cmd and ensure that JBASE_PATH and JBCOBJECTLIST is pointed to the run1 directory

d) Ensure that VOC and SAVEDLISTS& are created as UD type directory in run1 (to resolve the problem #1 “Unable to open & file“)

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How to Troubleshoot Updates installation errors?

Setup the TEMP.RELEASE voc as

Now, follow the below steps.

a) Take unzip the downloaded T24Updates<<YYYY-MM-DD-X-nn>>.zip and take the tar file - R09_EB_Upgrade_X_OS.tar

b) Untar the file: R09_EB_Upgrade_X_OS.tar. After untar it produces the following:


c) Copy the bin objects (From the R09_EB_Upgrade_X_OS>t24bin>eb_upgrade) to

d) Copy the lib (From the R09_EB_Upgrade_X_OS>t24lib>eb_upgrade) to

e) Now run updater tool.

iii. Update failed: Failed to get a return code from child process

Error Screenshot:

&COMO& record

[10;1HRELEASE NUMBER IS R09_SC_ModelBank_4


[23;9H[23;9H[526] List '0' is inactive.



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How to Troubleshoot Updates installation errors?



No Records selected

The problem occurs when the updater tool transfers SC.SYS.END.OF.DAY record of BATCH application.

This problem is fixed in R09_EB_Updates_1. Hence, install R09_EB_Updates_1 before installing R09_SC_ModelBank_4.

After successful installation of R09_EB_Updates_1, please copy t24lib and t24bin of R09_EB_Updates_1 to

respective folder inside run1 directory, this is because when executing T24Updater tool, the variable JBCOBJECTLIST

points to run1/t24lib, hence the fixed libraries should be copied to run1 directory.

jsh r9test ~ -->jshow -c T24.INSTALL.UPDATE

Subroutine: D:\Localhost\r9test\bnk\\run1\t24lib\eb_updates\lib0.dll

jBC T24.INSTALL.UPDATE version 09.0 Mon Apr 12 11:01:03 2010

jBC T24.INSTALL.UPDATE source file R09_EB_Updates_1.SOURCE

jsh r9test ~ -->jshow -c T24Version

Executable: D:\Localhost\r9test\bnk\\run1\t24bin\eb_updates\T24Version.dll

jBC main() version 09.0 Mon Apr 12 11:01:11 2010

jBC main() source file R09_EB_Updates_1.SOURCE

13. <<ComponentName>> branch <<BranchInfo>> does not match <<product>> branch <<BranchInfo>>
Error message

T24 Updater V2.1

Input Summary:









installing class fr.jayasoft.ivy.url.IvyAuthenticator

Output Summary:

0 files processed.

Updates not successful.


FC_libTAFCjcf branch R10_HPUX_IA64 does not match FC branch


Exiting Updater...

$ exit

jsh t24r10 ~ -->

While trying to install non compatible version of TAFC updates, system will result in “does not match XX branch” error.

To resolve this

This problem will happen when “branch” in versionxml_jbase output and the “major” in jdiag output does not

match with the name of the update.

In the below case, the branch is PB201011_HPUX_IA64

<ivy-module version="1.0">

<info organisation="TEMENOS" branch="PB201011_HPUX_IA64" module="FC" />


<dependency org="TEMENOS" branch="PB201011_HPUX_IA64" name="FC_libTAFCcommon" rev="0" />

<dependency org="TEMENOS" branch="PB201011_HPUX_IA64" name="FC_libTAFCjcf" rev="0" />

<dependency org="TEMENOS" branch="PB201011_HPUX_IA64" name="FC_libTAFCjremote" rev="0" />

<dependency org="TEMENOS" branch="PB201011_HPUX_IA64" name="FC_libTAFCmonitor" rev="0" />

<dependency org="TEMENOS" branch="PB201011_HPUX_IA64" name="FC_libTAFCjbase" rev="0" />

<dependency org="TEMENOS" branch="PB201011_HPUX_IA64" name="FC_libTAFCjql" rev="0" />

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How to Troubleshoot Updates installation errors?

<dependency org="TEMENOS" branch="PB201011_HPUX_IA64" name="FC_libTAFCfrmwrk" rev="0" />

<dependency org="TEMENOS" branch="PB201011_HPUX_IA64" name="FC_libTAFCjee" rev="0" />

<dependency org="TEMENOS" branch="PB201011_HPUX_IA64" name="FC_libTAFCutil" rev="0" />

<dependency org="TEMENOS" branch="PB201011_HPUX_IA64" name="FC_libTAFCtj" rev="0" />

<dependency org="TEMENOS" branch="PB201011_HPUX_IA64" name="FC_libTAFCjrfs" rev="0" />

<dependency org="TEMENOS" branch="PB201011_HPUX_IA64" name="FC_libTAFCxml" rev="0" />

<dependency org="TEMENOS" branch="PB201011_HPUX_IA64" name="FC_libTAFCdrvrs" rev="0" />

<dependency org="TEMENOS" branch="PB201011_HPUX_IA64" name="FC_libTAFCsql" rev="0" />

<dependency org="TEMENOS" branch="PB201011_HPUX_IA64" name="FC_libTAFCSQLSYS" rev="0" />



jdiag output shows the major is 201011.0.

JEDIFILEPATH : '/t24/cbalive/bnk/'

JEDIFILENAME_MD : '/t24/cbalive/bnk/'

JEDIFILENAME_SYSTEM : '/t24/cbalive/bnk/'

RELEASE Information : Major 201011.0 , Minor 0.0 , Patch (Change 91463)

Spooler dir (JBCSPOOLERDIR) : '/t24/cbalive/tafc/R10/jspooler'

JBCEMULATE : 'prime'

WARNING: Cannot access Executable path '/t24/cbalive/bnk/', error 2

This does not match with the name of the update (R10_FC_libTAFCutil_5_HPUX_IA64.tar)

Hence need to make sure that non-compatible TAFC updates are not installed in the environment

and the updates are downloaded from TCSP website using the latest SysDef.xml file.

14. Updater tool hangs without any progress.

Error message

<service name="T24" pathType="EXEC" updateType="AUTO">





To resolve this

When the updater tool hangs, need to check the presence of T24.UPDATE.INSTALLER binary file

and specify it in updater.xml file

<service name="T24" pathType="EXEC" updateType="AUTO">





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How to Troubleshoot Updates installation errors?

Precautionary Steps to avoid frequent errors:

When installing updates, it is always recommended to follow the below procedure:

1) Create run1 directory inside

2) Copy t24lib and t24bin from to to $HOME/run1 directory

3) Copy R09_EB_Updates_1_AIX_5.tar and R09_EB_Upgrade_6_AIX_5.tar to local directory

4) Extract R09_EB_Updates_1_AIX_5.tar

5) Extract R09_EB_Upgrade_6_AIX_5.tar

6) Delete eb_upgrade and eb_updates directory from run1/t24lib and run1/t24bin

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How to Troubleshoot Updates installation errors?

7) Copy t24lib and t24bin of R09_EB_Updates_1_AIX_5 and R09_EB_Upgrade_6_AIX_5 to run1

8) Modify JBASE_PATH and JBCOBJECTLIST variable in .profile to point $HOME/run1/t24bin and $HOME/run1/t24lib

(or execute the same from jsh prompt)

9) Set TEMP.RELEASE record in SYSTEM to directory

(where VOC and &SAVEDLISTS& exist with full permission as UD type directory)

10) Place downloaded zip file inside $HOME/updater/updates directory

11) Uncomment (only) the below tags in updater.xml file (present inside $HOME/updater/config directory,

as we are going to install only T24 released updates)

12) Execute updater from sh prompt


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How to Troubleshoot Updates installation errors?

From the above screenshot it is shown that on following the above procedure,

all (207) updates have successfully installed.

13) 13) After successful installation of updates, run1 directory can be deleted from


If R09_EB_Updates_X and R09_EB_Upgrade_X (where X is the version of component installed),

then the point #3 to #7 can be skipped.

Java Errors faced during updates installation

1. Null pointer exception during updates installation





at com.temenos.upgrader.Upgrader.processDir(

at com.temenos.upgrader.Upgrader.loadUpdateXML(

at com.temenos.upgrader.Upgrader.doIt(

at com.temenos.upgrader.Upgrader.main(


This problem would occur if a tar file in the pack does not contain update.xml file.

The java logging should be enabled and the updater should be executed.

Ensure the below modifications are done in the file which is found in

$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib to enable the java logging in the environment


handlers= java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler

.level= FINE

java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level = FINE

java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.formatter = java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter


After making the above setup, start a new jshell session to enable the changes

On executing the updater with the java logging enabled, the execution would throw NULL POINTER exception

when installing a problematic update. The corresponding problematic update should be recompiled and given to the client.

2. UnmarshallException during updates installation

SEVERE: Caught UnmarshalExceptionunexpected element (uri:"", local:"update"). Expected elements are


Error in: /T24A/bnk/ XML being written

to log file.

javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: unexpected element (uri:"", local:"update"). Expected elements are




The update.xml file of the corresponding update (in this case: R09_FC_libTAFCjbase_3_HPUX_ IA64.tar) is improper.

The problematic update should be recompiled and given to the client.

3. XML is invalid premature end of file

installing class fr.jayasoft.ivy.url.IvyAuthenticator

Apr 4, 2010 8:03:51 PM com.temenos.versionutil.SystemDescription validateXML

SEVERE: Xml is invalid Premature end of file.

Warning: [[T24_HOME]/t24bin/eb_updates/T24Version] is not a valid xml

description of a system null

Code to test the problem:


public class JavaRunCommand {

public static void main(String args[]) {

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How to Troubleshoot Updates installation errors?

String s = null;

// To read the contents of LIBPATH

String Variable = System.getenv("LIBPATH");

System.out.println("Output of 'echo $LIBPATH' is : ");


try {

Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("/glotam1/Bankareas/cib-test/bnk/

// To read the contents of "stdout" Standard Output terminal

BufferedReader stdInput = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));

// To read the contents of "stderr" Standard error terminal

BufferedReader stdError = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getErrorStream()));

// read the output from the command

System.out.println("Here is the standard output of the command:\n");

while ((s = stdInput.readLine()) != null) {


// read any errors from the attempted command

System.out.println("Here is the standard error of the command (if any):\n");

while ((s = stdError.readLine()) != null) {



catch (IOException e) {

System.out.println("Exception Happened - here's what I know: ");



Note: highlighted line in the java code should be modified to a valid T24Version path.

Now compile the java program and execute it as shown below:


This is bug in java 1.6. This is fixed in java version 1.6 SR6 (and above)

13 of 14 3/28/2015 10:46 AM
How to Troubleshoot Updates installation errors?

153743 IZ55981 620700127 600 13/08/2009 N/A /USR/LIB IS PREPENDED TO THE LIBPATH

4. Update failed: java: not found

R10_EB_Upgrade_7, Successfully copied the libraries and binaries.

Update successful for R10_ENT_Enquiries_4_AIX_5.tar : Message: Update

R10_ENT_Enquiries_4, Successfully copied the libraries and binaries.

Update failed: java: not found

Output Summary:

28 files processed.

Updates not successful.

Exiting Updater...


Need to append $JAVA_HOME/bin to PATH variable of .profile as shown in the below example

and re-run updater tool in a restored environment.






5. Content is not allowed in prolog

Error Message:

Sep 7, 2011 2:28:19 PM com.temenos.upgrader.jaxb.JaxbUtil load

SEVERE: Caught UnmarshalExceptionnull

Error in: /globus/desupg07/bnk/ XML being

written to log file.


- with linked exception:

[org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Content is not allowed in prolog.]



at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.unmarshaller.UnmarshallerImpl.unmarshal0(

at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.unmarshaller.UnmarshallerImpl.unmarshal(

at javax.xml.bind.helpers.AbstractUnmarshallerImpl.unmarshal(

Reason & Solution to the problem:

There could be a special character (non UTF8 character) present inside update.xml file of the corresponding tar file. In this case,

we need to re-cut R11_ACM_AccountOpening_5_SUN.tar.

The procedures suggested in the document will ensure that the errors mentioned in the document will be resolved.

After installation of updates, all the INAU files, which are released in updates installation should be authorised.

If CONVERSION.DETAILS records are released, it should be authorised and verified, so that the corresponding data conversion is done.

©2013 TEMENOS HEADQUARTERS SA | Company Confidential tp://" target="_blank">

14 of 14 3/28/2015 10:46 AM

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