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Atomic number

-The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom, which determines the chemical properties of an element and its place in the
periodic table.

An explanation of the superscripts and subscripts seen in atomic number notation. Atomic number is the number of protons, and
therefore also the total positive charge, in the atomic nucleus.

The Rutherford–Bohr model of the hydrogen atom (Z = 1) or a hydrogen-like ion (Z > 1). In this model it is an essential feature that
the photon energy (or frequency) of the electromagnetic radiation emitted (shown) when an electron jumps from one orbital to
another, be proportional to the mathematical square of atomic charge (Z2). Experimental measurement by Henry Moseley of this
radiation for many elements (from Z = 13 to 92) showed the results as predicted by Bohr. Both the concept of atomic number and
the Bohr model were thereby given scientific credence.
The atomic number or proton number (symbol Z) of a chemical element is the number of protons found in the nucleus of an atom.
It is identical to the charge number of the nucleus. The atomic number uniquely identifies a chemical element. In
an uncharged atom, the atomic number is also equal to the number of electrons.
The sum of the atomic number Z and the number of neutrons, N, gives the mass number A of an atom. Since protons and neutrons
have approximately the same mass (and the mass of the electrons is negligible for many purposes) and the mass defect of nucleon
binding is always small compared to the nucleon mass, the atomic mass of any atom, when expressed in unified atomic mass
units (making a quantity called the "relative isotopic mass"), is within 1% of the whole number A.
Atoms with the same atomic number Z but different neutron numbers N, and hence different atomic masses, are known as isotopes.
A little more than three-quarters of naturally occurring elements exist as a mixture of isotopes (see monoisotopic elements), and the
average isotopic mass of an isotopic mixture for an element (called the relative atomic mass) in a defined environment on Earth,
determines the element's standard atomic weight. Historically, it was these atomic weights of elements (in comparison to hydrogen)
that were the quantities measurable by chemists in the 19th century.

Atomic mass- the mass of an atom of a chemical element expressed in atomic mass units. It is approximately equivalent to the
number of protons and neutrons in the atom (the mass number) or to the average number allowing for the relative abundances of
different isotopes.

Stylized lithium-7 atom: 3 protons, 4 neutrons, & 3 electrons

(total electrons are ~1⁄4300th of the mass of the nucleus). It has a mass of
7.016 u. Rare lithium-6 (mass of 6.015 u) has only 3 neutrons, reducing
the atomic weight (average) of lithium to 6.941.
The atomic mass (ma) is the mass of an atom. Its unit is
the unified atomic mass units (symbol: u, or Da) where 1 unified
atomic mass unit is defined as 1⁄12 of the mass of a single carbon-
12 atom, at rest.[1] For atoms, the protons and neutrons of the
nucleus account for almost all of the mass, and the atomic mass
measured in u has nearly the same value as the mass number.
When divided by unified atomic mass units or daltons to form a
pure numeric ratio, the atomic mass of an atom becomes
a dimensionless value called the relative isotopic mass (see
section below). Thus, the atomic mass of a carbon-12 atom is
12 u or 12 daltons (Da), but the relative isotopic mass of a carbon-12 atom is simply 12.
The atomic mass or relative isotopic mass refers to the mass of a single particle, and therefore is
tied to a certain specific isotopeof an element. The dimensionless standard atomic weight instead
refers to the average (mathematical mean) of atomic mass values of a typical naturally-occurring
mixture of isotopes for a sample of an element. Atomic mass values are thus commonly reported to
many more significant figures than atomic weights. Standard atomic weight is related to atomic mass
by the abundance ranking of isotopes for each element. It is usually about the same value as the
atomic mass of the most abundant isotope, other than what looks like (but is not actually)
a rounding difference.
The atomic mass of atoms, ions, or atomic nuclei is slightly less than the sum of the masses of their
constituent protons, neutrons, and electrons, due to binding energy mass loss (as per E=mc2).[2]

 1Relative isotopic mass: the same quantity as atomic mass, but with different units
 2Similar terms for different quantities
 3Mass defects in atomic masses
 4Measurement of atomic masses
 5Conversion factor between atomic mass units and grams
 6Relationship between atomic and molecular masses
 7History
 8See also
 9References
 10External links

Relative isotopic mass: the same quantity as atomic mass, but with
different units[edit]
Relative isotopic mass (a property of a single atom) is not to be confused with the averaged
quantity atomic weight (see above), that is an average of values for many atoms in a given sample
of a chemical element.
Relative isotopic mass is similar to atomic mass and has exactly the same numerical value as
atomic mass, whenever atomic mass is expressed in unified atomic mass units. The only difference
in that case, is that relative isotopic mass is a pure number with no units. This loss of units results
from the use of a scaling ratio with respect to a carbon-12 standard, and the word "relative" in the
term "relative isotopic mass" refers to this scaling relative to carbon-12.
The relative isotopic mass, then, is the mass of a given isotope (specifically, any single nuclide),
when this value is scaled by the mass of carbon-12, when the latter is set equal to 12. Equivalently,
the relative isotopic mass of an isotope or nuclide is the mass of the isotope relative to 1/12 of the
mass of a carbon-12 atom.
For example, the relative isotopic mass of a carbon-12 atom is exactly 12. For comparison,
the atomic mass of a carbon-12 atom is exactly 12 daltons or 12 unified atomic mass units.
Alternately, the atomic mass of a carbon-12 atom may be expressed in any other mass units: for
example, the atomic mass of a carbon-12 atom is about 1.998467052 × 10−26 kilograms.
As in the case of atomic mass, no nuclides other than carbon-12 have exactly whole-number values
of relative isotopic mass. As is the case for the related atomic mass when expressed in unified
atomic mass units or daltons, the relative isotopic mass numbers of nuclides other than carbon-12
are not whole numbers, but are always close to whole numbers. This is discussed more fully below.

Similar terms for different quantities[edit]

The atomic mass and relative isotopic mass are sometimes confused, or incorrectly used, as
synonyms of standard atomic weight (also known as atomic weight) and the standard atomic weight
(a particular variety of atomic weight, in the sense that is a standardized atomic weight). However,
as noted in the introduction, atomic weight and standard atomic weight represent terms for
(abundance-weighted) averages of atomic masses in elemental samples, not for single nuclides. As
such, atomic weight and standard atomic weight often differ numerically from relative isotopic mass
and atomic mass, and they can also have different units than atomic mass when this quantity is not
expressed in unified atomic mass units (see the linked article for atomic weight).
The atomic mass (relative isotopic mass) is defined as the mass of a single atom, which can only be
one isotope (nuclide) at a time, and is not an abundance-weighted average, as in the case of relative
atomic mass/atomic weight. The atomic mass or relative isotopic mass of each isotope and nuclide
of a chemical element is therefore a number that can in principle be measured to a very great
precision, since every specimen of such a nuclide is expected to be exactly identical to every other
specimen, as all atoms of a given type in the same energy state, and every specimen of a particular
nuclide, are expected to be exactly identical in mass to every other specimen of that nuclide. For
example, every atom of oxygen-16 is expected to have exactly the same atomic mass (relative
isotopic mass) as every other atom of oxygen-16.
In the case of many elements that have one naturally occurring isotope (mononuclidic elements) or
one dominant isotope, the actual numerical similarity/difference between the atomic mass of the
most common isotope, and the (standard) relative atomic mass or (standard) atomic weight can be
small or even nil, and does not affect most bulk calculations. However, such an error can exist and
even be important when considering individual atoms for elements that are not mononuclidic.
For non-mononuclidic elements that have more than one common isotope, the numerical difference
in relative atomic mass (atomic weight) from even the most common relative isotopic mass, can be
half a mass unit or more (e.g. see the case of chlorine where atomic weight and standard atomic
weight are about 35.45). The atomic mass (relative isotopic mass) of an uncommon isotope can
differ from the relative atomic mass, atomic weight, or standard atomic weight, by several mass
Atomic masses expressed in unified atomic mass units (i.e. relative isotopic masses) are always
close to whole-number values, but never (except in the case of carbon-12) exactly a whole number,
for two reasons:

 protons and neutrons have different masses, and different nuclides have different ratios of
protons and neutrons.
 atomic masses are reduced, to different extents, by their binding energies.
The ratio of atomic mass to mass number (number of nucleons) varies from about 0.99884 for 56Fe
to 1.00782505 for 1H.
Any mass defect due to nuclear binding energy is experimentally a small fraction (less than 1%) of
the mass of equal number of free nucleons. When compared to the average mass per nucleon in
carbon-12, which is moderately strongly-bound compared with other atoms, the mass defect of
binding for most atoms is an even smaller fraction of a dalton (unified atomic mass unit, based on
carbon-12). Since free protons and neutrons differ from each other in mass by a small fraction of a
dalton (about 0.0014 u), rounding the relative isotopic mass, or the atomic mass of any given nuclide
given in daltons to the nearest whole number always gives the nucleon count, or mass number.
Additionally, the neutron count (neutron number) may then be derived by subtracting the number of
protons (atomic number) from the mass number (nucleon count).

Mass defects in atomic masses[edit]

Binding energy per nucleon of common isotopes. A graph of the ratio of mass number to atomic mass would

The amount that the ratio of atomic masses to mass number deviates from 1 is as follows: the
deviation starts positive at hydrogen-1, then decreases until it reaches a local minimum at helium-4.
Isotopes of lithium, beryllium, and boron are less strongly bound than helium, as shown by their
increasing mass-to-mass number ratios.
At carbon, the ratio of mass (in daltons) to mass number is defined as 1, and after carbon it
becomes less than one until a minimum is reached at iron-56 (with only slightly higher values for
iron-58 and nickel-62), then increases to positive values in the heavy isotopes, with increasing
atomic number. This corresponds to the fact that nuclear fission in an element heavier
than zirconium produces energy, and fission in any element lighter than niobium requires energy. On
the other hand, nuclear fusion of two atoms of an element lighter than scandium(except for helium)
produces energy, whereas fusion in elements heavier than calcium requires energy. The fusion of
two atoms of He-4 to give beryllium-8 would require energy, and the beryllium would quickly fall
apart again. He-4 can fuse with tritium (H-3) or with He-3, and these processes occurred during Big
Bang nucleosynthesis. The formation of elements with more than seven nucleons requires the fusion
of three atoms of He-4 in the so-called triple alpha process, skipping over lithium, beryllium, and
boron to produce carbon.
Here are some values of the ratio of atomic mass to mass number:
Table 1
Ratio of atomic mass to mass
Measurement of atomic masses [edit]

Direct comparison and measurement of the masses of

1H 1.00782505 atoms is achieved with mass spectrometry

Conversion factor between atomic mass units and

2H 1.0070508885 grams[edit]
The standard scientific unit used to quantify the amount of a
substance in macroscopic quantities is the mole (symbol:
3H 1.0053497592
mol), which is defined arbitrarily as the amount of a
substance which has as many atoms or molecules as there
are atoms in 12 grams of the carbon isotope C-12. The
3He 1.0053431064
number of atoms in a mole is called Avogadro's number,
the value of which is approximately 6.022 × 1023.
4He 1.0006508135 One mole of a substance always contains almost exactly
the standard atomic weight or molar mass of that
substance; however, this may or may not be true for
6Li 1.0025204658
the atomic mass, depending on whether or not the element
exists naturally in more than one isotope. For example,
the standard atomic weight of iron is 55.847 g/mol, and
therefore one mole of iron as commonly found on earth has
12 C 1
a mass of 55.847 grams. The atomic mass of the 56Fe
isotope is 55.935 u and one mole of 56Fe atoms would then
in theory have a mass of 55.935 g, but such amounts of
14 N 1.0002195718
pure 56Fe have never been found (or separated out) on
Earth. However, there are 22 mononuclidic elements of
which essentially only a single isotope is found in nature
16 O 0.9996821637
(common examples are fluorine, sodium, aluminum and
phosphorus) and for these elements the standard atomic
weight and atomic mass are the same. Samples of these
56 Fe 0.9988381696
elements therefore may serve as reference standards for
certain atomic mass values.
210 Po 0.9999184462 The formula for conversion between atomic mass
units and SI mass in grams for a single atom is:
where is the Molar mass constant and is the Avogadro
232 Th 1.0001640315 constant.

Relationship between atomic and molecular

238 U 1.0002133958 masses[edit]
Similar definitions apply to molecules. One can compute
the molecular mass of a compound by adding the atomic masses of its constituent
atoms (nuclides). One can compute the molar mass of a compound by adding the
relative atomic masses of the elements given in the chemical formula. In both cases the
multiplicity of the atoms (the number of times it occurs) must be taken into account,
usually by multiplication of each unique mass by its multiplicity.
Lecture Notes:

Chapter 1 Introduction: Matter and

Chapter 2 Atoms, Molecules, and Ions

Chapter 3 Chemical Reactions and Reaction

Stoichiometry Chapter 4 Aqueous Reactions and Solution

Chapter 6 Electronic Structure of Atoms

Chapter 5 Thermochemistry

Chapter 8 Basic Concepts of Chemical Bonding

Chapter 7 Periodic Properties of the Elements

Chapter 9 Molecular Geometries and Bonding

Chapter 10 Gases
Homework Problems
Graded homework is found on MasteringChemistry accessed though Canvas. Run the browser
checkup and install the necessary plug-ins If there is an issue loading a particular problem, try a
different web browser, insure all operating system updates are installed, try a different computer (e.g.
UNF library or computer lab).

The exam format typically consists of conceptual questions and problems to be worked and answered
(multiple choice format). Red ParScore scantron sheets will be provided and used on the exam, in
combination with written answers if required. See the syllabus for dates of exams. The final exam time
and day is available at the UNF Final Exam Schedule.

Exam 1 - Covers chapters 1,2 Equation Sheet/Periodic Table included with exam 1.
Exam 2 - Covers chapters 1-4 (Primarily Chapters 3 and 4) Equation Sheet/Periodic Table included
with exam 2.
Exam 3 - Covers chapters 1-6 (primarily Chapters 5 and 6) Equation Sheet/Periodic Table included
with exam 3.
Exam 4 - Covers chapters 1-8 (primarily Chapters 7 and 8)Equation Sheet/Periodic Table included
with exam 4.
Final Exam - Covers chapters 1-10 Equation Sheet/Periodic Table included with final exam.

A common question is "How do I prepare for the exam?". There isn't a single answer and it varies
from student to student. General suggestions are given below.

1.) Read before lecture. Read the pertinent sections of the chapter before lecture, and work the
sample exercises. Test yourself by attempting the Give It Some Thought questions.

2.) Take notes during lecture. Taking well-organized notes helps you understand the material. Taking
notes by hand is likely to help develop a deeper understanding of the material and better long-
term comprehension.

3.) Cramming won't work. Cramming puts things into your short term memory and if you're
exhausted, it's very short term. You should study throughout the weeks before the exam, so that
when the day to take the exam comes, you will feel confident of your preparation.

4.) Concepts. Learn the concepts via well-organized notes taken during lecture and reading the
chapter. Make an outline of the materials you have been studying the chapter, without having the
book open. How close does your chapter outline compare to the chapter summary and key terms, key
skills, and key equations at the end of each chapter? Ensure you have the big picture and focus on
meeting the chapter objectives.

5.) Practice. You can listen and watch someone tell you how to hit a baseball, run a marathon, or learn
a second language, but without practice none are possible. Complete the MasteringChemistry exam
review assignment. Work problems and answer questions, preferably new problems from the end of
the chapter. Start with ones in the middle of the section, then towards the middle-end of the section if
you correctly answer it.
6.) Manage Time and Get Help. Don't get stuck for too long on one problem or concept. Read the
textbook, lecture notes, and try simple problems and questions first. If you are truly stuck, ACE has
tutors to aid in understanding how to understand concepts and solve problems in preparation for the
exam, not just help solve graded homework problems. Bring with you the attempted work on the end
of chapter practice problems and show it to the tutor.
6.) Write a practice exam for yourself. Choose problems at the end of the chapter and take the
practice exam in an exam like environment. Time it for the exam duration (e.g. 75 minutes), no open
book or notes, just the equation sheet and periodic table included with the exam and the calculator
that you will be using for the exam.

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