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MAUVE: A New Strategy for Solving and Grading Physics Problems

Nicole Breanne Hill

Citation: Phys. Teach. 54, 291 (2016); doi: 10.1119/1.4947158

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Published by the American Association of Physics Teachers
MAUVE: A New Strategy for Solving
and Grading Physics Problems
Nicole Breanne Hill, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

AUVE (magnitude, answer, units, variables, and 40-40-20 rubric, the second 40% of the score is reserved for
equations) is a framework and rubric to help stu- substituting the proper values into the equation and the final
dents and teachers through the process of clearly 20% is given for the correct answer.
solving and assessing solutions to introductory physics By contrast, in MAUVE 20% credit is given for rearrang-
problems. Success in introductory physics often derives from ing the equation(s) to isolate and solve for the correct variable
an understanding of units, a command over dimensional before substituting in values, 20% credit is set for demonstrat-
analysis, and good bookkeeping. I developed MAUVE for an ing through dimensional analysis that the final units are cor-
introductory-level environmental physics course as an easy- rect, 10% is awarded for the correct answer, and the final 10%
to-remember checklist to help students construct organized is reserved for the answer having the correct or physically re-
and thoughtful solutions to physics problems. Environmen- alistic magnitude and direction along with the right number
tal physics is a core physics course for environmental and of significant figures.
sustainability science (ESS) majors that teaches principles
of radiation, thermodynamics, and mechanics within the Theoretical framework
context of the environment and sustainable energy systems. Simply solving physics problems does not necessarily help
ESS student concentrations include environmental biology, students become better problem solvers.2-5 Rather than hav-
applied ecology, biogeochemistry, and natural resources. ing students haphazardly pen solutions to thousands of phys-
The MAUVE rubric, inspired by nature, has encouraged my ics problems, it is beneficial to teach a problem-solving strate-
students to produce legible and tactical work, and has signifi- gy that can be applied by students to any physical scenario.4-9
cantly clarified the grading process. In attempts to determine a unified theory of problem solving,
many studies have been dedicated to distinguishing differ-
ences in approaches taken by novice and expert problem
solvers.4,10-14 A “novice” is defined as a beginning physics
student who has been exposed to the fundamental laws, con-
cepts, and principles relevant to solving a given problem. An
“expert” has been immersed in physics beyond the introduc-
tory level, is knowledgeable in the general domain,13 and “can
rapidly evoke the particular items relevant to the problem at
hand.”10 Experts view problem solving as a process and call
upon the core theories and principles (i.e., the deep structure
of a problem) while conceptualizing a solution.11,12,14,15 They
see patterns and are able to connect these patterns to prior
knowledge stored in their long-term memory to efficiently
Fig. 1. MAUVE rubric. When working a problem, students start process the information in their short-term memory to craft
from the soil and work their way up, and check their work from a solution and generate new knowledge.4,10 In contrast, most
the top-down. When marking a problem, instructors start from
the flower and work their way down.
novices approach problem solving with a collection of facts,
rules, and tasks that they must recall and apply to a problem
The scoring breakdown for MAUVE is shown in Fig. 1. based upon its surface features.11,12,15 For example, if a stu-
MAUVE can be thought of as a flower where the magnitude dent comes across a problem with a skier on a slope, then she
(M) is the overall size of the flower; the answer (A) is repre- may classify this as a “skier problem” and apply a previously
sented by the petals—the prominent part that most students memorized (and not necessarily appropriate) “skier problem”
focus on; the units (U) are the stem, without which the pet- solution sequence to find an answer without really think-
als (answer) would be insignificant; the variables (V) are the ing through the physical situation presented in the problem.
roots, nutrients, and water contained within the soil; and Many experienced physics instructors have noted that stu-
the equations (E) or physical principles can be thought of as dents will not likely adopt an expert’s approach to problem
the soil—the foundational structure that supports the root solving by simply watching a skilled problem solver model a
system. Similar to the 40-40-20 rubric,1 40% of the score in solution.8,9 Students must be provided with an explicit set of
MAUVE is designated to a student’s selection of the relevant guidelines that encourages them to slow down and (1) un-
equation(s) or physical relationships and sketching a physical derstand the problem, (2) formulate a plan, (3) carry out the
representation of the situation for solving the problem. In the plan while checking each step along the way, and (4) reflect

DOI: 10.1119/1.4947158 THE PHYSICS TEACHER ◆ Vol. 54, May 2016 291
fast or not knowing how to approach a problem. WISE has
four primary components: (W)hat’s happening, which is fur-
ther broken down into the identification of the basic physical
principle(s), a sketch or diagram of the physical situation,
and the identification and labeling of the given and required
information in addition to the appropriate units; (I)solate the
unknown, which is subdivided into selecting an equation,
solving it symbolically, and conducting a systematic search
to determine if any other equations or physical principles are
critical to the solution; (S)ubstitute or plug in both the num-
bers and units; and (E)valuate, which requires the students
to check their work.9 See Appendix A20 for further details on
GOAL, WISE, and a review of additional problem-solving
strategies that have evolved from Pólya.
Like WISE and GOAL, MAUVE provides an easy-to-
remember checklist for solving problems and is derived from
Pólya’s framework. However, its benefits extend beyond
that of WISE or GOAL since it is accompanied by a visual
representation, problem-solving analogy, and also functions
as a grading rubric. The conveyance of both visual and ver-
Fig. 2. MAUVE problem-solving cycle. The student should begin
at Stage 1 and continue clockwise around the cycle. Stage 7 bal information in MAUVE could make the strategy more
requires the application of the MAUVE rubric (Fig. 1). The cycle memorable for all students and help them to internalize good
for a particular problem ends once the student has worked out a problem-solving habits.7,9,18,21 Furthermore, MAUVE pres-
physically meaningful solution. ents problem solving as a cycle to encourage students to check
upon and examine their solution.7,9,16-19 Thus, even after their work. There are eight stages in the MAUVE problem-
these studies with intensive observation of expert problem solving cycle as diagrammed in Fig. 2, where the seventh
solvers, the recommended problem-solving strategy comes stage prompts students to employ the MAUVE rubric, shown
back around to that which is naturally intuited by many with in Fig. 1, to assess their solution. If their solution checks out
experience in the STEM (science, technology, engineering, with the MAUVE rubric, then they have crafted an organized
and mathematics) fields17: Pólya’s classic four-step problem- and thoughtful solution and have completed the problem to
solving system.16 the best of their abilities. If their answer does not check out
A large body of research in problem-solving and cognitive with the MAUVE rubric, then they should continue through
psychology has supported the theoretical basis of Pólya’s uni- the MAUVE cycle again.
versal problem-solving technique as described in How to Solve
It, first published in 1945.7,9,18,19 To improve students’ recol- Problem-solving procedure
lection of Pólya’s problem-solving process, Beichner, Dear- Mauve, the delicate purple color, received its name from
dorff, and Zhang devised a memorable mnemonic, GOAL, the mallow flower.22 The MAUVE flower analogy is meant
which prompts students to “(G)ather information about the to help students methodically think through the process of
problem, (O)rganize an approach to the solution, (A)nalyze solving a physics problem and could be especially useful for
the problem, and (L)earn from their efforts.”18 The GOAL students with a strong interest in the biological or natural
mnemonic was inspired by Reif, Larkin, and Brackett’s work sciences. The MAUVE problem-solving cycle (Fig. 2) relates
that showed students found a tabulated checklist cumbersome problem solving to the life cycle of a flower (from the gar-
to follow when solving problems and the students abandoned dener’s perspective) and is presented as having eight stages:
the checklist after a short time.7,18 Greater success was found (1) seed, (2) visualization, (3) preparation, (4) planting, (5)
in having the students pen their solutions directly on a tem- germination, (6) growth, (7) flower, and (8) death/decompo-
plate.7 Hence, the GOAL mnemonic functions as a template sition. These life stages are represented by a parallel problem-
that students can internalize and always have handy while solving stage in Fig. 2 and are meant to encourage students
solving problems.18 to slow down and carefully think through each stage of their
An earlier mnemonic derived from Pólya is Wright and solution.
Williams’ WISE strategy, which promotes organized and The MAUVE cycle was designed as a resource for begin-
accurate solutions from students.9 Similar to GOAL, WISE ning physics students. It should be introduced early on in
has four basic steps and provides students with a consistent a course in conjunction with the MAUVE rubric. The goal
methodology for problem solving. WISE was developed in re- of the MAUVE cycle is to get students to internalize the
sponse to Wright’s observations that the majority of students problem-solving process by recalling a familiar analogy. Once
ran into difficulties solving problems from either working too they have adopted a consistent strategy, then students can rely

292 THE PHYSICS TEACHER ◆ Vol. 54, May 2016

solely on the MAUVE mnemonic as their problem-solving By implementing the MAUVE procedure, the students
checklist. Stages 1–4 of the MAUVE cycle (Fig. 2) align with should have penned a carefully reasoned and systematic solu-
the “E” component of the MAUVE rubric (Fig. 1). Stage 5 tion to the problem.
matches up with “V,” Stage 6 with “U,” and Stage 7 with “A”
and “M.” Grading procedure
The MAUVE cycle begins on a note similar to that of Once the students have been provided with a set proce-
WISE by encouraging students to read the problem carefully dure for solving problems, grading their solutions should
and ask themselves, “What’s happening?” so they can avoid prove easier. Begin at “M” and work your way down following
the careless mistake of answering the wrong question. For the rubric in Fig. 1.
this reason, students must identify the problem in the first
stage of MAUVE and then predict a solution, or at least the • Magnitude. Regardless of whether or not the student’s
units the final answer should have (e.g., if SI system units are answer has the correct digits, check for the correct order of
provided, then energy should be in joules). Brouwer identi- magnitude, sign and/or direction, and number of significant
fied this prediction step as an essential component to the figures. One-quarter credit is awarded if either the student’s
problem-solving process, much like forming a hypothesis is answer has the correct order of magnitude or the correct sign
vital to the scientific method and students should learn to and/or direction. Half credit is given for having the correct
approach solving problems as scientists.6 The second stage order of magnitude and correct sign and/or direction and the
of the MAUVE cycle is to draw a physical representation of incorrect number of significant figures or vice versa.
the problem and relate it to personal experience.23 It has been
well documented that expert problem solvers tend to sketch • Answer. The student is given half credit for a fully cor-
out a physical representation of the problem prior to car- rect answer and earns the second half if the answer is boxed,
rying out their solution and that “a diagram is (sometimes) circled, or underlined.
worth 10,000 words.”15,24 The purpose of having students
then relate the problem to their own experience is so they can • Units. Full credit is awarded if the student has indicated
make a memorable connection to the problem and begin to the correct units in the answer and performed dimensional
build a thoughtful physical conceptualization (and ultimately analysis. Half credit is earned if the student has indicated the
“physical intuition”) that they can apply toward working their correct units without performing dimensional analysis and
solution.10 This is to move students away from the mindset of vice versa.
considering problem solving a “recall task.”15 After the first
two stages, the students should have dedicated adequate en- • Variables. Full credit is given for this criterion if the stu-
ergy to thinking about the problem physically and conceptu- dent has rearranged the equation(s) and solved for the correct
ally so that they are prepared to take inventory by listing the variable before substituting in numerical values. If the stu-
givens and identifying the unknowns in Stage 3 and selecting dent uses numerical values before rearranging the equation,
the appropriate equation(s)/physical principle(s) in Stage 4. then he will only earn half credit on the problem. Also, if the
Stage 5 requires students to solve the problem symbolically to student solves for the correct variable incorrectly, then half
isolate for the unknown. They are not prompted to enter nu- credit will be awarded.
merical values into their final equation until Stage 7. This is
to prevent students from “blindly calculating” with numerical • Equations. Half credit is given if all relevant equations
values.7 It is easy to lose track of units, decimals, digits, and are indicated in the student’s solution, and the second half is
entire terms this way. Therefore, to cultivate their future suc- earned if the student has correctly sketched out the physical
cess in physics, it is critical for students to get into the habit situation described in the problem. Otherwise, partial credit
of working with variables and manipulating equations before will be awarded accordingly. For example, if there are three
“plugging in numbers.” Thus they are first instructed to insert equations or physical relationships that the student should be
units in Stage 6 to perform dimensional analysis before pro- working with and the physical scenario is correctly sketched,
ceeding to the numerical answer in Stage 7. Like the petals on but only two out of the three appropriate equations have been
the flower, students must make sure that their answer stands identified, then 83.5% credit for the equations criterion will
out—it must be boxed, circled, or underlined.25 The students be earned.
must then check their solution against the MAUVE rubric by A zero is given for any of the criteria that are either fully
beginning at “M” and working their way down to “E” in Fig. incorrect or missing from the student’s solution. For in-
1, and reflect upon their work by asking the following: stance, if the student has the correct answer written without
any work shown, then the maximum number of credit that
•“Does the magnitude and direction of my could be earned on the problem is 40% (35% if the answer is
answer make sense physically?” not boxed). See Appendix B20 for an example employing the
•“Do I have the correct number of significant MAUVE problem-solving cycle and rubric on an energy bal-
figures recorded?” ance problem for Earth’s greenhouse effect.

THE PHYSICS TEACHER ◆ Vol. 54, May 2016 293

Learning styles 4. C. Singh, “Problem solving and learning,” AIP Conf. Proc. 1140,
Richard Felder and Linda Silverman developed the Index 183–197 (2009).
of Learning Styles (ILS) in 1987 as an instrument to improve 5. T. Byun and G. Lee, “Why students still can’t solve physics
problems after solving over 2000 problems,” Am. J. Phys. 82,
engineering education. It is based on individual preferences
906–913 (Sept. 2014).
for the type of information they are most likely to recollect
6. W. Brouwer, “A process approach to problem solving in phys-
(visual or verbal) and the different ways they prefer to process ics,” Phys. Teach. 11, 483–485 (Nov. 1973).
(actively or reflectively), perceive (intuiting or sensing), and 7. F. Reif, J. H. Larkin, and G. C. Brackett, “Teaching general
organize (sequentially or globally) information.21 MAUVE is learning and problem-solving skills,” Am. J. Phys. 44, 212–217
likely to resonate with a range of student learning style prefer- (March 1976).
ences. As noted earlier the MAUVE problem-solving strategy 8. F. Reif, “Teaching problem solving—A scientific approach,”
and rubric can appeal to both visual and verbal learners with Phys. Teach. 19, 310–316 (May 1981).
its flower diagram and mnemonic device. It could work espe- 9. D. S. Wright and C. D. Williams, “A WISE strategy for intro-
cially well for sequential learners as it presents an organized ductory physics,” Phys. Teach. 24, 211–216 (April 1986).
problem-solving strategy with a numerical cycle to guide 10. J. Larkin, J. McDermott, D. P. Simon, and H. A. Simon, “Expert
them. By providing a top-down check and scoring rubric, and novice performance in solving physics problems,” Sci. 208
MAUVE could also facilitate the grading of global learn- (4450), 1335–1343 (June 1980).
ers since they will often arrive at a correct answer without 11. M. T. H. Chi, P. J. Feltovich, and R. Glaser, “Categorization and
representation of physics problems by experts and novices,”
showing all the steps for their work.21 MAUVE provides a
Cog. Sci. 5, 121–152 (1981).
reminder of the metrics each problem will be graded on.
12. P. T. Hardiman, R. Dufresne, and J. P. Mestre, “The relation
Likewise, the top-down check could benefit intuitive learn- between problem categorization and problem solving among
ers as they are also likely to skip steps in their work or pen experts and novices,” Mem. Cognition 17 (5), 627–638 (1989).
quick solutions.21 The foundational step of MAUVE—the 13. K. Schultz and J. Lockhead, “A View from Physics,” in Toward
equations and physical principles—requires both an abstract a Unified Theory of Problem Solving: Views From the Content
representation of the problem (e.g., the equations) and a con- Domains, edited by M. U. Smith (Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ, 1991),
crete representation (e.g., the sketch of the physical situation), pp. 99–114.
which awards equivalent credit to the aspect of the solution 14. A. Van Heuvelen, “Learning to think like a physicist: A review
that is a characteristic strength of natural intuitors (50% for of research-based instructional strategies,” Am. J. Phys. 59,
the equations) and natural sensors (50% for drawing).21 Stu- 891–897 (Oct. 1991).
dents who have a perception preference as a sensor tend to 15. K. A. Harper, “Student problem-solving behaviors,” Phys.
Teach. 44, 250–251 (April 2006).
take more time on quizzes or exams than intuitors,21 and the
16. G. Pólya, How to Solve It (Princeton University Press, 1945).
transparency of the MAUVE rubric could enable students to
17. T. Passermore, “Pólya’s legacy: Fully forgotten or getting a new
better strategize their solutions if they are running short on
perspective in theory and practice?” Aust. Sen. Math. J. 21 (2),
time. For example, students can earn partial credit on prob- 44–53 (July 2007).
lems they have not had much time with by simply drawing a 18. R. Beichner, D. Deardorff, and B. Zhang, “GOAL-oriented
physical sketch of the situation presented in the problem and problem solving,” (June 2002),
writing (and boxing) the final units. pub/ncsu/beichner/RB/GOALPaper.pdf.
19. E. Lederman, “Journey into problem solving: A gift from
Conclusion Pólya,” Phys. Teach. 47, 94–97 (Feb. 2009).
The MAUVE system is designed to teach students orga- 20. See [supplementary material] available under the “References”
nizational and critical thinking skills when solving physics tab at TPT Online, .
problems at the introductory level. Furthermore, the system 21. R. M. Felder and L. K. Silverman, “Learning and teaching styles
provides a clear marking rubric. By knowing exactly how they in engineering education,” Eng. Educ. 78 (7), 674–681 (1988
will be graded, students have the opportunity to clearly for- with 2002 author’s preface);
mat their solutions accordingly. As a result, MAUVE makes
22. D. Kolb, Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of
each student’s work easier to follow, allowing teachers to
Learning and Development, 2nd ed. (Pearson FT Press, 2014).
grade more efficiently and be consistent, fair, and transparent
23. J. H. Larkin and H. A. Simon, “Why a Diagram Is (Sometimes)
in the grading process. Worth 10,000 Words,” in Diagrammatic Reasoning: Cognitive
and Computational Perspectives, edited by J. Glasgow, N. Hari
References Narayanan, and B. Chandrasekaran (AAAI Press/MIT press,
1. E. Nalence, “More ideas about grading,” Phys. Teach. 49, 198– 1995).
199 (April 2012). 24. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology, edited by
2. J. Clement, “Students’ preconceptions in introductory mechan- T. F. Hoad (Oxford University Press, New York, 1996).
ics,” Am. J. Phys. 50, 66–71 (Jan. 1982). 25. K. A. Harper, “Grading without losing all your time (and your
3. D. Hestenes, M. Wells, and G. Swackhamer, “Force Concept mind!),” Phys. Teach. 40, 584–585 (Dec. 2011).
Inventory,” Phys. Teach. 30, 141–158 (March 1992).
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14835;

294 THE PHYSICS TEACHER ◆ Vol. 54, May 2016

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