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Activity 2: Writing Assignment – Guide & Rubric

Anderson Javier Quintero Argoty


National Open Distance University

School of Basic Sciences Technology and Engineering

Systems Engineer Program

San Juan de Pasto

Part 1: After checking the Unit 1 Topic 2: Modal Verbs, write 1 sentence using each one of

the modal verbs regarding your duties and rights as passenger in a flight: can – could – may

- must - should - ought to – have to – need to- had better - would.


 I can play videogames, a little.

 Catalina can sing very well.

 Carlos can drive a big truck.

 Laura can speak other languages.

 We can do a party.

 Viviana and Elena can swim in the lake.

 Andres can paint great pictures.

 The president can travel everywhere with his airplane.

 Mayerly can get excellent grades.

 The parrot can say some words.


 My father could get that work.

 Could you turn on the light?

 She could be my best friend.

 Could Camila come with us?

 That computer could be mine.

 He could study Architecture instead of Arts.

 You could do a better homework.

 Could I borrow some money?

 I could buy a guitar before.

 Ana could live in Bogotá.


 She may be pregnant.

 May I play with your computer?

 Samuel may travel tomorrow.

 Tania and Richard may be hanging out.

 It may rain these days.

 She may think that I´m cheating her.

 May we come in your house?

 I may meet you in the cinema.

 The plane may fall in an island.

 The boss may fire us.


 She might be annoyed of that.

 They might cancel the event.

 The movie might be so good.

 Fernanda might study medicine.

 The dog might damage the furniture.

 That song might be sticky.

 He might be a great drum player.

 It might be a great concert.

 Cepeda might win the reality show.

 Stefany might sell her house.


 The blender will be damaged.

 You will sing in the band.

 The weekend, we will be at my uncle’s estate.

 Our love won’t last.

 My mom will turn years old tomorrow.

 We will all go for a walk at night.

 The concert will be in a month.

 I will fix my room tomorrow.

 Everyone will go to their village.

 We will need an entertainer for the party.


 I shall become an engineer.

 He shall not leave the school.

 The singer shall record a new song.

 The twins shall run in the race.

 Sara shall be a good swimmer.

 The astronomers shall study other star systems.

 The factory shall produce more this month.

 We shall make an experiment of sciences.

 The press will be in the court.

 My aunt will hire a mariachi.


 Lina should try to do some exercise.

 The government should listen to the requests.

 Mario should study for the exam.

 Daniela should pay more attention to the class.

 You should watch that TV serie.

 Martha should clean her bedroom.

 Tomas should hang out more.

 Victoria should practice at least three times a week.

 My mom should be psychologist.

 My family should respect my decisions.

Ought to

 You ought to be with me in this bad situation.

 I ought to be on time.

 Manuel ought to be more serious.

 Karina ought to be more respectful.

 The mayor ought to be fair with us.

 Children ought to go to the classes.

 My uncle ought to be more responsible.

 The salesman ought to be right in his sales.

 The pianist ought to study every day.

 The police ought to solve the criminal case.


 She must be patient in her work.

 I must go back to my house.

 That meteor must be deflected.

 They must follow the enterprise rules.

 Sonia must work until noon.

 Luciana must aim for a scholarship.

 Cesar must look for a good job.

 Vanessa must break her relationship.

 Scarlet must act in her new movie.

 Victor must come to classes.


 My cousin would visit us more often.

 The friends would play next to the home twice a week.

 The Tv would present good movies.

 Would you lend me your cell phone?

 My dad would deliver food in a restaurant.

 She would dress as an emo girl.

 Jeison wouldn´t eat the breakfast.

 Hanna would smile at Miguel.

 Alejandra would play in a music band.

 I would like to write for a magazine.

Part 2: According to the topic Past Progressive (Unit 1: Topic 3), each student must write 5

things you were doing at home yesterday and 5 things you were not:

 I was sleeping all night long.

 Last night at nine o'clock I was washing the dishes.

 I was studying when the phone rang.

 yesterday I was painting the house.

 I was studying in my house

 I wasn't resting in my house

 I was not playing in my house

 I was not working very hard

 I wasn’t cleaning the room

 I wasn’t taking a bath

Part 3: Write a text about how you imagine your life in ten years. Use at least two pictures

related to your text. You should write three paragraphs:

My name is Anderson Javier Quintero Argoty, and I am 28 years old. Nowadays, I take the

tenth semester of Systems Engineering. I live in the city of Pasto with my mother and my

grandmother; I am single, without children. I really want to be engineer and working in my

Ten years after, I project myself as a professional in Systems Engineering, working in a

state entity in computer security management. I will be married, and with two children if

God allows it; based in the city of Pasto, with own housing and, above all, with an united


At the end of this period of time, I hope to be magister in computer security, to have

experience in that field, and to be recognized as a professional devoted to his work. I hope I

have traveled to all the touristic places and to travel out of the country, for meeting the

different wonders of the world; on the other hand , I hope my children feel proud and that

they start their academic life with excellence, always, with wishes to overcome the

academic level of their parents and the motivation to be excellent people.

Finally, I will focus in being the best in the development of my profession, contributing

with research and projects of technologic innovation that reverberate in the students’
wellness in this difficult profession; Similarly, to apply the knowledge acquired throughout

my life as student, in the solution of the difficulties that may come in the course of years.

Part 4: Students must comment about the partners’contributions and make corrections if


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