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what should we talk about today well I heard people were call me hitter on Facebook not

because it wasn't because of why he was saying it was beacause of the tone...... if I was bitching
them now on I just found about what I am pregnant and my whole moments about are few the
roots imagine how bitch I can bitch now and they were so sweets their i core so up i don't
fucking core so up i want a core when i am piss And okay I leave a minute I piss pretty much
most of the time ya call me bitch call me you are ever. did you think you have to any to to
jaruvet with in that easy well that not going to happen because if you are remember i likely
eating so to this offers are going to be I even i not sure how how is pronouns this but how do my
best because you do have to do for research so her name is parimush sameya and she is from and
she may be it for help you when you for her name so she's from iran. Okay, you know the test
been a bit hard just a bit beacause is not ten page's is not ten step that you have to said like on
our site because ya i been not their I seen the other test I know what there about so you should
just said thank you for this small test of three minute where the no deadlines or no trouble
transcripting no trouble doing the quiz on Facebook that I sound like Selma Hayek well seriously
she's make comfort costly and I am just starting to say that don't assume that my action is rushion
which means I am from somewhere around the russia so not mix two yeah pretty far away on an
hour there is okay lets move on so injuring right now right now just there in ap my hope
clubmosses which is was I can have to was remember I brain .so i am looking that my seen of it
abute and I have some champagne as well and some vine and ofcourse I can't have inhaler. so I
suppose you didn't right my last test so there was I talking about book you know that poet books
chop fellow it did you figure out what were say saying there or you just about the test while
pretty much as bugs as because now we have some books there are superbto help people guide
people but actually what happen is that sometime people going to their small private discussion
and when someone around do the test and just as someone friends as move Hey can you help me
out of this question and this question and that how some people get Iran actually I was post be
here here but it's okay because you have so many reason to sums that doing are going to be
pulled out yeah saying now blame me because I am such a bit person and I don't simplify and I
don't ampify and all the side saying a word you can think of . I really don't care so if you write
me through slope another test which was be so occurrent and so specific and you have to search
all through google to find out the fucker saying I can do that I think you will be very happt with
this one.

Have a great day...

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