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Metal Fight Beyblade - Track List


 185
 290
 3100
 4105
 5DF105: Downforce 105
 6LW105: Left Wing 105
 7W105: Wing 105
 8CH120: Change 120
 9125
 10D125: Defense 125
 11T125: Tornado 125
 12130
 13S130: Shield 130
 14WA130: Wing Attacker 130
 15135
 16145
 17AD145: Armor Defense 145
 18BD145: Boost Disk 145
 19C145: Claw 145
 20DF145: Down Force 145
 21ED145: Eternal Defense 145
 22GB145: Gravity Bowl 145
 23H145: Horn 145 (First Mold)
 24H145: Horn 145 (Second Mold)
 25M145: Move 145
 26R145: Rubber 145
 27SW145: Switch 145
 28TR145: Triple Roller 145
 29UW145: Upper Wing 145
 30V145: Variable 145
 31W145: Wing 145
 32WD145: Wide Defense 145
 33160
 34LW160: Left Wing 160
 35SA165: Switch Attack 165
 36TH170: Triple Height 170
 37SR200: Stamina Ring 200
 38230
 39E230: Elevator 230
 40A230: Armor 230
 41F230: Free 230
 42SP230: Spike 230

Weight: 0.86 gram Full Width: 21.0 mm Height: 8.50 mm


85 is the shortest Track available. In theory, such a low Track would offer many
advantages; Attack-Types can more easily hit the underside of Metal Wheels, or hit
directly at the Tracks and Bottoms, while Defense and Stamina benefits from a lower
center of gravity, as well as reducing the chances of meaningful hits. The main
disadvantage consists of increased chances of scraping on the Stadium floor.
Competitively however, Low Track customizations have fallen into disuse with the
release of the Boost Disk 145 and 230 Tracks. The former (in Normal Mode) is basically
immune to Low Track Attack, while the latter, being made of plastic and being so
circular, is much more effective at absorbing hits and prevents opponents from latching
onto it. Additionally, in the case of Attack customizations, 85 can be a slightly risky
choice, as it increases your chances of scraping while attempting to bank or use
the Sliding Shoot; as such, Tracks like 100 or 90 may be preferred depending on how
much a (Metal) Wheel overhangs its Track.
Beyblade: Mercury Anubius 85XF, Omega Dragonis 85XF, MF-H Pegasis 85RF, Meteo
L-Drago 85XF Assault Ver., Gravity Perseus (Stamina Version)85DS, Hell Horuseus
85RS, Cloud Lyra 85SF, Meteo L-Drago (Rush Version)85LF

Weight: 0.9 gram Full Width: 21.0 mm Height: 9.00 mm

90 was the lowest Track until the release of 85 with Mercury Anubis. Its low height is
good for both low Attack customizations and low Stamina customizations, but is
outclassed slightly in both regards by the aforementioned 85.
Beyblade: Quetzalcoatl 90WF, Bakushin Susanow 90WF, MF-F Burn Cancer
90WD, Screw Capricorne 90MF, Divine Fox 90W²D, Wing Pegasis 90WF


100 Track

 Weight: 1.0 grams

This track is currently the third lowest track available, but is outclassed in terms
of Attack andStamina by the 85 and 90 Tracks. 100 usually has no problem with floor
scrapes, and while it is generally an outclassed part, is still competitively viable,
particularly in Attack customizations where it is able to make good contact with most
opposing Beyblades.
Beyblade: Capricorne 100HF, Libra 100F, Heat Pegasis 100WB, Wind Aquario
100HF/S, Lightning L Drago 100HF, Cyber Pegasis 100HF, Wind Sagittario 100SD,
Libra 100D, Rock Libra 100WD, Killer Escolpio 100D, Burn Escolpio 100RF, Ray Gil
100RSF, Hell Herculeo 100XF, Blitz Unicorno 100RSF


105 Track

 Weight: 1.0 grams

This track is currently the fourth lowest track available, but is outclassed in terms of
Attack and Stamina by the 85, 90, and 100 Tracks. 105 has no problem with floor
scrapes, but still is an outclassed part and should only be chosen when none of the
aforementioned Tracks are available.
Beyblade: Pegasis 105F, Leone 105F, Wolf 105F, Bull 105S, Bull 105D, Aquario
105F, L Drago 105F, Aquario 105B, Storm Pegasis 105RF, Clay Wolf 105B, Flame Bull
105WB, Tornado Heracleo 105F, Flame Gemios 105CS, Burn Sagittario 105HF, Hyper
Aquario 105F
DF105: Downforce 105
Beyblade: L-Drago Destroy DF105LRF Gold Armored Ver., Beyblade Ultimate DX Set

LW105: Left Wing 105

Beyblade: Meteo L-Drago LW105LF, Meteo L-Drago (Assault Version) LW105JB

W105: Wing 105


 Weight: 1.2 grams

Wing 105, or W105, consists of two curved wing-like fins that slant downwards, similar
to DF145. The main purpose of this Track is to push air upwards to provide extra
Stamina, but the effect this Track produces is negligible, therefore it has as much
competitive value as a regular 105 track. W105 should only be used in the absence of
85, 90, and 100 in both Stamina and Attack customizations.
Beyblade: Galaxy Pegasis W105R²F, Samurai Pegasis W105R²F

CH120: Change 120

Weight: 2.7 gram Full Width: 27.3 mm Minimum Width: 23.0 mm Height: 12.0 to 14.5 mm Mechanism Height: 5.0 mm


CH120 is unique as it features a height-changing gimmick. The user is allowed a choice

of using 120 or 145 as the Track's height. This is done by rotating the bottom portion of
the Track and pulling/pushing the central part out/in, and then rotating the bottom
portion back to lock the height. Importantly, this can be done between each round of a
match, as it does not involve any part-swapping.
The advantages of this Track are plentiful. Its most obvious benefit is allowing the user
to change the height of their Beyblade between rounds; this means that the user can
adapt their strategy to counter the opponents during a match. CH120 is currently the
only Track featuring a 120 height. This height is useful for many Attack types.
Beyblade: Mad Cancer CH120FS, Dark Cancer CH120SF, Dark Cancer CH120FS

 Weight: 1.0 grams


The 125 Track is a midway between the 105 and the 145 Tracks. Utilised in mid-height
stamina combos, it is more difficult to destablise compared to 145 height stamina
combos. It has declined in popularity as the choice mid-height track due to the release
of T125 and D125.
Beyblade: Bull 125SF, Sagittario 125SF, Aries 125D, Leone 125S, Virgo 125BS, Death
Quetzalcoatl 125RDF, Hell Beelzeb 125XF, Crash Escolpio 125JB

D125: Defense 125

Weight: 1.7 gram Full Width: 26.5 mm Core Width: 11 mm Full Height: 12.50 mm


Defense 125 is similar to 125 and T125. Apart from the shifts in weight distribution and
air resistance, there are few notable differences. The ring serves no significant
defensive purposes. D125 is an outclassed track for Stamina and Defense
customizations. It can be used in some Attackcustomizations.
Beyblade: Wolf D125B, Pisces D125BS, Libra D125HF, Wind Leone D125HF, Heat
Leone D125FS,Heat Bull D125WB, Rock Orso D125B, Counter Leone D125B, Ray
Unicorno D125CS, Flame Cancer D125RF, Galaxy Cancer D125HF

T125: Tornado 125


Weight: 1.7 gram Full Width: 24.5 mm Minimum Width: 17 mm Full Height: 12.50 mm

T125 has four upward-facing wing protrusions spaced apart widely. The Track is
designed to work in a similar way to DF145, although the effect it produces is negligible.
The performance of this Track is similar to D125. It is used in some Attack and Stamina
Beyblade: Flame Libra T125ES, Rock Capricorne T125D, Flame Capricorne
T125HF, Thermal Pisces T125ES, Rock Escolpio T125JB, Grand Ketos T125RS, Storm
Serpent T125HF, Scythe Kronos T125EDS, Cloud Gemios T125SF, Bakushin Beelzeb
T125XF, Pirates Ifraid T125GCF, Pirates Saramanda T125WB

Beyblade: Poison Unicorno 130HF, Storm Phoenix 130B, Fang Leone 130W²D, Vulcan
Herculeo 130DS, Tornado Horuseus 130RSF, Forbidden Eonis 130D, Hell Crown
130FB, MF-H Basalt Horogium 130RS

S130: Shield 130


3.3 Maximum 35.5 Minimum 33.0 Full 13.00 Arc between 8.0
grams Width: mm Width: mm Height: mm protrusions: mm

Made only of plastic, S130 has a horizontal disk attached to its centre. This disk actually
consists of eight arms linked by some relatively round webs of plastic, which overall
forms an imperfect circle
Beyblade: Poison Giraffe S130MB, Jade Jupiter S130RB, L-Drago Guardian
S130MB, Wing Pegasis S130RB World Congress Commemorative Model

WA130: Wing Attacker 130


Weight: 2.2 grams Full Width: 39.17 mm Minimum Width: 25.21 mm Full Height: 13.00 mm

WA130 is a 130-height Track with two aerofoil-shaped wings that rotate freely around
the Track. By removing this piece, and flipping it over, the direction of the wings can be
changed. These wings are negligible in battle: while they offer minor protection against
lower Attack-Type opponents, there are better Tracks for this purpose. As the wings can
scrape along the stadium floor, causing a loss of spin, WA130 is useless in Stamina
The main appeal of this Track is its height. The 130 height has proven useful in certain
Attack customisations. However, as it cannot make contact with lower opponents due to
its free-spinning nature, it is considered less useful for this purpose than S130. In
addition, the most popular user of this height, Fang, already comes with a plain 130
Track in its only release, Fang Leone 130W²D. As WA130 offers little advantage over
130, it is not considered a worthwhile purchase.
Beyblade: Thermal Lacerta WA130HF, Burn Serpent WA130ES, Poison Phoenix

 Weight: 1.40 grams
135 is the only Track released at this height and features no gimmick. Due to its odd
height, it is rarely considered over the taller 145 Tracks and the shorter 120 and 125
Tracks, because it is usually preferred if customizations are either tall, either short, not
in between. Average height produces only average effect, a poor mix of what a Metal
Wheel can do at short and tall heights.
Beyblade: Burn Phoenix 135MS



Weight: 1.47 grams Full Width: 20 mm Minimum Width: 18 mm Height: 14.50 mm

This track is a regular, non-gimmicked track at the 145 height. It can be used in Stamina
customs to great effect to to its tall height, but has been outclassed for wobbler customs
by 230. It used to be on par for Stamina customs with DF145, but AD145 offers better
Stamina on a 145 height, and 85 offers better Stamina in general.
Beyblade:Sagittario 145S, Leone 145D, Pegasis 145D, Pegasis 145F, Pegasis
145SF, Sagittario 145SF, Sagittario 145D, Rock Leone 145WB, Mad Leone 145B, Clay
Wolf 145FS, Clay Sagittario 145B, Mad Leone 145FS,Storm Sagittario 145SD, Clay
Pegasis 145S, Earth Aquila 145WD, Storm Aquila 145HF, Storm Libra 145S, Aries
145D,Galaxy Sagittario 145CS, Vulcan Horuseus 145D, Basalt Horogium 145WD, Kreis
Cygnus 145WD, Pirates Orojya 145D,Shinobi Orojya 145ES, Samurai Orojya 145WD

AD145: Armor Defense 145


Weight: 2.8 grams Full Width: 28 mm Full Height: 14.50 mm Declination Angle: ~ 32°

AD145 is shaped like the head of a funnel, completely round with ridges lining the sides
all the way around. In fact, its shape is intended to resemble that of an armor, hence its
name. Despite what the latter part of its name might suggest though, Tracks such as
230 and GB145 outclass AD145 as a defensive Track due to its relatively light weight in
comparison to GB145 and its diminutive stature when compared to 230, which makes it
unable it to absorb hits as 230 does. With the introduction of BD145, this Track has
definitely been surpassed in Defense. However, AD145 has actually proved to be better
suited for Stamina in certain cases, due to the outward weight distribution it has
compared to other top tier Stamina Tracks, thus making it top-tier in this area. It is also
the Track of choice for comparative Stamina testing.
Beyblade: Gravity Perseus AD145WD, Fusion Hades AD145SWD

BD145: Boost Disk 145

BD145: Normal Mode

BD145: Boost Mode

Weight: 8 grams Full Width: 48.3 mm Full Height: 14.50 mm Vertical Protrusions Height: 7.8 mm Disk Height: 4.0 mm

BD145 shares a similar trait with its partner Hell, in that, like Hell is one of the widest
Metal Wheels ever released, BD145 is the widest Track ever. This Track is unique both
because of its width and also its ability to change modes. Changing modes is similar to
how it is done with SW145, however this time, instead of removing the changeable part
from the bottom and flipping it, it is removed from the top and then flipped. BD145 has
two modes:

Normal Mode
In Normal Mode the "Boost Disk" sits lower on the Track, which causes most Beyblades
to scrape the Beystadium floor easily due to the three downward facing protrusions.
However, when using a taller Bottom such as RF, this tendency is lessened somewhat,
and the wide diameter of BD145, while it is not able to necessarily provide Smash
Attack, it assists in "pushing" the opposing Beyblade out of the Beystadium.

Boost Mode
Boost Mode works exclusively in combination with Hell. The three upward facing
protrusions on BD145 go past the bottom of the Metal Wheel into the gaps of Hell itself
and unlike Normal Mode, there is absolutely no space between the Metal Wheel and
Boost Disk. This mode has proven to be incredibly effective in Stamina, Defense, and
even Attack customizations.

Beyblade: Hell Kerbecs BD145DS, Gravity Perseus (Attack Version)BD145XF, Vulcan

Horogium BD145RS

C145: Claw 145

3.2 Maximum 34.0 Minimum 27.0 Full 14.50 Claws & Platform 7.8
grams Width: mm Width: mm Height: mm Height: mm

C145 has three wings which extend outwards, each separately joined onto the
underside of the Track. These are free moving, and hence when the Beyblade is
launched, these point outwards due to spin velocity. Their free moving nature make
them very effective for defensive purposes, as they are able to withstand low hits to the
Track without significant spin loss.
Although C145 was a good Defense track at the time of its release, it has since then
been outclassed by GB145, 230, and BD145.
Beyblade: Flame Sagittario C145S, Dark Leone C145B, Mad Sagittario C145SD, Mad
Bull C145HF

DF145: Down Force 145


Weight: 1.5 grams Full Width: 21.53 mm Height: 14.50 mm

DF145 has four upward facing wings protruding from the top of the Track, which aside
from giving it extra weight are meant to push air downwards. It is now outclassed for
use in Stamina combinations. Instead, tracks such as AD145, 145, 100, 90, and even
85 are used.
Beyblade: Libra DF145BS, Virgo DF145BS, Aquario DF145SF, Gemios DF145FS, Dark
Wolf DF145FS, Wind Pegasis DF145FS, Clay Leone DF145WB, Heat Pegasis
DF145WB, Mad Sagittario DF145HF, Earth Cancer DF145ES, Killer Gemios
DF145FS, Pisces DF145BS, Saramanda Ifraid DF145XF Burst Flame Ver.

ED145: Eternal Defense 145

Weight: 3.6 gram Full Width: 39.5 mm Wing Width: 23.0 mm Wing Distance: 13.5 mm Full Height: 14.50 mm

ED145 features three “wings” which rotate around the Track freely. The wings are
similar to that of WD145. Because of their free-spinning nature, they can be used in
Defense customisations, such as MF Libra ED145WB; however, the defensive
capabilities of this part are not as effective as C145, as it does not absorb hits as
successfully. The wings which rotate are hindered without the mechanism of a bearing,
hence creating a force of friction between the wings and the body of the Track, in turn
resulting in less significant damage absorption. Furthermore, it is easy for the low
attacker’s Wheel to be caught between the Wheel and ED145, hence causing a lot
of recoil and spin reduction to the Defense customization.
Beyblade: Clay Aries ED145B, Forbidden Eonis ED145FB, Screw Lyra ED145MF

GB145: Gravity Bowl 145


4.5 Maximum 36.0 Minimum 28.5.0 Full 14.50 Metal Balls 5.0
grams Width: mm Width: mm Height: mm Diameter: mm

GB145 is a wide, round track featuring two free moving metal balls. These balls move
toward the outside of the Track while spinning, causing additional spin retaining force,
similar to Draciel Metal Ball Defenser's Metal Ball Base from the plastic generation.
Weighing in at 4.5 grams, GB145 is currently one of the heaviest Tracks available, and
as such is useful in Defense customizations. At release, it was seen by some as inferior
to C145 due to the lack of energy-absorbing free spinning wings, making it not as
effective as against low attackers such as Quetzalcoatl 90RF, which were popular at the
Where GB145 does shine is when it is utilized in Defense customizations against high
CH120-based Attackers, such as MFLightning L Drago CH120RF. These types of
Attackers do not aim to hit the Track, and thus the free spinning wings of C145 are not
necessary, and you instead get a significant increase in the overall weight of the
customization. However, it has been outclassed for Defense customizations
by BD145 and TH170.
Beyblade: Earth Virgo GB145BS, Infinity Libra GB145S, Galaxy Pegasis GB145MS
Black Hole Ver.

H145: Horn 145 (First Mold)

H145 (First Mold)

 Weight: 4 grams
H145 has two wings with two various protrusions, representing the horns of a Bull
surrounding its perimeter. These four points are meant to provide Smash Attack, and
they do succeed on some levels. However, because the horns are so pronounced, and
because the gaps between the wings are so wide, significant recoil is produced,
especially when used in combination with small Metal Wheels that allow the Horns to
extend well past the perimeter of the Wheel.
While H145 may not be an entirely noteworthy part as far as competitive customizations
go, it is still quite a fun part to play with. You can score many impressive KO's with the
recoil it produces in the first few seconds of a battle, but at the same time, this recoil
does work against you in some battles, causing a self-KO or if not, a severe loss
Beyblade: Dark Bull H145SD

H145: Horn 145 (Second Mold)

H145 (Second Mold)

 Weight: 4.3 grams

H145 has two different molds. The first version's wings were not reinforced in anyway,
so they were prone to breakages in some cases. The second mold which was brought
into production a couple months after it was originally released rectified this problem by
reinforcing the wings with a significant amount of plastic between the inside of the wings
and the outside of the Track. This increased the weight of the Track to 4.3 grams, only
.2 grams lighter than the second heaviest Track, GB145. The increased weight not only
reduces breakages, but it also marginally helps reduce the recoil it produces.
Beyblade: Dark Bull H145SD, Flame Wolf H145S, Rock Wolf H145B, Wind Wolf
H145D, Heat Leone H145S

M145: Move 145

Weight: 4.2 gram Full Width: 27.0 mm Full Height: 14.50 mm

M145 is a round Track, with a mode change gimmick. The connectors which the Bottom
attach to can be moved into two different modes, designated as Large Jump and Small
When the connectors are manually moved to the Large Jump position, the connectors
are located off center. The Bottom is therefore off center, and the Beyblade moves
erratically, and will bounce up and down on the Stadium floor.
In the Small Jump position, the connectors are still slightly off center, but less so than
Large Jump mode. In this position, the Beyblade will not jump nearly as much; instead,
it will move with far more regularity.
M145 bounces most vigorously when used with Sharp series Bottoms, such as Sharp
and Ball Sharp. It's also the first part in the whole Beyblade toyline to have a real,
effective jumping gimmick, regardless of how useful it is.
This Track's gimmick is seen as purely for entertainment and interest; it has yet to be
used in any competitive customizations, as it is too unpredictable. When the Beyblade is
temporarily in the air when it is bouncing, it is extremely easy to KO, as its friction with
the floor is zero. Beyblades using this Track also suffer from extremely low Stamina, as
the off center Bottom disrupts the rotation severely.
TAKARA-TOMY's M145 is reportedly less solid in its mode change than Hasbro's. The
connectors, upon considerable and punctual impact, can slide into their other position
on their own, which is against the nature of the Track's gimmick.
Beyblade: Storm Capricorne M145Q, Pirates Revizer M145CF, Guardian Gargole

R145: Rubber 145


 Weight: 4.7 grams

R145 consists of three wings similar in shape to WD145, but instead the wings are
made of a hard rubber. The concept behind the track was to deflect lower attackers and
absorb impact. However, it suffers the same problems that WD145 does, in that it's
possible for the attacker's Wheel to be caught in between the Wheel and R145,
causing recoil and spin reduction in the process. For this reason, R145 is outclassed as
a Defense Track by other options such as GB145, BD145, and 230.
While outclassed in Defense customizations, R145 has found use in Attack
customizations due to its three wing shape and fairly heavy weight compared to most
tracks, which helps to reduce recoil.
Beyblade : Rock Giraffe R145WB

SW145: Switch 145


Weight: 4.2 gram Maximum Width: 38 mm Minimum Width: 30.5 mm Wings Height: 2 mm Height: 14.50 mm

SW145 has three 'wings'. The gimmick of this Track is the ability to change from Attack
to Defense by taking off the wings, and then putting them on the opposite way. The
purpose of this is the ability to adapt to opponent Beys. In Attack mode, which is
denoted by six grey claw-like stickers on the underside, the pointed ends of the Track
are used for Smash Attack; meanwhile in Defense mode, shown by three triangular blue
stickers, the edges are more rounded, in order to deflect opponent Beys. The modes
are reversed for Left-Spin Beys. Testing has shown that SW145 is quite useful at
attacking lower opponents in a similar fashion to H145 and R145. It is however
outclassed for Defense purposes by GB145, BD145, and 230 due to the recoil it
Beyblades: Poison Serpent SW145SD, Nightmare Rex SW145SD, Burn Unicorno
SW145JB, Shinobi Saramanda SW145SD

TR145: Triple Roller 145

Beyblade: Divine Chimera TR145FB, Divine Crown TR145D, Screw Fox TR145W²D

UW145: Upper Wing 145

Beyblade: Killer Beafowl UW145EWD, MF-F Nightmare Rex UW145EWD

V145: Variable 145

 Weight: 3.6 grams
Variable 145 (V145) is made of two parts. One part, a little changing plate can be used
to change Sol Blaze into two different modes, "Attack" and "Defense". Variable 145 is
outclassed by other Defense Tracks such as 230, TH170, TR145, C145, and UW145.
However, it still outclasses Tracks like SW145, WD145, D125, and AD145.
Beyblade: Sol Blaze V145AS

W145: Wing 145

 Weight: 2.2 grams
W145 is a normal 145 Track with six sharp wings that are slightly angled. The pointy
ends are however cut off to form, overall, more of a dodecagon. It is based off of W105,
T125, and DF145, and likely produces a negligible downforce effect.
Beyblade: Samurai Ifraid W145CF, Guardian Saramanda W145Q, Archer Ifraid

WD145: Wide Defense 145


Weight: 3.6 gram Full Width: 38 mm Wing Width: 23.5 mm Wing Distance: 13.5 mm Height: 14.50 mm

WD145 features three “wings”. The wings are similar to that of ED145, the only
difference being that its wings cannot spin freely. The defensive capabilities of this part
are outclassed in all areas by other Defensive Tracks, such as C145, GB145, and 230,
as it does not absorb hits as successfully. Furthermore, it is easy for the low attacker’s
Wheel to be caught between the Wheel and WD145, causing a lot of recoil and spin
reduction in the process.
Beyblades: Escolpio WD145B, Grand Ketos T125/WD145RS

 Weight: grams
Unlike the majority of the non-gimmick Tracks, 160 resembles 230 more than 145, with
a round and large body around its hexagon-shaped core. This construction is probably
meant to strengthen it, since chances of getting hit are relatively low compared to 230,
and the stair-like design would have become too slim at this height.
Beyblade: Guardian Revizer 160SB, Pirates Gryph 160CF, Shinobi Orojya 160WSF

LW160: Left Wing 160


 Weight: 2.36 grams

The LW160 Track is in most aspects entirely identical to W145, however the wings face
the left, and its height is different.
Beyblade: Dark Knight Dragooon LW160BSF

SA165: Switch Attack 165

 Weight: 6.18 grams
Reminiscent of Armor 145, SA165 also has a wide, parabolic shape around its core
which is completely hollow except for the rigid sides forming the parabola. This latter
piece can be removed, flipped, and inserted back on the core of the Track to build
another mode which is more likely to touch the stadium floor, especially in Zero-G
Stadiums. The parabolic part is not perfectly smooth however, as it has linear ridges
going towards the core, and its outermost circumference is full of small spikes, much
like GCF. Its diameter is considerable though.
Beyblade: Archer Gargole SA165WSF, Samurai Revizer SA165Q, Gargole Ifraid

TH170: Triple Height 170


 Weight 4.39 grams

TH170 contains a height-changing Track similar to CH120; it can change between 170,
195, and 220. And unlike CH120, TH170 has no mechanical problems that cause it to
change height mid-battle, like many CH120's do.
TH170 is infinitely more versatile than 230 because of its height change ability. While
230 is easily KOed by 145-height Attack customizations due to its height, TH170 can
stand up against them if necessary with the two lower heights it can change down to:
170 and 195. And it can also fare well against low-Track Attack customizations just as
well as 230 can when used at the 220-height. Although, it should be noted that due to
the height change mechanism of the Track, the design of TH170 is not as funnel-like
and smooth as 230's is. As a result, low-Track Attackers could possibly garner more
success against TH170 at the 220-height than they would against 230. This is simply
one minor caveat though; TH170's outstanding ability to adapt to countless situations
more than makes up for it.
In general, the 170 and 195 heights are best used against 145-height Attack and
Stamina combinations, while the 220 height is best used for outspinning 230-height
Stamina customs, as well as low-track Attack, Defense, and Stamina combinations.
Beyblade: Beat Lynx TH170WD

SR200: Stamina Ring 200

Weight: 3.3 gram Full Width: 26.5 mm Core Width: 10.0 mm Height: 20.00 mm

Similar to D125, SR200 possesses a wide and lengthy stamina ring around its core.
This ring, while circular around the center, is completely straight vertically.
Beyblade: Berserker Begirados SR200BWD



230 vs. 85

Weight: 4.1 grams Maximum Width: 23.0 mm Minimum Width: 17.0 mm Full Height: 23.0 mm

230 is the tallest Track released thus far. 230 is part of the Maximum Series, and is
labeled as the Maximum Height for Tracks. 230 has six indents near the top of the
Track that sharpen downwards to about the half of the Track. 230 is rounder and thicker
than regular Tracks with no gimmicks in order to protect it structurally as it comes into
regular contact with opposing Wheels. Its round and smooth shape results in
significantly less recoil than if it were based on the traditional hexagonal Track shape.
Since 230 is so tall, it can wobble at great lengths for extra Stamina, defeating various
Stamina customizations with lower Tracks. From a defensive viewpoint, it uses its
height as an advantage to protect itself from low incoming Attacks, by protecting the
Metal Wheel from major contact while using the reinforced plastic to absorb most of the
shock. As a result of this, 230 can defeat most low Attack customizations under the 120
height when paired with other top-tier Defense parts.
230 also has some notable weaknesses, however. As a Defense Track, 230 is
extremely susceptible to tall Track Attack types in the opposite spin direction such as
MF Lightning L Drago BD145LRF and MF Gravity Perseus BD145RF. Additionally,
TH170 at 220 height is successful against 230-based customizations, while also offering
height-based versatility at the same time.
This play of good defense against low Beyblades and weakness against high Attackers
is highly due to the fact that low tops hit it exactly in its center of gravity. Most of the
weight is obviously at the top of the Beyblade using 230, however the Track itself also
possess a considerable mass, and the sum of those weights brings the center of gravity
exactly around where 120-based Beyblades attack. Usually, the lower the center of
gravity, the better, but as long as it is targeted, the object retains a certain balance. If it
gets hit away from that center of gravity vertically, then the object will lose its stability,
which is what happens with 230.

Beyblade: Flame Byxis 230WD, Duo Uranus 230WD, Flash Sagittario 230WD, Thief
Saramanda 230WB, Shinobi Ifraid 230WD

E230: Elevator 230

7.4 Full 48.0 Distance from 6 Boost Mode Distance from 8 23.00
Weight: Height:
gram Width: mm Bottom: mm Bottom: mm mm

E230 is a mechanical upgrade to the regular 230 Track. Its core is modified to
accomodate, along its whole height, the ascent and descent of a free-moving disk,
hence the term "elevator". This disk however does not freely-rotate around the Track
like ED145, and its vertical position cannot be fixed. E230 works almost essentially for
the Zero-G Stadiums, because its gimmick requires a lot of movements up and down to
function well. As the Beyblade comes down, E230 comes in contact with the sides of
the stadium, and this contact is maintained all the way to the bottom, which theoretically
allows the Combination to keep its balance despite the erratic movements of the Zero-G
Stadiums. This allows it to stumble over even less, which is useful since it isn't a rare
occurence in those stadiums.
Beyblade: Thief Phoenic E230GCF, Samurai Saramanda E230ES

A230: Armor 230

 Weight: 5.5 grams
The A230 Track simply adds upon the regular design of 230. Pyramidal shapes are
attached to its core on four sides, with steps all around those pyramids, reminescent of
the architecture of most Mesoamerican pyramids. Half of the shapes, opposite to each
other, are slightly smaller than the other two.
Beyblade: Pirates Killerken A230JSB, Killerken Balro A230WB

F230: Free 230

 Weight: grams
This Track's gimmick is that it is seemingly completely free-spinning. It is implied that it
can make the Chrome Wheel it is attached to rotate in the opposite direction to the one
it was launched in, simply after a hit with another Beyblade of the same original spin.
However, in practice this would both be impossible, and, due to the fact the Beyblade
would momentarily be stationary as it changed directions, result in an automatic loss.
F230's core section is larger than regular tracks such as 145 and 230 to accommodate
the free-spinning mechanism, while the end of the Track bears a much larger version of
the irregular structure used for the base of most Bottoms.
Beyblade: Bandid Genbull F230TB, Thief Saramanda F230SF

SP230: Spike 230

 Weight: grams
SP230 resembles a BD145 Track with the latter's protrusions made longer and
necessarily facing downwards. Its disk consequently extends far along the Chrome
Wheel's length, easily equalling, and it has four "claw-shaped" protrusions which are
meant to control speed.
Beyblade: Gladiator Bahamdia SP230GF
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Metal Fight Beyblade - Bottom List


 1B: Ball
 2WB: Wide Ball
 3MB: Metal Ball
 4RB: Rubber Ball
 5SB: Sharp Ball
 6JSB: Jog Sharp Ball
 7TB: Twin Ball
 8D: Defense
 9SD: Semi-Defense
 10WD: Wide Defense
 11SWD: Sharp Wide Defense
 12BWD: Big Wide Defense
 13EWD: Eternal Wide Defense
 14S: Sharp
 15BS: Ball Sharp
 16ES: Eternal Sharp
 17MS: Metal Sharp
 18FS: Flat Sharp
 19F: Flat
 20WF: Wide Flat
 21XF: Extreme Flat
 22SF: Semi-Flat
 23RSF: Rubber Semi Flat
 24BSF: Blade Semi Flat
 25WSF: Wide Semi Flat
 26RF: Rubber Flat
 27R²F: Right Rubber Flat
 28RDF: Rubber Defense Flat
 29HF: Hole Flat
 30LF: Left Flat
 31CF: Circle Flat
 32GCF: Gear Circle Flat
 33Bottom: Giga Flat
 34HF/S: Hole Flat/Sharp
 35Q: Quake
 36RS: Rubber Sharp
 37DS: Defense Sharp
 38CS: Coat Sharp
 394D - Final Drive (F:D)
 404D - Delta Drive (D:D)
 414D - X Drive (X:D)

B: Ball

B: Ball

Weight: 0.6 gram Full Width: 15.82 mm Tip Width: 5.88 mm Full Height: 8.98 mm Tip Height: 5.97 mm

Ball, as its name suggests, is shaped like a ball. This hemispherical shape provides a
large area for the Bottom to make contact with the Stadium floor; hence increasing
friction and making it more difficult to knockout. B’s shape also makes it likely to stay in
the central areas of the Stadium, hence maximizing the customization’s distance from
the Stadium exits. Due to its qualities, this bottom makes a decent choice for Defense
Customizations. B can be used if WB is not available. However, both have been
outclassed by CS, RSF and RS, all of which inherently have better Defense due to the
inclusion rubber.
Since it is ball-shaped, this means that it still mostly only has one single point of contact
with the stadium floor, and it wears evenly. For those reasons, the B Bottom is also a
prized tip for Stamina testing, where variations in Bottom wear can cause considerable
differences in performances.
Beyblades: Wolf D125B, Escolpio WD145B, Clay Aries ED145B, Counter Leone D125B

WB: Wide Ball

WB: Wide Ball

Weight: 0.7 gram Full Width: 15.73 mm Tip Width: 8.95 mm Full Height: 9.05 mm

WB is essentially B, with a larger spherical surface, hence “wide”. As a result, it is seen

as an improvement over B in terms of Defensive qualities. This is because of the
greater surface area in contact with the Stadium floor at any one time. However,
because of this wider contact area, the Bottom also causes more movement compared
to B. This is disadvantageous when facing an Attacktype, because
the Defense customization is closer to the Stadium exits, hence increasing the
likelihood of a KO. To prevent this, many launch WB-based customizations at about 60-
70% power, meaning that the Beyblade itself stays in the centre, while retaining the
defensive qualities of WB. Although WB was the preferred choice for Defense
customizations for a long time, it has since then been outclassed by CS, RSF, and RS.
Beyblades: Rock Leone 145WB, Rock Giraffe R145WB

MB: Metal Ball

MB: Metal Ball

Weight: 1.4 gram Full Width: 15.91 mm Tip Width: 6.87 mm Full Height: 10.96 mm Tip Height: 7.90 mm

MB is a variation of the Ball tip, with its bottom surface made fully out of metal. It has a
wide surface area and heavy weight, making it a very versatile tip. Being metal, it
provides the low friction needed for longer endurance. Its lack of traction makes it very
easy to KO and destabilize. As such, it has only found a home in a small number of
Beyblade: Poison Giraffe S130MB, L-Drago Guardian S130MB

RB: Rubber Ball

RB: Rubber Ball

 Weight: .82 grams

Rubber Ball is essentially a Metal Ball tip, but with rubber as its material instead of
metal. It is wider than a regular B Bottom. The plastic part of this tip is dark grey, the
same color as the S130 this Beyblade comes with. The rubber is colored pink, unlike
the usual red most rubber Bottoms are colored.
Like many other rubber Bottoms, it has found use in Defense Customizations. Its wide
surface area as well as its grip to the stadium floor, due to the rubber, are very useful to
Defense type Beyblades. Also, Rubber Ball's semi-aggressive movement is useful in
countering opposing Attack and Stamina Bottoms by, if shot correctly, winning by
stadium out.
Beyblade: Jade Jupiter S130RB

SB: Sharp Ball

SB: Sharp Ball

Weight: 0.6 gram Full Width: 15.91 mm Tip Width: 9.22 mm Full Height: 8.77 mm Tip Height: 5.01 mm Tip Angle: 25°

SB is essentially cone-shaped, with a very subtle rounded tip at its end. It differs from
BS exactly for that reason: while BS consists of a ball with a slight sharp tip, SB has the
opposite with a sharp base that ends in a more ball-like tip.
Beyblade: Guardian Revizer 160SB

JSB: Jog Sharp Ball

 Weight: 0.6 grams
As its name suggests, JSB consists of a ball with a slight sharp elongation at its end,
with several bumps at the tip, like on Jog Ball.
Beyblade: Pirates Killerken A230JSB

TB: Twin Ball

 Weight: grams
TB is simply a Wide Ball Bottom with a smaller ball at its tip. This causes it to wobble
Beyblade: Bandid Genbull F230TB

D: Defense

D: Defense

Weight: 0.68 gram Full Width: 15.55 mm Tip Width: 8.94 mm Full Height: 8.89 mm Tip Height: 7.59 mm Tip Angle: 35°

This is a Defense Bottom, which acts as a wider version of a Sharp tip. When hit by an
opponent, a Beyblade with this Bottom will have lessened recoil and will recover from
attacks more efficiently than a Sharp Tip. However, while recovering, the Defense
Bottom will cause the Beyblade to lose some stamina, caused by the added friction.
Beyblades: Leone 145D, Aries 125D, Vulcan Horuseus 145D, Pirates Orojya 145D

SD: Semi-Defense

SD: Semi-Defense

Weight: 0.6 gram Full Width: 15.71 mm Tip Width: 5.64 mm Full Height: 8.78 mm Tip Angle: 30°

Just as the Semi-Flat Bottom has a sharper tip than Flat, so too does Semi-Defense
when compared to Defense. Before the release of SD, D was the absolute
best Stamina Bottom available, but SD quickly took over the top spot.
SD is not able to wobble as much as D, so for defensive purposes, D should still be
chosen over SD if you are trying to add some Stamina to your Defense custom. That
being said, WD would be a better choice than D for that situation, and also arguably for
Stamina as well because with the even wider tip. With it, it is allowed to circle the
stadium in some situations when it is on a larger angle towards the end of a battle, thus
outspinning D or SD based opponents. However, sometimes this does not happen, and
SD easily knocks over the wobbling WD custom before it topples over itself.
It really comes down to personal preference when deciding whether to use SD or WD
because they are so closely matched. For pure Stamina it impossible to tell which would
win a given match, but WD would prepare you for more situations by being able to take
hits better than SD. Test both and decide for yourself which one works best for what you
are trying to do.
Beyblades: Dark Bull H145SD, Poison Serpent SW145SD, Shinobi Saramanda

WD: Wide Defense

WD: Wide Defense

Weight: 0.7 gram Full Width: 15.53 mm Tip Width: 14.17 mm Full Height: 8.92 mm Tip Height: 6.75 mm Tip Angle: 40°

Wide Defense, as its name implies is one of the widest of the “Defense” series of
Bottoms (D, SD, WD, PD, EWD). This brings numerous advantages, but also some
disadvantages when compared to the other “Defense” Bottoms, specifically D. The
advantages include its ability for abnormally long precession times due to its massive
width that reaches the edge of the Bottom's perimeter. This allows it to wobble at a
significantly larger angle for a longer period of time than D, and at a much lower spin
rate. However, depending on the position of the Beyblade using WD and the spin rate of
the opponent, this can be disadvantageous because of how easy it becomes to knock
over the precessing WD custom. This low spin rate towards the end of the battle is
created because in the process of wobbling at such a large angle, more friction is made
with the stadium floor, thus decreasing its Stamina. Nevertheless, this more often an
advantage than it is a disadvantage.
Newer parts such as CS, EDS and B:D have overshadowed WD to some degree: CS
and EDS due to their ability to be paired with the popular BD145 Track without scraping,
and B:D because of its height and even longer precession times, but WD is still one of
the best pure Stamina Bottoms available. However, when selecting high Tracks such as
TH170 and 230, WD's tendency to wobble at larger angles should be kept in mind, as
its extreme precession can often become problematic.
Although the name suggests Defensive characteristics, WD does not possess any
inherent defensive qualities. However, its proficiency can be increased significantly
when facing left-spin Attackers through the utilization of the Weak Shootingtechnique.
Beyblades: Earth Aquila 145WD, Gravity Perseus AD145WD, Flame Byxis
230WD, Basalt Horogium 145WD, Beat Lynx TH170WD, Duo Uranus 230WD, Kreis
Cygnus 145WD, Flash Sagittario 230WD

SWD: Sharp Wide Defense

SWD: Sharp Wide Defense

Weight: 0.82 gram Full Width: 15.67 mm Tip Width: 14.58 mm Full Height: 8.96 mm Tip Height: 6.50 mm

SWD has an odd shape: it's basically a small sharp tip encased in a straight, circular
frame of plastic, leaving a hole between the tip and the frame. From the side, SWD
looks like a large FS with a smaller tip.
Beyblade: Fusion Hades AD145SWD

BWD: Big Wide Defense

Weight: 1.0 gram Full Width: mm Tip Width: mm Full Height: mm Tip Height: mm Tip Angle: 30°

As its name suggests, BWD is simply a considerably bigger version of WD: while the
latter has a clear width separation with its base that locks onto the Track, BWD takes up
all this space, and extends lower too.
Beyblade: Berserker Begirados SR200BWD

EWD: Eternal Wide Defense

Heigh Widt Free
1.2 Full 8.3 Heigh 7.7 6.5 Full 15.7 Widt 14.4 6.2 Overal
Weight t of h of Tip 35 15
gram Height 7 t w/o 3 4 width 4 h w/o 8 m l
: fixed tip Angle ° °
s : mm base: mm mm : mm base: mm m Angle:
tip: hole: :

EWD is part of a series of existing Bottoms prefixed with Eternal, featuring bearing-
based tips. EWD, as its name suggests, is a bearing-implemented version of WD. It
features a similar wide shape, but the pointy tip of the Bottom is replaced by a free-
spinning sharp piece. This rotates freely, and increases the balance and spin-retention
of the Bottom.
Beyblade: Killer Beafowl UW145EWD

S: Sharp

S: Sharp

Weight: 0.6 gram Full Width: 15.91 mm Tip Width: 4.14 mm Full Height: 8.83 mm Tip Height: 6.82 mm Tip Angle: 35°

The Sharp Bottom offers very little movement and as such provides no attack potential.
The pointed tip allows for very little friction between the Bottom and the stadium surface,
which helps prevent the loss of spin velocity. However, due to the fine nature of the tip,
the Bottom is easily knocked off balance, and hence is outclassed by superior
alternatives such as D, WD, and SD.
Beyblades: Sagittario 145S, Flame Sagittario C145S, Infinity Libra GB145S, Archer
Gryph C145S

BS: Ball Sharp

BS: Ball Sharp

Weight: 0.6 gram Full Width: 15.71 mm Tip Width: 5.64 mm Full Height: 8.78 mm Sharp Tip Angle: 35°

BSs performance is quite similar to that of S. BS offers very little movement and as such
gives noAttack potential. The pointed tip allows for very little friction between the Bottom
and the stadium surface, which helps prevent the loss of spin velocity. BS has
decent Stamina, but because the tip is so fine, it experiences the same balance issues
that S does. WD, D, and SD are much better choices.
Beyblades: Libra DF145BS, Virgo DF145BS, Pisces D125BS, Earth Virgo
GB145BS, Bandid Goreim DF145BS

ES: Eternal Sharp

ES: Eternal Sharp

Weight: 1.0 gram Full Width: 15.78 mm Tip Width: 5.04 mm Full Height: 10.63 mm Tip Height: 8.42 mm Tip Angle: 35°

Eternal Sharp features a free-spinning tip attached to a metal shaft which is held by the
Bottom. The part was one of the most heavily anticipated parts in the MFB lineup when
first announced, but ES is actually a hugely disappointing part in terms of performance.
Firstly, ES lacks a metal bearing, which would significantly reduce the friction between
the free-spinning tip and the rest of the Bottom. All of the best free-spinning tips,
notably Bearing Core, had NSK Shield bearings which allowed unhindered spin.
Secondly, the tip shape of ES is not conducive to optimum Stamina; the sharp nature of
the Bottom means it is easily destabilized. As all Sharp tips do, Eternal Sharp also has
trouble regaining balance, hence making this a poor choice for Stamina. That said, ES
still remains superior to BS and S as Stamina Bottoms.
Beyblades: Flame Libra T125ES, Thermal Pisces T125ES

MS: Metal Sharp

1.30 Full 15.76 Tip 4.82 Full 11.03 Tip 8.58 Tip
Weight: 45°
gram Width: mm Width: mm Height: mm Height: mm Angle:

Metal Sharp, as its name implies, is a Sharp tip made of metal, but it is also mounted on
a taller base. Its small contact point produces very little friction on the surface of the
Stadium floor, even less so than the average Sharp tip. While this quality is useful for
Stamina type Bottoms, Metal Sharp suffers from the same inherent faults as all Sharp
Bottoms, namely the horrible balances issues, which are worsened by the taller height.
As such, this part is outclassed.
It should be noted that, due to its namesake properties, Metal Sharp can be very
damaging to the stadium floor, especially paired with M145. It should be used with
Beyblade: Burn Phoenix 135MS

FS: Flat Sharp

FS: Flat Sharp

Weight: 0.6 gram Full Width: mm Tip Width: mm Full Height: mm Tip Height: mm Sharp Tip Angle: 40°

FS features a flat tip with a smaller, sharper tip in the centre. As a result, when launched
at a straight angle, the Beyblade spins on this sharp tip, with very little movement.
However, when tilted, either from the contact of an opposing Beyblade or from the
launch, the Bottom moves in an offensive pattern. However, it suffers from the same
problems as other Balance Bottoms, in that the two qualities are compromised, resulting
in mediocre performance in both fields.
Beyblades: Gemios DF145FS, Mad Cancer CH120FS, Dark Wolf DF145FS, Killer
Gemios DF145FS

F: Flat

F: Flat

Weight: 1 gram Full Width: 15.92 mm Tip Width: 4.08 mm Full Height: 8.96 mm Tip Height: 5.96 mm

The Flat Bottom has a flat tip, which gives it an offensive movement pattern. It is the
equivalent of Flat Core (HMS) or SG Flat (Plastic). It has difficulties retaining a flower
pattern, due to it being plastic, which results in it having less grip on the stadium floor
compared to a rubber bottom. F has been overshadowed by numerous Attack Bottoms,
such as WF, RF, R2F, XF, LRF, and MF.
Beyblades: Pegasis 105F, Aquario 105F, L Drago 105F, Hyper Aquario 105F

WF: Wide Flat

WF:Wide Flat

 Weight: 0.6 grams

WF, like the name suggests, is a wider version of F. Its significantly larger surface area
allows it to travel much faster than F. However, due to the fact that it is plastic, it is
slower than RF, as it does not produce as much friction with the stadium floor and is not
able to neutralize the recoil of certain Wheels as efficiently as RF. It has also much
more trouble maintaining the "flower pattern" from aSliding Shoot due to this. The
upside to its lower friction is that it has much better Stamina than RF, allowing it to be
used in destabilizing attackers.
Beyblades: Quetzalcoatl 90WF, Bakushin Susanow 90WF, Wing Pegasis 90WF

XF: Extreme Flat

XF: Extreme Flat

Weight: 0.68 gram Full Width: 15.83 mm Tip Width: 5.91 mm Full Height: 9.01 mm Tip Height: 6.28 mm

Extreme Flat is a large, plastic Flat tip with four small pieces of plastics spread evenly
on the edge of its circumference. It is the widest plastic Flat bottom, as wide as RF, and
one of the fastest aggressive tip.
Contrasting RF, XF trades controllability and adherence/grip for speed and stamina. XF
therefore has a much harder time achieving and maintaining a flower pattern, often
switching to Tornado Stalling under inexperienced hands.
Compared to MF, XF retains its superior speed, while its width and material gives it the
better grip. However, it still has inferior controllability. Difference in Stamina is the most
complex comparison between these two Bottoms. MF is a taller Bottom, and its metal
tip is smaller than XF’s plastic tip, making it better in conventional, same-spin Stamina.
On the other hand, XF’s shorter height and wider tip allows for more precession, making
it a better choice for the more unconventional spin-equalizing, where MF would just
topple over at low rotational speed.
Overall, XF can serve as a potent alternative to RF, adding Stamina to your Attack
customizations. However, it is best used in left-spin customizations, where it can make
full use of its combined Attack and spin-equalizing capabilities.
Beyblades: Mercury Anubis 85XF, Omega Dragonis 85XF

SF: Semi-Flat
SF: Semi-Flat

0.6 Full 15.48 Tip 4.12 Flat Tip 1.94 Full 8.96 Tip 6.54
gram Width: mm Width: mm Width: mm Height: mm Height: mm

This tip is Semi-Flat. It provides a semi-aggressive movement pattern. SF exhibits

increased Defense over the Sharp and Defense Bottoms due to the increased friction.
The downside is that Stamina is decreased and causes the Beyblade to move around
more, exposing it to an Attack type. The trade-off in stamina for stability makes it inferior
to SD and WD in terms of Stamina. Semi-Flat tip is usually used in Balance type
Beyblades as it combines aspects of Attack, Defense and Stamina.
Beyblades: Bull 125SF, Dark Cancer CH120SF

RSF: Rubber Semi Flat

RSF: Rubber Semi Flat

 Weight: 0.7 grams

RSF, or Rubber Semi-Flat, is an SF Bottom completely made out of rubber. It is
essentially a flat tip with a smaller radius, affording it a firm, defensive grip on the
Stadium, but still allowing for a somewhat aggressive movement pattern with the proper
launch. Its drawbacks, however, are that it has shown major weaknesses against Left-
Spin Beyblades such as Lightning L Drago, much like RS. RSF, like most Rubber
Performance Tips, suffers from poor Stamina, although it has been shown to have
slightly more Stamina than RS, due to a wider surface area, resulting in better balance
at the end of a battle.
RSF has two Mold variations. The first mold, released with Ray Gil 100RSF and Blitz
Unicorno 100RSF, has a harder rubber than the second mold, which was released
in Random Booster Vol.7 Beat Lynx, specifically with the Bey Tornado Horuseus
130RSF. The second mold appears to be made of a softer rubber, and as a result
behaves more aggressively than the first mold. This should be taken into consideration
when choosing a method of obtaining an RSF.
Beyblades: Ray Gil 100RSF, Blitz Unicorno 100RSF
BSF: Blade Semi Flat
Inner Flat
1.19 Full 19.70 16.04 Tip 5.50 2.66 Full 10.89 Tip 7.48 Tip
Weight: Blade Tip 40°
gram Width: mm mm Width: mm mm Height: mm Height: mm Angle:
Width: Width:

BSF: Blade Semi-Flat

While its tip is a simple Semi Flat one, it is mounted on an imposing base with a linear
row of blades around it. These blades are generally shaped just like LW160's wings,
however they are less spaced. BSF was clearly designed for optimal use in Zero-G
Stadiums, where the blades on this Bottom could come into contact with the Stadiums'
slope, considering the many angles that are possible in their new swaying gimmick.
Beyblade: Dark Knight Dragooon LW160BSF

WSF: Wide Semi Flat

WSF is simply a Semi Flat Bottom with a slightly wider flat section, and with a wider
base. In other terms, it forms a bigger cut cone than SF was. Two sets of spiky shapes
are also on either side of the main tip part, possibly to create a relation with Archer
Gargole, the Beyblade this Bottom was introduced with.
Beyblade: Archer Gargole SA165WSF

RF: Rubber Flat

RF: Rubber Flat

SonoKong mold: left, TAKARA-TOMY mold: right

Weight: 0.8 gram Full Width: 15.82 mm Tip Width: 5.55 mm Full Height: 11.09 mm Tip Height: 7.97 mm
RF, as its name implies has a flat, hard rubber tip, with a small indentation on the base
of the tip. Its tip has just about the same width as WF, and is the second highest Bottom
next to HF/S, which makes the shortest Track, 85, particularly useful in combination with
this part.
By using its wide surface area and rubber material, the Bottom has a large amount of
traction against the stadium floor, resulting in a such a fast and powerful attack pattern
that it often renders itself useless by self-KOing the Beyblade it is being used on. Part of
the blame for this problem can be put on the poor Tornado Ridge of the Attack Stadium,
but the fact remains that RF was designed long after the release of the Attack Stadium,
and should be able to maintain itself within it. To alleviate this problem it is
recommended that you never use a brand new RF in any sort of competitive situation,
as its likelihood of self-KOing is much higher; wear it down a little with some practice
battles first. When this is done, the rapid movement of RF may subside slightly, but it
becomes more controllable, and thus, more useful.
The use of rubber and the friction it creates with the stadium floor does lower
its Stamina in comparison to plastic flat tips such as F and WF, but this is usually not a
problem as an Attack types goal is to KO the other Beyblade, and it also helps reduce
the recoil of violent wheels such as Sagittario.
RF has three different molds. Some of the original TAKARA-TOMY RFs tend to spin
around freely when twisted between fingers, due to the circular nature of the rubber that
held the tip itself into place. However this problem was rectified by the SonoKong mold
which flattened two opposite sides of the rubber that holds the tip itself into the plastic
section of the Bottom itself. The flattened sides make it impossible to spin the tip freely,
thus solving the problem. Hasbro's release of RF has a thick bar in the middle of the tip
that secures the rubber.
The performance difference between the three molds is negligible, but it is likely that the
SonoKong and Hasbro molds would be more sturdy by not spinning around.
Beyblade: Storm Pegasis 105RF

R²F: Right Rubber Flat


Original Hasbro Mold

GanGan Galaxy Mold

 Weight: 0.8 grams

Right Rubber Flat, shortened to R²F, is–competitively speaking–the most vital part of
this Beyblade. R²F is very similar to RF, and is an overall upgraded version of it. R²F
consists of six curved rubber spikes that face to the right intended predominantly for use
in right-spin combos. This new design creates more traction with the stadium floor,
causing it to move more quickly than its predecessor, RF. However, its stamina is
decreased due to the increase in speed and friction compared to the original RF. This
also means an R²F will wear down faster than an RF.
Since this is a rubber Attack Bottom, a new R²F is harder to control than a new RF,
mainly because it moves much faster. This makes RF a good choice for controllability
and stamina, while R²F is a better choice for speed and power. Like RF however, it is
essential to wear the rubber of R²F before competitive use, as this allows the Beyblade
to spin into a "flower pattern" more easily. A clear sign that shows when an R²F is in its
prime is when the indented lines that form a star shape inside R²F's perimeter are
nearly gone.

Throughout the course of its release, each company (Takara-Tomy, Sonokong, Hasbro)
has released its own mold of R²F which revolved around the different placement of a
'bar' on the inside of the tip, (or lack thereof) which seem to be made at random.
The Takara Tomy and Sonokong mold contains a thick bar in the middle of the tip,
securing the rubber of R²F.
Hasbro's original release of R²F has no bar in the middle, yet a space for one which in
reality provides no support for the rubber tip. This mold is known to be very shaky.
The Hasbro GanGan Galaxy Set release provides was a quasi-barred R²F which has 2
separated bars in the middle, as usual, but are not actually connected at the center.
Beyblade: Galaxy Pegasis W105R²F

RDF: Rubber Defense Flat

1.1 Full 15.89 Tip 14.81 Full 10.20 Tip 8.49 Tip Tip Angle with
Weight: 80° 30°
grams Width: mm Width: mm Height: mm Height: mm Angle: encasing:

Rubber Defense Flat

RDF is an odd combination of shapes to hypothetically form a tip with both Defense and
Attack abilities. This Bottom consists of a very wide plastic encasing which holds a
rubber tip with a large, flat surface and a small protuberance in the middle which ends in
another flat point. The rubber, which constitutes the actual tip, comes very flush with the
plastic structure that contains it. In actual performance, it is similar to CS in the sense
that it can have an aggressive pattern and a Defensive pattern.
The release of RDF essentially made RS irrelevant, since it is just as effective, if not
more, but also because of certain key differences. First, its superior height and better
balance allows RDF to be used with the best defensive Track available at the time,
BD145, without being hindered by floor scraping. Secondly, RDF has much more
Stamina than RS, which was always an obstacle to the latter.
When shot in a standard manner, it is stationary, much like the S tip. When weak
launched, it is similar to a worn RS' movement patterns which is usually a light circling
around the center of the stadium. When banked, the outer plastic part of RDF comes
into contact with the stadium causing instability and erratic behavior, much like an
aggressive CS, but with more grip as it has a much larger surface area of flat rubber
and plastic. When contact is made with the opposing Beyblade, RDF may tilt and fall
onto its outer ring and begin an aggressive movement again, before regaining balance
relatively quickly. Stamina-wise, it is a tad inferior to CS and should therefore not be
used for Stamina purposes.
Wearing does occur with RDF, like any other rubber-based tip, and it is recommended
you buy a mint one for optimum Defensive performance.
Beyblade: Death Quetzalcoatl 125RDF

HF: Hole Flat

HF: Hole Flat

0.5 Full 15.95 Tip 4.01 Hole 2.27 Full 8.96 Tip 6.02
gram Width: mm Width: mm Diameter: mm Height: mm Height: mm

HF has a very similar movement speed to that of F, with the main difference being a
slight Staminaimprovement due to the hole in the middle of the tip. But, with this comes
the detriment of even less grip to the stadium floor than F, and also increased fragility.
Beyblades: Capricorne 100HF, Lightning L Drago 100HF, Cyber Pegasis
100HF, Thermal Lacerta WA130HF

LF: Left Flat

This looks exactly like R2F, except the spikes are curving left, and the tip is made of
plastic, not rubber.
Beyblades: Meteo L-Drago LW105 LF

CF: Circle Flat

Weight: 2.5 gram Full Width: 33.80 mm Tip Width: mm Full Height: 8.86 mm Angle to real flat tip: 50°

This is a Flat Bottom with a large circle around it, fixed at its base, similar to D125's own
ring. The circle helps embrace the acute slope of the stadium, which is useful in such an
swaying environment as the Zero-G Stadium Attack Type.
Beyblade: Samurai Ifraid W145CF

GCF: Gear Circle Flat

Weight: 2.5 gram Full Width: 33.47 mm Tip Width: mm Full Height: 8.88 mm

As an upgraded version of Circle Flat, GCF is a Flat Bottom with a slightly larger tip,
mounted by a huge disk. Instead of its circumference being smooth like CF however, its
edges are cut in places to form the shape of a mechanical gear. This gimmick is meant
to embrace the curve of the Zero-G stadiums and also create less smooth movement
patterns around the stadium for the Beyblade using GCF.
Beyblade: Thief Phoenic E230GCF

Bottom: Giga Flat

 Weight: grams
Pronounced "Guee-gah Flat", this Bottom is a bolder, larger and slightly taller version of
the XF tip. It notably does not have the plastic lines on its side, like the Extreme Flat
Bottom has.
Beyblade: Gladiator Bahamdia SP230GF

HF/S: Hole Flat/Sharp

0.9 Full 15.77 Tip 4.89 Sharp Tip 2.72 Full 11.85 Tip 11.75 Tip
Weight: 45°
gram Width: mm Width: mm Width: mm Height: mm Height: mm Angle:

HF/S (Sharp Mode)

HF/S (Hole Flat Mode)

HF/S is the tallest Bottom to date. HF/S’ gimmick is mode-change. The idea behind the
mode-change is potent as it allows users to adapt their strategy between rounds, so that
they can adjust their type to counter their opponents. The user is able to change the tip
manually between Hole Flat, and Sharp, by rotating the lower portion of the Bottom:

 Sharp Mode:
There are balance problems associated with the Sharp Mode because of its height, and
also just because it is a Sharp tip, which always have poor balance. There is no reason
to choose this over Bottoms such as D, SD, or WD.

 Hole Flat Mode:

Compared to the original HF Bottom, the HF of HF/S is much wider to accommodate
enough space for the Sharp Bottom to fit through when changed. It is just as wide as
WF, and as a result, is one of the fastest moving Bottoms available aside from RF. Its
usefulness in traditional low Attack customizations is somewhat hindered by it being the
tallest Bottom released to date, but the speed is still there, so it does have use.

Currently there are no competitive customizations utilizing HF/S, but it is an interesting

Bottom to experiment with.
Beyblade: Wind Aquario 100HF/S

Q: Quake
Second Mold

0.6 Full 16.5 Tip 6 Full 9 Tip 3.50 Cutoff 1 Declination 4 Declination ~
gram Width: mm Width: mm Height: mm Height: mm Height: mm Length: mm Angle: 30°

Quake is a uniquely shaped Bottom; it is similar to a wider version of Extreme Flat, but
with a 45° cut through it. As a result, it is non symmetrical. In practice, this performs
similarly to WF in movement, albeit with small jumps.
The Bottom is clearly designed to be combined with M145 to produce the jumping
gimmick. In fact, on top of the two modes M145 already has, Q adds two other modes to
this combination. Although without official names, they are achieved by either
positioning the angled side of Q towards the center of the Beyblade, or towards the
outside. Bringing the total of mode changes to four, all of them are still useless, but the
position of the angled side when in Small Jump mode can at least slightly compensate
for the off-center connectors, because the flat part of the tip is brought as close to the
center as possible while the decline faces the exterior.
Two molds of Q exist: the first mold has the most acute angle, leaving barely a milimeter
of flat surface to the end of the tip. This sharp change creates a lot of erratic movements
to an otherwise normal flat Bottom's pattern. When paired with M145, this mold
therefore greatly accentuates the height of the jumps in both Large and Small Jump
modes, decreasing the Beyblade's Stamina even more. The first mold is only available
in TAKARA-TOMY's Booster of Storm Capricorne M145Q.
The second mold leaves quite a few more milimeters of flat tip before cutting into a
sharp angle. Logically, this less severe decline brings more calm to Q's movement
pattern while still causing intermittent small jumps once in a while. All of Hasbro's Q and
all of the later releases of Q by TAKARA-TOMY and SonoKong are of this second mold.
Beyblade:Storm Capricorne M145Q

RS: Rubber Sharp

RS: Rubber Sharp

Weight: 0.8 gram Full Width: 15.91 mm Tip Width: 6.87 mm Full Height: 10.96 mm Tip Height: 7.90 mm Tip Angle: 80°

As its name suggests, RS is a sharp tip made of rubber, and with that, all of the
problems sharp tips are known for, as well as the poor Stamina of rubber-based
bottoms, and their tendency to wear down after extensive use, are brought along with it.
However, RS's primary purpose is to counteract Attack customizations. The high friction
of the rubber, along with the lack of movement due to the sharp tip make it incredibly
difficult to move, and thus, KO.
RS does seem to have difficulty sometimes outlasting left-spinning customs, but against
right-spin Attack customs, despite its poor balance and Stamina, it is able to effectively
neutralize them.
Beyblades: Grand Ketos T125/WD145RS

DS: Defense Sharp

DS: Defense Sharp

0.73 Full 15.83 Tip 8.93 Sharp Tip 3.80 Full 8.86 Tip 7.91
gram Width: mm Width: mm Width: mm Height: mm Height: mm

DS is essentially a hollowed out Defense bottom with a thinner Sharp tip placed in the
middle, leaving a gap in between it and the outer "ring" that is created. There is no
reason to use this Bottom over the multitude of other options available for both Stamina
and Defense, such as RS, CS, WD, and SD.
Beyblade: Hell Kerbecs BD145DS

CS: Coat Sharp

CS: Coat Sharp

0.8 Full 15.88 Tip 5.46 Sharp Tip 2.79 Full 10.95 Tip 7.89 Tip 20-
gram Width: mm Width: mm Width: mm Height: mm Height: mm Angle: 25°

The "Sharp" in "Coat Sharp" is derived from the standard plastic S series Bottoms, while
the "Coat" refers to the rubber coating that now surrounds the sharp tip. CS acts similar
to FS and the Metal Change Core from the HMS era.
Because of the rubber coating, different –sometimes odd– attack patterns can be
produced by CS. When launched at an angle or hit onto the Beystadium's slope, it will
move more aggressively due to the increase in the amount of traction going from the
sharp tip, to the rubber coating. Unforunately however, when CS will begin to move
aggressively is often unpredictable, and when it does happen, it usually circles the
Tornado Ridge, rather than sweeping into the centre of the Beystadium, as if you had
Banked or done Sliding Shoot. That said, while CS's aggressive movement can be
unpredictable, this is often not a large issue, because some CS's actually cannot be
shot or hit into "attack mode" at all. This can be a boon or bane depending on what your
Beyblade and strategy is.
CS's also has top-tier Defense capabilities, particularly the ones which have trouble
moving aggressively. The rubber coat allows for more friction once it gets moved onto
the Beystadium's slope, causing more grip, which helps in defending against oncoming
While the defense that the rubber coating of CS provides is good, it is unquestionably
inferior to that of RS and RSF. However, what you might lose in defensive ability, you
more than gain back in Stamina; for this reason, CS is often used over RS and RSF,
which both have incredibly poor Stamina. CS is even used over Bottoms such as those
from the Defense series (WD, SD, etc.) as well sometimes, especially on higher Tracks
such as 230, which are only made stronger with the additional height of CS, without
sacrificing very much Stamina.
Beyblade: Ray Unicorno D125CS

4D - Final Drive (F:D)

F:D (Final Drive)

F:D (Final Drive)

Weight: 5.85 gram Full Width: 27.78 mm Full Height: 21.18 mm Tip Height at rubber: 19.65 mm

F:D is a 4D Bottom, a fusion between a Track and a Bottom. It is therefore fairly large,
to compensate for this merge of two parts. The main gimmick of this 4D Bottom is the
automatic change of tip that activates during battle, where the SF-shaped tip retracts
inside the base to allow the very wide rubber-coated, Hole-Flat-like shape to make
contact with the stadium floor. This mechanism works because two tabs on the side of
F:D pull out from the centrifugal force. When they extend, the SF tip comes out of the
hole, and when the centrifugal force decreases because the Beyblade loses spin, the
tabs pop back inwards and the SF bottom retreats, leaving an aggressive rubber tip with
a hole in it. F:D has only found use in niche Anti-Meta combos, but is otherwise ruined
by the automatic gimmick which cannot be stopped, therefore it is competitively useless.
The intent of the mechanism is to give one last boost of energy to an Attack type,
however at such low velocity, the hits are poor, it gets destabilized, and the added
rubber surface only serves to lower the customization’s stamina drastically, which is
actually how most Beyblades try to win at the end of a BeyBattle.
Beyblade: Big Bang Pegasis F:D

4D - Delta Drive (D:D)

D:D WB Mode

D:D S Mode

Weight: 5.5 grams Height (Wide Ball): 20.89 mm Height (Flat): 20.25 mm Height (Sharp): 21.19 mm Angle (Sharp): 40°

D:D is of a round shape with a translucent black colour, and with a height comparable to
145WD. Like most 4D Bottoms, D:D's gimmick is mode change-related. Like Dranzer
F's Flame Change Basefrom the Plastic generation, D:D has the gimmick of triple mode
change. D:D features a Sharp Bottom, a Wide Ball Bottom, and a Flat Bottom all on one
axis, which can be changed manually between battles. To change modes, the tip can be
pulled out slightly, rotated on its axis, and then pushed back in on the new tip. D:D is
evidently an incredibly versatile bottom, but this versatility is made useless by the fact
that the Bottoms encased are all outclassed in one way or another; S is outclassed by
WD, WB is outclassed by CS, and F is outclassed by RF.
Beyblade: VariAres D:D

4D - X Drive (X:D)
Weight: 7.21 gram Full Width: 37.95 mm Full Height: 22.98 mm Second Height: 21.01 mm

X:D (X Drive)

X:D is the widest 4D Bottom to have been made. It extends almost all the way to the
end of Diablo, to stop right within its Metal Frame. Following the same principle that
Diablo Nemesis X:D is a collection of several Beyblades' features, X:D mixes L Drago
Destroy's F:S and Big Bang Pegasis's F:D, in a way, but it mainly inherits from
VariAres's D:D. X:D has three tips: XF, S, and a new one called S²D, for Stern Semi
Defense. Stern is a German word for "star", and it appears specifically when talking
about the Nemesis. Its tip change can be both automatic or fixed. In Attack Mode, you
can choose XF or S, while in Ultimate Balance Mode, where it is only compatible with
Diablo, you can automatically go from XF to S to S²D, or in the opposite order if the
Beyblade fighting it hits Diablo Nemesis in the other direction or spins left itself. When
launching, you can choose which tip you start on. The mechanism housed inside X:D to
provide the automatic tip change and tip selection is quite complex. For the fixed states,
it all depends on the slight manual rotation of some flaps on the underside of this 4D
Bottom. When the flap is more towards the left, its Extreme Flat Bottom is exposed, but
when it gets turned towards slight right, the sharp tip protrudes. For the Ultimate
Balance Mode, two small tabs simply get pushed down by the shapes of Diablo's Metal
Frame, which contracts the spring inside X:D and makes the sharp tip come out more.
In Attack Mode, to choose the tip, you need to push those tabs down, and then rotate
the inner flaps.
Beyblade: Diablo Nemesis X:D
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