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A Detailed Lesson for Mathematics

Grade 5
Adding Similar Fractions

I. Learning Objectives:

Cognitive: Add two to four similar fractions

Psychomotor: Write the sum of the given similar fractions

II. Learning Content:

Skill: Adding two to four similar fractions without regrouping

Reference: 21st Century Mathematics 5 (TM) pp. 25 -29
21st Century Mathematics 5 (TM) pp 58 - 68
Materials: Fraction cards
Value: Proper care of one’s belongings

III. Review:

Put a * before the number if the fraction is in the lowest terms. Simplify, if it is NOT

1. _______ 9 3. _______ 10
11 15

2. _______ 8 4. _______ 4
10 6

A. Developmental Activities:

1. Presentation:

Strategy 1: Concept Development and Modeling:

Using a problem opener:

Trina used 3 meters of plastic to cover her art portfolio and 2 meter for her notebooks. How
8 8
many meters of plastic cover did he use?

a. Help the pupils understand the problem by asking some comprehensions. What is asked?
What are given?

Ask further:What kind of pupil do you think is Trina?
Why is it important to take care of your things?
b. What operation should you use to solve the problem? What is the number sentence?
(pupils write it on the board)
Strategy 2: Cooperative Learning

Group the pupils (Cooperative Learning)

Have them ready with their grid paper and colored pens.
Write the following on activity cards

. On your grid paper draw a rectangle showing 8 equal parts

. With a colored pen represent 1
. With another colored pen represent 3
Answer these questions:
- How many sections of the rectangle are colored?
- What fraction represents the number of colored sections of the rectangle?

a. Let each group discuss their outputs.

b. Write the equation on the board.
1 + 3 = 4 or 1
8 8 8 2
c. Ask leading questions to elicit from the pupils the rule in adding similar fractions.

2. Fixing Skills:

Find the sum. Reduce the answers to simplest forms.

1. 13 + 5 = 2. 2 + 1 + 4 = 3. 8 + 3 =
10 10 9 9 9 12 12
3. Generalization:

How do we add 2 or more similar fractions?

A. Add the numerators and write the sum over the common denominator.
B. Change the fraction sum to lowest terms when the numerator and
denominator have common factors or change it to a mixed fraction if it is an
improper fraction.

B. Application:

Find the sum. Simplify if possible.

1. You finished 1 of a drawing on Tuesday and 3 more on Wednesday. How much of the
8 8
drawing did you finish?
1. A weather report states that 3 cm of rainwater fell on Saturday and the same amount on
Sunday. How much rainwater fell on two days?

2. Describe and correct the error in the solution?

1 + 6 + 3 = 10 or 5
7 7 7 14 7

IV. Evaluation:

Find the sum. Reduce the answers to simplest form.

1. 4 + 1 = 4. 3 + 2 =
8 8 10 10

2. 4+1+6= 5. 3 + 3 =
9 9 9 8 8

3. 3+3=
4 4

V. Assignment:

Find the sum and give the answer in the simplest form.

1. 2 + 8 + 3 = 2. 2 + 3 =
5 5 5 7 7

3. 11 + 1 = 4. 4 + 1 + 5 =
12 12 15 15 15

5. 5+2+4=
12 12 12

Prepared by:

Reynaldo C. Cabato

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