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- Título: Experimental study for determination of infiltration rate of soils in field using
double ring infiltrometer
- Autor: Amreeta Champatiray
- Lugar: India, Mayo 2014

Infiltration is the process of penetration of water into the ground surface and the
intensity of this process is known as infiltration rate. The infiltration rate is expressed in
term of volume of water poured per ground surface per unit of time. Soil erosion,
surface runoff & ground water recharge are affected by this process. At a certain
moment the maximum infiltration rate can be indicated by the infiltration capacity of
soil. Infiltration of water into the soil can be determined by a simple instrument called
Double ring infiltrometer. The cylindrical ring infiltrometer consist of single metal
cylinder. These cylinders are partially inserted into the ground and water is filled up to
a margin inside the cylinder and after that the speed of penetration of water is measured
with respect to the time and depth of penetration of water inside the cylinder. Four
types of cylinders are taken for this experiment of diameter 15cm, 30cm, 45cm & 60cm
and they are experimented as 15-45cm & 30-60cm double ring infiltrometer. To spread
the water vertically after infiltration we use double ring infiltrometer. Double ring
infiltrometer is better than single ring infiltrometer. In single ring infiltrometer the water
will spread horizontally & vertically both, from which water will not move only towards
the ground water but using double ring infiltrometer the water will penetrate in one
direction that is towards the ground water without much wastage of water.
The conclusions from the above research work are as follows:
• As the measurements were taken in NIT field and water was spread for plants in
regular interval. So, the infiltration to the soil got constant after a short time interval
due to saturation of the soil.
• The infiltration rate and incremental infiltration rate values are approximately equal,
which shows the rate of infiltration is equal in both of the methods applied.
• The MAE and MAPE are calculated by the given formulas for Collected data, Predicted
data by regression analysis and predicted data by ANN. The errors in case of Collected
data verses regression analysis data are less than the predicted data by ANN.
• The permeability and soil water content & were 1.369×10^(-4) and 16.128%.
• Finally it can be concluded that the 30-60 double ring infiltro-meter can give better
performance than double ring infiltro-meter of 15cm - 30cm. The garden oil infiltrated
more rapidly than the forest soil due to having more hydraulic conductivity values as
calculated by Horton’s equation.
• The soil has more conductivity values in the months of September and October than
that of other months.
• The natural soil had a high infiltration rate compared to the other fields due to the
deep cracks in the soil and the low initial water content.

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- Título: Evaluation of Different Methods for Measuring Field Saturated Hydraulic
Conductivity under High and Low Water Table (Evaluación de diferentes métodos
para la determinación de la conductividad hidráulica saturada para la simulación
de la profundidad del nivel freático y la descarga de drenaje utilizando el modelo
de simulación por computadora DRAINMOD
- Autores: Nahid Nabi-Sichani y Ali Reza Sepaskhah
- Lugar: Iran, Diciembre 2010

In this research, four methods of in situ measurement of saturated hydraulic

conductivity (Ks ) including the Guelph permeameter (GP), auger hole (AH), original
Porchet (OP), and saturated Porchet methods were compared for a silt loam soil. The
representative Ks in a drainage system was also determined as a reference value. The
mean values of Ks for the GP, AH, OP, SP, and drainage system methods were 1.18, 1.06,
1.85, 1.18, and 1.08 m d−1, respectively. Furthermore, the GP and OP methods had the
highest and lowest coefficients of variation at 42.1 and 24.2%, respectively. The
difference in Ks values among all methods except SP and GP and the difference in CV
values between GP and OP were statistically significant at the 0.01 level of probability.
The direct measurement from the drainage system resulted in Ks values of 0.584, 0.915,
1.019, and 0.915 times that of the OP, SP, AH, and GP methods, respectively. The results
of the SP, GP, and AH methods were very similar to that obtained from direct
measurement of the drainage system. Results showed that the AH and GP methods are
the best methods for measuring Ks in the presence and absence of a water table,
respectively, with −1.85 and 9.26% difference, respectively, compared with the
reference method. Therefore, in regions with a high water table, the AH method is
suitable, and for a low water table, the GP method is recommended.
In this study, in situ point measurements of Ks using the GP, AH, OP, and SP methods
were compared in a silt loam soil. Representative field Ks from a drainage system was
also obtained and the most suitable method of in situ point measurement of Ks was
chosen using the drainage system method as a reference. Based on the results, the
mean values of Ks for the GP, AH, OP, and SP methods were 1.18, 1.06, 1.85, and 1.18
m d−1, respectively, and a value of 1.08 m d−1 was obtained from the drainage system.
Furthermore, the GP and OP methods had the highest and lowest CVs, with values of
42.1 and 24.2%, respectively. It was also shown that the AH and GP methods are the
best methods for measuring Ks under high and low water table conditions, respectively,
with −1.85 and 9.26% error, respectively, compared with the drainage system method.
Therefore, according to the results of this study, under high water table conditions, the
AH method is suitable, and for low water table conditions, the GP method is
recommended. Furthermore, the SP method, as tested in this study, can only be
recommended for silty clay loam to clay loam soils

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- Título: Modelación de la infiltración en un campo agrícola de la cuenca del río Chirgua,

estado Carabobo, Venezuela
- Autores: Edilberto Guevara Pérez y Adriana Márquez Romance
- Lugar: Venezuela, Julio 2012
El objetivo del trabajo es comparar los parámetros de la infiltración estimados mediante
el uso de nueve modelos: cuatro con base física, dos semi-empíricos y tres empíricos,
utilizando los resultados de 107 pruebas de campo de infiltración realizadas en suelos
agrícolas de la cuenca del río Chirgua, Estado Carabobo, Venezuela. Los suelos se
clasifican en tres grupos: arcilla limosa, limo orgánico y arena limosa; se evaluaron dos
condiciones de humedad durante las pruebas: alta y baja. Se considera que los ajustes
de los modelos son satisfactorios cuando el coeficiente R2 es igual o mayor que 0,7. Los
modelos que incluyen la variable tiempo en su estructura, tal como Mishra-Singh,
Kostiakov y Horton, arrojaron un ajuste satisfactorio. El nivel de significancia de los
parámetros de los modelos Horton y Kostiakov es más elevado para el caso de las
diferentes condiciones de humedad que para el de los tipos de suelo; para el conjunto
total de la serie de datos, los resultados son similares a los obtenidos para diferentes
tipos de suelo; los tres tipos de suelo responden de la misma manera frente a la tasa de
 No se han encontrado diferencias significativas en la estimación de los
parámetros de la infiltración entre los resultados obtenidos para los tipos de
suelo individualmente (limo orgánico, arena limosa y arcilla limosa) y los
resultados al considerar todos los datos en conjunto.
 Los modelos de infiltración de Horton y Mishra & Singh son los que han
mostrado mejores resultados en el ajuste a los datos medidos en el campo; por
lo que se recomienda su uso para la estimación de las láminas de aplicación de
agua al suelo en el diseño de los sistemas de riego.
 Para contenidos de humedad del suelo elevados y tasas de infiltración bajas a
estables, los modelos de mejor ajuste fueron los de Philip, Green & Ampt, Smith
& Parlange y Holtan. Por lo tanto, se recomienda seguir investigando la
estructura de estos modelos para usarlos en la estimación del coeficiente de
permeabilidad, como una medida del valor límite inferior de la infiltración.
 Dado que los resultados obtenidos en esta investigación sólo se restringen al
área de estudio, se recomienda validar su aplicación antes de usarlos en otras

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