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Irish Moss Gloves

Andrea Krüß-Anders, January 2009

Latest revision: February 5, 2009

Revision history:
2009-02-05 First release of pattern

Legal Notes, Terms of Usage

This pattern is intended for private use only. You may copy and distribute it freely
under that constraint. I consider this pattern to be my intellectual property. Selling
or trading it or other commercial usage is prohibited. Every other usage or
publication, entirely or partially, in print or electronically, needs my explicit written
consent. My name as designer must not be removed.

Yarn: 6-ply sock yarn, approx. 80g. Here Schachenmayr nomotta Regia 6-
fädig Tweed Classic, color # 72 (moss green) is used (125 meters per 50 g).
Needles: Set of dpns or 2 circular needles 3 mm (US size 2 1/2).
Set of dpns 2.5 mm (US size 1 1/2) for the finger tips.
Choose the needle size so that 48 sts on the thicker needles in stockinette
stitch yield the desired hand circumference.
Gauge: 25 sts x 38 rows in stockinette stitch = 10 cm x 10 cm (4 inches x 4 inches).
Finished size: 19 cm (7.5 inches) hand circumference
Used stitch patterns:
stockinette stitch
double moss stitch (US: "moss stitch"), sometimes also called "Irish Moss":
rnd 1 and 2: *k1, p1*
rnd 3 and 4.: *p1, k1*
ribbing: *p1, k1 through the back loop*
Difficulty level: medium
Notions: Stitch markers; some pieces of smooth waste yarn to hold the unworked
stitches; tapestry needle

Pattern notes
With gloves a good fit is important. So please be sure to measure the recipient's
hand (the right hand for right-handers, the left hand for left-handers) carefully
before you start knitting. You will need the following measurements (see diagram):
Hand circumference ( = widest circumference above the thumb)
Distance wrist to base line of thumb
Distance wrist to base line of little finger
Distance wrist to base line of middle finger
Length of all fingers and the thumb measured from their base
It is recommend to try on (or let try on) the glove frequently during knitting to control
how it fits.
The gloves are knit from the wrist towards the fingers. To separate the finger from
each other so-called fourchette stitches are inserted between the palm and the
back of the hand, also also across the thumb hole. Cast on the given number of
stitches using the backward loop cast-on method and knit the fourchette sts from
the following round on.
The finger tips are all worked alike for the fingers and the thumb:
Approx. 0.5 cm (0.2 inch) before the end of the finger distribute the stitches as
evenly as possible on three of the thinner dpns. Then knit together (k2tog) the last
two stitches of each needle, decreasing 3 sts in each round. If the stitch count
cannot be divided by three evenly, decrease only 1 or 2 sts in the first decrease
round. When there are only 6 sts left, cut the yarn, thread the tail through the
stitches and pull them together.

Cuff: Cast on 48 sts and join to the round being careful not to twist. It is
recommended to use the tubular cast-on (Italian cast-on, round cast-on),
because it can easily be continued to the ribbing. Work 8.5 cm (3.5 inches) of
k1tbl-p1 ribbing.
Main part: Set up the stitches: 24 sts for the palm and 24 sts for the back of the
hand. Work the palm sts in stockinette stitch and the back-of-the-hand sts in
double moss stitch. (see "Used stitch patterns" above)
Place two stitch markers to mark the positions for the increases for the thumb
gusset: With the right glove place the markers after the 2nd and the 5th sts of
the palm, with the left gloves place the markers after the 19th and 22nd sts of
the palm.
Increase sts for the thumb gusset in rounds 2, 5, 8, 11, 14 and 17 from the
wrist. Knit up to the first marker, slip marker, make 1 st by lifting the horizontal
thread between the stitches and knitting it through the back loop, knit up to the
second marker, make 1 st as described, slip marker, knit to the end of the row.
There will be 12 sts increased totally, yielding 15 sts between the two markers.

When the base line of the thumb is reached, place the 15 gusset sts onto a
piece of waste yarn to be worked on later. They will be used for the thumb. To
bridge the gap cast-on 7 new sts using the backward-loop cast-on (fourchette
stitches) and close the round again. Leave the stitch markers immediately
before and after the fourchette stitches.In the 3rd and 5th round above the
thumb hole knit together (k2tog) the first two fourchette sts and slip-slip-knit
(ssk) the last two fourchette sts. Then there will be again 24 sts for the palm..

Continue in pattern as established until the base line of the little finger is
reached. Place the outermost 6 sts of the palm (those next to the edge of the
hand) and the outermost 6 sts of the back of the hand on a piece of waste
yarn. These 12 sts will be used for the little finger later.
The following diagram shows how the stitches are set up for the fingers:

Close the round with 3 new fourchette stitches at the side of the little finger (39
sts remaining). Continue in pattern.
When the base line of the middle finger is reached place all 39 sts on a piece
of waste yarn to be worked later. The hand tube has now three openings at
the top: a small one for the thumb (15 sts), an even smaller one for the little
finger (12 sts) and a large one for the three other fingers (39 sts).
Little Finger: First the little finger is worked. Placed the 12 sts back on the needles.
Reattach yarn and during the first round pick up 3 sts from the cast-on edge of
the fourchette sts at the ringfinger side. Yielding 15 sts for the little finger. Knit
in the round in stockinette stitch until a short distance before the finger tip.
Work the finger tip as described in the "Pattern notes" section.
Ring Finger: Place the sts for the ring finger back on the needles: 5 sts from the
palm side next to the little finger, the 3 fourchette sts towards the little finger, 5
sts from the back of the hand next to the little finger. Reattach yarn and in the
first round bridge the gap towards the middle finger with 3 new fourchette sts
and close the round. Yielding 5 + 3 + 5 + 3 = 16 sts for the ring finger. Knit in
the round in stockinette stitch until a short distance before the finger tip. Work
the finger tip as described in the "Pattern notes" section.
Middle Finger: Place 6 sts from either palm and back of the hand back on the
needles. Reattach yarn and in the first round pick up 3 sts from the
fourchette sts of the ring finger side. Close the round at the index finger side
with 3 new fourchette sts. Yielding 6 + 3 + 6 + 3 = 18 sts for the middle finger.
Knit in the round in stockinette stitch until a short distance before the finger tip.
Work the finger tip as described in the "Pattern notes" section.
Index Finger: Place the remaining 14 sts from the large opening back on the
needles, 7 sts at the palm and 7 sts at the back of the hand. Reattach yarn and
in the first round pick up 3 sts from the fourchette sts at the middle finger side.
Yielding 17 sts for the index finger. Knit in the round in stockinette stitch until a
short distance before the finger tip. Work the finger tip as described in the
"Pattern notes" section.
Thumb: And finally it's the thumb's turn. Place the 15 sts of the thumb gusset back
on the needles. Reattach yarn and in the first round pick up 7 sts from the
fourchette sts at the palm side to close the round. Yielding 22 sts for the
thumb. Knit in the round in stockinette stitch. In the 3rd and the 5th round of the
thumb knit together (k2tog) the first two fourchette sts and slip-slip-knit (ssk)
the last two fourchette sts. 18 sts remaining. Continue in stockinette stitch
until a short distance before the finger tip. Work the finger tip as described in
the "Pattern notes" section.
Finishing: Pull all ends to the wrong side and weave them in thoroughly so that no
loose end will tickle and annoy the recipient. The starting ends at the finger
bases can be use to darn possible small holes there.
If desired block the gloves under a damp towel and let dry.

Enjoy knitting!
Andrea Krüß-Anders (Drea)

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