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6 Baking Soda Amazing Tricks Women Should Try

The use of cosmetic products is part of a woman's daily routine. They simply
can not leave home without a beauty regimen placed. Compared to men who
are comfortable with simple repairs, women need it with enough time and
effort. Most especially in this generation where women are more self-conscious.
It can not be denied that products from different agencies are already in line
with the high demand. And women are rushing to buy them. Therefore, in order
to avoid spending large amounts of money on these products, there are natural
improvements available only to your holders. One of these is baking soda that
will greatly help your beauty. There are so many tricks that you should know
and should give it a try.

Discover, explore and enjoy new things at Beauwomenty. All are natural in
nature so there is nothing to worry about in health.

Neutralize Halitosis or Bad Breath

Bad breath or also known as Halitosis, is an embarrassing problem for many
people. Common internal causes are infections of the tonsils and stomach
problems, or external causes such as smelly foods like onions, garlic, coffee
and even alcohol, where you forgot to brush your teeth and possibly, habitual
smoking. So how do you combat bad breath? Simply brushing your teeth is not
long-lasting. Worry not, research has shown that baking soda, also known as
sodium bicarbonate, can effectively kill bacteria and neutralizes the acid levels
in the mouth. Baking soda and water make an effective bad breath remedy.
 Simply dissolve the powder into water, preferably warm. Then, gargle
with the liquid for 30 seconds to one minute for best results.

Sunburn Relief Remedy

It's natural to want to get out in the sun during warm beautiful summer days
and enjoying getting tan but too much exposure to the sun’s heat can cause
sunburn. Also, excessive sun exposure includes major skin issues such as skin
inflammation and skin cancer which are few of those. To safeguard the skin
from any forms of skin diseases, many protective measures endorsed by
marketers such as advertising skin care products are widely used by most
women nowadays. Little they know that these products contain countless
chemicals and synthetic ingredients that are harmful in our skin or intensify
sunburns. In order to prevent your skin from getting worst, did you know that
baking soda can be your best friend? Yes, baking soda is one of the most
effective healing treatments for sunburns. It helps soothe skin inflammation,
reduces itching.

• Make a paste out of it then apply it on the affected area of your skin. Leave
it on for a few minutes then the applications should be washed off with tepid

Remove Dry & Rough Skin

Dry and rough skin can be the worst enemy of women who want to have
smooth and flawless skin. The skin on the bottom of your foot may appear
dry, loose or cracked and most women have these because of the footwear. It
most often caused by activities such as walking or running in tight shoes or
wearing high heels. Having dry and dry feet can be irritating, annoying and
painful. Fortunately, most cases of dry and rough skin are treatable at home.
One of the best remedy to get rid of these common problems is doing a foot
soak using baking soda and water

• Mix some baking soda with water to create a paste. Then, soak your feet in
warm water for about 20 minutes. Afterward, rub the paste against your skin.

Quickly Fade Stretch Marks

A natural exfoliant such as baking soda can effectively removes dead skin
cells. Exfoliating is one method to lessen the appearance of stretch marks
which is caused by weight gain, loss, puberty, physical changes and usually
appears after giving birth. It’s not serious but most women appear to be self-
conscious having this. Rather than choosing lightening products such as
creams and having laser therapy, give yourself a try of natural remedies
available at your home cabinet. A natural home remedy for stretch marks like
baking soda will be your best key to get rid of your stretch marks.

 Rub a small amount of water and baking soda on the stretch marks.
Scrub for a few minutes and rinse it off with water. Repeat the same
process for 2 – 3 times a week to get rid of these stretch marks on the

Scalp and Hair Cleansing

Instead of using a shampoo that contains damaging and toxic chemicals that
can dry out natural hair, try to use an environment-friendly and cost-effective
remedy for scalp and hair cleansing by using baking soda as an alternative.
Baking soda’s alkali pH removes dirt from the scalp, leaving your hair clean,
smooth and revives its natural beauty.
• Mix equal parts of water and baking soda and dilute it properly. Place it in
a squeeze bottle. Pour a small amount on your hair and scalp and leave it on
for a few minutes. Rinse out the solution thoroughly.

The Best Exfoliant

Want to have smooth skin without cost? A natural remedy to have your
preferred skin looks perfect and smooth is through the use of baking soda. It is
a gentle substance that helps remove dead skin cells. It can be used as a scrub
for the body to help reveal a fresh layer.

• Mix some baking soda with water then once the paste is a nice consistency,
apply to damp face. Gently massage on your skin. Do this for the entire body to
smoothen out your skin.

Baking soda can actually be your best buddy when it comes to the natural
remedy of any skin and body issues. It helps maintain your captivating beauty
and glowing personality. Baking soda is a total beauty regimen found at home
that you can make use of.

Hope you’ll try these methods but don’t forget to share your experience with

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