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2. What is your fitness goal?

CHOCO COMPANY o Lose weight

o OTHERS (Please specify:
Demographic Profile
Age 3. Do you like eating sweets?
o 15 and below o Yes
o 15 – 30 o No
o 30 and above
4. Have you tried eating protein bar?
Gender o Yes
o Male o No
o Female
5. Which brand of protein bar do you usually buy?
Civil Status o Fitnesse
o Single o Fitbar
o Married o OTHERS (Please specify: _______)
o Separated 6. Where do you usually buy protein bars?
o Widowed o Supermarket
o Convenience Store
Monthly Allowance/Income o Fitness/Gym/Wellness Center
o Below 5,000 o Online Store
o 5,000-10,000
o 10,000-15,000 7. If we will be offering protein bars are you willing
o Above 15,000 to buy it?
o Yes
Highest Educational Attainment o No
o Elementary
o High school 8. What flavor of protein bar do you prefer?
o College o Icy Cinnamon
o Post-Graduate o Nutty Butter
o Double Chocolate
o Student 9. How much are you willing to pay for it?
o Employed o 10-25 pesos
o Unemployed o 25-40 pesos
o Self-employed o 40 and above


1. Do you consider yourself as a health conscious?

o Yes
o No

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