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Gene expression profile altered by

orthodontic tooth movement during
healing of surgical alveolar defect
Eun-Kyung Choi,a Jae-Hyung Lee,b Seung-Hak Baek,c and Su-Jung Kimd
Seoul, Korea

Introduction: We explored the gene expression profile altered by orthodontic tooth movement (OTM) during the
healing of surgical alveolar defects in beagles. Methods: An OTM-related healing model was established where
a maxillary second premolar was protracted into the critical-sized defect for 6 weeks (group DT6). As controls,
natural healing models without OTM were set at 2 weeks (group D2) and at 6 weeks (group D6) after surgery.
Total RNAs were extracted from dissected tissue blocks containing the regenerated defects and additionally
from sound alveolar bone as a baseline (group C). mRNA profiling was performed using microarray analysis.
Results: Functional annotations of gene clusters based on differentially expressed genes among groups
indicated that the gene expression profile of group DT6 had a stronger similarity to that of group D2 than to
group D6. The genes participating in high woven-bone fraction in group DT6 could be identified as TNFSF11,
MMP13, SPP1, and DMP1, which were verified by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reactions.
Conclusions: We investigated at the gene level that OTM can affect the healing state of surgical defects serving
as favorable matrices for OTM with defect regeneration. It would be a basis on selecting putative genes to be
therapeutically applied for tissue-friendly accelerated orthodontics in the future. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial
Orthop 2017;151:1107-15)

rthodontic tooth movement (OTM) is occasion- the biologic responses of periodontal tissues to ortho-
ally attempted toward the periodontal defect dontic forces have been systematically investigated for
area induced by periodontitis, trauma, congen- when a tooth moves surrounded by healthy periodon-
ital deformity, or alveolar surgery, but OTM might pro- tium, there is still a lack of understanding of the differ-
duce side effects such as uncontrolled or impaired ential biologic mechanisms taking place in the
tooth movement, root resorption, and poor defect periodontal defect encompassing a moving tooth.3,4
healing.1,2 OTM into an alveolar defect becomes a When a surgical intervention such as corticotomy,
challenging issue, since there is no well-established osteotomy, or bone grafting is planned to improve the
protocol allowing efficient tooth movement concomi- quality and the quantity of bone matrix for a subsequent
tant with favorable defect regeneration. Although tooth movement,5 both mechanisms of surgically
induced wound healing and orthodontically induced
alveolar remodeling might work cooperatively. It is
Graduate School, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea.
Department of Life and Nanopharmaceutical Sciences and Department of well known that a surgical alveolar defect undergoes a
Maxillofacial Biomedical Engineering, School of Dentistry, Kyung Hee University, healing process involving the progressive states of coag-
Seoul, Korea. ulum, granulation tissue, osteoid deposit, immature
Department of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, Dental Research Institute,
Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. woven bone, and mature lamellar bone.6,7 The
Department of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, changing structural composition of the regenerated
Korea. tissue over time might affect the rate of tooth
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of
Potential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported. movement. The regenerated tissue containing a high
Supported by National Research Foundation grant funded by the Korea govern- fraction of woven bone relative to lamellar bone
ment (number 2014R1A1A3052072). and marrow would be the best matrix for tooth
Address correspondence to: Su-Jung Kim, Department of Orthodontics, Oral
Biology Research Institute, Kyung Hee University School of Dentistry, 1 Hoegi- movement because woven bone provides low tissue
Dong, Dongdaemoon-Ku, Seoul 130-701, Korea; e-mail, resistance by inducing transient osteopenia, and
Submitted, May 2016; revised and accepted, October 2016. because highly recruited and activated bone cells
Ó 2017 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved. synergistically enhance alveolar remodeling activity on the bone surrounding moving teeth.8,9 Conversely,
1108 Choi et al

OTM-induced alveolar remodeling has been used to pro- intramuscular injection of zoletil 50 (0.25 mg/kg; Virbac
mote periodontal regeneration.10 OTM is known to Laboratories, Carros, France), a 4-wall, cuboidal-shaped,
involve cytokine-mediated bone adaptive responses critical-sized defect of 5 (mesiodistal) 3 5
similar to the wound healing process, generating an os- (buccolingual) 3 7 (vertical) mm that included the
teopenic state of woven bone and subsequent stimula- extraction socket of the maxillary first premolar was
tion of bone apposition and mineralization.11 It was created by surgical bur. The distal wall of the defect
postulated that these complementary potentials of was prepared 1.5 mm away from the mesial root of the
OTM and defect healing are worthy of being therapeuti- maxillary second premolar to prevent immediate fracture
cally applied, based on the identification of woven-bone of the interdental bony wall during OTM (Fig 1, A and
capacity as a common denominator at the molecular B). As postoperative care, anti-inflammatory analgesics
level. (Ketopro; Uni Biotech, Chungnam, Korea) and antibi-
Recent studies have demonstrated the differential otics (Gentamycin; Komipharm International, Siheung,
gene expression in woven bone compared with lamellar Korea) were injected for 3 days, and 0.12% chlorhexidine
bone in the mechanically loaded ulna,12 comparative gluconate dressing was used for 14 days. In group DT6,
gene expression between the healing of an alveolar orthodontic brackets were bonded on the buccal sur-
defect and osseointegration,13 and enhanced expression faces of the maxillary second premolar and canine, and
of an arbitrarily selected gene in the periodontium dur- sectional stainless steel wire of 0.019 3 0.025 in was
ing OTM.14-16 However, little is known about gene passively inserted between the 2 teeth. An immediate
expression profiles of multiple genes during the force of 100 g was applied for mesial traction of the sec-
healing of an alveolar defect with or without OTM ond premolar toward the defect and readjusted for
over time. Since clinical bone quality varies depending 6 weeks (Fig 1, D). Time-course changes of defect heal-
on the place and the conditions that determine cellular ing status were observed by serial radiographic images
density and activity, bone density and architecture, taken at 0, 2, 4, and 6 weeks after surgery (Rextar X; Pos-
and the proportions of organic and inorganic matrix, a kom, Goyang, Korea). After the animals were killed by
specialized animal model would be required for such direct injection of zoletil 50 (50 mg/kg) into the heart
studies.17 Furthermore, in pursuit of exploring specific at each observation time, tissue blocks were harvested
biologic modulators of woven bone to aid long-lasting including the regenerative tissue in the defect between
rapid tooth movement through the regenerated tissue, the roots.
more comprehensive screening of molecular events Total RNA was extracted either from the regenerated
needs to be conducted. tissue in the defect and adjacent alveolar bone sur-
The aim of this study was to elucidate the gene rounding the root of the maxillary second premolar
expression profile altered by OTM during the healing (groups D2, D6, and DT6) or from the sound alveolar
process of surgical alveolar defects in beagles. Based bone tissue around the maxillary premolar roots (group
on this, we explored putative genes that might have C). The purity and integrity of the extracted RNA was
participated in differential gene expression between evaluated by spectrophotometry at an optical density
OTM-related healing and natural healing groups using ratio of 260/280 with an Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer (Agi-
bioinformatics of gene clustering in beagles. lent Technologies, Palo Alto, Calif). The Affymetrix
Whole Transcript Expression Array was used to measure
MATERIAL AND METHODS multiplexed mRNA expression according to the manu-
Four male beagles, 18 to 24 months of age, were facturer's protocol (GeneChip Whole Transcript plus
housed according to the guidelines of the institutional reagent kit; Affymetrix, Santa Clara, Calif). Signal inten-
animal care and use committee of Kyung Hee University sity values were computed using the Affymetrix Gene-
Medical Center (KHMC IACU 14-044). They were allo- Chip Command Console software. The raw data were
cated into 4 groups according to the healing condition normalized with the robust multiaverage method, and
of the surgical defect: group DT6, 6 weeks of healing the median value of probe intensities in the same
with OTM; group D6, 6 weeks of natural healing without gene was used to represent the expression level of the
OTM; group D2, 2 weeks of natural healing without gene.
OTM; and group C, no intervention as a baseline control For bioinformatic cluster analysis, principal compo-
(Fig 1). The observation time points were based on our nents analysis has been performed using “prcomp”
previous study,18 to determine intergroup similarity of function in R statistical language (version 3.1.2; www.
the healing state of group DT6 along with the woven- The hierarchical clustering heat map
bone state at 2 weeks or with the lamellar bone state was obtained using complete linkage and Euclidean dis-
at 6 weeks of healing. Under general anesthesia by tance as a measure of similarity. Differentially expressed

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Fig 1. Photographs of experimental procedures (A-D) and diagrams of animal groups (E-H). A and B,
surgically prepared critical-sized defect on beagle maxilla; C, natural healing model without OTM; D,
OTM-related healing model where second premolar was protracted into the defect. Animals were allo-
cated into 4 groups according to the healing condition: E, group D2, 2 weeks of natural healing; F, group
D6, 6 weeks of natural healing; G, group DT6, 6 weeks of healing with OTM; H, group C, baseline con-
trol with no intervention.

genes (DEGs) were defined as those with changes of at category of biologic function regarding “extracellular
least 1.5 fold between a pair of samples, at a false dis- binding,” “bone morphogenesis,” “osteoclastogenesis,”
covery rate of 5%. Identified DEGs were clustered by and “bone mineralization” as a result of functional
the Mfuzz package in R19 using average normalized annotation analysis. cDNA was produced using the Su-
signal intensity values of individual genes as input perscript II real-time polymerase chain reaction system
values. The number of clusters was chosen as 8, and (Invitrogen, Karlsruhe, Germany) according to the man-
the fuzzifier coefficient M was set to 1.5. Gene ontology ufacturer's recommendations for oligo (dT) primed
terms for the genes were obtained from Ensembl Bio- cDNA-synthesis. Polymerase chain reaction was per-
mart (, and formed using a Quant Studio Sequence Detection Sys-
gene ontology term enrichment analysis was per- tem (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, Calif) in 384-well
formed.4 microtiter plates with a final volume of 10 mL. Optimum
For the verification of DEGs among groups, a reaction conditions were obtained with 5 mL of Universal
quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction was Master Mix (Applied Biosystems) containing dNUTPs,
performed for the putative genes which might magnesium chloride, reaction buffer, Ampli Taq Gold,
contribute to the different bone healing states among 90 nM of primers and 250 nM fluorescence-labeled
the groups. The tested genes were selected from the TaqMan probe (4352930E; Applied Biosystems). Finally,

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics June 2017  Vol 151  Issue 6
1110 Choi et al

Fig 2. A, Hierarchical clustering heat map where the grouping of samples was explored; B,
3-dimensional principal component analysis to show distributional proximity among samples.
Group DT6 was included in the similar clustering to group D2, whereas group D6 showed similarity
to group C.

2 mL of template cDNA was added to the reaction than 7.0, rRNA ratio greater than 1.0, and purity greater
mixture. Amplifications were performed starting with a than 1.0. The hierarchical clustering map showed the re-
10-minute template denaturation step at 95 C, followed lationships among the groups based on the gene
by 40 cycles at 95 C for 15 seconds and 60 C for 1 min- expression profiles (Fig 2, A). Group D6 was close to
ute. All samples were amplified in triplicate, and data group C. On the contrary, group DT6 was similar to
were analyzed with Sequence Detector software (Applied group D2. This finding was also supported by principal
Biosystems). components analysis to exhibit distributional proximity
among samples in 3 dimensions (Fig 2, B).
RESULTS Volcano plots clearly display the differentially ex-
Standard radiographic images confirmed the healing pressed genes between any 2 groups (Fig 3). There are
state of the defect in each group. More homogeneous many overexpressed genes in group D2 compared with
bone density was seen in the regenerated tissue covered groups C (Fig 3, A) and D6 (Fig 3, D). On the other
with a more intact and clear bony bridge up to the hand, not many DEGs were identified in the comparison
marginal level in group DT6 (Fig 1, G) than in group between groups DT6 and D2 (Fig 3, E). Interestingly,
D6 (Fig 1, F). Simultaneously, controlled tooth migra- there were more overexpressed genes in group DT6
tion was obtained, with a mean rate of 0.52 mm per compared with groups C (Fig 3, C) and D6 (Fig 3, F).
week. In group D2, the defect showed irregular In total, 804 DEGs were clustered based on their gene
radiolucency without an intact bony bridge, indicating expressions using the fuzzy c-means algorithm imple-
active bone remodeling in the woven-bone state (Fig mented in Mfuzz package, and 8 different gene expres-
1, E), in contrast to the image of the control group sion patterns (clusters) were obtained (Fig 4). In clusters
C (Fig 1, H). 1 and 2, the gene expressions for the 3 tested groups
The microarray data are accessible through Gene (D2, D6, and DT6) showed no significant difference,
Expression Omnibus Series accession number but the gene expression in the control group was lower
GSE85459. As a result of the RNA quality check, all sam- (cluster 1) or higher (cluster 2) than the one in the
ples passed the criteria suggested by Macrogen Next other 3 groups. On the other hand, in cluster 3,
Generation Sequencing (Seoul, Korea) as RIN greater where gene ontology terms such as “kinesin complex

June 2017  Vol 151  Issue 6 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
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Fig 3. Volcano plots displaying the DEGs using red and blue dots in 6 pairs of groups. The x-axis rep-
resents the magnitude of fold changes ( log2) between 2 groups, and the y-axis is adjusted P value
( log2) with the Benjamini-Hochberg correction. A-C, Group C was compared with groups D2, D6,
and DT6, respectively, to serve as a relative baseline level. D-F, the comparisons between the test
groups. Group DT6 showed a low level of DEGs compared with group D2 (E), whereas group DT6
showed more DEGs compared with group D6 (F).

activation,” “hematopoietic progenitor cell differentia- D6 rather than to group D2, and the member genes of
tio” “proteinaceous extracellular matrix,” “positive regu- this cluster are involved with “biologic functions of
lation of cytokinesis,” and “inflammatory response” collagen remodeling,” “extracellular matrix binding,”
were statistically enriched in the cluster member genes, and “bone morphogenesis and mineralization.” Finally,
the gene expression level in group D2 was higher than cluster 8 included the downregulated genes in groups
the one in the other groups. D2 and D6, relative to the control group C, with no
Cluster 4 included the genes highly expressed in significance.
both groups D2 and DT6 in contrast to groups D6 Among various genes showing significant differences
and C; this was consistent with previous results of in gene ontology terms between groups DT6 and D6,
intergroup similarity (Fig 2). Gene ontology terms of 4 putative genes that might contribute to different states
the top 5 upregulated subgroups in cluster 4 belonged of regenerated bone tissues were tested by quantitative
to “cell signaling,” “cell differentiation,” and “osteo- real-time polymerase chain reaction for further
clastogenesis.” In contrast, cluster 5 contained the verification: (1) matrix metalloproteinase 13, MMP13
gene downregulated in both groups D2 and DT6 rela- (gene ontology term: metalloendopeptidase activity,
tive to group D6; the member genes of this cluster collagen catabolic activity, collagen binding, bone
were associated with “RNA binding,” “desmosome,” morphogenesis, bone mineralization); (2) tumor necrosis
“extracellular matrix binding,” and “ossification and factor ligand superfamily member 11, TNFSF11
bone mineralization.” Clusters 6 and 7 manifested (gene ontology term: osteoclast differentiation,
highly expressed genes in group DT6 similarly to group TNFSF11-mediated signaling pathway); (3) secreted

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics June 2017  Vol 151  Issue 6
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Fig 4. Functional annotation of gene clusters upregulated or downregulated by OTM in the beagle
model with surgical alveolar defects. DEGs between OTM-related healing and natural healing models
at 6 weeks were significantly identified by clusters 4 and 5, including TNFSF11, MMP13, SPP1, and
DMP1 as bone-regulating representative genes.

phosphoprotein 1, SPP1 (gene ontology term: extracel- upregulated in group DT6 relative to the levels in groups
lular matrix binding, ossification); and (4) dentin matrix D2 and D6 (Fig 5, C). DMP1 mRNA expression was
protein 1, DMP1 (gene ontology term: extracellular ma- exclusively increased only in the DT6-D6 group pairing
trix binding, nucleation of bone matrix). Significantly (Fig 5, D).
upregulated mRNA expression was defined by a fold
change above 1.5 fold and downregulated expression DISCUSSION
by a fold change below 0.67 (Fig 5). All tested genes This study suggests the presence of biologically crit-
showed significant increases of fold changes in the ical genetic pathways influenced by OTM during the
DT6-D6 group pairing comparison, consistent with the healing of surgical alveolar defects. As we noted for
result of the functional annotation analysis. Moreover, the natural healing models (groups D2 and D6) and
the MMP13 mRNA level was upregulated in group the OTM-related healing model (group DT6), 3 signifi-
DT6 in all tested pairs of DT6-C, DT6-D2, and DT6-D6 cant features of gene expression patterns were disclosed
(Fig 5, A). TNFSF11 mRNA expression was significantly (Fig 4). First, the genes differently expressed over time in
increased in the groups DT6 and D2, in comparison with the natural healing model were displayed by clusters 3
group D6 (Fig 5, B). SPP1 mRNA expression was through 6 (D2 vs D6). The genes that were increased in

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Fig 5. Relative mRNA expression verified by quantitative real-time RT-PCR. The mRNA levels of A,
TNFSF11; B, MMP13; C, SPP1; and D, DMP1 showed significantly upregulated fold changes in group
DT6 compared with groups D6 and D2.

the woven bone at 2 weeks and then decreased at As contributing factors for extending the period of
6 weeks (KIF, IL-18, SLC, ASPN, AK, BGN, TNFSF11, the woven-bone state by perpetuating matrix formation
FOS, and COL11A1) were well contrasted with those and delaying lamellar maturation when the defect was
upregulated later in the matured bone at 6 weeks affected by OTM, the roles of periodontal ligament cells
(DSP, MMP13, DMP1, SPP1, and PHEX). Second, and bone extracellular matrix proteins can be consid-
DEGs between OTM-related healing and the natural ered. It was reported that progenitor cells from peri-
healing model at the same observation time point of odontal ligaments activated by OTM were responsible
6 weeks were identified by clusters 4 and 5 (DT6 vs for enhanced bone formation in the adjacent alveolar
D6). Group DT6 represented upregulated genes (AK, defect, although the defect did not contain the root
TNFSF11, FOS, and COL11A1) and downregulated initially.20,21 Nonetheless, it is not feasible to
genes (PHEX and MMP13) relative to the level of group separately identify the specific cytokines or signaling
D6, showing similar fold changes to group D2. Third, in transducers that participate in the regulatory
contrast, the genes highly expressed in both groups DT6 mechanisms of immune response, acute inflammation,
and D6, representing a difference from group D2 and bone regeneration.22,23 Focusing on controlling
(DMP1, SPP1, and MMP13) were reflected by cluster the woven-bone fraction in the total bone matrix, there-
6 (DT6 vs D2). Overall, the results showed that the fore, we explored DEGs contributing particularly to bone
gene expression profile of group DT6 exhibited strong metabolic functions such as bone cell activation, bone
similarity to that of group D2 in terms of functions matrix stabilization, bone resorption, morphogenesis,
such as “immune response,” “acute inflammation,” “os- and mineralization. Because woven-bone formation
teoclastogenesis,” and “extracellular matrix remodel- in a critical-sized defect depends on de novo formation,
ing,” while retaining the active remodeling potential of mediated by a nucleation process, in addition to
group D6 regarding “bone morphogenesis” and “miner- appositional formation from the existing bone surfaces
alization.” by an osteoclast-osteoblast coupling process,24,25

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics June 2017  Vol 151  Issue 6
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osteoclastogenesis-related TNFSF11, collagenous mineralization.35 DMP1 expression was exclusively

extracellular matrix protein-related MMP13, and non- increased in group DT6, even when matched against
collagenous extracellular matrix protein-related SPP1 group D6, suggesting that the regenerated tissue with
and DMP1 genes were specifically sorted out in our OTM could maintain the woven-bone state while the
study for further verification and future clinical applica- initial nucleation process was still ongoing, potentially
tion (Fig 4). to cope with the activated catabolic functions of genes
TNFSF11, also known as osteoclast differentiation such as TNFSF11 and MMP13, and thus to engender
factor, osteoprotegerin ligand, and receptor activator the equilibrium of woven-bone metabolism.
of NF-kB ligand, encodes a member of the tumor necro- Our findings from beagle gene profiling contain
sis factor cytokine family and functions as a key factor fundamental limitations: (1) our partial description
for osteoclast differentiation and activation.26 TNFSF11 of whole mechanisms, deriving from the lack of
was upregulated in both groups DT6 and D2 to a similar accuracy and specificity in microarray analyses36;
degree, but relatively downregulated in group D6, indi- (2) possibly skewed interpretations on the specific
cating that TNFSF11 might play a critical role in delay- function of single genes, passing over their multifunc-
ing full mineralization and maturation of the tional property when orchestrated with other genes37;
regenerated tissue as enhanced by OTM, maintaining and (3) individual heterogeneity and the incomplete
the bone composition of group DT6 similar to that of gene ontology bank of beagles.38 Nevertheless, the
group D2. On the other hand, MMP13 was upregulated beagle model was preferred to resemble the clinical
in all experimental groups relative to the control, and the situation that we intended to address in terms of tis-
MMP13 mRNA level was highest in group DT6 (Fig 5, B). sue dimension and biologic cycle of healing and re-
This implies that MMP13 participates in both resorption modeling.39
and formation of bone matrix during defect healing, and
is overexpressed by OTM to modulate the bone remod- CONCLUSIONS
eling activity, in accordance with previous reports that
This study highlights in the gene level that OTM
MMP13 increased during connective tissue degrada-
could sustain a high fraction of woven bone in the
tion, matrix formation, and bone remodeling as a colla-
regenerative tissue of surgical alveolar defects that
genase subfamily member.27
serves as a favorable matrix for OTM and defect regen-
As a well-known factor for the nucleation process,
eration. This provides comprehensive understanding of
especially in de novo bone formation,28,29 the small
differentially expressed genes upregulated or downregu-
integrin-binding ligand N-linked glycoprotein family
lated by OTM during healing of a surgical alveolar defect
was interestingly detected. In particular, SPP1 and
and a basis for sorting out putative genes functioning as
DMP1 were noted by highly expressed fold changes in
biologic modulators of bone remodeling that could be
both groups DT6 and D6, relative to group D2; that is,
therapeutically applied aiming at tissue-friendly acceler-
SPP1 and DMP1 were more specifically upregulated
ated orthodontics in the future.
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American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics June 2017  Vol 151  Issue 6

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