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1. Which should be used to make a figure of the number of males and females of a

A. Bar chart
B. Frequency polygon
C. Frequency table
D. Histogram

Ans: A. Bar chart

-Since  gender is a dichotomous, non-continous variable it is a appropriate to use a bar
chart where the bars do not touch.

2. Why is it necessary that the axes start at 0 when drawing a graph?

A. To see outliers easily

B. To avoid many data points
C. Frequency table
D. To avoid exaggerated proportion

Ans: D. To avoid exaggerated proportion

- Exaggerated proportions occur when the Y-axis starts at a value other than 0. It makes
a small difference (say of 2 units) look larger because it is shown as a proportion of the
graph, not as a proportion of the graph not as a proportion of the entire setoff values
that comprise the scale.

3. There is unity in diversity in the study of biology. Which statement explains this?

A. All the living beings have structures unique to each

B. Living beings have structured unique to each
C. No living being can live alone
D. Living things need one another

Ans: A. All the living beings have structures unique to each

- The meaning of unity in diversity is the existence of oneness even after various
differences, As diverse as life is, it also displays remarkable unity there are genetic
similarities within the DNA o organism as different as bacteria and animals. Unity is also
evident in many features of cell structure.

4. Which type of graph is appropriate t be used if the data were divided into equal
intervals and the height of each bar showed the number of data values in that interval?

A. Bar graph
B. Histogram
C. Line graph

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D. Pictograph

Ans: B. Histogram
- When you a large set of data to organize, you may be able to sue a frequency table to
group the data into intervals The frequency os an interval is the number of values in the
interval. You can graph data organize into equal intervals in a histogram. The height of
each bar in a histogram indicates the frequency of an interval.

no5. Dr. F is using a t-test to compare the means of tow sections in his biology class.
There are 25 participants in each group. How many degrees of freedom are therein this

A. 23
B. 24
C. 48
D. 49

Ans: C. 48
- Degree of freedom (df) is the umber of values which are values which are involved in
the final calculation of a statistic that is expected to vary. It is used to know the accuracy
of the sample population used in research. In the item, Dr. F has 2 groups and to use
two-sample t-test as statistical treatment. The formula from for computing degree of
freedom is df=n₁+n₂-2 therefore, df 25+12=50-2 = 48.

6. A biologist study mouse behavior recorded in a table shown below the time it took 10
different mice to locate food  in maze. What statistical tool is appropriate to use to
describe the center of distribution?

A. Mean
B. Median
C. Mode
D. Not enough information given

Ans: B. Median
- Mean is not appropriate to be used since there is a presence of an outlier or an
extreme value. It may be more useful to use the median as the main descriptive statistic
for the sample of data. It is not affected by extreme values. Mode is the value that
appear most often in a sample of data. It is not usually used as a measure of central
tendency in biological research but it can be useful in describing some distributions.

7. Students just learned in their biology class that pill use gill-like structures to breathe
oxygen. The students hypothesized that the pill bugs gills require them to live in wet
environment for their survival. To test the hypothesis, they wanted to determine whether
pill bugs show a preference for living in a wet or dry environments. The students placed
15  pill bugs on the dry side of the two sided choices chamber, and 15 pill bugs on the

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wet side of the chamber. Fifteen minutes later, 26 pill bugs were on the wet side and 4
on the dry side. What statistical treatment must be employed to test their hypothesis?

B. Chi-square
C. t-test
D. z-test

Ans: The statistical hypothesis in that there is no difference in the numbers of pill bugs
on the dry and wet sides of the chamber; any difference between the two sides occurred
purely by chance. The statistical null hypothesis is that the observed counts will be
equal to that expected and the alternative hypothesis is that then observed numbers are
different from the expected. The chi-square test is used to determine how the observed
results compare to an expected or theoretical result .

8. Chlorophyll converts lights energy into ________________ .

A. Chemical energy
B. electrical energy
C. heat energy
D. kinetic energy

Ans: A. Chemical energy

- The process photosynthesis in plants involves a series of steps and reaction that use
solar energy, water and carbon dioxide to produce organic compounds and oxygen in
the energy-transduction reactions, solar energy is converted into chemical energy in the
form of two energy-transporting molecules ATP and NADPH.

9. Which of the following statements about energy transformation is CORRECT?

A. Energy may be created during transformation

B. The usable energy decreases as entropy increases
C. Potential energy increases in every transformation
D. the total amount of energy available reduces

Ans: B. The usable energy decreases as entropy increases

- Usable energy is inevitably used for productivity growth and repair in the process
usable energy is converted into unusable energy. Thus usable energy is irretrievably
lost in the form of unusable energy. Entropy is a measure of unusable energy within a
closed or isolated system ( the universe for example). As usable energy decrease and
unusable energy increase, entropy increases. Entropy is also a gauge of randomness or
chaos within a closed system. As usable energy is irretrievably lost. Disorganization,
randomness and chaos increase

10. The Earth receives tremendous heat coming from the sun which could be beneficial
at one point and harmful to a large extent. Which of the following methods of

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transferring heat is being illustrated?

A. Conduction
B. Convection
C. Radiation
D. Transduction

Ans: C. Radiation
- The sun’s energy moves through space, then through the Earth’s atmosphere and
finally reaches the earth’s surface. The energy of the sun is called radiation. Radiation is
the transfer of heat energy by electromagnetic waves.

11. What type of energy happens when the heat in the sand transfer to the person’s

A. Conduction
B. Convection
C. Radiation
D. Transduction

Ans: A. Conduction
- Conduction is the transfer of  heat between substances that are in direct contact with
each other. The heat in the sand is transferred to the person feet through direct contact

12. In which process of energy does cold air displace warm air?

A. Conduction
B. Convection
C. Radiation
D. Transduction

Ans: B. Convection
- Thermal energy is transferred from the places to cold places by convection.
Convection occurs when warmer areas of a liquid or gas rise to cooler areas in the
liquid or gas. Cooler liquid or gas then takes the place of the warmer areas which have
risen higher. This results in a continuous circulation paterrn.

13. Which method of heat transfer results from he collision of molecules within a

A. Conduction
B. Convection
C. Radiation
D. Transduction

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Ans: A. Conduction
- Conduction occurs when a substance is heated particles will gan more energy and
vibrate more. These molecules then bump into nearby particles and transfer some of
their energy to them. This then continuous and passes the energy from the hot end
down to the colder end of the substance.

14. Why is it that only a small amount of energy stored in food is available to the next
organism in a food chain?

A. Because most of the energy is used for life process

B. Because primary and secondary consumer for food
C. Because there are more producers than consumers in a food chain
D. Because there are fewer top consumers in a food chain

Ans: A. Because most of the energy is used for life process

- There is only a small amount of energy available because most of the energy is used
for life processes. Approximately 90% of the energy obtain is used for life functions such
as metabolism, respiration, tissue repair growth etc. this is related to the second law of
thermodynamics. This law states that whenever energy is transformed some of must be
degraded into a less useful form. In ecosystem, the biggest losses occur as respiration

15. Which statement best describes the flow energy as it passes through the organism
in the pyramid?

A. Energy flows through the organisms from bottom to top and it increase at each level.
B. Energy flows through the organisms from bottom to top and decreases at each level.
C. Energy flows through the organisms from top to bottom and increases at each level.
D. Energy flows through the organisms from top to bottom and decreases at each level.

Ans: B. Energy flows through the organisms from bottom to top and decreases at each
- An energy pyramid’s shapes shows how the amount of useful energy that enters each
level chemical energy in the form of food – decreases as it used by the organism is that
level. This is in conformity with the first law of thermodynamics. The first law relates to
quantities of energy. It states that energy can be transformed from one form to another
but losses within a food web can be accounted for in an energy budget. The energy that
enters a community is ultimately lost to the living world as heat

16. Geothermal energy, an energy resources in the country; based on which


A. Heat energy from the sun penetrates deep into  the earth

B. Human activity is the largest source of heat  energy on earth
C. Earth’s internal energy heats its surface more than the sun does
D. There are concentration of heat in some places of earth’s crust

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Ans: D. There are concentration of heat in some places of earth’s crust

- Geothermal energy is the heat from the Earth. It’s clean and sustainable. Resources of
geothermal energy range from  the shallow ground to hot water and hot rock found a
few miles beneath the Earth’s surface and down even deeper to the extremely high
temperatures of molten rock called magma. The areas within the highest underground
temperature are in regions with active or geologically young volcanoes. These “hot sopt”
occur at tectonic plate boundaries or at places where the crust is thin enough to let the
heat through. Seismeically active hotspots are the common places where geothermal
energy can be found.

17. The manager of textile factory considers it too expensive to treat liquid wastes so he
suggested digging a hole near the factory where the waste can be stored. Is this
environmental safe?

A. No, liquid cannot be reused

B. No, liquid wastes will seep to the groundwater
C. Yes, the liquid can be recycled
D. Yes, the liquid will pass through the layers

Ans: B. No, liquid wastes will seep to the groundwater

- Groundwater contamination occurs when man-made products such as gasoline, oil,
road salts and chemical get into the groundwater and cause it to become unsafe and
unfit for human use. Materials form the land’s surface can move through the soil and
end up in the groundwater.
18. What is the major pollutant from automobile exhaust?

A. Carbon dioxide
B. Carbon monoxide
C. Soot
D. Sulfur

Ans: B. Carbon monoxide

- The emission  of carbon monoxide from the motor vehicle has caused air pollution in
human environment. Carbon Monoxide (CO) _ a colorless, odorless, tasteless and toxic
air pollutant – is produced in the incomplete combustion of carbon-containing fuels such
as gasoline, natural gas, oil coal and wood.

19. In which civilization did the sexagesimal system originated?

A. Babylonian
B. Egyptian
C. Greek
D. Sumerian

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Ans: D. Sumerian
- The sexagesial system was an ancient system of counting, calculation and numerical
notation that used power of 60 much as the decimal system uses powers of 10.
Rudiments of the ancient system survive in vestigial form in our division of the hour into
60 minutes and the minutes into 60 seconds. It originated with the ancient Sumerians in
the 3rd millennium BC was passed down to the ancient Babylonians and still used in a
modified form for measuring time, angles and geographic coordinates.

20. Although recorded as the longest period in the history of civilization, the dawn of the
first civilization is the least that we know about why?

A. Ancient people are too secretive

B. No one knows how to write then
C. Artifacts and fossils were burned
D. Time and circumstances left no historical evidence

Ans:  D. Time and circumstances left no historical evidence

- Time and circumstances left practically no historical evidence of how people lived
during the dawn of the first civilization. The chronology of events is basically a matter of
deduction anchored heavily on archeological finds.

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