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(P. Prasanna sai teja
Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics-Vizualization

Department of Computer science
Saveetha school of engineering

Cloud computing is developing quickly, with applications in practically any territory, including

education. E-learning frameworks typically require numerous equipment and programming

assets. There are numerous Educational foundations that can't bear the cost of such ventures, and

cloud computing is the best arrangement. To accomplish worldwide competitiveness,

governments in creating nations are advancing and executing present day innovation

arrangements, to empower their nations take an interest in the present Technology Revolution.

Cloud computing is as yet a development innovation that gives a certain possibility to

organizations of higher figuring out how to re-appropriate their ICT. Despite the fact that its

reputation is as yet growing and spreading rapidly, there are worries that must be considered.

The point of this paper is to audit the capability of distributed computing in changing and

computerizing the tasks of E-learning in advanced education . Cloud computing offers numerous

open doors like information solidification, accessibility, classification, information uprightness

and calamity recuperation. The paper likewise relate critical issues identified with the Strengths,

Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) of Cloud computing appropriation in

organizations of higher learning in other to evaluate the degree of execution of such innovation.

It shows the positive effect of utilizing cloud computing structures upon e-learning arrangements

advancement. It centers around the advantages of distributed computing for e-learning

arrangements and the e-learning venture the executives challenges when this engineering is



Cloud Computing, Data Integrity, SWOT Analysis, Technology, Mobile learning, Project management.

Cloud computing term was gotten from the manner in which the

Web is frequently spoken to in arrange graphs. Because of the reality it includes the presence of

server farms that can give benefits, the cloud can be viewed as a one of a kind passage for all the

solicitations originating from the overall spread customers. During the most recent years, the

nature of the Web was continually transforming from a spot used to peruse website pages to a

domain that permits end-clients to run programming applications.interactivity and collaboration

have become the keywords of the new web content. There is no uncertainty the future has a place

with the Internet 3.0 (also called the intelligent Web) . This new condition supports the

production of another age of applications that can run on a wide scope of equipment gadgets,

similar to cell phones or PDAs, while putting away their information inside the cloud. The

requirement for training is expanding continually and the advancement and the improvement of

the e-learning arrangements is vital. Likewise, the e-learning frameworks need to keep the pace

with the innovation, so the new heading is to utilize distributed computing.

Cloud computing administrations suppliers that offer help for

instructive frameworks. Among them are Amazon, Google, Yippee, Microsoft and so on. In are

displayed the primary favorable circumstances of utilizing distributed computing in schools. The

accompanying areas center around distributed computing ideas and the advantages of distributed

computing for e-learning arrangements. Additionally, the effect on e-learning arrangements

dependent on Cloud computing venture the board is investigated. This is significant for the

advancement of e-learning arrangements dependent on CLoud computing. leading classes,

circulating learning materials, appraisals and procedures through the Web. E-learning 'whenever

and wherever' nature could be a piece of a triumphant procedure for specific needs, for example,

decongestion of stuffed instruction offices, support for understudies or instructors who live far

away from schools and Colleges and grown-up training. Making remote instructive information

and devices accessible to students requires considering their various attributes, for example,

social foundation, specialized understanding, innovative gear, physical and intellectual


Cloud computing comprises of three layers:

 Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)

 Platform as a service (PaaS)

 Software as a service (SaaS)

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