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(Solo - Nut)
Knock, knock, knock
Nutty Delivery at your service!
Knock, knock, knock
Nutty Delivery is here for you!!

Who is that??
He looks young,
In his mid-teens
And he’s working for Nutty Delivery?
Now we’re curious!

Ladies and gentlemen,

Fret not, today, we’re here to share with you
An amazing story,
a story of a boy,
A strong-willed boy
Who beat all odds
To become the owner of Nutty Delivery.
So, just sit back and enjoy the tale.

It all began in a small community,

There lived Nathan or Nut as his friends called him
Nut was known as a pleasant boy
Ever so helpful
And generous in his conduct.
Many of his neighbours were pensioners and senior citizens
Being the ever helpful boy, Nut helped his neighbours in any way he could
Sometimes he accompanied them overnight
Sometimes he swept their lawns
Sometimes he changed their bulbs
But most of the time
He did errands for them buying them their groceries.

Nut, can you get me some salt?
Nut, buy me a loaf of bread please
Nut dear, could you get me a kilo of sugar?
Nut, you little lamb, get me some ice cubes will ya?
And the list was endless..

Nut didn’t mind helping his neighbours really..

He didn’t ask for any reward either
But naturally his neighbours would give him a Ringgit or two for his effort
Then it struck him!
The idea just hit him
And exploded into brilliant stars in his mind!

(Solo - Nut)
Here ye, here ye
Ladies and gentlemen
Aunties and uncles
I have an announcement to make.
Starting tomorrow I shall give you a list of groceries
If you need any of them, just check the boxes in the list.
That’s your order
And Nutty Delivery will send all your things at your doorstep!

Wasn’t it brilliant?
Nut received his first order that very day
He received more orders the next
And days after that.

After a couple of months Nut felt his hands were too full
His delivery service was doing very well
But he needed help as the orders were
Just too overwhelming.

So Nut called a few of his best buddies

They were just too eager to become his delivery partners
Oh, and Nut had moved a step forward
Nutty Delivery was now on
WhatsApp, Facebook and his Instagram too
No way
Yes, way!
Nutty Delivery at your fingertips!
You click and as they say, the rest is history.

Nothing is impossible if you put your heart and soul in it

Nut is just one of many success stories out there.
Nut could be your neighbour
Or someone you know
Nut could be your good friend
And above all,
Nut could be
Me or you.

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