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Hi các em,
Đây là 100 paraphrase đáp án đúng trong part 3 &4 đã được tổng hợp lại để các
em học nhé <3
Theo dõi page : để học nhé ^^

1.Start the training later = postponing a training session

2.Email you the training documents= send some materials
3.A handout with instructions= A set of instructions
4.The industry conference= A professional conference
5.A representative from the Burrville City council = A city official
6.Opening a facility = opening of a factory
7.First cars will be = examined some samples
8. built in that factory = Production will begin at a facility
9.Check my calender= check his work schedule
10.Helping a friend = Assist a friend
11.Accepting submissions for our summer art contest = Enter a contest
12.Your dishwasher not working properly = A broken appliance
13.Leave a letter = drop off a letter
14.go through our address list and double-check all of our clients’ addresses =
Verify some address
15.Photography is not allowed = Photography is not permitted
16.Projector wasn’t working properly= Equipment problems
19. Discuss those ideas = Share ideas
20.Retrieve your bags= find luggage
21.Retreat for Klerson Bookstore managers = managers’meeting
22.Money= finances
23.A Service charge = a fee
24.Several new people = new employees
25.Call Ramona and ask her = Speak with a colleague
26.Taking those files up to our office = carry some files
27.Broke = stopped working
28.Wait on that decision = postponing a decision
29. Awards banquet = awards ceremony
30.Rooms available for them to stay = Accommodations
31. Shuttle service= transportation
32. Out of power = battery is empty
33. working on the bill= preparing a bill
34. let the human resources department know = contacting another department
35.A space marked visitor = visitor’s space
36.Gym =fitness center
37. purchase a meal = buy some food
38. run out of space = no more room
39.How much money is being spent= costs too much
40.Ask a few passengersby how they feel = interview some people
41. Cook-off= cooking contest
42. Contest registration form = entry form
43. email me a list of your consultant = send fee information
44.Helping a friend= Assist a friend
45.Accepting submissions for our summer art contest =enter a contest
46. not noisy at all = quite
47.A new suit and shirt =Clothes
48. be visited by a safety inspector= an inspection
49.Connect = transfer
50. Look at them electronically = consult the electronic version
51. get together = meet
52. Receive outstanding performance reviews from other staff members =is
respected by his colleagues
53. Delivered the food an hour late = A delivery delay
54 there are so many people= Crowded
55.Hiring plan= Recruiting tactic
56. Sign up early= Register in advance
57. New coffee beverages will be on the menu= New Menu items will be
58. Getting a booth= Reserve a booth
59.Receive the Eco-Industry award= award-acceptance
60.Get my things together = Gather his luggage
61.Mark down that change in my calendar= Update his calendar
62.Stop by your office = go to the woman’s office
63.Easy to operate = easy to use
64.Make some suggestions =Recommend
65.Record= Document
66. Lab= Facility
67.Put you on the schedule = Adjust a schedule
68. The work was never finished = A job is incomplete
69. All the rain = weather conditions
70.Sign up for our online version of the magazine = purchasing an online
71.Reach a larger and more diverse customer base= expanding the customer
72. Take care of that (A request) = Follow up on a request
73. Pick up some snacks= buy some food
74. Bring in a consultant = Hiring a consultant
75. Have a technician look at = request some maintenance
76. Seats that can rotate= movable seats
77. Determine the best way to plan this project= Discuss a project plan
78.Take a look at some examples = view sample artwork
79.The strategies she used when she started her firm = Tips for staring a
80.The creation of a new city park = build a park
81. An important port town where many products were traded= a center of trade
82.The price has been reduced for the next month= temporarily discounted
83.Submit your feedback forms= providing some feedback
84.Call= contact
85.Commercial= advertisement
86.Retirement party= retirement celebration
87.Check on that= Confirmation some information
88. Pay me back= reimbursement
89.Speading too much time on non work activities= waste work time
90. Tell my manager= Speak with a manager
91.Tables and chairs for a new restaurant= Dining furniture
92.The restaurant is set to open= A business will open
93. Move to the new system= A new computer system will be put in place
94.The clinic= a medical office
95.Go to any presentations= attend presentations
96.Ask for photo identification= check identification
97.set up your ccomputer = A computer installation
98.Educating staff= A corporate trainer
99.Switch off= turn off
100. The power failure= the electricity went out
101 Descriptions of these new jobs= information about job openings

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