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f#]b Designation: G 42 - 90

Standard Test Method for

Cathodic Disbonding of Pipeline Coatings Subjected to
Elevated Temperatures
This standard is issued under the fixed designation G 42; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscriptepsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope test. The electrical stress is produced by connecting the test

1.1 This test method describes an accelerated procedure specimen to the negative terminal of a source of direct
for determining comparative characteristics of insulating current and by connecting an anode to the positive terminal.
coating systems applied to steel pipe exterior for the purpose Electrical instrumentation is provided for measuring the
of preventing or mitigating corrosion that may occur in current flowing in the cell. The electrical potential is also
underground service where the pipe will be exposed to high measured and the specimen is physically examined at
temperatures and is under cathodic protection. This test intervals during the test period and upon conclusion of the
method is intended for use with samples of coated pipe taken test.
from commercial production and is applicable to such 3.1.1 The cathodic stress is applied under conditions of a
samples when the coating is characterized by function as an constant-elevated temperature.
electrical barrier.
1.2 This test method is intended for testing coatings 4. Significance and Use
submerged or immersed in the test solution at elevated 4.1 Damage to pipe coating is almost unavoidable during
temperature. When it is impractical to submerge or immerse transportation and construction. Breaks or holidays in pipe
the test specimen, Test Method G95 may be considered coatings may expose the pipe to possible corrosion since,
where the test cell is cemented to the surface of the coated after a pipe has been installed underground, the surrounding
pipe specimen. If room temperatures are required, see Test earth wil be moisture-bearing and will constitute an effective
Method G 8. If a specific test method is required with no electrolyte. Applied cathodic protection potentials may cause
options, see Test Method G 80. loosening of the coating, beginning at holiday edges. Sponta-
1.3 The values stated in SI units to three significant neous holidays may also be caused by such potentials. This
decimals are to be regarded as the standard. test method provides accelerated conditions for cathodic
1.4 This standard does not purport to address the safety disbondment to occur and provides a measure of resistance
problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the of coatings to this type of action.
user of this standard to consult and establish appropriate 4.2 The effects of the test are to be evaluated by physical
safety and health practices and determine the applicability of examinations and monitoring the current drawn by the test
regulatory limitations prior to use. specimen. Usually there is no correlation between the two
methods of evaluation, but both methods are significant.
2. Referenced Document Physical examination consists of assessing the effective
contact of the coating with the metal surface in terms of
2.1 ASTM Standards: observed differences in the relative adhesive bond. It is
G 8 Test Methods for Cathodic Disbonding of Pipeline usually found that the cathodically disbonded area propa-
Coatings2 gates from an area where adhesion is zero to an area where
G 12 Test Method for Nondestructive Measurement of adhesion reaches the original level. An intermediate zone of
Film Thickness of Pipeline Coatings on Steel2 decreased adhesion may also be present.
G 80 Test Method for Specific Cathodic Disbonding of 4.3 Assumptions associated with test results include:
Pipeline Coatings2 4.3.1 Maximum adhesion, or bond, is found in the
G95 Test Method for Cathodic Disbondment Test of coating that was not immersed in the test liquid, and
Pipeline Coatings (Attached Cell Method)2 4.3.2 Decreased adhesion in the immersed test area is the
result of cathodic disbondment.
3. Summary of Test Method 4.4 Ability to resist disbondment is a desired quality on a
3.1 This test method subjects the coating on the test comparative basis, but disbondment in this test method is
specimen to electrical stress in a highly conductive electro- not necessarily an adverse indication of coating perfQnnance.
lyte. The coating is artificially perforated before starting the The virtue of this test method is that all dielectric-type
coatings now in common use will disbond to some degree,
thus providing a means of comparing one coating to another.
I This method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee G-3 on Durability 4.5 The current density appearing in this test method is
of Nonmetallic Materials and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee G03.06 much greater than that usually required for cathodic protec-
on Durability of Pipeline Coatings and Linings. tion in natural environments.
Current edition approved May 25, 1990. Published July 1990. Originally
published as G 42 - 75T. Last previous edition G 42 - 85. 4.6 That any relatively lesser bonded area was caused by
* Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vols 06.02. electrical stressing in combination with the elevated and or

depressed temperature and was not attributable to an sharp-pointed knife with a safe handle is required for use in
anomaly in the application process. Ability to resist making physical examinations.
disbondment is a desired quality on a comparative basis, but 5.5 Multimeters:
most insulating materials will disbond to some extent under 5.5.1 Multimeter, for direct current, having an internal
the accelerated conditions of this test. Bond strength is more resistance of not less than 10 MO and having a range from
important for proper functioning of some coatings than 0.01 to 5 V for measuring potential to the reference
others and the same measured disbondment for two different electrode.
coating systems may not represent equivalent loss of corro- 5.5.2 Multimeter, for direct current, having an internal
sion protection. resistance of not less than 11 MO and capable of measuring
4.6.1 The amount of current flowing in the test cell is a as low as 10 pV potential drop across a shunt in the test cell
relative indicator of the extent of areas requiring protection circuit.
against corrosion; however, the current density appearing in 5.5.3 Multimeter, for initial testing of apparent coating
this test is much greater than that usually required for resistance.
cathodic protection in natural, inland soil environments. 5.6 Reference Electrode-Saturated Cu CuSO, electrode
4.6.2 Test voltages higher than those recommended may having a potential of -0.316 V with respect to the standard
result in the formation of chlorine gas. The subsequent hydrogen electrode shall be the standard of reference in these
chemical effects on the coating could cast doubt on the test methods. Other electrodes may be used but measure-
interpretation of the test results. ments thus obtained shall be converted to the Cu CuSO,
reference for reporting by making the proper correction.
NOTE1-A saturated Cu CuSO, electrode reading -1.50 V at 25°C
5. Apparatus will read - 1.53 V at 60"C, a scale increase of 0.03 V.
5.1 Test Vessel-A suitable nonreactive vessel shall be
5.6.1 A saturated calomel electrode at 25°C is converted
used, capable of withstanding internal heating at not less
to Cu CuSO, by adding -0.07 V to the observed reading. If
than 60°C and suitable for continuous circulation of the the saturated calomel electrode reads - 1.43 V at 25T, it will
electrolyte. A 19-L (5-gal) cylindrical glass vessel has been read -1.46 V at 60"C, a scale increase of 0.03 V. It follows
found suitable, having an approximate diameter of 300 mm
that a saturated calomel electrode reading of - 1.46 V at 60°C
( 12 in.) and a depth of 300 mm. A flat bottom is required for
is equal to a saturated Cu CuSO, reading of - 1S O V at 25°C.
operation of a magnetic stirring rod. Dimensions of the 5.6.2 A 0.1 normal calomel electrode at 25°C is converted
vessel shall permit the following requirements: to Cu CuSO, by subtracting -0.02 V from the observed
5.1.1 Test specimens shall be suspended vertically in the reading. Since the potential change due to an increase from
vessel with at least 25 mm (1 in.) clearance from the bottom. 25°C to 60°C is negligible, it follows that a 0.1 normal
5.1.2 Test specimens shall be separated by not less than 38
calomel electrode reading -1.52 V at 60°C is equal to a
mm ( 1'/2 in,), and a vertically suspended anode can be placed
saturated Cu CuSO, reading of - 1.50 V at 25°C.
at an equal distance from each specimen not less than the 5.7 Thermometers, two, mercury-filled type, accurate to
separation distance.
f1"C. One shall be of the full-immersion type for measuring
5.1.3 Test specimens shall be separated from any wall of temperature near the bottom of the vessel, and a second
the vessel by not less than 13 mm (Y2 in.).
thermometer shall be of the partial-immersion type for
5.1.4 Depth of electrolyte shall permit the test length of measuring temperature near the top of the vessel.
the specimen to be immersed as required in 7.4. 5.8 Combination Heater Plate, with built-in magnetic
5.1.5 The reference electrode may be placed anywhere in
stirrer, or equivalent, shall be used for heating and stirring
the vessel, provided it is separated from the specimen and
the electrolyte. The heater shall be adjustable to produce and
from the anode by not less than 38 mm (1'12 in.).
control a temperature of 60 f 1°C in the test vessel.
5.2 Anode-The anode shall be provided with a factory- 5.9 Direct-Current Rectifier, capable of supplying con-
sealed, insulated copper wire lead.3 stant current at a voltage of 1.50 +. 0.01 V, as measured
5.3 Connectors-Wiring from anode to test specimen between the specimen and reference cell.
shall be 4107 cmil (14-gage Awg), minimum, insulated 5.10 Thickness Gage, for measuring coating thickness in
copper. Attachment to the test specimen shall be by sol- accordance with Test Method G 12.
dering or brazing to the nonimmersed end, and the place of
5.1 1 Precision Resistor, 1Q 2 1 %, 1 W (min), to be used
attachment shall be coated with an insulating material. A in the test cell circuit as a shunt for current.
junction in the connecting wire is permitted, provided that it 5.12 Carbon or Stainless Steel Electrode, used temporarily
is made by means of a bolted pair of terminal lugs soldered with the volt-ohm-meter to determine apparent initial hol-
or mechanically crimped to clean wire ends. iday status of the test specimen.
5.4 Holiday Tools-Holidays shall be made with conven- 5.13 Additional Connecting Wires, 4 107 cmil (14-gage
tional drills of the required diameter. For use in preparing
Awg), minimum, insulated copper.
small-diameter pipe specimens such as 19-mm (3/4-in.) nom- 5.14 Brass Studs, used at a terminal board, together with
inal diameter pipe, the use of a drill modified by substantially alligator clips or knife switches, for making and breaking
grinding away the sharp cone point has been found effective circuits. Alligator clips shall not be used to connect the
in preventing perforation of the metal wall of the pipe. A electrodes or specimens at the top location of test cells.
6. Reagents and Materials
Duriron, a material found suitable for this purpose is available from Duriron
Co., Inc., Dayton, OH. 6.1 The electrolyte shall consist of potable tap water or

higher purity water (distilled or demineralized water is immersion line shall be provided with suitable supporting
satisfactory) with the addition of 1 weight % of each of the means and a separate wire connection for electrical purposes,
following technical-grade salts, calculated on an anhydrous soldered, or brazed to the pipe. The protruding end, in-
basis: sodium chloride, sodium sulfate, and sodium car- cluding hanger and wire connections, shall be protected and
bonate. sealed with an insulating coating material.
NOTE 2-The resulting solution has a pH of 10 or higher and a 7.4 The specimen test area shall consist of the area
resistivity of 25 to 50 Q-cm at room temperature. between the edge of the bottom end seal and the immersion
6.2 Materials for sealing the ends of coated pipe speci- line. The bottom end seal area shall not be considered part of
mens may consist of bituminous products, wax, epoxy, or the area tested. Coated specimens of any suitable diameter
other materials, including molded elastomeric or plastic end and length of pipe may be used, but the immersed area shall
caps, capable of withstanding the test temperature. be not less than 23 200 mm2 (36 in.*). An area of 92 900
6.3 Plywood has been found suitable for the construction mm2 (1 ft2) has been found preferable when convenient.
of nonconductive test vessel covers and for the support 7.5 The continuity of the coating and efficiency of the end
through apertures of test specimens and electrodes. Wood seal shall be tested before making artificial holidays as
dowels introduced through holes in the top ends of test follows:
specimens have been found suitable for suspending test 7.5.1 Immerse the test specimen and a carbon or stainless
specimens from the vessel cover. steel electrode in the electrolyte. Connect one terminal of the
ohmmeter to the test specimen and the other terminal to the
7. Test Specimen carbon or stainless steel electrode. Measure the apparent
resistance in ohms, making two determinations: one with the
7.1 The test specimen shall be a representative piece of
production-coated pipe. One end shall be plugged, sealed, or specimen connected to the positive terminal of the ohm-
capped. meter, and one with the specimen connected to the negative
7.2 One holiday shall be made in the middle of the terminal. The lowest of the two readings should be not less
immersed length by drilling a radial hole through the coating than 1000 Ma, however, the test may be conducted with a
so that the angular cone point of the drill will fully enter the low reading less than 1000 MO, provided that the condition
steel where the cylindrical portion of the drill meets the steel is taken into account in evaluating results.
surface. The drill diameter shall be not less than three times 8. Procedure
the coating thickness, but it shall never be less than 6 mm ('1'4
in.) in diameter. The steel wall of the pipe shall not be 8.1 Immerse the test specimen in the electrolyte and
perforated. With small-diameter pipes, where there is danger connect it to the anode as shown in Fig. 1. Adjust the
of perforating the pipe, the holiday shall be started with a rectifier or voltage divider so that the potential between
standard 60" cone point and finished with a drill that has had specimen and reference cell is - 1S O & 0.0 1 V at 25°C (- 1.53
& 0.01 V at 60°C) (see Fig. 2). Position the holiday to face
a substantial portion of the cone point ground away.
toward the anode. Space the anode with respect to test
NOTE 3-Before making the holiday, see 7.5. specimens as required in 5.1. Mark the correct immersion
7.3 The end of the pipe which will protrude above the level on the exterior of the test vessel and maintain by daily






NOTE--For multiple specimens in the same test vessel, see Fig. 2, for circuit diagram using voltage dividers
FIG. 1 Test Set-Up for Cathodic Disbonding Test at Elevated Temperature

61 1
Set rectifier output voltage to not
over 3 volts; then t r i m eoch voltage
divider so that A to C meosures
I 5 volts.


To meosure current use terminals A and E

To meosure voltoge use terminals A and C
FIG. 2 Circuit Diagram for Cathodic Disbonding Test

additions of preheated, distilled, or demineralized water as Use the high-resistance voltmeter described in 5.5. The stress
required. potential, E2, should measure -1.50 f 0.01 Vat 25°C (-1.53
8.2 The temperature of the electolyte surface to bottom 1 0.01 V at 60°C); if it does not, adjust the rectifier or voltage
shall be not less than 60 1 3°C. The electrolyte shall be divider accordingly.
continuously circulated by means of the stirring apparatus or 8.4.2 After E2 has been measured and adjusted, if neces-
equivalent. The maximum temperature shall be attained 4 f sary, measure I,, the current demand in amperes, by
1 h after starting the heater and immersing the specimen. determining the potential drop across the 1-D precision
resistor permanently installed in the test cell circuit with the
NOTE4-Throughout the test period, ejected sealant or salt deposits,
or both, may form near, or partially obstruct the intentional coating high-resistance voltmeter described in 5.2. The voltage
holiday described in 7.2. No attempt shall be made to clear the holiday reading will be numerically equal to amperes.
while the test is in progress.
NOTE 5-An alternative method of measuring current demand
8.3. Electrical Monitoring Schedule: utilizes a zero-resistance ammeter. In this method, the wire connection
8.3.1 Electrical measurements shall be made on the start- between the test specimen and anode is temporarily broken and a
up day and on each normal working day thereafter for the zero-resistance ammeter temporarily interposed between the specimen
and the anode. Reconnect the specimen to the anode with the connector
duration of the test. A maximum of three consecutive wire as soon as this measurement is completed.
nonworking days shall be preceded by at least two working
days; one non-working day or two consecutive non-working 8.4.3 Measure E,, the polarized potential, in volts, using
days shall be preceded by at least one working day, except at the high-resistance voltmeter described in 5.5 connected
start-up and termination when three and two working days between the test specimen and the reference electrode as
are required, respectively. follows:
8.3.2 Electrical measurements characterizing the start of Disconnect the anode from the test specimen
the test are defined as the average of measurements taken on while closely observing the high-resistance voltmeter. As the
the second and third days after immersion. instrument pointer falls, it will dwell significantly at the
8.3.3 Electrical measurements characterizing intermediate polarized potential before recording further. The dwell point
and terminal time spans shall be taken on two successive is E,.
days prior to and including the target date. 8.5 Standard duration of the test period shall be 30 days
8.4 Electrical measurements and adjustments made each (720 h) in the energized test vessel including warm-up and
normal working day: cool-down times, unless longer test periods are specified.
8.4.1 Measure E2,the stress potential in volts between the 8.6 A physical examination shall be performed immedi-
test specimen and the reference electrode, without discon- ately upon termination of the test period as follows:
necting the energized anode or specimen from the circuit. 8.6.1 Before examination, wash the test specimen care-

fully under gently flowing tap water without disturbing intersecting at the holiday or point of inspection using the
visible destructive effects. Adjust the temperature of the tap same technique applied in 8.6.4. Classify coating that can be
water so that it approximates that of the room temperature. lifted or disbonded more readily than at the new test hole as
8.6.2 Examine the entire immersed area visually for any unsealed area. Measure the unsealed area.
evidence of new holidays and loosening of coating at the
edge of all holidays, including the artificial holiday. NOTE 6-The use of a transparent film having a grid laid out in small
squares such as 2.54 mm (0.1 in.) on a side has been found useful. The
8.6.3 Drill a new test hole in the coating in an area that film is placed against the unsealed area and the boundary of the unsealed
was not immersed, staying away from the immersion line area is traced on the grid. The area is then obtained by counting the
and the cut end. Recommended distances are given in Fig. 3. squares within the bounded area.
Follow the same drilling procedure described in 7.2.
8.6.4 In order to gage or calibrate the lifting technique, 8.7 Determine and record the resistivity and pH of the
attempt to lift the coating at the new test hole with the point electrolyte at the beginning and end of the test period.
of a sharp knife after making cuts through the coating
intersecting at the center of the hole. Inability or relative
resistance to lifting or disbonding the coating shall be 9. Report
considered the adhered or bonded condition of the untested 9.1. The report shall include the following (see Fig. 4):
coating with respect to the lifting technique used. 9.1.1 Complete identification of the test soecimen, in-
8.6.5 Determine if the coating has been loosened at the cluding:
immersed test hole by attempting to lift the coating with the Name and code number of the coating,
point of a sharp knife after making cuts through the coating Size of pipe,


12 7 m m (05 in ) HOLE THRU





490.22rt: 12.7
114.3rt: 6.35
I19.300 rt: 0.500)
9.650 0.500)
(4,500rt: 0.250)
D 233.363MIN (9.1875, min)
E 19.05MIN (0.750,min)
F 762 MIN (30,min)

FIG. 3 Recommended Dimensions for Specimen

Temperature, Average Values on
OC A€ Target Days
Date Elapsed Days El, v €2, v 4, FA (4-El), ~

Electrolyte V
A€, V 11, FA
Log 11, A

Change: Start to Termination: I I I 1


mm2 (in.2) Circ. Da mm (in.)

Area Disbonded
Less Initial Holiday
Total Unsealed Area (net) Source, production date, and production run 9. I. 1.5 Immersed area,
number, Size and number of initial holidays, and Minimum-maximum coating thickness, Dates of starting and terminating test.

9.1.2 The relative resistances of the test specimen, in surface condition and coating material. Specimens that were
ohms, before the artificial holiday was made as described in not adjacent in the as-produced condition or were taken
7.5. from different lengths of pipe may represent differing process
9.1.3 Tally of areas that have been found unsealed on the conditions. The following data should be used for judging the
terminal date. Areas may be reported in square millimetres acceptability of results. (These precision data are approxima-
(or square inches) or millimetres (or inches) of equivalent tions based on limited data, but they provide a reasonable
circle diameter of the area, or both. basis for judging the significance of results.)
9.1.4 The results of starting, intermediate, and terminal 10.2 Repeatability-Duplicate results obtained within a
electrical measurements. Report the following measure- laboratory should be acceptable unless they differ by more
ments: than 25 mm (1 in.) in value D in accordance with the
9.1.4. I Current demand in microamperes or negative following equation:
characteristic of the logarithm of the current in amperes, in D = (A/0.785)”*
both, The value of A E = E2 - E,, in volts, and where: Change from start to termination for values in A =unsealed area developed from one artificial holiday, and mm2 (or in.2)
or if they differ by more than unity in the negative
9.1.5 Temperature of the electrolyte at approximately the
same hour each working day. characteristic of the logarithm of the current demand in
9.1.6 Other information that may be pertinent.
10.3 Reproducibility-The results reported by one labora-
tory should be acceptable unless they differ from those of
10. Precision and Bias another laboratory by more than 25 mm (1 in.) for the value
10.1 Precision data are limited to two adjacent specimens D in the equation given in 10.2, and by more than unity in
taken from the same production-coated pipe and assumed the negative characteristic of the logarithm of the current
that the production process was uniform with respect to pipe demand in amperes.

The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entireiy their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquafters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. if you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 7976 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 79703.

(# Designation: G 55 - 88 (Reapproved 1992)”

Standard Test Method for

Evaluating Pipeline Coating Patch Materials’
This standard is issued under the fixed designation G 55; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
onginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parenthesesindicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscnpt epsilon ( 6 ) indicates an editonal change since the last revision or reapproval.

f1 NOTE-section 9 was added editonally September 1992.

1. Scope exposing the patch to a severe radius of curvature on

1 . 1 This test method provides an accelerated means of small-diameter pipe. The specimen is also exposed to a stress
determining the relative sealing abilities of pipeline patching voltage in the presence of a highly conductive electrolyte.
materials that are used to seal holidays in pipeline coatings
on steel pipe. This test method is intended for utilization of 4. Apparatus
specimens of pipeline coatings on small-diameter pipe, for 4.1 Test Vessel-A cylindrical glass battery jar (or equiv-
representing coatings used for buried or submerged service, alent), approximately 300 mm (12 in.) in diameter and 300
and where the purpose of the coating is to provide an mm in height. One magnesium anode shall be contained in
electrical barrier between the steel pipe and its environment. each battery jar, with a maximum of eight pipe specimens,
1.2 This test method is not intended for evaluating patch and with each specimen measuring about 25 mm ( 1 in.) in
materials that are overlapped upon themselves. diameter by approximately 300 mm in length of coated pipe.
1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the (See 4.3 and Figs. 1 and 2.)
standard. 4.2 Suspension-The suspension ring for supporting the
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the pipe specimens shall be an electrically nonconductive cir-
safety problems, $any, associated with its use. It is the cular disk, measuring approximately 300 mm (12 in.) in
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- D C MICROAMMETER
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.

2. Summary of Test Method
2.1 Patched pipeline coating specimens are suspended in
300 MM (12”) 18 AWG
an aqueous, alkaline, low-resistivity electrolyte. The speci-
mens are individually connected to a magnesium anode or FROM SPECIMEN TO + CC AMP -
rectifier at a point external to the electrolyte. The coated, TERMINAL OF M E T E R ’\

patched pipeline specimens are sealed at the base and at all FOR CURRENT READING \ //
other areas except the patch boundaries, such that the only
paths for current flow are at the boundaries of the patches.
Current flow in each patch area is averaged from monthly
readings taken for one year. BY DOWEL THROUGH -,NO, CONDUCTIVE

3. Significance and Use I

3.1 Holidays in pipeline coatings may be repaired by
circumferential wrapping with a suitable pipe wrap tape. -+ - - - - - - LEVEL

However, this technique is not always practicable and

patching may be required. The effectiveness of a patch CONNECTION
material depends upon its adhesion to the original pipeline PATCH COVERING
coating to effect sealing. INTENTIONAL
3.2 The results of this accelerated test have been found to HOLIDAY

yield comparative data useful for the selection of patching

materials. The user is cautioned against the use of this
method for absolute material properties characterization. BASE SEAL

3.3 This procedure provides an accelerated method by

This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee G-3 on

Durability of Nonmetallic Materials, and is the direct responsibility of Subcom-
mittee G03.06 on Deterioration of Pipeline Coatings and Linings.

Current edition approved May 27, 1988. Published July 1988. Originally FIG. 1 Test Assembly for Evaluating Pipeline Coating Patch
published as G 55 - 77. Last previous edition G 55 - 83. Materials


FIG. 2 Alternative Test Assembly for Evaluating Pipeline Coating Patch Materials

diameter and approximately 5 mm (3/16 in.) in thickness. (See composed of a suitable nonconsumable material.2 This
6.4.) Drill a 15-mm (V2-in.) diameter hole through the center option will avoid the precipitation of magnesium salts on the
of the ring for external extension of the anode lead wire. Drill specimens.
eight suspension holes, about 45 mm (13/4 in.) in diameter,
through the suspension ring for the pipe specimens; these NOTE-The potential of the magnesium anode will approximate this
holes shall be centered 1 10 mm (4% in.) from the center of range over the life of the test. If a calomel electrode is used for the
the suspension ring and evenly spaced around the ring at 45" reference cell, the potential should be -1.43 f 0.05 d-c V.
increments as measured from the center of the suspension 4.4 Electrolyte-Use 1 96 each by weight of anhydrous
ring. pure grades of sodium chloride, sodium sulfate, and sodium
4.3 Potential-A high-purity magnesium anode shall be
carbonate, dissolved in either distilled water or de-
used, weighing approximately 2.3 kg (5 lb), and having an
open-circuit potential of approximately 1.7 d-c V relative to mineralized water. This electrolyte shall never be less alka-
a copper-copper sulfate electrode, and complete with a line than pH = 10.0 and should be within a resistivity range
factory-sealed lead wire. The magnesium anode may be from 20 to 35 Q-cm.
replaced by a controlled d-c voltage from a rectifier, and then 4.5 Instruments:
maintaining the potential between the specimen having the
least current flow and a copper-copper sulfate reference cell *The Durachlor 51 anode, Type 8, 18-in. with cable, manufactured by the
(with the cell being properly immersed in the electrolyte) at Duriron Co., P.O.Box 1145, Dayton, OH 45401, has been found to be a suitable
1.50 f 0.05 d-c V. (See Note 2.) The anode should be nonconsumable anode.

4.5.1 Resistivity Meter, capable of measuring 20 to 40 wax on the patch area to the desired patch thickness. Each
O-cm in an aqueous solution. mastic patch or each liquid patch shall be applied with a new,
4.5.2 pH meter, capable of measuring 0 to 14 pH. clean brush. The number of coats applied shall be recorded
4.5.3 Thermometer, ASTM Type 17C or equivalent, 19 to and the patch thickness shall be indicated. The balance of the
27°C. circumferential band that is not covered by a patch is then
4.5.4 Microammeters, d-c, 0 to 100-pA and 0 to 500-PA. covered either with the patch material under test or with
4.5.5 Voltmeter, for direct current, having an internal another material that has been demonstrated to maintain an
resistance of not less than 10 M a and having a range from effective seal with the original pipeline coating. The base of
0.01 to 5.0 V. each specimen shall be sealed with a material capable of
4.5.6 Full-Wave Rectifier, optional, 0 to 0.05 96 ripple, preventing current flow at the base of the specimen. All
capable of maintaining 1.50 zk 0.05 d-c V relative to a prepared specimens shall be conditioned a minimum of 48
copper-copper sulfate cell, and having a capacity for at least hours at room temperature prior to immersion in the
10 A of direct current. electrolyte. Current leakage at the base seal shall be limited
to not more than 1 pA.
5. Test Specimens 5.6 Wiring-Individual 150-mm (6-in.) lengths of 18-gage
insulated copper wire and small alligator clips shall be used
5.1 Dimensions-The specimen shall be steel pipe ap- for the electrical connection from the machine screw of the
proximately 25 mm (1 in.) in diameter, approximately 300 specimen to the lead wire of the anode.
mm (12 in.) in length, and previously coated with the desired
original pipeline coating.
5.2 Circuit Tap-A 5-mm (3/16-in.)diameter hole shall be 6. Procedure
drilled or tapped (or a self-tapping screw may be used) at a 6.1 Place the anode in the bottom of the battery jar.
point 13 mm (V2 in.) below the top of each specimen. This Extend the anode lead wire vertically through the center of
tap is for a machine screw anode lead wire connection. the suspension ring; then center the suspension ring on the
5.3 Pipe Suspension Support Holes-A 6-mm (V4-in.) battery jar.
diameter hole shall be drilled completely through both walls 6.2 Mount each patched pipe specimen through one of
of the coated pipe specimen at a point 20 mm (3/4 in.) from the large holes in the suspension ring, with patches facing
the top end of the specimen and located vertically beneath out, until the wooden dowel pin in the suspension hole of the
the circuit tap hole. A short length of wooden dowel pin specimen is supported by the suspension ring. When all
about 5 mm (3/16 in.) in diameter shall be used as an insertion specimens have been suspended into the battery jar, pour the
through the suspension holes to support and level the pipe room temperature electrolyte into the battery jar to a point
specimen on the circular suspension ring when the suspen- 32 mm (1 1/4 in.) above the topmost patch. The electrolyte
sion ring is mounted on the battery jar. will then be the required height above each patched holiday.
5.4 Intentional Holidays-A 4-fluted 13-mm (M-in.) di- Mark and maintain this level of electrolyte by additions of
ameter facing bit shall be used to drill intentional holidays distilled water or demineralized water. Maintain the as-
through the original pipeline coating to the metal. Drilling sembly at room temperature for the entire test.
such holidays shall be practiced on scrap pieces of small- 6.3 Wiring-Use alligator clips to connect the 150-mm
diameter coated pipe, prior to drilling the holidays in the test (6-in.) length of 18-gage insulated copper wire from the
specimens. Drilling shall not be any deeper than necessary machine screw in the patched specimen to the lead wire of
into the metal of the pipe. Three holidays shall be prepared the anode.
on each specimen in a vertical line directly underneath the 6.4 Data-See the suggested report (Fig. 3) for the collec-
circuit tap to correspond to electrolyte immersions of 38 mm tion of data. Record the data at the start of the test exposure
(lY2 in.), 114 mm (4% in.), and 190 mm (7% in.), as as 0 month test duration. Record the data (microamperes of
measured from the top of the holiday to the surface of the current flow, pipe to electrolyte potential relative to a
electrolyte. The thickness of the suspension ring shall be copper-copper sulfate reference cell, and the electrolyte with
considered for its effect in elevating the pipe specimens in the respect to pH, resistivity, and temperature) each month for
electrolyte. 12 consecutive months. Select a date for taking data within
5.5 Patches-A square patch configuration of 25 by 25 2 2 calendar days of the day of the month that the initial data
mm (1 by 1 in.), evenly centered about the holiday, shall be were recorded (for example, a test beginning on the 19th day
lightly marked. This will provide a minimum patch overlap of a particular month should have successive monthly data
of 6 mm (114 in.) as measured perpendicular to the center of taken between the 17th and 21st days of the next 12
each patch edge to the circumference of the holiday. The top months).
and bottom edges of each patch shall be in the horizontal 6.5 Current Flows:
plane. Each marked patch area shall be lightly buffed with 6.5.1 Determine current flows by temporarily discon-
120-grit sandpaper. A primer shall be applied using clean necting the 18-gage insulated wire from the anode, con-
cotton on a stick to extend the primer to the edges of the necting the positive lead from a 0 to 100 microammeter (d-c)
marked patch area when specified by the manufacturer of to the patched specimen, and connecting the negative lead to
the patch. The manufacturers’ specified drying time shall be the wire from the anode, external to the battery jar. If there is
used for primers before application of the patch. Scissors or a a measurable current flow for a patched specimen (1 yA or
knife shall be used to cut tape patches to size; tape patches more), remove that specimen from the battery jar, taking
shall be applied by a firm pressure of the thumb. Wax care not to allow the specimen to contact the edge of the hole
patches shall be applied by dripping or pouring the melted in the suspension ring. Gently rinse the specimen with either


Patch material: Primer: Manufacturer:

Simulated holiday: The original pipeline coating specimens were applied t o 25 nun (1") diameter pipe. A 4-fluted 13 mm (1/2")
facing bit was used to drill all holidays.

Patch overlap: Square patch configuration of 25 mm x 25 mm (1" x 1"). The overlap areas were cleaned with 120 grit
sandpaper prior to patching. Patch overlap of 6 nun (1/4"), as measured from the center of each patch
edge to the circumference of the holiday at the exterior surface of the original coating.

Average microamperes;
3 similar patches

FIG. 3 Suggested Form for Collecting and Summarizing Data

demineralizedwater or distilled water (at room temperature) obtained by adding all of the numbers accumulated in a
to remove all traces of electrolyte. Then, with the microam- column (initial reading plus 12 monthly readings), and
meter connected in series from the patched specimen to the dividing the summation by 13. Determine average values for
anode, slowly lower the patched specimen into the electro- the microamperes of current flow for each patch, the pipe to
lyte and note the current flow just below, and then just electrolyte potential, and for the pH, resistivity, and temper-
above, each patch. The difference in microamperes is the ature of the electrolyte. The summary section also provides
amount of current flow that is being transmitted by that space for a listing of the average current flow for each set of
particular patch. three patches.
6.5.2 Record only 100 pA when the current flow for a
patch exceeds 100 pA. When 100 pA has been recorded for 8. Precision and Bias
two consecutive readings, remove the patch, clean the patch 8.1 Precision data are limited to the comparison of the
area, and then permanently patch the area with a material three samples of any one patch material sealing the holidays
capable of sealing the holiday for the remainder of the test. on any one original pipeline coating. These data are based on
The current flow data for the original patch is assumed to limited information, but statistically have been shown, by
continue at the maximum value of 100 pA for the remainder round-robin testing by four laboratories, to provide a reason-
of the test. The resealing will permit the continuance of able basis for comparing the sealing abilities of various
accurate readings of the current flows for the remaining test patching materials and various pipeline coatings.
patches on that pipe specimen. The 0 to 500 d-c microam- 8.2 The average values of triplicate samples of the same
meter can be used as necessary during the first month of materials, excluding values of 0 pA, by the same worker
failure of one or more patches on a pipe specimen, when the should not be considered suspect unless they differ by more
total current flow of a pipe specimen exceeds 100 pA. than a factor of 2. For example, an average value of 20 pA
for one set requires a second set of the same materials to be
7. Report between 10 to 40 pA for the same worker.
7.1 The report shall be a copy of the data collection form 8.3 The average values of triplicate samples of the same
(Fig. 3) with all computations completed. The averages are materials, excluding values of 0 pA, reported by one labora-

tory should not be considered suspect unless they differ from materials in another laboratory.
similar data from another laboratory by a factor of 3. For
example, an average value of 20 pA for one laboratory 9 Keywords
requires a value in the range of 7 to 60 pA for the same 9.1 barrier; coatings; holiday; patches; pipeline; seals
The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject lo revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19103.

([Tb Designation: G 62 - 87 (Reapproved 1992)”

Standard Test Methods for

Holiday Detection in Pipeline Coatings’
This standard is issued under the fixed designation G 62; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
onginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number In parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon ( e ) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

“ NOTE-section 14 was added editorially in September 1992,

1. Scope polymeric precoated corrugated steel pipe.

1.1 These test methods cover the apparatus and procedure 3.1.2 mil-0.001 in.
for detecting holidays in pipeline type coatings. 3.2 Description of Terms Specijk to This Standard:
1.2 Method A is designed to detect holidays such as 3.2.1 Holiday Detector-A highly sensitive electrical de-
pinholes and voids in thin-film coatings from 0.0254 to vice designed to locate holidays such as pinholes, voids, and
0.254 mm (1 to 10 mils) in thickness using ordinary tap thin spots in the coating, not easily seen by the naked eye.
water and an applied voltage of less than 100 V d-c. It is These are used on the coatings of relatively high-electrical
effective on films up to 0.508 mm (20 mils) thickness if a resistance when such coatings are applied to the surface of
wetting agent is used with the water. It should be noted, materials of low-electrical resistance, such as steel pipe.
bowever, that this method will not detect thin spots in the 3.2.2 Pipeline Type Coating-Coatings of relatively high-
coating, even those as thin as 0.635 mm (0.025 mils). This electrical resistance applied to surfaces of relatively low-
may be considered to be a nondestructive test because of the electrical resistance, such as steel pipe.
relatively low voltage.
1.3 Method B is designed to detect holidays such as
pinholes and voids in pipeline cohtings; but because of the 4. Summary of Test Methods
higher applied voltages, it can also be used to detect thin 4.1 Both methods rely on electrical contact being made
spots in the coating. This method can be used on any through the pipeline coating because of a holiday or a
thickness of pipeline‘ coating and utilizes applied voltages
low-resistance path created by metal particles, or thin spots
between 900 and 20 000 V d-c.2 This method is considered
in the coating. This electrical contact will activate an alarm
destructive because the high voltages involved generally
destroy the coating at thin spots. alerting the operator of the incidence of a holiday.
1.4 The values stated in SI units to three significant 4.2 In Method A, the applied voltage is 100 V d-c or
decimals are to be regarded as the standard. less.
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the 4.3 In Method B, the applied voltage is 900 to 20 000
safety problems, if any, associated with its use. It is the V d-c.
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. 5. Significance and Use
5.1 Method A-Method A describes a quick, safe method
2. Referenced Document for determining if pinholes, voids, or meial particles are
2.1 ASTM Standard: protruding through the coating. This method will not,
A 142/A 142M Specification for Steel Sheet, Metallic however, find any thin spots in the coating. This method will
Coated and Polymer Precoated for Corrugated Steel determine the existence of any gross faults in thin-film
Pipe3 pipeline coatings.
5.2 Method B-Method B describes a method for deter-
3. Terminology mining if pinholes, voids, or metal particles are protruding
3.1 Definitions: through the coating, and thin spots in pipeline coatings. This
3.1.1 holiday-small faults or pinholes that permit cur- method can be used to verify minimum coating thicknesses
rent drainage through protective coatings on steel pipe or as well as voids in quality-control applications.

These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee G-3 on 6. Apparatus
Durability of Nonmetallic Materials and are the direct responsibility of Subcom- 6.1 Low- Voltage Holiday Detector-A holiday detector
mittee G03.06 on Deterioration of Pipeline Coatings and Linings.
Current edition approved Sept. 25, 1987. Published November 1987. Originally tester having an electrical energy source of less than 100 V
published as G 62 - 79. Last previous edition G 62 - 85. d-c, such as a battery; an exploring electrode having a
This was taken from the pamphlet “Operating Instructions for Tinker and cellulose sponge dampened with an electrically conductive
Rasor Model EP Holiday Detector.” Other manufacturers’ holiday detectors can
be expected to have similar voltage specifications. liquid such as tap water; and an audio indicator to signal a
Annual Book of ASTM Siandards, Vol 0 I .06. defect in a high-electrical resistance coating on a metal

62 1
G 62
substrate. A ground wire connects the detector with the the terminals. Clip the ground wire to some point where the
low-resistance metal ~urface.~ metal surface is bare. Now touch the electrode to a second
6.2 High- Voltage Holiday Detector-A holiday detector point where the surface is bare and note that the audible
tester having an electrical energy source of 900 to 20 000 V signal will be activated. The detector is now ready to operate
d-c; an exploring electrode consisting of wire brush, coil- by passing the damp sponge over the coated surface. When a
spring, or conductive silicon electrode capable of moving holiday is picked up by the audible alarm, the electrode can
along the pipeline coating; and an audio indicator to signal a be turned on end and the exact spot of failure can be noted
defect in a high-electrical resistance coating on a metal by searching with the tip of the electrode.
substrate. A ground wire connects the detector with the 10.4 The voltage between the electrode (sponge) and the
low-resistance metal surface. metal surface upon which the coating lies shall not exceed
6.3 Peak or Crest Reading Voltmeter-A kilovoltmeter 100 V d-c, measured between the electrode sponge and the
capable of detecting a single pulse and holding it long enough coated metal when the detector is in its normal operating
for the meter circuits to i n d i ~ a t e . ~ position.
10.5 Prior to making the inspection, ensure that the
7. Reagents and Materials coated surface is dry. This is particularly important if formed
7.1 Tap Water, plain or with a wetting agent.6 surfaces are to be inspected. If the surface is in an environ-
ment where electrolytes might form on the surface, such as
NOTE l-Ordinary tap water will suffice to wet the sponge electrode
when inspecting coatings up to 0.254 mm (10 mils) in thickness. On
salt spray, wash the coated surface with fresh water and allow
films between 0.254 and 0.508 mm (10 and 20 mils), a nonsudsing type to dry before testing. Take care to keep the electrolyte at least
wetting agent added to the water is recommended to allow for faster 12.7 mm (112 in.) from any bare sheared or slit edge.
penetration of the liquid into pinhole defects. 10.6 A low-voltage holiday detector is not satisfactory for
the inspection of pipeline coatings over 0.508 mm (20 mils)
8. Test Specimen in thickness. This type of holiday detector will not detect thin
8.1 The test specimen shall be a representative length of spots in pipeline coatings.
production-coated pipe or polymeric precoated corrugated
steel pipe. 11. Procedure for Method B
1 1.1 Use the high-voltage holiday detector.
9. Standardization of Instruments 1 1.2 Determine the test voltage desired by multiplying the
9.1 The instruments shall be standardized with respect to dielectric breakdown voltage per millimetre (mil) of the
voltage output in accordance with the manufacturer’s in- coating (Note 2) times the minimum allowable thickness of
structions, using a peak or crest reading voltmeter. This is the coating in millimetres (mils).
used more commonly with Method B where voltage may
NOTE2-The dielectric breakdown voltage per millimetre (mil) can
vary from test to test but can also be used for verification of be determined for each coating experimentally as follows: Increase the
the voltage on a Method A test. holiday detector voltage over a known coating thickness and measure
9.2 The low-voltage holiday detector shall be standardized the voltage at the point where the detector will just begin to ring. Divide
with respect to sensitivity by having the alarm activated this voltage by the known coating thickness to obtain the amount of
when a selected resistance, having a 1/2 W rating, is placed volts per millimetre (mil). This can also be obtained from most coating
across its terminals. A common factory setting for sensitivity manufacturers’ literature.
is 100 000 Q . Most units can be reset to any predetermined 1 1.2.1 An alternative method of determining test voltage
sensitivity value in this manner. is by use of one of the following equations depending on
coating thickness.
10. Procedure for Method A 1 1.2.2 If the coating thickness is less than 1.016 mm (40
10.1 Use the low-voltage holiday detector described in mils):
6.1. V = MJE
10.2 Assemble the wand and electrode according to the
manufacturer’s instructions and attach the ground wire to where:
the metal surface. V = test voltage
10.3 Attach the electrode clamps to the end of the wand, Tc = coating thickness
dampen the sponge electrode with tap water, and place it M = 3294 if Tc is in millimetres
between the clamps. Then tighten the clamps with the screw M = 525 if Tc is in mils.
until they are well down into the sponge electrode. Attach 11.2.3 If the coating thickness is greater than 1.041 mm
the ground wire (lead with battery clamp) and the wand to (41 mils):
V = K m
4Among the companies who supply suitable holiday detectors are the fol- where:
lowing: Tinker and Rasor, P.O. Box 281, San Gabriel, Calif. 91778; Pipeline V = test voltage
InspectionCo., 1919 Antoine St., Houston, Tex. 77055; H. C. Price, Co., P.O. Box Tc = coating thickness
59, Fairless Hills, Pa. 19030; and K. D. Co., 1091 Cornell St., Palo Alto, Calif.
94306. K = 7843 if Tc is in millimetres
5 A suitable peak or crest reading voltmeter may be obtained from Itt-Jennings, K = 1250 if Tc is in mils
970 McLaughlin Ave., San Jose, Calif. 95 1 16.
6 A wetting agent such as Eastman Kodak Photo-Flo has been found suitable
11.2.4 These equations are predicated on the amount of
for this purpose and is readily available at most leading camera stores. voltage needed to jump an air gap of the same length as the

4gb G 62

Holiday Detection in Pipeline Coatings

Detector Type and Manufacturer Report No.
Coating Manufacturer Page of -
Production Date
Production Run No.
Applied by

Coating Detector Pipe

Thickness Detector Test Resistance Number of Diameter
Voltage Method Holidays
mm mils ohms mm in.

FIG. 1 Suggested Form for Use in Presenting Data for Method A and Method B

coating thickness. Therefore, they are useful for testing voids, source, production data, and production run number. For
pinholes and thin spots in the coating, but would not be polymeric precoated corrugated steel pipe, the reporting
useful as a coating thickness quality control tool. requirements of Specification A 742 shall be used for identi-
11.3 Ground the test specimen by attaching the ground fication,
wire to a bare metal spot on the pipe surface. Plug the ground 12.3 Name and type of instrument used, method of
wire into the holiday detector. Then make up the searching standardization, and whether Method A or Method B was
electrode in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommen- used, and
dations, using a brush wire or conductive silicon electrode. 12.4 If Method B was used, state the test voltage, the
Plug the searching electrode into the holiday detector. Turn method used to calculate the voltage, and the minimum
on the holiday detector. allowable thickness in millimetres (mils) of the test sample.
1 1.3.1 CAUTION: Because of the high voltages involved,
13. Precision
do not touch the ground wire and the metal part of the
electrode at the same time if the instrument is on. 13.1 Precision data are limited to adjacent specimens
11.4 The detector is now ready to operate by passing the taken from the production-coated pipe as for the polymeric
electrode over the test specimen. The detector will ring if it corrugated steel pipe assuming that the production process
passes any void, pinhole, or area of the coating thinner than was uniform with respect to pipe surface condition and
the minimum allowable thickness. When a holiday is de- coating material. Specimens that were not adjacent in the
tected by the audible alarm, the electrode can be repositioned as-produced condition, or were taken from different lengths
to determine the exact holiday area by observing the origin of of pipe, may represent differing process conditions.
the spark jump. 13.2 Repeatability-When the same instrument is used
11.5 Prior to making the inspection, ensure that the by the same operator, duplicate measurements on the same
coated surface is dry. Dryness is critical in a high voltage test. specimen shall agree within ~ k 5%.
Take care to keep the electrode at least 12.7 mm (112 in.) 13.3 Reproducibility-Different operators using different
from any bare sheared or slit edge. instruments, set at the same voltage, inspecting the same
specimen shall obtain average results agreeing with each
12. Report
other within +lo %.
12.1 The report shall include the following (see Fig. 1): 14. Keywords
12.2 Complete identification of the specimen including 14.1 holidays; holiday detector; piping; pinhole; wet
names and code number of the coating, pipe diameter, sponge detector

The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 7916 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19103.

[{Tb Designation: G 70 - 81 (Reapproved 1992)"

Standard Test Method for

Ring Bendability of Pipeline Coatings (Squeeze Test)'
This standard is issued under the fixed designation G 70; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon ( e ) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

NOTE-section I I was added editorially September 1992.

1. Scope pipeline coatings to resist cracking, spalling, or other me-

1.1 This method covers testing the relative resistance of chanical damage as a result of bending. If the test is applied
pipeline coatings to cracking and spalling from deformation to coated pipe samples from commercial production, the
of the pipe by observing the effects of diametral compression results can be used in the selection of similar materials for
of ring samples. The method is limited to thin film coatings service. The test has application as a quality control method
having an elongation not exceeding 5.0 %. when variations in coating application or material formula-
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the tion may affect bending performance.
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the 5. Apparatus
safety problems, i f any, associated with its use. It is the 5.1 Compression Apparatus-An arbor press, universal
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- test machine, or other device that can apply sufficient force
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- at a controlled rate of movement.
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. 5.2 Film Thickness Gage, as described in Test Method
G 12.
2. Referenced Documents 5.3 Holiday Detector-A high- or low-voltage d-c holiday
2.1 ASTM Standards: detector as specified in Test Methods G 62 shall be used to
G 12 Test Method for Nondestructive Measurement of locate breaks in the coating film. Low-voltage holiday
Film Thickness of Pipeline Coatings on Steel2 detectors shall be used on coatings 0.51 mm (520 mils) thick
G 62 Test Methods for Holiday Detection in Pipeline and high-voltage holiday detectors shall be used on thicker
Coatings2 coatings.

3. Summary of Test Method 6. Test Specimens

3.1 The method consists of compressing coated pipe ring 6.1 The test specimens shall be coated ring samples 50 k 5
samples in a hydraulic arbor press, universal test machine, or mm (2 k 0.20 in.) in length.
other suitable device. The ring sample is compressed to an 6.2 Five samples shall be cut from the same piece of
approximate oval shape wherein the minor diameter of the coated pipe by hand saw, power saw, or lathe with care not to
oval is produced by a bending force that elongates the damage the coating in the holding device. All edges shall be
coating at the metal interface. The coating elongation or visually deburred. More samples may be required depending
stretch as produced in the test by comptessing the ring to a on the testing application.
gaged dimension can be calculated to produce the same 6.3 Samples shall have areas of coating removed in
coating elongation or stretch as would occur in actual accordance with Fig. 1.
bending of the pipe to a given radius. Coating failure in the 6.4 The samples shall be free of obvious coating flaws or
form of cracking or loss of adhesion is detected by electrical defects.
test for holidays while the test is in process.
7. Conditioning
3.2 Compression of coated ring samples is controlled by
use of a dial indicator, micrometer, or other suitable dis- 7.1 Where compression testing at room temperature is
tance-measuring device. Dimensions are then corrected to required, the specimen shall be exposed to these conditions
outside dimensions by subtracting the dial indicator or for a sufficient time to ensure thermal equilibrium in the
micrometer reading from the initial pipe diameter. pipe and coating. A temperature in the range from 20 to
25°C (68 to 77°F) shall be considered room temperature. A
4. Significance and Use relative humidity of 50 f 5 % shall be considered standard.
4.1 The method will provide information on the ability of 7.2 Tests at other temperatures shall be made in such a
manner as to ensure that thermal equilibrium is maintained
between the specimen and its conditioning environment.
I This test method is under the Junsdiction of ASTM Committee G-3 on
Durability of Nonmetallic Matenals, and is the direct responsibility of Subcom- 8. Procedure
mittee GO3 06 on Deterioration of Pipeline Coatings and Linings
Current edition approved Oct 30, 198I Published December 1981 8.1 Measure the outside diameter and wall thickness of
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol06 02 each specimen using a suitable measuring instrument.

Remove coating i n t h i s area specimen for any loss of coating bond caused by the bending
t o bare metal on both sides
NOTE-The possibility of some coatings developing stress-induced
cracks in the period following the bending operation should not be
overlooked. If this is a consideration, the bent specimen should be
retained for future inspection.
8.6 If a micrometer is used, measure the distance of
compression of the specimen.
8.7 After finding the distance of compression, subtract
this figure from the initial pipe diameter and determine the
percent bend by calculation as shown in the Annex.
9. Report
9.1 The initial test report shall include the following (see
Fig. 2):
9.1.1 Complete identification of the coated pipe tested,
Squeezing a x i s including: name and type of coating; average coating thick-
I ness; minimum coating thickness; maximum coating thick-
ness; manufacturer’s lot number; date of manufacture;
nominal pipe diameter.
9.1.2 Rate of compression.
9.1.3 Temperature of the pipe specimen as tested.
9.1.4 Percent bend and corresponding distance of com-
pression at which cracking first occurred.
9.1.5 Description of the type of cracking that is visible, or
indicated, or both, by the holiday detector.
9.1.6 Extent of any loss in pipe-to-coating bond.
9.1.7 Number of specimens tested.
+ Pipe O.D. 9.1.8 Any peculiar characteristics of the specimen noted
during the test or after immediate removal from the test
FIG. 1 Specimen
9.1.9 Post-bend retention time in days.
8.2 Measure the applied coating thickness of each spec-
imen in accordance with Test Method G 12. 10. Precision
8.3 Place specimen between the compression surfaces and 10.1 Precision data are limited to adjacent specimens
apply suficient compressive force to barely hold the sample. taken from the production-coated pipe assuming that the
The direction of compression shall be as shown in Fig. 1. production process was uniform with respect to pipe surface
8.4 Apply compressive force by movement of the com- condition and coating material. Specimens that were not
pression surfaces at a constant rate of speed. adjacent in the as-produced condition or were taken from
8.4.1 The rate of movement of the compression surfaces different lengths of pipe may represent differing process
shall be in accordance with the following guidelines: conditions.
Specimen Diameter, mm Testing Speed, mm/min 10.2 Repeatability-When the same instrument is used
50 to 200 2 to 20 by the same operator, duplicate measurements on the same
200 to 400 20 to 40 specimen shall agree within +8 %.
400 to 600 40 to 60
>600 60 to 100 10.3 Reproducibility-Different operators using different
The rate of movement of the compression surfaces can be holiday detectors set at the same voltages, inspecting the
determined by any suitable method such as a dial indicator, same specimen shall obtain average results agreeing with
micrometer, caliper, and a stopwatch. each other within k 1 5 %.
8.5 Examine the specimen during compression with the
holiday detector (Test Methods G 62) constantly to deter- 11. Keywords
mine the point of cracking of the coating film. Note the 1 1.1 bendability; coating; compression; deformation;
number, size, and type of cracks present. Examine the pipe pipeline; ring sample; squeeze

Specimen No.
Squeeze Test for Bendability of Pipeline Coatings
Pipe OD mm (in.) Wall mm (in.) Initials
Type Grade Manufacturer

Coating: Thickness, mm (in.): max min

Applied by Method

a b C d e f ( g / h I j ( k I ( m n 0

Results Observed Temperature Cracks Spalling
Compressed State
Initial .
Distance A-
Stretch Date
mm/min 'C OF Visible No Yes Negative Positive
mm (in ) "(In ) (in /min)
mm (in )

1 1
FIG. 2 Suggested Form for Recording Data

(Mandatory Information)
A 1 . 1 Given-Squeeze a ring in a vise a limited amount, ring having a smaller radius, the part of the surface of the
forming an oblate. See Fig. A 1.1. original ring that is deformed into a smaller ring is elongated
A 1.2 Assumptions: uniformly.
A1.2.1 That when a ring specimen is squeezed (com- A1.2.3 If the original ring outer surface is coated and that
pressed) between two parallel platens a limited amount, surface is elongated, the adhered coating must not only
portions of the specimen will be reduced to portions of a ring elongate but the new adhered surface must be less than the
having smaller radii than the original ring. The new, small original adhered surface. Hence the adhered surface must be
ring portions will have radii close enough to a true circle that reduced. The only exception to this would occur with a
it may be assumed that true circle portions are represented. sticky coating wherein the coating is an adhesive that will
flow to accommodate the larger surface.
NOTEAI.1-It may be argued that the original pipe section is not a
A1.2.4 That the adhering property of the coating will be
perfect circle but is so regarded when Barlow's formula is applied.
the same whether the metal surface interface is longitudinal
A1.2.2 That when a portion of a ring is deformed into or peripheral with the pipe.

FIG. A l . l Ring Sample

A1.2.5 That the wall thickness of the ring is not changed suitable as long as it is always less than the arc subtended
when the ring is squeezed. outside the platens of the vise because the arc 6 will be
NOTEA1.2-If any of these assumptions are known to be question- obtained as a ratio of 8. For example, let 8 = 4%' = 4.5/360
able, the percent stretch (elongation) must be calculated in a different = 0.0125. Now find 6 by letting a = b.
way. Other ways of determining the percent elongation would be by
direct measurement while the ring is compressed or by comparison to u=b (5)
standard radii bends. Then:
A 1.3 Calculations (See Figs. A 1.2 and A 1.3): 6a(Dl - t ) = Ba(D - t )
A1.3.1 In Fig. A1.2: Since I9 = 0.0125:
D = outside diameter of the large ring,
t = wall thickness of ring,
8 = arc of large ring measured as a fraction of 360",
b = length along neutral axis subtended by arc 8, and
d = length along outer surface subtended by arc 8. which is the elongated surface.
If P is the percent of elongation or stretch:
b = &(D - t), and
d = BnD
A1.3.2 In Fig. A1.3: 0.0125 a D I - 0.0125nD
Let: P= 0.0125.rrD (10)
D, = outside diameter of the small ring,
t = wall thickness of ring (same as Fig. l),
6 = arc of small ring measured as a fraction of 360",
a = length along neutral axis subtended by arc 6, and
c = length along outer surface subtended by arc 6. percent of elongation in the compressed ring.
Then: NOTEA 1.3-While the selected value for B appears to drop out of the
u = 6n(D, - t), and equation at this point along with ?F, it will be needed for evaluating the
(3) equations in order to limit the functions to arcs formed outside the
c = 6nDl (4) platens of the compressive device.
A1.3.3 Select an arbitrary value for arc 8. Any value is A1.3.4 Development of Percent Stretch vs Ring Deflection
Curve-In Eq 1 1 , we know t as the wall thickness and D as
the outside diameter of the ling. Equation 1 1 is used to

FIG. A1.3 Small Ring

FIG. A1.2 Large Ring

calculate the P or percent stretch value for a given ring stretch of the coating when the ring is compressed to 5 1 mm.
deflection as in the sample calculation below. (73 - 5.2)(51) - 73
(D- t)D'
~- (51 - 5.2)
P= x 100
P = (D- t , x 100
P = 3.42 %
For 73 mm outside diameter -5.2 mm wall steel pipe, t = In this way one continues to obtain as many points as
5.2 mm, D = 73 mm, we desire to know what the percent necessary to make an acceptable calibration curve.

The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rigbts asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19103.

(i]b Designation: G 80 - 88 (Reapproved 1992)''

Standard Test Method for

Specific Cathodic Disbonding of Pipeline Coatings'
This standard 1s issued under the fixed designation G 80, the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
onginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revlsion A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval A
superscript epsilon ( e ) indicates an editonal change since the last revision or reapproval

NOTE-section 1 I was added editorially in September 1992.

1. Scope 4. Significance and Use

I. 1 This test method covers an accelerated procedure for 4.1 Breaks or holidays in pipe coatings may expose the
simultaneously determining comparative characteristics of pipe to possible corrosion, since after a pipe has been
insulating coating systems applied to steel pipe exterior for installed underground, the surrounding earth will be more or
the purpose of preventing or mitigating corrosion that may less moisture-bearing and constitutes an effective electrolyte.
occur in underground service where the pipe will be in Damage to pipe coating is almost unavoidable during
contact with natural soils and may or may not receive transportation and construction. Normal soil potentials as
cathodic protection. It is intended for use with samples of well as applied cathodic protection potentials may cause
coated pipe taken from commercial production and is loosening of the coating, beginning at holiday edges, in some
applicable to such samples when the coating is characterized cases increasing the apparent size of the holiday. Holidays
by function as an electrical bamer. may also be caused by such potentials. While apparently
1.2 This test method is specific with no options. For loosened coating and cathodic holidays may not result in
alternative methods of test see Test Methods G 8. corrosion, this test provides accelerated conditions for loos-
1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the ening to occur and therefore gives a measure of resistance of
standard. coatings to this type of action.
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the 4.2 The effects of the test are evaluated by physical
safety problems, if any, associated with its use. It is the examination assessing the effective contact of the coating
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- with the metal surface in terms of observed differences in the
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- relative adhesive bond. It is usually found that the electrically
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. stressed area propagates from the holiday to a boundary
where the loosened coating leaves off for the more effective
2. Referenced Documents contact or bond attributed to an original condition
2.1 ASTM Standards: throughout the specimen before electrical stressing was
G 8 Test Methods for Cathodic Disbonding of Pipeline applied. Assumptions associated with test results include:
Coatings2 4.2.1 That attempting to loosen or disbond the coating at
G 12 Test Method for Nondestructive Measurement of a new test hole made in the coating in an area that was not
Film Thickness of Pipeline Coatings on Steel2 immersed represents maximum adhesion or bond as mea-
G 16 Practice for Applying Statistics to Analysis of Corro- sured by the lifting technique used, and that the same lifting
sion Data3 technique can be used at a test hole that was immersed,
thereby providing a means of comparing relative resistance
to lifting.
3. Summary of Test Method
4.2.2 That any relatively lesser bonded area at the im-
3.1 The coating on the test specimen is subjected to mersed test holes in the coating was caused by electrical
electrical stress in a highly conductive, alkaline electrolyte. stressing and was not attributable to any anomaly in the
Electrical stress is obtained by means of a sacrificial magne- application process. Ability to resist disbondment is a desired
sium anode. The coating is perforated before starting the test. quality on a comparative basis, but disbondment per se in
3.2 After the test period is concluded, results are deter- this test is not necessarily an adverse indication. The virtue
mined by physical examination and comparing the loosened of this test is that all dielectric type coatings now in common
or disbonding coating at the perforations in the immersed use will disbond to some degree thus providing a means of
area with loosened or disbonded coating at a new test hole in comparing one coating with another. Bond strength is more
the coating made in an area that was not immersed. important for proper functioning of some coatings than
others and the same measured disbondment for two different
I This test method is under the junsdiction of ASTM Committee G-3 on
coating systems may not represent equivalent loss of corro-
Durability of Nonmetallic Matenals and is the direct responsibility of Subcom- sion protection.
mittee G03.06 on Durability of Nonmetallic Materials. 4.2.3 That the current density appearing in this test is
Current edition approved Nov. 25, 1988. Published January 1989. Onginally much greater than that usually required for cathodic protec-
published as G 80 - 83. Last previous edition G 80 - 83.
Annual Book ofASTM Standards, Vol 14.02. tion in natural, inland soil environments.
3 Annual Book ofASTM Standards, Vol03.02. 4.2.4 That there is no impact on test results caused by

interaction among multiple test samples in the test vessel. It 6. Materials
is suggested that if interference is suspected, clarification may 6.1 The electrolyte shall consist of potable tap water with
be obtained by testing a single sample in the test vessel. the addition of 1 mass 96 of each of the following technical-
grade salts, calculated on an anhydrous basis: sodium chlo-
5. Apparatus ride, sodium sulfate, and sodium carbonate. Use freshly
5.1 Apparatus: prepared solution for each test.
5.1.1 Test Vessel-A nonconducting material shall be 6.2 Materials for sealing the ends of coated pipe speci-
used for the vessel or as a lining in a metallic vessel. mens may consist of bituminous products, waxy, epoxy, or
Dimensions of the vessel shall permit the following require- other materials, including molded elastomer or plastic end
ments: caps. Test specimens shall be suspended vertically in the 6.3 Plywood or plastic material has been found suitable
vessel with at least 25.4 mm (1-in.) clearance from the for the construction of test vessel covers and for the support
bottom. through apertures of test specimens and electrodes. Wood Each test specimen shall be separated from the dowels introduced through holes in the top ends of test
other specimens, from the anodes and from the walls of the specimens have been found suitable for suspending test
test vessel by at least 38.1 mm (1.500 in.). specimens from the vessel cover. Depth of electrolyte shall permit the test length of
the specimen to be immersed as required in 7.4. 7. Test Specimen
5.1.2 Magnesium Anode-The anode shall be made of a
magnesium alloy having a solution potential of -1.45 to 7.1 The test specimens shall be 60 mm (2.375 in.) O.D.
-1.55 V with respect to a CuCuSO, reference electrode in Schedule 40 coated pipes prepared with their surface prepa-
the electrolyte given in 6.1. It shall have a surface area not ration and coatings procedure equivalent to that of produc-
less than one third that of the total specimen area exposed to tion coated pipe, then cut and drilled as shown in Figure 1.
electrolyte (outside area exposed only). The anode shall be One end shall be plugged or capped and sealed.
provided with a factory-sealed, 4 107-cmil(14-gage Awg), 7.2 Three test holes shall be made in the coating in each
minimum, insulated copper wire. Anodes without a factory specimen, drilled 120" apart with one in the center and the
seal may be used if the magnesium extends above the cover. other two at locations one-fourth the distance from top and
5.1.3 Connectors-Wiring from anode to test specimen bottom of the immersed test length. Each holiday shall be
shall be 4 107-cmil (14-gage Awg), minimum, insulated drilled so that the angular cone point of the drill will fully
copper. Attachment to the test specimen shall be by sol- enter the steel where the cylindrical portion of the drill meets
dering, brazing, or bolting to the nonimmersed end, and the the steel surface. The drill diameter shall be not less than
place of attachment shall be coated with an insulating three times the coating thickness, but it shall never be smaller
material. A junction in the connecting wire is permitted, than 6.35 mm, (0.250 in.) in diameter. The steel wall of the
provided that it is made by means of a bolted pair of pipe shall not be perforated. Record initial holiday diameter.
terminal lugs soldered or mechanically crimped to clean wire NOTE1-Before making the holiday, see 7.6.
5.1.4 Holiday Tools-Holidays shall be made with con- 7.3 The end of the pipe which will protrude above the
ventional drills of the required diameter. A sharp-pointed immersion line shall be provided with suitable supporting
knife with a safe handle is required for use in making means and a separate wire connection for electrical purposes,
physical examinations. soldered, brazed, or bolted to the pipe. The protruding end,
5.1.5 High-Resistance Voltmeter, for direct current, including hanger and wire connections, shall be protected
having an internal resistance of not less than 10 MO and and sealed with an insulating coating material.
having a range from 0.01 to 5 V for measuring potential to 7.4 The specimen test area shall consist of the area
the reference electrode. between the edge of the bottom end seal and the immersion
5.1.6 Reference Electrode, saturated CuCuSO, of conven- *
line for a distance of 490.22 mm 12.7 (19.300 f .500 in)
tional glass or plastic tube with porous plug construction, representing an area of 92,900 mm2 (1 ft2). The bottom end
preferably not over 19.05 mm (0.750 in.) in diameter, having seal area shall not be considered part of the area tested.
a potential of -0.316 V with respect to the standard 7.5 Measure and record the minimum and maximum
hydrogen electrode. A saturated calomel electrode may be coating thickness in accordance with Test Method G 12, and
used, but measurements made with it shall be converted to the thickness where each holiday is made.
the CuCuSO, reference for reporting by adding -0.072 V to 7.6 Verify the continuity of the coating and the effective-
the observed reading. ness of the end cap seal before making artificial holidays as
5.1.7 Thickness Gage, for measuring coating thickness in follows:
accordance with Test Method G 12. 7.6.1 Immerse the test specimen and a metallic electrode
5.1.8 Volt-Ohm-Meter, for initial testing of apparent in the electrolyte. Connect one terminal of the ohmmeter to
coating resistance. the test specimen and the other terminal to the metallic
5.1.9 Metallic Electrode, used temporarily with the volt- electrode. Measure the apparent resistance in ohms, making
ohm-meter to determine apparent initial holiday status of two determinations: one with the specimen connected to the
the test specimen. positive terminal of the ohmmeter, and one with the
5.1.10 Additional Connecting Wires, 4 107-cmil ( 14-gage specimen connected to the negative terminal.
Awg), minimum, insulated copper. 7.6.2 Disconnect the specimen from the ohmmeter but

TEST W I R CONNECTION 60.325 mm (2.375 in) 0.R PIPE


SEC c-c



A 490.22 f 12.7 I9.300~:.500
B 245.1 1 12.7 9.650f -500
, w
C 120.652 6.35 4.750&.250 - E
D 114. 3 f 6.35 4.500k.250 2
. w
E 233.363 MIN 9.1875 MIN K
F I 19.05 MlN 0 . 7 5 0 MlN

FIG. 1 Specimen

leave it immersed for 15 min. Then measure resistance again electrode immediately after starting the test and immediately
as in 7.6.1. before terminating it. Use temporary connections and instru-
7.6.3 A significant decrease in either resistance reading mentation, as shown in Fig. 1. The potential measured shall
after 15 min will indicate a flaw in the coating or end cap be - 1.45 V to - 1.55 V with respect to a CuCuSO, reference
seal. Reject the specimen if the flaw is identified in the electrode. Use the instrument described in 5.1.5.
coating. If the flaw is in the end cap seal it may be repaired 8.2 Duration of the test period shall be 60 days.
and the resistance remeasured as in 7.6.1 and 7.6.2. 8.3 A physical examination shall be performed immedi-
7.6.4 The lowest resistance after 15 min of immersion ately upon termination of the test period as follows:
shall be not less than 1000 mQ.'A stable reading below 1000 8.3.1 Examine the entire immersed area for any evidence
MQ may not indicate a flaw and the specimen may be used of new holidays and loosening of coating at the edge of all
for test, but all resistance measurements shall be reported in holidays, including the artificial holidays.
the results. 8.3.2 Drill a new test hole in the coating in an area that
was not immersed as shown in Fig. 1. Follow the same
8. Procedure drilling procedure described in 7.2.
8.1 Immerse the test specimen in the electrolyte and 8.3.3 In order to gauge or calibrate the lifting technique,
connect it to the anode as shown in Fig. 1. Position the attempt to lift the coating at the new test hole with the point
middle holiday so that it faces away from the anode. Space of a sharp knife after making cuts through the coating
the anode with respect to test specimens as described in intersecting at the center of the hole. Inability or relative
5.1.1. Mark the correct immersion level of the test specimen resistance to lifting or disbonding the coating shall be
with a grease pencil and maintain by daily additions of considered the adhered or bonded condition of the untested
potable water as required. Perform the test at a room coating with respect to the lifting technique used.
temperature of 21" to 25°C (70" to 77°F). 8.3.4 Record the condition found at the new test hole.
8.1.1 In order to ascertain that the test cell is functioning, 8.3.5 Determine if the coating has been loosened at the
measure the potential between test specimen and a reference immersed test holes by attempting to lift the coating with the

63 1

coated connection
t o specimen

3 -






NOTE-Test hole made in non-immersed area after testing not shown

FIG. 2 Test Assembly

point of a sharp knife after making cuts through the coating 9.1.7 Dates of starting and terminating test, and
intersecting at the holiday or point of inspection using the 9.1.8 Other information that may be pertinent.
same technique applied in 8.3.3. 9.2 Tally of areas that have been found unsealed on the
8.3.6 Classify coating that can be lifted or disbonded more terminal date. Report areas in square millimeters (square
readily than at the new test hole as unsealed area. Measure inches) or millimeters (inches) of equivalent circle diameter.
the unsealed area. NOTE 3-Equivalent circle diameter (ECD) is obtained from the
NOTE 2-The use of a transparent film having a grid laid out in small following formula:
squares such as 2.54 mm (0.1 in) on a side has been found useful. The
film is placed against the unsealed area and the boundary of the unsealed >ECD= -
( 0 . k ) 'I2<
area is traced on the grid. The area is then obtained by counting the
squares within the bounded area. where:
A = area of holiday, mm2 (in.2)
9. Data Sheet and Report (see Fig. 3) 10. Precision
9.1 Complete identification of the test specimen, in- 10.1 No statement of precision can be made for tests of
cluding: single specimens. For evaluation of the results of more than
9.1.1 Name and code number of the coating, one specimen representing the same product the statistical
9.1.2 Size and wall thickness of pipe, methods given in Practice G 16 may be used.
9.1.3 Source, production date, and production run
number, NOTE4-Variation in results may be due to differences between
specimens as well as in execution of the tests. Variation of more than
9.1.4 Minimum-maximum coating thickness, average 12.7 mm (0.5 in) in equivalent circle diameter of presumably like
thickness and the thickness at the holiday, specimens may be due to causes other than execution.
9.1.5 Size of initial holidays,
9.1.6 Resistance measurements verifying continuity of the 11. Keywords
coating and effectiveness of the end cap seal as required in 1 1.1 anode; cathodic; disbondment; electrical stress; elec-
Sec. 7.6, trolyte; equivalent diameter

1 Specimen No-. Report No ___ initials- Date-
2 Pipe

mm (in.) O.D. mm (in.) W
a l l m m (in.) Length

3. Coating:
Name.No I

Application method
L Applicator ~

. Thickness. mm (in.)
M a x _ Min- Av - At holidays Top- Middle- Bottom-
4. Condition found at new test hole made in the non-immersed area after test concluded
Mark aDDliCabk case.
-No lifting or disbonding
-Some lifting or disbonding: -mm2 (in.2)-ECD
3. Test:
Date s t a r t e d Date finishe-
Test a r e a m m ’ (in2) I Top I Middle 1 Bottom I Average 1
Initial holiday dia. mm (in.)
Final unsealed area mm2 (in.2)
(-) initial holiday area mm’ (in.3
= Net disbonded area mm2(in.*)
Disbonded Eouivalent Circle Diameter mm (in.)

6 Preliminary venfication

Venfication of coating continuity

before starting test per Sec 7 6




FIG. 3 Form for Presenting Data for One Specimen

The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. lf you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19103.

Last ASTM Designation: G 89 - 85

Standard Methods for

Cathodic Disbonding of Pipeline Coatings Subjected to Cyclic

These methods cover an accelerated procedure for determining Comparative characteristics of insulating coating systems
applied to steel pipe exterior for the purpose of preventing or mitigating corrosion that may occur in underground service
where the pipe will be exposed to high temperatures, and is under cathodic protection. These methods are intended for use
with samples of coated pipe taken from commercial production and is applicable to such samples when the coating is
characterized by function as an electrical barrier.
Formerly under the jurisdiction of Committee G-3 on Durability of Pipeline Coatings and Linings. These methods were
discontinued in 1992.

Designation: G 95 - 87 (Reapproved 1992)''

Standard Test Method for

Cathodic Disbondment Test of Pipeline Coatings (Attached
Cell Method)'
This standard is issued under the fixed designation G 95; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
onginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon ( e ) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

NOTE-seCtiOn 12 was added editorially September 1992.

1. Scope 3. Summary of Test Method

1.1 This test method covers accelerated procedures for 3.1 The test method described subjects the coating on the
simultaneously determining comparative characteristics of test specimen to electrical stress in a highly conductive
coating systems applied to steep pipe exterior for the purpose alkaline electrolyte. Electrical stress is obtained from an
of preventing or mitigating corrosion that may occur in impressed direct-current system. An intentional holiday is to
underground service where the pipe will be in contact with be made in the coating prior to starting of test.
natural soils and will receive cathodic protection. They are 3.1.1 Electrical instrumentation is provided for measuring
intended for use with samples of coated pipe taken from the current and the potential throughout the test cycle. At
commercial production and are applicable to such samples the conclusion of the test period, the test specimen is
when the coating is characterized by function as an electrical physically examined.
barrier. 3.1.2 Physical examination is conducted by comparing
1.2 This test method is intended to facilitate testing of the extent of loosened or disbonded coating at the inten-
coatings where the test cell is cemented to the surface of the tional holiday in the immersed area with extent of loosened
coated pipe specimen. This is appropriate when it is imprac- or disbonded coating at a reference holiday made in the
tical to submerge or immerse the test specimen as required by coating in an area that was not immersed.
Test Methods G 8, G 42, or G 80. Coating sample configu-
ration such as flat plate and small diameter pipe may be 4. Significance and Use
used, provided that the test procedure remains unchanged.2 4.1 Damage to pipe coating is almost unavoidable during
1.3 This test method allows options that must be identi- transportation and construction. Breaks or holidays in pipe
fied in the report. coatings may expose the pipe to possible corrosion since,
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the after a pipe has been installed underground, the surrounding
safety problems, if any, associated with its use. It is the earth will be moisture-bearing and will constitute an effective
responsibility of the user of this standprd to establish appro- electrolyte. Applied cathodic protection potentials may cause
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- loosening of the coating, beginning at holiday edges. Sponta-
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. neous holidays may also be caused by such potentials. This
test method provides accelerated conditions for cathodic
disbondment to occur and provides a measure of resistance
2. Referenced Documents of coatings to this type of action.
2.1 ASTM Standards: 4.2 The effects of the test are to be evaluated by physical
examinations and monitoring the current drawn by the test
G 8 Test Methods for Cathodic Disbonding of Pipeline specimen. Usually there is no correlation between the two
methods of evaluation, but both methods are significant.
G 12 Test Method for Nondestructive Measurement of
Physical examination consists of assessing the effective con-
Film Thickness of Pipeline Coatings on Steel3
tact of the coating with the metal surface in terms of observed
G 42 Test Method for Cathodic Disbonding of Pipeline differences in the relative adhesive bond. It is usually found
Coatings Subjected to Elevated Temperatures3 that the cathodically disbonded area propogates from an area
G 62 Test Methods for Holiday Detection in Pipeline where adhesion is zero to an area where adhesion reaches the
Coatings3 original level. An intermediate zone of decreased adhesion
G80 Test Method for Specific Cathodic Disbonding of may also be present.
Pipeline Coatings3 4.3 Assumptions associated with test results include:
4.3.1 Maximum adhesion, or bond, is found in the
I This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee G3 on
coating that was not immersed in the test liquid, and
Durability of Nonmetallic Materials and is the direct responsibility of Subcom- 4.3.2 Decreased adhesion in the immersed test area is the
mittee (303.06 on Durability of Pipeline Coatings and Linings. result of cathodic disbondment.
Current edition approved Sept. 25, 1987. Published November 1987. 4.4 Ability to resist disbondment is a desired quality on a
For other cathodic disbondment testing procedures, consult Test Methods
G 8, G 42, and G 80. comparative basis, but disbondment in this test method is
3 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 06.02. not necessarily an adverse indication of coating performance.

-Lead Wire To Power Supply

Platinum Wire Anode To

Within 5mm Of Bottom

E Iect rolye Solution Electrolye Sdutlon

Cleor Glass Or


Coated Test Pipe (Can Be Flot

Coupon For Larger O.D. Pipe)
FIG. 1 Typical Test Set Up

The virtue of this test method is that all dielectric-type diameter. The fritted-disk section shall be 30 mm (1.18 in.)
coatings now in common use will disbond to some degree, in diameter with a pore size of 10 to 15 ~ m . ~
thus providing a means of comparing one coating to another. 5.3 Impressed-Current Anode-Anode shall be of the
4.5 The current density appearing in this test method is platinum wire type, 0.5 1 mm (0.020 in.) - 24 gage diameter.
much greater than that usually required for cathodic protec- It shall be of sufficient length to extend outside the confines
tion in natural environments. of the test cell and shall be connected to the wire from the
power source with a bolted or compression fitting.
5.4 Anode Assembly-Anode shall be suspended inside
5 . Apparatus the test vessel so that the tip of the anode assembly closest to
5.1 Test Vessel-A transparent plastic or glass tube that is the holiday is 25.4 mm (1 in.) above, and the edge of the
centered over the intentional holiday and sealed to the test- anode assembly is 12.7 mm (Y2 in.) offset from the holiday.
sample surface with a waterproof sealing material., The cyl- 5.5 Reference Electrode-Saturated Cu-CuSO, of conven-
inder is to be 101.6 mm (4.0 in. nominal diameter) and of tional glass or plastic tube with porous plug construction,
sufficient height to contain 127.0 mm (5.0 in.) of electrolyte. preferably not over 19.05 mm (0.750 in.) in diameter, having
a potential of -0.316 V with respect to the standard
NOTE-size of vessel shall remain unchanged. Sealing procedure hydrogen electrode. A saturated calomel electrode may be
must be altered to accommodate specimen having a diameter less than used, but measurements made with it shall be converted to
101.60 mm (4 in.).
the Cu-CuSO, reference for reporting by adding -0.072 V to
5.2 Filter Tube-Anode assembly shall be constructed the observed reading.
utilizing an immersion tube with fritted disk. Length of the 5.6 Reference Electrode Placement-Submerge the tip of
tube will be 180 mm (7 in.) and 8 mm (0.315 in.) in the reference electrode 25.4 mm (1 in.) into the electrolyte.

RTV silicone rubber sealant available from Dow Corning Corp., Midland, A tube assembly provided by VWR Scientific, P.O. Box 33348, Houston,
MI, 48686 has been found suitable for this purpose. Texas 77033, has been found to be satisfactory.


Solder Or
rI I ohm,? I O/O
I-w Resistor
7. Test Specimen
7.1 During the coating operation, the applicator may be
directed to cut a section of coated pipe of sufficient length for
laboratory evaluation of the coating. Precautions are to be
taken when cutting the pipe so that spatter will not harm the
coating where testing will be done. Wet rags shall be placed
on each side of the torch-cut area to minimize thermal
changes and spatter damage to the coating. Test sample shall
*I4 A W G Lead Wire be taken at least 76.2 mm (3 in.) from any torch-cut edge.
To Power Supply Special precautions are to be taken so that coating is not
damaged in handling, transporting, or further cutting. The
Platinum Wire Anode To test specimens may be a cut coupon, flat plate, or a ring
Within 5mm Of Bottom specimen. The test may also be performed on an actual
inservice pipeline, or any other appropriate coated surface.
II t Electrolyte
8. Procedure
8.1 Verify the coating integrity in the area to be tested in
accordance with Test Methods G 62. Discard specimen
found to contain holidays. Measure and record the max-
imum and minimum coating thickness measured in the area
Disc ,10-15 subjected to test in accordance with Test Method G 12.
Size 8.2 One intentional holiday shall be made in each spec-
imen to be tested. The holiday shall be drilled so that the
angular cone point of the drill will fully enter the steel where
the cylindrical portion of the drill meets the steel surface.
FIG. 2 Anode Assembly The drill shall be 3.2 mm (0.125 in.) in diameter.
8.3 Electrical connection is then made to the test spec-
5.7 High-Zmpedence Multimeter-For making direct- imen, (see 5.12).
current and voltage measurements. Multimeter must have 8.4 Attach the test cylinder to the test specimen, (see 5.1).
an internal resistance of not less than 10 M Q and be capable Take care to ensure that the cylinder satisfactorily fits the
of measuring current as low as 1 mA, and voltage up to 10 V. curvature of the pipe sample and that it is centered over the
5.8 Direct-Current Power Supply-Capable of supplying intentional holiday.
low-ripple voltage at 3.0, +O.O 1, V, as measured between the 8.5 Add the electrolyte solution to the specified level in
test specimen and reference electrode. the test cylinder. Record the pH of the solution. Check the
5.9 Precision Wire-Wound Resistor-1 Q, +1 %, 1-W level of the electrolyte each day and maintain by adding
(minimum) to be used in the test cell circuit as a shunt for distilled or deionized water.
measuring current. 8.6 Place the fritted glass filter tube into the electrolyte
5.10 Thickness Gage-For measuring coating thickness in solution as described in 5.4. Support the fritted glass filter
accordance with Test Method G 12. tube.
5.1 1 Holiday Detector-For locating holidays in the coat- 8.7 Insert the platinum anode into the fritted glass tube,
ing of the test specimen in accordance with Test Methods down to within 5 mm (2 in.) of the bottom.
G 62. 8.8 Attach the positive lead of the current source to the
5.12 Connections-Wiring from current source to the platinum anode and the negative lead to the cathode (pipe).
specimen shall be by either soldering, brazing, or bolting to A potential of 3 V DC with respect to a copper-copper
the non-immersed area of the specimen. A junction in the sulphate reference electrode is to be impressed across the test
connection wire is not desirable but, if necessary, may be cell.
made by means of a bolted pair of terminal lugs, soldering or 8.9 Conduct the test at a room temperature of 21 to 25°C
mechanically crimping to clean wire ends. (70 to 77°F). Tests to be run for a period of 90 days.
5.13 Additional Connecting Wires-If additional wiring is 8.10 At least twice each week, place a reference CuSO,
necessary, it shall be stranded, insulated copper and not less electrode in the electrolyte between the anode and the holiday.
than 1.75 mm (0.069 in. -14 gage) diameter. Read the voltage and adjust the power supply output, if
5.14 Holiday Tools-A drill and a suitable drill bit that required, so that a negative 3 V DC potential is maintained
will accomplish drilling of test hole, as described under 8.2. between the reference electrode and the test sample.
A sharp-pointed knife, with a safe handle is required for use
in making physical examination. 9. Examination
9.1 At the end of the 90 day test period, disassemble the
cell and rinse the test area with warm tap water. Immediately
6. Reagent and Materials wipe the sample dry and visually examine the entire test area
6.1 The electrolyte shall consist of distilled or deionized for any evidence of unintentional holidays and loosening of
water with the addition of 3 mass % of technical grade coating at the edge of all holidays, including the intentional
sodium chloride. Use freshly prepared solution for each test. holiday, and record coating condition, for example, color,

blisters, cracking, crazing, adhering deposits, etc. thickness, and the thickness at the holiday,
9.2 Drill a new reference holiday in the coating in an area Size of initial holidays,
that was not immersed. Follow the same drilling procedure Dates of starting and termination of test,
as described in 8.2. Cell diameter and depth of electrolyte,
9.3 Make radial 45" cuts through the coating intersecting Salt composition and concentration,
at the center of both the intentional holiday and the reference Cell voltage,
holiday with a sharp, thin-bladed knife.6 Take care to ensure Length of test period, and
that coating is cut completely through to the steel substrate. 1 Other data that may be pertinent.
9.4 Attempt to lift the coating at both the reference 10.2 Report the test results by measuring the total area of
holiday and the intentional holiday with the point of a sharp, disbondment by planimeter, square counting, or other pre-
thin-bladed knife. Use the bond at the reference holiday as a cise method. Subtract the initial holiday area and calculate
reference for judging the quality of the bond at the inten- an equivalent circle diameter.7
tional holiday. Measure and record the total area of
disbonded coating at the intentional holiday. 11. Precision and Bias
11.1 Precision-For between-laboratory testing data is
within k25 % of the mean for represented samples. Samples
were taken from one length of production run coated 16 in.
10. Report pipe.
10.1 The repdrt of results shall include the following. 11.2 Bias-No statement of bias is made since samples
10.1.1 Complete identification of the test specimen, in- were all obtained from one length of pipe and all partici-
cluding: pating laboratories utilized equipment and procedures as Name and code number of the coating, outlined in this test method. Size and wall thickness of pipe, Applicator, production date, and production run 12. Keywords
number of coating, 12.1 anode; attached cell; cathodic; disbondment; elec- Minimum-maximum coating thickness, average trical stress; electrolyte; salt bridge

Acceptable results have been obtained with a Stanley No. 99 utility knife Equivalent circle diameter is calculated by ECD = (A/0.785)v',where A = area
available from Stanley Works, Covington, GA, 30209. corrected for holiday area.

The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19103.


Any documents included in this section that are marked “proposed” are published for information only. They have
received the approval of the sponsoring technical committee for publication as “proposed” but have not been
officially accepted by the Society. Comments are solicited and should be addressed to ASTM, 1916 Race St.,
Philadelphia, Pa. 19103.

Excerpts from Standard Practice for
Use of the International System of Units (SI) (the Modernized
Metric System)'
Following are excerptsfrom Standard Practicefor Use of the International System of Units (SI) the Modernized Metric System E 380,
which is available as a separate publication and which appears in its entirety in Volume 14.02. Deleted are Appendixes X I . X2.X3, and
X4. Added is ci table of selected conversion factors from Appendix X3.


....................................................................................... 1
....................................................... 2

.......................................................... 2.4

Application of the Metric System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... 3.1
Application of SI Prefixes
Other Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.............................. 3.4
.............................. 3.5
................................................................... 4
.............................................. 4.1

.................................. 4.3

............................................................................... 4.6
................................................... 5

Development of the International System of Units. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


1. Scope will help to avoid the degradation that has occurred in all
1.1 This standard gives guidance for application of The older measurement systems.
International System of Units (the modernized metric
system) developed and maintained by the General Confer- 2. SI Units and Symbols
ence on Weights and Measures (abbreviated CGPM from the
2.1 Classes of Units-SI units are divided into three
official French name Conference Genkrale des Poids et
Mesures). The name International System of Units and the
international abbreviation SI2 were adopted by the 1 lth base units
CGPM in 1960. supplementary units
derived units
1.2 Information is included on SI, a limited list of non-SI
units recognized for use with SI units, and a list of conver- 2.2 Base Units-SI is based on seven well-defined units
sion factors from non-SI to SI units, together with general (see Table 1) which by convention are regarded as dimen-
guidance on proper style and usage. sionally independent.
1.3 It is hoped that an understanding of the system and its 2.3 Supplementary Units-This class contains two units,
characteristics, and careful use according to this standard, the radian and the steradian (see Table 2). At the time of the
introduction of the International System, the 1 1th CGPM
left open the question of the nature of these supplementary
1 This standard is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E-43 on Metric units. Considering that plane angle is generally expressed as
Practice and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E43.10 on Standards. the ratio between two lengths and solid angle as the ratio
Current edition approved Oct. 3, 1991. Published December 1991. Originally between an area and the square of length, the CIPM (1980)
published in 1964 without designation as ASTM Metric Practice Guide, revised
1966. Adopted as standard 1968. Last previous edition E 380 - 89. specified that in the International System the quantities
* From the French name, Le Systhe International d'Unit6s. plane angle and solid angle should be considered as dimen-

64 1
TABLE 1 Base SI Units TABLE 3 Derived SI Units with Special Names
Quantitv3 Unit Svmbol Quantitv3 Unit Svmbol Formula
length metre m frequency (of a periodic hertz Hz 1Is
mass kilogram kg phenomenon)
time second S force newton N .
kg m/s2
electric current ampere A pressure, stress pascal Pa N/m2
thermodynamic temperatureA kelvin K energy, work, quantity of joule J N.m
amount of substance mole mol heat
luminous intensitv candela cd power, radiant flux watt W JIS
quantity of electricity, coulomb C A.s
A For a discussion of Celsius temperature see 3.4.2.
electric charge
electric potential, potential volt V WIA
difference, electromotive
TABLE 2 Supplementary SI Units force
Quantitv3 Unit Svmbol electric capacitance farad F ClV
electric resistance ohm D VIA
plane angle radian rad electric conductance siemens S AIV
solid angle steradian sr magnetic flux weber Wb v.s
magnetic flux density tesla T Wb/m2
inductance henry H Wb/A
sionless derived quantities. Therefore, the supplementary Celsius temperature degree OC K[see 3.4.21
units radian and steradian are to be regarded as dimension- CelsiusA
less derived units which may be used or omitted in the
luminous flux lumen Im .
cd sr
illuminance lux Ix h/m2
expressions for derived units. activity (of a radionuclide) becquerel Bq 1Is
2.4 Derived Units: absorbed dose’ gray GY Jlkg
2.4.1 Derived units are formed by combining base units, dose equivalent sievert SV J/kg
A Inclusion in the table of derived SI units with special names approved by the
supplementary units, and other derived units according to ClPM in 1976.
the algebraic relations linking the corresponding quantities. ’ Related quantities using the same unit are: specific energy imparted, kerma,
The symbols for derived units are obtained by means of the and absorbed dose index.
mathematical signs for multiplication, division, and use of
exponents. For example, the SI unit for velocity is the metre stood and properly applied. Obsolete metric units and
per second (m/s or m-s-’), and that for angular velocity is practices are widespread, particularly in those countries that
the radian per second (rad/s or rad-s-’). long ago adopted the metric system, and much usage is
2.4.2 Those derived SI units which have special names improper. This section gives guidance concerning the limited
and symbols approved by the CGPM are listed in Table 3. number of cases in which units outside SI are appropriately
2.4.3 It is frequently advantageous to express derived used, and makes recommendations concerning usage and
units in terms of other derived units with special names; for style.
example, the SI unit for electric dipole moment is usually 3.2 Application of SI Prefixes:
expressed as C m instead of A s m. - 3.2.1 General-In general the SI .prefixes (2.5) should be
2.4.4 Some common derived units are listed in Table 4. used to indicate orders of magnitude, thus eliminating
2.5 SI Prefixes (see 3.2 for application): nonsignificant digits and leading zeros in decimal fractions,
2.5.1 The prefixes and symbols listed in Table 5 are used and providing a convenient alternative to the powers-of-ten
to form names and symbols of the decimal multiples and notation preferred in computation. For example:
submultiples of the SI units except for kilogram. ‘
2.5.2 Unit of Mass-Among the base and derived units of 12 300 mm becomes 12.3 m
SI, the unit of mass (kilogram) is the only one whose name, 12.3 X lo3 m becomes 12.3 km
for historical reasons, contains a prefix. Names of decimal 0.00123 pA becomes 1.23 nA
multiples and submultiples of the unit of mass are formed by 3.2.2 Selection-When expressing a quantity by a numer-
attaching prefixes to the word gram (8). ical value and a unit, a prefix should preferably be chosen so
2.5.3 These prefixes or their symbols are directly attached that the numerical value lies between 0.1 and 1000. To
to names or symbols of units, forming multiples and minimize variety, it is recommended that prefixes repre-
submultiples of the units. In strict terms these must be called senting 1000 raised to an integral power be used. However,
“multiples and submultiples of SI units,” particularly in three factors may justify deviation from the above:
discussing the coherence of the system (see Section 5). In In expressing area and volume, the prefixes hecto-,
common parlance, the base units and derived units, along deka-, deci-, and centi- may be required, for example, square
with their multiples and submultiples, are all called SI units. hectometre, cubic centimetre. In tables of values of the same quantity, or in a
3. Application of the Metric System discussion of such values within a given context, it is
generally preferable to use the same unit multiple through-
3.1 General-SI is the form of the metric system that is out.
preferred for all applications. It is important that this For certain quantities in particular applications,
modernized form of the metric system be thoroughly under-
one particular multiple is customarily used. For example, the
millimetre is used for linear dimensions in mechanical
“Quantity” as used in the headings of the tables of this standard means engineering drawings even when the values lie far outside the
measurable attribute of phenomena or matter. range 0.1 to 1000 mm; the centimetre is often used for body

4lb E 380
TABLE 4 Some Common Derived Units of SI
Quantitv3 Unit Svmbol
absorbed dose rate gray per second
acceleration metre per second squared
angular acceleration radian per second squared
angular velocity radian per second
area square metre
concentration (of amount of substance) mole per cubic metre
current density ampere per square metre
density, mass kilogram per cubic metre
electric charge density coulomb per cubic metre
electric field strength volt per metre
electric flux density coulomb per square metre
energy density joule per cubic metre
entropy joule per kelvin
exposure (X and gamma rays) coulomb per kilogram
heat capacity joule per kelvin

heat flux density

1 watt per square metre

candela per square metre


magnetic field strength ampere per metre

molar energy joule per mole
molar entropy joule per mole kelvin
molar heat capacity joule per mole kelvin
moment of forceA newton metre
permeability (magnetic) henry per metre
permittivity farad per metre
power density watt per square metre
radiance watt per square metre steradian
radiant intensity watt per steradian
specific heat capacity joule per kilogram kelvin
specific energy joule per kilogram
specific entropy joule per kilogram kelvin
specific volume cubic metre per kilogram
surface tension newton per metre
thermal conductivity watt per metre kelvin
velocity metre per second
viscosity, dynamic pascal second
viscosity, kinematic square metre per second
volume cubic metre
wave number 1 Der metre 1Im
A See 3.4.4.

measurements and clothing sizes. 1 cm3 = m)3 = 10-6 m3

3.2.3 Prefixes in Compound Units4-It is recommended 1 ns-' = (10-9 s)-I = 109 s-l
that only one prefix be used in forming a multiple of a 1 mm2/s = ( iop3 m)2/s = lop6 m2/s
compound unit. Normally the prefix should be attached to a 3.2.6 Calculations-Errors in calculations can be mini-
unit in the numerator. One exception to this is when the mized if the base and the coherent derived SI units are used
kilogram occurs in the denominator. and the resulting numerical values are expressed in powers-
Examples: of-ten notation instead of using prefixes.
V/m, not mV/mm, and MJ/kg, not kJ/g 3.3 Other Units:
3.3.1 Units from Different Systems-To assist in pre-
3.2.4 Compound Prefixes-Compound prefixes, formed
by the juxtaposition of two or more SI prefixes are not to be serving the advantage of SI as a coherent system, it is
used. For example, use advisable to minimize the use with it of units from other
systems. Such use should be limited to units listed in this
1 nm, not 1 mpm section.
1 pF, not 1 pkF
3.3.2 Units in Use with SI (see Table 6):
If values are required outside the range covered by the Time-The SI unit of time is the second. This unit
prefixes, they should be expressed by using powers of ten is preferred and should be used if practical, particularly when
applied to the base unit. technical calculations are involved. In cases where time
3.2.5 Powers of Units-An exponent attached to a symbol relates to life customs or calendar cycles, the minute, hour,
containing a prefix indicates that the multiple or submultiple day, and other calendar units may be necessary. For ex-
of the unit (the unit with its prefix) is raised to the power ample, vehicle speed will normally be expressed in
expressed by the exponent. For example: kilometres per hour. Plane Angle-The SI unit for plane angle is the
A compound unit is a derived unit that is expressed in terms of two or more radian. Use of the degree and its decimal submultiples is
units rather than by a single special name. permissible when the radian is not a convenient unit. Use of
4# E380
TABLE 5 SI Prefixes 3.3.3 Units in Use with SI Temporarily (see Table 7):
Multiplication Factor Prefix Symbol Energy-The SI unit of energy, the joule, together
1 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10’8 exa E with its multiples, is preferred for all applications. The
1 ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo = 1015 peta P kilowatthour is widely used, however, as a measure of
1 000 000 000 000 = IO” :era T electric energy. This unit should not be introduced into any
1 ooo ooo ooo = 109 gigs G
1 000 000 = 106 mega M new areas, and eventually it should be replaced by the
I 000=103 kilo k megajoule.
100 = 102 hectoA h Pressure and Stress-The SI unit of pressure and
10 = 10’ dekaA da
0.1 = 10-1 deciA d
stress is the pascal (newton per square metre) and with
0.01 = 10-2 centiA C proper SI prefixes is applicable to all such measurements.
0.001 = 10-3 milli m Old metric gravitational units for pressure and stress such as
0.000 001 = 10-6 micro CI kilogram-force per square centimetre (kgf/cm2) shall not be
0.000 ooo 001 = 10-9 nano n
0.000 000 000 001 = 10-12 pic0 P used. Widespread use has been made of other non-SI units
0.000 ooo ooo ooo 001 = 10-15 femto f such as bar and torr for pressure, but this use is strongly
0.000 000 000 000 000 001 = 10-18 atto a discouraged. The millibar is widely used in meteorology; this
A To be avoided where practical, except as noted in 3.2.2. usage will continue for the present in order to permit
meteorologists to communicate easily within their profes-
the minute and second is discouraged except for special fields sion. The kilopascal should be used in presenting meteoro-
such as cartography. logical data to the public. Area-The SI unit of area is the square metre 3.3.4 Units and Names to Be Abandoned-A great many
(m2). The hectare (ha) is a special name for square metric units other than those of the SI have been defined
hectometre (hm2). Large land or water areas are generally over the years. Some of these are used only in special fields;
expressed in hectares or in square kilometres (km2). others have found broad application in countries that Volume-The SI unit of volume is the cubic adopted the metric system early. Except for the special cases
metre. This unit, or one of the regularly formed multiples discussed in the previous sections, non-SI units (as well as
such as the cubic centimetre, is preferred. The special name special names for multiples or submultiples of SI units) are to
litre5 (L)6 has been approved for the cubic decimetre, but use be avoided. Various categories of deprecated units are
of this unit is restricted to volumetric capacity, dry measure, discussed in to The lists are not intended to
and measure of fluids (both gases and liquids). No prefix be complete, but only to indicate more or less prominent
other than milli- or micro- should be used with litre. examples of each category. Mass-The SI unit of mass is the kilogram. This Cgs Units-All units peculiar to the various cgs
unit, or one of the multiples formed by attaching an SI prefix systems (measurement systems constructed by using the
to gram (g), is preferred for all applications. The megagram centimetre, gram, and second as base units) are to be
(Mg) is the appropriate unit for measuring large masses such avoided. Among these units are the following, defined for
as have been expressed in tons. However, the name ton has mechanics, fluid mechanics, and photometry: the erg, dyne,
been given to several large mass units that are widely used in gal, poise, stokes, stilb, phot, and lambert. Further use of the
commerce and technology-the long ton of 2240 lb, the cgs units of electricity and magnetism is deprecated. This
statement applies to the units designated by the general
short ton of 2000 lb, and metric ton of 1000 kg (also called
the tonne). None of these terms are SI. The term metric ton abbreviations “esu” (for electrostatic cgs unit) and “emu”
should be restricted to commercial usage, and no prefixes (for electromagnetic cgs unit), including those units that have
been given special names-the gauss, oersted, maxwell,
should be used with it. Use of the term tonne is deprecated.
gilbert, biot, and franklin. It also applies to the unit names
formed with the prefixes ab- and stat-, for example, the
abampere, statvolt, etc.
’See Appendix X1.ll.l.
The CGPM in October 1979 approved L and 1 as alternative symbols for litre. Decimal Multiples of SI Units-Those multiples
Since the letter symbol 1 can easily be confused with the numeral I , only the of SI units that cannot be handled by using the SI prefixes are
symbol L is recommended for USA use. deprecated. Many such examples are covered in subsection An additional example is the angstrom (0.1 nm).
TABLE 6 Units in Use with SI Unit Names to Be Avoided-Special names for
Quantity3 Unit Symbol Definition
time minute min 1 min = 60 s
hour h I h = 60 min = 3600 s
day d I d = 24 h = 86 400 s TABLE 7 Units in Use with SI TemDorarilv
week, month, etc. ...
plane angle degree (r/l80)rad Quantity3 Unit Symbol Definition
minuteA (1/60)O energy [see kilowatthour kWh 1 kWh = 3.6MJ
( r / l O 800)rad cross section barn b 1b = m2 = 100 fm2
secondA (1/60)‘ pressure [see bar bar 1 bar = 105Pa
(r/648000) rad activity (of a radio- curie Ci 1 Ci = 3.7 x 1O1O Bq
volume litres 1 dm3 = m3 nuclide)
mass metric ton lo3 kg exposure (X and roentgen R 1 R = 2.58 X C/kg
area hectare 1 hm2 = lo4 m2 gamma rays)
absorbed dose rad rd 1 rd = 0.01 Gv
A Use discouraged except for special fields such as cartography
See .-dose equivalent rem rem 1 rem = 0.01 S; = IO msv

multiples and submultiples of SI units are to be avoided standard atmosphere
except for the litre (, metric ton (, and hectare ( 1 atm = 101.325 kPa)
( For example, do not use: technical atmosphere
(1 at = 98.0665 kPa)
fermi.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. l fermi = 1 fm = m torr
. . . 1 micron = 1 pm = m
. . . 1 millimicron = 1 nm = m 3.4 Other Recommendations Concerning Units:
are . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I are = 1 dam2 = 100 m2 3.4.1 Mass, Force, and Weight:
g a m m a . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 gamma = 1 nT The principal departure of SI from the gravimetric
(magnetic flux density) . system of metric engineering units is the use of explicitly
= 1 Pg distinct units for mass and force. In SI, the name kilogram is
X (volume) . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 X = 1 pL = 1 mm3 restricted to the unit of mass, and the kilogram-force (from
=ls which the suffix force was in practice often erroneously
candle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. l candle =lcd
candlepower.. . . . . . . . . . 1 candlepower = 1 cd
dropped) should not be used. In its place the SI unit of force,
the newton, is used (see Fig. 1). Likewise, the newton rather Miscellaneous Units-Other non-SI units that are than the kilogram-force is used to form derived units which
deprecated include the following: include force, for example, pressure or stress (N/m2 = Pa),
calorie energy (N-m = J), and power (N.m/s = W).
grade [ 1 grade = ( ~ / 2 0 0 rad]
) Considerable confusion exists in the use of the
kilogram-force term weight as a quantity to mean either force or mass. In
langley (= 1 cd/cm2) commercial and everyday use, the term weight nearly always
metric carat means mass; thus, when one speaks of a person’s weight, the
metric horsepower
millimetre of mercury
quantity referred to is mass. This nontechnical use of the
millimetre, centimetre, metre of water term weight in everyday life will probably persist. In science
and technology, the term weight of a body has usually meant


ForcaFree Fidd

FIG. 1 Illustration of Difference Between Mass (Unit = kilogram = kg) and Force (Unit = newton = N) (see 3.4.1)

the force that, if applied to the body, would give it an Nominal Outside Wall Thickness, inches (mm)
Size, Diameter, Sch Sch Sch
acceleration equal to the local acceleration of free fall. The inches inches (mm) 40 80 160
adjective “local” in the phrase “local acceleration of free fall” 1 1.315 0.133 0.179 0.250
has usually meant a location on the surface of the earth; in (33.40) (3.38) (4.55) (6.35)
this context the “local acceleration of free fall” has the Likewise, a “2 by 4” is that in name only and refers to the
symbol g (commonly referred to as “acceleration of gravity”) approximate dimensions in inches of a rough-sawn piece of
with observed values of g differing by over 0.5 % at various green lumber, the finished dimensions of which are consid-
points on the earth’s surface. The use of force of gravity (mass erably less. A l/4-20 UNC screw thread should continue to be
times acceleration of gravity) instead of weight with this identified in this manner. However, the controlling dimen-
meaning is recommended. Because of the dual use of the sions of the part, such as the pitch, major, and minor
term weight as a quantity, this term should be avoided in diameters of a screw thread, should be converted to SI values
technical practice except under circumstances in which its in accordance with 4.1 and 4.2.
meaning is completely clear. When the term is used, it is Surface texture should be expressed in microm-
important to know whether mass or force is intended and to etres.
use SI units properly as described in, by using 3.4.4 Quantities and Units used in Rotational Mechanics:
kilograms for mass or newtons for force. Angle, Angular Velocity, and Angular Acceleration. Gravity is involved in determining mass with a Their SI units are rad, rad/s, and rad/s2 respectively. In
balance or scale. When a standard mass is used to balance accordance with Sec. 2.3, since the radian is here taken to be
the measured mass, the effects of gravity on the two masses dimensionless, the units 1, l/s, and l/s2 are also used when
are equalized, but the effects of the buoyancy of air or other appropriate.
fluid on the two masses are generally not equalized. When a Moment of Force (Torque or Bending Moment) is
spring scale is used, the scale reading is directly related to the force times moment arm (lever arm). Its SI unit is N-m.
force of gravity. Spring scales graduated in mass units may be Moment of Inertia ( I ) is a property of the mass
properly used if both the variation in acceleration of gravity distribution of a body about an axis ( I = Zmr2).Its SI unit is
and the buoyancy corrections are not significant in their use. kg-m2. The use of the same name for units of force and Angular Momentum (moment of momentum) is
mass causes confusion. When the non-SI units are used, a linear momentum (kg.m/s) times moment arm (m). Its SI
distinction should be made between force and mass, for unit is kg-m2/s. For a rotating body the total angular
example, lbf to denote force in gravimetric engineering units momentum is equal to the moment of inertia I (kg.m2)
and lb for mass. times the angular velocity w (rad/s or l/s). The term load means either mass or force, de- Rotational Kinetic Energy of a rotating body is
pending on its use. A load that produces a vertically equal to ‘/2Zw2. Its SI unit is J.
downward force because of the influence of gravity acting on Rotational Work is equal to torque (N-m) times
a mass may be expressed in mass units. Any other load is angle of rotation (rad). Its SI unit is J.
expressed in force units. Torsional Stiffness (torsion constant) of a body is
3.4.2 Temperature-The SI unit of thermodynamic tem- applied torque (N-m) divided by angle of twist (rad). Its SI
perature is the kelvin (K), and this unit is properly used for unit is N. m/rad.
expressing thermodynamic temperature and temperature Centripetal Acceleration, u2/r or w2r, where u is the
intervals. Wide use is also made of the degree Celsius (“C), tangential linear velocity (m/s), r the radius (m), and w the
angular velocity (rad/s) is, like any other linear acceleration,
which is the SI unit used for expressing Celsius temperature
measured in SI units m/s2.
and temperature intervals. The Celsius scale (formerly called
centigrade) is related directly to thermodynamic temperature NOTE-centripetal Force, equal to mass times centripetal accelera-
(kelvins) as follows: tion, is, like any force in SI, measured in newtons.
The temperature interval one degree Celsius equals one kelvin 3.4.5 Impact Energy Absorption-This quantity, often
exactly. Celsius temperature ( t ) is related to thermodynamic tem- incorrectly called impact resistance or impact strength, is
perature (7) by the equation: measured in term? of the work required to break a standard
t=T-To specimen; the proper unit is joule.
3.4.6 Pressure and Vacuum-Gage pressure is absolute
where To = 273.15 K by definition.
pressure minus ambient pressure (usually atmospheric pres-
The International Practical Temperature Scale (IPTS) must sure). Both gage pressure and absolute pressure are properly
be recognized in temperature work of extreme precision. See expressed in pascals, using SI prefixes as appropriate. Abso-
ASTM STP 565, Evolution of the International Practical lute pressure is never negative. Gage pressure is positive if
Temperature Scale of 1968. above ambient pressure and negative if below. Pressure
3.4.3 Linear Dimensions: below ambient is often called vacuum; whenever the term Nominal dimensions name the item; no SI equiv- vacuum is applied to a numerical measure it should be made
alent is required (see Section 5 for definition of “nominal clear whether negative gage pressure or absolute pressure is
value”). For example, there is nothing “1 in” about a meant. See 3.5.5 for methods of designating gage pressure
nominal “1-in pipe,” the dimensions of which should be and absolute pressure.
converted as follows: 3-47 Dimensionless Quantities:

646 The values of so-called dimensionless quantities, Symbols, not abbreviations, should be used for
as for example refractive index and relative permeability, are units. For example, use “A” and not “amp” for ampere.
expressed by pure numbers. In these cases the corresponding 3.5.2 Rules for Writing Names:
SI unit is the ratio of the same two SI units and may be Spelled-out unit names are treated as common
expressed by the number 1. nouns in English. Thus, the first letter of a unit name is not Terms such as percent, parts per thousand, and capitalized except at the beginning of a sentence or in
parts per million may also be used. capitalized material such as a title. In all cases, the meaning must be unequivocal. Plurals are used when required by the rules of
Expressions like “The mole fraction of C 0 2 in the sample English grammar and are normally formed regularly, for
was 1.2 parts per million” or “The mass fraction of CO, in example, henries for the plural of henry. The following
the sample was 1.2 parts per million” are permissible, but irregular plurals are recommended:
would not be permissible if the word “mole” in the first
expression or “mass” in the second expression were not Singular Plural
present. lux lux
3.5 Style and Usage-Care must be taken to use unit hertz hertz
symbols properly, and international agreement provides siemens siemens
uniform rules. Handling of unit names varies because of No space or hyphen is used between the prefix and
language differences, but use of the rules included here will unit name. There are three cases where the final vowel in the
improve communications in the United States. prefix is commonly omitted: megohm, kilohm, and hectare.
3.5.1 Rules for Writing Unit Symbols: In all other cases where the unit name begins with a vowel Unit symbols should be printed in upright type both vowels are retained and both are pronounced.
regardless of the type style used in the surrounding text. 3.5.3 Units Formed by Multiplication and Division: Unit symbols are unaltered in the plural. With unit names: Unit symbols are not followed by a period except Product, use a space (preferred) or hyphen:
when used at the end of a sentence. newton metre or newton-metre Letter unit symbols are written in lower-case (for
In the case of the watt hour the space may be omitted,
example, cd) unless the unit name has been derived from a
proper name, in which case the first letter of the symbol is
capitalized (for example, W, Pa). The exception is the watthour
symbol for litre, L. Prefix symbols use either lower-case or Quotient, use the word per and not a solidus:
upper-case letters as shown in 2.5.1. Symbols retain their
metre per second, not metre/second
prescribed form regardless of the surrounding typography.
For symbols for use in systems with limited character sets, Powers, use the modifier squared or cubed placed after the
refer to ANSI X3.50 or ANSI/IEEE 260, as applicable. The unit name:
symbols in ANSI X3.50 are intended for applications in the metre per second squared
field of information processing, where unambiguous trans- In the case of area or volume, the modifier may be placed
mission of information between computers is required. The before the unit name:
symbols in ANSI/IEEE 260 are generally consistent with
those in ANSI X3.50 and are intended for communication square millimetre, cubic metre
between human beings. The symbols for limited character This alternative is also allowed for derived units that include
sets must never be used when the available character set area or volume:
permits the use of the proper general-use symbols as given in watt per square metre
this standard. When a quantity is expressed as a numerical value NOTE-TO avoid ambiguity in complicated expressions, symbols are
preferred over words.
and a unit symbol, a space should be left between them. For
example, use 35 mm, not 35mm, and 2.37 lm (for 2.37 With unit symbols:
lumens), not 2.371m. Product, use a raised dot:
Exception: No space is left between the numerical value N - m for newton metre
and the symbols for degree, minute, and second of plane In the case of We h, the dot may be omitted, thus:
angle, and degree Celsius. For example, use 45“, 20°C. When a quantity expressed as a number and a unit Wh
is used in an adjectival sense, it is preferable to use a hyphen An exception to this practice is made for computer print-
instead of a space between the number and the unit name or outs, automatic typewriter work, etc., where the raised dot is
between the number and the symbol. Examples: A three- not possible, and a dot on the line may be used.
metre pole.. . The length is 3 m. . . A 35-mm film. . . The Quotient, use one of the following forms:
width is 35 mm. However, per Exception, a 90” m
angle. . . an angle of 90”. m/s or mas-’ or s No space is used between the prefix and unit
symbols. In no case should more than one solidus be used in the same

expression unless parentheses are inserted to avoid ambi- Where space is limited, such as on gages, nameplates, graph
guity. For example, write: labels, and in table headings, it is permissible to use the unit
- ’
J/(mol*K) or J mol-’ K- or (J/mol)/K, symbol followed by a space and the modifier in parentheses.
For example: V (ac) and V (dc); kPa (gage) and kPa
but not (absolute).
J/mol/K 3.5.6 Pronunciation-Some recommended pronuncia-
tions in English are shown in Table 8. Symbols and unit names should not be mixed in
the same expression. Write: 4. Rules for Conversion and Rounding
joules per kilogram or J/kg or Jekg-’ 4.1 General:
but not 4.1.1 Conversion factors to change a value of a quantity
expressed in non-SI units to the corresponding value of that
joules/kilogram nor joules/kg nor joules. kg-I quantity expressed in the International System of Units may
3.5.4 Numbers: be exact or approximations adequate for the particular task. The recommended decimal marker is a dot on the The rules in this section are based on using either exact or
line. When writing numbers less than one, a zero should be apbroximate factors such as those of seven-digit factors listed
written before the decimal marker. in Appendix X3. In some cases the quantity is such that Outside the United States, the comma is often factors with fewer digits are appropriate.
used as a decimal marker. In some applications, therefore, 4.1.2 Conversion of quantities should be handled with
the common practice in the United States of using the careful regard to the implied correspondence between the
comma to separate digits into groups of three (as in 23,478) accuracy of the data and the given number of digits. In all
may cause ambiguity. To avoid this potential source of conversions, the number of significant digits retained should
confusion, recommended international practice calls for be such that accuracy is neither sacrificed nor exaggerated.
separating the digits into groups of three, counting from the (For guidance concerning significant digits see 4.3.) For
decimal point toward the left and the right, and using a small example, a length of 125 ft converts exactly to 38.1 m. If,
space to separate the groups. In numbers of four digits on however, the 125-ft length had been obtained by rounding to
either side of the decimal point the space is usually not the nearest 5 ft, the conversion should be given as 38 m; and
necessary, except for uniformity in tables. if it had been obtained by rounding to the nearest 25 ft, the
Examples: conversion should be given as 40 m.
4.1.3 Proper conversion procedure is to multiply a value
2.141 596 73 722 7372 0.1335 by a conversion factor that is more accurate than is required;
Where this practice is followed, the space should be narrow the result is then rounded to the appropriate number of sig-
(approximately the width of the letter “i”), and the width of nificant digits. For example, to convert 3 feet 29/16 inches to
the space should be constant even if, as is often the case in metres: (3 x 0.3048) + (2.5625 x 0.0254) = 0.979 487 5 m,
printing, variable-width spacing is used between words. which rounds to 0.979 m. Do not round either the conver-
Exceptions: In certain specialized applications, such as sion factor or the quantity before performing the multiplica-
engineering drawings and financial statements, the practice tion, as accuracy may be reduced. After the conversion, the
of using a space for a separator is not customary. Because billion means a thousand million (prefix TABLE 8 RecommendedPronunciation
giga) in the United States but a million million (prefix tera) Prefix Pronunciation (USAP
in most other countries, this term and others, such as trillion, exa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ex’ a (a as in about)
should be avoided in technical writing. . . . .pet’ a (e as in pet, a as in about) Use of M to indicate thousands, as in MCF for . , , . , , , . , ,as in terra firma
. . . . . . . . . .jig’ a ( i as in jig, a as in about)
thousands of cubic feet, or in MCM for thousands of circular . . . . . . . . . ,as in megaphone
mils, of MM to indicate millions, of C to indicate hundreds, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .kill’ oh
etc., is deprecated because of obvious conflicts with the SI hecto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .heck’ toe
deka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
deci . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .as in decimal
3.5.5 Attachment-Attachment of letters to a unit symbol centi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .as in centipede
as a means of giving information about the nature of the milli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .as in military
quantity under consideration is incorrect. Thus MWe for micro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
“megawatts electrical (power),” Vac for “volts ac,” and kJt nano . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
pic0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
for “kilojoules thermal (energy)” are not acceptable. For this femto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .fem‘ toe ( fem as in feminine)
reason, no attempt should be made to construct SI equiva- atto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .as in anatomy
lents of the abbreviations “psia” and “psig,” so often used to Selected Units Pronunciation
distinguish between absolute and gage pressure. If the candela . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .can dell‘ a
context leaves any doubt as to which is meant, the word joule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .rhyme with tool
pressure must be qualified appropriately. For example: kilometre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .kill ‘ oh metre
pascal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .rhyme with rascal
“. .. at a gage pressure of 13 kPa” .................... .same as seamen’s

or A The first syllable of every prefix is accented to assure that the prefix will retain
its identity. Therefore, the preferred pronunciation of kilometre places the accent
“. . . at an absolute pressure of 13 kPa” on the first syllable, not the second.

SI value may be expressed by a multiple or submultiple unit of 17/8 in = 47.625 mm exact
SI by the use of an appropriate prefix, for example, 979 mm. 47.6 mm normal rounding
4.2 Accuracy and Rounding-A conversion obtained by 47.5 mm (approx) rounded to preferred number
48 mm (approx) rounded to whole number
multiplying a value by a seven-digit factor usually gives a
product with more digits than the original value. The A quantity stated as a limit, such as “not more
converted value must be rounded to the proper number of than” or “maximum,” must be handled so that the stated
significant digits commensurate with the intended accuracy. limit is not violated. For example, a specimen “at least 4 in
Conversions usually yield a product with more digits than wide” requires a width of at least 101.6 mm, or at least 102
the original value. The practical aspect of measuring must be mm.
considered when using SI equivalents. If a scale having 4.3 Significant Digits:
division of ‘/16 inch was suitable for making the original 4.3.1 When converting integral values of units, consider-
measurements, a metric scale having divisions of 1 mm is ation must be given to the implied or required precision of
obviously suitable for measuring in SI units. Similarly, a gage the integral value to be converted. For example, the value “4
or caliper graduated in divisions of 0.02 mm is comparable in” may be intended to represent 4, 4.0, 4.00, 4.000, or
to one graduated in divisions of 0.001 in. Analogous 4.0000 in, or even greater accuracy. Obviously, the converted
situations exist in mass, force, and other measurements. value must be carried to a sufficient number of digits to
Many techniques are used to guide the determination of the maintain the accuracy implied or required in the original
proper number of significant digits in the converted values.
Two different approaches to rounding of quantities are here
described-one for general use and the other for conversion 4.3.2 Any digit that is necessary to define the specific
of dimensions involving mechanical interchangeability. value or quantity is said to be significant. When measured to
4.2.1 General Conversion-This approach depends on the nearest 1 m, a distance may be recorded as 157 m; this
first establishing the intended precision or accuracy of the number has three significant digits. If the measurement had
quantity as a necessary guide to the number of digits to been made to the nearest 0.1 m, the distance may have been
retain. This precision should relate to the number of digits in 157.4 m; this number has four significant digits.
the original, but in many cases this is not a reliable indicator. 4.3.3 Zeros may be used either to indicate a specific value,
A figure 1.1875 may be a very accurate decimalization of a like any other digit, or to indicate the order of magnitude of
noncritical 13/16 that should have been expressed 1.19. On a number. The 1970 United States population figure
the other hand, the value 2 may mean “about 2,” or it may rounded to thousands was 203 185 000. The six left-hand
mean a very accurate value of 2 which should have been digits of this number are significant; each measures a value.
written 2.0000. It is therefore necessary to determine the The three right-hand digits are zeros which merely indicate
intended precision of a quantity before converting. This the order of magnitude of the number rounded to the nearest
estimate of intended precision should never be smaller than thousand. The identification of significant digits is only
the accuracy of measurement and should usually be smaller possible through knowledge of the circumstances. For ex-
than one tenth the tolerance if one exists. After estimating ample, the number 1000 may be rounded from 965, in
the precision of the dimension, the converted dimension which case only one zero is significant, or it may be rounded
should be rounded to a minimum number of significant from 999.7, in which case all three zeros are significant.
digits (see 4.3) such that a unit of the last place is equal to or 4.3.4 Occasionally data required for an investigation must
smaller than the converted precision. Examples: be drawn from a variety of sources where they have been
1. A stirring rod 6 in long. In this case, precision is recorded with varying degrees of refinement. Specific rules
estimated to be about 1/2 in (+ ‘/4 in). Converted, this is 12.7 must be observed when such data are to be added, sub-
mm. The converted dimension 152.4 mm should be tracted, multiplied, or divided.
rounded to the nearest 10 mm, or 150 mm. The rule for addition and subtraction is that the
2. 50 000 lbf/in2 (psi) tensile strength. In this case, answer shall contain no significant digits farther to the right
precision is estimated to be about f 200 lbf/in2 (k 1.4 MPa) than occurs in the least precise number. Consider the
based on an accuracy of f 0.25 % for the tensile tester and addition of three numbers drawn from three sources, the first
other factors. Therefore, the converted dimension, 344.7379 of which reported data in millions, the second in thousands,
MPa, should be rounded to the nearest whole unit, 345 MPa. and the third in units:
3. Test pressure 200 f 15 1bf/in2 (psi). Since one tenth of 163 000 000
the tolerance is 3 lbf/in2 (20.68 kPa), the converted dimen- 217 885 000
96 432 768
sion should be rounded to the nearest 10 kPa. Thus,
477 317 768
1378.9514 f 103.421 35 kPa becomes 1380 k 100 kPa.
4.2.2 Special Cases: The total indicates a precision that is not valid. The Converted values should be rounded to the min- numbers should first be rounded to one significant digit
imum number of significant digits that will maintain the farther to the right than that of the least precise number, and
required accuracy, as discussed in 4.1.2. In certain cases the sum taken as follows:
deviation from this practice to make use of convenient or 163 000 000
whole numbers may be feasible, in which case the word 217 900 000
“approximate” must be used following the conversion. For 96 400 000
example: 477 300 000

The total is then rounded to 477 000 000 as called for by is an even number. For example, 4.365, when rounded to
the rule. Note that if the second of the figures to be added three digits, becomes 4.36. The number 4.355 would also
had been 2 17 985 000, the rounding before addition would round to the same value, 4.36, if rounded to three digits.
have produced 218 000 000, in which case the 0 following 4.5 Conversion of Linear Dimensions of Interchangeable
218 would have been a significant digit. Parts-The use of the exact relation 1 in = 25.4 mm The rule for multiplication and division is that the generally produces converted values containing more dec-
product or quotient shall contain no more significant digits imal places than are required for the desired accuracy. It is
than are contained in the number with the fewest significant therefore necessary to round these values suitably and at the
digits used in the multiplication or division. The difference same time maintain the degree of accuracy in the converted
between this rule and the rule for addition and subtraction values compatible with that of the original values.
should be noted the latter rule merely requires rounding of 4.5.1 General-The number of decimal places given in
digits that lie to the right of the last significant digit in the Table 9 for rounding converted toleranced dimensions
least precise number. The following illustration highlights relates the degree of accuracy to the size of the tolerances
this difference: specified. Two methods of using Table 9 are given: Method
A, which rounds to values nearest to each limit, and Method
Multiplication: B, which rounds to values always inside the limits.
113.2 X 1.43 = 161.876, rounded to 162
In Method A, rounding is effected to the nearest rounded
Division: value of the limit, so that, on the average, the converted
113.2 + 1.43 = 79.16, rounded to 79.2
Addition: tolerances remain statistically identical with the original
113.2 + 1.43 = 114.63, rounded to 114.6 tolerances. The limits converted by this method, where
acceptable for interchangeability, serve as a basis for inspec-
1 13.2 - 1.43 = 1 11.77, rounded to 1 11.8 tion.
In Method B, rounding is done systematically toward the
The above product and quotient are limited to three signifi- interior of the tolerance zone so that the converted tolerances
cant digits since 1.43 contains only three significant digits. In are never larger than the original tolerances. This method
contrast, the rounded answers in the addition and subtrac- must be employed when the original limits have to be
tion examples contain four significant digits. respected absolutely, in particular, when components made Numbers used in the above illustrations have all to converted limits are to be inspected by means of original
been estimates or measurements. Numbers that are exact gages.
counts are treated as though they consist of an infinite Method A-The use of this method ensures that even in
number of significant digits. More simply stated, when a the most unfavorable cases neither of the two original limits
count is used in computation with a measurement the will be changed by more than 5 % of the value of the
number of significant digits in the answer is the same as the tolerance. Proceed as follows:
number of significant digits in the measurement. If a count ( a ) Calculate the maximum and minimum limits in
of 40 is multiplied by a measurement of 10.2, the product is inches.
408. However, if 40 were an estimate accurate only to the (b) Convert the corresponding two values exactly into
nearest 10, and hence contained but one significant digit, the millimetres by means of the conversion factor 1 in = 25.4
product would be 400. mm.
4.4 Rounding Values’: (c) Round the results obtained to the nearest rounded
4.4.1 When a figure is to be rounded to fewer digits than value as indicated in Table 9, depending on the original
the total number available, the procedure should be as tolerance in inches, that is, on the difference between the two
follows: limits in inches. When the first digit discarded is less than 5, the Method B-This method must be employed when the
last digit retained should not be changed. For example, 3.463 original limits may not be violated, for instance, certain
25, if rounded to four digits, would be 3.463; if rounded to critical mating parts. In extreme cases, this method may
three digits, 3.46. increase the lower limit a maximum of 10 % of the tolerance When the first digit discarded is greater than 5, or and decrease the upper limit a maximum of 10 % of the
if it is a 5 followed by at least one digit other than 0, the last tolerance.
digit retained should be increased by one unit. For example (a) Proceed as in Method A step (a).
8.376 52, if rounded to four digits, would be 8.377; if (b) Proceed as in Method A step (b).
rounded to three digits 8.38. (c) Round each limit toward the interior of the tolerance, When the first digit discarded is exactly 5, followed that is, to the next lower value for the upper limit and to the
only by zeros, the last digit retained should be rounded next higher value for the lower limit8
upward if it is an odd number, but no adjustment made if it Examples:

’Adapted from I S 0 R370 (7). If the digits to be rounded are zeros, the retained digits remain unchanged.

A dimension is expressed in inches as. . . . . . . . . 1.950 C 0.016 Condition-The ability to assemble mating parts depends on
The limits are . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.934 and 1.966 a "go" condition at the maximum material limits of the
Conversion of the two limits into millimetres
49.1236 and 49.9364 parts. The minimum material limits, which are determined
Method A-The tolerance equals 0.032 in and by the respective tolerances, are often not as critical from a
thus lies between 0.004 and 0.04 in (see Table functional standpoint. Accordingly, it may be desirable to
9). Rounding these values to the nearest 0.01
mm, the values in millimetres to be employed employ a combination of Methods A and B in certain
for these two limits are . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49.12 and 49.94 conversions by using Method B for the maximum material
Method B-Rounding toward the interior of the limits and Method A for the minimum material limits.
tolerance, millimetre values for these two 49.13 and 49.93
limits are. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Alternatively, it may be desirable to round automatically the
This reduces the tolerance to 0.80 instead of 0.82 mm given by Method A. converted minimum material limits outside the original
limits to provide greater tolerances for manufacturing.
4.5.2 Special Methodfor Dimensions with Plus and Minus 4.5.7 While the technique described in 4.5 provides good
Deviations-In order to avoid accumulation of rounding
accuracy of conversion, it will often result in dimensions that
errors, the two limits of size normally are converted sepa-
are impractical for actual production use. For conversions
rately: thus, they must first be calculated if the dimension
intended for production, it is usually necessary to round to
consists of a basic size and two deviations. However (except fewer decimal places and apply design judgment to each
when Method B is specified) as an alternative, the basic size dimension to assure interchangeability.
may be converted to the nearest rounded value and each of 4.6 Other Units:
the deviations converted toward the interior of the tolerance. 4.6.1 Temperature-General guidance for converting tol-
This method, which sometimes makes conversion easier, erances from degrees Fahrenheit to kelvins or degrees Celsius
gives the same maximum guarantee of accuracy as Method is given below:
A, but usually results in smaller converted tolerances.
4.5.3 Special Methods for Limitation Imposed by Accu- Conversion of Temperature
Tolerance Requirements
racy of Measurements-If the increment of rounding for the Tolerance, Tolerance,
tolerances given in Table 9 is too small for the available "F K or 'C
accuracy of measurement, limits that are acceptable for 2 (51) 1 (C0.5)
interchangeability must be determined separately for the 4 (*a 2 (+I)
dimensions. For example, where accuracy of measurement is 10 (C5) 6 (C3)
limited to 0.001 mm, study shows that values converted 20 (*IO) 1 1 (k5.5)
30 ( ~ 1 5 ) 17 (C8.5)
from 1.0000 f 0.0005 in can be rounded to 25.413 and 40 (C20) 22 ( + I 1)
25.387 mm instead of 25.4127 and 25.3873 mm with little 50 (i25) 28 (k14)
disadvantage, since neither of the two original limits is Normally, temperatures expressed in a whole number of
exceeded by more than 1.2 % of the tolerance. degrees Fahrenheit should be converted to the nearest 0.5
4.5.4 Positional Tolerance-If the dimensioning consists kelvin (or degree Celsius). As with other quantities, the
solely of a positional tolerance around a point defined by a number of significant digits to retain will depend upon
nontoleranced basic dimension, the basic dimension must be implied accuracy of the original dimension, for example:
converted to the nearest rounded value and the positional
variation (radius) separately converted by rounding down- 100 f 5°F; implied accuracy estimated to be 2°F.
31.1111 f 2.1111"C rounds to 38 f 3°C.
ward. 1000 50°F; implied accuracy estimated to be 20°F.
4.5.5 Toleranced Dimension Applied to a Nontoleranced 531.1111 f 21.1111"C rounds to 540 f 30°C.
Position Dimension-If the toleranced dimension is located
4.6.2 Pressure or Stress-As with other quantities, pres-
in a plane, the position of which is given by nontoleranced
sure or stress values may be converted by the principle given
basic or gage dimension, such as when dimensioning certain
above. Values with an uncertainty of more than 2 % may be
conical surfaces, proceed as follows:
converted without rounding by approximate factors:
(a) Round the converted reference gage arbitrarily, to the
nearest convenient value. 1 Ibf/in2 (1 psi) = 7 kN/m2 = I kPa
(b) Calculate exactly, in the converted unit of measure-
ment, new maximum and minimum limits of the specified
tolerance zone, in the new plane defined by the new basic 5. Terminology
dimension. 5.1 To help ensure consistently reliable conversion and
(c) Round these limits in conformity with the rules in 4.4. rounding practices, a clear understanding of the related
For example, a cone of taper 0.05 in/in has a diameter of nontechnical terms is a prerequisite.
1.000 k 0.002 inch in a reference plane located by the
nontoleranced dimension 0.9300 in. By virtue of the taper of TABLE 9 Rounding Tolerances Inches to Millimetres
the cone, the limits of the tolerance zone depend on the Original Tolerance, inches Fineness of Rounding,
position of the reference plane. Consequently, if the dimen- at least less than mm
sion 0.9300 in = 23.6220 mm is rounded to 23.600 mm (that 0.000 04 0.000 4 0.0001
is, a reduction of 0.022 mm), each of the two original limits, 0.000 4 0.004 0.001
when converted exactly into millimetres, must be corrected 0.004 0.04 0.01
by 0.022 x 0.05 = 0.001 1 mm, in the appropriate sense, 0.04 0.4 0.1
0.4 1
before being rounded.
4.5.6 Consideration of Maximum and Minimum Material

65 1
5.2 Certain terms used in this standard are defined as feature-an individual characteristic of a part, such as
follows: screw-thread, taper, or slot.
accuracy (as distinguished from precision)-the degree of figure (numerical)-an arithmetic value expressed by one
conformity of a measured or calculated value to some or more digits.
recognized standard or specified value. This concept involves inch-pound units-units based upon the yard and the
the systematic error of an operation, which is seldom pound commonly used in the United States of America and
negligible. defined by the National Institute of Standards and Tech-
approximate value-a value that is nearly but not exactly nology. Note that units having the same names in other
correct or accurate. countries may differ in magnitude.
coherent system of units-a system of units of measure- nominal value-a value assigned for the purpose of con-
ment in which a small number of base units, defined as
venient designation; existing in name only.
dimensionally independent, are used to derive all other units
in the system by rules of multiplication and division with no precision (as distinguished from accuracy)-the degree of
numerical factors other than unity (see Appendix X 1.9). mutual agreement between individual measurements,
deviation-variation from a specified dimension or design namely repeatability and reproducibility.
requirement, usually defining upper and lower limits (see significant digit-any digit that is necessary to define a
also tolerance). value or quantity (see 4.3).
digit-one of the ten arabic numerals (0 to 9). tolerance-the total amount by which a quantity is
dimension-a geometric element in a design, such as allowed to vary; thus the tolerance is the algebraic difference
length or angle, or the magnitude of such a quantity. between the maximum and minimum limits.

To convert from to multiply by
atmosphere (760 mm Hg) pascal (Pa) 1.013 25 x IO5
board foot cubic metre (m3) 2.359 737 x
Btu (International Table) joule (J) 1.055 056 x lo3
Btu (International Table)/h watt (W) 2.930 71 1 x lo-’
Btd (Irrternational Table) * in./s. ft2 O F (k,thermal con-

watt per metre kelvin [W/(m K)] 5.192 204 x 10’
calorie (International Table) joule (J) 4.186 800*
centipoise pascal second (Pass) 1.000 ooo* x 10-3
cdritistokes square metre per second (m’ls) 1.000 ooo*
circular mil square metre (m’) 5.067 075 x lo-’’
degree Fahrenheit degree Celsius t”C = (t”F- 32)/1.8
foo metre (m) 3.048 000” x lo-’
ft2 1 %
square metre (m’) 9.290 304* lo-’
ft3 cubic metre (m3) 2.831 685 x lo-’
ft * lbf joule (J) 1.355 818
ft .lbf/min watt (W) 2.259 697 x
ft/s2 metre per second squared (m/s’) 3.048 OOO* x IO-’
gallon (U.S. liquid) cubic metre (m3) 3.785 412 x
horsepower (electric) watt (W) 7.460 OOO* X
inch metre (m) 2.540 OOO* x IO-’
in? square meter (m2) 6.451 600* x
in.3 cubic metre (m3) 1.638 706 x
inch of mercury (60°F) pascal (Pa) 3.376 85 X IO3
inch of water (60°F) 3 pascal (Pa) 2.488 4 x IO2
kgf/cm’ pascal (Pa) 9.806 650* X IO4
kip (1000 lbf) newton (N) 4.448 222 x 103
kip/in.2 (ksi) pascal (Pa) 6.894 757 x lo6
0 S. fluid) cubic metre (m3) 2.957 353 x 10-5
0 ce newton (N) 2.780 139 x lo-’
ounce (avuirdupois) kilogram (kg) 2.834 952 x
kilogram per square metre (kg/m’) 3.051 517 x lo-’
kilogram per square metre (kg/m’) 3.390 575 x IO-’
kilogram per cubic metre (kg/m3) 7.489 152
cubic metre (m3) 4.731 765 x
newton (N) 4.448 222
pound (lb avoirdupois) kilogram (kg) 4.535 924 x IO-’
1b$/$02(psi) pascal {Pa) 6.894 757 x 103
lb/in>?* kilogram per cubic metre (kg/m3) 2.767 990 x lo4
14fi3 - kilogram per cubic metre (kg/m3) 1.601 846 x 10
cubic metre (m3) 9.463 529 x
kilogram (kg) 9.071 847 x lo2
pascal (Pa) 1.333 22 x lo2
joule (J) 3.600 ooo* x 103
yard : metre (m) 9.144 OOO* x IO-*
Yd2 square metre (m2) 8.361 274 x IO-’
Yd3 cubic metre (m3) 7,645 549 x lo-’
* Exact

Condensed Index of Committee D-1 Standards-1993’

This index references all standards under the jurisdiction of Committee D- 1 on Paint and Related Coatings, Materials, and
Applications, plus several others of auxiliary usefulness. It attempts to include what is relevant and exclude what is incidental
to the concept of each standard. Being designed for Committee D-1 usage it omits much of the detailed information provided
in the regular more comprehensive index, the latter being intended for users with a broader range of product concern, It’s
structure employs cross-indexing from specific to general and vice-versa, with the objective of avoiding redundancy while
guiding the user with dispatch to the desired and related material. The criterion for the selection of index terms is whether they
might reasonably occur to an index user familiar with the technology of organic coatings. Index users encountering errors of
omission or commision should report them promptly by writing to ASTM Subcommittee D01.18 in care of ASTM
Headquarters. Changes will be included in the next edition along with entries for new standards. Subcommittee chairmen
should review the standards under their jurisdiction for that purpose.

This index was developed by ASTM Committee D-l and is not an official ASTM document. It is published for information purposes only.


12-3 2684 561-3 802-3 1135-1 1392-3 1641-3 1845-1 2075-3 2348-1 26354 3022-1 3424-2 37344 4082-2 4414-1 4794-3 5107-2
13-3 269-3 562-1 803-3 1150-1 1394-1 1642-3 1847-3 2076-3 2349-1 26364 3023-2 3425-2 37354 4085-3 44154 4795.3 5108.2
,161 279-1 563-3 804-3 11524 1396-3 1643-3 1848-2 2077-3 2350-1 2641-3 3125-3 3432-3 3792-1 4086-1 44164 4796-2 5125-1
29-3 280-1 564-1 817-3 11534 1397-3 1644-1 1849-2 2078-3 2351-1 2689-3 31284 3450-2 3793-2 4121-2 4417-2 4797-1 51374
34-1 281-1 6004 822-1 1155-2 1398-3 1647-3 1915-1 2079-3 2352-1 2690-3 3129-2 3451-2 3794-2 41383 4449-1 4827-1 5145-1
49-1 283-1 601-3 823-1 1186-1 13994 1648-3 1926-3 2080-3 2353-2 2691-2 31304 4356-1 3804-1 4139-1 4450.1 4828-2 5146-2
50-1 284-1 602-3 856-3 11934 1400-1 1649-3 1950-3 2081-3 2354-2 26934 31314 3457-3 3806-1 4140-1 4451-1 4834-1 5150-2
56-4 301-3 603-3 867-3 1198-3 1439-3 1650-3 1951-3 2082-3 2363-3 26944 3132-3 3459-2 3842-2 4141-1 4457-1 48354 5164-3
79-3 304-4 604-3 868-2 1199-3 1462-3 1652-3 1952-3 2083-3 2364-3 26954 3133-2 3516-3 3843-2 4142-3 4462-3 48364 5166-3
81-3 305-1 605-3 869-2 1200-1 1466-3 1653-1 1954-3 20864 2369-1 26964 3134-1 3539-1 38454 4143-3 4487-1 48374 5178-1
83-3 3194 607-3 870-1 1208-3 1467-3 1654-1 1955-3 20874 2370-1 2697-1 3168-1 35404 3872-1 4144-2 4518-1 4838-2 5179-1
85-3 3294 6084 871-3 12094 14684 1695-3 1957-3 2090-3 2371-1 2698-1 3169-3 35414 3876-3 4145-2 4537-2 4938-2 5180-3
86-4 330-4 609-1 889-3 1210-1 1469-3 1696-3 1958-3 2091-2 2372-1 2743-2 3170-2 35454 3891-1 4146-2 4538-2 4939-2 5181-2
93-4 3314 610-2 890-3 1211-2 1474-1 1716-3 1959-3 2092-2 2373-1 2745-1 3256-1 35464 38934 4147-2 4540-2 4941-2 5200-1
95-4 332-1 6114 911-3 1212-1 1475-1 17184 19604 21904 2374-1 2797-2 32574 35474 3911-2 4206-1 4541-2 4942-2 6201-1
117-1 333-2 656-3 912-3 1214-2 14164 17194 1962-3 21914 2375-1 2793-2 3258-2 35484 3912-2 4207-1 4563-1 4926-2 5286-2
124-3 344-1 658-1 913-2 1240-3 1483-1 17204 1963-3 21924 2376-2 2794-1 3259-2 3618-1 3924-1 4209-1 4584-1 4948-1 5301-2
126-1 358-2 660-1 914-3 12574 1535-1 17214 1964-3 21934 23784 2800-3 3260-2 3619-3 3925-1 4212-1 4585-1 4958-2 5324-2
130-4 360-3 661-1 960-3 12584 1537-3 17224 1965-3 21944 23794 2803-1 3271-1 36204 3926-1 4213-2 4587-1 4960-2 5325-1
153-3 3624 662-1 961-3 1259-1 1538-3 1725-3 1966-3 21954 23804 28044 3272-1 36224 3927-2 4214-1 4610-1 5007-2 5326-2
154-3 3634 711-2 962-3 12964 1539-3 1726-3 1967-3 2196-1 2438-3 2805-1 3273-) 3623-2 3928-2 4236-2 4613-3 5008-3 5327-2
185-3 365-2 713-2 963-3 1301-1 1540-1 17284 19694 2197-1 2A48-3 2830-2 3274-1 3624-1 3924-1 4277-3 46144 5009-2 5328-2
207-3 387-1 714-1 964-3 1306-3 1541-3 1729-1 1978-1 2198-2 2454-1 2832-1 3276-2 3630-1 3941-1 4287-1 46154 5010-2
209-3 411-3 715-1 968-1 1308-2 1542-3 1730-2 1979-3 2199-2 2455-3 2833-2 3278.1 3680-3 3960-1 4288-3 4639-3 5031-1
210-3 444-1 716-1 969-2 1309-2 1543-1 1731-2 1980-3 2200-2 2456-3 29164 3280-1 3717-1 3964-1 4301-3 4640-3 5043-2
211-3 464-3 717-1 970-1 1310-1 1544-1 1732-2 1981-3 2201-1 2485-1 29174 3281-2 37 18-1 3969-1 4302-2 4706-3 5062-3
2 12-3 465-3 718-1 1005-1 1312-3 1545-3 1734-2 1982-3 2205-2 2486-2 2921-2 3322-2 3719-2 3970-1 4303-2 4707-2 5063-2
215-1 475-3 719-1 1006-1 1316-2 1546-3 1735-1 1983-3 2218-3 2571-2 2929-3 3323-2 3720-1 3971-3 4358-1 4708-1 5064-2
233-3 476-3 740-4 10074 1343-3 1585-3 1736-2 1984-3 2243-2 2572-3 2931-2 33294 3721-3 3980-1 4359-1 47094 5065-2
234-3 478-3 763-3 1013-3 1347-3 16124 1787-3 2007-2 2244-1 2574-1 2932-2 3335-1 3722-3 3988-1 43604 47104 5066-2
235-4 480-3 765-3 1014-2 1348-3 16134 1794-3 2064-2 2245-1 2575-3 2933-1 3358-2 3723-1 3989-1 4361-2 47 12-2 5067-2
237-3 509-3 768-3 1063-3 13534 16144 1795-3 2065-2 2246-1 2613-1 2998-3 3359-1 3724-3 4017-1 4366-1 47 13-2 5068-2
260-3 520-3 769-3 1064-3 1358-3 1615-3 18364 2066-2 2247-1 2616-1 3002-2 3360-3 3725-3 4039-1 43674 4747-1 50695
261-3 521-1 770-4 1065-3 1360-1 16174 1841-3 2071-3 2248-1 2620-2 3003-2 3361-1 37284 4040-2 4368-3 4752-2 5087-1
262-3 522-1 772-1 10784 13634 16384 1842-3 2072-3 2336-2 2621-1 3008-3 33624 3730-2 4060-1 4370-1 4758-3 5095-2
263-3 523-1 784-3 1131-3 13644 1639-3 1843-3 2073-3 2337-2 26214 3009-3 3363-1 3132-2 4061-1 4399-1 4764-1 5097-3
267-3 555-3 801-3 11334 1366-3 1640-3 1844-1 2074-3 2338-2 26344 3021-3 3383-2 3733-3 4062-2 4400-2 47734 5098-2

Condensed Index of Committee D-1 Standards

Abrasive blasting Alcohol resistance, furniture lacquer, D257l Anti-fouling paints,

profile of blast-cleaned steel, D4417 Alcohol solvents submergence test, D3263
Abrasion resistance See Amyl alcohol, D319 erosion test, high velocity water, D4938
air blast abrasive test, D658 n-Butyl alcohol (I-Butanol), D304 erosion test, rotating drum, D4939
falling sand/abrasive test, D968 sec-Butyl alcohol (2-Butanol), D1007 organotin release rate, D5108
Taber Abraser test, D4060 2-Ethylhexanol, D5008 Anti-fungal pigments
wear resistance, of traffic paint, D913
wet abrasionhcrubbing, D2486,4213 Isobutyl alcohol (isobutanol), D1719 See Calcium borosilicate
Accelerated exposure tests Isopropyl alcohol (isopropanol), D770 Zinc Oxide
See. Exposure accelerated Methyl isobutyl carbinol, D2635
Methanol (Methyl alcohol), D1152
Antimony oxide
analysis, D2350
acetaldehyde, spec., D4710 n-Propyl alcohol (n-propanol), D3622 analysis, low conc., spectroscopy, D37l7
acidity, test, D2086 Aldehydes, purity, test, D2192 S a Pigments, general properties
Acetate ester solvents Algae (algal growth) See Biodeterioration Anti-sag meter, multinotch blade, D4400
purity, alcohol content, D3545 Aliphatic hydrocarbon solvents Applicators, film
Sa Amyl acetate See Mineral (petroleum) spirits See: Film applicationlapplicators
n-Butyl acetate VM&P naphtha Architectural paints and coatings
Ethyl acetate Alkali resistance, of vamishes, D1647 block resistance, D4946
Hexyl acetate
Isobutyl acetate Alkyddalkyd resins brushability (brush drag), D4958
Isopropyl acetate carboxylic adds content, D2455 color development, tinted paints, D5326
Methyl amyl acetate fatty acids content, D1398 color permanence, white enamels, D1543
n-Propyl acetate isophthalic acid content, D2690 color uniformity on application, D5326
Sa Glycol ether acetates phthalic anhydride content, D563, D1306 efflorescence of wall paints, D1736
polyhydric alcohol, D1615,2456,2998 film failures, exterior latex paint, D1848
Alkyddalkyd resins (cont'd) fihn porosity, D3258
rosin acid content, D1469 freezethaw resistance, D2243
Acetic acid (glacial) silicon content, D3733 gloss or sheen uniformity, D3928
formic acid in glacial acetic acid, D3546 test methods, selection of, D2689 gloss terminology & definitions,in prep.
specification, D3620 unsaponifiable matter content, D1397 guides for testing architectural coatings:
acetone tolerance, of bodied oils, D1950 S a Paints, solvent-reducible exterior paints, solvent-borne, D3323
alkalinity, test, D1614 Aluminum (metal surfaces) water-borne, D3129
permanganate time, test, D1363 add/mortar resistance,of coatings,D3260 flat paints, solvent-borne, D3323
specification, D329 preparation for painting, D1730, D1731 water-borne, D2431
Acetylene black, See Carbon black Aluminum powder and paste floor paints, solvent-borne, D3383
Acidity/alkalinity, (pH) sampling/testing, D480 water-borne, D3358
acetaldehyde, spec., D4710 specification, D962 gloss and S/G, solvent-bome, D3425
acetone, test, D1613, 1614 Aluminum silicate (anhydrous) wa ter-borne, D4540
chemically cleaned/etched concrete ,D4262 analysis, D718 high performance (HIPAC), D3730
electrocoat baths, D4584 specification, D3619 solvent-borne (general), D5146
fatty quaternary ammon. chlorides, D2081 Sa Pigments, general properties water-borne (general), D5324
formaldehyde solutions, test, D2379 Aluminum silicate (hydrous) guide for purchasing:
hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, D2363 analysis, D718 state and institutional, D3927
milliequivalence, electrocoat baths, D4370 specification, D603 hiding power:
pH of water solutions, E70 Sa Pigments, general properties brush application, visual, D344
phenol-formaldehyde, D4613 drawdown, reflectometric, D2805
pigments, D1208 Amidoamines, See Fatty amines roller application, visual, in prep.
volatile solvents, D1613 Amino resins wet-to-dry hiding change, D5007
Acid number (value) free formaldehyde content, D1979 leveling, D4062
fatty adds, D1980 test procedures, practice, D4277 minimum film formation temp., D2345
lac resins, test, D29 nitrogen content, D1013 package stability, D1849
organic coating materials, D1639 solvent tolerance test, D1198 porosity of films, D3258
pine tars and pine tar oils, test, D856 Aminedamine values print resistance, D4207
rosin oil, test, D1131 See Fatty amines roller spatter, resistance to, D4707
rosin test, D465 Fatty quaternary/amine chlorides sag resistance, D4400
tall oil, test, D803 Amyl acetate, synthetic primary, D3540 tinted paints, color, D5326
turpentine and pinene, test, D233 Amyl alcohol (synthetic), spec., D319 washability:
S a Saponification number Analysis See Chemical analysis soilant, mechanical test, D3450
Acid resistance (of paintdrelated coatings) Aniline practical multi-stain test, D4828
clear coatings on aluminum, test, D3260 sampling and handling, practice, D3436 wet abrasion (scrub) resistance:
Acrylate esters, purity, D3362 specification, D3264 scrub-to-failure test, D2486
Acrylic acid Aniline point weight-loss test, D4213
dimer content, D4415 dipentene, related terpene solvents, DE01 komatic hydrocarbon solvents
specification, D4416 petroleum hydrocarbon solvenk,D611 See High-flash aromatic naphtha
Acrylic emulsion paints, See Artists' Paints Anti-corrosion pigments Toluene
AdhesionlCohesion See Basic lead silicochromate Xylene
by cut tape test, D3359 Red lead Arsenic content, in paint, D2348
Dillon dynometer test, D4796 Strontium chromate Artists' paints
HII'AC coatings, D3730 Tribasic lead phosphosilicate drawdowns, preparation of, D4941
portable tester, pull-off strength, D4541 Zinc chromate labeling for health hazards, D4236
prepainted fabricated metal, D4145 Zinc dust lightfastness of pigments, D4303
scrape test on smooth surfaces, D2197 Zinc hydroxy phosphite specifications
traffic marking paints, materials,.D4796 Anti-fouling pigments acrylic emulsion, D5098
zinc-rich primer on steel, D4146 See Copper powder oil, acrylic, alkyd, resin-oil, D4302
Air blast abrasion tester, D658 Cuprous oxide water colors, D5067
Mercuric oxide tinting strength, D4838

Condensed Index of Committee D-1 Standards
Asbestine See Magnesium silicate Break test, See Fatty oils Carboxymethyl cellulose, sodium, D1439
Atlas Weatherometer, D5031 Bronze powders, See Gold bronze powder Carboxylic acids, identification
Automotive painting Brookfield viscometer, See Viscometers in alkyd resins, D2455
spray transfer efficiency, D5066 Brown pigments Castor oil, dehydrated
Bacterial resistance See Biodeterioration See Ironoxide Specification, D961
Baking, effect of overbaking. D2454 Sienna, raw and burnt diene value, D1358
Ball drop method, for viscosity ,Dl343 Umber, raw and burnt Sa Fatty oils
Barium sulfate (barite, barytes, blanc fixe) Sa Pigments, general properties Castor oil, raw
analysis, D715 Brunswick blue See Icon blue specification, D960
specification, D602 Brunswick green See Chrome green hydroxyl content, D1957
S a Pigments, general properties Brushability (Brush drag) Sa Fatty oils
Basic carbonate white lead Manual application test, D4958 Caulking/glazing compounds and sealants
analysis, D1301 High shear (ICI) viscosity, D4287 viscosity, falling-rod-viscometer, D4040
specification, D81 Brushes, paint See Paint brushes
S a Pigments, general properties Bubble time method See Viscometers Cellulose and cellulose derivatives
Basic lead silicochromate Burning Characteristics acetate, butyrate and proprionate, D817
analysis, D1844 of liquid ingredients alcohol-benzenesoluble content, D1729
specification, D1648 Equilibrium method, closed cup ashing, test methods, D3516
S a Pigments, general properties flash/no flash, D3934 carboxyl content, test, D1926
Basic sulfate white lead flash point, D3941 cellulose acetate, test, D87l, D365
analysis, D1301 Pensky-Martens (dosed cup), D93 cellulose nitrate, See Nitrocellulose
S a Pigments, general properties Seta flash tester (dosed cup), D3278 chain length uniformity, D1716
Bend testing Seta flash tester (open cup) D4206 chlorine content, test, D2641
mandrel bend test, D522 Sustained burning test, D4206,4207 chromatographic analysis, D1915
Berlin white See Basic carbonate white lead Tag,closed cup, flash point, D56 cold check resistance, lacquers, D1211
Biocidal pigments Tag, open cup, flash/fire point, D1310 definition of terms, D1695
See Anti-fouling pigments Wick test, D4207 &chloromethane-soluble matter, D3971
Anti-fungal pigments of paints/coatings ethoxyl substitution in cellulose, D4794
Biodeterioration (microbiological attack) char index, cabinet method, D1360 ethyl cellulose (EC) plastics, D914
emulsion paints in container, D2574 2-foot tunnel method, D3806 ethyl cellulose pulp, metals content, D4085
paint films: Burnt sienndumber hydroxyethyl cellulose, D2364
discoloration - exterior exposure, D3456 See Sienna, burnt and raw hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, D 2363
mold - environmental chamber, D3273 Umber, burnt and raw hydroxypropyl substitution, D3876
removal of fungal/algal growth, D4610 1-Butanol See n-Butyl alcohol methoxy substitution, D3876
soil/dirt/fungal accumulation, D3274 2-Butanol See sec-Methyl ethyl alcohol methylcellulose, test methods, D1347
S a Anti-fouling paints 2-Butanone See Methyl ethyl ketone moisture content, test, D1348
Bituminous materials 2-Butoxy ethanol, spec., D330 nitrocellulose, See Nitrocellulose
water content, by distillation, D95 Butyl acetate silica content, test D2438
Black box exposure test alcohol content/purity, D3545 sodium carboxymethylcellulose, Dl439
accelerated outdoor exposure, D4141 specification, D4615 solubility in sodium hydroxide, D1696
Black iron oxide See Iron oxide black Butyl acrylate sulfur content, D2929
Black pigments See Bone black punty test, D3362 viscosity, ball-drop method, D1343
Carbon black specification, D3547 viscosity, intrinsic, D1795
Iron oxide black Butyl acrylatelmethacrylate volatile/non-volatile of solutions, D4209
Lampblack monomer content of latexes, D4747
Blade applicators n-Butyl alcohol, specification, D304 Centrifuge, See Vehicle separation
See Film applicationlapplicators sec-Butyl alcohol, spec., D1007 Cerium paint driers, See Driers
Blanc fixe See Barium sulfate Butyl glycol See 2-Butoxyethanol Certification of conformance, form, D5063
Blast-cleaned steel (abrasive) Butyral content Chalk, See Calcium carbonate
profile of steel surfaces, D4417 cellulose acetate butyrates, test, D817 Chalking, exterior paints, D659, D4214
Bleeding (bleed resistance) Channel black See Carbon black
See Pigments-general properties Char index See Burning characteristics
Traffic paint Cadmium content Checking (check resistance)
Blistering (Blister resistance) in low concentrations in paint, D3335 exterior paints, test D660
pictorial standards/evaluation, D714 Calcium borosilicate S a Cold checking
water condensation test, D4585 analysis, D4487 Chemical Analysis
water fog test D1735 specification, D4288 See Pigments, analysis
Blocking (block resistance) S a Pigments, general properties White pigments, analysis
of architectural coatings, D4946 Calcium carbonate Chemical resistance, to:
lacquers on metal substrates D3003 specification, D1199 acid & mortar, of coated aluminum, D3260
on wood substrates D2793 S a Pigments, general properties alkali, of varnish films, D1647
Blue pigments, mixture, analysis of, D1135 Calcium content alcohol, of wood furniture lacquers, D257l
Sa Iron blue cellulose pulp (from wood/cotton), D4085 household chemicals, of coatings, D1308
Phthalocyanine blue paint driers, by EDTA method, D2613 China clay See Aluminum silicate (hydrous)
Ultramarine blue Calcium paint driers See Driers Chinese blue See Iron blue
Boiled oils (drying) See Linseed oil Calcium sulfate(Gypsum, plaster of pans, China red See Chrome orange
Bonding strength, See Adhesionkohesion Terra alba, ), C471 Chinese white See Zinc oxide
Bone black Carbon-arc lamps
solvent extractable matter, D305 See Exposure, accelerated
spec., DZlO Carbon black Chip (chipping) resistance
Sa Pigments, general properties pigment for paint, spec., D561 of coatings, D3170
solvent extractable material, D305 of traffic paint, D913
Sa Pigments, general properties Chlorinated phenol preservative content
Carboxyl content, of cellulose, D1926 in wood products, D2921

Condensed Index of Committee D-1 Standards

Chlorine content Colour Index, artist pigments, D4302 Cure time, thermosetting resins, D4640
cellulose, test, D2641 defining and evaluating tolerances, D3134 Sa Drying/curing
epoxy resins/compounds, test, D4301 evaluathg color change,gray scale, D2616 Curtain coating. water reducible, D47l2
hydrolyzable,of liquid epoxy resins, D1726 metamerism, visual evaluation, D4086
polyvinyl chloride, D1156 Munsell system, D1535
toluene diisocyanate, D1638 tristimulus values, D2244 Dark chrome yellow
total, of liquid epoxy resins, D1847 visual evaluation of differences, D1729 See Chrome yellow and orange
Chromaticity, See Color Color retention Definitions of terms
discoloration: related to paint, vamish, etc., D16
microbiological discoloration, D 3456 Dehydrated castor oil
Chromatography clear coatings in sunlight, D2620 See Castor oil, dehydrated
See individual analysis references household chemicals, effect of, D1308 -
Fatty acids tests, specifications
Chrome green white architectural enamels, D1543 Density-apparent (bulk)
analysis, D126 light fastness (fading): hydroxyethelcellulose, D2364
specification, D212 pigments in artists paints, D4303 hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, D2363
Sa Pigments (general properties) printed matter, D3424 methylcellulose, D1347
Chrome yellow and orange -
Color transparent, liquids and solids sodium carboxymethylcellulose, D1439
analysis, D126 Gardner color scale, D1544 -
Density true
specification, D211 standard solutions for color tests: dipentene/terpene solvents, DSOl
Sa Pigments, general properties caramel/platinum-cobalt, D365 industrial aromatics, D2935
Chromium content low concentrations platinum-cobalt scale D1209 paints and related coatings, D1475
in air particulate filter samples, D4358 Colorants paint liquids, D1963
in paint, D3718 Color development in tinted paints, D5326 pigments, tests, D153
Chromium oxide green pine oil,DE02
analysis, D126 Compatability, coatings, Patch test, D5064 pine tars and oils, D856
specification, D263 Concrete and masonry test panels, D1743 turpentine and pinene, D233
Sa Pigments (general properties) pH, chemically cleaned/etched, D4262
Chromium pigments surface cleaning (for coating), D4261,4258 Deposition efficiency
See Chromegreen Conditioningmwironment for testing.D3%!4 of powder coatings, D3451
Chrome yellow and orange Conductance and conductivity Detergent resistance, D2248
Chromium oxide green, of electrocoat baths, D4399 -
Dew cycle, See Exposure tests accelerated
Lead silicochromate, Cone-and-plate viscometers Diacetone alcohol, spec., D2627
Strontium chromate See Viscometers, IC1 Diamines, See Fatty diamines
Zinc chromate Conformancelcertification of, D5063 Diatomaceous silica, See Silica
Conjugated oils Dibutyl phthalate, spec., D608
CIE color system See Color-opaque materials See Dehydrated castor oil Dichlormethane, determination of
Citron yellow See Strontium Chromate Oiticica oil by gas chromatography, D4457
of paint and ink liquids, D2090
S a Fatty o h , conjugated diene value
Diethlene glycol, spec. D2694
Dillon Dynamometer, See Adhesionlcohesion
turbidity of clear liquids, D5150 Consistency, by Stormer viscometer, D562 Dilution ratio/Dilutability
Clay, See Aluminum silicate Contrast ratio cellulose nitrate solutions,D1720
Cloud point hiding power by reflectometry, D2805 cellulose nitrate, with toluene, D301
aromatic hydrocarbon solvents, D4790 Copal content, of lac resins resin solutions, D5062
Coalescence -
See Shellac copal resin content Dimethyl ketone, See Acetone
latex paint films, low temperature, D3793 Copper content Dip application
Coarse particle analysis cellulose pulp (from wood/cotton), D4085 water reducible coatings, D47l7
See Dispersion (of pigments) copper pigments, test, D283
Particle size (analysis/distribution) pine tars and pine tar oils, D856
Cobalt content Copper corrosion Dipentene (and related terpene solvents)
paint driers, by EDTA method, D2373 in aromatic solvents, DM9 sampling and testing, DE01
paint, in low concentrations, D3335 in dipentene & related terpenes, DE01 Dipropylene glycol
liquid drier, analysis, D564 in petroleum products, D130 speafication, D2696
Coconut oil, See Fatty acids, tests, specs. S a Exposure tests Dipropylene glycol monomethyl ether (DPGME)
Coefficient of friction See Slip resistance Copper phthalocyanine blue and green specification. D4836
Coefficient of retroreflection See Phthalocyanine blue purity, D4773
See Retroreflectiotdretroreflectors Phthalocyanine green Dip-type viscosity cups, See Viscometers
Coffee stains, resistance to Copper powder Directional reflectance
of furniture lacquer, D2571 analysis, D283 See Reflectance and reflectivity
Cohesion, See Adhesion/Cohesion specification, D964 Dirt/Soil resistance
Coil coatings Sa Pigments, general properties exterior white coatings, D3719
wire-wound bar application, D4717 -
Com oil, See Fatty acids tests, specifications practical washability, D4828
guide for testing, D3794 Corrosion resistance See Exposure washability, mechanical test, D3450
Cologne yellow, See Chrome yellow Cotton seed oil Disbonding-cathodic
Cold checking -
See Fatty acids tests, specifications pipeline coatings, cyclic temperatures, G42
of nitrocellulose lacquers, D1211 Covers, paint roller See Paint rollers, covers pipeline coatings, test, G 8
Color development and uniformity Cracking (crack resistance) Discoloration See Color retention
in tinted, architectural paints, D532 exterior paints, evaluating, D661
Color mandrel bend test, D522
See Color opaque materials Cross-cut, cross-hatch tape test Dispersiotdfineness of grind (of pigments)
Color retention adhesion of paint, test, D3359 coarse particles by sieve test, D185
Color transparent liquids and solids Cuprous oxide dispersion stability, phthalo blue, D963
Color-opaque materials analysis, D283 in pigment-vehicle systems, D1210
CIE color system, E308(14.02) specification, D 9 12 in printing inks, NPIRI grindometer, D1316
color difference,instrumental, D2244 See Pigments, general properties in titanium dioxide slumes, D3926

Condensed Index of Committee D-1 Standards

Distillation Electrocoat baths fluorescent UV/condensation, D4587

dipentene, terpene solvents, D801 Aad/base milliequivalency, D4370 100%humidity chamber, D2247
distillation range, D1078 Guide for testing, D1978 wood panel substrates, D358
ethyl acetate, spec.,D4614 pH measurement, D4584 xenon arc/water spray, G26
in vacuum, solvent-type paints, D3272 Electrostatic deposition -
Exposure testing exterior
petroleum products, D86 See Powder Coatings house paints on new wood, Dl006
pine oil, DE02 Electrostatic spray paints on steel surfaces, D1014,5065
pine tars and tar oils, D856 water-reducible coatings, D4712 quantifying dirt collection, D3719
turpentine and pinene, D233 recording results on standard forms, D1150
Dolomite, See Calcium carbonate wood panel substrates, D358
Draft test, varnish films, D1643 Elongation Extender pigments
Drawdown bars and rods mandrel bend test, D522 See Aluminum silicate (clay)
See Film application/applicators tensile strength/stiffness,free films, D2370 Barium Sulfate (barytes, blanc fixe)
Draw-down tests, multi-notch applicators Emulsion vehicles (for paintdrelated coatings) Calcium carbonate (whiting)
leveling characteristics of paints, D4062 freezethaw resistance, D2243 Magnesium silicate (talc)
leveling of paints, D2801 (discontinued) minimum film formation temp., D2354 Mica
sag resistance of paints, DM00 S a Latex vehicles Pumice
Driers Environment, standard conditioning Silica, diatomaceous
calaum/zinc content, EDTA, D2613 for testing coatings, D3924 Exterior paints and coatings
cerium content, test, D3970 thermosetting (molding)compounds, D1013 See Architectural paints and coatings,
clarity/cleanness, visual, D2190 Erosion resistance Exposure testing
cobalt content, EDTA method, D2373 of exterior paints, D662 Factory applied finishes
iron content, EDTA method, D3804 S a Abrasion resistance See Industrial finishes, water-borne
lead content, EDTA method, D2374 Anti-fouling paints Wood finishes
manganese content, EDTA method, D2375 See Color retention
rare earths content, EDTA method, D3989 Ester solvents Falljng -rod viscometer See Viscometers
selection of test methods, D564 See Acetate ester solvents Fallmg sand method, See Abrasion resistance
specification, D600 Epoxy (EP) resins
vanadium content, EDTA method, D3988 bond strength, traffic markg mat's, D4796 Fatty acids-general
volatile/nonvolatile content, D4140 chlorine content, D1847,4301 definition of terms, D1467
zirconium content, EDTA method, D3%9 epoxide equivalent wt., D1652 sampling, D1466
Drop black, See Bone black epoxy content, D1652 testing methods, D2575
guide for testing, D4142 Fatty acids-sp ecification s
hydrolyzable chlorine content, D1726 coconut oil, Dl841
Dry film thickness,See Film thickness, dry film Ester value corn oil, Dl842
Drying oils, See Fatty oils of solvents and thinners, D1617 cottonseed oil, Dl843
Drying /curing Ether-alcohols dehydrated castor oil, D1539
cellulose nitrate, D301 See Glycol ethers linseed oil, D1538
MEK resistance, zinc-rich primers, D4752 2-Ethoxy ethanol, specification, D331 soybean oil, D1537
room temperature, film formulation, D1640 specification, D1969 tall oil, Dl984
shellac varnish, D1650 2-Ethoxyethyl acetate Fatty acids-tests
temperature during curing by I.R., D3259 alcohol content/purity, D3545 acid value, D1980
thermosetting resins, cure time, D4640 specification, D3728 ash content, D1951
ultra-violet cured coatings, D3732 Ethyl acetate clarity/cleanness, D2090
Durability, See Exposure tests alcohol content/purity, D3545 color after heating, D1981
Dutch white, See Basic carbonate white lead specification, D4614 fish oil content, D3725
Dynamic immersion tests Ethyl acrylate Gardner color scale, D1544
of Anti-fouling paints, D4938,4939 ethyl acrylate, spec., D3548 hydroxyl content, D1957
Dynamometer testing punty, D3362 iodine value, D1959
See Adhesionlcohesion Ethylene glycol rosin acid content, D11240
specification, D2693 saponification value, D1962
Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether solidification point, D1982
Earth pigments See Ocher, Sienna, Umber See 2-Butoxyethanol speafic gravity, test, D1963
Eccentric wheel, See Film thickness gages Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether titer test, D1982
EDTA method, paint driers See 2-Ethoxy ethanol unsaponifiable matter, D1965
calcium content, D2613 Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether Fatty acids content
cobalt content, D2373 See 2-Methoxy ethanol alkyd resins, D1398
iron content, D3804 2-Ethylhexanol, analysis, D5008 methyl esters, D1983,3457
lead content, D2374 specification D1969 solvent paints, D2245
manganese content, D2375 2-Ethylhexyl acrylate, spec., D3541 tall oil rosin, test, D1585
rare earths content, D3989 Ethyl silicate, zinc-rich primer tall oil test, D803
vanadium content, D3988 MEK resistance, D4752 Fatty amines, amidomines, diamines
zinc content, D2613 amine content, D2083
zirconium content, D3%9 Evaporation rate, volatile liquids, D3539 amine values, D2073,2074
Efficiency -
Exposure accelerated-corrosive environment iodine value, Wijs, D2075
See Deposition efficiency (powder coatings) cychc salt spray/humidity/cold D2933 isocyanates test, D1638
Transfer efficiency-spray application filiform corrosion on steel, D2803 non-amine content, D2082
Efflorescence method for evaluating corrosion, D1654 test methods, amidomines, D2071
exterior latex paints, D1848 -
Exposure accelerated -waterlhumidity/light water content, D2072
interior wall paints ,Dl736 black box/Fresnel reflector rack, D4141 Fatty nitrogen compounds
Elasticity, of varnishes, test, D 1642 carbon arc lamp - dew cycle, D3361 identification in solvent paints, D2245
Electrical insulating solids carbon arc lamp/unfiltered, DS22 non-amine content, D2082
shellac specifications, D784 carbon arc lamp, enclosed, Atlas, D5031 test methods, D2071
shellac, test methods, D411 controlled condensation, D4585 water content, test, D2072

Condensed Index of Committee D-1 Standards

Fatty oils (drying oils) Fischer reagent method (for water content) Gardner-Holdt viscometer tubes
absorption (by pigments), D281.1483 See Karl Fischer reagent method See Viscometers
acetone tolerance (heat-bodied oils), D1950 Fish oil in drying oils and fatty acids, D3725 Gas checking, draft test, varnish films, D1643
ash content, D1951 S a Fatty oils Gasoline resistance, of traffic paints, D2792
break test, D1952 Flake brass See Gold bronze powder Gel time
darity/cleanliness, visual, D2090 Flaked powders drying oils, test, D1955
color after heating, test, D1967 See Aluminum powder and paste tar acids, test D2870
conjugated diene value, D1358 Flake white See Basic carbonate white lead Glass panels
content, of solvent paints, D2245 Flaking (flake resistance) surface prep for testing coatings, D3891
definition of terms, D555 exterior paints D722 Glass beads (in traffic paint)
film formation rates, drying, D1640 Flammabilitylfire retardancy analysis for D4797
Gardner color scale, D1544(1,2,3) See Burning characteristics sieve analysis, D1214
gel time, test, D1955 Flash point-liquids test for roundnessof, D1155
iodine value, test, D1959 See Burning characteristics Gloss (specular) and Sheen
loss on heating, D1960 Flat paints, interior change, washability of coatings, D4828
sampling, D1466 solvent-borne, test guide, D3323 effect of household chemicals, D1308
saponification value, D1962 water-borne, test guide, D2931 gloss differences, visual evaluation, D4449
selecting test procedures, guide, D4140 Flexibility haze of high gloss finishes, D4039
specific gravity at 25/25'C, test, D1963 impact resistance, D2794 high gloss, goniophotometer, test, E430
Fatty oils (drying oils) (cont'd) mandrel bend test, D522 measurement of gloss and sheen, D523
testing methods, D555 on prepainted metal sheets,D4145 tolerances, conformance evaluation, D3134
unsaponifiable matter content, D1965 -
Flocculation of pigments, test for, D963 uniformity of brushouts, test, D3928
unsaturation, Rosenmund-Kuhnhenn, Dl541 Floor paintskoatings Gloss paints
unsaturation, Wijs method, D1959 clear floor sealers, D1546 See Architectural paints and coatings
S a Castor oil, raw solvent-borne, test guide, D3383 GIycerin-h igh gravity
Castor oil, dehydrated water-bome, test guide, D3358 sampling/testing, D1258
Fish oil Flow and flow rate specification, D1257
Linseed oil See Rheological properties Glycidal ethers
Oiticica oil Foots, in raw linseed oil chlorine content in epoxy resins, D4301
Safflower oil gravimetric method, D1966 Glycols
Soybean oil volumetric method, D1954 See Diethylene glycol, D2694
Sunflower oil Ford cup, See Viscometers Dipropylene glycol, D2696
Tall oil Formability Ethylene glycol, D2693
Tung oil Impact-Wedge bend test, D3281 Hexylene glycol, D2636
Fatty quaternary ammonium chlorides zinc-rich primer on steel, D4146 Propylene glycol, D2695
acid value, tests, D2076 Formaldehyde Glycol ethers
amine value, test, D2076 acidity test, D2379 See Dipropylene glycol monomethyl ether
ash content, test, D2077 in amino resins, D1979 Ethylene glycol butyl ether
iodine value, D2078 iron content, test, D2087 Ethylene glycol ethyl ether
nonvolatile matter, D2079 methanol content, test, D2380 Propylene glycol monomethyl ether
molecular weight, D2080 specification, D2378 Glycol ether acetates
pH, test, D2081 Forms See Ethylene glycol ethyl ether acetate
water content, D2072 certification of conformance, D5063 Propylene glycol methyl ether acetate
recording exposure test results, D1150 Gold bronze powder
Ferric oxidemerrite See Icon oxide pigments Fouling analysis, D283
Ferrous iron in iron oxides, D3872 See Anti-fouling paints specification, D267
Field identificationlanalysis Free films (organic coatings) Sa Pigments, general properties
of structural coatings, D5043 preparation, tensile properties, D2370 Gray scale
Filiform corrosion resistance preparation of, D4708 chalking standards, D4214
of organic coatings, D2803 -
Freeze thaw resistance Green pigments
S a Exposure tests-accelerated-corrosive multicolored lacquers, D2337 See Chromegreen
Film applicationlapplicators water-borne paints, D2243 Chromium oxide green
artists' paste paints, practice, D4941 French blue See Iron blue Phthalocyanine green
blade applicators, DS23 French chalk See Magnesium silicate Grind, of pigment, dispersions
producing uniform films, D823 French ocher See Ocher See Dispersiodfineness of grind
wirewound (Meier) rods, D4147 Fresnel reflector rack exposure Grindometer, NPIRI
Film formation, emulsion vehicles accelerated outdoor metal exposure D4141 See Printinginks
minimum temperature (MITT),D2354 Friction, static coefficient, See Slip resistance Dispersion/fineness of grind
Film porosity, See Porosity Fuel oil I solvent resistance
Film thickness gages of traffic paints, D2792
dry films Fungicidal (fungistatic) pigments Guide for
by incision cut, Tooke gage, D4138 See Anti-fungal pigments assessing aged coatings on steel, D5065
on non-ferrous metals (eddy), D1400 Fungus resistancelfungicides painting inspectors, metal substrates,D3276
on steel, magnetic gage, D1186 See Biodeterioration Guides for testing (selection of methods)
using micrometers, D1005 Furnace black, See Carbon black See Architectural paints and coatings
wet films Coil coatings
eccentnc wheel, Dl212 Electrocoat baths
Interchemical and Pfund gages, Dl212 Epoxy resins
notched gages, D4414 Galvanized surfaces Industrial finishes
Films, organic coatings, See Free films preparation for painting, D2092 Lacquers
Fineness of grind (dispersion) Gardner-Coleman method Latex vehicles
See Dispersion oil absorption of pigments, D1483 Powder coatings
Fire retardancylflammability Gardner color scale Solvents
See Burning characteristics transparent liquids, test, D1544 White pigments, analysis

Condensed Index of Committee D-1 Standards

GUmmsin Imprinting See Print resistance Isopropyl alcohol, specification, D770

See Rosin Inclined plane test, static friction, D4518 Kaolinite, Kaolin See Aluminum silicate
Halogenated solvents Indentation hardness See Hardness Testing Karl Fischer reagent, water content, D4017
analysis for, in paint, D4457 Index of refraction See Refractive index Kauri-butanol value, D1133
Halo-silane coated glass plates Indexes, specialized, of standards and tests Ketones
for preparation of free films, D4708 Architectural coatings, D2833 methyl n-amyl ketone, spec., D4360
Halphen-Hicks test Sa Guides for testing purity, test, D2192
rosin content of varnishes, Dl542 Indian red See Iron oxide red Ketone solvents
Handling material See Materials handling Industrial finishes See Acetone, D329
Hardness testing, of organic films water-bome, test guide, D l 7 l 2 Diacetone alcohol, D2627
h o o p indentation tester, KHN, D1474 Inert pigments See Extender pigments Isophorone, D2619
Koenig pendulum test, D4366 Infrared pyrometry (thermometers) Methyl amyl ketone, D4360
pencil test, D3363 for wood coatings, cure cycle, D3259 Methyl ethyl ketone, D740
Persoz pendulum test, D4366 Infrared spectrophotometry, analysis Methyl isoamyl ketone, D2917
Pfund indentation tester, PHN, D1474 See Spectrophotometry-infrared Methyl isobutyl ketone, D1153
Sward rocker test, D2134 Ink, Inkometer, See Printing Inks Knife test, for paint adhesion, D3359
Hazards, fire and health Inspection of paint application work Knoop hardness tester, D1474
handling analine, D3436 guide for inspectors, D3276 Koenig pendulum test, hardness, D4366
handling cresylic acid, phenol, D3852 Interchemical Film Thickness Gage S a Hardness testing
handling naphthalene, D3438 See Film thickness gages
in protective coatings, D3630 Interior paints S e e Architectural paints Labeling
labeling art materials, D4236 Interlab testing See Statistical methods art materials for health hazards, D4236
Haze See Gloss Iodine value, tests Lacquer
Heat resistance of organic coatings Drying oils,Rosenmund-Kuhnhenn,D1541 cellulase nitrate content, D3133
on steel, D2485 fatty amines, Wijs test, D2075 definition of, D16
effect of overbaking, D2454 fatty quaternary ammon. chlorides, D2078 ester value, of lacquer solvents, D1617
Heatset-type printing inks lac resins, test, D29 freeze/thaw test, multicolored, D2337
non-volatile content, D4713 Wijs test, D1959 guide for testing, D333
Hegman scale Iron, in driers, EDTA, D3804 imprint resistance (of dried fibs), D2091
fineness of dispersion, pigments, DlZlO Iron blue particle size analysis(multicolored),D2338
Hematite See Iron oxide red analysis, D1135 plasticizer migration, vinyl fabrics, D2199
n-Heptane specification, D261 selection of test methods, D333
flash/fire point of liquids, test, D1310 Iron oxide black stain removal ( multicolored lacquer) D2198
Heptane miscibility See Miscibiity natural/synthetic-analysis, D3872 temperature-change resistance, test, D1211
Hexanes ,commercial, specification, D1836 synthetic., spec., D769 testing wood fumiture lacquers, D257l
Hexyl acetate, spec., D5137 See Pigments, general properties viscosity by dip type viscosity cups, D4212
Hexylene glycol, specification, D2636 Iron oxide brown (natural) viscosity by Ford viscosity cup, Dl200
Hiding power (of paintskoatings) analysis, D50 Lacresins See Shellac
brushouts, visual, relative, D344 specification, D3722 Lampblack
drawdowns, reflectometry, D2805 S a Pigments, general properties solvent extractable matter, test, D305
roller application, practical, visual, D5150 Iron oxide brown (synthetic) specification., D209
wet-to-dry change, visual, D5007 analysis, D3872 Lampblack content, test, D305
High-flash aromatic naphthas, D3734 specification, D3724 Lapis lazuli See Ultramarine blue
High performance (HIPAC) coatings, D3730 S a Pigments, general properties Latex paints - See Architectural paints
High-purity (reagent) water, spec., D1193 Iron oxide red (natural) Latex vehicles
High shear (ICI) viscosity, D4287 analysis, D50 filter-retained solids content, D5097
S a Brushability specification, D3722 guides to test procedures, D4143
Horizontal pull test, static friction, D4518 S a Pigments, general properties nonvolatile content, D4758
Household chemicals, Iron oxide red (synthetic) unreacted monomer content, D4827,4747
resistance to, of organic coatings, D1308 analysis, D50 S a Emulsion vehicles
House Paints See Architectural paints specification, D3721 Lead chromate pigments
Humidity resistance, of coatings Sa Pigments, general properties See Chrome yellow and orange
humid-dry cycling, on wood, D3459 Iron oxide yellow Chrome green
humidity, on steel, D2247 analysis, D50 Molybdate orange
humidity-thermal cycle on steel, D2246 specification, D768 Lead content, analysis
S a Water resistance Sa Pigments, general properties air particulate filter samples, D4358
Hunter, visual gloss differences, D4449 Iron paint driers See Driers basic lead silico-chromate, D1844
Hydrocarbon solvents Iron Oxides, ferrous iron content, D3872 leaded zinc oxide, test, D3280
See Aliphatic hydrocarbon solvents low concentration in paint, D335
Aromatic hydrocarbon solvents I S 0 flow cups, See Viscometers paint and dried films, D3618
Solvents, general test procedures Isobutyl acetate paint driers, D2374, 564
Hydroquinone content in vinyl acetate, D2193 alcohol content/purity, D3545 red lead pigments, test, D49
Hydroxyethylcellulose, testing, D2364 Isobutyl acetate (95%grade), spec., Dl7l8 traffic marking material, D4797
Hydroxyl content Isobutyl alcohol, specification, Dl7l9 white linseed oil paints, D215
cellulose acetate, Dd7l Isocyanates yellow, orange, and green pigments, D126
cellulose acetate, butyrate, D817 foam raw materials, test methods, D1638
fatty oils and acids, D1957 isocyanate groups in urethanes, D2572 Lead pigments
Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, D2363 Isophorone, specification, D2916 See White lead
Hydroxypropyl substitution Isophthalic acid content Lead chromate pigments
in cellulose ether products, D3876 alkyd and polyester resins, test, D2690 Basic lead silicochromate
Isopropanol See Isopropyl alcohol Red lead
IC1 conelplate viscometer, D4287 Isopropyl acetate Leaded zinc oxide
Sa Brushability alcohol content/purity, D3545 Lead silicochromate
Impact resistance ,flexibility test, D2794 Isopropyl acetate (99%grade), spec., D3131 See Basic lead silicochromate

Condensed Index of Committee D-1 Standards

Lead molybdate See Molybdate orange Metamerism, visual evaluation, D4086 Miscibility
Lead oxide See Red lead Methacrylic acid (glacial 98.5%) lacquer solvents, with heptane, D1476
Leaded zinc oxide, analysis, D3280 specification, D3845 water soluble solvents, with water, D1722
Leafing properties Methanol (methyl alcohol) Mixed aniline point
aluminum powders/pastes, D480 acetone content of, D1612 dipentene/terpene solvents, test, D801
content, in formaldehyde solutions, D2380 Modulus of elasticity, 2370
Leveling (ropiness) of paints, test, D4062 permanganate time, test, D1363 Moisture content
Lieberman-Storch test specification, D1152 blue pigments, D1135
rosin content of varnishes, Dl542 Methoxyl content capillary moisture in concrete, D4263
Lightfastness hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, D2363 cellulose acetate, test, D871
of printed matter, D3424 methylcellulose, D1347 cellulose, test, D1348
of pigments used in Artists' Paints, D4303 Methoxylhydroxypropyl substitution ethylcellulose, test, D914
Sa Artists' paints by Zeisel-gas chromatography, D3876 hygroscopic moisture in pigments, DZ8O
Color retention Methyl acrylate, specification, D4709 hydroxyethylcellulose, test, D2364
Limonite See Ocher Methyl alcohol, See Methanol hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, D2363
Linseed oil Methyl amyl acetate, D2635 Karl Fischer method, D4017
boiled, specification. D260 Methyl amyl alcohol lac resins, test, D29
raw, specification, D234 See Methyl isobutyl carbinol liquid naval stores, D890
Sa Fatty oils Methyl amyl ketone methylcellulose, test, D1347
Foots in raw linseed oil purity, by gas chromatography, D3893 pine oil, D890
Oil absorbtion (of pigments) Methyl butyl ketone pine tars and pine tar oils, test, D856
Fatty acids tests, specifications punty, by gas chromatography, D3893 sodium carboxymethylcellulose, D1439
Liquids, Methylcellulose tall oil, test, D803
darity/cleanliness, visual, D2090 See Cellulose and cellulose derivatives
color, by Gardner scale, Dl544 Methylcyclohexane Moisture vapor permeability
density and specific gravity, D3505 purity from freezing point, test, D1016 See Permeability
liquid/solid state, characterization, D4359 Methyl esters, fatty acid composition, D1983 Mold resistance See Biodeterioration
Sa Burning characteristics preparation from fatty adds,, D3457
preparation from oils, D2800
Magnesium silicate Methyl ether of hydroquinone (MEHQ) content Molybdate orange
analysis, D717 of monmomeric acrylate esters, D3125 analysis, D126
specification, D605 Methyl ethyl ketone specification, D2218
Sa Pigments, general properties 99.5%grade, spec., D3729 Sa Pigments, general properties
Maleic anhydride purity, by gas chromatography, D2804 Molybdenum content
color, by platinum cobalt scale, D3366 spec., D740 molybdate orange, D126,2218
maleic acid content, D2930 Methyl isoamyl ketone Mortar resistance
sampling and handling, practice, D3438 purity, by chromatography, D3893 of clear coatings on aluminum, D3260
specification, D3504 spec., D2635 Mottling
Methyl isobutyl carbinol, spec., D2635 failure, exterior latex paints, D1848
Mandrel bend test Methyl isobutyl ketone Mud-cracking
flexibility of organic coatings, D522 analysis by gas chromatography, D3329 failure, exterior latex paints, D1848
Manganese content spec., D1153 Muller device
of drier, D564,2375 Methyl methacrylate color/tinting strength of pigments, D387
of cellulose pulp, D4085 unreacted monomer in latexes, D4827,4747 Multinotch applicator tests
Mar resistance Methyl n-amyl ketone sag resistance of paints, D4400
under development by DO123 98% grade, spec., D4360 leveling of paints, D4062
Marine coatings See Antifouling paints Methylol group content Multi-panel forms
Masonry exposure test panels, prep., D1734 in phenolic resins, test, D4706 for recording results, D1150
Masonry treatments See Water repellents Metric practice-SI Units, excerpts, E380 Munsell color system
MEHQ content MFFT See Film formation, emulsion vehicles specifying color by, D1535
See Methyl ether of hydroquinone Mica pigment
Meier rods See Film applicators analysis, D716
MEK resistance spec., D607
of ethyl silicate-zinc rich primer, D4752
Menhaden fish oil See Fatty oils Nacreous pigments, no standard
Mercuric oxide Naphtha and naphtha derivatives
analysis, D284 Microbiological attack See Biodeterioration high-flash aromatic naphthas, D3734
specification, D911 Microcoulometry See Coulometry VM&P naphtha, D3735
Mercury content Micro-organism resistance See Biodeterioration Sa Hydrocarbon solvents
in mercuric oxide, D284 Migration of plasticiser National Printing Ink Research Institute
in paint (low concentrations), D3624 from vinyl fabrics to lacquers,+est, D2199 NPIRI, See Printing Inks
Metal powder pigments Milliequivalency, acid/base Naval stores
See Aluminum powder and paste See Electrocoat baths def. of terms, D804
Copper powder Milori blue See Iron blue volatile/nonvolatile content , D4140
Gold bronze powder Mineral (hydrocarbon) oils water content, D890
Zinc dust moisture content, D890 S a Terpene solvents
Metal substrates, coatings on content in rosin oil, D1131
accelerated outdoor exposure, D4141 Mineral spirits Newtonian liquids
adhesion, by cut/tape test, D3359 aromatic content, chromatography,D3257 See Viscometers (viscosity)
blistering-evaluation of, D 714 specification, D235 Nitrocellulose
coil coatings, D3794 Miniature sandmill method base solutions, test methods, D365
flexibility/adhesion-deformed,D4145 color and strength of pigments, D3022 content in alkyd lacquers, D3133
mandrel bend test, D522 Minimum film formation temperature (MFFT) dilution ratio for solutions, D1720
primers, testing practices, D3322 See Film formation, emulsion vehicles testing, D301

66 1
Condensed Index of Committee D-1 Standards

Nitrogen content Paint inspection Pictorial stds, steel surfaces, D2200

cellulose nitrate, test D301 See Inspection of paint application work Pigment contentlpaints and dispersions
nitrogen-containing plastics, D1013 Paint thinners See Thinners paint/traffic marking material, D4451
resins and plasticdtotal), test, D1013 Paint rollers, covers pigment pastes in oil, test, D1208
Nonleafing aluminum pigment preparation for evaluation, D5069 solvent paints, D237l, 2698
See Aluminum powder and paste Panel forms (single/multi),D1150 titanium dioxide slurries, D3926
Nonvolatilelvolatile content Panel preparation for tests water-based paints, D3723
aluminum powders/pastes, D480 See Steel panels Pigment-nalysis and specifications
coatings, by volume, D2697 Para (paranitraniline) red see individual pigment names
driers/naval stores, D4140 analysis, D970 Sa Pigments-color categories
emulsions, resin solutions, D4209 specification, D475 White pigments, chemical analysis
guide to test methods, D2832 S a Pigments, general properties Pigments--color categories
latices, test, D4758 Parisred See Redlead See Black pigments
pigment dispersions, D4139 Paris white See Calcium carbonate Blue pigments
printing inks/resin solutions, test, D4713 Paris yellow See Chrome yellow and orange Brown pigments
resin solutions, test, D1259 Glass beads
shellac varnish, test, D1650 Particle size (analysis/distribution) Green pigments
silane/siloxane masonry treatments, D5095 coarse particle content, D185 Inert pigments (Extenders)
titanium dioxide slumes, D3926 pigments, reporting characteristics, D1366 Metal powder pigments
varnishes, test, D1644 polymeric powder properties, D3451 Nacreous pigments
volatile solvents, test, D1353 white extender pigments, D3360 Orange pigments
Notched gages Pastes in oil (ofpigments) Red pigments
film thickness measurement, D4414 See Pigment dispersions White hiding pigments
Notched film applicators Patch test, coating compatability, D5064 Yellow pigments
See Multinotch applicator tests Pavement marking paint Pigments-composition categories
NPIRI See Printinginks See Traffic paint See Earth pigments
Pearlescent pigments See Nacreous pigments Iron oxide pigments
Peen plating Lead chromate pigments
Ocher See Coatings-mechanically deposited Chromium pigments
analysis, D50 Pencil test, film hardness, D3363 Pigments-function categories
specification, D85 Pendulum test, hardness of coatings, D4366 See Anti-corrosion pigments
Odor test Penetration-paint films See Porosity Anti-fouling pigments
volatile solvents and diluents, D1296 Pensky-Martens closed, flash point, D93 Anti-fungal pigments
Oil absorption (of pigments) Pentaerythritol/pentaerythritolcontent Colorant pigments
Gardner-Coleman method, D1483 methods for testing, D2195 Extender pigments (inerts)
Spatula rub-out test, D281 monopentaerythritol content, D2999 White hiding pigments
Oil content of alkyd resins, D1615 P i g m e n t w e n e r d properties
artists' paints, spec., D4302 Permanganate time bleeding characteristics, D279
solvent-borne paints, D2245 acetone and methanol, test, D1363 composition
Oil resistance hicresyl phosphate, test, D1721 acidity/alkalinity, Dl208
electrical insulating varnish, D115 Permeability, (Permeance, perms) ignition loss D1208
wood furniture lacquers, D257l to moisture vapor, of organic films, D1653 moisture content, D280, D1208
S a Fuel oil resistance Peroxide content volatile content, D4139
of styrene monomer, test, D2340 water soluble salts content, D2448
Oils See Fatty oils (Drying oils) Persian gulf oxide See Iron oxide red lightfastness in artist paints, D4303
Mineral oil Persoz pendulum test See Hardness oil absorption
Pine oil Perspiration resistance Gardner-Coleman method, D1483
Rosin oils of HIPAC coatings, D3730 Spatula, r ~ b - u ptest, D281
Oiticica oil Petroleum spirits See Mineral spirits particle size
chloroform-insolubles, D1958 Pfund gage See Film thickness measurement characteristics, reporting of, D1366
gel time, D1955 Pfund indentation hardness See Hardness course particle content, D185
specification, D601 PH fineness of dispersion paint, D1210
Orange pigments of water solutions, E70 fineness of grind, printing ink, D1316
See Molybdate orange sa AciditylAlkalinityPhenol, particle size distribution, D3360
Chrome yellow and orange in phenolic resins, D1312 specific gravity, D153
Organotin release rate Phenolic resins (Phenol formaldehyde) tinting strength and color
of anti-fouling paints, D5103 apparent pH, D4613 colored pigments -
Overbaking (of paintdrelated coatings) free phenols content, D1312 with mechanical muller, D387
effects of overbaking, D2454 methylol group determination, D4706 with miniature sand mill, D3022
Oxirane stroke cure time, D4640 white pigments-
epoxy content of epoxy plastics, D1652 volatile content, D4639 visual method, D332
Phthalic anhydride instrumental method, D2745
color in molten state, D3366 Pigments-in paints and dispersions
Package stability content in alkyd resins, D563,1306 See Dispersiordfineness of grind
coatings for ultraviolet curing, D4144 sampling and handling, D3438 Lightfastness
emulsion paints, biodegradation, D2574 specification, D2403 Pigment content
freeze-thaw resistance, D2243 Phthalocyanine (phthalo) blue Slurries
sampling liquid paints, D3925 analysis, D1135, D3256 White pigments,chemical analysis
settling of traffic paint, D869 specification, D963
solvent and water-bome paints, D1849 S a Pigments, general properties
Paint brushes Phthalocyanine (phthalo) green Pine oil moisture content, D890
preparation for evaluation, D5068 chemical analysis, D3256 sampling/testing, D802
Paint driers specification, D3021 Pine tadpine tar oils
See Driers Sa Pigments, general properties sampling and testing, D856

Condensed Index of Committee D-1 Standards

Pinholing Propylene glycol monomethyl ether acetate Resins,general properties

film failures of exterior latex paints, D1848 PGME acetate, purity, D4773 softening, ring and ball, E28
Plasticizer migration spec., D4835 solubility/range, test, D3132
vinyl fabrics to lacquers, D2199 Propylene glycol, spec., D2695 volatile/nonvolatile, D4209
Plastics volatile resin acids, D3008
coatings for plastic substrates, D3002 water content, Karl Fischer, test, D4017
epoxy content, D1652 Prussian blue See Iron blue
Platinum-robalt solutions, color scale Pull-off strength (bond strength) Resins, various types
See Color See AdhesionlCohesion See Alkyd resins
Polyester resins See alkyds Pull test, static friction, D4518 Amino resins
Polyhexafluoropylene PEP) substrate Pumicelpumice stone/pumacite Epoxy resins
for preparation of free films, D4708 specification, D867 Phenolic resins
Polyhydric alcohols content See Alkyds Purchasing, statelinstitutional, D3927 Rosin
Polymeric powders/powder coatings Rare earths content Shellac (lac)
test procedures, practices, D3451 paint driers, by EDTA method, D3989 Urethanes
Polymerization Raw oils (drying oils) Vinyl resins
cellulose nitrate, test, D1716 See Fatty oils Resistance propertieshesistance to
dipentene/terpene solvents, test, D233 Raw sienndumber See Abrasion resistance
unreacted monomer of latexes, D4747 See Sienna, burnt and raw Acid resistance
Polymerization inhibitors Umber, b u n t and raw Alcohol resistance
butylcatechol in styrene, D2120 Reagent water Alkali resistance
Polymerization time microelectronic processing, spec., D1193 Bleeding
electrical insulating shellac, D411 reagent water, spec., D1193 Biode terioration
Polymers Red copper oxide (77402) See Cuprous oxide Blistering
silicons,silicon content, D3733 Red iron oxide See Iron oxide red Blocking
solubility range, test, D3132 Red lead Checking
Polyurethanes See Urethanes analysis, D49 Chemical resistance
Polyvinyl butyral resins specification, D83 Chip (chipping) resistance
See Resinepolyvinyl butyral S a Pigments, general properties Coffee stains
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) Red oxide of mercury See Mercuric oxide Corrosion resistance
chlorine content, test, D1156 Red pigments Cracking (crack resistance)
residual vinyl chloride, D3680 See Iron oxide red (synthetichatural) Detergent resistance
test procedures, guide, D4368 Para (paranitraniline) red Discoloration
Porosity, of paint films, D3258 Red lead Erosion resistance
Potash blue See Iron blue Toluidine red Exposure (weathering)
Powder coatings Venetian red Flaking
See Polymeric powderslpowder coatings Reflectance and reflectivity Fuel oillresistance
Practices gray scale, evaluating color change, D2616 Fungus resistance
See individual standard practices hiding power by reflectometry, D2805 Gas checking
S a Guides for testing instrumental color difference, D2244 Gasoline resistance
Precision See Statistical methods Munsell color system, D1535 Heat resistance
Primers of opaque specimens, E1347 was E97 Household chemicals
ethyl silicate - zinc rich preparation of reflectance standards, E259 Humidity resistance
MEK resistance, cure test, D4752 speafic luminance, traffic coatings, D4061 Impact resistance
formability on steel, D4146 Reflective markers in traffic paint Light resistance
test guide, on preformed metal, D3322 See Glass beads Mar resistance
Primrose chrome/yellow Microbiological attack
See Chrome yellow and orange Refractive index Microorganisms
Print resistance dipentene/ terpenes, D801 Mold resistance
of lacquers, D2091 pine oil (natural/synthetic), DE02 Mortar resistance
of architectural coatings, in preparation turpentine and pinene, test, D233 Oil resistance
Printed matter Over baking
evaluating lightfastness, D3424 Release paper Perspiration resistance
Printing inks and vehicles preparation of free films, D4708 Print resistance
apparent tack, inkometer test, D4361 tensile properties of coatings, D2370 Sagkagging resistance
fineness of grind, NIPIRI method, D1316 Repellents, See Water repellents Salt spray resistance
lightfastness, printed matter, D3424 Reporting paint film failures Scratch See Mar resistance
nonvolatile content, D4713 of exterior latex paints, D1848 Scrub resistance
tinting strength, in prep. Reproducibility and Repeatability Slip resistance
viscosity, by falling-rod, D4040 See Statistical methods Soilldirt resistance
water pick-up, D4942 Solvent resistance
S a Resins, Resin solutions Spattering (spatter resistance)
Stain resistance
1-Propanol See n-Propyl alcohol Resin solutions, general properties Water resistance
2-Propanone See Acetone clarity/deanness, D2090 Wear resistance
Propionyl content cloud point, D5062 Wet abrasion (scrub) resistance
cellulose acetate propionates, DE17 dilutability (solvent tolerance), D5062
Propyl acetate, normal Gardner color scale, D1544
alcohol content/purity, D3545 nonvolatile, ink vehicles, D4713 Retroreflection (horizontal coatings)
90-92%grade, spec., D3130 nonvolatile matter content, test, D1259 traffic paints, specific luminance, D4061
n-Propyl alcohol, spec., D3622 std. color solutions, D365(2), D1209 Rheological propertiednon-Newtonian coatings
Propylene glycol monomethyl ether unsapnifiable matter, D1397 Brookfield viscometer, D2196
PGME, punty, D4773 viscosity, test, D1725 IC1 cone/plate viscometer, D4287
spec., 4837 Sa Viscometers (viscosity)

Condensed index of Committee D.1 Standards

Ring-and-ball apparatus Semi-gloss paints Solvents

softening point, of resins, E28 See Architectural paints and coatings See Solvents-chemical types
Road service testing See Traffic paint Sericite See Mica Solvent resistance
Setaflash tester Solvents, test procedures, general
See Burning Characteristics Solvents-chemical types
Rocker hardness test (Sward) See Hardness Settling See Acetate ester dolvents
Roller application, of paint traffic paint, accelerated, D1309 Alcohol solvents
hiding power,practical, D5150 traffic paint, in containers, D869 Aliphatic hydrocarbon solvents
spatter resistance, D4707 Set-to-touch-time Aromatic hydrocarbon solvents
Rollers, paint See Paint rollers, covers See Drying properties Ester solvents
Ropiness (of paints), See Leveling Sheen See Gloss and Sheen Glycols
Glycol ether aketates
Rosenmund-Kuhnhenn method Glycol ethers (ether-alcohols)
iodine value of drying oils, D1541 Sheet metal (with organic coating) Halogenated sdvents
Rosin flexibility/adhesion of the coating, D4145 Hydrocarbon solvents
acid number, D465 mandrel bend test, D522 Ketone solvents
ash, burning residue Shellac (lac resin) Terpene solvents
iron content, D1064 bleached shellac spec., D207 Solvent resistance
sampling and grading, D509 copal resin content, D29 alcohol, on furniture lacquer, D2571
saponification number, D464 for electrical insulation, D411, 784 gasoline/fuel oil, on traffic paint, D2792
tall oil rosin-fatty acids, D1585 orange shellac and other lacs, spec., D237 MEK, of ethyl silicate primer D4752
unsaponifiable matter, D1065 sampling and testing, D29 Solvents-test procedures, general
toluene insolubles, D2693 shellac varnishes analysis, chromotography, D3271
volatile oil content, D889 sampling and testing, D1650 clarity/cleanness, D2090
volatile resin acids content, D3008 Specification, D360 evaporation rate, 03539
Rosin acid content volatile/non-volatile content, D4209 halogenated, in paints, analysis, D4457
coating vehicles, D1469 hydrocarbon solvents
fatty acids, test, D1240 acidity, test, D1613
rosin oil, test, D1131 aniline point, D611
tall oil, test, D803 SI units (International System of Units) benzene content, D4367
lac resins, test, D29 metric practice, excerpts, E380 Kauri-butanol test, D1133
Lieberman-Storch test, D1542 Sienna (burnt and raw) odor (characteristic/residual), D1296
Rosin esters analysis, D50 samphng/test procedures, D268
rosin acids content, D1469 specification, D765 water content, by Fischer reagent, D1365
Rosin oils, testing of, D1131 Sa Pigments, general properties identification in paint, D2349
Rouge See Ironoxidered Sieve analysis lacquer solvents,heptane miscibility, D1476
Rub-out test (pigments) glass spheres, used in traffic paint, D1214 water miscibility, D1722
See Oil absorption (pigments) pigments, practice for reporting, D1366 Solvent tolerance See Resin solutions
Rusting-degree-photographic standards pigments and dispersions, D185 Soybean oil
on painted steel surfaces, D610 Silanes, siloxanes See Water repellents degummed, specification, D124
Silica, diatomaceous refined, specification, D1462
analysis, D719 S a Fatty oils
specification, D604 Fatty acid tests, specifications
Safflower oil Silicate pigments Spattering (spatter resistance)
specification, D1392 See Aluminum silicate roller application test, D4707
S a Fatty oils Calcium borosilicate Spatula rub-out test
Sag resistance test Calcium silicate See Oil absorption, pigments
Using a multinotch applicator, D4400 Magnesium silicate Specific gravity
Salt spray (fog) resistance Silicone-coated paper of pigments, D153
with acetic acid, 8287, 117 See Release paper Specific luminance, horizontal coating
Sampling Silicone polymers traffic stripe paint, D4061
liquid paints & pigmented coatings, D3925 silicon content by spectrophotometry, D3733 Specific permeability
Sand abrasion test Siloxanes, silanes, see Water repellents See Moisture vapor permeability
falling sand method), D968 Skinning Spectroscopic analysis
Sandstone, architectural See Stability-package acrylic polymer in emulsion paint, D3168
preparatory surface cleaning, D5107 Slip resistance, static friction test, D2518 antimony content (low conc), D3717
Saponification num bedvalue Slurries cellulose nitrate in alkyd lacquers, D3133
drying oils, fatty acids, D1962 titanium dioxide content, D3926 chromium content (low conc), D37l8
lac resins, test, D29 Soapstone See Magnesium silicate diene value, dehydrated castor oil, D1358
rosin, test, D464 identifying separated vehicle solids, D2621
tall oil, test, D803 Softening point lron content (of rosin), D1064
Sa Unsaponifiable matter content organic coatings, test, D2134 lead/cadmium/cobalt, D3335
Saybolt viscometer See Viscosity resins, ring and ball apparatus, E28 lead/chromium in pigment dust, D4358
Scaling See Flaking Soil accumulation, on paint films lead content in paint, D4834
Scattering coefficient degree of surface disfigurement, D3274 mercury content(1ow concentration), D3624
absolute values (hiding power), D2805 Soilldirt resistance (removal) metal content of cellulose pulp, D4085
white pigments, relative values, D2745 practical washability, D4828 sulfur content of cellulosics, D2929
Scratch resistance See Mar resistance SolidlLiquid state, characterization, D4359 titanium dioxide in paint, D45634764
Scrub (wet abrasion) resistance Solids content traffic paint vehicle adulteration, D2743
See Wet abrasion (scrub) resistance See Nonvolatilelvolatile content Specular gloss See Gloss and Sheen
Sealants Solubility tests Spoilage See Biodeterioration
See Caulkinglglazing compounds cellulose in sodium hydroxide, D1696 Package stability
Sealers (floor) cellulose nitrate, D301 Spray application
See Floor paintskoatings solubility range (resins/polymers), D3132 See Transfer efficiency

Condensed Index of Committee D-1 Standards

Spreading rate Tall oil rosin pigment content, by ashing, D4451

See Hiding power of paints fatty acids content, D1585 practices for testing, D2205
Stability-package See Package stability volatile resin adds content, D3008 retroreflectance/specificluminance, D4061
Stain resistance settling during storage, D1309
coffee stains, D 2571 Tar See Pine tadpine-tar oils wear life/resistance, D913
of factory applied wood finishes,.D3023 Temperature tests Transfer efficiency-spray application
of multicolor lacquers, D2198 freeze-thaw resistance, D2243 under laboratory conditions, D5009
of organic finishes, D1308 low-temperature coalescence, D3793 under production conditions, D5066
of transportation industry finishes, D1540 minimum film formation temp. D2345 Tribasic lead phosphosilicate
of wood furniture lacquer, D2571 Tensile properties, free films, D2370 analysis, D2742
S a Washability, Porosity Terpene solvents Specification D2744
Static friction tests (slip resistance) See Dipentene, Pine Oil, Turpentine Tributyltin See Organotin release rate
inclined plane/horizontal pull, D4518 Terra alba See Calcium sulfate Trichloroethane determination
Statistical methods Terra de sienna See Sienna (burnt and raw) by gas chromatography, D4457
for interlaboratory testing, E691(3), D3980 Test results See Forms for recording Tricresylp hosphate
Testing, interlaboratory practice, D3980 permanganate time, D1721
Steel blue pigment See Iron blue Texture speafication, D363
Steel surfaces, unpainted gloss differences of similar surfaces, D4449 unsaponifiable matter content, D1399
pictorial standards of condition, D2200 Thermalvoltaic infrared thermometers volatile matter content, D1468
profile of abrasive - cleaned steel, D4417 See Infra-red pyrometry Tristimulus values
test panels, preparation of, D609 Thermistor infrared radiation thermometers -
See Color opaque materials
Steel surfaces, painted See Infra-red pyrometry Tung Oil
See Exposure, accelerated Thermosetting resins gel time, test, D1955
Exposure, exterior stroke cure time of phenolics, D4640 quality determination, D1964
Stiffness of free films, D2370 Thickness-paintshlated coatings raw, specification, D12
Stormer viscosity (consistency) producing uniform films, D823 Tunnel method(two foot tunnel)
of paint, D562 S a Film thickness measurement fire retardancy of paints, D3806
of pine tars and pine tar oils, D856 Thinners See Mineral spirits, Turpentine,
Strip (copper tarnish) test V M &P Naphtha Turbidity
copper corrosion in petroleum products, D130 S a Solvents clear liquids, D5180
Stroke cure time Thixotropy Sa Clarity
thermosetting phenolic resins, D4640 rotational (Brookfield) viscometer, D2196 Turkey red See Iron oxide red
Strontium chromate, analysis, D1845 S a Viscometers Turkish umber See Umber (burnt and raw)
Sa Pigments, general properties Tinting strength Turpentine
Structural coatings chromatic paints, D4838 pinene composition, D3009
field identification/analysis, D5043 printing inks,in prep. sampling and testing, D233
Sulfide content white pigments, instrumental, D2745 specification,.D 13
white pigment, from paint, D2351 white pigments, visual, D332 Two-foot tunnel method
Sulfur content colored p i e e n t s , D387,3022 fire retardancy of paints, D3806
cellulose materials, D2929 S a Pigments, general properties
white pigment, from paint, D2352 Titanium dioxide
Sunflower oil analysis of and for Ultramarine blue
specification, D3169 Sa Fatty oils anatase/mtile ratio, D3720 analysis, D1135
Surface analysis atomic absorption spectroscopy,D 4563 specification, D262
adhesion, tests, D4541 by X-ray spectroscopy, D 4764 Ultraviolet-cured coatings
gloss differences, visual evaluation, D4449 chemical analysis, D1394 cure time, reporting of, D3732
gloss goniophotometer, E430 in traffic marking paint, D4797 package stability, D4144
profile, blast cleaned steel, D4417 slurry-solids content, D3926 Ultraviolet exposure, D4587
static friction, D4518 specification, D476 Umber (burnt and raw)
Surface preparation-for painting tinting strength, instrumental, D2745 analysis, D50
abrading of concrete, D4259 tinting strength, visual, D332 specification, D763
acid etching of concrete, D4260 S a Pigments, general properties Units, SI, metric, E380
aluminum (hot-dip), D1731 Titer
aluminum/aluminum-alloy surfaces, D1730 fatty acids, test, D1982
architectural sandstone, D5107 Toluene Unsaturation (in drying oils and derivatives)
concrete/masonry panels, Dl734 industrial grade, spec. D362 Rosenmund-Kuhnhenn method, D1541
galvanized steel, non-passivated, D2201 toluene insolubles in rosin, D269 Wijs method, D1959
glass panels, D3891 volume and weight calculations, D15555 Urea-formaldehyde resin solutions
magnesium alloys, D1732 Toluidine red See Aminoresins
steel test panels, D609 analysis, D970 Urethanes
Sustained burning test specification, D656 free toluene diisocyanate content, D3432
Seta-flash tester (open cup), D4206 Tooke gage, See Film thickness, dry films 2-ethoxethyl acetate in, spec., D3728
Wick test, D4207 Traffic paint isocyanate group content, D2572
Sward rocker See Hardness testing adulteration of vehicle solids, D2743 isocyanate raw materials, D1638
bleeding, over tar and asphalt, D969 methyl ethyl ketone in, spec., D3729
bleeding, photographic standards D868 UV See Ultraviolet-cured coatings
Taber abraser test, See Abrasion resistance conducting road service tests, D7l3 Ultraviolet exposure
Tack, of printing inks, Inkometer, D4361 degree of chipping, D913
Tag cup See Burning Characteristics degree of settling, D869
Talc See Magnesium silicate glass spheres, roundness, D1155
Tall oil, test methods for, D803 glass spheres, sieve analysis, D1214 Vanadium content
Sa Fatty oils fuel oil/solvent resistance, D2792 paint driers, EDTA method, D3988
Tall oil rosin gasoline resistance, D2792 Vapor transmission
Fatty acids-tests, specifications no-pick-up (drying) time, D711 See Water Vapor Transmission

Condensed Index of Committee D-1 Standards

Varnishes Volatile liquids Wet ground muscovite mica See Mica

add value, test, D1639 rate of evaporation, D3539 Wet-to-dry hiding change of paints, D5009
bleached lac vamish, testing, D1650 S a Solvents
clarity/cleanness, visual, D2090 Volatile matter content
def. of term, D16 S e e Nonvolatilelvolatile content White architectural enamels
density, test, D1475 Volatile organic compounds (VOC, D3960 See Architectural paints and coatings
discoloration (light stability), D2620 White extender pigments
household chemicals, effect, D1308 S e e Extender pigments
elasticity or toughness, D1642 White hiding pigments
elongation/tensile strength, D2370 Wick test (low viscosity mixtures), D4207 See Antimony oxide
exterior durability, test, D1641 Washability, of architectural paints Basic carbonate of white lead
drying at room temperature, D1640 soilant - mechanical washing, D3450 Basic sulfate white lead
flash point, test, D3278 stains & soilants - practical test, D 4828 Titanium dioxide
Gardner color scale, D1544(1,2,3) S a Wet abrasion (scrub) resistance Zinc oxide
gas checking and draft test, D1643 Water-high-purityheagent-grade Zinc sulfide
humidity resistance, D2247 reagent water, spec., D1193 S a White pigments, chemical analysis
indentation hardness, test, D1474 Water-borne paints Pigments, general properties
moisture vapor permeability, D1663 See Architectural paints White lead
nonvolatile matter content, D1644 Artists' paints See Basic carbonate of white lead
preparation of free films, D4708 Industrial finishes Basic sulfate of white lead
preparing glass panels for testing, D3891 Water colors See Artists' paints White pigments, analysis
preparing steel panels for testing, D609 Water content-paintshelated materials extracted from paint
rosin acids content, D1469 by gas chromatography, D3792 antimony oxide content, D2350
rosin content, Lieberman-Storch, Dl542 by iodine reagent method, D1631 combined sulfur, D2351, D2352
rosin content, Halphen-Hicks, Dl542 crude cresylic acid, D3439 general, D215 (01)
scrape adhesion test, D2197 fatty nitrogen compounds, D2072 guide, practices and methods, list, D34
selection of test procedures, D154 in compressed air, D4285 Sa Extender pigments
shellac varnish, testing, D1650 Karl Fischer reagent method, D4017 Titanium dioxide
specific gravity at 25/25C, D1963 liquid naval stores, D890 White hiding pigments
test environments, D3924 petroleum products, by distillation, D95 White zinc See Zinc oxide
viscosity, diptype viscosity cups, D4212 pigments, and pigment pastes, D1208 Whiting See Calcium carbonate
vlscmity, Ford cup, D1200 solvents, by Fischer reagent method, D1364 Wick test See Burning Characteristics
volatile/nonvolatile content, D4209 terpene solvents, D890 Wijs procedure-iodine value
water and alkali resistance, D1647 Water fog test, organic coatings, D1735 drying oils and derivatives, D1959
water immersion test, D870 Water immersion test fatty amines/diamines, test, D2075
weathering tests on wood, D358 paints on steel, D870 Wire-wound drawdown bar (Meier rod)
wet film thickness, D1212,4414 Water miscibility See Miscibility coating application method, D4147
Water pickup test Wolfe-potentiometric method
Vehicles, solvent type, pigmented See PrintingInks fatty acids in tall oil rosin, D1585
centrifuge for pigment content, D2371,2698 Water-reducible coatings Wood
centrifuge for vehicle separation, D2372 indusbial type, testing guide, D47l2 chlorinated phenol in, test for, D2921
non-volatile content, printing inks, D4713 Water repellents exposure tests on wood, D1006
solids identification, infra-red, D2621 for wood, evaluation of, method in prep. panels for weathering tests, D358
Venetian red, analysis, D5O masonry treahncnts,silane,non vol,D5095 water repellents for, under development
5' a Pigments, general properties qualitative test for in wood, D2921 water repellents in, test for, D2921
Vinyl acetate Water resistance of coatings Wood finishes
acetaldehyde content, D2191 boiling water, of fumiture lacquer, D257l blocking test, D2793
acidity, test, D2086 controlled condensation, D4585 dry film thickness, D2691, D5235
hydroquinone content, D2193 of varnishes, D1647 exposure tests, practices, D1006
specification, D2190 water-fog test, D1735 factory applied:
Vinyl chloride monomer (residual) content water immersion test, D870 liquid/fresh film, properties, D2336
in polyvinyl chloride resins S a Humidity resistance factory primed, durability tests, D2830
Vinyl resins Water-soluble matter, content humid-dry cycling, D3459
polyvinyl butyral, D1396 dry pigments, DIZO8,2448 preservative, chlorinated phenol, D2921
polyvinyl chloride, D4368 lac resins, D29 temperature of coating cure cycle, D3259
Viscometers (viscosity) pigments (lead chromate type), D126 weathering tests, panels for, D358
ball drop method, cellulose, D1343 salt content, blue pigments, D1135 S a Factory applied finishes
Brookfield (rotational), D2196 salt content of pigments, D2448 Woodrosin, See Rosin
bubble time, clear liquids, D1545 Water spottingexterior latex paints,D1848 Wood sash glazing compounds
dip t y p viscosity cups, D4212 Water vapor transmission, D1653 See Caulking/glazing/sealant compounds
falling rod (printing inks/vehicles), D4040 Wear resistance (Wear life) Wood turpentine, See Turpentine
Ford cups (paints/varnishes), Dl200 of traffic paint, D913 Xenon lamps
Gardner-Holdt, D803 S a Abrasion resistance exposure, nonmetallic materials, G26
IC1 cone/plate (high shear), D4287 Weathering See Exposure lightfastness of pigments, D4303
IS0 flow cups, D5125 Weatherometer, See Exposure-accelerated Xylene
Saybolt, D856 Weissenberg rheogoniometer test ten-degree, spec.,D846 ~~ -
Stormer (Krebs units), D856 viscosity of powder coatings, D3451 Yellow ocher See Ocher
Weissenberg, rheogoniometer, D3451 Yellow pigments
Zahn cups (coil coatings), D3794 See Basic lead silicochromate
VM &-P Naphtha Wet abrasion (scrub) resistance Chrome yellow
specification, D3735 scrub-to-failure method, D2486 Iron oxide yellow
VOC (Volatile organic compounds) weight loss method, D4213 Ocher
paints and related coatings, D3960 Wet film thickness gages Strontium chromate
automotive coatings, abatement, D5087 S e e Film thickness gages, wet film Zinc chromate

Condensed Index of Committee D-1 Standards

Zahn viscometers See Viscometers

Zeisel technique, chromatography,
ethoxyl substitution, D4794
methoxyl hydroxypropyl sub., ,D3876
Zinc chromate
analysis, D444
specification, D478
S a Pigments, general properties
Zinc-coated (galvanized) surfaces
preparation for painting, D2092
Zinc content
driers, EDTA method, D2613
white linseed oil paints, D215
white zinc pigments, D3280
zinc dust pigment, D521
zinc hydroxy phosphite, D4450
Zincdriers See Driers
Zinc dust pigment'
analysis, D521
specification, D520
Zinc hydroxy phosphite
analysis, D4450
specification, D4462
Zinc oxide
analysis, D3280
specification, D79
S a Pigments, general properties
Zinc-rich primer, See Primers
Zinc sulfide
analysis, D3280
specification, D477
S a Pigments, general properties
Zinc white See Zinc oxide
Zinc yellow See Zinc chromate
Zirconium drier, See Driers



Section 6

This index covers the standards, and related material appearing in Volumes 06.01, 06.02, and 06.03. The boldface references are to the
ASTM designations; the standards appear in each volume in alphanumeric order. Proposed methods and specifications carry the index
reference, “(Proposed)”; they appear, as does other ancillary material, in the Related Material (gray-edged) section in the back of the book.
A triangle (A) preceding the ASTM designation denotes that Adjunct Material for the standard is published separately; the Adjunct No. is
given in the standard. A Combined Index, covering the standards appearing in all volumes of the 1993Annual Book of ASTM Standards, is
issued as Volume 00.01.
Alphabetization in the index is letter-for-letter, with no consideration to punctuation or word division. Initial prepositions of (indented)
subentries are ignored for alphabetization.
In the preparation of indexes, every attempt has been made to index standards on three levels: (1) by main subject, using general and
specific search terms; (2) by test methods or other significant sections of ASTM standards; and (3) by cross-references to locate main subject
entry terms. (See also references are abbreviated as Sa and appear under main entry terms.) Specification F45 1, for Acrylic Bone Cements
(Volume 13.0 l), illustrates ASTM’s method of indexing.


ENTRY Compressive strength
acrylic bone cements, test, F 451
Adhesives-surgical implant materials Doughing time
acrylic bone cements (for internal orthopedic prostheses), acrylic bone cements, test, F 451
self-curing, spec., F 451 CROSS-REFERENCES
Orthopaedic medical devices-bone Bone-cement
See Adhesives-surgical implant materials
acrylic bone cements (for internal orthopedic prostheses), Fixation materials
self-curing, spec., F 451 Sa Orthopaedic medical devices (headings)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6

A Accelerated testing-pipeline coatings

evaluating pipeline coating patch materials, test, G 55 (06.02)
Ablative antifouling paint systems pipeline coatings-cathodic disbonding, accelerated procedures,
See Antifouling coating system test, G 8 (06.02)
Abrading pipeline coatings-penetration resistance, by blunt rod test,
abrading concrete, practice, D 4259 (06.02) G 17 (06.02)
Abrasion resistance pipeline coatings (steel)-abrasion resistance, by coarse
interior paints-wet abrasion resistance to scrubbing, test, abrasive/water slurry, test, G 6 (06.02) -

D 4213 (06.02) specific cathodic disbonding of pipeline coatings, test,

organic coatings-abrasion resistance, by air blast abrasive, test, G 80 (06.02)
A D 658 (06.01) Accelerated testing-salt spray (fog) testing
organic coatings-abrasion resistance, by falling abrasive, test, salt spray (fog) testing, method, B 117 (06.01)
D 968 (06.01) Accelerated testing-wood products
organic coatings-abrasion resistance, by Taber abraser, test, wood used as panels in weathering tests of coatings, spec.,
D 4060 (06.01) D 358 (06.02)
pipeline coatings (steel)-abrasion resistance, by coarse Acetaldehyde (AA)
abrasive/water slurry, test, G 6 (06.02) Sa Aldehydes
printed matter-abrasion resistance, by GA-CAT tester, acetaldehyde content of vinyl acetate, test, D 2191 (06.04)
D 5181 (06.02) acetaldehyde, spec., D 4710 (06.04)
scrub-to-failure of interior latex flat wall paints, test, vinyl acetate (refined)/acetaldehyde-total acidity, test,
D 2486 (06.02) D 2086 (06.04)
Abrasives/abrasivity Acetate esters
abrasive blast-cleaned steel surfaces-surface profile, field acetate esters-alcohol content/purity, by gas chromatography,
measurement in laboratory/field/fabricatingshop, test, test, D 3545 (06.04)
D 4417 (06.02) Acetic acid content
blasting abrasives-water soluble ionic contamination, by cellulose acetate, test, D 871 (06.03)
conductimetric analysis, test, D 4940 (06.02) Acetic acid (glacial)
pipeline coatings (steel)-abrasion resistance, by coarse formic acid in glacial acetic acid, test, D 3546 (06.04)
abrasive/water slurry, test, G 6 (06.02) glacial (99.8 %) acetic acid (for use in paint/varnish/
Absolute luminance lacquer/related products), spec., D 3620 (06.04)
obtaining colorimetric data from video display unit, by Acetone
spectroradiometry, method, E 1336 (06.01) acetone-alkalinity, calculated as ammonia (NH,), test,
obtaining spectroradiometric data from radiant sources for D 1614 (06.04)
colorimetry, practice, E 1341 (06.01) acetone in methanol (methyl alcohol), test, D 1612 (06.04)
Absorption acetone/methanol-permanganate time, test, D 1363 (06.04)
gloss differences-surfaces of similar appearance, visual acetone, spec., D 329 (06.04)
evaluation, test, D 4449 (06.01) acetone tolerance of heat-bodied drying oils, test,
Absorption spectroscopy D 1950 (06.03)
lead content in paint, by direct aspiration atomic absorption phenol-formaldehyde resins (water-insoluble)-apparent pH,
spectroscopy, test, D 4834 (06.01) test, D 4613 (06.03)
Absorptive coatings Acetophenone
relative tinting strength of chromatic paints, test, D 4838 (06.02) phenol-major organic impurities produced by cumene process,
using gas chromatography, test, D 4961 (06.04)
Accelerated testing-building materials
atmospheric environmental exposure testing of nonmetallic Acetyl content
materials practice, G 7 (06.01) acetone in methanol (methyl alcohol), test, D 1612 (06.04)
carbon-arc light-exposure apparatus-nonmetallic materials, apparent acetyl content of cellulose acetate proprionatel
operating with/without water, practice, G 23 (06.01) butvrate. test. A D 817 106.031
I , ~ \ - - -

developing short-term tests for predicting service life of building combinid acetyl/acetic acid conteh of cellulose acetate, test,
components/materials, practice, E 632 (06.01) D 871 (06.03)
performing accelerated outdoor weathering of nonmetallic Acetylene black
materials, using concentrated natural sunlight, practice, See Carbon black (headings)
G 90 (06.01) Acid content
Accelerated testing-paints/related coatings/materials acid/base milliequivalent content of (anodic/cathodic)
coatings (applied to metal substrates), practice, D 4141 (06.01) electrocoat baths/their ultrafiltrates, test, D 4370 (06.01)
edge performance of composite wood products under surfactant Acid-insoluble extenders
accelerated moisture stress, test, D 2065 (06.02) acid-insoluble extenders in (iron/copper phthalocyanine/
filtered open flame carbon-arc light/water exposure apparatus- ultramarine) blue pigments, test, D 1135 (06.01) ___
paints and related coatings/materials, conducting Acidity, alkalinity, pH-paints/related coatings/materials
accelerated tests (using G 23), practice, D 822 (06.01) acetaldehyde, spec., D 4710 (06.04)
interior paints-wet abrasion resistance to scrubbing, test, acetone-alkalinity, calculated as ammonia (NH,), test,
D 4213 (06.02) D 1614 (06.04)
latex vehicles-nonvolatile content,quality control test, acid/amine value of fatty quaternary ammonium chlorides, test, _.

D 4758 (06.03) D 2081 106.031

painted/coated specimens-corrosive environments, evaluation, acid/base mifliequikalent content of (anodic/cathodic)
method, D 1654 (06.01) electrocoat baths/their ultrafiltrates, test, D 4370 (06.01)
printed matter-lightfastness/weatherability, by natural benzene/toluene/xylenes/solventnaphthas/aromatic
daylight/laboratory exposures, test, D 3424 (06.02) hydriocarbons-acidity, test, D 847 (06.04)
wood used as panels in weathering tests of coatings, spec., cellulose acetate propionates/butyrate, test, A D 817 (06.03)
D 358 (06.02) cellulose acetate, test, D 871 (06.03)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Air particulate filter samples
chemically cleaned/etched concrete surfaces-pH, test, Adhesion
D 4262 (06.02) evaluating pipeline coating patch materials, test, G 55 (06.02)
electrocoat baths-apparent pH, test, D 4584 (06.01) Adhesion-paints/related coatings/materials
ethylcellulose, test, D 914 (06.03) clear/pigmented organic coatings, test, D 1308 (06.02)
formaldehyde solutions, test, D 2379 (06.04) factory-primed wood products (with representative finish
hydrogen sulfide/sulfur dioxide (qualititative) of industrial coats)-durability/compatibility, test, D 2830 (06.02)
aromatic hydrocarbons, test, D 2363 (06.03) high-performance interior architectural wall coatings (HIPAC),
methyl acrylate, spec., D 4709 (06.04) test, D 3730 (06.02)
methylcellulose, test, D 1347 (06.03) organic coatings-adhesion to plastic substrates, by direct
moisture content of pigments, D 1208 (06.03) tensile testing, D 5179 (06.01)
phenol-formaldehyde resins (water-insoluble)-apparent pH, organic coatings-adhesion to smooth flat (planar) panel
test, D 4613 (06.03) surfaces, by scrape adhesion test, D 2197 (06.01)
vinyl acetate (refined)/acetaldehyde-total acidity, test, organic coatings-mar resistance, using balanced beam scrape
D 2086 (06.04) adhesion and mar test, D 5178 (06.01)
volatile solvents/chemical intermediates-total acidity, test, organic coatings on prepainted deformed metallic sheets, test,
D 1613 (06.04) D 4145 (06.02)
painted/coated specimens-corrosive environments, evaluation,
Acidity, alkalinity, pH-plastics method, D 1654 (06.01)
cellulose acetate propionates/butyrate, test, A D 817 (06.03) pull-off strength of coatings, using portable adhesion testers,
Acid number test, D 4541 (06.02)
Sa Saponification number/value zinc-rich primer/chromate complex coatings (on steel), test,
naval stores-acid number, incl. tall oil/wood and gum D 4146 (06.02)
rosin/related products, test, D 465 (06.03) Adhesive bonding
rosin oil, test, D 1131 (06.03) thermoplastic traffc marking materials-bond strength, using
tall oil-testing, methods, D 803 (06.03) cement bricks/steel cubes, test, D 4796 (06.02)
turpentine-sampling/testing, methods, D 233 (06.03) Adhesives
Acid phthalic anhydride amount of liquid separated as upper layer from a viscous
See Phthalic anhydride solution/dispersion containing dispersed solids, test,
Acid resistance D 4948 (06.01)
commercial hexanes, spec., D 1836 (06.04)
acid/mortar resistance of factory-applied clear coatings on
extruded aluminum products, test, D 3260 (06.02) Adhesives-structural
trace amounts of peroxides in organic solvents (with active
Acid-soluble extenders oxygen in range 25-80 ppm), test, E 299 (06.04)
acid-soluble extenders in (iron/copper phthalocyanine/ Adulteration
ultramarine) blue pigments, test, D 1135 (06.01) See Purity
Acid value Aerosol containers/products
acid/amine value of fatty quaternary ammonium chlorides, test, See Containers-aerosol
D 2076 (06.03) Aeroso1s
acid value of organic coating materials, test, D 1639 (06.03) aerosol paints (water-borne)-volatile content by weight
fatty acids and polymerized fatty acids, test, D 1980 (06.03) percent, test, D 5325 (06.01)
lac resins (orange shellac and button-/garnet-/bleached- African ocher
lac)/-sampling/testing, D 29 (06.03) See Ocher
Acid wash color Aged coatings
aromatic hydrocarbons/related chemicals, terminology, aged coatings on steel surfaces-visual assessment, guide,
D 4790 (06.04) D 5065 (06.02)
Acoustical materials/tests Aggregate
luminous reflectance factor of acoustical materials, by use of pipeline coatings-impact resistance, by limestone drop test,
integrating sphere reflectometers, test, E 1477 (06.01) G 13 (06.02)
Acrylate esters Air blast abrasion tester
purity, by gas chromatography, test, D 3362 (06.04) organic coatings-abrasion resistance, by air blast abrasive, test,
A D 658 (06.01)
Acrylic acid
acrylic acid dimer in acrylic acid/unsaturated organic acids, test, Air blast cleaning
D 4415 (06.04) oil/water presence in compressed air (used for coating
glacial acrylic acid (99.0 % grade), spec., D 4416 (06.04) application/air blast cleaning/abrasive blast cleaning), test,
D 4285 (06.02)
Acrylic latex paints Air-cooled xenon-arc lamp
Sa Latex paints operating light-exposure apparatus (xenon-arc type) with/
artists’ acrylic emulsion paints, spec., D 5098 (06.02) without water for exposure of nonmetallic materials,
artists’ paints (oil/resin-oil/alkyd), spec., D 4302 (06.02) practice, G 26 (06.01)
preparing drawdowns of artists’ paste paints, practice, Air dry coatings
D 4941 (06.02) latex vehicles-nonvolatile content,quality control test,
water content of water-reducible paints, by direct injection into D 4758 (06.03)
gas chromatograph, test, D 3792 (06.01) Airless spray applications
Acrylic polymer content Sa Spray-applied coatings
qualitative identification of polymers in emulsion paints, by industrial water-reducible coatings (pigmented/clear)-selecting
infrared analysis/pyrolysis-gas liquid chromatography, test procedures, guide, D 4712 (06.02)
practice, D 3168 (06.01) Air particulate filter samples
Active oxygen content-organic solvents lead/chromium content (in air particulate filter samples of lead
trace amounts of peroxides in organic solvents (with active chromate type pigment dusts), by atomic absorption
oxygen in range 25-80 ppm), test, E 299 (06.04) spectroscopy, test, D 4358 (06.01)

67 1
Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Alcohol-benzene-soluble content
Alcohol-benzene-soluble content Alumina
alcohol-benzene soluble matter in cellulose, test, D 1794 (06.03) acid-soluble extenders in (iron/copper phthalocyanine/
Alcohol content ultramarine) blue pigments, test, D 1135 (06.01)
acetate esters-alcohol content/purity, by gas chromatography, alumina/iron oxide in magnesium silicate pigment, test,
test, D 3545 (06.04) D 717 (06.01)
polyhydric alcohols in alkyd resins, qualitative analysis, test, Alumina hydrate
D 2998 (06.03) acid-insoluble extenders in (iron/copper phthalocyanine/
Alcohol resistance ultramarine) blue pigments, test, D 1135 (06.01) -
wood furniture lacquers, test, D 2571 (06.02) Aluminum
Alcohols (Cd-C13) acid/mortar resistance of factory-applied clear coatings on
plasticizer grade, chemical/physical analysis (selection/use of test extruded aluminum products, test, D 3260 (06.02)
procedures), E 852 (06.04) preparation of aluminum/aluminum-alloy surfaces (for
Aldehydes painting), practice, D 1730 (06.02)
aldehydes/ketones-purity, test, D 2192 (06.04) preparation of hot-dip aluminum surfaces (for painting),
aldehydes in styrene monomer, test, D 2119 (06.04) practice, D 1731 (06.02)
Algae Aluminum alloys
algal resistance of plastic films, practice, G 29 (06.01) preparation of aluminum/aluminum-alloy surfaces (for
presence of and removing microbial (fungal/algal) growth on painting), practice, D 1730 (06.02)
paint/related coatings, guide, D 4610 (06.01) preparation of hot-dip aluminum surfaces (for painting),
Aliphatic hydrocarbons practice, D 1731 (06.02)
See Hydrocarbons-aliphatic Aluminum coatings
Alkaline cresylate solutions See Coatings-aluminum
cresylic acid content (of alkaline cresylate solutions), chemical Aluminum oxide (A1203) content
analysis, D 3439 (06.04) aluminum oxide in aluminum silicate (hydrous/anhydrous)
Alkaline earth carbonates pigment, test, D 718 (06.01)
acid-insoluble extenders in (iron/copper phthalocyanine/ aluminum oxide in titanium dioxide (TiO,) pigments, test,
ultramarine) blue pigments, test, D 1135 (06.01) D 1394 (06.01)
Alkalinity Aluminum potassium silicate
acetone-alkalinity, calculated as ammonia (NH,), test, See Mica pigment
D 1614 (06.04) Aluminum powder and paste
Alkali resistance Sa Pigments (headings)
clear/pigmented organic coatings, test, D 1308 (06.02) aluminum powder/paste pigments for paints, spec.,
dried varnish films, test, D 1647 (06.03) D 962 (06.03)
Alkyds/alkyd resins sampling/testing flaked aluminum powders/pastes, methods,
Sa Solvent-reducible paints/coatings D 480 (06.03)
alkyd resins-selection of test methods, practice, D 2689 (06.03) Aluminum reduction method
artists' paints (oil/resin-oil/alkyd), spec., D 4302 (06.02)
carboxylic acids identification-alkyd resins, method, total titanium in white titanium pigments, by aluminum
D 2455 (06.03) reduction method, test, D 1394 (06.01)
dichloromethane/ 1,1,1 -trichloroethane content-paints/coatings, Aluminum silicate pigments
by direct injection gas chromatography, test, aluminum silicate (hydrous/anhydrous) pigment, analysis, test,
D 4457 (06.01) D 718 (06.01)
fatty acid content, test, D 1398 (06.03) aluminum silicate pigments (anhydrous), spec., D 3619 (06.03)
glycerol/ethylene glycol/pentaerythritol in alkyd resins, test, aluminum silicate pigments (hydrous), spec., D 603 (06.03)
D 1615 (06.03) American turpentine
industrial water-reducible coatings (pigmented/clear)-selecting See Turpentine
test procedures, guide, D 4712 (06.02) Amidoamines
isophthalic acid content of alkyd/polyester resins, test,
D 2690 (06.03) See Fatty amidoamines
naval stores-unsaponifiable matter, incl. rosin/tall oil/related Amine resins
products, test, D 1397 (06.03) Sa Resins (headings)
pentaerythritol (for alkyd/synthetic resins), test, D 2195 (06.04) amine resins-solvent tolerance, test, D 1198 (06.03)
phthalic anhydride content (in absence of dibasic acids), test, Amines
D 563 (06.03) See Fatty amines
phthalic anhydride content (in presence of dibasic acids), by Amines content
gravimetric test, D 1306 (06.03) percent of amines (primary/secondary/tertiary) in fatty amines,
polyhydric alcohols identification-alkyd resins, qualitative/ test, D 2083 (06.03)
quantitative analysis, test, D 2456 (06.03)
polyhydric alcohols in alkyd resins, qualitative analysis, test, Amine value
D 2998 (06.03) acid/amine value of fatty quaternary ammonium chlorides, test,
rosin acids content, test, D 1469 (06.03) D 2076 (06.03)
silicon content of silicone polymers/silicone modified alkyds, by Amine values (total/primary/secondary/tertiary)
atomic absorption spectrophotometry, test, D 3733 (06.03) fatty amines/amidoamines/diamines, by referee potentiometric
specific gravity at 25/25"C, test, D 1963 (06.03) method, test, D 2073 (06.03)
All-day testing fatty amines, by alternative indicator method, test,
See Twenty-four hour testing D 2074 (06.03)
Alternative indicator method Aminolysis
total, primary, secondary, and tertiary amine values of fatty polyhydric alcohols identification-alkyd resins, qualitative/
amines, test, D 2074 (06.03) quantitative analysis, test, D 2456 (06.03)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Appearance of materials
Amino resins Antifouling paint pigments-cuprous oxide
amino resins, selecting test procedures, practice, D 4277 (06.03) chemical analysis of cuprous oxide/copper pigments, test,
free formaldehyde content of amino resins, test, D 1979 (06.03) D 283 (06.01)
Ammonium hydroxide content cuprous oxide (for antifouling paints), spec., D 912 (06.03)
ammonium hydroxide group (alumina/iron oxide) in Antifouling paint pigments-mercuric oxide
magnesium silicate pigment, test, D 717 (06.01) analysis, D 284 (06.01)
Amyl acetate mercuric oxide for use in antifouling paints, spec.,
primary (synthetic) amyl acetate (98 % grade), spec., D 911 (06.03)
D 3540 (06.04) Antimony content
Amyl alcohol (synthetic) antimony content (low concentrations) in solids of liquid
amyl alcohol (synthetic), spec., D 319 (06.04) coatings/dried films, by atomic absorption spectroscopy,
Anatase-rutile ratio test, D 3717 (06.01)
ratio of anatase to rutile in titanium dioxide (TiO,) pigments, Antimony oxide
by x-ray diffraction, test, D 3720 (06.01) antimony content (low concentrations) in solids of liquid
Anchor pattern coatings/dried films, by atomic absorption spectroscopy,
abrasive blast-cleaned steel surfaces-surface profile, field test, D 3717 (06.01)
measurement in laboratory/field/fabricating shop, test, antimony oxide content of white pigment (separated from
D 4417 (06.02) solvent-type paints), test, D 2350 (06.01)
Angle of incidence Anti-sag meter
gloss differences-surfaces of similar appearance, visual sag resistance-liquid coatings (aqueous/nonaqueous), using
evaluation, test, D 4449 (06.01) multinotch applicator, test, D 4400 (06.02)
Apparent acetyl content
Angular deviation
apparent acetyl content of cellulose acetate proprionate/
crystallographic axes/contrast ratio of a Pockels cell electro-optic
crystal (in longitudinal mode), test, F 741 (06.01) butyrate, test, A D 817 (06.03)
combined acetyl/acetic acid content of cellulose acetate, test,
Aniline D 871 (06.03)
industrial grade aniline, spec., D 3264 (06.04) Apparent tack '
nitrobenzene in aniline, test, D 4589 (06.04) apparent tack of printing inks/vehicles, by inkometer, test,
sampling and handling aniline, practice, D 3436 (06.04) D 4361 (06.02)
Aniline point Appearance of materials
aniline point/mixed aniline point of petroleum products/ appearance (of objects/materials/light sources), terminology,
hydrocarbon solvents, test, D 611 (06.04) E 284 (06.01)
dipentene/related terpene solvents-aniline point, method, architectural coatings (solvent-borne interior/exterior), selecting
D801 (06.03) test methods, index, D 5146 (06.02)
Animal black bleeding characteristics, of dry pigments, test, D 279 (06.01)
See Bone black blistering (of paints/related coatings), A D 714 (06.01)
ANSI replacement standards chalking (of white/lightly tinted exterior paint films), practice,
use of protective coating standards in nuclear power plants, A D 4214 (06.01)
selecting ASTM standards, guide, D 5144 (06.02) checking (of exterior paints), test, A D 660 (06.01)
Anti-corrosion pigments-basic lead silicochromate clarity/cleanness of (nonpigmented) paint and ink liquids, by
basic lead silicochromate pigment, spec., D 1648 (06.03) visual examination, test, D 2090 (06.03)
chromium trioxide content of basic lead silico-chromate clear/pigmented organic coatings, test, D 1308 (06.02)
pigment, test, D 1844 (06.01) cracking (of exterior paints), test, A D 661 (06.01)
Anti-corrosion pigments-red lead degree of rusting on painted steel surfaces, method, A D 610
lead peroxide/true red lead content of dry red lead pigments, (06.02)
test, D 49 (06.01) description/selection of conditions (for photographing
red lead pigment, spec., D 83 (06.03) specimens), practice, E 312 (06.01)
Anti-corrosion pigments-strontium chromate erosion (of exterior paints), A D 662 (06.01)
strontium chromate pigment-chemical analysis, test, evaluating degree of bleeding of traffic/pavement marking paint,
D 1845 (06.01) test, A D 868 (06.02)
strontium chromate pigment, spec., D 1649 (06.03) extenor paints-degree of flaking (scaling), test, A D 772 (06.01)
gas checking/draft test (of varnish films), D 1643 (06.03)
Anti-corrosion pigments-zinc chromate goniophotometry of objects/materials, practice, E 167 (06.01)
analysis, D 444 (06.01) hiding power of paints, by reflectometry, test, A D 2805 (06.01)
zinc yellow (zinc chromate) pigments, spec., D 478 (06.03) hiding power (relative)-paints/coatings, visual examination of
Anti-corrosion pigments-zinc hydroxy phosphite brushouts, test, D 344 (06.01)
analysis, D 4450 (06.01) industrial water-reducible coatings (pigmented/clear)-selecting
zinc hydroxy phosphite pigment, spec., D 4462 (06.03) test procedures, guide, D 4712 (06.02)
Antifouling coating system laboratory evaluation of degree of bleeding of traffic/pavement
erosion testing of antifouling paints, using high velocity water, marking paint, test, D 969 (06.02)
test, D 4938 (06.02) metamerism, visual evaluation, D 4086 (06.01)
organotin release rates of antifouling coating systems in sea observers-selection/evaluation/training, guide, E 1499 (06.01)
water, using graphite furnace atomic absorption preparing drawdowns of artists' paste paints, practice,
spectrophotometry (GF-AAS), test, D 5108 (06.02) D 4941 (06.02)
shallow submergence test, D 3623 (06.02) printing inks/ink films/related materials, selecting test methods,
subjecting marine antifouling coating to bifouling and fluid guide, D 5010 (06.02)
shear forces in natural seawater, test, D 4939 (06.02) selection of geometric conditions for measurement of
Antifouling paint pigments-copper powder reflection/transmission properties of materials, practice,
chemical analysis of cuprous oxide/copper pigments, test, E 179 (06.01)
D 283 (06.01) selection/preparation of coating specimens, practice,
copper powder (for antifouling paints), spec., D 964 (06.03) D 3964.(06.01)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Application properties
Application properties Ash content-paints/related coatings/materials
industrial water-reducible coatings (pigmented/clear)-selecting acid/amine value of fatty quaternary ammonium chlorides, test,
test procedures, guide, D 4712 (06.02) D 2077 (06.03)
Application viscosity (for paints/related products) ashing cellulose, test, D 3516 (06.03)
high shear viscosity (of paints/varnishes/related products), by cellulose acetate propionates/butyrate, test, A D 817 (06.03)
IC1 cone/plate viscometer, test, D 4287 (06.01) cellulose acetate, test, D 871 (06.03)
Aqueous coatings drying oils and fatty acids, test, D 1951 (06.03)
sag resistance-liquid coatings (aqueous/nonaqueous), using ethylcellulose, test, D 914 (06.03)
multinotch applicator, test, D 4400 (06.02) hydrogen sulfide/sulfur dioxide (qualititative) of industrial
aromatic hydrocarbons, test, D 2363 (06.03)
Aqueous leachates (in pigments) hydroxyethylcellulose, test, D 2364 (06.03)
water-soluble salts in pigments, by measuring specific resistance lac resins (orange shellac and button-/garnet-/bleached-
of pigment leachate, test, D 2448 (06.03) lac)/-sampling/testing, D 29 (06.03)
Aqueous slurries methylcellulose, test, D 1347 (06.03)
See Slurries moisture content of pigments, D 1208 (06.03)
Architectural paints/coatings rosin, after burning and ignition, test, D 1063 (06.03)
architectural coatings (solvent-borne interior/exterior), selecting tall oil-testing, methods, D 803 (06.03)
test methods, index, D 5146 (06.02) Assay
architectural coatings (solvent-/water-thinned), selecting test monopentaerythritol in commercial pentaerythritol, by gas
methods, index, D 2833 (06.02) chromotography/dibenzal methods, test, D 2195 (06.04)
architectural coatings (water-borne)-selecting test procedures, ASTM photographic standard
for interior/exterior use, guide, D 5324 (06.02) description/selection of conditions (for photographing
architectural paints-hiding power, applied by roller, test, specimens), practice, E 312 (06.01)
D 5150 (06.02) Atlas samples
blocking resistance ’of trade sales paints, test, D 4946 (06.02) specifying color of objects, using Optical Society of America
high-performance interior architectural wall coatings (OSA) uniform color scales system, practice,
(H1PAC)-selecting test procedures, guide, D 3730 (06.02) E 1360 (06.01)
interior latex semigloss/gloss paints, selecting test methods,
guide, D 4540 (06.02)
leveling-paints (water-/solvent-reducible), by draw-down conditioning of materials for tests, def. of terms, E 41 (06.01)
standard environments for conditioning/testing paint/
method, test, D 4062 (06.02) varnish/lacquer/related materials, spec., D 3924 (06.01)
practical washability of organic coatings, test, D 4828 (06.02)
print resistance of architectural paints, test, D 2064 (06.02) Atmospheric analysis
wet-to-dry hiding change of architectural coatings, test, atmospheric environmental exposure testing of nonmetallic
D 5007 (06.02) materials practice, G 7 (06.01)
flue gas desulfurization system components-design/fabrication
Architectural sandstone for protective lining application, spec., D 4618 (06.02)
preparatory surface cleaning of architectural sandstone, practice, inspection of linings in operating flue gas desulfurization
D 5107 (06.02) systems, practice, D 4619 (06.02)
Aromatic hydrocarbons Atmospheric analysis-workplace
See Hydrocarbons (headings) water-soluble chromates-safety/health requirements relating to
Aromatic potentiometer titrator occupational exposure, practice, E 848 (06.01)
acid/base milliequivalent content of (anodic/cathodic) Atomic absorption spectrophotometry
electrocoat baths/their ultrafiltrates, test, D 4370 (06.01) See Spectrophotometry-atomic absorption
Aromatics content/fractions Atomic absorption spectroscopy
aromatics (ethylbenzene and eight-carbon (C,/heavier) content See Spectroscopy-atomic absorption
in mineral spirits, by gas chromatography, test, Attached cell method
D 3257 (06.04) cathodic disbonding of pipeline coatings, by attached cell
chemical analysis of benzene, by gas chromatography. test, method, test, G 95 (06.02)
D 4492 (06.04) Automatic spray
Arsenic content producing films of uniform thickness of paint/varnish/related
arsenic in paint, test, D 2348 (06.01) products on test panels, test, D 823 (06.01)
Arsenic trisulfide Automotive coatings/paints
See Orpiment content amount of volatile organic compound (VOC) released from
Artificial weathering solventborne automotive coatings and available for
nonmetallic materials-natural/artificial weathering, removal in a VOC control device (abatement), test,
terminology, G 113 (06.01) D 5087 (06.01)
Artists’ paints high-gloss surfaces-gloss, by goniophotometry, test,
artists’ acrylic emulsion paints, spec., D 5098 (06.02) E 430 (06.01)
artists’ paints (oil/resin-oil/alkyd), spec., D 4302 (06.02) transfer efficiency under production conditions for spray
artists’ watercolor paints, spec., D 5067 (06.02) application of automotive paints, by weight basis, practice,
labeling art materials for chronic health hazards, practice, D 5066 (06.02)
D 4236 (06.02) viscosity of paints/related materials, by IS0 flow cups, test, ’
lightfastness of pigments (in artists’ paints), test, D 4303 (06.02) D 5125 (06.01)
preparing drawdowns of artists’ paste paints, practice,
D 4941 (06.02) B
relative tinting strength of chromatic paints, test, D 4838 (06.02) Bac-dray bleached lac
Asbestine See Bleached lac
See Magnesium silicate Backfill
Ash content pipeline coatings-impact resistance, by limestone drop test,
soluble cellulose nitrate, testing, methods, D 301 (06.03) G 13 (06.02)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Bituminous materials (general)
pipeline coatings-penetration resistance, by blunt rod test, pipeline coatings-effect of outdoor weathering, test,
G 17 (06.02) G 11 (06.02)
Bacteria/bacterial control specific bendability of pipeline coatings, test, G 10 (06.02)
resistance of plastics to bacteria, practice, G 22 (06.01) Benzene
Bacteria/bacterial control-paints/related coatings/materials acidity of benzene/toluene/xylenes/solvent naphthas/similar
emulsion paints (in containers)-microorganism attack industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, test, D 847 (06.04)
resistance, test, D 2574 (06.01) acid wash color, test, D 848 (06.04)
interior coatings-mold growth resistance, 4-week exposure in apparent density of industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, test,
environmental chamber, test, D 3273 (06.01) D 2935 (06.04)
Baked coatings aromatic hydrocarbons/related chemicals, terminology,
latex vehicles-nonvolatile content,quality control test, D 4790 (06.04)
D 4758 (06.03) benzene content in hydrocarbon solvents, by gas chromatog-
Baker-Philippoff equation raphy, test, D 4367 (06.04)
intrinsic viscosity of cellulose acetate, using modified carbon disulfide content of aromatic hydrocarbons, using
Baker-Philippoff equation, test, D 871 (06.03) spectrophotometry, test, D 2324 (06.04)
Baking (paints/related coatings) chemical analysis of benzene, by gas chromatography, test,
effects of overbaking on organic coatings, practice, D 4492 (06.04)
D 2454 (06.01) commercial density (of pure liquid chemicals), test,
Balanced-beam scrape adhesion tester D 3505 (06.04)
organic coatings-adhesion to smooth flat (planar) panel cyclic hydrocarbon products, by gas chromatography, test,
surfaces, by scrape adhesion test, D 2197 (06.01) D 4534 (06.04)
organic coatings-mar resistance, using balanced beam scrape cyclohexane 995--purity/benzene content, by gas chromatog-
adhesion and mar test, D 5178 (06.01) raphy, test, D 3054 (06.04)
distillation, test, D 850 (06.04)
Ball drop method ethylbenzene-purity/impurities, by gas chromatography, test,
viscosity of cellulose derivatives, by ball-drop method, test, D 5060 (06.04)
D 1343 (06.03) purity of hydrocarbons from freezing points, test,
Bandwidth (spectral) D 1016 (06.04)
spectroradiometric system for characterizing color/absolute refined benzene-485 (nitration grade), spec., D 835 (06.04)
luminance of radiant source, calibration, practice, refined benzene-535, spec., D 2359 (06.04)
E 1341 (06.01) refined benzene-545, spec., D 4734 (06.04)
spectroradiometric system for obtaining colorimetric data from sampling/handling liquid cyclic products (at ambient
video display unit, calibration, method, E 1336 (06.01) temperature), practice, D 3437 (06.04)
Bar codes solidification point of benzene, test, D 852 (06.04)
printed matter-abrasion resistance, by GA-CAT tester, thiophene content of benzene, by spectrophotometry, test,
D 5181 (06.02) D 1685 (06.04)
Barite thiophene content of refined benzene, by gas chromatography
See Barium sulfate pigments (with flame photometric detection), test, D 4735 (06.04)
Barium sulfate pigments total non-aromatic/trace monocyclic hydrocarbon aromatic
acid-soluble extenders in (iron/copper phthalocyanine/ hydrocarbons in high-purity benzene/toluene/mixed
ultramarine) blue pigments, test, D 1135 (06.01) zylenes, by gas chromatography, test, D 2360 (06.04)
barium sulfate pigment, analysis, test, D 715 (06.01) volume/weight of industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, method,
barium sulfate pigments, spec., D 602 (06.03) D 1555 (06.04)
Bark Berlin white
rosin/rosin derivatives-toluene-insoluble solid matter, test, See Basic carbonate white lead
D 269 (06.03) Bidirectional optical measuring system
Barriers reflectance factor/color of object-color specimens, using
comparative corrosion preventive characteristics of materials bidirectional geometry, test, E 1349 (06.01)
used for joints/couplings/fittings/patches in pipeline
coatings, test, G 18 (06.02) Bidirectional reflex distribution function (BRDF)
angle resolved optical scatter measurements on specular/diffuse
Bartlet white lead surfaces, test, E 1392 (06.01)
See Basic sulfate white lead
Barytes Biocidal pigments
barium sulfate pigments, spec., D 602 (06.03) See Antifouling paint pigments (headings)
Base content Biodeterioration
acid/base milliequivalent content of (anodic/cathodic) See Deterioration
electrocoat baths/their ultrafiltrates, test, D 4370 (06.01) Biological data analysis
Basic carbonate white lead subjecting marine antifouling coating to bifouling and fluid
basic carbonate white lead pigment, spec., D 81 (06.03) shear forces in natural seawater, test, D 4939 (06.02)
white lead- chemical analysis, test, D 1301 (06.01) Bisphenol A
Basic lead silicochromate sampling/handling 4,4'- isopropylidene diphenol (bisphenol-A),
basic lead silicochromate pigment, spec., D 1648 (06.03) practice, D 4297 (06.04)
chromium trioxide content of basic lead silico-chromate solidification point of 4,4'-isopropylidenediphenol(Bisphenol
pigment, test, D 1844 (06.01) A), test, D 4493 (06.04)
Basic sulfate white lead solution color of 4,4'-isopropylidenediphenol(dissolved in
white lead- chemical analysis, test, D 1301 (06.01) methanol), test, D 4789 (06.04)
Beilstein analysis Bituminous materials (general)
field identification of coatings, test, D 5043 (06.02) atmospheric environmental exposure testing of nonmetallic
Bend testing-coatings materials practice, G 7 (06.01)
mandrel bend test of attached organic coatings, test, pipeline coatings-penetration resistance, by blunt rod test,
D 522 (06.01) G 17 (06.02)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Bituminous materials (general)
pipeline coatings (steel)-abrasion resistance, by coarse Blue pigments
abrasive/water slurry, test, G 6 (06.02) Sa Iron blue/Phthalocyanine blue/Ultramarine blue
water in petroleum products/bituminous materials, by chemical analysis of (iron/copper phthalocyanine/ultramarine)
distillation, test, D 95 (06.04) blue pigments, test, D 1135 (06.01)
Black box exposure test Blunt rod test
accelerated outdoor exposure tests of coatings (applied to metal pipeline coatings-penetration resistance, by blunt rod test,
substrates), practice, D 4141 (06.01) G 17 (06.02)
atmospheric environmental exposure testing of nonmetallic Boiled oils (drying)
materials practice, G 7 (06.01) See Oils (headings)
conducting exposures of nonmetallic materials to daylight Boiling point
filtered through glass, practice, G 24 (06.01) industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, test, D 850 (06.04)
Black iron oxide Boiling water resistance
See Iron oxide black wood furniture lacquers, test, D 2571 (06.02)
Black pigments Bonding
See Bone black pigment comparative corrosion preventive characteristics of materials
Sa Carbon black pigment/Lampblack pigment used for joints/couplings/fittings/patchesin pipeline
Blade applicator coatings, test, G 18 (06.02)
producing films of uniform thickness of paint/varnish/related Bond strength-paints/related coatings
products on test panels, test, D 823 (06.01) organic coatings-adhesion to plastic substrates, by direct
Blanc fixe tensile testing, D 5179 (06.01)
See Pigments (headings) thermoplastic traffic marking materials-bond strength, using
Blast cleaning cement bricks/steel cubes, test, D 4796 (06.02)
abrasive blast-cleaned steel surfaces-surface profile, field Bone black
measurement in laboratory/field/fabricating shop, test, bone black pigment, spec., D 210 (06.03)
D 4417 (06.02) solvent extractable material in black pigments, test,
organic coatings-abrasion resistance, by air blast abrasive, test, D 305 (06.01)
A D 658 (06.01) Bone-dry bleached lac
standard pictorial surface preparation standards for painting See Bleached lac-dry
steel surfaces, A D 2200 (06.02) Book covers
Blastings printed matter-abrasion resistance, by GA-CAT tester,
blasting abrasives-water soluble ionic contamination, by D 5181 (06.021
conductimetric analysis, test, D 4940 (06.02) Boron trioxide (B,O,)
Bleached lac calcium borosilicate, test, D 4487 (06.01)
dry, regular and refined, spec., D 207 (06.03) Brabender moisture tester
lac resins (orange shellac and button-/garnet-/bleached- moisture content of (iron/copper phthalocyanine/ultramarine)
lac)/-sampling/testing, D 29 (06.03) blue pigments, by Brabender test, D 1135 (06.01)
Bleeding Break
bleeding characteristics, of dry pigments, test, D 279 (06.01) drying oils, test, D 1952 (06.03)
evaluating degree of bleeding of traffic/pavement marking paint, Breaks
test, A D 868 (06.02) pipeline coatings-cathodic disbonding, accelerated procedures,
laboratory evaluation of degree of bleeding of traffic/pavement test, G 8 (06.02)
marking paint, test, D 969 (06.02) Brick
Blended silane-siloxane materials thermoplastic traffic marking materials-bond strength, using
nonvolatile content in silanes/siloxanes/silane-siloxaneblends cement bricks/steel cubes, test, D 4796 (06.02)
used in masonry water-repellent treatments, test, Brightening power
D 5095 (06.02) See Tinting strength
Blistering Brightness
coatings-water resistance in 100 % relative humidity, practice, retroreflective pedestrian markings-visibility enhancement,
D 2247 (06.01) nighttime photometric performance, spec., E 1501 (06.01)
coatings-water resistance, using controlled condensation, retroreflectors- understanding the properties of high visibility
practice, D 4585 (06.01) materials (for individual safety), guide, F 923 (06.01)
coatings-water resistance, using (distilled/de-mineralized)water Bristles
immersion, practice, D 870 (06.01) paint brushes-physical characterization, practice,
coatings-water resistance, using water fog apparatus, practice, D 5301 (06.02)
D 1735 (06.01) Broad-band filter reflectometry
evaluating degree of blistering, test, A D 714 (06.01) directional reflectance factor (45-deg 0-deg) of opaque
exterior paints-degree of flaking (scaling), test, A D 772 (06.01) specimens, by broad-band filter reflectometry, test,
painted/coated specimens-corrosive environments, evaluation, E 97 (06.01)
method, D 1654 (06.01) Bromide content
Blocking titanium dioxide content-paint, by x-ray fluorescence
blocking resistance of trade sales paints, test, D 4946 (06.02) spectroscopy, test, D 4764 (06.01)
organic coatings on wood substrates, test, D 2793 (06.02) Bromine index
pressure mottling/blocking resistance of organic coatings (on aromatic hydrocarbons-bromine index, test, D 1492 (06,
metal substrates), test, D 3003 (06.02) Bronze blue
Blotching See Iron blue
reporting paint film failures characteristic of exterior latex Bronze powders
paints, classification, D 1848 (06.02) See Gold bronze powder
Blue-light reflectance Brookfield viscometer
See Reflectance and reflectivity (headings) See Viscometers-Brookfield

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Calibration-general laboratory instrumentation
Brown iron oxide unreacted monomer content of latexes using capillary column
Sa Sienna (burnt and raw) gas chromatography, test, D 4827 (06.01)
Umber (burnt and raw) n-Butyl acrylate/methacrylate
chemical analysis, method, D 50 (06.01) unreacted monomer content of latexes, by gas-liquid
iron oxide black (natural)- chemical analysis, test, chromatography, test, D 4747 (06.01)
D 3872 (06.01)
n-Butyl alcohol
natural red/brown iron oxide pigments, spec., D 3722 (06.03)
synthetic brown iron oxide pigment, spec., D 3724 (06.03) n-butyl alcohol (butanol), spec., D 304 (06.04)
Brunswick blue sec-Butyl alcohol
See Iron blue sec-butyl alcohol, spec., D 1007 (06.04)
Brunswick green Butylated melamine-formaldehyde resins
See Chrome green See Resins
Brush-application behavior Butylcatechol inhibitor content
industrial water-reducible coatings (pigmented/clear)-selecting residual p-tert-butylcatechol (TBC) in styrene monomer, by
test procedures, guide, D 4712 (06.02) spectrophotometry, test, D 4590 (06.04)
Brush drag Butyl glycol
comparison of the brush drag of latex paints, test, See 2-Butoxyethanol
D 4958 (06.02) n-Butyl methacrylate
Brushes unreacted monomer content of latexes using capillary column
paint brushes-physical characterization, practice, gas chromatography, test, D 4827 (06.01)
D 5301 (06.02) Butyraldehyde
preparation of paint brushes for evaluation, practice, Sa Resins (headings)
D 5068 (06.02) poly(viny1 butyral)-chemical analysis, test, D 1396 (06.03)
Bubble test Butyryl content
viscosity of transparent liquids, by bubble time method, test,
D 1545 (06.03) cellulose acetate propionates, test, A D 817 (06.03)
Building economics
developing short-term accelerated tests for predicting service Iife C
of, practice, E 632 (06.01) C4-C,, alcohols
Bulk density chemical/physical analysis, selection/use of test procedures,
See Density-apparent (bulk) E 852 (06.04)
Burning characteristics-paints/related coatings/materials Cabinet method
fire retardancy of paints, by cabinet method, test, A D 1360 fire retardancy of paints, by cabinet method, test, A D 1360
(06.01) (06.01)
small-scale evaluation of fire-retardant paints, by 2-foot tunnel Cadmium content
method, test, D 3806 (06.01) lead/cadmium/cobalt content (low concentrations) in
sustained burning (of liquid mixtures), by Seta-flash tester (open nonvolatile portion of liquid coatings/dried films, by
cup), test, D 4206 (06.01) atomic absorption spectroscopy, test, D 3335 (06.01)
sustained burning (of low viscosity liquid mixtures), by Wick
test, D 4207 (06.01) Calcium borosilicate
Burnt sienna analysis, D 4487 (06.01)
chemical analysis of yellow/orange/red/brown pigments calcium borosilicate pigments, spec., D 4288 (06.03)
containing iron/maganese, test, D 50 (06.01) Calcium carbonate
raw/burnt sienna pigments, spec., D 765 (06.03) calcium carbonate pigment, spec., D 1199 (06.03)
Butadiene Calcium content
purity of hydrocarbons from freezing points, test, cellulose pulp (from wood/cotton)-metals (Fe/Cu/Mn,Ca)
D 1016 (06.04) content, test, D 4085 (06.03)
Butane paint driers-calcium/zinc content, by EDTA method, test,
purity of hydrocarbons from freezing points, test, D 2613 (06.01)
D 1016 (06.04) zinc dust (metallic zinc powder), test, D 521 (06.01)
1-Butanol Calcium oxide (CaO) content
See n-Butyl alcohol calcium borosilicate, test, D 4487 (06.01)
2-Butanol calcium oxide in magnesium silicate pigment, test,
See sec-Butyl alcohol D 717 (06.01)
2-Butannne Calcium paint driers
See Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) See Driers
2-butox yethano Calculating test results
2-butoxyethanol, spec., D 330 (06.04) calculating formulation physical constants of paints/coatings,
Button lac practice, D 5201 (06.01)
lac resins (orange shellac and button-/garnet-/bleached- Calibration
lac)/-sampling/testing, D 29 (06.03) blasting abrasives-water soluble ionic contamination, by
orange shellac and (button lac/garnet lac), spec., D 237 (06.03) conductimetric analysis, test, D 4940 (06.02)
n-Butyl acetate Calibration-general laboratory instrumentation
acetate esters-alcohol content/purity, by gas chromatography, equipment for measuring angle resolved optical scatter
test, D 3545 (06.04) measurements on specular/diffuse surfaces, test,
n-butyl acetate (all grades), spec., D 4615 (06.04) E 1392 (06.01)
n-Butyl acrylate goniophotometry of objects/materials, practice, E 167 (06.01)
n-butyl acrylate, spec., D 3547 (06.04) obtaining spectrophotometric data for object-color evaluation,
purity, by gas chromatography, test, D 3362 (06.04) practice, E 1164 (06.01)
Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Calibration-paints/related coatings instrumentation
Calibration-paints/related coatings instrumentation Cellular plastics
equipment/standards for measuring purity of propylene glycol See Urethanes (headings)
monomethyl ether/dipropylene glycol monomethyl Cellulose and cellulose derivatives
ether/propylene glycol monomethyl ether acetate, test, alcohol-benzene soluble matter in cellulose, test, D 1794 (06.03)
D 4773 (06.04) ashing cellulose, test, D 3516 (06.03)
unreacted monomer content of latexes using capillary column carboxyl content of cellulose, test, D 1926 (06.03)
gas chromatography, test, D 4827 (06.01) cellulose/cellulose derivatives, terminology, D 1695 (06.03)
viscosity of printing inks/vehicles, by falling-rod viscometer, cellulose (chemically refined), composition by chromatographic
test, D 4040 (06.02) analysis, method, D 1915 (06.03)
Calibration-spectroradiometric instrumentation cellulose pulp (from wood/cotton)-metals (Fe/Cu/Mn,Ca)
obtaining colorimetric data from a visual display unit (for content, test, D 4085 (06.03)
minimizing errors), using tristimulus colorimeters, practice, chain length uniformity, by fractional precipitation of cellulose
E 1455 (06.01) nitrate, test, D 1716 (06.03)
spectroradiometric system for characterizing color/absolute chlorine content, test, D 2641 (06.03)
luminance of radiant source, calibration, practice, dichloromethane/ 1, 1 , 1 -trichloroethane content-paints/coatings,
E 1341 (06.01) by direct injection gas chromatography, test,
spectroradiometric system for obtaining colorimetric data from D 4457 (06.01)
video display unit, calibration, method, E 1336 (06.01) dichloromethane-soluble matter content of cellulose, test,
Capacitance D 3971 (06.03)
comparative corrosion preventive characteristics of materials ethoxyl substitution in cellulose ether products, by gas
used for joints/couplings/fittings/patches in pipeline chromatography, test, D 4794 (06.03)
coatings, test, G 18 (06.02) hydrogen sulfide/sulfur dioxide (qualititative) of industrial
Capillary gas chromatography aromatic hydrocarbons, test, D 2363 (06.03)
analysis of styrene by capillary gas chromatography, test, hydroxyethylcellulose, test, D 2364 (06.03)
D 5135 (06.04) in cellulose ether products methoxyl and hydroxypropyl
unreacted monomer content of latexes using capillary column substitution, by Zeisel-gas chromatographic technique, test,
gas chromatography, test, D 4827 (06.01) D 3876 (06.03)
Capillary-moisture relations intrinsic viscosity of cellulose, test, D 1795 (06.03)
capillary moisture in concrete, by plastic sheet method, test, methylcellulose, testing, D 1347 (06.03)
D 4263 (06.02) moisture in cellulose, test, D 1348 (06.03)
Carbon-arc lamps nitrogen content of soluble nitrocellulose, by ferrous sulfate
carbon-arc light-exposure apparatus-nonmetallic materials, procedure, test, D 4795 (06.03)
operating with/without water, practice, G 23 (06.01) pentosans content of cellulose, test, D 1787 (06.03)
conducting tests on paint/varnish/lacquer/related products, silica content, test, D 2438 (06.03)
using enclosed carbon-arc light/water exposure apparatus, sodium glycolate content of sodium carboxymethylcellulose,
practice, D 5031 (06.01) test, D 1439 (06.03)
filtered open flame carbon-arc light/water exposure apparatus- solubility in sodium hydroxide, test, D 1696 (06.03)
paints and related coatings/materials, conducting soluble nitrocellulose-base solutions, methods of testing,
accelerated tests (using G 23), practice, D 822 (06.01) D 365 (06.02)
operating unfiltered apparatus (for testing paints/related sulfur content, by X-ray fluorescence, test, D 2929 (06.03)
coatings), using the Dew cycle, practice, D 3361 (06.01) temperature-change (high-low) resistance of clear nitrocellulose
printed matter-lightfastness/weatherability, by natural lacquer films applied to wood, test, D 1211 (06.02)
daylight/laboratory exposures, test, D 3424 (06.02) volatile/nonvolatile content-cellulosics/emulsions/resin
Carbonate content solutions/shellac/varnishes, selecting test procedures,
acid-insoluble extenders in (iron/copper phthalocyanine/ practice, D 4209 (06.01)
ultramarine) blue pigments, test, D 1135 (06.01) Cellulose and cellulose derivatives-cellulose acetate (CA)
Carbon black cellulose acetate, methods of testing, D 871 (06.03)
carbon black pigment for paint, spec., D 561 (06.03) Cellulose and cellulose derivatives-cellulose nitrate (nitrocel-
solvent extractable material in black pigments, test, lulose)
D 305 (06.01) cellulose nitrate in alkyd lacquers, quantitative determination by
Carbon black content infrared spectrophotometry, test, D 3133 (06.02)
solvent extractable material in black pigments, test, dilution ratio for solutions, test, D 1720 (06.04)
D 305 (06.01) soluble cellulose nitrate, testing, methods, D 301 (06.03)
Carbon disulfide content Cellulose and cellulose derivatives-ethylcellulose (EC)
carbon disulfide content of aromatic hydrocarbons, using ethylcellulose, methods of testing, D 914 (06.03)
spectrophotometry, test, D 2324 (06.04)
Cellulosic plastics-cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB)
Carboxyl content cellulose acetate propionate/butyrate, methods of testing,
carboxyl content of cellulose, test, D 1926 (06.03) A D 817 (06.03)
Carboxylic acid
carboxylic acids identification-alkyd resins, method, Cement
D 2455 (06.03) thermoplastic traffic marking materials-bond strength, using
cement bricks/steel cubes, test, D 4796 (06.02)
Castor oil
dehydrated castor oil, spec., D 961 (06.03) Cementitious linings ~~ ~

hydroxyl value of fatty oils/acids, test, D 1957 (06.03) inspection of linings in operating flue gas desulfurization
raw castor oil, spec., D 960 (06.03) systems, practice, D 4619 (06.02)
spectrophotometric diene value of dehydrated castor Centrifuge (high-speed for vehicle separation)
oil/derivatives, test, D 1358 (06.03) See Vehicle separation-solvent-type paints
Cat’s eye reflector Ceramic materials
understanding the properties of high visibility materials (for indexes of whiteness/yellowness of near-white opaque materials,
individual safety), guide, F 923 (06.01) test, E 313 (06.01)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Chromatography-gas (paints/related coatings/materials)
Ceramic whitewares Chinese blue
directional reflectance factor (45-deg 0-deg) of opaque See Iron blue
specimens, by broad-band filter reflectometry, test, Chinese red
E 97 (06.01) See Chrome orange
Cerium content Chinese white
cerium content (of paint driers), by EDTA method, test, See Zinc oxide
D 3970 (06.01) Chipping and chip resistance
Cerium paint driers paints/related coatings, test, A D 3170 (06.02)
See Driers resistance to wear of traffic paint, method, A D 913 (06.02)
Certification form Chips
certification of coating conformance form, D 5063 (06.02) rosin/rosin derivatives-toluene-insoluble solid matter, test,
Chain length uniformity D 269 (06.03)
cellulose, by fractional precipitation of cellulose nitrate, test, Chloride content-paints/related coatings/materials
D 1716 (06.03) ethylcellulose, test, D 914 (06.03)
Chalk hydrogen sulfide/sulfur dioxide (qualititative) of industrial
See Calcium carbonate aromatic hydrocarbons, test, D 2363 (06.03)
liquid epoxy resins-hydrolyzable chloride content, test,
Chalking D 1726 (06.03)
white/lightly tinted exterior paint films, practice, A D 4214 methylcellulose, test, D 1347 (06.03)
(06.01) sodium glycolate content of sodium carboxymethylcellulose,
Change in color test, D 1439 (06.03)
See Color (headings) strontium chromate pigment-chloride content, USE D 444 (v
Channel black 06.01), D 1845 (06.01)
See Carbon black (headings) trace (total) chloride (organic/inorganic) in liquid aromatic
Char index hydrocarbpns, test, D 5194 (06.04)
fire retardancy of paints, by cabinet method, test, A D 1360 Chlorinated hydrocarbons
(06.01) dichloromethane/ 1,1,1-trichloroethane content-paints/coatings,
Checking by direct injection gas chromatography, test,
exterior paints, test, A D 660 (06.01) D 4457 (06.01)
Chemical analysis-paints/related coatings/materials Chlorinated phenol preservative content
calcium borosilicate, test, D 4487 (06.01) wood products, qualitative test for, D 2921 (06.02)
C,-C, alcohols, chemical/physical analysis (selection/use of test Chlorine content
procedures), E 852 (06.04) cellulose, test, D 2641 (06.03)
chemical analysis of yellow/orange/red/brown pigments epoxy resins/compounds, test, D 4301 (06.03)
containing iron/maganese, test, D 50 (06.01) total chlorine content of liquid epoxy resins, test,
ethyl methyl pentanol content/purity value of 2-ethylhexanol, D 1847 (06.03)
by gas chromatography, test, D 5008 (06.04) Chloroform-insolubles content
sampling industrial chemicals, practice, E 300 (06.04) chloroform insoluble matter in oiticia oil, test, D 1958 (06.03)
white linseed oil paints-chemical analysis, selecting test Chromate coatings
methods, practice, D 215 (06.01) formability/adhesion of zinc-rich primer/chromate complex
white/yellow thermoplastic traffic marking material containing coatings (on steel), test, D 4146 (06.02)
lead chromate and titanium dioxide, test, D 4797 (06.01) relative tinting strength of chromatic paints, test, D 4838 (06.02)
zinc hydroxy phosphite, test, D 4450 (06.01) Chromates
Chemical resistance water-soluble chromates-safety/heaIth requirements relating to
high-performance interior architectural wall coatings (HIPAC), occupational exposure, practice, E 848 (06.01)
test, D 3730 (06.02) Chromaticity
Chemical-resistantlinings Sa Color (headings)
inspection of linings in operating flue gas desulfurization obtaining colorimetric data from a visual display unit (for
systems, practice, D 4619 (06.02) minimizing errors), using tristimulus colorimeters, practice,
Chemical-resistantmaterials/products E 1455 (06.01)
clear/pigmented organic coatings, test, D 1308 (06.02) Chromatic pigments
Chemicals zinc yellow (zinc chromate) pigments, spec., D 478 (06.03)
aromatic hydrocarbons/related chemicals, terminology, Chromatography-gas (detergents)
D 4790 (06.04) methoxyl/hydroxypropyl substitution (of cellulose ether
chemical resistance of pipeline coatings, test, G 20 (06.02) products), by Zeisel technique, test, D 3876 (06.03)
clarity/cleanness of (nonpigmented) paint and ink liquids, by Chromatography-gas (paints/related coatings/materials)
visual examination, test, D 2090 (06.03) acetate esters-alcohol content/purity, by gas chromatography,
clear/pigmented organic coatings, test, D 1308 (06.02) test, D 3545 (06.04)
dipropylene glycol monomethyl ether, spec., D 4836 (06.04) acrylate esters, punty, test, D 3362 (06.04)
propylene glycol monomethyl ether acetate, spec., analysis of styrene by capillary gas chromatography, test,
D 4835 (06.04) D 5135 (06.04)
propylene glycol monomethyl ether, spec., D 4837 (06.04) aromatics (ethylbenzene and eight-carbon (C,/heavier) in
ruby laser rods, lasing threshold/slope efficiency, practice, mineral spirits, test, D 3257 (06.04)
F 379 (06.01) benzene content in hydrocarbon solvents, by gas chromatog-
Chemiluminescence raphy, test, D 4367 (06.04)
understanding the properties of high visibility materials (for benzene content of cyclic hydrocarbon products, by gas
individual safety), guide, F 923 (06.01) chromatography, test, D 4534 (06.04)
China clay C, hydrocarbon analysis, by gas chromatography, test,
See Aluminum silicate (hydrous) D 2306 (06.04)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Chromatography-gas (paints/related coatings/materials)
carboxylic acids identification-alkyd resins, method, Chromatography-gas (solvents)
D 2455 (06.03) benzene content in hydrocarbon solvents, by gas chromatog-
chemical analysis of benzene, by gas chromatography, test, raphy, test, D 4367 (06.04)
D 4492 (06.04) solvent composition analysis (of solvent-type paints),
cyclohexane 995-purity/benzene content, by gas chromatog- direct-injection technique, practice, D 3271 (06.01)
raphy, test, D 3054 (06.04) Chromatography-paper
dichloromethane/ I , 1, I-trichloroethane content-paints/coatings, cellulose (chemically refined), composition by chromatographic
by direct injection gas chromatography, test, analysis, method, D 1915 (06.03)
D 4457 (06.01) Chrome green
ethoxyl substitution in cellulose ether products, by gas Sa Pigments (general properties)
chromatography, test, D 4794 (06.03) chemical analysis of phthalocyanine blue/green pigments, test,
ethylbenzene-purity/impurities, by gas chromatography, test, D 3256 (06.01)
D 5060 (06.04) chrome green pigment, Spec., D 212 (06.03)
ethyl methyl pentanol content/purity vdue of 2-ethylhexanol, yellow/orange/green pigments containing lead chromate/
by gas chromatography, test, D 5008 (06.04) chromium oxide green, analysis, test, D 126 (06.01)
fatty acid composition, by gas-liquid Chromatography of methyl Chrome yellow and orange
esters, test, D 1983 (06.03) chrome yellow/orange pigment, spec., D 211 (06.03)
identification of oils and oil acids in solvent-reducible paints, yellow/orange/green pigments containing lead chromate/
test, D 2245 (06.01) chromium oxide green, analysis, test, D 126 (06.01)
isopropylbenzene (cumene)-purity/impurities, by gas Chromium content
chromatography, test, D 3760 (06.04) strontium chromate pigment-chromium content, by
methyl (amyl ketone/isoamyl ketone)-purity, * by gas thiosulfate method, test, D 1845 (06.01)
chromatography, test, D 3893 (06.04) Chromium content-paints/related coatings
methyl isobutyl ketone (M1BK)-purity, by gas chromatog- chromium content (low concentrations) in solids of liquid
raphy, test, D 3329 (06.04) coatings/dried films, by atomic absorption spectroscopy,
pentaerythritol, test, D 2195 (06.04) test, D 3718 (06.01)
phenol-major organic impurities produced by cumene process, lead/chromium content (in air particulate filter samples of lead
using gas chromatography, test, D 4961 (06.04) chromate type pigment dusts), by atomic absorption
phenol content (of tar acid mixtures), by gas liquid chromatog- spectroscopy, test, D 4358 (06.61)
raphy, test, D 3626 (06.04) strontium chromate pigment-chemical analysis, test,
D 1845 (06.01)
pinene composition, by gas chromatography, test, zinc yellow (zinc chromate yellow) pigment, test, D 444 (06.01)
D 3009 (06.03)
polyhydric alcohols identification-alkyd resins, qualitative/ Chromium oxide green
quantitative analysis, test, D 2456 (06.03) chrome oxide green pigment, spec., D 263 (06.03)
yellow/orange/green pigments containing lead chromate/
purity of methyl ethyl ketone, using gas chromatography, test, chromium oxide green, analysis, test, D 126 (06.01)
D 2804 (06.04)
purity of propylene glycol monomethyl ether/dipropylene glycol Chromium pigments
monomethyl ether/propylene glycol monomethyl ether
See Chrome green/Chrome yellow and orange
Sa Chromium oxide green/Lead silicochromate
acetate, test, D 4773 (06.04) Zinc chromate (yellow)
qualitative identification of polymers in emulsion paints, by
infrared analysis/pyrolysis-gas liquid chromatography, Chromium trioxide content
chromium trioxide content af basic lead silico-chromate
practice, D 3168 (06.01)
pigment, test, D 1844 (06.01)
residual vinyl chloride monomer content of poly(viny1 chloride)
resins/compounds/copolymers by solution injection Chronic health hazards
technique, test, D 3680 (06.03) See Hazards-health
solvent composition analysis (of solvent-type paints), CIE color svstem
direct-injection technique, practice, D 3271 (06.01) appearance (of objects/materials/light sources), terminology,
styrene-purity/impurities, by gas chromatography, test, E 284 (06.01)
D 3962 (06.04) computing colors’of objects, by CIE system, method,
thiophene content of refined benzene, with flame photometric E 308 (06.01)
degree of rusting on painted steel surfaces, method, A D 610
detection, test, D 4735 (06.04) (06 .O 2)
total non-aromatic/trace monocyclic hydrocarbon aromatic luminous reflectance factor of acoustical materials, by use of
hydrocarbons in high-purity benzene/toluene/mixed integrating sphere reflectometers, test, E 1477 (06.01)
zylenes, test, D 2360 (06.04) metamerism, visual evaluation, D 4086 (06.01)
traffic paint-uniformity of vehicle solids, by spectroscopy/gas obtaining colorimetric data from a visual display unit (for
chromatography, practices, D 2743 (06.02) minimizing errors), using tristimulus colorimeters, practice,
unreacted monomer content of latexes, test, D 4747 (06.01) E 1455 (06.01)
unreacted monomer content of latexes using capillary column obtaining colorimetric data from video display unit, by
gas chromatography, test, D 4827 (06.01) spectroradiometry, method, E 1336 (06.01)
unreacted toluene diisocyanate content of urethane prepoly- obtaining spectrophotometric data for object-color evaluation,
mers/coatings, test, D 3432 (06.03) practice, E 1164 (06.01)
volatile resin acids in tall oil/gum/wood rosin, by gas obtaining spectroradiometric data from radiant sources for
chromatography, test, D 3008 (06.03) colorimetry, practice, E 1341 (06.01)
water content of water-reducible paints, by direct injection into CIE tristimulus values
gas chromatograph, test, D 3792 (06,Ol) obtaining spectrophotometric data for object-color evaluation,
p-xylene-puritylimpurities, by gas chromatography, test, practice, E 1164 (06.01)
D 3798 (06.04) Citron yellow
xylene, punty of ortho-xylene, test, D 3797 (06.04) See Strontium chromate

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Clarity/cleanness architectural coatings (solvent-borne interior/exterior), selecting
clarity/cleanness of (nonpigmented) paint and ink liquids, by test methods, index, D 5146 (06.02)
visual examination, test, D 2090 (06.03) atmospheric environmental exposure testing of nonmetallic
turbidity in clear liquids, quantitative test, D 5180 (06.03) materials practice, G 7 (06.01)
Classification certification of coating conformance form, D 5063 (06.02)
field identification of coatings, test, D 5043 (06.02) chromium content (low concentrations) in solids of liquid
Cleaning coatings/dried films, by atomic absorption spectroscopy,
practical washability of organic coatings, test, D 4828 (06.02) test, D 3718 (06.01)
Cleaning-drycleaning materials/tests clarity/cleanness of (nonpigmented) paint and ink liquids, by
mineral (petroleum) spirits hydrocarbon drycleaning solvent, visual examination, test, D 2090 (06.03)
spec., D 235 (06.04) coatings-water resistance in 100 % relative humidity, practice,
D 2247 (06.01)
Cleaning solvents coatings on wood products-dry film thickness, microscopical
See Solvents (headings) measurement, test, D 5235 (06.02)
Cleanliness commercial hexanes, spec., D 1836 (06.04)
interferometer-uniformity of illumination/focus/vibration, dichloromethanel 1 ,1,1-trichloroethane content-paints/coatings,
temperature stability/turbulence/cleanliness/component by direct injection gas chromatography, test,
defects, practice, F 742 (06.01) D 4457 (06.01)
Clear coatings dry film thickness of protective coating systems, by destructive
turbidity in clear liquids, quantitative test, D 5180 (06.03) means, test, D 4138 (06.02)
Climatological measurement evaluating degree of settling (pigment suspension/ease of
atmospheric environmental exposure testing of nonmetallic remixing a shelf-aged sample) of paint, test, D 869 (06.02)
materials practice, G 7 (06.01) evaluating (interior/exterior) coatings for protecting steel
conducting exposures of nonmetallic materials to daylight surfaces at high-temperature service, test, A D 2485 (06.01)
filtered through glass, practice, G 24 (06.01) evaluation of (clear/pigmented) coatings for rigid/semirigid
Closed-cup flash point methods plastics substrates, practice, D 3002 (06.02)
See Flash point (headings) exposure of paints/related coatings to fluorescent UV-
Cloudiness condensation light-water-exposure apparatus, practice for
turbidity in clear liquids, quantitative test, D 5180 (06.03) conducting tests, D 4587 (06.01)
field identification of coatings, test, D 5043 (06.02)
Cloud point filtered open flame carbon-arc light/water exposure apparatus-
aromatic hydrocarbons/related chemicals, terminology, paints and related coatings/materials, conducting
D 4790 (06.04) accelerated tests (using G 23), practice, D 822 (06.01)
Coalescence fineness of dispersion of pigment-vehicle systems, test,
latex paint films-low temperature coalescence, test, D 1210 (06.01)
D 3793 (06.02) lead/cadmium/cobalt content (low concentrations) in
Coarse particle analysis nonvolatile portion of liquid coatings/dried films, by
Sa Dispersion atomic absorption spectroscopy, test, D 3335 (06.01)
Particle size analysis (headings) mercury content (low concentrations) in liquid coatings/coatings
coarse particles in pigments/pastes/paints, test, D 185 (06.03) vehicles/dried films, by atomic absorption spectroscopy,
reporting particle size characteristics of pigments, practice, test, D 3624 (06.01)
D 1366 (06.03) patch test-coating compatibility, conducting procedure,
strontium chromate pigment-coarse particles, USE D 185 (v practice, D 5064 (06.02)
06.03), D 1845 (06.01) porosity of paint films (to indicate coating penetration), test,
Coated pipelines D 3258 (06.02)
See Pipeline coatings presence of and removing microbial (fungal/algal) growth on
Coated substrate standards paint/related coatings, guide, D 4610 (06.01)
film thickness of pipeline coatings on steel, nondestructive producing films of uniform thickness of paint/varnish/related
measurement, method, G 12 (06.02) products on test panels, test, D 823 (06.01)
Coated wood/wood-based material protective coating systems-simulated design basis accident
coatings on wood products-dry film thickness, microscopical (DBA), conditions, test, D 3911 (06.02)
measurement, test, D 5235 (06.02) pull-off strength of coatings, using portable adhesion testers,
test, D 4541 (06.02)
Coating adhesion
organic coatings-adhesion to smooth flat (planar) panel sag resistance-liquid coatings (aqueous/nonaqueous), using
surfaces, by scrape adhesion test, D 2197 (06.01) multinotch applicator, test, D 4400 (06.02)
specular reflectance/transmittance of optically flat-coated/
Coating capacitance non-coated specimens, test, F 768 (06.01)
water penetration into pipeline coatings, test, G 9 (06.02) static friction of coating surfaces, test, D 4518 (06.01)
Coating compatibility steel panels (zinc-/zinc alloy-coated)-preparation, for testing
patch test-coating compatibility, conducting procedure, paint/related coatings, practice, D 2201 (06.01)
practice, D 5064 (06.02) temperature of applied coatings on wood products during the
Coating contractors curing cycle, by infrared radiation thermometers, practice,
See Nuclear reactor vessels-qualifications for painters D 3259 (06.02)
Coatings turbidity in clear liquids, quantitative test, D 5180 (06.03)
accelerated outdoor exposure tests of coatings (applied to metal volume nonvolatile matter in clear/pigmented coatings, test,
substrates), practice, D 4141 (06.01) D 2697 (06.01)
aged coatings on steel surfaces-visual assessment, guide, wood used as panels in weathering tests of coatings, spec.,
D 5065 (06.02) D 358 (06.02)
antimony content (low concentrations) in solids of liquid Coatings-chromate
coatings/dried films, by atomic absorption spectroscopy, formability/adhesion of zinc-rich primer/chromate complex
test, D 3717 (06.01) coatings (on steel), test, D 4146 (06.02)

68 1
Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
relative tinting strength of chromatic paints, test, D 4838 (06.02), Coil coatings
Coatings-coating work in nuclear facilities application using a wire-wound drawdown bar, practice,
Sa Nuclear reactor vessels-qualifications for painters D 4147 (06.02)
use of protective coating standards in nuclear power plants, coil coatings, testing, practice, D 3794 (06.02)
selecting ASTM standards, guide, D 5144 (06.02) Cold-check resistance
Coatings-coil temperature-change (high-low) resistance of clear nitrocellulose
application using a wire-wound drawdown bar, practice, lacquer films applied to wood, test, D 1211 (06.02)
D 4147 (06.02) Cold resistance
coil coatings, testing, practice, D 3794 (06.02) temperature-change (high-low) resistance of clear nitrocellulose
Coatings-enamel lacquer films applied to wood, test, D 1211 (06.02)
amount of liquid separated as upper layer from a viscous Collimation
solution/dispersion containing dispersed solids, test, evaluating interferometers (for uniformity of illumination,
D 4948 (06.01) focus, vibration, temperature stability, turbulence,
conducting tests on paint/varnish/lacquer/related products, cleanliness, component defects), practice, F 742 (06.01)
using enclosed carbon-arc light/water exposure apparatus, Colloidal black
prdctice, D 5031 (06.01)
high-gloss surfaces-gloss, by goniophotometry, test, See Carbon black (headings)
E 430 (06.01) Color
Coatings-epoxy appearance (of objects/materials/light sources), terminology,
subjecting marine antifouling coating to bifouling and fluid E 284 (06.01)
shear forces in natural seawater, test, D 4939 (06.02) cellulose acetate propionates/butyrate, test, A D 817 (06.03)
color/color-difference of object-color specimens, by tristimulus
(filter) colorimetry, test, E 1347 (06.01)
nonconductive coatings-dry film thickness, nondestructive
measurement, test, D 1400 (06.01) color differences of materials (seen by reflected/transmitted
light), instrumental evaluation, practice, E 805 (06.01)
Coatings-organic color measurement of fluorescent specimens, practice,
See Organic coatings E 991 (06.01)
Coatings-spray-applied computing colors of objects, by CIE system, method,
See Spray-applied coatings E 308 (06.01)
Coatings-ultraviolet-cured fluorescence in object-color specimens, by spectrophotometry
cure time, practice, D 3732 (06.02) test, E 1247 (06.01)
estimating package stability of coatings for ultraviolet curing, indexes of whiteness/yellowness of near-white opaque materials,
test, D 4144 (06.02) test, E 313 (06.01)
Coatings monitoring program obtaining colorimetric data from a visual display unit (for
Sa Inspection-coating applications minimizing errors), using tristimulus colorimeters, practice,
Performance-coatings E 1455 (06.01)
Safety precautions-coating applications obtaining spectrophotometric data for object-color evaluation,
establishing procedures to monitor performance of safety related practice, E 1164 (06.01)
coatings in operating nuclear power plant, guide, reducing the variability of color measurement, by use of
D 5163 (06.02) multiple measurements, practice, E 1345 (06.01)
Coating thickness reflectance factor/color of object-color specimens, using
disbonding characteristics of pipeline coatings, by direct soil bidirectional geometry, test, E 1349 (06.01)
burial, test, G 19 (06.02) selection of geometric conditions for measurement of
dry film thickness of protective coating systems, by destructive reflection/transmission properties of materials, practice,
means, test, D 4138 (06.02) E 179 (06.01)
film thickness of pipeline coatings on steel, nondestructive transmittance/color of object-color specimens, by spectrophoto-
measurement, method, G 12 (06.02) metry using hemispherical geometry, test, E 1348 (06.01)
nonconductive coatings-dry film thickness, nondestructive visual color evaluation of transparent sheet materials, practice,
measurement, test, D 1400 (06.01) E 1478 (06.01)
Cobalt content Color-discoloration
cobalt content-paint driers, by EDTA method, test, clear coatings-light stability, by sunlight through glass, test,
D 2373 (06.01) D 2620 (06.02)
lead/cadmium/cobalt content (low concentrations) in clear/pigmented organic finishes-effect of household
nonvolatile portion of liquid coatings/dried films, by chemicals, test, D 1308 (06.02)
atomic absorption spectroscopy, test, D 3335 (06.01) surfaces of paints/related coatings (by microbiological attack),
Cobalt paint driers practice for determining by exterior exposure tests,
Sa Driers D 3456 (06.01)
liquid paint driers, selection of test methods, D 564 (06.01) Color-light exposure
Coconut oil carbon-arc light-exposure apparatus-nonmetallic materials,
coconut oil, spec., D 1841 (06.03) operating with/without water, practice, G 23 (06.01)
Coefficient of friction Color-light fastness
static friction of coating surfaces, test, D 4518 (06.01) lightfastness of pigments (in artists’ paints), test, D 4303 (06.02)
Coefficient of retroreflection (of retroreflectors) printed matter-lightfastness/weatherability, by natural
See Retroreflection/retroreflectors daylight/laboratory exposures, test, D 3424 (06.02)
Coffee stains Color-opaque materials
wood furniture lacquers, test, D 2571 (06.02) evaluation of visual color difference (of non-self luminous
Cohesive strength materials) with a gray scale, test, D 2616 (06.01)
thermoplastic traffic marking materials-bond strength, using indexes of whiteness/yellowness of near-white opaque materials,
cement bricks/steel cubes, test, D 4796 (06.02) test, E 313 (06.01)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Composition analysis-paints/related coatings/materials
reflectance factor/color (of object-color specimens), by measuring photometric characteristics of retroreflectors,
spectrophotometry using hemispherical optical measuring practice, E 809 (06.01)
system, test, E 1331 (06.01) retroreflection-retroreflectors,terminology, practice,
specifying color of objects, using Optical Society of America E 808 (06.01)
(OSA) uniform color scales system, practice, understanding the properties of high visibility materials (for
E 1360 (06.01) individual safety), guide, F 923 (06.01)
Color-organic/inorganic chemicals Color-tolerances
acetaldehyde, spec., D 4710 (06.04) color/gloss tolerances, establishing, practice, D 3134 (06.01)
cellulose acetate propionates/butyrate, test, A D 817 (06.03) Colorants
color of cresylic acids (“C” series standards), test, latex paints (tinted)-color development, test, D 5326 (06.02)
D 3627 (06.04) Color difference
dipentene/related terpene solvents-sampling/testing, methods, opaque materials-color differences, visual examination,
D801 (06.03) practice, D 1729 (06.01)
fatty acids (after heating), test, D 1981 (06.03) Color difference measurements
maleic/phthalic anhydride (in molten state/after heating), by printed matter-lightfastness/weatherability, by natural
platinum-cobalt scale, test, D 3366 (06.04) daylight/laboratory exposures, test, D 3424 (06.02)
methyl acrylate, spec., D 4709 (06.04) Colored flat glass
Cobr-paints/related coatings/materials visual color evaluation of transparent sheet materials, practice,
aluminum silicate (hydrous/anhydrous) pigment, analysis, test, E 1478 (06.01)
D 718 (06.01) Colorimeter
artists’ paints (oil/resin-oil/alkyd), spec., D 4302 (06.02) relative tinting strength of printing ink dispersions, test,
benzene/toluene/%ylenes/refined solvent naphthas/similar D 2066 (06.02)
industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, test, D 848 (06.04) Colorimetric analysis
cellulose acetate, test, D 871 (06.03) color/color-difference of object-color specimens, by tristimulus
clarity/cleanness of (nonpigmented) paint and ink liquids, by (filter) colorimetry, test, E 1347 (06.01)
visual examination, test, D 2090 (06.03) colorimetry of retroreflectors under nighttime conditions,
clear liquids, by platinum-cobalt scale, test, D 1209 (06.04) practice, E 811 (06.01)
color by Munsell color ordering system, test, D 1535 (06.01) indexes of whiteness/yellowness of near-white opaque materials,
color differences from instrumentally measured color differences test, E 313 (06.01)
of opaque materials, test, D 2244 (06.01) obtaining colorimetric data from a visual display unit (for
cdored pigments (dry/pastes in oil), with a mechanical muller, minimizing errors), using tristimulus colorimeters, practice,
test, D 387 (06.01) E 1455 (06.01)
color/gloss tolerances, establishing, practice, D 3134 (06.01) obtaining spectroradiometric data from radiant sources for
dry color pigments-color/strength, by miniature sandmill, test, colorimetry, practice, E 1341 (06.01)
A D 3022 (06.01) reflectance factor/color (of object-color specimens), by
drying oils (after heating), test, D 1967 (06.03) spectrophotometry using hemispherical optical measuring
evaluation of color for thermoplastic traffic marking materials, system, test, E 1331 (06.01)
test, D 4960 (06.02) Color index
Gardner color scale-transparent liquids, test, D 1544 (06.01) artists’ paints (oil/resin-oil/alkyd), spec., D 4302 (06.02)
high-gloss surfaces-reflection haze, test, D 4039 (06.01) Colorless monomeric acrylate esters
industrial water-reducible coatings (pigmented/clear)-selecting methyl ether of hydroquinone (MEHQ) content of colorless
test procedures, guide, D 4712 (06.02) monomeric acrylate esters, test, D 3125 (06.03)
lac resins (orange shellac and button-/garnet-/bleached- Color uniformity
lac)/-sampling/testing, D 29 (06.03) latex paints (tinted)-color development, test, D 5326 (06.02)
iatex paints (tinted)-color development, test, D 5326 (06.02) Color vision tests
magnesium silicate pigment, analysis, test, D 717 (06.01) observers-selection/evaluation/training, guide, E 1499 (06.01)
metamerism, visual evaluation, D 4086 (06.01) Comb gages
opaque materials-color differences, visual examination, wet film thickness of organic coatings, by notched gages,
practice, D 1729 (06.01) practice, D 4414 (06.01)
preparation of standard color solutions (caramel/platinum-
cobalt), for color test on soluble nitrocellulose-base Commercial cyclohexane
solutions, D 365 (06.02) See Cyclohexane 995
quantifying dirt collection on coated exterior panels, test, Commercial density
D 3719 (06.02) See Density (heudzngs)
relative tinting strength of chromatic paints, test, D 4838 (06.02) Commercial hexanes
solid aromatic hydrocarbons/related materials (in molten state), commercial hexanes, spec., D 1836 (06.04)
by platinum-cobalt scale, test, D 1686 (06.04) Comparison techniques
solution color of 4,4’-isopropylidenediphenol(dissolved in evaluating and comparing transfer conditions-laboratory
methanol), test, D 4789 (06.04) conditions, test, D 5009 (06.02)
specific luminance of horizontal coatings, (traffic stripe paint Compatibility-paints/related coatings/materials
systems/traffic tapes/traffc surface symbols), instrumental factory-primed wood products (with representative finish
measurement, test, D 4061 (06.01) coats)-durability/compatibility, test, D 2830 (06.02)
strontium chromate pigmedt-mass color/tinting strength, USE patch test-coating compatibility, conducting procedure,
D 387 (v 06.01), D 1845 (06.01) practice, D 5064 (06.02)
turpentine-sampling/testing, methods, D 233 (06.03) Composites-wood
Color-retroreflection/retroreflectors edge performance of composite wood products under surfactant
coefficient of retroreflection (of sheeting), test, E 810 (06.01) accelerated moisture stress, test, D 2065 (06.02)
color/gloss tolerances, establishing, practice, D 3134 (06.01) Composition analysis-paints/related coatings/materials
colorimetry of retroreflectors under nighttime conditions, chemical analysis of yellow/orange/red/brown pigments
practice, E 811 (06.01) containing iron/maganese, test, D 50 (06.01)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Compressed air
Compressed air Containers-aerosol
oil/water presence in compressed air (used for coating solvent-borne paints-weight percent volatile content, in aerosol
application/air blast cleaning/abrasive blast cleaning), test, cans, test, D 5200 (06.01)
D 4285 (06.02) Containers-fiberboard
Compression testing printed matter-abrasion resistance, by GA-CAT tester,
ring bendability (resistance to cracking/spalling from D 5181 (06.02)
deformation by diametral compression) of pipeline Containers-tank cars/wagons
coatings, squeeze test, G 70 (06.02) sampling and handling aniline, practice, D 3436 (06.04)
Concentration (of elements) sampling/handling liquid cyclic products (at ambient
concentration of formaldehyde solutions, test, D 2194 (06.04) temperature), practice, D 3437 (06.04)
Concrete-paint applications sampling procedures-for paints/pigmented coatings, practice,
sample preparation for qualification testing of coatings (used in D 3925 (06.01)
nuclear power facilities), spec., D 5139 (06.02) sampling/unloading procedures-for cresylic acid/phenol,
Concrete-surfaces practice, D 3852 (06.04)
abrading concrete, practice, D 4259 (06.02) sampling/unloading procedures-for naphthalene/maleic
acid etching concrete, practice, D 4260 (06.02) anhydride/phthalic anhydride, practice, D 3438 (06.04)
capillary moisture, by plastic sheet method, test, D 4263 (06.02) Contamination
chemically cleaned/etched concrete surfaces-pH, test, angle resolved optical scatter measurements on specular/diffuse
D 4262 (06.02) surfaces, test, E 1392 (06.01)
continuity verification of liquid/sheet linings applied to concrete
substrates, practice, D 4787 (06.02) Contamination-nuclear
making and preparing concrete/masonry panels for testing paint use of protective coating standards in nuclear power plants,
finishes, method, D 1734 (06.02) selecting ASTM standards, guide, D 5144 (06.02)
surface cleaning concrete (for coating), practice, D 4258 (06.02) Contamination-paints/coatings applications
surface cleaning concrete unit masonry (for coating), practice, blasting abrasives-water soluble ionic contamination, by
D 4261 (06.02) conductimetric analysis, test, D 4940 (06.02)
Condensation chemical resistance of pipeline coatings, test, G 20 (06.02)
coatings-water resistance, using controlled condensation, decontaminability of coatings used in light-water nuclear power
practice, D 4585 (06.01) plants, test, D 4256 (06.02)
Conditioning Continuity verification
conditioning of materials for tests, def. of terms, E 41 (06.01) continuity verification of liquid/sheet linings applied to concrete
standard environments for conditioning/testing paint/ substrates, practice, D 4787 (06.02)
varnish/lacquer/related materials, spec., D 3924 (06.01) Contractors
Conductance and conductivity (electrical) coating contractor qualification (for nuclear-powered generation
blasting abrasives-water soluble ionic contamination, by facilities), practice, D 4286 (06.02)
conductimetric analysis, test, D 4940 (06.02) Contrast
continuity verification of liquid/sheet linings applied to concrete description/selection of conditions (for photographing
substrates, practice, D 4787 (06.02) specimens), practice, E 312 (06.01)
electrical conductivity of electrocoat baths, test, D 4399 (06.01)
pipeline coatings-cathodic disbonding, accelerated procedures, Contrast ratio
test, G 8 (06.02) contrast ratio of a pair of linear polarizers for visible radiation,
test, F 743 (06.01)
Conductimetric analysis
blasting abrasives-water soluble ionic contamination, by crystallographic axes/contrast ratio of a Pockels cell electro-optic
crystal (in longitudinal mode), test, F 741 (06.01)
conductimetric analysis, test, D 4940 (06.02)
hiding power of paints, by reflectometry, test, A D 2805 (06.01)
Conductivity bridge/cell
electrical conductivity of electrocoat baths, test, D 4399 (06.01) Copal content
Cone-and-plate viscometers lac resins (orange shellac and button-/garnet-/bleached-
Sa Viscometers (headings) lac)/-sampling/testing, D 29 (06.03)
high shear viscosity (of paints/varnishes/related products), by Copper-corrosion
IC1 cone/plate viscometer, test, D 4287 (06.01) copper corrosion of industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, test,
Conformance D 849 (06.04)
certification of coating conformance form, D 5063 (06.02) detection of copper corrosion from petroleum products, by
color/gloss tolerances, establishing, practice, D 3134 (06.01) copper strip tarnish test, A D 130 (06.04)
Conical mandrel apparatus dipentene/related terpene solvents-sampling/testing, methods,
mandrel bend test of attached organic coatings, test, D 801 (06.03)
D 522 (06.01) Copper content
Conjugated diene cellulose pulp (from wood/cotton)-metals (Fe/Cu/Mn,Ca)
spectrophotometric diene value of dehydrated castor content, test, D 4085 (06.03)
oil/derivatives, test, D 1358 (06.03) chemical analysis of cuprous oxide/copper pigments, test,
Conjugated oils D 283 (06.01)
See Oils (headings) Copper phthalocyanine blue
Consequence of coatings failure Sa Phthalocyanine blue
specifying inspection requirements for coating/lining work on chemical analysis of (iron/copper phthalocyanine/ultramarine)
metal substrates, guide, D 5161 (06.02) blue pigments, test, D 1135 (06.01)
Consistency Copper phthalocyanine green
consistency of paints, using Stormer viscometer, test, See Phthalocyanine green
D 562 (06.01) Copper powder
Conspicuity chemical analysis of cuprous oxide/copper pigments, test,
understanding the properties of high visibility materials (for D 283 (06.01)
individual safety), guide, F 923 (06.01) copper powder (for antifouling paints), spec., D 964 (06.03)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Copper strip test mandrel bend test of attached organic coatings, test,
detection of copper corrosion from petroleum products, by D 522 (06.01)
copper strip tarnish test, A D 130 (06.04) pipeline coatings-effect of outdoor weathering, test,
Copy materials/products-lithographic G 11 (06.02)
water pickup of lithographic printing inks/vehicles in a specific bendability of pipeline coatings, test, G 10 (06.02)
laboratory mixer, test, D 4942 (06.02) Creepage-edge/& be
Corn oil paintedkoated specimens-corrosive environments, evaluation,
corn oil, spec., D 1842 (06.03) method, D 1654 (06.01)
Corrosion-atmospheric testing Cresol
painted/coated specimens-corrosive environments, evaluation, phenol/cresols/xylenols/naphthalene/pyridi~e/quinoline-water
method, D 1654 (06.01) content, by iodine reagent method, test, D 1631 (06.04)
Corrosion-electrodeposited coatings Cresylic acid
cathodic disbbnding of pipeline coatings, by attached cell and phenol, sampling and handling, practice, D 3852 (06.04)
method, test, G 95 (06.02) color of cresylic acids (“C” series standards), test,
comparative corrosion preventive characteristics of materials D 3627 (06.04)
used for joints/couplings/fittings/patches in pipeline cresylic acid content (of alkaline cresylate solutions), chemical
coatings, test, G 18 (06.02) analysis, D 3439 (06.04)
pipeline coatings-cathodic disbonding, accelerated procedures, pyridine base content in cresylic acid, by direct titration, test,
test, G 8 (06.02) D 4471 (06.04)
Corrosion-paints/related coatings/materials Crude tar acids
coatings-water resistance, using controlled condensation, See Tar acids-crude/refined
practice, D 4585 (06.01) Crystal lattice structure
copper corrosion of industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, test, crystallographic akes/contrast ratio of a Pockels cell electro-optic
D 849 (06.04) crystal (in longitudinal mgde), test, F 741 (06.01)
dipentene/related terpene solvents-sampling/testing, methods, Crystallization
D801 (06.03) solidification point of 4,4’-isopropylidenediphenol(Bisphenol
filiform corrosion resistance, test, D 2803 (06.01) A), test, D 4493 (06.04)
painted/coated specimens-corrosive environments, evaluation, Crystallographic axes
method, D 1654 (06.01) crystallographic axes/contrast ratio of a Pockels cell electro-optic
Corrosion-petroleum products crystal (in longitudinal mode), test, F 741 (06.01)
detection of copper corrosion from petroleum products, by Cube corner retroreflectors
copper strip tarnish test, A D 130 (06.04) understanding the properties of high visibility materials (for
Corrosion-pipeline cwtings individual safety), guide, F 923 (06.01)
cathodic disbonding of pipeline coatings, by attached cell Cumene process
method, test, G 95 (06.02) phenol-major organic impurities produced by cumene process,
comparative corrosion preventive characteristics of materials using gas chromatography, test, D 4961 (06.04)
used for joints/couplings/fittings/patches in pipeline Cuprous oxide
coatings, test, G 18 (06.02) chemical analysis of cuprous oxide/copper pigments, test,
pipeline coatings-cathodic disbonding, accelerated procedures, D 283 (06.01)
test, G 8 (06.02) cuprous oxide (for antifouling paints), spec., D 912 (06.03)
Corrosion-pitting/crevice Curing characteristics
salt spray (fog) testing, method, B 117 (06.01) MEK resistance of ethyl silicate (inorganic) zinc-rich primers,
Corrugated fiberboard boxes by solvent rub, test, D 4752 (06.02)
printed matter-abrasion resistance, by GA-CAT tester, Curing of organic coatings
D 5181 (06.02) See Drying or curing
Cotton Curing time
cellulose pulp (from wood/cotton)-metals (Fe/Cu/Mn,Ca) stroke cure time of thermosetting phenol-formaldehyde resins,
content, test, D 4085 (06.03) test, D 4640 (06.03)
Cottonseed oil Current measurement
Sa Fatty acids-specifications comparative corrosion preventive characteristics of materials
cottonseed oil, spec., D 1843 (06.03) used for joints/couplings/fittings/patches in pipeline
Coulometric titration coatings, test, G 18 (06.02)
aromatic hydrocarbons-bromine index, test, D 1492 (06.04) disbonding characteristics of pipeline coatings, by direct soil
Coulometry burial, test, G 19 (06.02)
sulfur (trace quantities) in liquid aromatic hydrocarbons, by Curtain coat
oxidative microcoulometry, test, D 3961 (06.04) industrial water-reducible coatings (pigmented/clear)-selecting
Coulometry-microcoulometry test procedures, guide, D 4712 (06.02)
sulfur (trace quantities) in liquid aromatic hydrocarbons, by Cyanoacrylate adhesive
oxidative microcoulometry, test, D 3961 (06.04) organic coatings-adhesion to plastic substrates, by direct
Couplings tensile testing, D 5179 (06.01)
comparative corrosion preventive characteristics of materials Cyclohexane
used for joints/couplings/fittings/patches in pipeline apparent density of industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, test,
coatings, test, G 18 (06.02) D 2935 (06.04)
Cracking-coatings benzene content of cyclic hydrocarbon products, by gas
continuity verification of liquid/sheet linings applied to concrete chromatography, test, D 4534 (06.04)
substrates, practice, D 4787 (06.02) commercial density (of pure liquid chemicals), test,
edge performance of composite wood products under surfactant D 3505 (06.04)
accelerated moisture stress, test, D 2065 (06.02) sampling/handling liquid cyclic products (at ambient
exterior paints, evaluating, test, A D 661 (06.01) temperature), practice, D 3437 (06.04)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
trace (total) chloride (organic/inorganic) in liquid aromatic Deformation-paints/related coatings/materials
hydrocarbons, test, D 5194 (06.04) flexibility/adhesion of organic coatings (paints) on prepainted
volume/weight of industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, method, deformed metallic sheets, test, D 4145 (06.02)
D 1555 (06.04) formability/adhesion of zinc-rich primer/chromate complex
Cyclohexane 995 coatings (on steel), test, D 4146 (06.02)
cyclohexane 995-purity/benzene content, by gas chromatog- organic coatings-mar resistance, using balanced beam scrape
raphy, test, D 3054 (06.04) adhesion and mar test, D 5178 (06.01)
cyclohexane 995, spec., D 3055 (06.04) pipeline coatings-penetration resistance, by blunt rod test,
G 17 (06.02)
Cyclohexane 999
resistance of organic coatings to effects of rapid deformation
cyclohexane 999, spec., D 5309 (06.04) (impact), test, D 2794 (06.01)
Cylindrical mandrel apparatus
mandrel bend test of attached organic coatings, test,
atmospheric environmental exposure testing of nonmetallic
D 522 (06.01)
materials practice, G 7 (06.01)
conducting exposures of nonmetallic materials to daylight
D filtered through glass, practice, G 24 (06.01)
Damping hardness test goniophotometry of objects/materials, practice, E 167 (06.01)
hardness of organic coatings, by Konig/Persoz pendulum Degradation-paints/related coatings/materials
hardness tests, D 4366 (06.01) accelerated outdoor exposure tests of coatings (applied to metal
Dark chrome yellow substrates), practice, D 4141 (06.01)
See Chrome yellow and orange coatings-water resistance, using controlled condensation,
practice, D 4585 (06.01)
Data analysis conducting tests on paint/varnish/lacquer/related products,
obtaining colorimetric data from a visual display unit (for using enclosed carbon-arc light/water exposure apparatus,
minimizing errors), using tristimulus colorimeters, practice, practice, D 5031 (06.01)
E 1455 (06.01) exposure of paints/related coatings to fluorescent UV-
Data analysis-environmental condensation light-water-exposure apparatus, practice for
retroreflection-retroreflectors,terminology, practice, conducting tests, D 4587 (06.01)
E 808 (06.01) Degree of cure
Data analysis-spectrochemical See Curing characteristics
obtaining spectrophotometric data for object-color evaluation, Degree of dispersion
practice, E 1164 (06.01) Sa Dispersion
Daylight printing inks-fineness of grind, by NPIRI grindometer, test,
Sa Reflectance and reflectivity (headings) D 1316 (06.02)
conducting exposures of nonmetallic materials to daylight Degree of settling
filtered through glass, practice, G 24 (06.01) evaluating degree of settling (pigment suspension/ease of
directional reflectance factor (45-deg 0-deg) of opaque remixing a shelf-aged sample) of paint, test, D 869 (06.02)
specimens, by broad-band filter reflectometry, test,
E 97 (06.01) Degrees of freedom
aromatic hydrocarbons/related chemicals, terminology,
Daylight behind window glass D 4790 (06.04)
printed matter-lightfastness/weatherability, by natural
daylight/laboratory exposures, test, D 3424 (06.02) Degummed soybean oil
See Soybeans-oil
Decomposition points
industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, in distillation tests, Dehydrated castor oil
D 850 (06.04) See Castor oil
Decontamination Densitometer
decontaminability of coatings used in light-water nuclear power relative tinting strength of printing ink dispersions, test,
plants, test, D 4256 (06.02) D 2066 (06.02)
use of protective coating standards in nuclear power plants, Density-paints/related coatings/materials
selecting ASTM standards, guide, D 5144 (06.02) apparent density of industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, test,
Defects-coatings D 2935 (06.04)
reporting paint film failures characteristic of exterior latex aromatic hydrocarbons/related chemicals, terminology,
paints, classification, D 1848 (06.02) D 4790 (06.04)
calculating formulation physical constants of paints/coatings,
Defects-semiconductors practice, D 5201 (06.01)
defect width on optical surfaces, using Nomarski differential commercial density (of pure liquid chemicals), test,
microscopy, test, F 532 (06.01) D 3505 (06.04)
interferometer-uniformity of illumination/focus/vibration, density-paint/varnish/lacquer/related products, test, A D 1475
temperature stability/turbulence/cleanliness/component (06.01)
defects, practice, F 742 (06.01) hydrogen sulfide/sulfur dioxide (qualititative) of industrial
Definition of terms aromatic hydrocarbons, test, D 2363 (06.03)
conditioning of materials for tests, def. of terms, E 41 (06.01) hydroxyethylcellulose, test, D 2364 (06.03)
naval stores (incl. tall oil/related products)-terminology, methylcellulose, test, D 1347 (06.03)
D 804 (06.03) sodium glycolate content of sodium carboxymethylcellulose,
protective coating/lining work for power generation facilities, test, D 1439 (06.03)
terminology, D 4538 (06.02) volume/weight of industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, method,
Deformation D 1555 (06.04)
ring bendability (resistance to cracking/spalling from Density-petroleum products
deformation by diametral compression) of pipeline volume/weight of industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, method,
coatings, squeeze test, G 70 (06.02) D 1555 (06.04)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Dipropylene glycol monomethyl ether (DPM)
Dental tin foil substrate dichloromethane-soluble matter content of cellulose, test,
organic coatings-uniform free film preparation, practice, D 3971 (06.03)
D 4708 (06.01) Dielectric constant (permittivity)/dissipation factor
Deposition comparative corrosion preventive characteristics of materials
polymeric powders-deposition efficiency on moving targets, used for joints/couplings/fittings/patchesin pipeline
test, D 3451 (06.02) coatings, test, G 18 (06.02)
Depth of color water penetration into pipeline coatings, test, G 9 (06.02)
See Color (headings) Dielectrics
Depth of penetration optical components-effective surface roughness, by total
pipeline coatings-penetration resistance, by blunt rod test, integrated scattering, test, F 1048 (06.01)
G 17 (06.02) Diethylbenzene isomers
Desert ethylbenzene-purity/impurities, by gas chromatography, test,
atmospheric environmental exposure testing of nonmetallic D 5060 (06.04)
materials practice, G 7 (06.01) Diethylene glycol
Design-building applications diethylene glycol, spec., D 2694 (06.04)
flue gas desulfurization system components-design/fabrication flash/fire point of liquids, by Tag open-cup apparatus, test,
for protective lining application, spec., D 4618 (06.02) D 1310 (06.01)
Design basis accident (DBA) Difatty secondary amines
use of protective coating standards in nuclear power plants, See Fatty amines
selecting ASTM standards, guide, D 5144 (06.02) Differences in color
Destructively-distilled wood turpentine See Color (headings)
Sa Turpentine Diffraction intensity (of x-rays)
spirits of turpentine, spec., D 13 (06.03) See X-ray diffraction
Destructive testing-coatings Diffuse reflectance
dry film thickness of protective coating systems, by destructive angle resolved optical scatter measurements on specular/diffuse
means, test, D 4138 (06.02) surfaces, test, E 1392 (06.01)
Desulfurization systems obtaining spectrophotometric data for object-color evaluation,
flue gas desulfurization system components-design/fabrication practice, E 1164 (06.01)
for protective lining application, spec., D 4618 (06.02) optical components-effective surface roughness, by total
inspection of linings in operating flue gas desulfurization integrated scattering, test, F 1048 (06.01)
systems, practice, D 4619 (06.02) reflecting characteristics of metallic surfaces, using integrating
Detergent materials/systems-drycleaning sphere instruments, test, E 429 (06.01)
mineral (petroleum) spirits hydrocarbon drycleaning solvent, understanding the properties of high visibility materials (for
spec., D 235 (06.04) individual safety), guide, F 923 (06.01)
Detergent resistance Dillon dynamometer
organic finishes, practice, D 2248 (06.01) thermoplastic traffic marking materials-bond strength, using
Deterioration cement bricks/steel cubes, test, D 4796 (06.02)
water penetration into pipeline coatings, test, G 9 (06.02) Diluents
Deterioration-biodeterioration paint/related coatings- odor (characteristic/residual), test,
emulsion paints (in containers)-microorganism attack D 1296 (06.04)
resistance, test, D 2574 (06.01) Dilutability value
interior coatings-mold growth resistance, 4-week exposure in resin solution dilutability, test, D 5062 (06.03)
environmental chamber, test, D 3273 (06.01)
microbiological discoloration (of paint film surfaces), by exterior Dilution ratio/value
exposure tests, practice, D 3456 (06.01) cellulose nitrate solutions, for active solvents, hydrocarbon
paint films, evaluating degree of surface disfigurement, diluents, and cellulose nitrates, test, D 1720 (06.04)
soluble cellulose nitrate, testing, methods, D 301 (06.03)
A D 3274 (06.01)
Dew cycle Dimer
operating light- and water-exposure apparatus (unfiltered acrylic acid dimer in acrylic acid/unsaturated organic acids, test,
carbon-arc type), in testing paints and related coatings, D 4415 (06.04)
practice, D 3361 (06.01) Dimethyl-benzyl alcohol
Diacetone alcohol phenol-major organic impurities produced by cumene process,
diacetone alcohol, spec., D 2627 (06.04) using gas chromatography, test, D 4961 (06.04)
Diamines Dimethyl ketone
See Fatty diamines See Acetone
Diatomaceous silica pigment Dip application
Sa Silica (diatomaceous) industrial water-reducible coatings (pigmented/clear)-selecting
diatomaceous silica pigment, analysis, test, D 719 (06.01) test procedures, guide, D 4712 (06.02)
Dibasic acids (absence or presence) Dip coater
See Phthalic anhydride content producing films of uniform thickness of paint/varnish/related
Dibenzal method products on test panels, test, D 823 (06.01)
monopentaerythritol in commercial pentaerythritol, by gas Dipentene
chromotography/dibenzal methods, test, D 2195 (06.04) dipentene/related terpene solvents-sampling/testing, methods,
Dibutyl phthalate (DBP) D 801 (06.03)
dibutyl phthalate (DBP), 99 % grade, spec., D 608 (06.04) Dipropylene glycol
Dichloromethane dipropylene glycol, spec., D 2696 (06.04)
dichloromethane/ 1,1,1 -trichloroethane content-paints/coatings, propylene glycol/dipropylene glycol, spec., D 5164 (06.04)
by direct injection gas chromatography, test, Dipropylene glycol monomethyl ether (DPM)
D 4457 (06.01) dipropylene glycol monomethyl ether, spec., D 4836 (06.04)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Dipropylene glycol monomethyl ether (DPM)
purity of propylene glycol monomethyl ether/dipropylene glycol turpentine-sampling/testing, methods, D 233 (06.03)
monomethyl ether/propylene glycol monomethyl ether vacuum distillation (for vehicle separation in solvent-type
acetate, test, D 4773 (06.04) paints), practice, D 3272 (06.01)
Dip-type viscosity test Distillation-petroleum products
viscosity (of paints/varnishes/lacquers/related materials), by distillation of petroleum products, test, D 86 (06.04)
dip-type viscosity cups, test, D 4212 (06.01) water in petroleum products/bituminous materials, by
Direct aspiration spectrophotometric procedure distillation, test, D 95 (06.04)
Sa Spectrophotometry (headzngs) Distilled fatty acids
lead content in paint, by direct aspiration atomic absorption See Fatty acids-specifications
spectroscopy, test, D 4834 (06.01) Distilled water
Directionality acidity of benzene/toluene/xylenes/solventnaphthas/similar
high-gloss surfaces-gloss, by goniophotometry, test, industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, test, D 847 (06.04)
E 430 (06.01) Distortion
Directionality of surface evaluating interferometers (for uniformity of illumination,
gloss differences-surfaces of similar appearance, visual focus, vibration, temperature stability, turbulence,
evaluation, test, D 4449 (06.01) cleanliness, component defects), practice, F 742 (06.01)
Directional reflectance Divergence angle
See Reflectance and reflectivity (heading$) understanding the properties of high visibility materials (for
Dirt individual safety), guide, F 923 (06.01)
rosin/rosin derivatives-toluene-insoluble solid matter, test, Doctor test
D 269 (06.03) mineral (petroleum) spirits hydrocarbon drycleaning solvent,
Dirt accumulation spec., D 235 (06.04)
quantifying dirt collection on coated exterior panels, test, Documentation
D 3719 (06.02) description/selection of conditions (for photographing
Dirt resistance specimens), practice, E 312 (06.01)
See Resistance-soil
Dolomite \
Disbonding See Calcium carbonate
disbonding characteristics of pipeline coatings, by direct soil
burial, test, G 19 (06.02) Double rub method
specific bendability of pipeline coatings, test, G 10 (06.02) MEK resistance of ethyl silicate (inorganic) zinc-rich primers,
Disbonding-cathodic by solvent rub, test, D 4752 (06.02)
cathodic disbonding of pipeline coatings, by attached cell Douglas fir
method, test, G 95 (06.02) wood used as panels in weathering tests of coatings, spec.,
pipeline coatings-cathodic disbonding, accelerated procedures, D 358 (06.02)
test, G 8 (06.02) Draft test
pipeline coatings subjected to high or cyclic temperatures, test, varnish films, test, D 1643 (06.03)
G 42 (06.02) Drag
specific cathodic disbonding of pipeline coatings, test, comparison of the brush drag of latex paints, test,
G 80 (06.02) D 4958 (06.02)
Discoloration Drawdowns
See Color-discoloration preparing drawdowns of artists’ paste paints, practice,
Discontinuities-coatings D 4941 (06.02)
continuity verification of liquid/sheet linings applied to concrete Draw-down test
substrates, practice, D 4787 (06.02) coil coatings, application using a wire-wound drawdown bar,
‘discontinuity (holiday) testing of nonconductive protective practice, D 4147 (06.02)
coating on metallic substrates, practice, D 5162 (06.02) leveling-paints (water-/solvent-reducible), by draw-down
Dispersion method, test, D 4062 (06.02)
Sa Pigment dispersion (paints/related coatings/materials) paint spatter resistance to roller application, test, D 4707 (06.02)
obtaining spectrophotometric data for object-color evaluation, sag resistance-liquid coatings (aqueous/nonaqueous), using
practice, E 1164 (06.01) multinotch applicator, test, D 4400 (06.02)
printing ink dispersions-coarse particle (>45 Fm) weight Driers
concentration, by sieve retention, test, D 2067 (06.02) cerium content, by EDTA method, test, D 3970 (06.01)
Dissolved water clarity/cleanness of (nonpigmented) paint and ink liquids, by
dipentene/related terpene solvents-dissolved water content, visual examination, test, D 2090 (06.03)
method, D 801 (06.03) cobalt content-paint driers, by EDTA method, test,
Distillation-bituminous materials D 2373 (06.01)
water in petroleum products/bituminous materials, by driers/drying oils/naval stores/solvents-volatile/nonvolatile
distillation, test, D 95 (06.04) content, selecting test methods, guide, D 4140 (06.01)
Distillation-paints/related coatings/materials iron in liquid iron paint driers, by EDTA method, test,
cresylic acid content (of alkaline cresylate solutions), chemical D 3804 (06.01)
analysis, D 3439 (06.04) lead content-paint driers, by EDTA method, test,
dipentene/related terpene solvents-distillation (using D 86), D 2374 (06.01)
method, D 801 (06.03) liquid paint driers, selection of test methods, D 564 (06.01)
distillation of industrial aromatic hydrocarbons/related liquid paint driers, spec., D 600 (06.04)
materials, test, D 850 (06.04) paint driers-calcium/zinc content, by EDTA method, test,
distillation of petroleum products, test, D 86 (06.04) D 2613 (06.01)
distillation range (between 30 and 350°C) of volatile organic paint driers-manganese content, by EDTA method, test,
liquids, test, D 1078 (06.04) D 2375 (06.01)
ethyl acetate (all grades), spec., D 4614 (06.04) rare earth metals-paint driers, by EDTA method, test,
pine oils-sampling/testing, methods, D 802 (06.03) D 3989 (06.01)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Electrical measurements-coating applications
vanadium content-paint driers, by EDTA method, test, Dynamometer testing
D 3988 (06.01) thermoplastic traffic marking materials-bond strength, using
zirconium content-paint driers, by EDTA method, test, cement bricks/steel cubes, test, D 4796 (06.02)
D 3969 (06.01)
Drop black E
See Bone black Earth pigments
Drop tests See Ochre
pipeline coatings-impact resistance, by limestone drop test, Sa Sienna/Umber (burnt and raw)
G 13 (06.02) Ease of brushing
Dry bleached lac comparison of the brush drag of latex paints, test,
See Bleached lac D 4958 (06.02)
Dry film thickness Eccentric center wheel wet film thickness gage
coatings on wood products-dry film thickness, microscopical wet film thickness of organic coatings, D 1212 (06.01)
measurement, test, D 5235 (06.02) Eddy current examination
coil coatings, application using a wire-wound drawdown bar, See Electromagnetic (eddy current) testing
practice, D 4147 (06.02) Eddy current thickness gages
dry-film thickness of organic coatings, using micrometers, test, nonconductive coatings-dry film thickness, nondestructive
D 1005 (06.01) measurement, test, D 1400 (06.01)
dry film thickness of protective coating systems, by destructive
means, test, D 4138 (06.02) Edge performance
erosion testing of antifouling paints, using high velocity water, edge performance of composite wood products under surfactant
test, D 4938 (06.02) accelerated moisture stress, test, D 2065 (06.02)
film thickness of pipeline coatings on steel, nondestructive EDTA method
measurement, method, G 12 (06.02) cobalt content-paint driers, by EDTA method, test,
nonconductive coatings-dry film thickness, nondestructive D 2373 (06.01)
measurement, test, D 1400 (06.01) iron content in paint driers, test, D 3804 (06.01)
nonmagnetic coatings (paint/varnish/lacquer), applied to a lead content-paint driers, by EDTA method, test,
ferrous base, D 1186 (06.01) D 2374 (06.01)
pipeline coatings-penetration resistance, by blunt rod test, paint driers-calcium/zinc content, by EDTA method, test,
G 17 (06.02) D 2613 (06.01)
subjecting marine antifouling coating to bifouling and fluid paint driers-manganese content, by EDTA method, test,
shear forces in natural seawater, test, D 4939 (06.02) D 2375 (06.01)
rare earth metals-paint driers, by EDTA method, test,
Drying oils D 3989 (06.01)
See Oils-drying vanadium content-paint driers, by EDTA method, test,
Drying or curing D 3988 (06.01)
coatings, by ultra-violet techniques, practice for reporting cure zirconium content-paint driers, by EDTA method, test,
time, D 3732 (06.02) D 3969 (06.01)
MEK resistance of ethyl silicate (inorganic) zinc-rich primers, Effective surface roughness
by solvent rub, test, D 4752 (06.02) optical components-effective surface roughness, by total
organic coatings, at room temperature, determination of film integrated scattering, test, F 1048 (06.01)
formation rates, test, D 1640 (06.03) Efflorescence
shellac varnish-sampling/testing, D 1650 (06.03) interior coatings (of water-base paints), test, D 1736 (06.02)
soluble cellulose nitrate, testing, methods, D 301 (06.03) reporting paint film failures characteristic of exterior latex
temperature of applied coatings on wood products during the paints, classification, D 1848 (06.02)
curing cycle, by infrared radiation thermometers, practice, Efflux cups
D 3259 (06.02) viscosity of paints/related materials, by IS0 flow cups, test,
Drying time D 5125 (06.01)
shellac varnish-sampling/testing, D 1650 (06.03) Elasticity
Dry red lead elasticity/toughness of varnishes, test, D 1642 (06.03)
See Red pigments Electrical conductors-semiconductors
Durability specular reflectance/transmittanceof optically flat-coated/
accelerated outdoor exposure tests of coatings (applied to metal non-coated specimens, test, F 768 (06.01)
substrates), practice, D 4141 (06.01) Electrical insulating solids
comparison of the brush drag of latex paints, test, orange shellac/other indian lacs for electrical insulation, spec.,
D 4958 (06.02) D 784 (06.03)
conducting exterior exposure tests of house/trim paints on shellac (dry/powdered) used for electrical insulation, selecting
new/unpainted wood, practice, D 1006 (06.01) test methods, D 411 (06.03)
exterior durability (of varnishes), test, D 1641 (06.03) Electrically nonconductive coatings
exterior paints-degree of flaking (scaling), test, A D 772 (06.01) nonconductive coatings-dry film thickness, nondestructive
factory-primed wood products (with representative finish measurement, test, D 1400 (06.01)
coats)-durability/compatibility, test, D 2830 (06.02) Electrical measurements-coating applications
performing accelerated outdoor weathering of nonmetallic comparative corrosion preventive characteristics of materials
materials, using concentrated natural sunlight, practice, used for joints/couplings/fittings/patches in pipeline
G 90 (06.01) coatings, test, G 18 (06.02)
Dutch white disbonding characteristics of pipeline coatings, by direct soil
See Basic carbonate white lead burial, test, G 19 (06.02)
Dynamic viscosity discontinuity (holiday) testing of nonconductive protective
See Viscosity (headings) coating on metallic substrates, practice, D 5162 (06.02)

Index of ASTM Stisndards, Section 6
Electrical measurements-coating applications
nonconductive coatings-dry film thickness, nondestructive Epoxy (EP) plastics-coatings
measurement, test, D 1400 (06.01) subjecting marine antifouling coating to bifouling and fluid
pipeline coatings-cathodic disbonding, accelerated procedures, shear forces in natural seawater, test, D 4939 (06.02)
test, G 8 (06.02) Epoxy resins
pipeline coatings-effect of outdoor weathering, test, epoxy content of epoxy resins, test, D 1652 (06.03)
G 11 (06.02) epoxy resins-selecting test procedures, guide, D 4142 (06.03)
pipeline coatings-impact resistance, by falling weight test, liquid epoxy resins-hydrolyzable chloride content, test,
G 14 (06.02) D 1726 (06.03)
pipeline coatings-impact resistance, by limestone drop test, nitrogen (total) content of nitrogen-containing plastics/
G 13 (06.02) resins/resin solutions, test, D 1013 (06.03)
water penetration into pipeline coatings, test, G 9 (06.02) thermoplastic traffic marking materials-bond strength, using
Electrical stress cement bricks/steel cubes, test, D 4796 (06.02)
cathodic disbonding of pipeline coatings, by attached cell total chlorine content in epoxy resins/compounds, test,
method, test, G 95 (06.02) D 4301 (06.03)
pipeline coatings-cathodic disbonding, accelerated procedures, total chlorine content, test, D 1847 (06.03)
test, G 8 (06.02)
Equilibrium method
Electrochemical measurements
nitrobenzene in aniline, test, D 4589 (06.04) flash point of liquids, test, D 3941 (06.01)
Electrocoat baths Erosion
acid/base milliequivalent content of (anodic/cathodic) erosion testing of antifouling paints, using high velocity water,
electrocoat baths/their ultrafiltrates, test, D 4370 (06.01) test, D 4938 (06.02)
analysis of electrocoat bath samples, guide, D 1978 (06.01) exterior paifits, method for evaluating, A D 662 (06.01)
electrical conductivity of electrocoat baths, test, D 4399 (06.01) interior paints-wet abrasion resistance to scrubbing, test,
electrocoat baths-apparent pH, test, D 4584 (06.01) D 4213 (06.02)
nonvolatile and pigment content of electrocoat baths, using practical washability of organic coatings, test, D 4828 (06.02)

muffle furnace, test, D 5145 (06.01) Errors

obtaining colorimetric data from a visual display unit (for

understanding the properties of high visibility materials (for
individual safety), guide, F 923 (06.01)
minimizing errors), using tristimulus colorimeters, practice,
E 1455 (06.01)
1 Electrostatic spray application Esters
evaluating and comparing transfer conditions-laboratory acetate esters-alcohol content/purity, by gas chromatography,
conditions, test, D 5009 (06.02) test, D 3545 (06.04)
industrial water-reducible coatings (pigmented/Clear)-selecting n-butyl acetate (all grades), spec., D 4615 (06.04)
test procedures, guide, D 4712 (06.02) ester value of solvents and thinners, test, D 1617 (06.04)
Elongation-attached organic coatings ethyl acetate (all grades), spec., D 4614 (06.04)
elongation/tensile strength/stiffness, test, D 2370 (06.01) hexyl acetate, spec., D 5137 (06.04)
mandrel bend test of attached organic coatings, test, isobutyl acetate (95 % grade), spec., D 1718 (06.04)
D 522 (06.01) lacquer solvents-heptane miscibility, test, D 1476 (06.04)
Emergent stem temperature corrections n-propyl acetate (96 % grade), spec., D 3130 (06.04)
distillation of industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, test, phthalic anhydride content- in presence of dibasic acids, by
D 850 (06.04) gravimetric test, D 1306 (06.03)
Emulsion vehicles (for paints/related coatings) primary (synthetic) amyl acetate (98 % grade), spec.,
blocking resistance of trade sales paints, test, D 4946 (06.02) D 3540 (06.04)
freeze-thaw resistance of water-borne coatings, test, Ester value
D 2243 (06.02) ester value of solvents and thinners, test, D 1617 (06.04)
industrial water-reducible coatings (pigmented/clear)-selecting Etching
test procedures, guide, D 4712 (06.02) acid etching concrete, practice, D 4260 (06.02)
minimum film formation temperature (MFFT) of emulsion
vehicles, test, D 2354 (06.02) Etherification
volatile/nonvolatile content-cellulosics/emulsions/resin sodium glycolate content of sodium carboxymethylcellulose,
solutions/shellac/varnishes, selecting test procedures, test, D 1439 (06.03)
practice, D 4209 (06.01) Ethoxy ethanol
Enamel coatings 2-ethoxyethanol, spec., D 331 (06.04)
See Coatings-enamel Ethoxyethyl acetate
End product dispersion stability 2-ethoxyethyl acetate (99 % grade), spec., D 3728 (06.04)
See Stability (headings) acetate esters-alcohol content/purity, by gas chromatography,
Energy output-input curves test, D 3545 (06.04)
slope efficiency and lasing threshold of ruby laser rods, test, Ethoxyl content
F 379 (06.01) ethylcellulose, test, D 914 (06.03)
English china clay Ethoxyl substitution
See Aluminum silicate ethoxyl substitution in cellulose ether products, by gas
Entrance angle chromatography, test, D 4794 (06.03)
understanding the properties of high visibility materials (for Ethyl acetate
individual safety), guide, F 923 (06.01) acetate esters-alcohol content/purity, by gas chromatography,
Epidemiology test, D 3545 (06.04)
water-soluble chromates-safety/health requirements relating to ethyl acetate (all grades), spec., D 4614 (06.04)
occupational exposure, practice, E 848 (06.01) Ethyl acrylate
Epoxide equivalent weight (EEW) ethyl acrylate (98.5 % grade), spec., D 3548 (06.04)
epoxy content of epoxy resins, test, D 1652 (06.03) purity, by gas chromatography, test, D 3362 (06.04)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Exposure tests-organic coatings
Ethy1benzene carbon-arc light-exposure apparatus-nonmetallic materials,
aromatics (ethylbenzene and eight-carbon (C,/heavier) content operating with/without water, practice, G 23 (06.01)
in mineral spirits, by gas chromatography, test, conducting tests on paint/varnish/lacquer/related products,
D 3257 (06.04) using enclosed carbon-arc light/water exposure apparatus,
ethylbenzene-purity/impurities, by gas chromatography, test, practice, D 5031 (06.01)
D 5060 (06.04) filtered open flame carbon-arc light/water exposure apparatus-
ethylbenzene, spec., D 3193 (06.04) paints and related coatings/materials, conducting
purity of hydrocarbons from freezing points, test, accelerated tests (using G 23), practice, D 822 (06.01)
D 1016 (06.04) Exposure tests-corrosive environments
sampling/handling liquid cyclic products (at ambient evaluating filiform corrosion resistance of organic coatings on
temperature), practice, D 3437 (06.04) metal, test, D 2803 (06.01)
trace (total) chloride (organic/inorganic) in liquid aromatic painted/coated specimens-corrosive environments, evaluation,
hydrocarbons, test, D 5194 (06.04) method, D 1654 (06.01)
Ethylcellulose Exposure tests-exterior
ethylcellulose, methods of testing, D 914 (06.03) accelerated outdoor exposure tests of coatings (applied to metal
Ethylene diamine tetraacetate (EDTA) substrates), practice, D 4141 (06.01)
See EDTA method conducting exterior exposure tests of (exterior) paints on steel,
Ethylene glycol test, D 1014 (06.02)
ethylene glycol, spec., D 2693 (06.04) conducting exterior exposure tests of house/trim paints on
glycerol/ethylene glycol/pentaerythritol in alkyd resins, test, new/unpainted wood, practice, D 1006 (06.01)
D 1615 (06.03) industrial water-reducible coatings (pigmented/clear)-selecting
Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether test procedures, guide, D 4712 (06.02)
See 2-Butoxyethanol pipeline coatings-effect of outdoor weathering, test,
Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether G 11 (06.02)
See 2-Butoxyethanol printed matter-lightfastness/weatherability, by natural
Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether daylight/laboratory exposures, test, D 3424 (06.02)
See Methoxy ethanol quantifying dirt collection on coated exterior panels, test,
2-Ethylhexanol D 3719 (06.02)
2-ethylhexanol (synthetic), spec., D 1969 (06.04) Exposure tests-fluorescent-UV apparatus
ethyl methyl pentanol content/purity value of 2-ethylhexanol, exposure of paints/related coatings to fluorescent UV-
by gas chromatography, test, D 5008 (06.04) condensation light-water-exposure apparatus, practice for
2-Ethylhexyl acrylate conducting tests, D 4587 (06.01)
2-ethylhexyl acrylate, spec., D 3541 (06.04) operating light-/water-exposure apparatus (fluorescent-UV
Ethyl iodide condensation type) for exposure of nonmetallic materials,
ethoxyl substitution in cellulose ether products, by gas practice, G 53 (06.01)
chromatography, test, D 4794 (06.03) Exposure tests-light
Ethyl methyl pentanol content conducting exposures of nonmetallic materials to daylight
ethyl methyl pentanol contentlpurity value of 2-ethylhexanol, filtered through glass, practice, G 24 (06.01)
by gas chromatography, test, D 5008 (06.04) conducting tests on paint/varnish/lacquer/relatedproducts,
Ethyl silicate (inorganic) primer using enclosed carbon-arc light/water exposure apparatus,
Sa Primer practice, D 5031 (06.01)
MEK resistance of ethyl silicate (inorganic) zinc-rich primers, filtered open flame carbon-arc light/water exposure apparatus-
by solvent rub, test, D 4752 (06.02) paints and related coatings/materials, conducting
Evaporation-rate/time accelerated tests (using G 23), practice, D 822 (06.01)
volatile liquids with low viscosity, test, D 3539 (06.01) lightfastness of pigments (in artists' paints), test, D 4303 (06.02)
Exempted solvents operating light-exposure apparatus (xenon-arc type) with/
Sa Solvents (headings) without water for exposure of nonmetallic materials,
dichloromethane/ 1, 1, 1-trichloroethane content-paintslcoatings, practice, G 26 (06.01)
by direct injection gas chromatography, test, operating light-/water-exposure apparatus (fluorescent-UV
D 4457 (06.01) condensation type) '-3r exposure of nonmetallic materials,
Expected flash point practice, G 53 (06.01)
See Flash point (headings) printed matter-lightfastness/weatherability, by natural
Exposure tests daylight/laboratory exposures, test, D 3424 (06.02)
coatings-water resistance in 100 % relative humidity, practice, Exposure tests-organic coatings
D 2247 (06.01) coatings-water resistance in 100 % relative humidity, practice,
coatings-water resistance, using controlled condensation, D 2247 (06.01)
practice, D 4585 (06.01) coatings-water resistance, using (distilled/de-mineralized) water
freeze-thaw resistance of water-borne coatings, test, immersion, practice, D 870 (06.01)
D 2243 (06.02) coatings-water resistance, using water fog apparatus, practice,
nonmetallic materials-natural/artificial weathering, D 1735 (06.01)
terminology, G 113 (06.01) detergent resistance, practice, D 2248 (06.01)
Exposure tests-atmospheric effects of overbaking on organic coatings, practice,
atmospheric environmental exposure testing of nonmetallic D 2454 (06.01)
materials practice, G 7 (06.01) evaluating filiform corrosion resistance, test, D 2803 (06.01)
performing accelerated outdoor weathering of nonmetallic evaluating (interior/exterior) coatings for protecting steel
materials, using concentrated natural sunlight, practice, surfaces at high-temperature service, test, A D 2485 (06.01)
G 90 (06.01) interior coatings-mold growth resistance, 4-week exposure in
Exposure tests-carbon-arc apparatus environmental chamber, test, D 3273 (06.01)
carbon-arc light- and water-exposure apparatus, unfiltered, by painted/coated specimens-corrosive environments, evaluation,
Dew cycle, practice for operating, D 3361 (06.01) method, D 1654 (06.01)

69 1
Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Exposure tests-organic coatings
wood used as panels in weathering tests of coatings, spec., Face flatness
D 358 (06.02) polished optical (laser glass planar) surfaces, with Fizeau
Exposure tests-ultraviolet interferometer, test, F 579 (06.01)
See Ultraviolet (UV) light/radiation Face glazing and bedding compounds-metal sash
Exposure tests-ultraviolet-cured coatings slump of face glazing/bedding compounds on metal sash, test,
cure time, practice for reporting, D 3732 (06.02) D 2376 (06.02)
estimating package stability of coatings for ultraviolet curing, Face parallelism
test, D 4144 (06.02) polished circular/elliptical laser disks, using a Fizeau
Exposure tests-water interferometer, test, F 531 (06.01)
erosion testing of antifouling paints, using high velocity water, Factory-applied organic coatings
test, D 4938 (06.02) See Organic coatings
subjecting marine antifouling coating to bifouling and fluid Factory primed wood
shear forces in natural seawater, test, D 4939 (06.02) factory-primed wood products (with representative finish
Exposure tests-xenon-arc apparatus coats)-durability/compatibility, test, D 2830 (06.02)
operating light-exposure apparatus (xenon-arc type) with/ Failure end point
without water for exposure of nonmetallic materials, pull-off strength of coatings, using portable adhesion testers,
practice, G 26 (06.01) test, D 4541 (06.02)
Exposure time reporting paint film failures characteristic of exterior latex
description/selectionof conditions (for photographing paints, classification, D 1848 (06.02)
specimens), practice, E 312 (06.01) Falling rod viscometer
Extender pigments viscosity of printing inks/vehicles, by falling-rod viscometer,
Sa Aluminum silicate/Barium sulfate/Calcium test, D 4040 (06.02)
carbonate/Calcium sulfate Falling sand abrasion test
Magnesium silicate organic coatings-abrasion resistance, by falling abrasive, test,
Pigments (general properties) D 968 (06.01)
Silica (diatomaceous) Falling stones
particle size distribution, by hydrometer of common white pipeline coatings-impact resistance, by limestone drop test,
extender pigments, test, D 3360 (06.03) G 13 (06.02)
yellow/orange/green pigments containing lead chromate/ Falling weight test
chromium oxide green, analysis, test, D 126 (06.01) pipeuline coatings-impact resistance, by falling weight test,
Exterior durability G 14 (06.02)
See Durability Fan coat
Exterior paints/coatings industrial water-reducible coatings (pigmented/clear)-selecting
architectural coatings (solvent-borne interior/exterior), selecting test procedures, guide, D 4712 (06.02)
test methods, index, D 5146 (06.02) Farnswell-Munsell 100 hue test
architectural coatings (solvent-/water-thinned),selecting test observers-selection/evaluation/training, guide, E 1499 (06.01)
methods, index, D 2833 (06.02) Fatty acids-general
architectural coatings (water-borne)-selecting test procedures, fatty acid composition, by gas-liquid chromatography of methyl
for interior/exterior use, guide, D 5324 (06.02) esters, test, D 1983 (06.03)
coatings-water resistance in 100 % relative humidity, practice, fatty acids used in protective coatings-terminology and
D 2247 (06.01) selecting test methods, guide, D 1467 (06.03)
conducting exterior exposure tests of house/trim paints on identification of oils and oil acids in solvent-reducible paints,
new/unpainted wood, practice, D 1006 (06.01) test, D 2245 (06.01)
degree of checking, evaluation, test, A D 660 (06.01) liquid oils/fatty acids-sampling, used in paint/varnish/related
degree of cracking, evaluation, test, A D 661 (06.01) products, test, D 1466 (06.03)
degree of erosion, evaluation, A D 662 (06.01) preparation of methyl esters from fatty acids, for fatty acid
exterior paints-degree of flaking (scaling), test, A D 772 (06.01) composition analysis, test, D 3457 (06.03)
exterior solvent-reducible house/trim coatings-selecting test Fatty acids-specifications
procedures, guide, D 2932 (06.02) coconut oil, spec., D 1841 (06.03)
house paints (exterior latex)-selecting test procedures, guide, corn oil, spec., D 1842 (06.03)
D 3129 (06.02) cottonseed oil, spec., D 1843 (06.03)
quantifying dirt collection on coated exterior panels, test, dehydrated castor oil, spec., D 1539 (06.03)
D 3719 (06.02) linseed oil, spec., D 1538 (06.03)
reporting paint film failures characteristic of exterior latex soybean oil, spec., D 1537 (06.03)
paints, classification, D 1848 (06.02) tall oil, spec., D 1984 (06.03)
Extraction methods Fatty acids-tests
naval stores-unsaponifiable matter, incl. rosin/tall oil/related acid value of fatty acids/polymerized fatty acids, test,
products, test, D 1065 (06.03) D 1980 (06.03)
Extractives content ash content, test, D 1951 (06.03)
dichloromethane-solublematter content of cellulose, test, clarity/cleanness of (nonpigmented) paint and ink liquids, by
D 3971 (06.03) visual examination, test, D 2090 (06.03)
color after heating, test, D 1981 (06.03)
fatty acids used in protective coatings-terminology and
F selecting test methods, guide, D 1467 (06.03)
Fabrication fish oil content, by gas-liquid chromatography, test,
abrasive blast-cleaned steel surfaces-surface profile, field D 3725 (06.03)
measurement in laboratory/field/fabricating shop, test, Gardner color scale-transparent liquids, test, D 1544 (06.01)
D 4417 (06.02) hydroxyl value of fatty oils/acids, test, D 1957 (06.03)
flue gas desulfurization system components-design/fabrication iodine value, test, D 1959 (06.03)
for protective lining application, spec., D 4618 (06.02) polymerized fatty acids, selecting test methods, D 2575 (06.03)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Film failure
rosin acid content, test, D 1240 (06.03) Feedstock
saponification value of drying oils/fatty acids/polymerized fatty xylenes for p-xylene feedstock, spec., D 5211 (06.04)
acids, test, D 1962 (06.03) Ferric chloride
solidification (titer) point of fatty acids, test, D 1982 (06.03) methylol group determination (qualitative) in phenolic resins,
specific gravity at 25/25"C, test, D 1963 (06.03) test, D 4706 (06.03)
unsaponifiable matter in drying oils/fatty acids/polymerized Ferric oxide
fatty acids, test, D 1965 (06.03) Sa Iron oxide pigments
Fatty acids content ferric o x a e in barium sulfate pigment, test, D 715 (06.01)
alkyd resins and alkyd resin solutions, test, D 1398 (06.03) Ferrite pigments
fatty acid composition, by gas-liquid chromatography of methyl See Iron oxide black
esters, test, D 1983 (06.03)
Ferrous iron content
oleic acid content of tall oil rosin, test, D 1585 (06.03)
iron oxide black (natural)- chemical analysis, test
preparation of methyl esters from fatty acids, for fatty acid
D 3872 (06.01)
composition analysis, test, D 3457 (06.03)
tall oil-testing, methods, D 803 (06.03) Ferrous sulfate titration
nitrogen content of soluble nitrocellulose, by ferrous sulfate
Fatty amidoamines procedure, test, D 4795 (06.03)
fatty nitrogen compounds-selection of test methods,
D 2071 (06.03) Ferrule dimensions
iodine value, by Wijs procedure, test, D 2075 (06.03) paint brushes-physical characterization, practice,
total/primary/secondary/tertiary amine values of fatty D 5301 (06.02)
amines/amidoamines/diamines,by referee potentiometric Fiber-optic light
method, test, D 2073 (06.03) See Light-transmission and reflection
water content, test. D 2072 (06.03) Fibrous magnesium silicate
Fatty amines See Magnesium silicate
fatty nitrogen compounds-selection of test methods, Field testing-paints/related coatings/materials
D 2071 (06.03) abrasive blast-cleaned steel surfaces-surface profile, field
iodine value, by Wijs procedure, test, D 2075 (06.03) measurement in laboratory/field/fabricatingshop, test,
non-amine component content of fatty amines/nonamines, test, D 4417 (06.02)
D 2082 (06.03) aged coatings on steel surfaces-visual assessment, guide,
percent of amines (primary/secondary/tertiary) in fatty amines, D 5065 (06.02)
test, D 2083 (06.03) blasting abrasives-water soluble ionic contamination, by
total/primary/secondary/tertiary amine values of fatty conductimetric analysis, test, D 4940 (06.02)
amines/amidoamines/diamines, by referee potentiometric field identification of coatings, test, D 5043 (06.02)
method, test, D 2073 (06.03) patch test-coating compatibility, conducting procedure,
total/primary/secondary/tertiary amine values of fatty amines, practice, D 5064 (06.02)
by alternative indicator method, test, D 2074 (06.03) Filiform corrosion resistance
water content, test, D 2072 (06.03) Sa Corrosion (headings)
Fatty diamines organic coatings on metal, test, D 2803 (06.01)
fatty nitrogen compounds-selection of test methods, Film
D 2071 (06.03) exposure of paints/related coatings to fluorescent UV-
iodine value, by Wijs procedure, test, D 2075 (06.03) condensation light-water-exposure apparatus, practice for
non-amine component content of fatty amines/nonamines, test, conducting tests, D 4587 (06.01)
D 2082 (06.03) mandrel bend test of attached organic coatings, test,
total/primary/secondary/tertiary amine values of fatty D 522 (06.01)
amines/amidoamines/diamines, by referee potentiometric organic coatings-film hardness, by pencil test, D 3363 (06.01)
method, test, D 2073 (06.03) organic coatings-uniform free film preparation, practice,
water content, test, D 2072 (06.03) D 4708 (06.01)
Fatty matter content porosity of paint films (to indicate coating penetration), test,
sampling/testing flaked aluminum powders/pastes, methods, D 3258 (06.02)
D 480 (06.03) preparing drawdowns of artists' paste paints, practice,
D 4941 (06.02)
Fatty nitrogen compounds producing films of uniform thickness of paint/varnish/related
fatty nitrogen compounds-selection of test methods, products on test panels, test, D 823 (06.01)
D 2071 (06.03) reporting paint film failures characteristic of exterior latex
identification of oils and oil acids in solvent-reducible paints, paints, classification, D 1848 (06.02)
test, D 2245 (06.01)
Film-dry film thickness
non-amine component content of fatty amines/nonamines, test, See Dry film thickness
D 2082 (06.03)
water content, test, D 2072 (06.03) Film-electrical conductors
soluble cellulose nitrate, testing, methods, D 301 (06.03)
Fatty quaternary ammonium chlorides
acid/amine value of fatty quaternary ammonium chlorides, test, Film-formation rates
D 2076 (06.03) industrial water-reducible coatings (pigmented/clear)-selecting
ash content, test, D 2077 (06.03) test procedures, guide, D 4712 (06.02)
average molecular weight determination, test, D 2080 (06.03) minimum film formation temperature (MFFT) of emulsion
fatty nitrogen compounds-selection of test methods, vehicles, test, D 2354 (06.02)
D 2071 (06.03) organic coatings (at room temperature), test, D 1640 (06.03)
iodine value, test, D 2078 (06.03) Film-wet film thickness
nonvolatile matter (solids) content, test, D 2079 (06.03) wet film thickness of organic coatings, D 1212 (06.01)
pH, test, D 2081 (06.03) Film failure
water content, test, D 2072 (06.03) See Failure end point (headings)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Filter-retained solids
Filter-retained solids Flame photometric detectors (FPD)
filter-retained solids content of polymer latexes, test, thiophene content of refined benzene, by gas chromatography
D 5097 (06.03) (with flame photometric detection), test, D 4735 (06.04)
Fineness Flame spread
reporting particle size characteristics of pigments, practice, small-scale evaluation of fire-retardant paints, by 2-foot tunnel
D 1366 (06.03) method, test, D 3806 (06.01)
Fineness of grind (dispersion) Flammability-paints/related coatings/materials
fineness of dispersion of pigment-vehicle systems, test, fire retardancy of paints, by cabinet method, test, A D 1360
D 1210 (06.01) (06.01)
printing inks-fineness of grind, by NPIRI grindometer, test, flash/fire point of liquids, by Tag open-cup apparatus, test,
D 1316 (06.02) D 1310 (06.01)
Finger-rub test small-scale evaluation of fire-retardant paints, by 2-foot tunnel
field identification of coatings, test, D 5043 (06.02) method, test, D 3806 (06.01)
Finite closed-cup flash point methods sustained burning (of liquid mixtures), by Seta-flash tester (open
See Flash point (headings) cup), test, D 4206 (06.01)
Fire retardancy sustained burning (of low viscosity liquid mixtures), by Wick
See Fire testing-fire/flame retardancy test, D 4207 (06.01)
Fire testing-paints/related coatings/materials Flammability-petroleum products
fire retardancy of paints, by cabinet method, test, A D 1360 flash/fire point of liquids, by Tag open-cup apparatus, test,
(06.01) D 1310 (06.01)
flash/fire point of liquids, by Tag open-cup apparatus, test, Flash/no flash method
D 1310 (06.01) compliance by liquids of closed-cup flash point specifications,
small-scale evaluation of fire-retardant paints, by 2-foot tunnel D 3934 (06.01)
method, test, D 3806 (06.01) Flash point-liquids
sustained burning (of liquid mixtures), by Seta-flash tester (open equilibrium method, test, D 3941 (06.01)
cup), test, D 4206 (06.01) flash/fire point of liquids, by Tag open-cup apparatus, test,
sustained burning (of low viscosity liquid mixtures), by Wick D 1310 (06.01)
test, D 4207 (06.01) flash/no flashaequilibrium method, D 3934 (06.01)
Fire testing-petroleum products flash point by Tag closed tester, test, D 56 (06.04)
flash/fire point of liquids, by Tag open-cup apparatus, test, flash point (of fuel oils/lube oils/suspension of solids/liquids), by
D 1310 (06.01) Pensky-Martens closed tester, test, D 93 (06.01)
First aid flash point of liquids, by Setaflash closed-cup apparatus, test,
handling/sampling phenol and cresylic acid, practice, D 3278 (06.01)
D 3852 (06.04) sustained burning (of liquid mixtures), by Seta-flash tester (open
sampling and handling aniline, practice, D 3436 (06.04) cup), test, D 4206 (06.01)
Fischer reagent method (for water content) sustained burning (of low viscosity liquid mixtures), by Wick
See Karl Fischer reagent method test, D 4207 (06.01)
Fish oil content tall oil-testing, methods, D 803 (06.03)
fish oil content of drying oils and their fatty acids, by gas-liquid Flat-coated optical specimens
chromatography, test, D 3725 (06.03) specular reflectance/transmittance of optically flat-coated/
Fittings non-coated specimens, test, F 768 (06.01)
comparative corrosion preventive characteristics of materials Flat glass
used for joints/couplings/fittings/patches in pipeline visual color evaluation of transparent sheet materials, practice,
coatings, test, G 18 (06.02) E 1478 (06.01)
Five-degree xylene/5" xylol
See Xylene (five-degree) Flat interior latex paint
See Latex paints
Fixed alignment adhesion tester
pull-off strength of coatings, using portable adhesion testers, Flatness
test, D 4541 (06.02) evaluating interferometers (for uniformity of illumination,
Fizeau interferometer focus, vibration, temperature stability, turbulence,
wavefront deviation (peak-to-valley) of polished optical (laser cleanliness, component defects), practice, F 742 (06.01)
glass planar) surfaces, test, F 579 (06.01) Flat optical surfaces
wavefront distortion/face parallelism (of laser disks), test, optical components-effective surface roughness, by total
F 531 (06.01) integrated scattering, test, F 1048 (06.01)
wavefront distortion of glass laser rods, test, F 530 (06.01) Flexibility
wavefront distortion of optical elements with nominally parallel mandrel bend test of attached organic coatings, test,
surfaces, due to refractive index inhomogeneity, test, D 522 (06.01)
F 611 (06.01) organic coatings (paints) on prepainted deformed metallic
Flake brass sheets, test, D 4145 (06.02)
See Copper powder/Gold bronze powder Floor paints/coatings
Flaked powders clear floor sealers, performance tests, D 1546 (06.03)
sampling/testing flaked aluminum powders/pastes, methods, solvent-reducible floor paints-selecting test procedures, guide,
D 480 (06.03) D 3383 (06.02)
Flake white water-borne floor paints-selecting test procedures, guide,
See Basic carbonate white lead D 3358 (06.02)
Flaking Flow and flow rate-paints/related coatings/materials
exterior paints-degree of flaking (scaling), test, A D 772 (06.01) high shear viscosity (of paints/varnishes/relatedproducts), by
Flame cleaning IC1 cone/plate viscometer, test, D 4287 (06.01)
standard pictorial surface preparation standards for painting industrial water-reducible coatings (pigmented/clear)-selecting
steel surfaces, A D 2200 (06.02) test procedures, guide, D 4712 (06.02)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
polymeric powders/powder coatings-inclined plate flow, Formic acid content
practice, D 3451 (06.02) glacial acetic acid, method, D 3546 (06.04)
shellac (dry/powdered) used for electrical insulation, selecting Forms for exposure tests
test methods, D 411 (06.03) See Records management
viscosity of paints/related materials, by IS0 flow cups, test, Formulation data
D 5125 (06.01) calculating formulation physical constants of paints/coatings,
F1owcoat practice, D 5201 (06.01)
industrial water-reducible coatings (pigmented/clear)-selecting Four-week test
test procedures, guide, D 4712 (06.02) interior coatings-mold growth resistance, 4-week exposure in
Flow cup environmental chamber, test, D 3273 (06.01)
viscosity of paints/related materials, by IS0 flow cups, test, Fractionated and distilled fatty acids
D 5125 (06.01) See Fatty acids-specifications
viscosity of paints/varnishes/lacquers, by Ford viscosity cup, Free formaldehyde
test, D 1200 (06.01) See Formaldehyde
Flue gas desulfurization (FGD) Free monomers
flue gas desulfurization system components-design/fabrication unreacted monomer content of latexes, by gas-liquid
for protective lining application, spec., D 4618 (06.02) chromatography, test, D 4747 (06.01)
Fluorescence Free phenols
color measurement of fluorescent specimens, practice, See Phenol
E 991 (06.01) Free silica content
fluorescence in object-color specimens, by spectrophotometry See Silica content
test, E 1247 (06.01) Free toluene diisocyanate content
Fluorescent lamp apparatus urethane prepolymers/coating solutions, by gas chromatography,
printed matter-lightfastness/weatherability, by natural test, D 3432 (06.03)
daylight/laboratory exposures, test, D 3424 (06.02) Freezing and thawing-resistance
Fluorescent specimens freeze-thaw resistance of water-borne coatings, test,
reflectance factor/color of object-color specimens, using D 2243 (06.02)
bidirectional geometry, test, E 1349 (06.01) freeze-thaw stability of multicolor lacquers, test, D 2337 (06.02)
Fluorescent UV-condensation apparatus Freezing point
fluorescent UV-condensation light-/water-exposure apparatus- freezing points of high-punty hydrocarbons, test, D 1015 (06.04)
paints/related coatings, conducting tests (using G 53), purity of hydrocarbons from freezing points, test,
practice, D 4587 (06.01) D 1016 (06.04)
fluorescent UV-condensation light-/water-exposure apparatus- styrene-purity, by freezing point method, test, D 3799 (06.04)
nonmetallic materials, operating procedures, practice, French blue
G 53 (06.01) See Iron blue
Focus French chalk
interferometer-uniformity of illumination/focus/vibration, See Magnesium silicate
temperature stability/turbulence/cleanliness/component French ocher
defects, practice, F 742 (06.01) See Ocher
Foil Fresnel concentrators
film thickness of pipeline coatings on steel, nondestructive accelerated outdoor weathering of nonmetallic materials, using
measurement, method, G 12 (06.02) concentrated natural sunlight, practice, G 90 (06.01)
Foots Fresnel reflector rack exposure method
foots in raw linseed oil, by gravimetric method, test, accelerated outdoor exposure tests of coatings (applied to metal
D 1966 (06.03) substrates), practice, D 4141 (06.01)
foots in raw linseed oil, by volumetric method, test, Friction/frictional properties
D 1954 (06.03) static friction of coating surfaces, test, D 4518 (06.01)
Ford cup Fuel resistance
viscosity of paints/varnishes/lacquers, by Ford viscosity cup, solvent/fuel resistance of traffic paint, test, D 2792 (06.02)
test, D 1200 (06.01) Fungal influence
Ford viscometers resistance of synthetic polymeric materials to fungi, practice,
See Viscometers-Ford G 21 (06.01)
Foreign matter content Fungal influence-paints/related coatings/materials
clarity/cleanness of (nonpigmented) paint and ink liquids, by interior coatings-mold growth resistance, 4-week exposure in
visual examination, test, D 2090 (06.03) environmental chamber, test, D 3273 (06.01)
Formability paint films, evaluating degree of surface disfigurement,
factory-applied, organic coatings on metal substrates, by A D 3274 (06.01)
Impact-Type Wedge Bend test, D 3281 (06.02) presence of and removing microbial (fungal/algal) growth on
formability/adhesion of zinc-rich primer/chromate complex paint/related coatings, guide, D 4610 (06.01)
coatings (on steel), test, D 4146 (06.02) Fungicidal pigments
Formaldehyde See Calcium borosilicate/Zinc oxide
acidity, test, D 2379 (06.04) Furnace black
concentration of formaldehyde solutions, test, D 2194 (06.04) See Carbon black (headings)
formaldehyde- 50 % grade (unhibited) and 37 % grade Furnaces
(inhibited/unhibited), spec., D 2378 (06.04) chemical/gravimetric analysis of white/yellow thermoplastic
free formaldehyde content of amino resins, test, D 1979 (06.03) traffic marking material containing lead chromate and
iron content, test, D 2087 (06.04) titanium dioxide, test, D 4797 (06.01)
methanol content of formaldehyde solutions, test, nonvolatile and pigment content of electrocoat baths, using
D 2380 (06.04) mume furnace, test, D 5145 (06.01)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
pigment content of paint/traffic marking material, by Glacial acrylic acid
low-temperature furnace ashing, test, D 4451 (06.01) See Acrylic acid
Furniture finishes Glacial methacrylic acid
temperature-change (high-low) resistance of clear nitrocellulose See Methacrylic acid (glacial)
lacquer films applied to wood, test, D 1211 (06.02) Glass
conducting exposures of nonmetallic materials to daylight
G filtered through glass, practice, G 24 (06.01)
GA-CAT comprehensive abrasion test Glass-bead reflector
printed matter-abrasion resistance, by GA-CAT tester, understanding the properties of high visibility materials (for
D 5181 (06.02) individual safety), guide, F 923 (06.01)
Gages Glass fabrics/fibers/textile products
wet film thickness of organic coatings, by notched gages, conducting exposures of nonmetallic materials to daylight
practice, D 4414 (06.01) filtered through glass, practice, G 24 (06.01)
Galvanized surfaces Glass panel reading surface
steel panels (zinc-/zinc alloy-coated)-preparation, for testing wet film thickness of organic coatings, D 1212 (06.01)
paint/related coatings, practice, D 2201 (06.01) Glass panels
Gamma radiation directional reflectance factor (45-deg 0-deg) of opaque
effects of radiation on coatings (for light-water nuclear power specimens, by broad-band filter reflectometry, test,
plants), test, D 4082 (06.02) E 97 (06.01)
surface preparation (for testing paints, varnish, lacquer & related
Gardner-Coleman method coatings), D 3891 (06.01)
oil absorption of pigments, test, D 1483 (06.01) Glass spheres (in traffic paint/marking material)
Gardner color scale chemical/gravimetric analysis of white/yellow thermoplastic
Gardner color scale-transparent liquids, test, D 1544 (06.01) traffic marking material containing lead chromate and
Gardner-Holdt viscometers titanium dioxide, test, D 4797 (06.01)
See Viscometers-Gardner-Holdt sieve analysis of glass spheres (for retroreflective pavements
Garnet lac markings/industrial uses), test, D 1214 (06.02)
lac resins (orange shellac and button-/garnet-/bleached- test for roundness of, D 1155 (06.02)
lac)/-sampling/testing, D 29 (06.03) Glazing compounds-metal sash
orange shellac and (button lac/garnet lac), spec., D 237 (06.03) slump of face glazing/bedding compounds on metal sash, test,
Gas black pigment D 2376 (06.02)
See Pigments-carbon black viscosity of printing inks/vehicles, by falling-rod viscometer,
Gas checking draft test test, D 4040 (06.02)
varnish films, test, D 1643 (06.03) Global solar irradiance
Gas chromatography conducting exposures of nonmetallic materials to daylight
See Chromatography-gas (headings) filtered through glass, practice, G 24 (06.01)
Gelled vehicle Gloss
laboratory preparation of gelled vehicles, using microwave oven, clear/pigmented organic coatings, test, D 1308 (06.02)
practice, D 5166 (06.03) color/gloss tolerances, establishing, practice, D 3134 (06.01)
laboratory preparation of gelled vehicles, using resin kettle, gloss differences-surfaces of similar appearance, visual
practice, D 5165 (06.02) evaluation, test, D 4449 (06.01)
Gel time gloss/sheen uniformity evaluation, test, D 3928 (06.02)
drying oils, test, D 1955 (06.03) high-gloss surfaces-gloss, by goniophotometry, test,
polymeric (thermosetting) powders-gel time/stroke curve,
E 430 (06.01)
practice, D 3451 (06.02) high-gloss surfaces-reflection haze, test, D 4039 (06.01)
tar acids, test, D 2870 (06.04) practical washability of organic coatings, test, D 4828 (06.02)
selection of geometric conditions for measurement of
Generic resin reflection/transmission properties of materials, practice,
field identification of coatings, test, D 5043 (06.02) E 179 (06.01)
Geometric analysis specular gloss of nonmetallic specimens, test, D 523 (06.01)
color/color-difference of object-color specimens, by tristimulus Gloss paints
(filter) colorimetry, test, E 1347 (06.01) interior latex semigloss/gloss paints, selecting test methods,
geometry of angle resolved optical scatter measurements on guide, D 4540 (06.02)
specular/diffuse surfaces, annex, E 1392 (06.01)
opaque materials-color differences, visual examination, Glue gas desulfurization (FGD)
practice, D 1729 (06.01) inspection of linings in operating flue gas desulfurization
reflectance factor/color (of object-color specimens), by systems, practice, D 4619 (06.02)
spectrophotometry using hemispherical optical measuring Glycerin-high-gravit y
system, test, E 1331 (06.01) glycerin (high-gravity)-sampling/testing, D 1258 (06.04)
reflectance factor/color of object-color specimens, using glycerin (high-gravity), spec., D 1257 (06.04)
bidirectional geometry, test, E 1349 (06.01) Glycerol and ethylene glycol content
selection of geometric conditions for measurement of glycerol/ethylene glycol/pentaerythritol in alkyd resins, test,
reflection/transmission properties of materials, practice, D 1615 (06.03)
E 179 (06.01) Glycidyl ethers
transmittance/color of object-color specimens, by spectrophoto- total chlorine content in epoxy resins/compounds, test,
metry using hemispherical geometry, test, E 1348 (06.01) D 4301 (06.03)
Glacial acetic acid Glycol ethers
formic acid in glacial acetic acid, test, D 3546 (06.04) purity of propylene glycol monomethyl ether/dipropylene glycol
glacial (99.8 W ) acetic acid (for use in paint/varnish/ monomethyl ether/propylene glycol monomethyl ether
lacquer/related products), spec., D 3620 (06.04) acetate, test, D 4773 (06.04)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Hazardous constituents
Glycols high-performance interior architectural wall coatings (HIPAC),
See Engine coolants guide, D 3730 (06.02)
Gold bronze powder house paints (exterior latex), guide, D 3129 (06.02)
chemical analysis of cuprous oxide/copper pigments, test, industrial water-reducible coatings (pigmented/clear), guide,
D 283 (06.01) D 4712 (06.02)
gold bronze powder, spec., D 267 (06.03) interior latex semigloss/gloss paints, guide, D 4540 (06.02)
Government specification latex vehicles, guide, D 4143 (06.03)
fire retardancy of paints, by cabinet method, test, A D 1360 paint/related coatings-volatile/nonvolatile content, guide,
(06.01) D 2832 (06.01)
Grading pine oils-sampling/testing, methods, D 802 (06.03)
rosin-sampling/grading, delivered in commercial bags/ polymeric powders/powder coatings, practices, D 3451 (06.02)
barrels/drums, test, D 509 (06.03) polymerized fatty acids, methods, D 2575 (06.03)
poly(viny1 chloride) resins, guide, D 4368 (06.03)
Graphics primers/primer surfacers over preformed metal, practice,
printed matter-abrasion resistance, by GA-CAT tester, D 3322 (06.02)
D 5181 (06.02) printing inks/printed ink films/related material, guide,
Gravimetric method D 5010 (06.02)
resin solution dilutability, test, D 5062 (06.03) solvent-reducible floor paints, guide, D 3383 (06.02)
water pickup of lithographic printing inks/vehicles in a traffc paints, guide, D 2205 (06.02)
laboratory mixer, test, D 4942 (06.02) use of protective coating standards in nuclear power plants,
white/yellow thermoplastic traffc marking material containing selecting ASTM standards, guide, D 5144 (06.02)
lead chromate and titanium dioxide, test, D 4797 (06.01) varnishes, guide, D 154 (06.03)
Gray scale volatile/nonvolatile content of cellulosics/emulsions/resin
evaluation of visual color difference (of non-self luminous solutions/shellac/varnishes, practice, D 4209 (06.01)
materials) with a gray scale, test, D 2616 (06.01) volatile/nonvolatile content of pigments, guide, D 4139 (06.01)
printed matter-lightfastness/weatherability, by natural volatile organic compound (VOC) content of paints/related
daylight/laboratory exposures, test, D 3424 (06.02) coatings, practice, D 3960 (06.01)
Green pigments volatile solvents/chemical intermediates-sampling/testing,
Sa Chrome green/Chromium oxide green guide, D 268 (06.04)
Phthalocyanine green wall paints (interior flat solvent-reducible), guide,
yellow/orange/green pigments containing lead chromate/ D 3323 (06.02)
chromium oxide green, analysis, test, D 126 (06.01) wall paints (interior latex flat), guide, D 2931 (06.02)
Grind gage wall/trim enamels (interior solvent-reducible semigloss), guide,
printing inks-fineness of grind, by NPIRI grindometer, test, D 3425 (06.02)
D 1316 (06.02) white pigments-chemical analysis, guide, D 34 (06.01)
Grind (pigments) Gum content
See Fineness of grind (dispersion) artists’ paints (oil/resin-oil/alkyd), spec., D 4302 (06.02)
Grit Gum rosin
filter-retained solids content of polymer latexes, test, Sa Rosin
D 5097 (06.03) rosin/rosin derivatives-toluene-insoluble solid matter, test,
Grit content D 269 (06.03)
grit content of mica pigment, test, D 716 (06.01) Gum spirits of turpentine
Ground dolomite/limestone/oyster shell See Turpentine
See Calcium carbonate Gum turpentine
Guides/practices for testing paints/related coatings pinene composition, by gas chromatography, test,
alkyd resins-selection of test methods, practice, D 2689 (06.03) D 3009 (06.03)
amino resins, practice, D 4277 (06.03) spirits of turpentine, spec., D 13 (06.03)
architectural coatings (solvent-borne), guide, D 5146 (06.02)
architectural coatings (solvent-/water-thinned), guide,
D 2833 (06.02)
architectural coatings (water-borne), guide, D 5324 (06.02) Halo-silane coated glass plates
clear/pigmented lacquers, test, D 333 (06.02) organic coatings-uniform free film preparation, practice,
coil coatings, practice, D 3794 (06.02) D 4708 (06.01)
color/gloss tolerances, establishing, practice, D 3134 (06.01) Halphen-Hicks test
dipentene/related terpene solvents-sampling/testing, methods, qualitative detection of rosin in varnishes, by Lieberman-
D 801 (06.03) Storch/Halphen-Hicks tests, D 1542 (06.03)
driers/drying oils/naval stores/solvents-volatiie/nonvolatile Handling materials
content, guide, D 4140 (06.01) See Material handling
drying oils, guide, D 555 (06.03)
electrocoat bath sample analysis, guide, D 1978 (06.01) Hardness (indentation)
organic coatings-indentation hardness, by Knoop and Pfund
epoxy resins, guide, D 4142 (06.03)
methods, test, D 1474 (06.01)
evaluation of (clear/pigmented) coatings for rigid/semirigid
plastic substrates, practice, D 3002 (06.02) Hardness tests-organic coatings
exterior solvent-reducible house/trim coatings, guide hardness of organic coatings, by Konig/Persoz pendulum
D 2932 (06.02) hardness tests, D 4366 (06.01)
fatty acids used in protective coatings-terminology and organic coatings-film hardness, by pencil test, D 3363 (06.01)
selecting test methods, guide, D 1467 (06.03) organic coatings-indentation hardness, by Knoop and Pfund
fatty nitrogen products, test, D 2071 (06.03) methods, test, D 1474 (06.01)
floor paints (water-borne), guide, D 3358 (06.02) Hazardous constituents
hazardous constituents-protective coatings, guide, hazardous constituents-protective coatings, selecting test
D 3630 (06.01) methods, guide, D 3630 (06.01)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Hazard potential-health
Hazard potential-health Hemispherical geometry
handling cresylic acid and phenol, practice, D 3852 (06.04) transmittance/color of object-color specimens, by spectrophoto-
handling naphthalene, maleic/phthalic anhydride, practice, metry using hemispherical geometry, test, E 1348 (06.01)
D 3438 (06.04) Hemispherical optical measuring system
hazardous constituents-protective coatings, selecting test reflectance factor/color (of object-color specimens), by
methods, guide, D 3630 (06.01) spectrophotometry using hemispherical optical measuring
labeling art materials for chronic health hazards, practice, system, test, E 1331 (06.01)
D 4236 (06.02) n-Heptane
sampling and handling aniline, practice, D 3436 (06.04) flash/fire point of liquids, by Tag open-cup apparatus, test,
sampling/handling 4,4’-isopropylidene diphenol (bisphenol-A), D 1310 (06.01)
practice, D 4297 (06.04) lacquer solvents-heptane miscibility, test, D 1476 (06.04)
water-soluble chromates-safety/health requirements relating to purity of hydrocarbons from freezing points, test,
occupational exposure, practice, E 848 (06.01) D 1016 (06.04)
Haze Heptane miscibility
Sa Gloss Sa Miscibility
cellulose acetate propionates/butyrate, test, A D 817 (06.03) lacquer solvents-heptane miscibility, test, D 1476 (06.04)
cellulose acetate, test, D 871 (06.03)
high-gloss surfaces-gloss, by goniophotometry, test, Herring content
E 430 (06.01) fish oil content (of drying oils and their fatty acids), by
high-gloss surfaces-reflection haze, test, D 4039 (06.01) gas-liquid chromatography, test, D 3725 (06.03)
Heartwood n-Hexane
wood used as panels in weathering tests of coatings, spec., purity of hydrocarbons from freezing points, test,
D 358 (06.02) D 1016 (06.04)
Heat and flame response Hexanes
See Flash point (headings) commercial hexanes, spec., D 1836 (06.04)
Heat-bodied drying oils Hexyl acetate
acetone tolerance of heat-bodied drying oils, test, hexyl acetate, spec., D 5137 (06.04)
D 1950 (06.03) Hexylene glycol
Heated black box exposure test hexylene glycol, spec., D 2636 (06.04)
accelerated outdoor exposure tests of coatings (applied to metal Hiding power-paints/coatings
substrates), practice, D 4141 (06.01) architectural paints-hiding power, applied by roller, test,
Heating tests-paints/related coatings/materials D 5150 (06.02)
cellulose acetate propionates/butyrate, test, A D 817 (06.03) comparison of the brush drag of latex paints, test,
chemical/gravimetric analysis of white/yellow thermoplastic D 4958 (06.02)
traffic marking material containing lead chromate and hiding power of paints, by reflectometry, test, A D 2805 (06.01)
titanium dioxide, test, D 4797 (06.01) hiding power (relative)-paints/coatings, visual examination of
coatings-water resistance, using controlled condensation, brushouts, test, D 344 (06.01)
practice, D 4585 (06.01) wet-to-dry hiding change of architectural coatings, test,
distillation of industrial aromatic hydrocarbons/related D 5007 (06.02)
materials, method, D 850 (06.04) High-flash aromatic naphthas
evaluating (interior/exterior) coatings for protecting steel See Naphtha and naphtha derivatives
surfaces at high-temperature service, test, A D 2485 (06.01) High-gloss surfaces
loss on heating of drying oils, test, D 1960 (06.03) high-gloss surfaces-gloss, by goniophotometry, test,
stroke cure time of thermosetting phenol-formaldehyde resins, E 430 (06.01)
test, D 4640 (06.03) high-gloss surfaces-reflection haze, test, D 4039 (06.01)
sustained burning (of liquid mixtures), by Seta-flash tester (open High-gravity glycerin
cup), test, D 4206 (06.01) See Glycerin-high-gravity
sustained burning (of low viscosity liquid mixtures), by Wick High-purity water
test, D 4207 (06.01) reagent water, spec., D 1193 (06.01)
temperature-change (high-low) resistance of clear nitrocellulose
lacquer films applied to wood, test, D 1211 (06.02) High shear viscosity
comparison of the brush drag of latex paints, test,
Heatset-type printing inks D 4958 (06.02)
Sa Printing inks
printing ink (heatset/liquid)-nonvolatile weight content, test, High-speed centrifugal vehicle separations
D 4713 (06.02) See Vehicle separation
Heavy metals High velocity water
heavy metals in hydrogen sulfide/sulfur dioxide (qualititative) of erosion testing of antifouling paints, using high velocity water,
industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, test, D 2363 (06.03) test, D 4938 (06.02)
heavy metals in methylcellulose, test, D 1347 (06.03) High visibility materials
lead/cadmium/cobalt content (low concentrations) in understanding the properties of high visibility materials (for
nonvolatile portion of liquid coatings/dried films, by individual safety), guide, F 923 (06.01)
atomic absorption spectroscopy, test, D 3335 (06.01) High voltage continuity testing
Hegman scale continuity verification of liquid/sheet linings applied to concrete
fineness of dispersion of pigment-vehicle systems, test, substrates, practice, D 4787 (06.02)
D 1210 (06.01) High voltage spark testing
Helium-neon laser discontinuity (holiday) testing of nonconductive protective
optical components-effective surface roughness, by total coating on metallic substrates, practice, D 5162 (06.02)
integrated scattering, test, F 1048 (06.01) Holiday detection
Hematite cathodic disbonding of pipeline coatings, by attached cell
See Iron oxide red method, test, G 95 (06.02)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Hygroscopic materials/properties/tests
continuity verification of liquid/sheet linings applied to concrete freezing points of high-punty hydrocarbons, test, D 1015 (06.04)
substrates, practice, D 4787 (06.02) purity of hydrocarbons from freezing points, test,
disbonding characteristics of pipeline coatings, by direct soil D 1016 (06.04)
burial, test, G 19 (06.02) solidification point of industrial organic chemicals, test,
discontinuity (holiday) testing of nonconductive protective D 1493 (06.04)
coating on metallic substrates, practice, D 5162 (06.02) Hydrocarbons-industrial aromatic
holiday detection in pipeline coatings, test, G 62 (06.02) acidity of benzene/toluene/xylenes/solventnaphthas/similar
pipeline coatings-cathodic disbonding, accelerated procedures, industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, test, D 847 (06.04)
test, G 8 (06.02) acid wash color. test, D 848 (06.04)
pipeline coatings-impact resistance, by limestone drop test, apparent density of industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, test,
G 13 (06.02) D 2935 (06.04)
specific cathodic disbonding of pipeline coatings, test, commercial density (of pure liquid chemicals), test,
G 80 (06.02) D 3505 (06.04)
Horizontal pull test copper corrosion of industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, test,
static friction of coating surfaces, test, D 4518 (06.01) D 849 (06.04)
Humidity distillation, test, D 850 (06.04)
coatings-water resistance, using controlled condensation, hydrogen sulfide/sulfur dioxide content (qualitative) of
practice, D 4585 (06.01) industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, test, D 853 (06.04)
conditioning of materials for tests, def. of terms, E 41 (06.01) solidification point of industrial organic chemicals, test,
humid-dry cycling for coatings on wood/wood products, D 1493 (06.04)
method, D 3459 (06.02) sulfur (trace quantities) in liquid aromatic hydrocarbons, by
Humidity-relative oxidative microcoulometry, test, D 3961 (06.04)
coatings-water resistance in 100 % relative humidity, practice, volume/weight of industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, method,
D 2247 (06.01) D 1555 (06.04)
Hunter appearance Hydrocarbons-light
gloss differences-surfaces of similar appearance, visual volume/weight of industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, method,
evaluation, test, D 4449 (06.01) D 1555 (06.04)
Hydrated iron oxide Hydrocarbon solvents
ochre pigment, spec., D 85 (06.03) benzene content in hydrocarbon solvents, by gas chromatog-
raphy, test, D 4367 (06.04)
Hydrocarbon content-nonaromatic
C , hydrocarbon analysis, by gas chromatography, test, Hydrodynamic stress
D 2306 (06.04) subjecting marine antifouling coating to bifouling and fluid
total non-aromatic/trace monocyclic hydrocarbon aromatic shear forces in natural seawater, test, D 4939 (06.02)
hydrocarbons in high-purity benzene/toluene/mixed Hydrogen sulfide content-petroleum products
zylenes, by gas chromatography, test, D 2360 (06.04) hydrogen sulfide/sulfur dioxide content (qualitative) of
Hydrocarbon dry cleaning solvent industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, test, D 853 (06.04)
mineral (petroleum) spirits hydrocarbon drycleaning solvent, Hydrolyzable chloride content
spec., D 235 (06.04) liquid epoxy resins-hydrolyzable chloride content, test,
Hydrocarbons D 1726 (06.03)
benzene content of cyclic hydrocarbon products, by gas Hydroquinone content
chromatography, test, D 4534 (06.04) hydroquinone in vinyl acetate, test, D 2193 (06.04)
dichloromethane/ 1,1,1 -trichloroethane content-paints/coatings, Hydroxyacetone content
by direct injection gas chromatography, test, phenol-major organic impurities produced by cumene process,
D 4457 (06.01) using gas chromatography, test, D 4961 (06.04)
high-flash aromatic naphthas, spec., D 3734 (06.04) Hydroxyethylcellulose
sampling/handling liquid cyclic products (at ambient hydroxyethylcellulose, test, D 2364 (06.03)
temperature), practice, D 3437 (06.04) Hydroxyl (hydroxide ion) content
unreacted monomer content of latexes, by gas-liquid
hydroxyl content of cellulose acetate, by spectrophotometry,
chromatography, test, D 4747 (06.01) test, D 871 (06.03)
VM & P naphthas, spec., D 3735 (06.04)
hydroxyl content of pyridine-soluble cellulose esters, by
volatile solvents/chemical intermediates-total acidity, test,
spectrophotometry, test, A D 817 (06.03)
D 1613 (06.04) hydroxyl value of fatty oils/acids, test, D 1957 (06.03)
Hydrocarbons-aromatic pentaerythritol, test, D 2195 (06.04)
aromatic hydrocarbons-bromine index, test, D 1492 (06.04) Hydroxypropoxyl content
aromatic hydrocarbons/related chemicals, terminology, hydrogen sulfide/sulfur dioxide (qualititative) of industrial
D 4790 (06.04) aromatic hydrocarbons, test, D 2363 (06.03)
color (of solid aromatic hydrocarbons/related materials in
molten state), by platinum-cobalt scale, test, Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose
D 1686 (06.04) hydrogen sulfide/sulfur dioxide (qualititative) of industrial
solidification point of 4,4'-isopropylidenediphenol (Bisphenol aromatic hydrocarbons, test, D 2363 (06.03)
A), test, D 4493 (06.04) Hydroxypropyl substitution
total non-aromatic/trace monocyclic hydrocarbon aromatic methoxyl/hydroxypropyl substitution in cellulose ether
hydrocarbons in high-purity benzene/toluene/mixed products, by Zeisel-gas chromatography, test,
zylenes, by gas chromatography, test, D 2360 (06.04) D 3876 (06.03)
trace (total) chloride (organic/inorganic) in liquid aromatic Hygroscopic materials/properties/tests
hydrocarbons, test, D 5194 (06.04) hygroscopic moisture (and other matter volatile under test
Hydrocarbons-high-purity conditions) in pigments, test, D 280 (06.01)
commercial density (of pure liquid chemicals), test, phenol/cresols/xylenols/naphthalene/pyridine/quinoline-water
D 3505 (06.04) content, by iodine reagent method, test, D 1631 (06.04)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6

I Incandescent lamps
obtaining spectrophotometric data for object-color evaluation,
IC1 cone/plate viscometer practice, E 1164 (06.01)
high shear viscosity (of paints/varnishes/related products), by Incidence angle
IC1 cone/plate viscometer, test, D 4287 (06.01) understanding the properties of high visibility materials (for
Identification individual safety), guide, F 923 (06.01)
field identification of coatings, test, D 5043 (06.02) Inclined plane method
Ignition-loss on ignition static friction of coating surfaces, test, D 4518 (06.01)
moisture content of pigments, D 1208 (06.03) Inclined plate flow
Ignition residues of drying oils polymeric powders/powder coatings-inclined plate flow,
See Ash content practice, D 3451 (06.02)
Illumination Inclusions
appearance (of objects/materials/light sources), terminology, continuity verification of liquid/sheet linings applied to concrete
E 284 (06.01) substrates, practice, D 4787 (06.02)
color measurement of fluorescent specimens, practice, Indian ocher
E 991 (06.01) See Ocher
description/selection of conditions (for photographing Indian red
specimens), practice, E 312 (06.01) See Iron oxide red
interferometer-uniformity of illumination/focus/vibration, Industrial aromatic hydrocarbons
temperature stability/turbulence/cleanliness/component See Hydrocarbons-industrial aromatic
defects, practice, F 742 (06.01) Industrial grade benzene/toluene/xylene
obtaining colorimetric data from a visual display unit (for See Benzene/Toluene/Xylene (headings)
minimizing errors), using tristimulus colorimeters, practice,
E 1455 (06.01) Industrial materials/applications-chemicals
obtaining spectrophotometric data for object-color evaluation, solidification point of industrial organic chemicals, test,
practice, E 1164 (06.01) D 1493 (06.04)
retroreflective pedestrian markings-visibility enhancement, Industrial materials/applications-paints/related coatings
nighttime photometric performance, spec., E 1501 (06.01) industrial water-reducible coatings (pigmented/clear)-selecting
understanding the properties of high visibility materials (for test procedures, guide, D 4712 (06.02)
individual safety), guide, F 923 (06.01) viscosity of paints/related materials, by I S 0 flow cups, test,
D 5125 (06.01)
chemical resistance of pipeline coatings, test, G 20 (06.02) Inert pigments
coatings-water resistance, using (distilled/de-mineralized)water See Extender pigments
immersion, practice, D 870 (06.01) Infrared (IR) analysis
comparative corrosion preventive characteristics of materials angle resolved optical scatter measurements on specular/diffuse
used for joints/couplings/fittings/patches in pipeline surfaces, test, E 1392 (06.01)
coatings, test, G 18 (06.02) qualitative identification of polymers in emulsion paints, by
water penetration into pipeline coatings, test, G 9 (06.02) infrared analysis/pyrolysis-gas liquid chromatography,
Impact testing-pipeline coatings practice, D 3168 (06.01)
pipeline coatings-effect of outdoor weathering, test, Infrared (IR) analysis-paints/related coatings/materials
G 11 (06.02) cellulose nitrate in alkyd lacquers, quantitative determination by
pipeline coatings-impact resistance, by falling weight test, infrared spectrophotometry, test, D 3133 (06.02)
G 14 (06.02) infrared identification of vehicle solids from solvent-reducible
pipeline coatings-impact resistance, by limestone drop test, paints, by infrared spectroscopy, test, D 2621 (06.01)
G 13 (06.02) temperature of applied coatings on wood products during the
curing cycle, by infrared radiation thermometers, practice,
Impressed current system D 3259 (06.02)
pipeline coatings-cathodic disbonding, accelerated procedures,
test, G 8 (06.02) Infrared pyrometer
temperature of applied coatings on wood products during the
Imprinting curing cycle, by infrared radiation thermometers, practice,
print resistance of architectural paints, test, D 2064 (06.02) D 3259 (06.02)
print resistance of lacquers, test, D 2091 (06.02)
Infrared spectrophotometry
Impurities-paints/related coatings/materials See Spectrophotometry-infrared
analysis of styrene by capillary gas chromatography, test,
D 5135 (06.04) Infusorial earth
chemical analysis of benzene, by gas chromatography, test, See Silica-diatomaceous
D 4492 (06.04) Inhibitor
ethylbenzene-purity/impurities, by gas chromatography, test, zinc yellow (zinc chromate) pigments, spec., D 478 (06.03)
D 5060 (06.04) Inhibitor content
phenol-major organic impurities produced by cumene process, residual g-tert-butylcatechol (TBC) in styrene monomer, by
using gas chromatography, test, D 4961 (06.04) spectrophotometry, test, D 4590 (06.04)
purity of propylene glycol monomethyl ether/dipropylene glycol Ink
monomethyl ether/propylene glycol monomethyl ether apparent tack of printing inks/vehicles, by inkometer, test,
acetate, test, D 4773 (06.04) D 4361 (06.02)
pyridine base content in cresylic acid, by direct titration, test, clarity/cleanness of (nonpigmented) paint and ink liquids, by
D 4471 (06.04) visual examination, test, D 2090 (06.03)
styrene-purity/impurities, by gas chromatography, test, printed matter-lightfastness/weatherability, by natural
D 3962 (06.04) daylight/laboratory exposures, test, D 3424 (06.02)
p-xylene-puritylimpurities, by gas chromatography, test, printing ink (heatset/liquid)-nonvolatile weight content, test,
D 3798 (06.04) D 4713 (06.02)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Interior paints/coatings
water pickup of lithographic printing inks/vehicles in a evaluation of color for thermoplastic traffic marking materials,
laboratory mixer, test, D 4942 (06.02) test, D 4960 (06.02)
Inkometer method filtered open flame carbon-arc light/water exposure apparatus-
apparent tack of printing inks/vehicles, by inkometer, test, paints and related coatings/materials, conducting
D 4361 (06.02) accelerated tests (using G 23), practice, D 822 (06.01)
Inorganic colored pigments high-gloss surfaces-gloss, by goniophotometry, test,
chemical analysis of yellow/orange/red/brown pigments E 430 (06.01)
containing iron/maganese, test, D 50 (06.01) industrial water-reducible coatings (pigmented/clear)-selecting
test procedures, guide, D 4712 (06.02)
Inorganic linings pipeline coatings-cathodic disbonding, accelerated procedures,
inspection of linings in operating flue gas desulfurization test, G 8 (06.02)
systems, practice, D 4619 (06.02) relative tinting strength of white pigments, by reflectance
Insoluble matter content-paints/related coatings/materials measurements, test, D 2745 (06.01)
lac resins (orange shellac and button-/garnet-/bleached- thermoplastic traffic marking materials-bond strength, using
lac)/-sampling/testing, D 29 (06.03) cement bricks/steel cubes, test, D 4796 (06.02)
lead peroxide/true red lead content of dry red lead pigments, Instrumental measurement-spectroradiometric
test, D 49 (06.01) obtaining colorimetric data from video display unit, by
rosin/rosin derivatives-toluene-insoluble solid matter, test, spectroradiometry, method, E 1336 (06.01)
D 269 (06.03) obtaining spectroradiometric data from radiant sources for
Inspection-coating applications colorimetry, practice, E 1341 (06.01)
establishing procedures to monitor performance of safety related Insulating coating systems
coatings in operating nuclear power plant, guide, pipeline coatings-cathodic disbonding, accelerated procedures,
D 5163 (06.02) test, G 8 (06.02)
establishing procedures to qualify/certify inspection personnel pipeline coatings-effect of outdoor weathering, test,
for coating work in nuclear facilities, guide, D 4537 (06.02) G 11 (06.02)
flue gas desulfurization system components-design/fabrication specific bendability of pipeline coatings, test, G 10 (06.02)
for protective lining application, spec., D 4618 (06.02) water penetration into pipeline coatings, test, G 9 (06.02)
inspection of linings in operating flue gas desulfurization Integrated light scattering
systems, practice, D 4619 (06.02) optical components-effective surface roughness, by total
painting inspectors (metal substrates), guide, D 3276 (06.02) integrated scattering, test, F 1048 (06.01)
specifying inspection requirements for coating/lining work on Integrating sphere reflectometer
metal substrates, guide, D 5161 (06.02) luminous reflectance factor of acoustical materials, by use of
Inspection personnel integrating sphere reflectometers, test, E 1477 (06.01)
establishing procedures to qualify/certify inspection personnel reflecting characteristics of metallic surfaces, using integrating
for coating work in nuclear facilities, guide, D 4537 (06.02) sphere instruments, test, E 429 (06.01)
Instrumental measurement Interchemical wet film gage
reflecting characteristics of metallic surfaces, using integrating wet film thickness of organic coatings, D 1212 (06.01)
sphere instruments, test, E 429 (06.01) Interferograms/Interferometry
Instrumental measurement-color/light interferometer-uniformity of illumination/focus/vibration,
Sa Light-exposure temperature stability/turbulence/cleanliness/component
color/color-difference of object-color specimens, by tristimulus defects, practice, F 742 (06.01)
(filter) colorimetry, test, E 1347 (06.01) interpreting interferograms of nominally plane wavefronts,
color differences of materials (seen by reflected/transmitted methods for, F 529 (06.01)
light), instrumental evaluation, practice, E 805 (06.01) manual analysis of interferograms, by least squares fitting to a
computing colors of objects, by CIE system, method, plane reference surface, practice, F 663 (06.01)
E 308 (06.01) manual/computer-aided analysis of interferograms, by least
fluorescence in object-color specimens, by spectrophotometry squares fitting to a plane/spherical reference surface,
test, E 1247 (06.01) practice, F 664 (06.01)
indexes of whiteness/yellowness of near-white opaque materials, Interior mold environments
test, E 313 (06.01) See Resistance-bacteria
obtaining colorimetric data from a visual display unit (for Interior paints/coatings
minimizing errors), using tristimulus colorimeters, practice, Sa Solvent-reducible paints/coatings
E 1455 (06.01) Varnishes
obtaining spectrophotometric data for object-color evaluation, architectural coatings (solvent-borne interior/exterior), selecting
practice, E 1164 (06.01) test methods, index, D 5146 (06.02)
reducing the variability of color measurement, by use of architectural coatings (solvent-/water-thinned), selecting test
multiple measurements, practice, E 1345 (06.01) methods, index, D 2833 (06.02)
reflectance factor/color (of object-color specimens), by architectural coatings (water-borne)-selecting test procedures,
spectrophotometry using hemispherical optical measuring for interior/exterior use, guide, D 5324 (06.02)
system, test, E 1331 (06.01) coatings-water resistance in 100 % relative humidity, practice,
reflectance factor/color of object-color specimens, using D 2247 (06.01)
bidirectional geometry, test, E 1349 (06.01) efflorescence (of interior wall paints), test, D 1736 (06.02)
selection of geometric conditions for measurement of high-performance interior architectural wall coatings
reflection/transmission properties of materials, practice, (H1PAC)-selecting test procedures, guide, D 3730 (06.02)
E 179 (06.01) interior latex semigloss/gloss paints, selecting test methods,
transmittance/color of object-color specimens, by spectrophoto- guide, D 4540 (06.02)
metry using hemispherical geometry, test, E 1348 (06.01) interior paints-wet abrasion resistance to scrubbing, test,
Instrumental measurement-paints/related coatings/materials D 4213 (06.02)
directional reflectance factor (45-deg 0-deg) of opaque practical washability of organic coatings, test, D 4828 (06.02)
specimens, by broad-band filter reflectometry, test, scrub-to-failure of interior latex flat wall paints, test,
E 97 (06.01) D 2486 (06.02)

70 I
Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Interior paints/coatings
wall paints (interior flat solvent-reducible)-selecting test Iron oxide brown (natural)
methods, guide, D 3323 (06.02) analysis, D 50 (06.01)
wall paints (interior latex flat)-selecting of test procedures, natural red/brown iron oxide pigments, spec., D 3722 (06.03)
guide, D 2931 (06.02) Iron oxide brown (synthetic)
wall/trim enamels (interior solvent-reducible semigloss)- iron oxide black (natural)- chemical analysis, test,
selecting test methods, guide, D 3425 (06.02) D 3872 (06.01)
Interlaboratory testing synthetic brown iron oxide pigment, spec., D 3724 (06.03)
blasting abrasives-water soluble ionic contamination, by Iron oxide content
conductimetric analysis, test, D 4940 (06.02) calcium borosilicate, test, D 4487 (06.01)
conducting interlaboratory study to determine precision of test Iron oxide red (natural)
method, practice, E 691 (06.04) analysis, D 50 (06.01)
paints/related coatings, practice, D 3980 (06.01) natural red/brown iron oxide pigments, spec., D 3722 (06.03)
Internal indicator method Iron oxide red (synthetic)
naval stores-acid number, incl. tall oil/wood and gum analysis, D 50 (06.01)
rosin/related products, test, D 465 (06.03) synthetic red iron oxide pigment, spec., D 3721 (06.03)
saponification number of rosin, test, D 464 (06.03) Iron oxide yellow
Internal voids analysis, D 50 (06.01)
continuity verification of liquid/sheet linings applied to concrete yellow iron oxide (hydrated), spec., D 768 (06.03)
substrates, practice, D 4787 (06.02) Iron paint driers
Intrinsic viscosity See Driers
Sa Viscosity (headings) Irradiance/irradiation
intrinsic viscosity of cellulose acetate, using modified angle resolved optical scatter measurements on specular/diffuse
Baker-Philippoff equation, test, D 871 (06.03) surfaces, test, E 1392 (06.01)
limiting viscosity number of cellulose acetate propionate/ obtaining colorimetric data from a visual display unit (for
butyrate, test, A D 817 (06.03) minimizing errors), using tristimulus colorimeters, practice,
Iodine-pyridine-sulfur dioxide reagent E 1455 (06.01)
water in liquid naval stores, test, D 890 (06.03) obtaining colorimetric data from video display unit, by
Iodine reagent method spectroradiometry, method, E 1336 (06.01)
phenol/cresols/xylenols/naphthalene/pyridine/quinoline-water obtaining spectroradiometric data from radiant sources for
content, by iodine reagent method, test, D 1631 (06.04) colorimetry, practice, E 1341 (06.01)
Iodine value Irradiance/irradiation-paints/related coatings/materials
acid/amine value of fatty quaternary ammonium chlorides, test, effects of radiation on coatings (for light-water nuclear power
D 2078 (06.03) plants), test, D 4082 (06.02)
fatty amines, amidoamines, and diamines, Wijs procedure, test, operating light-exposure apparatus (xenon-arc type) with/
D 2075 (06.03) without water for exposure of nonmetallic materials,
lac resins (orange shellac and button-/garnet-/bleached- practice, G 26 (06.01)
lac)/-sampling/testing, D 29 (06.03) Isatin
shellac varnish-sampling/testing, D 1650 (06.03) thiophene content of benzene, by spectrophotometry, test,
Iodine value-drying oils and their derivatives D 1685 (06.04)
modified Rosenmund-Kuhnhenn method, test, D 1541 (06.03) Isobutanol
Wijs method, test, D 1959 (06.03) See Isobutyl alcohol
Ionic contamination Isobutene (isobutylene)
See Contamination (headings) purity of hydrocarbons from freezing points, test,
Ionogenic contamination D 1016 (06.04)
blasting abrasives-water soluble ionic contamination, by Isobutyl acetate
conductimetric analysis, test, D 4940 (06.02) acetate esters-alcohol content/purity, by gas chromatography,
Iron test, D 3545 (06.04)
cellulose pulp (from wood/cotton)-metals (Fe/Cu/Mn,Ca) isobutyl acetate (95 % grade), spec., D 1718 (06.04)
content, test, D 4085 (06.03) Isobutyl alcohol
raw/burnt sienna pigments, spec., D 765 (06.03) isobutyl alcohol, spec., D 1719 (06.04)
Iron blue isocyanate group content of urethane materials/prepolymers,
chemical analysis of (iron/copper phthalocyanine/ultramanne) test, D 2572 (06.03)
blue pigments, test, D 1135 (06.01) I S 0 cups
chemical analysis of phthalocyanine blue/green pigments, test, viscosity of paints/related materials, by IS0 flow cups, test,
D 3256 (06.01) D 5125 (06.01)
iron blue pigment, spec., I)261 (06.03)
Iron content-paint driers isocyanate group content of urethane materials/prepolymers,
formaldehyde, test, D 2087 (06.04) test, D 2572 (06.03)
hydrogen sulfide/sulfur dioxide (qualititative) of industrial
aromatic hydrocarbons, test, D 2363 (06.03) Isogyre pattern formation
iron in liquid iron paint driers, by EDTA method, test, crystallographic axes/contrast ratio of a Pockels cell electro-optic
D 3804 (06.01) crystal (in longitudinal mode), test, F 741 (06.01)
iron oxide black (natural)- chemical analysis, test, Isomer analysis
D 3872 (06.01) C, hydrocarbon analysis, by gas chromatography, test,
methylcellulose, test, D 1347 (06.03) D 2306 (06.04)
rosin, test, D 1064 (06.03) Isooctane
Iron oxide black purity of hydrocarbons from freezing points, test,
black synthetic iron oxide pigment, spec., D 769 (06.03) D 1016 (06.04)
iron oxide black (natural)- chemical analysis, test, Isophorone
D 3872 (06.01) isophorone, spec., D 2916 (06.04)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Isophthalic acid content methyl isoamyl ketone, spec., D 2917 (06.04)
isophthalic acid content of alkyd/polyester resins, test, methyl isobutyl ketone (M1BK)-purity, by gas chromatog-
D 2690 (06.03) raphy, test, D 3329 (06.04)
Isoprene methyl isobutyl ketone, spec., D 1153 (06.04)
purity of hydrocarbons from freezing points, test, methyl n-amyl ketone (98 % grade), spec., D 4360 (06.04)
D 1016 (06.04) purity of methyl ethyl ketone, using gas chromatography, test,
IsopropanoI D 2804 (06.04)
flash/fire point of liquids, by Tag open-cup apparatus, test, Kiln-dry bleached lac
D 1310 (06.01) See Bleached lac
Isopropyl acetate Kiln pine tars
acetate esters-alcohol content/purity, by gas chromatography, See Oils-pine (natural/synthetic)
test, D 3545 (06.04) Knoop hardness number (KHN)
isopropyl acetate (99 % grade), spec., D 3131 (06.04) organic coatings-indentation hardness, by Knoop and Pfund
Isopropyl alcohol methods, test, D 1474 (06.01)
isopropyl alcohol, spec., D 770 (06.04) Konig pendulum test
Isopropylbenzene (cumene) hardness of organic coatings, by Konig/Persoz pendulum
aromatic hydrocarbons/related chemicals, terminology, hardness tests, D 4366 (06.01)
D 4790 (06.04) Krems white
benzene content of cyclic hydrocarbon products, by gas See Basic carbonate white lead
chromatography, test, D 4534 (06.04) Kubelka-Munk equation
ethylbenzene-purity/impurities, by gas chromatography, test, relative tinting strength of printing ink dispersions, test,
D 5060 (06.04) D 2066 (06.02)
isopropylbenzene (cumene)-purity/impurities, by gas
chromatography, test, D 3760 (06.04) L
isopropylbenzene (cumene), spec., D 4077 (06.04) Labeling
phenol content of (refined) isopropylbenzene (cumene), test, art materials for chronic health hazards, practice,
D 3160 (06.04) D 4236 (06.02)
sampling/handling liquid cyclic products (at ambient printed matter-abrasion resistance, by GA-CAT tester,
temperature), practice, D 3437 (06.04) D 5181 (06.02)
4,4’-Isopropylidene diphenol Laboratory
sampling/handling 4,4’- isopropylidene diphenol (bisphenol-A), abrasive blast-cleaned steel surfaces-surface profile, field
practice, D 4297 (06.04) measurement in laboratory/field/fabricatingshop, test,
solidification point, test, D 4493 (06.04) D 4417 (06.02)
solution color of 4,4’-isopropylidenediphenol(dissolved in evaluating and comparing transfer conditions-laboratory
methanol), test, D 4789 (06.04) conditions, test, D 5009 (06.02)
Ivory black Laboratory mixer
See Bone black water pickup of lithographic printing inks/vehicles in a
laboratory mixer, test, D 4942 (06.02)
Japanese color discrimination test orange shellac and (button lac/garnet lac), spec., D 237 (06.03)
observers-selection/evaluation/training, guide, E 1499 (06.01) Lacquer
Jaune de zinc amount of liquid separated as upper layer from a viscous
See Zinc yellow solution/dispersion containing dispersed solids, test,
Joints D 4948 (06.01)
comparative corrosion preventive characteristics of materials atmospheric environmental exposure testing of nonmetallic
used for joints/couplings/fittings/patches in pipeline materials practice, G 7 (06.01)
coatings, test, G 18 (06.02) cellulose nitrate in alkyd lacquers, quantitative determination by
Jones reductor infrared spectrophotometry, test, D 3133 (06.02)
total titanium in white titanium pigments, by Jones reductor, clarity/cleanness of (nonpigmented) paint and ink liquids, by
test, D 1394 (06.01) visual examination, test, D 2090 (06.03)
clear and pigmented, selection of test methods, D 333 (06.02)
K clear/pigmented organic coatings, test, D 1308 (06.02)
coatings-water resistance, using (distilled/de-mineralized)water
Kaolinite immersion, practice, D 870 (06.01)
See Aluminum silicate pigments conducting tests on paint/varnish/lacquer/relatedproducts,
Karl Fischer reagent method-water content using enclosed carbon-arc light/water exposure apparatus,
paints/paint materials, test, D 4017 (06.01j practice, D 5031 (06.01)
water in volatile solvents, by Fischer reagent titration method, density-paint/varnish/lacquer/related products, test, A D 1475
test, D 1364 (06.04) (06.01)
Kauri-butanol value discoloration (light stability), test, D 2620 (06.02)
hydrocarbon solvents, D 1133 (06.04) dry film thickness (of nonmagnetic organic coatings applied to a
Ketones ferrous base), D 1186 (06.01)
aldehydes/ketones-purity, test, D 2192 (06.04) dry-film thickness of organic coatings, using micrometers, test,
aromatic hydrocarbons/related chemicals, terminology, D 1005 (06.01)
D 4790 (06.04) effects of overbaking on organic coatings, practice,
lacquer solvents-heptane miscibility, test, D 1476 (06.04) D 2454 (06.01)
MEK resistance of ethyl silicate (inorganic) zinc-rich primers, elongation/tensile strength/stiffness, test, D 2370 (06.01)
by solvent rub, test, D 4752 (06.02) ester value of solvents and thinners, test, D 1617 (06.04)
methyl (amyl ketone/isoamyl ketone)-purity, by gas field identification of coatings, test, D 5043 (06.02)
chromatography, test, D 3893 (06.04) film formation rates in drying or curing process, at room
methyl ethyl ketone, spec., D 740 (06.04) temperature, test, D 1640 (06.03)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
flash point of liquids, by Setaflash closed-cup apparatus, test, lasing threshold/slope efficiency (of neodymium-doped rods),
D 3278 (06.01) test, F 578 (06.01)
freeze-thaw stability of multicolor lacquers, test, D 2337 (06.02) lasing threshold/slope efficiency (of ruby rods), practice,
glacial acrylic acid (99.0 % grade), spec., D 4416 (06.04) F 379 (06.01)
imprint resistance, of dried films, test, D 2091 (06.02) optical components-effective surface roughness, by total
methyl n-amyl ketone (98 % grade), spec., D 4360 (06.04) integrated scattering, test, F 1048 (06.01)
moisture vapor transmission of organic coating films, test, specular reflectance/transmittance of optically flat-coated/
D 1653 (06.01) non-coated specimens, test, F 768 (06.01)
nonconductive coatings-dry film thickness, nondestructive wavefront deviation (peak-to-valley) of glass rods, using Fizeau
measurement, test, D 1400 (06.01) interferometer, test, F 530 (06.01)
organic coatings-abrasion resistance, by air blast abrasive, test, wavefront deviation (peak-to-valley) of polished optical surfaces,
A D 658 (06.01) using Fizeau interferometer, test, F 579 (06.01)
organic coatings-abrasion resistance, by falling abrasive, test, wavefront distortion/face parallelism (of polished circular/
D 968 (06.01) elliptical disks), using a Fizeau interferometer, test,
organic coatings-adhesion to smooth flat (planar) panel F531 (06.01)
surfaces, by scrape adhesion test, D 2197 (06.01) Latex paints
organic coatings-indentation hardness, by Knoop and Pfund Sa Water-borne coatings
methods, test, D 1474 (06.01) antimony content (low concentrations) in solids of liquid
organic coatings-uniform free film preparation, practice, coatings/dried films, by atomic absorption spectroscopy,
D 4708 (06.01) test, D 3717 (06.01)
paint/varnish/lacquer/relatedproducts, terminology, architectural coatings (solvent-/water-thinned), selecting test
D 16 (06.01) methods, index, D 2833 (06.02)
particle size analysis (of multicolored/nitrocellulose-base architectural paints-hiding power, applied by roller, test,
lacquer), test, A D 2338 (06.02) D 5150 (06.02)
plasticizer migration from vinyl fabrics to lacquers, method, artists' acrylic emulsion paints, spec., D 5098 (06.02)
D 2199 (06.02) blocking resistance of trade sales paints, test, D 4946 (06.02)
preparing glass panels for testing, D 3891 (06.01) chromium content (low concentrations) in solids of liquid
stain removal (of multicolored lacquer on primed steel panels), coatings/dried films, by atomic absorption spectroscopy,
test, D 2198 (06.02) test, D 3718 (06.01)
standard environments for conditioning/testing paint/ coarse particles in pigments/pastes/paints, test, D 185 (06.03)
varnish/lacquer/related materials, spec., D 3924 (06.01) coatings-water resistance in 100 % relative humidity, practice,
steel panels (zinc-/zinc alloy-coated)-preparation, for testing D 2247 (06.01)
paint/related coatings, practice, D 2201 (06.01) coatings (solvent-/water-reducible)-volatile content by weight
temperature-change (high-low) resistance of clear nitrocellulose percent, test, D 2369 (06.01)
lacquer films applied to wood, test, D 1211 (06.02) color differences of opaque materials, instrumental evaluation,
viscosity of paints/varnishes/lacquers, by Ford viscosity cup, test, D 2244 (06.01)
test, D 1200 (06.01) comparison of the brush drag of latex paints, test,
viscosity (of paints/varnishes/lacquers/related materials), by D 4958 (06.02)
dip-type viscosity cups, test, D 4212 (06.01) conducting tests on paint/varnish/lacquer/related products,
volatile solvents/chemical intermediates-total acidity, test, using enclosed carbon-arc light/water exposure apparatus,
D 1613 (06.04) practice, D 5031 (06.01)
wet film thickness of organic coatings, D 1212 (06.01) consistency of paints, using Stormer viscometer, test,
wet film thickness of organic coatings, by notched gages, D 562 (06.01)
practice, D 4414 (06.01) density-paint/varnish/lacquer/related products, test, A D 1475
wood furniture lacquers, test, D 2571 (06.02) (06.01)
Lacquer solvents directional reflectance factor (45-deg 0-deg) of opaque
lacquer solvents-heptane miscibility, test, D 1476 (06.04) specimens, by broad-band filter reflectometry, test,
volatile solvents (for paint/lacquer/varnish)-nonvolatile matter, E 97 (06.01)
test, D 1353 (06.04) drying/curing/film formation (at room temperature), test,
Lac resins D 1640 (06.03)
See Resins-lac efflorescence (of interior wall paints), test, D 1736 (06.02)
Lampblack field identification of coatings, test, D 5043 (06.02)
lampblack pigment, spec., D 209 (06.03) filter-retained solids content of polymer latexes, test,
solvent extractable material in black pigments, test, D 5097 (06.03)
D 305 (06.01) fineness of dispersion of pigment-vehicle systems, test,
D 1210 (06.01)
Lampblack content gloss/sheen uniformity evaluation, test, D 3928 (06.02)
solvent extractable material in black pigments, test, hiding power of paints, by reflectometry, test, A D 2805 (06.01)
D 305 (06.01) hiding power (relative dry), visual evaluation of brushouts, test,
Lapis lazuli D 344 (06.01)
See Ultramarine blue high shear viscosity (of paints/varnishes/related products), by
Lasers and laser applications IC1 cone/plate viscometer, test, D 4287 (06.01)
contrast ratio of a pair of linear polarizers for visible radiation, indexes of whiteness/yellowness of near-white opaque materials,
test, F 743 (06.01) test, E 313 (06.01) ___
crystallographic axes/contrast ratio of a Pockels cell electro-optic interior paints-wet abrasion resistance to scrubbing, test,
crystal (in longitudinal mode), test, F 741 (06.01) D 4213 (06.02)
evaluating interferometers (for uniformity of illumination, latex paint films-low temperature coalescence, test,
focus, vibration, temperature stability, turbulence, D 3793 (06.02)
cleanliness, component defects), practice, F 742 (06.01) latex paints (tinted)-color development, test, D 5326 (06.02)
interpreting interferograms (of nominally plane wavefronts), latex vehicles-nonvolatile content,quality control test,
method, F 529 (06.01) D 4758 (06.03)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
lead/cadmium/cobalt content (low concentrations) in yellow/orange/green pigments containing lead chromate/
nonvolatile portion of liquid coatings/dried films, by chromium oxide green, analysis, test, D 126 (06.01)
atomic absorption spectroscopy, test, D 3335 (06.01) Lead content-paints/related coatings/materials
leveling-paints (water-/solvent-reducible), by draw-down analysis of white zinc pigments, test, D 3280 (06.01)
method, test, D 4062 (06.02) chromium trioxide content of basic lead silico-chromate
mandrel bend test of attached organic coatings, test, pigment, test, D 1844 (06.01)
D 522 (06.01) detection of lead in paint/dried paint films, test, D 3618 (06.01)
mercury content (low concentrations) in liquid coatings/coatings lead/cadmium/cobalt content (low concentrations) in
vehicles/dried films, by atomic absorption spectroscopy, nonvolatile portion of liquid coatings/dried films, by
test, D 3624 (06.01) atomic absorption spectroscopy, test, D 3335 (06.01)
opaque materials-color differences, visual examination, lead/chromium content (in air particulate filter samples of lead
practice, D 1729 (06.01) chromate type pigment dusts), by atomic absorption
paint spatter resistance to roller application, test, D 4707 (06.02) spectroscopy, test, D 4358 (06.01)
preparing drawdowns of artists’ paste paints, practice, lead content-paint driers, by EDTA method, test,
D 4941 (06.02) D 2374 (06.01)
producing films of uniform thickness of paint/varnish/related lead content in paint, by direct aspiration atomic absorption
products on test panels, test, D 823 (06.01) spectroscopy, test, D 4834 (06.01)
qualitative identification of polymers in emulsion paints, by lead peroxide/true red lead content of dry red lead pigments,
infrared analysis/pyrolysis-gas liquid chromatography, test, D 49 (06.01)
practice, D 3168 (06.01) liquid paint driers, selection of test methods, D 564 (06.01)
relative tinting strength of chromatic paints, test, D 4838 (06.02) white linseed oil paints-chemical analysis, selecting test
reporting paint film failures characteristic of exterior latex methods, practice, D 215 (06.01)
paints, classification, D 1848 (06.02) yellow/orange/green pigments containing lead chromate/
sag resistance-liquid coatings (aqueous/nonaqueous), using chromium oxide green, test, D 126 (06.01)
multinotch applicator, test, D 4400 (06.02) Leaded zinc oxide
sampling liquid paints/related pigmented coatings, practice, analysis of white zinc pigments, test, D 3280 (06.01)
D 3925 (06.01) Lead peroxide content
scrub-to-failure of interior latex flat wall paints, test, lead peroxide/true red lead content of dry red lead pigments,
D 2486 (06.02) test, D 49 (06.01)
specular gloss of nonmetallic specimens, test, D 523 (06.01) Lead salt infrared radiation thermometers
unreacted monomer content of latexes, by gas-liquid temperature of applied coatings on wood products during the
chromatography, test, D 4747 (06.01) curing cycle, by infrared radiation thermometers, practice,
unreacted monomer content of latexes using capillary column D 3259 (06.02)
gas chromatography, test, D 4827 (06.01) Lead screening test
volume nonvolatile matter in clear/pigmented coatings, test, lead content in paint, by direct aspiration atomic absorption
D 2697 (06.01) spectroscopy, test, D 4834 (06.01)
washability of interior architectural coatings, test, Lead silicochromate
D 3450 (06.02) lead/chromium content (in air particulate filter samples of lead
water content of paints/paint materials, by Karl Fischer chromate type pigment dusts), by atomic absorption
method, test, D 4017 (06.01) spectroscopy, test, D 4358 (06.01)
water content of water-reducible paints, by direct injection into Leafing properties
gas chromatograph, test, D 3792 (06.01) sampling/testing flaked aluminum powders/pastes, methods,
wet-to-dry hiding change of architectural coatings, test, D 480 (06.03)
D 5007 (06.02)
wood used as panels in weathering tests of coatings, spec., Leveling characteristics
D 358 (06.02) leveling-paints (water-/solvent-reducible), by draw-down
method, test, D 4062 (06.02)
Latex paints-selection and use of test procedures
Level of inspection (coatings)
house paints (exterior latex), guide, D 3129 (06.02) See Inspection-coating applications
interior latex semigloss/gloss paints, guide, D 4540 (06.02)
latex vehicles, guide, D 4143 (06.03) Lieberman-Storch test
volatile organic compound (VOC) content-paints/related qualitative detection of rosin in varnishes, by Lieberman-
coatings, selecting test procedures, practice, D 3960 (06.01 Storch/Halphen-Hicks tests, D 1542 (06.03)
wall paints (interior latex flat), guide, D 2931 (06.02) Light-exposure
Latex vehicles carbon-arc light-exposure apparatus-nonmetallic materials,
latex vehicles-nonvolatile content,quality control test, operating with/without water, practice, G 23 (06.01)
D 4758 (06.03) conducting exposures of nonmetallic materials to daylight
unreacted monomer content of latexes, by gas-liquid filtered through glass, practice, G 24 (06.01)
chromatography, test, D 4747 (06.01) conducting tests on paint/varnish/lacquer/relatedproducts,
unreacted monomer content of latexes using capillary column using enclosed carbon-arc light/water exposure apparatus,
practice, D 5031 (06.01)
gas chromatography, test, D 4827 (06.01) cure time of ultraviolet-cured coatings, practice, D 3732 (06.02)
Leachates/leaching exposure of paints/related coatings to fluorescent UV-
water-soluble salts in pigments, by measuring specific resistance condensation light-water-exposure apparatus, practice for
of pigment leachate, test, D 2448 (06.03) conducting tests, D 4587 (06.01)
Lead chromate pigment filtered open flame carbon-arc light/water exposure apparatus-
chemical/gravimetric analysis of white/yellow thermoplastic paints and related coatings/materials, conducting
traffic marking material containing lead chromate and accelerated tests (using G 23), practice, D 822 (06.01)
titanium dioxide, test, D 4797 (06.01) lightfastness of pigments (in artists’ paints), test, D 4303 (06.02)
lead/chromium content (in air particulate filter samples of lead operating light-exposure apparatus (xenon-arc type) with/
chromate type pigment dusts), by atomic absorption without water for exposure of nonmetallic materials,
spectroscopy, test, D 4358 (06.01) practice, G 26 (06.01)
Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
operating light-/water-exposure apparatus (fluorescent-UV Linear changes/linearity
condensation type) for exposure of nonmetallic materials, contrast ratio of a pair of linear polarizers for visible radiation,
practice, G 53 (06.01) test, F 743 (06.01)
printed matter-lightfastness/weatherability, by natural Linear programmed temperature gas chromatography
daylight/laboratory exposures, test, D 3424 (06.02) See Chromatography-gas (headings)
Light-light fastness Lining industry
lightfastness of pigments (in artists’ paints), test, D 4303 (06.02) continuity verification of liquid/sheet linings applied to concrete
printed matter-lightfastness/weatherability, by natural substrates, practice, D 4787 (06.02)
daylight/laboratory exposures, test, D 3424 (06.02) flue gas desulfurization system components-design/fabrication
Light-reflectance for protective lining application, spec., D 4618 (06.02)
See Reflectance and reflectivity (headings) inspection of linings in operating flue gas desulfurization
Light-scattering systems, practice, D 4619 (06.02)
angle resolved optical scatter measurements on specular/diffuse Linings
surfaces, test, E 1392 (06.01) continuity verification of liquid/sheet linings applied to concrete
optical components-effective surface roughness, by total substrates, practice, D 4787 (06.02)
integrated scattering, test, F 1048 (06.01) protective coating/lining work for power generation facilities,
Light-stability terminology, D 4538 (06.02)
clear coatings, by sunlight-through-glass method, test, specifying inspection requirements for coating/lining work on
D 2620 (06.02) metal substrates, guide, D 5161 (06.02)
Light-transmission and reflection Linseed oil
coefficient of retroreflection (of sheeting), test, E 810 (06.01) absorption (by pigments), by Gardner-Coleman method, test,
color by Munsell color ordering system, test, D 1535 (06.01) D 1483 (06.01)
color changes (of opaque materials), by instrumental evaluation, absorption (by pigments), spatula rub-out test, D 281 (06.01)
test, D 2244 (06.01) boiled linseed oil, spec., D 260 (06.03)
color differences of materials (seen by reflected/transmitted linseed oil, spec., D 1538 (06.03)
light), instrumental evaluation, practice, E 805 (06.01) raw, foots, by gravimetric method, test, D 1966 (06.03)
colorimetry of retroreflectors under nighttime conditions, raw, foots, by volumetric method, test, D 1954 (06.03)
practice, E 811 (06.01) raw linseed oil, spec., D 234 (06.03)
computing colors of objects, by CIE system, method, white linseed oil paints-chemical analysis, selecting test
E 308 (06.01) methods, practice, D 215 (06.01)
contrast ratio of a pair of linear polarizers for visible radiation, Lipids
test, F 743 (06.01) alcohol-benzene soluble matter in cellulose, test, D 1794 (06.03)
evaluation of visual color difference (of non-self luminous Liquid chemicals
materials) with a gray scale, test, D 2616 (06.01) See Chemicals
gloss differences-surfaces of similar appearance, visual Liquid coating properties
evaluation, test, D 4449 (06.01) architectural coatings (solvent-borne interior/exterior), selecting
goniophotometry of objects/materials, practice, E 167 (06.01) test methods, index, D 5146 (06.02)
interferometer-uniformity of illumination/focus/vibration, Liquid cyclic products
temperature stability/turbulence/cleanliness/component sampling/handling liquid cyclic products (at ambient
defects, practice, F 742 (06.01) temperature), practice, D 3437 (06.04)
light stability of clear coatings, by sunlight-through-glass
method, test, D 2620 (06.02) Liquid driers
measuring photometric characteristics of retroreflectors, See Driers
practice, E 809 (06.01) Liquid epoxy resins
metamerism, visual examination, D 4086 (06.01) Sa Resins-epoxy
obtaining colorimetric data from a visual display unit (for epoxy content of epoxy resins, test, D 1652 (06.03)
minimizing errors), using tristimulus colorimeters, practice. liquid epoxy resins-hydrolyzable chloride content, test,
E 1455 (06.01) D 1726 (06.03)
opaque materials-color differences, visual examination, Liquids
practice, D 1729 (06.01) amount of liquid separated as upper layer from a viscous
retroreflection-retroreflectors, terminology, practice, solution/dispersion containing dispersed solids, test,
E 808 (06.01) D 4948 (06.01)
selection of geometric conditions for measurement of chemical resistance of pipeline coatings, test, G 20 (06.02)
reflection/transmission properties of materials, practice, clarity/cleanness of (nonpigmented) paint and ink liquids, by
E 179 (06.01) visual examination, test, D 2090 (06.03)
specific luminance of horizontal coatings (traffic stripe paint commercial density (of pure liquid chemicals), test,
systems/traffc tapes/traffic surface symbols, instrumental D 3505 (06.04)
measurement, test, D 4061 (06.01) flash/fire point of liquids, by Tag open-cup apparatus, test,
Lightening power D 1310 (06.01)
See Tinting strength flash point by Tag closed tester, test, D 56 (06.04)
Lightfastness flash point (of fuel oils/lube oils/suspension of solids/liquids), by
artists’ acrylic emulsion paints, spec., D 5098 (06.02) Pensky-Martens closed tester, test, D 93 (06.01)
Gardner color scale-transparent liquids, test, D 1544 (06.01)
Limestone drop test liquid/solid status (of viscous materials), test, D 4359 (06.01)
pipeline coatings-impact resistance, by limestone drop test, oiticia oil (permanently liquid), spec., D 601 (06.03)
G 13 (06.02) sustained burning (of liquid mixtures), by Seta-flash tester (open
Limiting viscosity number cup), test, D 4206 (06.01)
limiting viscosity number of cellulose acetate propionate/ sustained burning (of low viscosity liquid mixtures), by Wick
butyrate, test, A D 817 (06.03) test, D 4207 (06.01)
Limonite viscosity of transparent liquids, by bubble time method, test,
See Ocher D 1545 (06.03)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Material handling
Lithium methoxide Magnesium oxide (MgO) content
carboxylic acids identification-alkyd resins, method, magnesium oxide in magnesium silicate pigment, test,
D 2455 (06.03) D 717 (06.01)
Loading tests Magnesium silicate
pull-off strength of coatings, using portable adhesion testers, magnesium silicate pigment (talc), spec., D 605 (06.03)
test, D 4541 (06.02) Magnesium silicate pigment
Loading tests-metals/alloys magnesium silicate pigment, analysis, test, D 717 (06.01)
salt spray (fog) testing, method, B 117 (06.01) Magnetic flux
Loss of adhesion film thickness of pipeline coatings on steel, nondestructive
See Adhesion-loss of adhesion measurement, method, G 12 (06.02)
Loss of coolant accident (LOCA) conditions Magnetic testing
See Nuclear reactor vessels-light-water cooled film thickness of pipeline coatings on steel, nondestructive
measurement, method, G 12 (06.02)
Loss on ignition Magnitude scaling tests
See Ignition (headings) observers-selection/evaluation/training, guide, E 1499 (06.01)
Low concentrations (of elements) Maintenance-coatings
antimony content (low concentrations) in solids of liquid aged coatings on steel surfaces-visual assessment, guide,
coatings/dried films, by atomic absorption spectroscopy, D 5065 (06.02)
test, D 3717 (06.01) establishing procedures to monitor performance of safety related
chromium content (low concentrations) in solids of liquid coatings in operating nuclear power plant, guide,
coatings/dried films, by atomic absorption spectroscopy, D 5163 (06.02)
test, D 3718 (06.01) patch test-coating compatibility, conducting procedure,
lead/cadmium/cobalt content (low concentrations) in practice, D 5064 (06.02)
nonvolatile portion of liquid coatings/dried films, by Maleic acid content
atomic absorption spectroscopy, test, D 3335 (06.01) maleic acid content of maleic anhydride, by potentiometric
mercury content (low concentrations) in liquid coatings/coatings titration, test, D 2930 (06.04)
vehicles/dried films, by atomic absorption spectroscopy,
test, D 3624 (06.01) Maleic anhydride
color in molten state/after heating, by platinum cobalt scale
Low hiding strontium chromate (includes phthalic anhydride), test, D 3366 (06.04)
See Strontium chromate maleic acid content of maleic anhydride, by potentiometric
Low temperature bake coatings titration, test, D 2930 (06.04)
latex vehicles-nonvolatile content,quality control test, maleic anhydride, spec., D 3504 (06.04)
D 4758 (06.03) sampling and handling naphthalene, maleic anhydride, and
Low voltage wet sponge test phthalic anhydride, practice, D 3438 (06.04)
discontinuity (holiday) testing of nonconductive protective Mandrel bend test
coating on metallic substrates, practice, D 5162 (06.02) mandrel bend test of attached organic coatings, test,
Luminance D 522 (06.01)
horizontal coatings (traffic stripe paint systems/traffic Manganese
tapes/traffic surface symbols), instrumental measurement, black synthetic iron oxide pigment, spec., D 769 (06.03)
test, D 4061 (06.01) liquid paint driers, selection of test methods, D 564 (06.01)
obtaining colorimetric data from video display unit, by raw/burnt sienna Digments. sDec.. D 765 (06.03)
spectroradiometry, method, E 1336 (06.01) synthetic red ironbiide pigment,' spec., D 3721'(06.03)
obtaining spectroradiometric data from radiant sources for Manganese content
colorimetry, practice, E 1341 (06.01) cellulose pulp (from wood/cotton)-metals (Fe/Cu/Mn,Ca)
Luminescent materials content, test, D 4085 (06.03)
understanding the properties of high visibility materials (for paint driers-manganese content, by EDTA method, test,
individual safety), guide, F 923 (06.01) D 2375 (06.01)
Luminous reflectance factor Manufacturing processes
Sa Reflectance and reflectivity (headings) transfer efficiency under production conditions for spray
luminous reflectance factor of acoustical materials, by use of application of automotive paints, by weight basis, practice,
integrating sphere reflectometers, test, E 1477 (06.01) D 5066 (06.02)
obtaining spectrophotometric data for object-color evaluation, Marine (shipboard) coatings
practice, E 1164 (06.01) See Antifouling paint pigments (headings)
reflecting characteristics of metallic surfaces, using integrating Mar resistance
sphere instruments, test, E 429 (06.01) organic coatings-mar resistance, using balanced beam scrape
adhesion and mar test, D 5178 (06.01)
M Masonry assemblages
making and preparing concrete/masonry panels for testing pain!
Magazine covers finishes, method, D 1734 (06.02)
printed matter-abrasion resistance, by GA-CAT tester, surface cleaning concrete unit masonry (for coating), practice,
D 5181 (06.02) D 4261 (06.02)
Magnesium alloys Masonry water repellents
surface preparation for painting, practice, D 1732 (06.02) nonvolatile content in silanes/siloxanes/silane-siloxaneblends
Magnesium anode method used in masonry water-repellent treatments, test,
pipeline coatings-cathodic disbonding, accelerated procedures, D 5095 (06.02)
test, G 8 (06.02) Material handling
Magnesium carbonate naphthalene, maleic/phthalic anhydride, practice,
acid-insoluble extenders in (iron/copper phthalocyanine/ D 3438 (06.04)
ultramarine) blue pigments, test, D 1135 (06.01) phenol and cresylic acid, practice, D 3852 (06.04)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Material handling
pipeline coatings-impact resistance, by falling weight test, high-gloss surfaces-gloss, by goniophotometry, test,
G 14 (06.02) E 430 (06.01)
sampling and handling aniline, practice, D 3436 (06.04) mandrel bend test of attached organic coatings, test,
sampling/handling 4,4’-isopropylidene diphenol (bisphenol-A), D 522 (06.01)
practice, D 4297 (06.04) painted surfaces- evaluating degree of blistering, A D 714
sampling/handling liquid cyclic products (at ambient (06.O 1)
temperature), practice, D 3437 (06.04) specifying inspection requirements for coating/lining work on
water-soluble chromates-safety/health requirements relating to metal substrates, guide, D 5161 (06.02)
occupational exposure, practice, E 848 (06.01) testing primers/primer surfacers over preformed metal,
Matter insoluble in chloroform selection/use of procedures, practice, D 3322 (06.02)
chloroform insoluble matter in oiticia oil, test, D 1958 (06.03) Metamerism
Mechanical damage metamerism, visual evaluation, D 4086 (06.01)
specific bendability of pipeline coatings, test, G 10 (06.02) Metaxylene
Mechanical muller See meta-Xylene
See Muller device Methacrylic acid (glacial)
MEHQ content glacial (98.5 %) methacrylic acid (for use in paint/varnish/
See Methyl ether of hydroquinone (MEHQ) content lacquer/related products), spec., D 3845 (06.04)
MEK (methyl ethyl ketone) resistance Methanol (methyl alcohol)
See Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) Sa Chemicals/Petroleum and petroleum products
Melting point (headings)
polymeric powders/powder coatings-melting point, practice, acetone in methanol (methyl alcohol), test, D 1612 (06.04)
D 3451 (06.02) acetone/methanol-permanganate time, test, D 1363 (06.04)
Menhaden-derived fish oil methanol content of formaldehyde solutions, test,
See Oils-drying D 2380 (06.04)
methanol (methyl alcohol), spec., D 1152 (06.04)
Mercaptans solution color of 4,4’-isopropylidenediphenol(dissolved in
mineral (petroleum) spirits hydrocarbon drycleaning solvent, methanol), test, D 4789 (06.04)
spec., D 235 (06.04)
Methoxy ethanol
Mercuric oxide 2-methoxyethanol, spec., D 3128 (06.04)
analysis, D 284 (06.01)
mercuric oxide for use in antifouling paints, spec., Methoxyl content
D 911 (06.03) hydrogen sulfide/sulfur dioxide (qualititative) of industrial
aromatic hydrocarbons, test, D 2363 (06.03)
Mercury content methylcellulose, test, D 1347 (06.03)
dry mercuric oxide pigment, test, D 284 (06.01)
mercury content (low concentrations) in liquid coatings/coatings Methoxyl/hydroxypropyl substitution
vehicles/dried films, by atomic absorption spectroscopy, cellulose ether products, by Zeisel-gas chromatography, test,
test, D 3624 (06.01) D 3876 (06.03)
Mesityl oxide Methyl acrylate
phenol-major organic impurities produced by cumene process, methyl acrylate, spec., D 4709 (06.04)
using gas chromatography, test, D 4961 (06.04) Methyl amyl acetate
Metallic copper content methyl amyl acetate, spec., D 2634 (06.04)
chemical analysis of cuprous oxide/copper pigments, test, Methyl amyl alcohol
D 283 (06.01) See Methyl isobutyl carbinol
Metallic finishes Methyl amyl ketone (MAK)
high-gloss surfaces-gloss, by goniophotometry, test, methyl (amyl ketone/isoamyl ketone)-purity, by gas
E 430 (06.01) chromatography, test, D 3893 (06.04)
Metal mirrors methyl n-amyl ketone (98 % grade), spec., D 4360 (06.04)
optical components-effective surface roughness, by total Methylbenzofuran
integrated scattering, test, F 1048 (06.01) phenol-major organic impurities produced by cumene process,
Metal powder pigments using gas chromatography, test, D 4961 (06.04)
See Aluminum powder and paste/Copper powder Methyl butyl ketone
Sa Gold bronze powder/Zinc dust methyl (amyl ketone/isoamyl ketone)-purity, by gas
Metal primer chromatography, test, D 3893 (06.04)
Sa Primer Methylcellulose
zinc yellow (zinc chromate) pigments, spec., D 478 (06.03) See Cellulose and cellulose derivatives
Metals and metallic materials Methylcyclohexane
reflecting characteristics of metallic surfaces, using integrating purity of hydrocarbons from freezing points, test,
sphere instruments, test, E 429 (06.01) D 1016 (06.04)
wet film thickness of organic coatings, D 1212 (06.01) Methylene chloride
Metals and metallic materials-coating applications dichloromethane/ 1,1,1-trichloroethane content-paints/coatings,
accelerated outdoor exposure tests of coatings (applied to metal by direct injection gas chromatography, test,
substrates), practice, D 4141 (06.01) D 4457 (06.01)
cellulose pulp (from wood/cotton)-metals (Fe/Cu/Mn,Ca) Methyl esters
content, test, D 4085 (06.03) fatty acid composition, by gas-liquid chromatography of methyl
coil coatings, testing, practice, D 3794 (06.02) esters, test, D 1983 (06.03)
discontinuity (holiday) testing of nonconductive protective preparation from oils, for fatty acid composition determination
coating on metallic substrates, practice, D 5162 (06.02) by gas-liquid chromatography, D 2800 (06.03)
flexibility/adhesion of organic coatings (paints) on prepainted preparation of methyl esters from fatty acids, for fatty acid
deformed metallic sheets, test, D 4145 (06.02) composition analysis, test, D 3457 (06.03)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Moisture content-paints/related coatings/materiab
Methyl ether of hydroquinone (MEHQ) content Microscopic examination-paints/related coatings
methyl ether of hydroquinone (MEHQ) content of colorless coatings on wood products-dry film thickness, microscopical
monomeric acrylate esters, test, D 3125 (06.03) measurement, test, D 5235 (06.02)
Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) dry film thickness of protective coating systems, by destructive
MEK resistance of ethyl silicate (inorganic) zinc-rich primers, means, test, D 4138 (06.02)
by solvent rub, test, D 4752 (06.02) reporting particle size characteristics of pigments, practice,
methyl ethyl ketone, spec., D 740 (06.04) D 1366 (06.03)
purity of methyl ethyl ketone, using gas chromatography, test, Microwave ovens/procedures
D 2804 (06.04) laboratory preparation of gelled vehicles, using microwave oven,
Methyl isoamyl ketone (MIAK) practice, D 5166 (06.03)
methyl (amyl ketone/isoamyl ketone)-purity, by gas Migration
chromatography, test, D 3893 (06.04) plasticizer migration from vinyl fabrics to lacquers, method,
methyl isoamyl ketone, spec., D 2917 (06.04) D 2199 (06.02)
Methyl isobutyl carbinol Milliequivalency
methyl isobutyl carbinol, spec., D 2635 (06.04) acid/base milliequivalent content of (anodic/cathodic)
Methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) electrocoat baths/their ultrafiltrates, test, D 4370 (06.01)
methyl isobutyl ketone (M1BK)-purity, by gas chromatog- Milori blue
raphy, test, D 3329 (06.04) See Iron blue
methyl isobutyl ketone, spec., D 1153 (06.04) Minerals
Methyl methacrylate field identification of coatings, test, D 5043 (06.02)
unreacted monomer content of latexes, by gas-liquid Mineral spirits
chromatography, test, D 4747 (06.01) aromatics (ethylbenzene and eight-carbon (C,/heavier) content
unreacted monomer content of latexes using capillary column in mineral spirits, by gas chromatography, test,
gas chromatography, test, D 4827 (06.01) D 3257 (06.04)
Methylol group content mineral (petrokum) spirits hydrocarbon drycleaning solvent,
methylol group determination (qualitative) in phenolic resins, spec., D 235 (06.04)
test, D 4706 (06.03) porosity of paint films (to indicate coating penetration), test,
Methylstyrene D 3258 (06.02)
phenol-major organic impurities produced by cumene process, Miniature sandmill method
using gas chromatography, test, D 4961 (06.04) dry color pigments-color/strength, by miniature sandmill, test,
Metric practice-SI (International System of Units) A D 3022 (06.01)
use of international system of units (SI) (modernized metric Minimum film formation (of paints)
system), excerpts, See Film-formation rates
(Related Material-all volumes) (06.01, 06.02, 06.03, 06.04) Minimum film formation temperature (MFFT)
Mica pigment minimum film formation temperature (MFFT) of emulsion
grit content of mica pigment, test, D 716 (06.01) vehicles, test, D 2354 (06.02)
wet ground mica pigments, spec., D 607 (06.03) Mirrors
Microbiological examination optical components-effective surface roughness, by total
presence of and removing microbial (fungal/algal) growth on integrated scattering, test, F 1048 (06.01)
paint/related coatings, guide, D 4610 (06.01) performing accelerated outdoor weathering of nonmetallic
Microbiological examination-paints/related coatings materials, using concentrated natural sunlight, practice,
discoloration susceptibility (in exterior exposure tests), practice, G 90 (06.01)
D 3456 (06.01) Miscibility
emulsion paints (in containers)-microorganism attack lacquer solvents-heptane miscibility, test, D 1476 (06.04)
resistance, test, D 2574 (06.01) water miscibility of water-soluble solvents, test, D 1722 (06.04)
interior coatings-mold growth resistance, 4-week exposure in Mixed aniline point
environmental chamber, test, D 3273 (06.01) dipentene/related terpene solvents-sampling/testing, methods,
paint films, evaluating degree of surface disfigurement, D 801 (06.03)
A D 3274 (06.01) Mixed xylene
Microcoulometry See Xylene (mixed)
See Coulometry-microcoulometry MMFT
Microelectronic device processing-water See Film
reagent water, spec., D 1193 (06.01) Model “C” wet film thickness gage
Micrometer wet film thickness of organic coatings, D 1212 (06.01)
disbonding charcteristics of pipeline coatings, by direct soil Modified Wolfe-potentiometric method
burial, test, G 19 (06.02) See Wolfe-potentiometric method
dry-film thickness of organic coatings, using micrometers, test, Moisture analysis
D 1005 (06.01) conditioning of materials for tests, def. of terms, E 41 (06.01)
pipeline coatings-penetration resistance, by blunt rod test, Moisture analysis-wood products
G 17 (06.02) edge performance of composite wood products under surfactant
Microprismatic retroreflectors accelerated moisture stress, test, D 2065 (06.02)
understanding the properties of high visibility materials (for Moisture content-paints/related coatings/materials
individual safety), guide, F 923 (06.01) calcium borosilicate, test, D 4487 (06.01)
Microroughness capillary moisture in concrete, by plastic sheet method, test,
optical components-effective surface roughness, by total D 4263 (06.02)
integrated scattering, test, F 1048 (06.01) cellulose acetate propionates/butyrate, test, A D 817 (06.03)
Microscopic examination-electronic materials cellulose acetate, test, D 871 (06.03)
defect width on optical surfaces, using Nomarski differential dipentene/related terpene solvents-sampling/testing, methods,
microscopy, test, F 532 (06.01) D 801 (06.03)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Moisture content-paints/related coatings/materials
ethylcellulose, test, D 914 (06.03) reporting paint film failures characteristic of exterior latex
hydrogen sulfide/sulfur dioxide (qualititative) of industrial paints, classification, D 1848 (06.02)
aromatic hydrocarbons, test, D 2363 (06.03) Mud-cracking
hydroxyethylcellulose, test, D 2364 (06.03) reporting paint film failures characteristic of exterior latex
hygroscopic moisture (and other matter volatile under test paints, classification, D 1848 (06.02)
conditions) in pigments, test, D 280 (06.01) Muffle-furnace technique
lac resins (orange shellac and button-/garnet-/bleached- chemical/gravimetric analysis of white/yellow thermoplastic
lac)/-sampling/testing, D 29 (06.03) traffic marking material containing lead chromate and
methylcellulose, test, D 1347 (06.03) titanium dioxide, test, D 4797 (06.01)
moisture content of (iron/copper phthalocyanine/ultramarine) nonvolatile and pigment content of electrocoat baths, using
blue pigments, by Brabender test, D 1135 (06.01) mume fumace, test, D 5145 (06.01)
moisture in cellulose, test, D 1348 (06.03) Muller device
pentaerythritol, test, D 2195 (06.04) color/tinting strength (of dry colored pigments/pastes in oil),
sodium glycolate content of sodium carboxymethylcellulose, test, D 387 (06.01)
test, D 1439 (06.03)
strontium chromate pigment-moisture content, USE D 280 (v Multi-component paints
06.01), D 1845 (06.01) coatings (solvent-/water-reducible)-volatile content by weight
tall oil-testing, methods, D 803 (06.03) percent, test, D 2369 (06.01)
water content of paints/paint materials, by Karl Fischer Multinotch applicator
method, test, D 4017 (06.01) sag resistance-liquid coatings (aqueous/nonaqueous), using
water in liquid naval stores, test, D 890 (06.03) multinotch applicator, test, D 4400 (06.02)
Moisture degradation wet film thickness of organic coatings, by notched gages,
conducting tests on paint/vamish/lacquer/related products, practice, D 4414 (06.01)
using enclosed carbon-arc light/water exposure apparatus, Munsell color system
practice, D 5031 (06.01) appearance (of objects/materials/light sources), terminology,
Moisture passage E 284 (06.01)
water penetration into pipeline coatings, test, G 9 (06.02) color by Munsell color ordering system, test, D 1535 (06.01)
Moisture vapor permeability
moisture vapor transmission of organic coating films, test, N
D 1653 (06.01) Naphtha and naphtha derivatives
Molar substitution (MS) acidity of benzene/toluene/xylenes/solvent naphthas/similar
hydroxyethylcellulose, test, D 2364 (06.03) industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, test, D 847 (06.04)
Molecular weight-average acid wash color of industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, test,
acid/amine value of fatty quaternary ammonium chlorides, test. D 848 (06.04)
D 2080 (06.03) aromatic hydrocarbons/related chemicals, terminology,
Molybdate pigment D 4790 (06.04)
molybdate orange pigments, spec., D 2218 (06.03) evaporation residue determination, test, D 2232 (06.04)
yellow/orange/green pigments containing lead chromate/ high-flash aromatic naphthas, spec., D 3734 (06.04)
chromium oxide green, analysis, test, D 126 (06.01) phenol/cresols/xylenols/naphthalene/pyridine/quinoline-water
Molybdenum content content, by iodine reagent method, test, D 1631 (06.04)
molybdate orange pigments, spec., D 2218 (06.03) sampling and handling naphthalene, maleic anhydride, and
yellow/orange/green pigments containing lead chromate/ phthalic anhydride, practice, D 3438 (06.04)
chromium oxide green, analysis, test, D 126 (06.01) VM & P naphthas, spec., D 3735 (06.04)
Monitoring-semiconductor processing Natural drying oils
optical components-effective surface roughness, by total See Oils-drying
integrated scattering, test, F 1048 (06.01) Natural iron oxide pigments
Monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons See Iron oxide black
See Hydrocarbons (headings) Natural pigments
Monocyclic terpene hydrocarbons iron oxide black (natural)- chemical analysis, test,
See Dipentene (and related terpene solvents) (headings) D 3872 (06.01)
Monomeric acrylate esters (colorless) natural red/brown iron oxide pigments, spec., D 3722 (06.03)
methyl ether of hydroquinone (MEHQ) content of colorless pure para red toner pigment, spec., D 475 (06.03)
monomeric acrylate esters, test, D 3125 (06.03) pure toluidine red toner, spec., D 656 (06.03)
Monomers Natural pine oil
unreacted monomer content of latexes, by gas-liquid See Oils-pine (natural/synthetic)
chromatography, test, D 4747 (06.01) Natural weathering
water content of paints/paint materials, by Karl Fischer Sa Weathering (headings)
method, test, D 4017 (06.01) nonmetallic materials-natural/artificial weathering,
Monomer (unreacted) terminology, G 113 (06.01)
unreacted monomer content of latexes using capillary column Natural yellow oxide
gas chromatography, test, D 4827 (06.01) See Ocher
Monopentaerythritol content Naval stores
monopentaerythritol in commercial pentaerythritol, by gas driers/drying oils/naval stores/solvents-volatile/nonvolatile
chromotography/dibenzal methods, test, D 2195 (06.04) content, selecting test methods, guide, D 4140 (06.01)
Mortar resistance naval stores-acid number, incl. tall oil/wood and gum
acid/mortar resistance of factory-applied clear coatings on rosin/related products, test, D 465 (06.03)
extruded aluminum products, test, D 3260 (06.02) naval stores-unsaponifiable matter, incl. rosin/tall oil/related
Mottling products, test, D 1065 (06.03)
pressure mottling/blocking resistance of organic coatings (on naval stores (incl. tall oil/related products)-terminology,
metal substrates), test, D 3003 (06.02) D 804 (06.03)

7 10
Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Nonvolatile matter content
water in liquid naval stores, test, D 890 (06.03) Nondestructive evaluation (NDE)
Negative Beilstein atmospheric environmental exposure testing of nonmetallic
field identification of coatings, test, D 5043 (06.02) materials practice, G 7 (06.01)
Neutral salt spray test Nondestructive evaluation (NDE)-paints/related coatings
See Salt spray (fog) testing film thickness of pipeline coatings on steel, nondestructive
Newtonian liquids measurement, method, G 12 (06.02)
viscosity of paints/varnishes/lacquers,by Ford viscosity cup, nonconductive coatings-dry film thickness, nondestructive
test, D 1200 (06.01) measurement, test, D 1400 (06.01)
viscosity of printing inks/vehicles, by falling-rod viscometer, pipeline coatings-effect of outdoor weathering, test,
test, D 4040 (06.02) G 11 (06.02)
Nitration gradelpure benzene/benzol Nondestructive evaluation (NDE)-semiconductors
See Benzene optical components-effective surface roughness, by total
Nitration grade/pure toluene/toluol integrated scattering, test, F 1048 (06.01)
See Toluene Nondestructive evaluation (NDE)-x-ray diffraction
Nitration grade xylene See X-ray diffraction
See Xylene (nitration grade) Nonheat-reactive resins
Nitrobenzene See Resins (headings)
nitrobenzene in aniline, test, D 4589 (06.04) Non-heatset paste printing inks
Nitrocellulose printed matter-lightfastness/weatherability, by natural
See Cellulose and cellulose derivatives (headings) daylight/laboratory exposures, test, D 3424 (06.02)
Nitrogen-containing plastics printing ink dispersions-coarse particle (>45 Fm) weight
nitrogen (total) content of nitrogen-containing plastics/ concentration, by sieve retention, test, D 2067 (06.02)
resins/resin solutions, test, D 1013 (06.03) Non-human control-algae
Nitrogen content See Algae
nitrogen (total) content of nitrogen-containing plastics/ Nonleafing aluminum pigment
resins/resin solutions, test, D 1013 (06.03) See Aluminum powder and paste
soluble cellulose nitrate, testing, methods, D 301 (06.03) Nonmagnetic coatings
soluble nitrocellulose, by ferrous sulfate procedure, test, film thickness of pipeline coatings on steel, nondestructive
D 4795 (06.03) measurement, method, G 12 (06.02)
Nitrogen impurities Nonmagnetic organic coatings
pyridine base content in cresylic acid, by direct titration, test, dry-film thickness of organic coatings, using micrometers, test,
D 4471 (06.04) D 1005 (06.01)
Nomarski differential microscopy Nonmetallic materials
defect width on optical surfaces, using Nomarski differential atmospheric environmental exposure testing of nonmetallic
microscopy, test, F 532 (06.01) materials practice, G 7 (06.01)
Nonamine component content carbon-arc light-exposure apparatus-nonmetallic materials,
non-amine component content of fatty amines/nonamines, test, operating with/without water, practice, G 23 (06.01)
D 2082 (06.03) conducting exposures of nonmetallic materials to daylight
Nonaromatic hydrocarbons filtered through glass, practice, G 24 (06.01)
Sa Hydrocarbons (headings) disbonding characteristics of pipeline coatings, by direct soil
aromatic hydrocarbons/related chemicals, terminology, burial, test, G 19 (06.02)
D 4790 (06.04) filtered open flame carbon-arc light/water exposure apparatus-
C8 hydrocarbon analysis, by gas chromatography, test, paints and related coatings/materials, conducting
D 2306 (06.04) accelerated tests (using G 23), practice, D 822 (06.01)
ethylbenzene-purity/impurities, by gas chromatography, test, high-gloss surfaces-gloss, by goniophotometry, test,
D 5060 (06.04) E 430 (06.01)
total non-aromatic/trace monocyclic hydrocarbon aromatic operating light-exposure apparatus (xenon-arc type) with/
hydrocarbons in high-punty benzene/toluene/mixed without water for exposure of nonmetallic materials,
zylenes, by gas chromatography, test, D 2360 (06.04) practice, G 26 (06.01)
Nonaromatic impurities operating light-/water-exposure apparatus (fluorescent-UV
chemical analysis of benzene, by gas chromatography, test, condensation type) for exposure of nonmetallic materials,
D 4492 (06.04) practice, G 53 (06.01)
performing accelerated outdoor weathering of nonmetallic
Noncoated optical specimens materials, using concentrated natural sunlight, practice,
specular reflectance/transmittance of optically flat-coated/ G 90 (06.01)
non-coated specimens, test, F 768 (06.01) pipeline coatings-penetration resistance, by blunt rod test,
Nonconductive coatings G 17 (06.02)
nonconductive coatings-dry film thickness, nondestructive Non-Newtonian coatings
measurement, test, D 1400 (06.01) laboratory preparation of gelled vehicles, using microwave oven,
Nonconductive linings practice, D 5166 (06.03)
continuity verification of liquid/sheet linings applied to concrete laboratory preparation of gelled vehicles, using resin kettle,
substrates, practice, D 4787 (06.02) practice, D 5165 (06.02)
Nonconductive protective coatings rheological properties of non-Newtonian materials, by rotational
discontinuity (holiday) testing of nonconductive protective (Brookfield) viscometer, test, D 2196 (06.01)
coating on metallic substrates, practice, D 5162 (06.02) viscosity of paints/varnishes/lacquers,by Ford viscosity cup,
Nonconjugated oils-iodine value test, D 1200 (06.01)
See Iodine value viscosity of printing inks/vehicles, by falling-rod viscometer,
Noncontact thermometer test, D 4040 (06.02)
temperature of applied coatings on wood products during the Nonvolatile matter content
curing cycle, by infrared radiation thermometers, practice, printed matter-lightfastness/weatherability, by natural
D 3259 (06.02) daylight/laboratory exposures, test, D 3424 (06.02)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Nonvolatile matter content
printing ink (heatset/liquid)-nonvolatile weight content, test, effects of radiation on coatings (for light-water nuclear power
D 4713 (06.02) plants), test, D 4082 (06.02)
Nonvolatile matter content-paints/related coatings/materials establishing procedures to monitor performance of safety related
acid/amine value of fatty quaternary ammonium chlorides, test, coatings in operating nuclear power plant, guide,
D 2079 (06.03) D 5163 (06.02)
acid/base milliequivalent content of (anodic/cathodic) flue gas desulfurization system components-design/fabrication
electrocoat baths/their ultrafiltrates, test, D 4370 (06.01) for protective lining application, spec., D 4618 (06.02)
coatings (solvent-/water-reducible)-volatile content by wsight inspection of linings in operating flue gas desulfurization
percent, test, D 2369 (06.01) systems, practice, D 4619 (06.02)
driers/drying oils/naval stores/solvents-volatile/nonvolatile oil/water presence in compressed air (used for coating
content, selecting test methods, guide, D 4140 (06.01) application/air blast cleaning/abrasive blast cleaning), test,
latex vehicles-nonvolatile content,quality control test, D 4285 (06.02)
D 4758 (06.03) protective coating systems-simulated design basis accident
nonvolatile and pigment content of electrocoat baths, using (DBA), conditions, test, D 3911 (06.02)
mume furnace, test, D 5145 (06.01) quality assurance, practice, D 3843 (06.02)
nonvolatile content in silanes/siloxanes/silane-siloxane blends sample preparation ification testing of coatings (used in
used in masonry water-repellent treatments, test, nuclear power ), spec., D 5139 (06.02)
D 5095 (06.02) selecting test methods, guide for, D 3842 (06.02)
nonvolatile content of resin solutions (in volatile organic specifying inspection requirements for coating/lining work on
solvents), test, D 1259 (06.01) metal substrates, guide, D 5161 (06.02)
paint/related coatings-volatile/nonvolatile content, selecting surface cleaning concrete (for coating), practice, D 4258 (06.02)
test procedures, guide, D 2832 (06.01) surface cleaning concrete unit masonry (for coating), practice,
polymeric powders/powder coatings-nonvolatile content, D 4261 (06.02)
practice, D 3451 (06.02) use of protective coating standards in nuclear power plants,
sampling/testing flaked aluminum powders/pastes, methods, selecting ASTM standards, guide, D 5144 (06.02)
D 480 (06.03) Nuclear reactor vessels-qualifications for painters
shellac varnish-sampling/testing, D 1650 (06.03) coating contractor qualification (for nuclear-powered generation
solvent-borne paints-weight percent volatile content, in aerosol facilities), practice, D 4286 (06.02)
cans, test, D 5200 (06.01) establishing procedures to qualify/certify inspection personnel
varnishes, test, D 1644 (06.01) for coating work in nuclear facilities, guide, D 4537 (06.02)
volatile/nonvolatile content-cellulosics/emulsions/resin qualification of journeyman painters for application of coatings
solutions/shellac/varnishes,selecting test procedures, ete surfaces of safety-related areas in nuclear
practice, D 4209 (06.01) practice, D 4227 (06.02)
volatile/nonvolatile content (of pigments), selecting test qualification of journeyman painters for application of coatings
procedures, guide, D 4139 (06.01) to steel surfaces of safety-related areas in nuclear facilities,
volatile solvents (for paint/lacquer/varnish)-nonvolatile matter, practice, D 4228 (06.02)
test, D 1353 (06.04)
volume nonvolatile matter in clear/pigmented coatings, test,
D 2697 (06.01) Object-color specimens
weight percent of solids in aqueous slurries of titanium dioxide computing colors of objects, by CIE system, method,
pigments, test, D 3926 (06.01) E 308 (06.01)
Normal/total/diffuse reflectance/transmittance fluorescence in object-color specimens, by spectrophotometry
obtaining spectrophotometric data for object-color evaluation, test, E 1247 (06.01)
practice, E 1164 (06.01) obtaining colorimetric data from a visual display unit (for
Notches minimizing errors), using tristimulus colorimeters, practice,
sag resistance-liquid coatings (aqueous/nonaqueous), using E 1455 (06.01)
multinotch applicator, test, D 4400 (06.02) obtaining spectrophotometric data for object-color evaluation,
wet film thickness of organic coatings, by notched gages, practice, E 1164 (06.01)
practice, D 4414 (06.01) Observation
NPIRI grindometer retroreflective pedestrian markings-visibility enhancement,
printing inks-fineness of grind, by NPIRI grindometer, test, nighttime photometric performance, spec., E 1501 (06.01)
D 1316 (06.02) Observation angle
Nuclear paints/related coatings understanding the properties of high visibility materials (for
dry film thickness of protective coating systems, by destructive individual safety), guide, F 923 (06.01)
means. test, D 4138 (06.02) Observers
protective coating/lining work for power generation facilities, observers-selection/evaluation/training, guide, E 1499 (06.01)
terminology, D 4538 (06.02) Occupational health and safety-atmospheric
Nuclear reactor vessels-coatings applications water-soluble chromates-safety/health requirements relating to
abrading concrete, practice, D 4259 (06.02) occupational exposure, practice, E 848 (06.01)
acid etching concrete, practice, D 4260 (06.02) Ocher
capillary moisture in concrete, by plastic sheet method, test, chemical analysis of yellow/orange/red/brown pigments
D 4263 (06.02) containing iron/maganese, test, D 50 (06.01)
chemically cleaned/etched concrete surfaces-pH, test, ochre pigment, spec., D 85 (06.03)
D 4262 (06.02) n-Octane
coatings for light-water cooled nuclear power plants, purity of hydrocarbons from freezing points, test,
D 3912 (06.02) D 1016 (06.04)
decontaminability of coatings used in light-water nuclear power Odor
plants, test, D 4256 (06.02) field identification of coatings, test, D 5043 (06.02)
dry film thickness of protective coating systems, by destructive unreacted monomer content of latexes, by gas-liquid
means, test, D 4138 (06.02) chromatography, test, D 4747 (06.01)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Opacity/opaque materials
volatile solvents and diluents, test, D 1296 (06.04) specific gravity at 25/25"C, test, D 1963 (06.03)
Oil absorption unsaponifiable matter in drying oils/fatty acids/polymerized
calcium borosilicate, test, D 4487 (06.01) fatty acids, test, D 1965 (06.03)
pigments, by Gardner-Coleman method, test, D 1483 (06.01) Oils-fatty
pigments, by spatula rub-out test, D 281 (06.01) clarity/cleanness of (nonpigmented) paint and ink liquids, by
Oil acids visual examination, test, D 2090 (06.03)
identification of oils and oil acids in solvent-reducible paints, Oils-fuel
test, D 2245 (06.01) flash point (of fuel oils/lube oils/suspension of solids/liquids), by
Oil-base paints Pensky-Martens closed tester, test, D 93 (06.01)
See Solvent-reducible paints/coatings Oils-linseed
Oil content white linseed oil paints-chemical analysis, selecting test
artists' paints (oil/resin-oil/alkyd), spec., D 4302 (06.02) methods, practice, D 215 (06.01)
oil/water presence in compressed air (used for coating Oils-lubricating
application/air blast cleaning/abrasive blast cleaning), test, flash point (of fuel oils/lube oils/suspension of solids/liquids), by
D 4285 (06.02) Pensky-Martens closed tester, test, D 93 (06.01)
Oil resistance Oils-mineral
wood furniture lacquers, test, D 2571 (06.02) mineral oil content, of rosin oil, test, D 1131 (06.03)
Oils mineral (petroleum) spirits hydrocarbon drycleaning solvent,
Sa Hydraulic fluids spec., D 235 (06.04)
coconut oil, spec., D 1841 (06.03) Oils-oiticica
corn oil, spec., D 1842 (06.03) chloroform insoluble matter in oiticica oil, test, I)1958 (06.03)
cottonseed oil, spec., D 1843 (06.03) gel time, test, D 1955 (06.03)
fish oil content (of drying oils and their fatty acids), gas-/liquid oiticica oil (permanently liquid), spec., D 601 (06.03)
chromatography, test, D 3725 (06.03)
identification of oils and oil acids in solvent-reducible paints, Oils-pine (natural/synthetic)
test, D 2245 (06.01) pine oils-sampling/testing, methods, D 802 (06.03)
rosin oils, testing, D 1131 (06.03) water in liquid naval stores, test, D 890 (06.03)
safflower oil, spec., D 1392 (06.03) Oils-soybean
sunflower oil (once-refined, technical grade), spec., degummed soybean oil, spec., D 124 (06.03)
D 3169 (06.03) refined soybean oil, spec., D 1462 (06.03)
water in liquid naval stores, test, D 890 (06.03) Oils-tall
Oils-castor distilled fatty acids, spec., D 1984 (06.03)
dehydrated castor oil, spec., D 961 (06.03) tall oil-testing, methods, D 803 (06.03)
hydroxyl value of fatty oils/acids, test, D 1957 (06.03) Oils-tall oil rosin
raw castor oil, spec., D 960 (06.03) oleic acid content of tall oil rosin, test, D 1585 (06.03)
spectrophotometric diene value of dehydrated castor volatile resin acids in tall oil/gum/wood rosin, by gas
oil/derivatives, test, D 1358 (06.03) chromatography, test, D 3008 (06.03)
Oils-drying Oils-tung
acetone tolerance of heat-bodied drying oils, test, gel time, test, D 1955 (06.03)
D 1950 (06.03) quality determination, test, D 1964 (06.03)
ash content, test, D 1951 (06.03) raw castor oil, spec., D 12 (06.03)
boiled linseed oil, spec., D 260 (06.03) Oily matter content
break, test, D 1952 (06.03) sampling/testing flaked aluminum powders/pastes, methods,
color after heating, test, D 1967 (06.03) D 480 (06.03)
degummed soybean oil, spec., D 124 (06.03) Oleic acid content
dehydrated castor oil, spec., D 961 (06.03) oleic acid content of tall oil rosin, test, D 1585 (06.03)
driers/drying oils/naval stores/solvents-volatile/nonvolatile
content, selecting test methods, guide, D 4140 (06.01) Once-refined sunflower oil (technical-grade)
drying oils, selecting test methods, guide, D 555 (06.03) sunflower oil (once-refined, technical grade), spec.,
film formation rates in drying or curing process, at room D 3169 (06.03)
temperature, test, D 1640 (06.03) Ooacitv
fish oil content, by gas-liquid chromatography, test, -archkectural paints-hiding power, applied by roller, test,
D 3725 (06.03) D 5150 (06.02)
foots, by gravimetric method, test, D 1966 (06.03) Opacity/opaque materials
foots, by volumetric method, test, D 1954 (06.03) angle resolved optical scatter measurements on specular/diffuse
Gardner color scale-transparent liquids, test, D 1544 (06.01) surfaces, test, E 1392 (06.01)
gel time, test, D 1955 (06.03) appearance (of objects/materials/light sources), terminology,
iodine value, test, D 1959 (06.03) E 284 (06.01)
liquid oils/fatty acids-sampling, used in paint/varnish/related color/color-difference of object-color specimens, by tristimulus
products, test, D 1466 (06.03) (filter) colorimetry, test, E 1347 (06.01)
loss on heating of drying oils, test, D 1960 (06.03) directional reflectance factor (45-deg 0-deg) of opaque
methyl esters, preparation for fatty acid composition analysis by specimens, by broad-band filter reflectometry, test,
gas-liquid chromatography, D 2800 (06.03) E 97 106.01)
oiticia oil (permanently liquid), spec., D 601 (06.03) fluorescence in object-color specimens, by spectrophotometry
raw castor oil, spec., D 960 (06.03) test, E 1247 (06.01)
raw linseed oil, spec., D 234 (06.03) indexes of whiteness/yellowness of near-white opaque materials,
raw tung oil, spec., D 12 (06.03) test, E 313 (06.01)
refined soybean oil, spec., D 1462 (06.03) industrial water-reducible coatings (pigmented/clear)-selecting
safflower oil, spec., D 1392 (06.03) test procedures, guide, D 4712 (06.02)
saponification value of drying oils/fatty acids/polymerized fatty opaque materials-color differences, visual examination,
acids, test, D 1962 (06.03) practice, D 1729 (06.01)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Opacity/opaque materials
reflectance factor/color of object-color specimens, using hardness of organic coatings, by Konig/Persoz pendulum
bidirectional geometry, test, E 1349 (06.01) hardness tests, D 4366 (06.01)
selection of geometric conditions for measurement of mandrel bend test of attached organic coatings, test,
reflection/transmission properties of materials, practice, D 522 (06.01)
E 179 (06.01) mar resistance, using balanced beam scrape adhesion and mar
Open-cup flash point methods test, D 5178 (06.01)
See Flash point (headings) moisture vapor transmission of organic coating films, test,
Optically polished specimens D 1653 (06.01)
specular reflectance/transmittance of optically flat-coated/ organic coatings-abrasion resistance, by Taber abraser, test,
non-coated specimens, test, F 768 (06.01) D 4060 (06.01)
organic coatings-film hardness, by pencil test, D 3363 (06.01)
Optical materials/properties/tests organic coatings-uniform free film preparation, practice,
Sa Clarity/cleanness//Gloss/Haze
Hiding power/Luminance/Metamerism
D 4708 (06.01)
practical washability of organic coatings, test, D 4828 (06.02)
Reflectance and reflectivity
producing films of uniform thickness of paint/varnish/related
Refractive index/Tinting strength
angle resolved optical scatter measurements on specular/diffuse products on test panels, test, D 823 (06.01)
surfaces, test, E 1392 (06.01) resistance of organic coatings to effects of rapid deformation
description/selection of conditions (for photographing (impact), test, D 2794 (06.01)
specimens), practice, E 312 (06.01) resistance to pressure mottling and blocking, test,
luminous reflectance factor of acoustical materials, by use of D 3003 (06.02)
integrating sphere reflectometers, test, E 1477 (06.01) silicon content of silicone polymers and silicone-modified
printing inks/ink films/related materials, selecting test methods, alkyds, by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, test,
guide, D 5010 (06.02) D 3733 (06.03)
wet film thickness of organic coatings, D 1212 (06.01)
Optical scatter
angle resolved optical scatter measurements on specular/diffuse wet film thickness of organic coatings, by notched gages,
surfaces, test, E 1392 (06.01) practice, D 4414 (06.01)
Optical Society of America (OSA) Organic compounds
specifying color of objects, using Optical Society of America acrylic acid dimer in acrylic acid/unsaturated organic acids, test,
(OSA) uniform color scales system, practice, D 4415 (06.04)
E 1360 (06.01) alcohol-benzene soluble matter in cellulose, test, D 1794 (06.03)
amount of volatile organic compound (VOC) released from
Orange pigments solventborne automotive coatings and available for
chrome yellow/orange pigment, spec., D 211 (06.03) removal in a VOC control device (abatement), test,
molybdate orange pigments, spec., D 2218 (06.03) D 5087 (06.01)
yellow/orange/green pigments containing lead chromate/
chromium oxide green, analysis, test, D 126 (06.01) sampling industrial chemicals, practice, E 300 (06.04)
trace amounts of peroxides in organic solvents (with active
Orange shellac oxygen in range 25-80 ppm), test, E 299 (06.04)
See Shellac
Organic linings
Organic coatings inspection of linings in operating flue gas desulfurization
acid value of organic coating materials, test, D 1639 (06.03) systems, practice, D 4619 (06.02)
adhesion to plastic substrates, by direct tensile testing,
D 5179 (06.01) Organic liquids (volatile)
adhesion to smooth flat (planar) panel surfaces, by scrape See Volatile organic compounds (VOC)
adhesion test, D 2197 (06.01) Organic matter content
clear/pigmented organic coatings, test, D 1308 (06.02) volatile organic compound (VOC) content-paints/related
coatings-water resistance, using (distilled/de-mineralized)water coatings, selecting test procedures, practice, D 3960 (06.01)
immersion, practice, D 870 (06.01) Organic powder coatings
coatings-water resistance, using water fog apparatus, practice, polymeric powders/powder coatings-selecting test procedures,
D 1735 (06.01) practices, D 3451 (06.02)
conducting tests on paint/varnish/lacquer/relatedproducts, Organic solvents
using enclosed carbon-arc light/water exposure apparatus, See Solvents
practice, D 5031 (06.01)
detergent resistance, practice, D 2248 (06.01) Organotin
dry-film thickness of organic coatings, using micrometers, test, organotin release rates of antifouling coating systems in sea
D 1005 (06.01) water, using graphite furnace atomic absorption
dry film thickness of protective coating systems, by destructive spectrophotometry (GF-AAS), test, D 5108 (06.02)
means, test, D 4138 (06.02) Orpiment content
effects of overbaking on organic coatings, practice, lac resins (orange shellac and button-/garnet-/bleached-
D 2454 (06.01) lac)/-sampling/testing, D 29 (06.03)
evaluating (interior/exterior) coatings for protecting steel Orthoxylene
surfaces at high-temperature service, test, A D 2485 (06.01) See ortho-Xylene
exposure of paints/related coatings to fluorescent UV- OSA-UCS notation
condensation light-water-exposure apparatus, practice for specifying color of objects, using Optical Society of America
conducting tests, D 4587 (06.01) (OSA) uniform color scales system, practice,
filiform corrosion resistance, test, D 2803 (06.01) E 1360 (06.01)
film formation rates in drying or curing process, test,
D 1640 (06.03) Outdoor weathering
flexibility/adhesion of organic coatings (paints) on prepainted See Weathering-outdoor
deformed metallic sheets, test, D 4145 (06.02) Ovens
formability (of attached coatings), with impact-wedge bend printing ink (heatset/liquid)-nonvolatile weight content, test,
apparatus, test, D 3281 (06.02) D 4713 (06.02)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Paper and paperboard
Overbaking (of paints/related coatings) organic coatings-uniform free film preparation, practice,
effects of overbaking on organic coatings, practice, D 4708 (06.01)
D 2454 (06.01) paint/vamish/lacquer/related products, terminology,
Oxidative microcoulometry D 16 (06.01)
sulfur (trace quantities) in liquid aromatic hydrocarbons, by small-scale evaluation of fire-retardant paints, by 2-foot tunnel
oxidative microcoulometry, test, D 3961 (06.04) method, test, D 3806 (06.01)
Oxirane standard environments for conditioning/testing paint/
epoxy content of epoxy resins, test, D 1652 (06.03) vamish/lacquer/related materials, spec., D 3924 (06.01)
Oxygen (active) content titanium dioxide content-paint, by x-ray fluorescence
See Active oxygen content spectroscopy, test, D 4764 (06.01)
Oxygen degradation volatile solvents/chemical intermediates-total acidity, test,
conducting tests on paint/varnish/lacquer/related products, D 1613 (06.04)
using enclosed carbon-arc light/water exposure apparatus, wet film thickness of organic coatings, D 1212 (06.01)
practice, D 5031 (06.01) Paint-industrial water-base
exposure of paints/related coatings to fluorescent UV- coatings-water resistance in 100 % relative humidity, practice,
condensation light-water-exposure apparatus, practice for D 2247 (06.01)
conducting tests, D 4587 (06.01) industrial water-reducible coatings (pigmented/clear)-selecting
test procedures, guide, D 4712 (06.02)
pigment content, by low temperature ashing, test,
P D 3723 (06.01)
Package stability water content of water-reducible paints, by direct injection into
emulsion paints (in containers)-microorganism attack gas chromatograph, test, D 3792 (06.01)
resistance, test, D 2574 (06.01) Paint-inspectors
estimating package stability of coatings for ultraviolet curing, Sa Qualifications
test, D 4144 (06.02) painting inspectors (metal substrates), guide, D 3276 (06.02)
freeze-thaw resistance of water-borne coatings, test, Paint-latex
D 2243 (06.02) See Latex paints
paint (water-;solvent-reducible)-package stability, test,
D 1849 (06.02) Paint-primer
polymeric powders/powder coatings-package stability, practice,
See Primer
D 3451 (06.02) Paint-selection/use of test procedures
sampling liquid paints/related pigmented coatings, practice, See Guides/practices for testing paints/related coatings
D 3925 (06.01) Paint-solvent-reducible
Packaging and packaging materials See Solvent-reducible paints/coatings
printed matter-abrasion resistance, by GA-CAT tester, Paint-thinners
D 5181 (06.02) ester value of solvents and thinners, test, D 1617 (06.04)
Paint-architectural evaporation rate, test, D 3539 (06.01)
See Architectural paints/coatings house paints (solvent-reducible)-solvent composition, test,
Paint-automotive D 2349 (06.01)
See Automotive coatings/paints Paint brushes
Paint-chromatic paint brushes-physical characterization, practice,
See Chromate coatings D 5301 (06.02)
Paint-curing preparation of paint brushes for evaluation, practice,
See Curing characteristics D 5068 (06.02)
Paint-general Paint roller
clear/pigmented organic coatings, test, D 1308 (06.02) roller covers (paint)-preparation for evaluation, practice,
conducting tests on paint/varnish/lacquer/related products, D 5069 (06.02)
using enclosed carbon-arc light/water exposure apparatus, Paint solids
practice, D 5031 (06.01) spray-applied coatings-transfer efficiency, under general
dichloromethane/ 1 ,1,1-trichloroethane content-paints/coatings, laboratory conditions, practice, D 5327 (06.02)
by direct injection gas chromatography, test, Paint spatter resistance
D 4457 (06.01) paint spatter resistance to roller application, test, D 4707 (06.02)
directional reflectance factor (45-deg 0-deg) of opaque Pale gold bronze
specimens, by broad-band filter reflectometry, test, See Gold bronze powder
E 97 (06.01)
dry-film thickness of organic coatings, using micrometers, test, Panel evaluation
C 1005 (06.01) mandrel bend test of attached organic coatings, test,
erosion testing of antifouling paints, using high velocity water, D 522 (06.01)
test, D 4938 (06.02) painted/coated specimens-corrosive environments, evaluation,
evaluating degree of settling (pigment suspension/ease of method, D 1654 (06.01)
remixing a shelf-aged sample) of paint, test, D 869 (06.02) Panels
evaluating (interior/exterior) coatings for protecting steel wood used as panels in weathering tests of coatings, spec.,
surfaces at high-temperature service, test, A D 2485 (06.01) D 358 (06.02)
field identification of coatings, test, D 5043 (06.02) Paper and paperboard
fire retardancy of paints, by cabinet method, test, A D 1360 directional reflectance factor (45-deg 0-deg) of opaque
(06.01) specimens, by broad-band filter reflectometry, test,
flashjfire point of liquids, by Tag open-cup apparatus, test, E 97 (06.01)
D 1310 (06.01) indexes of whiteness/yellowness of near-white opaque materials,
flash point b; Tag Llosed tester, test, D 56 (06.04) test, E 313 (06.01)
indexes of whiteness/yellowness of near-white opaque materials, printed matter-kghtfastness/weatherability, by natural
test, E 313 (06.01) daylight/laboratory exposures, test, D 3424 (06.02)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Parameters pipeline coatings-penetration resistance, by blunt rod test,
obtaining spectrophotometric data for object-color evaluation, G 17 (06.02)
practice, E 1164 (06.01) Pensky-Martens closed tester
Para (paranitraniline) red Sa Flash point (headings)
Sa Pigments (general properties) flash point (of fuel oils/lube oils/suspension of solids/liquids), by
pure para red toner pigment, spec., D 475 (06.03) Pensky-Martens closed tester, test, D 93 (06.01)
Para red pigment Pentaerythritol
para red/toluidine red pigments, testing, D 970 (06.01) glycerol/ethylene glycol/pentaerythritol in alkyd resins, test,
Paraxy lene D 1615 (06.03)
See para-Xylene pentaerythritol (for alkyd/synthetic resins), test, D 2195 (06.04)
Paris red Pentane
See Red pigments purity of hydrocarbons from freezing points, test,
D 1016 (06.04)
Paris white Pentosans content
See Calcium carbonate pentosans content of cellulose, test, D 1787 (06.03)
Paris yellow Percent dilutability
See Chrome yellow and orange resin solution dilutability, test, D 5062 (06.03)
Particle size analysis Percent epoxide
coarse particles in pigments/pastes/paints, test, D 185 (06.03) epoxy content of epoxy resins, test, D 1652 (06.03)
Particle size analysis-paints/related coatings/materials Performance
chemical analysis of calcium borosilicate, test, D 4487 (06.01) retroreflective pedestrian markings-visibility enhancement,
multicolor lacquers, test, A D 2338 (06.02) nighttime photometric performance, spec., E 1501 (06.01)
particle size distribution, by hydrometer of common white Performance-coatings
extender pigments, test, D 3360 (06.03) clear floor sealers, D 1546 (06.03)
polymeric powders/powder coatings-particle size/distribution, establishing procedures to monitor performance of safety related
practice, D 3451 (06.02) coatings in operating nuclear power plant, guide,
reporting particle size characteristics of pigments, practice, D 5163 (06.02)
D 1366 (06.03) subjecting marine antifouling coating to bifouling and fluid
Particle size (analysis/distribution) shear forces in natural seawater, test, D 4939 (06.02)
strontium chromate pigment-coarse particles, USE D 185 (v Performance-laboratory instrumentation
06.03), D 1845 (06.01) obtaining colorimetric data from a visual display unit (for
Passive contrast ratio minimizing errors), using tristimulus colorimeters, practice,
crystallographic axes/contrast ratio of a Pockels cell electro-optic E 1455 (06.01)
crystal (in longitudinal mode), test, F 741 (06.01) Performance-nuclear materials/applications
Paste establishing procedures to monitor performance of safety related
coarse particles in pigments/pastes/paints, test, D 185 (06.03) coatings in operating nuclear power plant, guide,
Pastes in oil (of pigments) D 5163 (06.02)
See Pigment dispersions (paint)-white pigment analysis Permanent white
Patches See Barium sulfate
comparative corrosion preventive characteristics of materials Permanganate time
used for joints/couplings/fittings/patchesin pipeline acetone/methanol-permanganate time, test, D 1363 (06.04)
coatings, test, G 18 (06.02) tricresyl phosphate, test, D 1721 (06.04)
Patching materials Permeability-films
evaluating pipeline coating patch materials, test, G 55 (06.02) moisture vapor transmission of organic coating films, test,
Patch test D 1653 (06.01)
patch test-coating compatibility, conducting procedure, Permeability absorption
practice, D 5064 (06.02) reporting particle size characteristics of pigments, practice,
D 1366 (06.03)
Pavement marking paint
See Traffic paint Permeance
moisture vapor transmission of organic coating films, test,
Peak to valley dry film thickness D 1653 (06.01)
coatings on wood products-dry film thickness, microscopical
measurement, test, D 5235 (06.02) Peroxides
Sa Active oxygen content
Pedestrian markings peroxides in styrene monomer, test, D 2340 (06.04)
retroreflective pedestrian markings-visibility enhancement, trace amounts of peroxides in organic solvents (with active
nighttime photometric performance, spec., E 1501 (06.01) oxygen in range 25-80 ppm), test, E 299 (06.04)
Peen plating Persian gulf oxide
See Coatings-mechanically deposited See Iron oxide red
Pencil hardness Persoz pendulum test
organic coatings-film hardness, by pencil test, D 3363 (06.01) hardness of organic coatings, by Konig/Persoz pendulum
Pendulum test hardness tests, D 4366 (06.01)
hardness of organic coatings, by Konig/Persoz pendulum Perspiration resistance
hardness tests, D 4366 (06.01) high-performance interior architectural wall coatings (HIPAC),
Penetration-paint film test, D 3730 (06.02)
porosity of paint films (to indicate coating penetration), test, Petroleum-mineral spirits
D 3258 (06.02) See Mineral spirits
Penetration-pipeline coatings Petroleum/petroleum products
pipeline coatings-impact resistance, by falling weight test, cresylic acid content (of alkaline cresylate solutions), chemical
G 14 (06.02) analysis, D 3439 (06.04)

7 16
Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Pigment dispersion (paints/related coatings/materials)
Petroleum/petroleum products-distillates sampling and handling naphthalene, maleic anhydride, and
water in petroleum products/bituminous materials, by phthalic anhydride, practice, D 3438 (06.04)
distillation, test, D 95 (06.04) Phthalic anhydride-refined
Pfund hardness number (PHN) refined phthalic anhydride-1 308, spec., D 2403 (06.04)
Sa Hardness tests-organic coatings Phthalic anhydride content
organic coatings-indentation hardness, by Knoop and Pfund alkyd resins/resin solutions in absence of dibasic acids, test,
methods, test, D 1474 (06.01) D 563 (06.03)
Pfund wet film thickness gage alkyl resins/resin solutions containing dibasic acids, by
wet film thickness of organic coatings, D 1212 (06.01) gravimetric test, D 1306 (06.03)
PH Phthalocyanine blue
Sa Acidity, alkalinity, pH (headings) chemical analysis of (iron/copper phthalocyanine/ultramarine)
chemically cleaned/etched concrete surfaces-pH, test, blue pigments, test, D 1135 (06.01)
D 4262 (06.02) chemical analysis of phthalocyanine blue/green pigments, test,
electrocoat baths-apparent pH, test, D 4584 (06.01) D 3256 (06.01)
phenol-formaldehyde resins (water-insoluble)-apparent pH, copper phthalocyanine blue pigment, spec., D 963 (06.03)
test, D 4613 (06.03)
Phthalocyanine green
Phenol chemical analysis of phthalocyanine blue/green pigments, test,
and cresylic acid, sampling and handling, practice, D 3256 (06.01)
D 3852 (06.04) phthalocyanine green pigment, spec., D 3021 (06.03)
apparent free phenols, in synthetic phenolic resins/solutions
(used in paints/related coatings), test, D 1312 (06.03) Physical characterization
aromatic hydrocarbons/related chemicals, terminology, paint brushes-physical characterization, practice,
D 4790 (06.04) D 5301 (06.02)
color of cresylic acids ("C" series standards), test, Physical constants
D 3627 (06.04) calculating formulation physical constants of paints/coatings,
phenol-major organic impurities produced by cumene process. practice, D 5201 (06.01)
using gas chromatography, test, D 4961 (06.04) Physical strength/resistance (nonchemical)
phenol content of (refined) isopropylbenzene (cumene), test, printing inks/ink films/related materials, selecting test methods,
D 3160 (06.04) guide, D 5010 (06.02)
phenol content (of tar acid mixtures), by gas liquid chromatog- Pictorial surface preparation standards
raphy, test, D 3626 (06.04) Sa Surface preparation (headings)
phenol/cresols/xylenols/naphthalene/pyridine/quinoline-water standard pictorial surface preparation standards for painting
content, by iodine reagent method, test, D 1631 (06.04) steel surfaces, A D 2200 (06.02)
refined phenol, spec., D 2439 (06.04)
Phenolic resins , Pigment bleeding test
Sa Resins (headings) bleeding characteristics, of dry pigments, test, D 279 (06.01)
apparent free phenols, in synthetic phenolic resins/solutions Pigment content
(used in paints/related coatings), test, D 1312 (06.03) antimony oxide content of white pigment (separated from
methylol group determination (qualitative) in phenolic resins, solvent-type paints), test, D 2350 (06.01)
test, D 4706 (06.03) moisture content of pigments, D 1208 (06.03)
phenol-formaldehyde resins (water-insoluble)-apparent pH, nonvolatile and pigment content of electrocoat baths, using
test, D 4613 (06.03) muffle furnace, test, D 5145 (06.01)
stroke cure time of thermosetting phenol-formaldehyde resins, paint/traffic marking material, by low-temperature furnace
test, D 4640 (06.03) ashing, test, D 4451 (06.01)
volatile content in phenolic resins, test, D 4639 (06.03) pigment content of solvent-reducible paints, test, D 2371 (06.01)
Phosphor copper solvent-reducible paints, by high-speed centrifuging, method,
understanding the properties of high visibility materials (for D 2698 (06.01)
individual safety), guide, F 923 (06.01) sulfide in white pigment separated from solvent-reducible
Phosphorus acid content paints, test, D 2351 (06.01)
zinc hydroxy phosphite, test, D 4450 (06.01) sulfur dioxide in white pigment separated from solvent-
reducible paints, test, D 2352 (06.01)
Photographic processing titanium dioxide content of pigments (recovered from whole
description/selection of conditions (for photographing paint), by atomic absorption spectroscopy, test,
specimens), practice, E 312 (06.01) D 4563 (06.01)
Photographic standards for surface preparation vacuum distillation (for vehicle separation in solvent-type
standard pictorial surface preparation standards for painting paints), practice, D 3272 (06.01)
steel surfaces, A D 2200 (06.02) vehicle separation from solvent-reducible paints, by centrifuge,
Photometric characteristics practice, D 2372 (06.01)
measuring photometric characteristics of retroreflectors, water-based paints, by low temperature ashing, test,
practice, E 809 (06.01) D 3723 (06.01)
Photometry water-soluble salts in pigments, by measuring specific resistance
directional reflectance factor (45-deg 0-deg) of opaque of pigment leachate, test, D 2448 (06.03)
specimens, by broad-band filter reflectometry, test, Pigment dispersion (paints/related coatings/materials)
E 97 (06.01) Sa Pigments (general properties)
gloss differences-surfaces of similar appearance, visual antimony oxide content of white pigment (separated from
evaluation, test, D 4449 (06.01) solvent-type paints), test, D 2350 (06.01)
Phthalate ester color coarse particles in pigments/pastes/paints, test, D 185 (06.03)
pentaerythritol, test, D 2195 (06.04) evaluating degree of settling (pigment suspension/ease of
Phthalic anhydride remixing a shelf-aged sample) of paint, test, D 869 (06.02)
color in molten state/after heating, by platinum cobalt scale fineness of dispersion of pigment-vehicle systems, test,
(includes maleic anhydride), test, D 3366 (06.04) D 1210 (06.01)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Pigment dispersion (paints/related coatings/materials)
infrared identification of vehicle solids from solvent-reducible yellow/orange/green pigments containing lead chromate/
paints, by infrared spectroscopy, test, D 2621 (06.01) chromium oxide green, analysis, test, D 126 (06.01)
particle size distribution, by hydrometer of common white Pigments-copper powder
extender pigments, test, D 3360 (06.03) chemical analysis of cuprous oxide/copper pigments, test,
printing inks-fineness of grind, by NPIRI grindometer, test, D 283 (06.01)
D 1316 (06.02) copper powder (for antifouling paints), spec., D 964 (06.03)
relative tinting strength of printing ink dispersions, test, Pigments-cuprous oxide
D 2066 (06.02) chemical analysis of cuprous oxide/copper pigments, test,
weight percent of solids in aqueous slurries of titanium dioxide D 283 (06.01)
pigments, test, D 3926 (06.01) cuprous oxide (for antifouling paints), spec., D 912 (06.03)
white linseed oil paints-chemical analysis, selecting test
methods, practice, D 215 (06.01)
ochre pigment, spec., D 85 (06.03)
Pigment dusts
lead/chromium content (in air particulate filter samples of lead Pigments-gold bronze powder
chromate type pigment dusts), by atomic absorption chemical analysis of cuprous oxide/copper pigments, test,
spectroscopy, test, D 4358 (06.01) D 283 (06.01)
Pigmented coatings
gold bronze powder, spec., D 267 (06.03)
clear/pigmented organic finishes-effect of household Pigments-iron blue
chemicals, test, D 1308 (06.02) chemical analysis of (iron/copper phthalocyanine/ultramarine)
volume nonvolatile matter in clear/pigmented coatings, test, blue pigments, test, D 1135 (06.01)
D 2697 (06.01) iron blue pigment, spec., D 261 (06.03)
Pigments-aluminum, powder and paste Pigments-iron oxide black (natural/synthetic)
aluminum powder/paste pigments for paints, spec., black synthetic iron oxide pigment, spec., D 769 (06.03)
D 962 (06.03) iron oxide black (natural)- chemical analysis, test,
Pigments-aluminum silicate D 3872 (06.01)
aluminum silicate (hydrous/anhydrous) pigment, analysis, test, Pigments-irbn oxide brown (natural)
D 718 (06.01) analysis, D 50 (06.01)
anhydrous, spec., D 3619 (06.03) iron oxide black (natural)- chemical analysis, test,
hydrous, spec., D 603 (06.03) D 3872 (06.01)
Pigments-barium sulfate natural red/brown iron oxide pigments, spec., D 3722 (06.03)
barium sulfate pigments, spec., D 602 (06.03) Pigments-iron oxide brown (synthetic)
solar energy transmittance test of glass-fiber-reinforced plastic analysis, D 50 (06.01)
panels, annex D 715 (06.01) synthetic brown iron oxide pigment, spec., D 3724 (06.03)
Pigments-basic carbonate white lead Pigments-iron oxide red (natural)
basic carbonate white lead pigment, spec., D 81 (06.03) analysis, D 50 (06.01)
white lead- chemical analysis, test, D 1301 (06.01) natural red/brown iron oxide pigments, spec., D 3722 (06.03)
Pigments-basic lead silicochromate Pigments-iron oxide red (synthetic)
basic lead silicochromate pigment, spec., D 1648 (06.03) analysis, D 50 (06.01)
chromium trioxide content of basic lead silico-chromate synthetic red iron oxide pigment, spec., D 3721 (06.03)
pigment, test, D 1844 (06.01) Pigments-iron oxide yellow
Pigments-basic sulfate white lead analysis, D 50 (06.01)
white lead- chemical analysis, test, D 1301 (06.01) yellow iron oxide (hydrated), spec., D 768 (06.03)
Pigments-black Pigments-lampblack
iron oxide black (natural)- chemical analysis, test, lampblack pigment, spec., D 209 (06.03)
D 3872 (06.01) solvent extractable material in black pigments, test,
solvent extractable material in black pigments, test, D 305 (06.01)
D 305 (06.01)
Pigments-lead chromate
Pigments-bone black
chemical/gravimetric analysis of white/yellow thermoplastic
bone black pigment, spec., D 210 (06.03) traffic marking material containing lead chromate and
solvent extractable material in black pigments, test, titanium dioxide, test, D 4797 (06.01)
D 305 (06.01)
Pigments-leaded zinc oxide
Pigments-calcium borosilicate
analysis, D 4487 (06.01) analysis of white zinc pigments, test, D 3280 (06.01)
calcium borosilicate pigments, spec., D 4288 (06.03) Pigments-magnesium silicate
Pigments-calcium carbonate magnesium silicate pigment, analysis, test, D 717 (06.01)
calcium carbonate pigment, spec., D 1199 (06.03) magnesium silicate pigment (talc), spec., D 605 (06.03)
Pigments-carbon black Pigments-mercuric oxide
carbon black pigment for paint, spec., D 561 (06.03) analysis, D 284 (06.01)
solvent extractable material in black pigments, test, mercuric oxide for use in antifouling paints, spec.,
D 305 (06.01) D911 (06.03)
Pigments-chrome green Pigments-mica
chrome green pigment, spec., D 212 (06.03) grit content of mica pigment, test, D 716 (06.01)
yellow/orange/green pigments containing lead chromate/ wet ground mica pigments, spec., D 607 (06.03)
chromium oxide green, analysis, test, D 126 (06.01) Pigments-molybdate orange
Pigments-chrome yellow and orange molybdate orange pigments, spec., D 2218 (06.03)
chrome yellow/orange pigment, spec., D 211 (06.03) yellow/orange/green pigments containing lead chromate/
yellow/orange/green pigments containing lead chromate/ chromium oxide green, analysis, test, D 126 (06.01)
chromium oxide green, analysis, test, D 126 (06.01) Pigments-ocher
Pigments-chromium oxide green analysis, D 50 (06.01)
chrome oxide green pigment, spec., D 263 (06.03) ochre pigment, spec., D 85 (06.03)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Pigments-para red white lead- chemical analysis, test, D 1301 (06.01)
para red/toluidine red pigments, testing, D 970 (06.01) white linseed oil paints-chemical analysis, selecting test
pure para red toner pigment, spec., D 475 (06.03) methods, practice, D 215 (06.01)
Pigments-phthalocyanine blue white titanium pigments, chemical analysis, test, D 1394 (06.01)
chemical analysis of (iron/copper phthalocyanine/ultramarine) zinc oxide pigments, spec., D 79 (06.03)
blue pigments, test, D 1135 (06.01) Pigments-zinc chromate
copper phthalocyanine blue pigment, spec., D 963 (06.03) analysis, D 444 (06.01)
Pigments-phthalocyanine green zinc yellow (zinc chromate) pigments, spec., D 478 (06.03)
chemical analysis of phthalocyanine blue/green pigments, test, Pigments-zinc dust
D 3256 (06.01) analysis, D 521 (06.01)
phthalocyanine green pigment, spec., D 3021 (06.03) zinc dust pigment, spec., D 520 (06.03)
Pigments-zinc hydroxy phosphite
pumice pigment, spec., D 867 (06.03)
analysis, D 4450 (06.01)
Pigments-red lead zinc hydroxy phosphite pigment, spec., D 4462 (06.03)
lead peroxide/true red lead content of dry red lead pigments,
test, D 49 (06.01) Pigments-zinc oxide
red lead pigment, spec., D 83 (06.03) analysis of white zinc pigments, test, D 3280 (06.01)
Pigments-sienna, burnt and raw zinc oxide pigments, spec., D 79 (06.03)
analysis, D 50 (06.01) Pigments-zinc sulfide
raw/burnt sienna pigments, spec., D 765 (06.03) analysis of white zinc pigments, test, D 3280 (06.01)
Pigments-silica Pigments (general properties)
diatomaceous silica pigment, analysis, test, D 719 (06.01) Sa Pigment content
Pigments-silica, diatomaceous artists’ acrylic emulsion paints, spec., D 5098 (06.02)
diatomaceous silica pigment, spec., D 604 (06.03) artists’ paints (oil/resin-oil/alkyd), spec., D 4302 (06.02)
Pigments-strontium chromate bleeding characteristics, of dry pigments, test, D 279 (06.01)
strontium chromate pigment-chemical analysis, test, chemical analysis of yellow/orange/red/brown pigments
D 1845 (06.01) containing iron/maganese, test, D 50 (06.01)
strontium chromate pigment, spec., D 1649 (06.03) coarse particles in pigments/pastes/paints, test, D 185 (06.03)
Pigments-titanium dioxide common properties of pigments, test, D 1208 (06.03)
chemical/gravimetric analysis of white/yellow thermoplastic dry color pigments-color/strength, by miniature sandmill, test,
traffic marking material containing lead chromate and A D 3022 (06.01)
titanium dioxide, test, D 4797 (06.01) evaluation of (clear/pigmented) coatings for rigid/semirigid
ratio of anatase to rutile in titanium dioxide (TiO,) pigments, plastic substrates, practice, D 3002 (06.02)
by x-ray diffraction, test, D 3720 (06.01) field identification of coatings, test, D 5043 (06.02)
titanium dioxide content of pigments (recovered from whole fineness of dispersion of pigment-vehicle systems, test,
paint), by atomic absorption spectroscopy, test, D 1210 (06.01)
D 4563 (06.01) hygroscopic moisture (and other matter volatile under test
titanium dioxide pigments, spec., D 476 (06.03) conditions) in pigments, test, D 280 (06.01)
white titanium pigments, chemical analysis, test, D 1394 (06.01) lightfastness of pigments (in artists’ paints), test, D 4303 (06.02)
Pigments-toluidine red oil absorption, by Gardner-Coleman method, test,
para red/toluidine red pigments, testing, D 970 (06.01) D 1483 (06.01)
pure toluidine red toner, spec., D 656 (06.03) oil absorption, by spatula rub-out, test, D 281 (06.01)
Pigments-ultramarine blue printing inks-fineness of grind, by NPIRI grindometer, test,
chemical analysis of (iron/copper phthalocyanine/ultramarine) D 1316 (06.02)
blue pigments, test, D 1135 (06.01) relative tinting strength of chromatic paints, test, D 4838 (06.02)
ultramarine blue pigment, spec., D 262 (06.03) relative tinting strength of white pigments, by reflectance
Pigments-umber, burnt and raw measurements, test, D 2745 (06.01)
analysis, D 50 (06.01) reporting particle size characteristics of pigments, practice,
raw/burnt umber pigments, spec., D 763 (06.03) D 1366 (06.03)
specific gravity, test, D 153 (06.03)
Pigments-venetian red
chemical analysis of yellow/orange/red/brown pigments tinting strength/color of colored pigments, by mechanical
containing iron/maganese, test, D 50 (06.01) muller, test, D 387 (06.01)
volatile/nonvolatile content (of pigments), selecting test
Pigments-white procedures, guide, D 4139 (06.01)
analysis of white zinc pigments, test, D 3280 (06.01) water-soluble salts in pigments, by measuring specific resistance
antimony oxide content of white pigment (separated from of pigment leachate, test, D 2448 (06.03)
solvent-type paints), test, D 2350 (06.01) white linseed oil paints-chemical analysis, selecting test
chemical analysis of white pigments, selection of test methods, methods, practice, D 215 (06.01)
guide, D 34 (06.01) yellow/orange/green pigments containing lead chromate/
particle size distribution, by hydrometer of common white
chromium oxide green, analysis, test, D 126 (06.01)
extender pigments, test, D 3360 (06.03)
ratio of anatase to rutile in titanium dioxide (TiOJ pigments, Pigments (general properties)-dispersions
by x-ray diffraction, test, D 3720 (06.01) Sa Pigment dispersion (paints/related coatings/materials)
relative tinting strength of white pigments, by reflectance evaluating degree of settling (pigment suspension/ease of
measurements, test, D 2745 (06.01) remixing a shelf-aged sample) of paint, test, D 869 (06.02)
relative tinting strength of white pigments, by visual infrared identification of vehicle solids from solvent-reducible
observation, test, D 332 (06.01) paints, by infrared spectroscopy, test, D 2621 (06.01)
sulfide in white pigment separated from solvent-reducible particle size distribution, by hydrometer of common white
paints, test, D 2351 (06.01) extender pigments, test, D 3360 (06.03)
sulfur dioxide in white pigment separated from solvent- Pinene
reducible paints, test, D 2352 (06.01) turpentine-sampling/testing, methods, D 233 (06.03)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Pinene-alpha and beta
Pinene-alpha and beta nitrogen (total) content of nitrogen-containing plastics/
pinene composition, by gas chromatography, test, resins/resin solutions, test, D 1013 (06.03)
D 3009 (06.03) operating light-/waterexposure apparatus (fluorescent-UV
Pinene-alpha and beta (alp) condensation type) for exposure of nonmetallic materials,
spirits of turpentine, spec., D 13 (06.03) practice, G 53 (06.01)
Pine tars/pine tar oils resistance of plastics to bacteria, practice, G 22 (06.01)
naval stores (incl. tall oil/related products)-terminology, resistance of synthetic polymeric materials to fungi, practice,
D 804 (06.03) G 21 (06.01)
pine oils-sampling/testing, methods, D 802 (06.03) volatile content in phenolic resins, test, D 4639 (06.03)
water in liquid naval stores, test, D 890 (06.03) Plastic sheet and film
Pinhole test algal resistance of plastic films, practice, G 29 (06.01)
continuity verification of liquid/sheet linings applied to concrete paint spatter resistance to roller application, test, D 4707 (06.02)
substrates, practice, D 4787 (06.02) visual color evaluation of transparent sheet materials, practice,
holiday detection in pipeline coatings, test, G 62 (06.02) E 1478 (06.01)
reporting paint film failures characteristic of exterior latex Plastic sheet method
paints, classification, D 1848 (06.02) capillary moisture in concrete, by plastic sheet method, test,
Pipeline coatings D 4263 (06.02)
cathodic disbonding of pipeline coatings, by attached cell Plastics (thermoplastic)
method, test, G 95 (06.02) evaluation of color for thermoplastic traffic marking materials,
chemical resistance of pipeline coatings, test, G 20 (06.02) test, D 4960 (06.02)
comparative corrosion preventive characteristics of materials operating light-exposure apparatus (xenon-arc type) with/
used for joints/couplings/fittings/patches in pipeline without water for exposure of nonmetallic materials,
coatings, test, G 18 (06.02) practice, G 26 (06.01)
disbonding (cathodic), for pipe coatings subject to elevated/ thermoplastic traffic marking materials-bond strength, using
cyclic temperatures, G 42 (06.02) cement bricks/steel cubes, test, D 4796 (06.02)
disbonding characteristics of pipeline coatings, by direct soil Plastics (thermosetting)
burial, test, G 19 (06.02) operating light-exposure apparatus (xenon-arc type) with/
evaluating pipeline coating patch materials, test, G 55 (06.02) without water for exposure of nonmetallic materials,
film thickness of pipeline coatings on steel, nondestructive practice, G 26 (06.01)
measurement, method, G 12 (06.02)
Plastic substrates
holiday detection in pipeline coatings, test, G 62 (06.02)
pipeline coatings-cathodic disbonding, accelerated procedures, See Substrates
test, G 8 (06.02) Platinum-cobalt scale
pipeline coatings-effect of outdoor weathering, test, Sa Color (headings)
G 11 (06.02) color of clear liquids, test, D 1209 (06.04)
pipeline coatings-impact resistance, by falling weight test, color of maleic/phthalic anhydride, in the molten state and after
G 14 (06.02) heating, test, D 3366 (06.04)
pipeline coatings-impact resistance, by limestone drop test, color of solid aromatic hydrocarbons, in the molten state, test,
G 13 (06.02) D 1686 (06.04)
pipeline coatings-penetration resistance, by blunt rod test, solution color of 4,4’-isopropylidenediphenol(dissolved in
G 17 (06.02) methanol), test, D 4789 (06.04)
pipeline coatings (steel)-abrasion resistance, by coarse Pockels light modulator
abrasive/water slurry, test, G 6 (06.02) crystallographic axes/contrast ratio of a Pockels cell electro-optic
ring bendability (resistance to cracking/spalling from crystal (in longitudinal mode), test, F 741 (06.01)
deformation by diametral compression) of pipeline Point impact
coatings, squeeze test, G 70 (06.02) pipeline coatings-impact resistance, by falling weight test,
specific bendability of pipeline coatings, test, G 10 (06.02) G 14 (06.02)
specific cathodic disbonding of pipeline coatings, test, Polarized light
G 80 (06.02) contrast ratio of a pair of linear polarizers for visible radiation,
water penetration into pipeline coatings, test, G 9 (06.02) test, F 743 (06.01)
Plasticizer grade alcohol crystallographic axes/contrast ratio of a Pockels cell electro-optic
C,-C, alcohol, chemical/physical analysis (selection/use of test crystal (in longitudinal mode), test, F 741 (06.01)
procedures), E 852 (06.04) Polarographic methods
Plasticizers nitrobenzene in aniline, test, D 4589 (06.04)
plasticizer migration from vinyl fabrics to lacquers, method, Polishes
D 2199 (06.02) amount of liquid separated as upper layer from a viscous
Plastics (general) solution/dispersion containing dispersed solids, test,
algal resistance of plastic films, practice, G 29 (06.01) D 4948 (06.01)
atmospheric environmental exposure testing of nonmetallic
materials practice, G 7 (06.01) Polycyclic hydrocarbons
conducting exposures of nonmetallic materials to daylight See Hydrocarbons (headings)
filtered through glass, practice, G 24 (06.01) Polyester resins
directional reflectance factor (45-deg 0-deg) of opaque carboxylic acids identification-alkyd resins, method,
specimens, by broad-band filter reflectometry, test, D 2455 (06.03) ____
E 97 (06.01) isophthalic acid content of alkyd/polyester resins, test,
evaluation of (clear/pigmented) coatings for rigidhemirigid D 2690 (06.03)
plastic substrates, practice, D 3002 (06.02) polyhydric alcohols identification-alkyd resins, qualitative/
indexes of whiteness/yellowness of near-white opaque materials, quantitative analysis, test, D 2456 (06.03)
test, E 313 (06.01) Polyhexafluoropylene (FEP) substrate
methylol group determination (qualitative) in phenolic resins, organic coatings-uniform free film preparation, practice,
test, D 4706 (06.03) D 4708 (06.01)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Primary hydroxyl content
Polyhydric alcohol Potash blue
polyhydric alcohols identification-alkyd resins, qualitative/ See Iron blue
quantitative analysis, test, D 2456 (06.03) Potassium permanganate reduction
polyhydric alcohols in alkyd resins, qualitative analysis, test, See Permanganate time
D 2998 (06.03) Potentiometric method
Polymer content maleic acid content of maleic anhydride, by potentiometric
polymer content of styrene monomer, test, D 2121 (06.04) titration, test, D 2930 (06.04)
qualitative identification of polymers in emulsion paints, by naval stores-acid number, incl. tall oil/wood and gum
infrared analysis/pyrolysis-gas liquid chromatography, rosin/related products, test, D 465 (06.03)
practice, D 3168 (06.01) saponification number of rosin, test, D 464 (06.03)
Polymeric powders/powder coatings Powdered chemicals
polymeric powders/powder coatings-selecting test procedures, directional reflectance factor (45-deg 0-deg) of opaque
practices, D 3451 (06.02) specimens, by broad-band filter reflectometry, test,
Polymerization E 97 (06.01)
cellulose nitrate, test, D 1716 (06.03) Power generating facilities
turpentine-sampling/testing, methods, D 233 (06.03) dry film thickness of protective coating systems, by destructive
unreacted monomer content of latexes, by gas-liquid means, test, D 4138 (06.02)
chromatography, test, D 4747 (06.01) flue gas desulfurization system components-design/fabrication
Polymerized fatty acids for protective lining application, spec., D 4618 (06.02)
See Fatty acids-tests inspection of linings in operating flue gas desulfurization
Polymer latexes systems, practice, D 4619 (06.02)
Sa Latex paints protective coating/lining work for power generation facilities,
filter-retained solids content of polymer latexes, test, terminology, D 4538 (06.02)
D 5097 (06.03) Power law
Polymers viscosity of ‘printing inks/vehicles, by falling-rod viscometer,
polymer content of styrene monomer, test, D 2121 (06.04) test, D 4040 (06.02)
qualitative identification of polymers in emulsion paints, by
infrared analysis/pyrolysis-gas liquid chromatography, Power spectrum
practice, D 3168 (06.01) angle resolved optical scatter measurements on specular/diffuse
silicone polymers- silicon content, by atomic absorption surfaces, test, E 1392 (06.01)
spectrophotometry, test, D 3733 (06.03) Power tool cleaning
solubility range, test, D 3132 (06.03) standard pictorial surface preparation standards for painting
Polymers-electrical insulation applications steel surfaces, A D 2200 (06.02)
polymerization time of shellac (used for electrical insulation), Precautionary labeling
test, D 411 (06.03) labeling art materials for chronic health hazards, practice,
Poly01 acetates D 4236 (06.02)
polyhydric alcohols identification-alkyd resins, qualitative/ Precision
quantitative analysis, test, D 2456 (06.03) conducting interlaboratory study to determine precision of test
Polyurethaneraw materials method, practice, E 691 (06.04)
See Urethanes-polyurethane raw materials (headings) Precision-instrumentation
Poly(viny1 acetate) coating systems directional reflectance factor (45-deg 0-deg) of opaque
poly(viny1 butyral)-poly(viny1 acetate) content, test, specimens, by broad-band filter reflectometry, test,
D 1396 (06.03) E 97 (06.01)
water content of water-reducible paints, by direct injection into Preformed tape (for traffic marking)
gas chromatograph, test, D 3792 (06.01) pigment content of paint/traEc marking material, by
Poly(viny1 alcohol) low-temperature furnace ashing, test, D 4451 (06.01)
poly(viny1 butyral)-poly(viny1 alcohol) content, test, Pregel vehicle
D 1396 (06.03) laboratory preparation of gelled vehicles, using microwave oven,
Poly(viny1 butyral) resins practice, D 5166 (06.03)
Sa Resins (headings) laboratory preparation of gelled vehicles, using resin kettle,
poly(viny1 butyral)-chemical analysis, test, D 1396 (06.03) practice, D 5165 (06.02)
Poly(viny1 chloride)(PVC) plastics-resins Preparing specimens (for testing)
poly(viny1 chloride) resins, selecting test procedures, guide, See Specimen preparation (for testing) (headings)
D 4368 (06.03)
residual vinyl chloride monomer content of poly(viny1 chloride) Prepolymers
resins/comvounds/copolymers by solution injection isocyanate group content of urethane materials/prepolymers,
technique, test, D 3680 (06.03) test, D 2572 (06.03)
Ponderosa pine Presentation angle
wood used as panels in weathering tests of coatings, spec., understanding the properties of high visibility materials (for
D 358 (06.02) individual safety), guide, F 923 (06.01)
Porcelain enamel products Pressure mottling
directional reflectance factor (45-deg 0-deg) of opaque pressure mottling/blocking resistance of organic coatings (on
specimens, by broad-band filter reflectometry, test, metal substrates), test, D 3003 (06.02)
E 97 (06.01) Primary amyl acetate
Porosity-coating See Amyl acetate
porosity of paint films (to indicate coating penetration), test, Primary hydroxyl content
D 3258 (06.02) primary hydroxyl content of cellulose acetate, test,
Portable adhesion testers D 871 (06.03)
pull-off strength of coatings, using portable adhesion testers, primary hydroxyl content of cellulose esters, test, A D 817
test, D 4541 (06.02) (06.03)

72 I
Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Primer Propylene glycol
factory-primed wood products (with representative finish propylene gIycol/dipropylene glycol, spec., D 5164 (06.04)
coats)-durability/compatibility, test, D 2830 (06.02) propylene glycol, spec., D 2695 (06.04)
formability/adhesion of zinc-rich primer/chromate complex Propylene glycol monomethyl ether acetate (PMA)
coatings (on steel), test, D 4146 (06.02) propylene glycol monomethyl ether acetate, spec.,
MEK resistance of ethyl silicate (inorganic) zinc-rich primers, D 4835 (06.04)
by solvent rub, test, D 4752 (06.02) purity of propylene glycol monomethyl ether/dipropylene glycol
testing primers/primer surfacers over preformed metal, monomethyl ether/propylene glycol monomethyl ether
selection/use of procedures, practice, D 3322 (06.02) acetate, test, D 4773 (06.04)
zinc yellow (zinc chromate) pigments, spec., D 478 (06.03) Propylene glycol monomethyl ether (PM)
Primrose chrome/yellow propylene glycol monomethyl ether, spec., D 4837 (06.04)
See Chrome yellow and orange punty of propylene glycol monomethyl ether/dipropylene glycol
Printed matter monomethyl ether/propylene glycol monomethyl ether
printed matter-abrasion resistance, by GA-CAT tester, acetate, test, D 4773 (06.04)
D 5181 (06.02) Protection (cathodic)
printed matter-lightfastness/weatherability, by natural cathodic disbonding of pipeline coatings, by attached cell
daylight/laboratory exposures, test, D 3424 (06.02) method, test, G 95 (06.02)
Printing ink resins Protective coatings
resin solution dilutability, test, D 5062 (06.03) hazardous constituents-protective coatings, selecting test
Printing inks methods, guide, D 3630 (06.01)
apparent tack of printing inks/vehicles, by inkometer, test, protective coating/lining work for power generation facilities,
D 4361 (06.02) terminology, D 4538 (06.02)
commercial hexanes, spec., D 1836 (06.04) pull-off strength of coatings, using portable adhesion testers,
printed matter-abrasion resistance, by GA-CAT tester, test, D 4541 (06.02)
D 5181 (06.02) use of protective coating standards in nuclear power plants,
printing ink dispersions-coarse particle (>45 pm) weight selecting ASTM standards, guide, D 5144 (06.02)
concentration, by sieve retention, test, D 2067 (06.02) Protective equipment
printing ink (heatset/liquid)-nonvolatile weight content, test, handling/sampling phenol and cresylic acid, practice,
D 4713 (06.02) D 3852 (06.04)
printing inks-fineness of grind, by NPIRI grindometer, test, sampling and handling aniline, practice, D 3436 (06.04)
D 1316 (06.02) Protective linings
printing inks/ink films/related materials, selecting test methods, flue gas desulfurization system components-design/fabrication
guide, D 5010 (06.02) for protective lining application, spec., D 4618 (06.02)
relative tinting strength of printing ink dispersions, test, inspection of linings in operating flue gas desulfurization
D 2066 (06.02) systems, practice, D 4619 (06.02)
viscosity of printing inks/vehicles, by falling-rod viscometer, Prussian blue
test, D 4040 (06.02) See Iron blue
water pickup of lithographic printing inks/vehicles in a Pseudoisochromatic plates
laboratory mixer, test, D 4942 (06.02) observers-selection/evaluation/training, guide, E 1499 (06.01)
Printing substrates Psychophysical examination
printing inks/ink films/related materials, selecting test methods, indexes of whiteness/yellowness of near-white opaque materials,
guide, D 5010 (06.02) test, E 313 (06.01)
Print resistance Pull testing
print resistance of architectural paints, test, D 2064 (06.02) Sa Adhesion (headings)
Print resistence of lacquers organic coatings-adhesion to plastic substrates, by direct
See Lacquer tensile testing, D 5179 (06.01)
Prismatic retroreflectors pull-off strength of coatings, using portable adhesion testers,
understanding the properties of high visibility materials (for test, D 4541 (06.02)
individual safety), guide, F 923 (06.01) thermoplastic trafic marking materials-bond strength, using
Procedures cement bricks/steel cubes, test, D 4796 (06.02)
establishing procedures to qualify/certify inspection personnel Pulp
for coating work in nuclear facilities, guide, D 4537 (06.02) solubility in sodium hydroxide, test, D 1696 (06.03)
Production method Pumice/pumice stone/pumacite
transfer efficiency under production conditions for spray pumice pigment, spec., D 867 (06.03)
application of automotive paints, by weight basis, practice, Purity
D 5066 (06.02) acetaldehyde, spec., D 4710 (06.04)
Profiles acetate esters-alcohol content/purity, by gas chromatography,
abrasive blast-cleaned steel surfaces-surface profile, field test, D 3545 (06.04)
measurement in laboratory/field/fabricating shop, test, acrylate esters, by gas chromatography, test, D 3362 (06.04)
D 4417 (06.02) Acetone aldehydes/ketones-purity, test, D 2192 (06.04)
chemical analysis of benzene, by gas chromatography, test,
Propionyl content D 4492 (06.04)
acetyl and propionyl/butyral contents of cellulose acetate cyclohexane 995-purity/benzene content, by gas chromatog-
propionate/butyrate, test, A D 817 (06.03) raphy, test, D 3054 (06.04)
n-Propyl acetate ethyl methyl pentanol content/purity value of 2-ethylhexanol,
acetate esters-alcohol content/purity, by gas chromatography, by gas chromatography, test, D 5008 (06.04)
test, D 3545 (06.04) isopropylbenzene (cumene)-purity/impurities, by gas
n-propyl acetate (96 % grade), spec., D 3130 (06.04) chromatography, test, D 3760 (06.04)
n-Propyl alcohol lac resins (orange shellac and button-/garnet-/bleached-
n-propyl alcohol (1-propanol), spec., D 3622 (06.04) lac)/-sampling/testing, D 29 (06.03)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Rate of evaporation
methyl acrylate, spec., D 4709 (06.04) Qualitative aualysis/measurement
methyl (amyl ketone/isoamyl ketone)-purity, by gas performing accelerated outdoor weathering of nonmetallic
chromatography, test, D 3893 (06.04) materials, using concentrated natural sunlight, practice,
methyl isobutyl ketone (M1BK)-purity, by gas chromatog- G 90 (06.01)
raphy, test, D 3329 (06.04) white titanium pigments, chemical analysis, test, D 1394 (06.01)
purity of hydrocarbons from freezing points, test, Oualitv assurance
D 1016 (06.04) - coaGngs for light-water cooled nuclear power plants, practice,
punty of methyl ethyl ketone, using gas chromatography, test, D 3843 (06.02)
D 2804 (06.04) use of protective coating standards in nuclear power plants,
purity of propylene glycol monomethyl ether/dipropylene glycol selecting ASTM standards, guide, D 5144 (06.02)
monomethyl ether/propylene glycol monomethyl ether Quality control
acetate, test, D 4773 (06.04) color of cresylic acids (“C” series standards), test,
sodium glycolate content of sodium carboxymethylcellulose, D 3627 (06.04)
test, D 1439 (06.03) Quantitative analysis
solidification point of 4,4’-isopropylidenediphenol(Bisphenol white linseed oil paints-chemical analysis, selecting test
A), test, D 4493 (06.04) methods, practice, D 215 (06.01)
styrene-purity, by freezing point method, test, D 3799 (06.04) Quinoline
styrene-purity/impurities, by gas chromatography, test, phenol/cresols/xylenols/naphthalene/pyridine/quinoline-water
D 3962 (06.04) content, by iodine reagent method, test, D 1631 (06.04)
o-xylene-impurities, by gas chromatography, test,
D 3797 (06.04)
p-xylene-puritylimpurities, by gas chromatography, test,
D 3798 (06.04) Radiant energy
obtaining colorimetric data from a visual display unit (for
Pyranometer method minimizing errors), using tristimulus colorimeters, practice,
conducting exposures of nonmetallic materials to daylight E 1455 (06.01)
filtered through glass, practice, G 24 (06.01) obtaining colorimetric data from video display unit, by
Pyridine spectroradiometry, method, E 1336 (06.01)
aromatic hydrocarbons/related chemicals, terminology, obtaining spectroradiometric data from radiant sources for
D 4790 (06.04) colorimetry, practice, E 1341 (06.01)
hydroxyl content of cellulose acetate, by spectrophotometry, Radiation exposure
test, D 871 (06.03) accelerated outdoor exposure tests of coatings (applied to metal
hydroxyl content of pyridine-soluble cellulose esters, by substrates), practice, D 4141 (06.01)
spectrophotometry, test, A D 817 (06.03) effects of radiation on coatings (for light-water nuclear power
phenol/cresols/xyle~ols/naphthalene/pyridine/quinoline-water plants), test, D 4082 (06.02)
content, by iodine reagent method, test, D 1631 (06.04) exposure of paints/related coatings to fluorescent UV-
pyridine base content in cresylic acid, by direct titration, test, condensation light-water-exposure apparatus, practice for
D 4471 (06.04) conducting tests, D 4587 (06.01)
sampling/handling liquid cyclic products (at ambient operating light-exposure apparatus (xenon-arc type) with/
temperature), practice, D 3437 (06.04) without water for exposure of nonmetallic materials,
water content of paints/paint materials, by Karl Fischer practice, G 26 (06.01)
method, test, D 4017 (06.01) temperature of applied coatings on wood products during the
curing cycle, by infrared radiation thermometers, practice,
Pyridine-refined D 3259 (06.02)
reducing substances in, test, D 2031 (06.04) ultraviolet-cured coatings, cure time, practice, D 3732 (06.02)
refined pyridine ( 1 degree), spec., D 2323 (06.04) use of protective coating standards in nuclear power plants,
water solubility, test, D 2030 (06.04) selecting ASTM standards, guide, D 5144 (06.02)
Pyrolysis Radiation exposure-electronic components/devices
field identification of coatings, test, D 5043 (06.02) contrast ratio of a pair of linear polarizers for visible radiation,
Pyrophyllite test, F 743 (06.01)
See Magnesium silicate optical components-effective surface roughness, by total
integrated scattering, test, F 1048 (06.01)
specular reflectance/transmittance of optically flat-coated/
Q non-coated specimens, test, F 768 (06.01)
Qualifications-nuclear facilities Radioluminescence
coating contractors (for nuclear-powered generation facilities), understanding the properties of high visibility materials (for
practice, D 4286 (06.02) individual safety), guide, F 923 (06.01)
establishing procedures to qualify/certify inspection personnel Radiometric scale
for coating work in nuclear facilities, guide, D 4537 (06.02) spectroradiometric system for characterizing color/absolute
journeyman painters for application of coatings to concrete luminance of radiant source, calibration, practice,
surfaces of safety-related areas in nuclear facilities, practice, E 1341 (06.01)
D 4227 (06.02) spectroradiometric system for obtaining colorimetric data from
journeyman painters for application of coatings to steel surfaces video display unit, calibration, method, E 1336 (06.01)
of safety-related areas in nuclear facilities, practice, Rapid deformation
D 4228 (06.02) See Deformation (headings)
sample preparation for qualification testing of coatings (used in Rare earth content
nuclear power facilities), spec., D 5139 (06.02) rare earth metals-paint driers, by EDTA method, test.
Qualification testing D 3989 (06.01)
use of protective coating standards in nuclear power plants, Rate of evaporation
selecting ASTM standards, guide, D 5144 (06.02) See Evaporation-rate/time

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Raw oils (drying oils)
Raw oils (drying oils) Reflectance and reflectivity
See Oils (headings) angle resolved optical scatter measurements on specular/diffuse
Raw sienna surfaces, test, E 1392 (06.01)
Sa Pigments (headings) appearance (of objects/materials/light sources), terminology,
chemical analysis of yellow/orange/red/brown pigments E 284 (06.01)
containing iron/maganese, test, D 50 (06.01) chalking (of white/lightly tinted exterior paint films), practice,
raw/burnt sienna pigments, spec., D 765 (06.03) A D 4214 (06.01)
Reactor vessels color/color-difference of object-color specimens, by tristimulus
See Nuclear reactor vessels (headings) (filter) colorimetry, test, E 1347 (06.01)
Reagent resistance color differences of materials (seen by reflected/transmitted
factory-applied coatings on wood products, practice, light), instrumental evaluation, practice, E 805 (06.01)
D 3023 (06.02) color measurement of fluorescent specimens, practice,
Reagents E 991 (06.01)
presence of and removing microbial (fungal/algal) growth on evaluation of visual color difference (of non-self luminous
paint/related coatings, guide, D 4610 (06.01) materials) with a gray scale, test, D 2616 (06.01)
gloss differences-surfaces of similar appearance, visual
Reagent water-microelectronic processing evaluation, test, D 4449 (06.01)
microelectronic device processing, spec., D 1193 (06.01) goniophotometry of objects/materials, practice, E 167 (06.01)
Reciprocal measurement hiding power of paints, by reflectometry, test, A D 2805 (06.01)
obtaining spectrophotometric data for object-color evaluation, high-gloss surfaces-gloss, by goniophotometry, test,
practice, E 1164 (06.01) E 430 (06.01)
Red copper oxide high-gloss surfaces-reflection haze, test, D 4039 (06.01)
See Cuprous oxide indexes of whiteness/yellowness of near-white opaque materials,
Red iron oxide (hematite) test, E 313 (06.01)
See Iron oxide red instrumental color difference, test, D 2244 (06.01)
Red oxide of mercury luminous reflectance factor of acoustical materials, by use of
See Mercuric oxide integrating sphere reflectometers, test, E 1477 (06.01)
Red pigments obtaining colorimetric data from a visual display unit (for
Sa Para (paranitraniline)red/Toluidine red/Venetian red minimizing errors), using tristimulus colorimeters, practice,
chemical analysis of yellow/orange/red/brown pigments E 1455 (06.01)
containing iron/maganese, test, D 50 (06.01) obtaining spectrophotometric data for object-color evaluation,
lead peroxide/true red lead content of dry red lead pigments, practice, E 1164 (06.01)
test, D 49 (06.01) porosity of paint films (to indicate coating penetration), test,
natural red/brown iron oxide pigments, spec., D 3722 (06.03) D 3258 (06.02)
para red/toluidine red pigments, testing, D 970 (06.01) reflectance factor/color (of object-color specimens), by
pure para red toner pigment, spec., D 475 (06.03) spectrophotometry using hemispherical optical measuring
pure toluidine red toner, spec., D 656 (06.03) system, test, E 1331 (06.01)
red lead pigment, spec., D 83 (06.03) reflectance factor/color of object-color specimens, using
synthetic red iron oxide pigment, spec., D 3721 (06.03) bidirectional geometry, test, E 1349 (06.01)
Reduction reflecting characteristics of metallic surfaces, using integrating
refined pyridine, by reducing substances, qualitative sphere instruments, test, E 429 (06.01)
determination, test, D 2031 (06.04) relative tinting strength of white pigments, by reflectance
Redwood measurements, test, D 2745 (06.01)
wood used as panels in weathering tests of coatings, spec., selection of geometric conditions for measurement of
D 358 (06.02) reflection/transmissionproperties of materials, practice,
Referee methods
E 179 (06.01)
total, primary, secondary, and tertiary amine values, of fatty specific luminance of horizontal coatings, (traffic stripe paint
amines, amidoanines, and diamines, test, D 2073 (06.03) systems/traffic tapes/traffic surface symbols), instrumental
measurement, test, D 4061 (06.01)
Reference photographs transmittance/color of object-color specimens, by spectrophoto-
chalking (of white/lightly tinted exterior paint films), practice, metry using hemispherical geometry, test, E 1348 (06.01)
AD 4214 (06.01) understanding the properties of high visibility materials (for
Refined benzene individual safety), guide, F 923 (06.01)
See Benzene (headings) Reflectance and reflectivity-copy materials
Refined bleached lac color by Munsell color ordering system, test, D 1535 (06.01)
See Bleached lac-dry directional reflectance factor (45-deg 0-deg) of opaque
Rehed cresylic acid specimens, by broad-band filter reflectometry, test,
See Cresylic acid E 97 (06.01)
Refined naphtha derivatives preparation of reference white reflectance standards, practice,
See Naphtha and naphtha derivatives E 259 (06.01)
Refined phenol Reflectance and reflectivity-electronic materials/applications
Sa Phenol optical components-effective surface roughness, by total
refined phenol, spec., D 2439 (06.04) integrated scattering, test, F 1048 (06.01)
Refined phthalic anhydride specular reflectance/transmittance of optically flat-coated/
See Phthalic anhydride non-coated specimens, test, F 768 (06.01)
Refined pyridine Reflected light
See Pyridine-refined See Light-transmission and reflection
Refined soybean oil Reflection haze
See Soybeans-oil See Haze
Refined tar acids Reflective markers in traffic paint
See Tar acids-crude and refined See Glass spheres (in traffic paint)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Resin solutions
Reflectometer Resins-alkyd
luminous reflectance factor of acoustical materials, by use of alkyd resins-selection of test methods, practice, D 2689 (06.03)
integrating sphere reflectometers, test, E 1477 (06.01) artists' paints (oil/resin-oil/alkyd), spec., D 4302 (06.02)
Refractive index carboxylic acids identification-alkyd resins, method,
dipentene/related terpene solvents-sampling/testing, methods, D 2455 (06.03)
D 801 (06.03) fatty acids content, test, D 1398 (06.03)
gloss differences-surfaces of similar appearance, visual glycerin (high-gravity)-sampling/testing, D 1258 (06.04)
evaluation, test, D 4449 (06.01) glycerin (high-gravity), spec., D 1257 (06.04)
pine oils-sampling/testing, methods, D 802 (06.03) glycerol/ethylene glycol/pentaerythritol in alkyd resins, test,
turpentine-sampling/testing, methods, D 233 (06.03) D 1615 (06.03)
understanding the properties of high visibility materials (for isophthalic acid content of alkyd/polyester resins, test,
individual safety), guide, F 923 (06.01) D 2690 (06.03)
wavefront distortion, for optical elements with nominally naval stores-unsaponifiable matter, incl. rosin/tall oil/related
parallel surfaces, test, F 611 (06.01) products, test, D 1397 (06.03)
Regular bleached lac pentaerythritol (for alkyd/synthetic resins), test, D 2195 (06.04)
See Bleached lac-dry phthalic anhydride content (in absence of dibasic acids), test,
Relative hiding power D 563 (06.03)
hiding power (relative)-paints/coatings, visual examination of phthalic anhydride content (in presence of dibasic acids), by
brushouts, test, D 344 (06.01) gravimetric test, D 1306 (06.03)
Relative humidity polyhydric alcohols identification-alkyd resins, qualitative/
See Humidity-relative quantitative analysis, test, D 2456 (06.03)
polyhydric alcohols in alkyd resins, qualitative analysis, test,
Relative tinting strength D 2998 (06.03)
Sa Tinting strength
rosin acids content, test, D 1469 (06.03)
relative tinting strength of printing ink dispersions, test, silicone-modified-silicon content, by atomic absorption
D 2066 (06.02) spectrophorometry, test, D 3733 (06.03)
Residual glycol ether specific gravity at 25/25"C, test, D 1963 (06.03)
purity of propylene glycol monomethyl ether/dipropylene glycol
monomethyl ether/propylene glycol monomethyl ether Resins-epoxy
acetate, test, D 4773 (06.04) epoxy content of epoxy resins, test, D 1652 (06.03)
epoxy resins-selecting test procedures, guide, D 4142 (06.03)
Residual odor liquid epoxy resins-hydrolyzable chloride content, test,
See Odor D 1726 (06.03)
Residue nitrogen (total) content of nitrogen-containing plastics/
chemical/gravimetric analysis of white/yellow thermoplastic resins/resin solutions, test, D 1013 (06.03)
traffic marking material containing lead chromate and thermoplastic traffic marking materials-bond strength, using
titanium dioxide, test, D 4797 (06.01) cement bricks/steel cubes, test, D 4796 (06.02)
sampling/testing flaked aluminum powders/pastes, methods, total chlorine content in epoxy resins/compounds, test,
D 480 (06.03) D 4301 (06.03)
Residue-evaporation total chlorine content, test, D 1847 (06.03)
naphthalene, test, D 2232 (06.04) Resins-lac
turpentine-sampling/testing, methods, D 233 (06.03) lac resins (orange shellac and button-/garnet-/bleached-
Resin kettle lac)/-sampling/testing, D 29 (06.03)
laboratory preparation of gelled vehicles, using resin kettle, orange shellac/other indian lacs for electrical insulation, spec.,
practice, D 5165 (06.02) D 784 (06.03)
Resins Resins-nitrogen
alcohol-benzene soluble matter in cellulose, test, D 1794 (06.03) amino resins, selecting test procedures, practice, D 4277 (06.03)
amine resins-solvent tolerance, test, D 1198 (06.03) nitrogen (total) content of nitrogen-containing plastics/
amino resins, selecting test procedures, practice, D 4277 (06.03) resins/resin solutions, test, D 1013 (06.03)
clarity/cleanness of (nonpigmented) paint and ink liquids, by
visual examination, test, D 2090 (06.03) Resins-phenolic
field identification of coatings, test, D 5043 (06.02) apparent free phenols, in synthetic phenolic resins/solutions
flash/fire point of liquids, by Tag open-cup apparatus, test, (used in paints/related coatings), test, D 1312 (06.03)
D 1310 (06.01) methylol group determination (qualitative) in phenolic resins,
free formaldehyde content of amino resins, test, D 1979 (06.03) test, D 4706 (06.03)
poly(viny1 butyral)-chemical analysis, test, D 1396 (06.03) phenol-formaldehyde resins (water-insoluble)-apparent pH,
poly(viny1 chloride) resins. selecting test procedures. guide. test, D 4613 (06.03)
D 4368 (06.03) stroke cure time of thermosetting phenoi-formaldehyde resins,
residual vinyl chloride monomer content of poly(viny1 chloride) test, D 4640 (06.03)
resins/compounds/copolymers by solution injection volatile content in phenolic resins, test, D 4639 (06.03)
technique, test, D 3680 (06.03) Resin solution cloud point
resin solution dilutability, test, D 5062 (06.03) resin solution dilutability, test, D 5062 (06.03)
resins/rosin-softening point, by ring-and-ball apparatus, test, Resin solutions
E 28 (06.03) Gardner color scale-transparent liquids, test, D 1544 (06.01)
solubility range, test, D 3132 (06.03) glycerol/ethylene glycol/pentaerythritol in alkyd resins, test,
volatile/nonvolatile content-cellulosics/emulsions/resin D 1615 (06.03)
solutions/shellac/varnishes, selecting test procedures, laboratory preparation of gelled vehicles, using microwave oven,
practice, D 4209 (06.01) practice, D 5166 (06.03)
volatile resin acids in tall oil/gum/wood rosin, by gas laboratory preparation of gelled vehicles, using resin kettle,
chromatography, test, D 3008 (06.03) practice, D 5165 (06.02)
water content of paints/paint materials, by Karl Fischer naval stores-unsaponifiable matter, incl. rosin/tall oil/related
method, test, D 4017 (06.01) products, test, D 1397 (06.03)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Resin solutions
nitrogen (total) content of nitrogen-containing plastics/ Resistance-cracking
resins/resin solutions, test, D 1013 (06.03) See Cracking-coatings
nonvolatile content of resin solutions (in volatile organic Resistance-deformation
solvents), test, D 1259 (06.01) pipeline coatings-penetration resistance, by blunt rod test,
phthalic anhydride content, in absence of dibasic acids, test, G 17 (06.02)
D 563 (06.03) resistance of organic coatings to effects of rapid deformation
printing ink (heatset/liquid)-nonvolatile weight content, test, (impact), test, D 2794 (06.01)
D 4713 (06.02) ring bendability (resistance to cracking/spalling from
resin solution dilutability, test, D 5062 (06.03) deformation by diametral compression) of pipeline
turbidity in clear liquids, quantitative test, D 5180 (06.03) coatings, squeeze test, G 70 (06.02)
viscosity, test, D 1725 (06.03)
Resistance-abrasion (paints/related coatings)
organic finishes, practice, D 2248 (06.01)
interior paints-wet abrasion resistance to scrubbing, test,
D 4213 (06.02) Resistance-fuel
organic coatings-abrasion resistance, by air blast abrasive, test. solvent/fuel resistance of traffic paint, test, D 2792 (06.02)
A D 658 (06.01) Resistance-fungal
organic coatings-abrasion resistance, by falling abrasive, test, resistance of synthetic polymeric materials to fungi, practice,
D 968 (06.01) G 21 (06.01)
organic coatings-abrasion resistance, by Taber abraser, test, Resistance-heat
D 4060 (06.01) evaluating (interior/exterior) coatings for protecting steel
pipeline coatings (steel)-abrasion resistance, by coarse surfaces at high-temperature service, test, A D 2485 (06.01)
abrasive/water slurry, test, G 6 (06.02) temperature-change (high-low) resistance of clear nitrocellulose
practical washability of organic coatings, test, D 4828 (06.02) lacquer films applied to wood, test, D 1211 (06.02)
printed matter-abrasion resistance, by GA-CAT tester,
D 5181 (06.02) Resistance-imprinting
print residance of architectural paints, test, D 2064 (06.02)
Resistance-acid print resistance of lacquers, test, D 2091 (06.02)
acid/mortar resistance of factory-applied clear coatings on
extruded aluminum products, test, D 3260 (06.02) Resistance-mar
organic coatings-mar resistance, using balanced beam scrape
Resistance-alcohol adhesion and mar test, D 5178 (06.01)
wood furniture lacquers, test, D 2571 (06.02)
acid/mortar resistance of factory-applied clear coatings on
algal resistance of plastic films, practice, G 29 (06.01)
extruded aluminum products, test, D 3260 (06.02)
clear/pigmented organic coatings, test, D 1308 (06.02) Resistance-oil
dried varnish films, test, D 1647 (06.03) wood furniture lacquers, test, D 2571 (06.02)
Resistance-bacteria Resistance-paint spatter
emulsion paints (in containers)-microorganism attack paint spatter resistance to roller application, test, D 4707 (06.02)
resistance, test, D 2574 (06.01) Resistance-penetration
interior coatings-mold growth resistance, 4-week exposure in porosity of paint films (to indicate coating penetration), test,
environmental chamber, test, D 3273 (06.01) D 3258 (06.02)
resistance of plastics to bacteria, practice, G 22 (06.01) Resistance-perspiration
Resistance-blistering high-performance interior architectural wall coatings (HIPAC),
coatings-water resistance, using controlled condensation, test, D 3730 (06.02)
practice, D 4585 (06.01) Resistance-pipeline coatings
coatings-water resistance, using water fog apparatus, practice, comparative corrosion preventive characteristics of materials
D 1735 (06.01) used for joints/couplings/fittings/patches in pipeline
evaluating degree of blistering, method, A D 714 (06.01) coatings, test, G 18 (06.02)
Resistance-blocking pipeline coatings-cathodic disbonding, accelerated procedures,
blocking resistance of trade sales paints, test, D 4946 (06.02) test, G 8 (06.02)
organic coatings on wood substrates, test, D 2793 (06.02) pipeline coatings-effect of outdoor weathering, test,
pressure mottling/blocking resistance of organic coatings (on G 11 (06.02)
metal substrates), test, D 3003 (06.02) pipeline coatings-impact resistance, by falling weight test,
Resistance-boiling water (H,O) G 14 (06.02)
wood furniture lacquers, test, D 2571 (06.02) pipeline coatings-impact resistance, by limestone drop test,
Resistance-chemical G 13 (06.02)
chemical resistance of pipeline coatings, test, G 20 (06.02) ring bendability (resistance to cracking/spalling from
clear/pigmented organic coatings, test, D 1308 (06.02) deformation by diametral compression) of pipeline
coatings for light-water cooled nuclear power plants, coatings, squeeze test, G 70 (06.02)
D 3912 (06.02) specific bendability of pipeline coatings, test, G 10 (06.02)
high-performance interior architectural wall coatings (HIPAC), Resistance-pressure mottling
test, D 3730 (06.02) pressure mottling/blocking resistance of organic coatings (on
Resistance-chipping metal substrates), test, D 3003 (06.02)
paints and related coatings, A D 3170 (06.02) Resistance-reagent
resistance to wear of traffic paint, method, A D 913 (06.02) factory-applied coatings on wood products, practice,
Resistance-coffee stain D 3023 (06.02)
wood furniture lacquers, test, D 2571 (06.02) Resistance-sag
Resistance-corrosion sag resistance-liquid coatings (aqueous/nonaqueous), using
See Corrosion (headings) multinotch applicator, test, D 4400 (06.02)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Rosin acids content
Resistance-scrub sag resistance-liquid coatings (aqueous/nonaqueous), using
interior paints-wet abrasion resistance to scrubbing, test, multinotch applicator, test, D 4400 (06.02)
D 4213 (06.02) static friction of coating surfaces, test, D 4518 (06.01)
scrub-to-failure of interior latex flat wall paints, test, Rich gold bronze powder
D 2486 (06.02) See Copper powder
Resistance-slip Sa Gold bronze powder
static friction of coating surfaces, test, D 4518 (06.01)
Resistance-soil Rigid prismatic retroflectors
practical washability of organic coatings, test, D 4828 (06.02) understanding the properties of high visibility materials (for
Resistance-solar radiation individual safety), guide, F 923 (06.01)
conducting exposures of nonmetallic materials to daylight Ring-and-ball apparatus
filtered through glass, practice, G 24 (06.01) resins/rosin-softening point, by ring-and-ball apparatus, test,
Resistance-solvent E 28 (06.03)
solvent/fuel resistance of traffic paint, test, D 2792 (06.02) Rivets
Resistance-stain paint films, evaluating degree of surface disfigurement,
factory-applied coatings on wood products, practice, A D 3274 (06.01)
D 3023 (06.02) Road service testing
practical washability of organic coatings, test, D 4828 (06.02) Sa Traffic paint
Resistance-temperature conducting road service tests on fluid traffic marking materials,
temperature-change (high-low) resistance of clear nitrocellulose practice, D 713 (06.02)
lacquer films applied to wood, test, D 1211 (06.02) evaluating degree of bleeding of traffic/pavement marking paint,
Resistance-water test, A D 868 (06.02)
coatings-water resistance in 100 % relative humidity, practice, resistance to wear of traffic paint, method, A D 913 (06.02)
D 2247 (06.01)
coatings-water resistance, using controlled condensation, Rocker hardness test (Sward)
practice, D 4585 (06.01) See Hardness tests-Sward (rocker)
coatings-water resistance, using (distilled/de-mineralized)water Roller
immersion, practice, D 870 (06.01) roller covers (paint)-preparation for evaluation, practice,
coatings-water resistance, using water fog apparatus, practice, D 5069 (06.02)
D 1735 (06.01) Roller application
dried varnish films, test, D 1647 (06.03) paint spatter resistance to roller application, test, D 4707 (06.02)
Resistance-wear Roller application of paints
See Wear testing (headings) architectural paints-hiding power, applied by roller, test,
Resistance-wet abrasion D 5150 (06.02)
practical washability of organic coatings, test, D 4828 (06.02)
Roller coat
Resistance and resistivity (electrical)-semiconductors
specular reflectance/transmittanceof optically flat-coated/ industrial water-reducible coatings (pigmented/clear)-selecting
non-coated specimens, test, F 768 (06.01) test procedures, guide, D 4712 (06.02)
Retort pine tars Rosenmund-Kuhnhenn method
See Pine tars (kiln and retort) iodine value of drying oils and their derivatives, test,
Retroreflection/retroreflectors D 1541 (06.03)
coefficient of retroreflection (of sheeting), test, E 810 (06.01) Rosin
color/color-difference of object-color specimens, by tristimulus ash content, after burning and ignition, test, D 1063 (06.03)
(filter) colorimetry, test, E 1347 (06.01) iron content, test, D 1064 (06.03)
color/gloss tolerances, establishing, practice, D 3134 (06.01) naval stores-acid number, incl. tall oil/wood and gum
colorimetry of retroreflectors under nighttime conditions, rosin/related products, test, D 465 (06.03)
practice, E 811 (06.01) naval stores-unsaponifiable matter, incl. rosin/tall oil/related
measuring photometric characteristics of retroreflectors, products, test, D 1065 (06.03)
practice, E 809 (06.01) naval stores (incl. tall oil/related products)-terminology,
reflectance factor/color of object-color specimens, using D 804 (06.03)
bidirectional geometry, test, E 1349 (06.01) oleic acid content of tall oil rosin, test, D 1585 (06.03)
retroreflection-retroreflectors, terminology, practice, resins/rosin-softening point, by ring-and-ball apparatus, test,
E 808 (06.01) E 28 (06.03)
retroreflective pedestrian markings-visibility enhancement, rosin-sampling/grading, delivered in commercial bags/
nighttime photometric performance, spec., E 1501 (06.01) barrels/drums, test, D 509 (06.03)
sieve analysis of glass spheres (for retroreflective pavements rosin/rosin derivatives-toluene-insoluble solid matter, test,
markings/industrial uses), test, D 1214 (06.02)
specific luminance of horizontal coatings, (traffic stripe paint
D 269 (06.03)
systems/traffic tapes/traffic surface symbols), instrumental saponification number of rosin, test, D 464 (06.03)
measurement, test, D 4061 (06.01) volatile oil in rosin, test, D 889 (06.03)
understanding the properties of high visibility materials (for volatile resin acids in tall oil/gum/wood rosin, by gas
individual safety), guide, F 923 (06.01) chromatography, test, D 3008 (06.03)
Retroreflective return (R,) Rosin acids content
retroreflective pedestrian markings-visibility enhancement, coating vehicles (rosin esters, varnishes, and alkyd resins), test,
nighttime photometric performance, spec., E 1501 (06.01) D 1469 (06.03)
Rheology/rheological properties fatty acids, test, D 1240 (06.03)
printing inks/ink films/related materials, selecting test methods, lac resins (orange shellac and button-/garnet-/bleached-
guide, D 5010 (06.02) lac)/-sampling/testing, D 29 (06.03)
rheological properties of non-Newtonian materials, by rotational rosin oils, testing, D 1131 (06.03)
(Brookfield) viscometer, test, D 2196 (06.01) tall oil-testing, methods, D 803 (06.03)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Rosin content
Rosin content sampling and handling aniline, practice, D 3436 (06.04)
qualitative detection of rosin in varnishes, by Lieberman- sampling/handling liquid cyclic products (at ambient
Storch/Halphen-Hicks tests, D 1542 (06.03) temperature), practice, D 3437 (06.04)
Rosin derivatives Safflower oil
rosin/rosin derivatives-toluene-insoluble solid matter, test, samower oil, spec., D 1392 (06.03)
D 269 (06.03) Sag resistance
Rosin esters sag resistance-liquid coatings (aqueous/nonaqueous), using
rosin acids content, test, D 1469 (06.03) multinotch applicator, test, D 4400 (06.02)
Rotational viscometer Salt
rheological properties of non-Newtonian materials, by rotational blasting abrasives-water soluble ionic contamination, by
(Brookfield) viscometer, test, D 2196 (06.01) conductimetric analysis, test, D 4940 (06.02)
Rotation angle water-soluble salts in pigments, by measuring specific resistance
understanding the properties of high visibility materials (for of pigment leachate, test, D 2448 (06.03)
individual safety), guide, F 923 (06.01) Salt air
Rouge atmospheric environmental exposure testing of nonmetallic
See Iron oxide red materials practice, G 7 (06.01)
Roughness Salt spray (fog) testing
angle resolved optical scatter measurements on specular/diffuse salt spray (fog) testing, method, B 117 (06.01)
surfaces, test, E 1392 (06.01) Sample preparation
optical components-effective surface roughness, by total sample preparation for qualification testing of coatings (used in
integrated scattering, test, F 1048 (06.01) nuclear power facilities), spec., D 5139 (06.02)
Roundness of glass spheres Sampling
embedded in traffic paint, test for, D 1155 (06.02) industrial chemicals, practice, E 300 (06.04)
Rubber Sampling-aerospace fluids
atmospheric environmental exposure testing of nonmetallic lead/chromium content (in air particulate filter samples of lead
materials practice, G 7 (06.01) chromate type pigment dusts), by atomic absorption
Rubber-general spectroscopy, test, D 4358 (06.01)
mandrel bend test of attached organic coatings, test, Sampling-h ydrocarbons
D 522 (06.01) cresylic acid and phenol, practice, D 3852 (06.04)
Rub-out test naphthalene, maleic anhydride, and phthalic anhydride,
absorption of linseed oil in pigments, test, D 281 (06.01) practice, D 3438 (06.04)
Rupture/rupture strength sampling and handling aniline, practice, D 3436 (06.04)
pipeline coatings-impact resistance, by falling weight test, sampling/handling 4,4’- isopropylidene diphenol (bisphenol-A),
G 14 (06.02) practice, D 4297 (06.04)
pipeline coatings-impact resistance, by limestone drop test, sampling/handling liquid cyclic products (at ambient
G 13 (06.02) temperature), practice, D 3437 (06.04)
Rust Sampling-paints/related coatings/materials
coatings-water resistance in 100 % relative humidity, practice, dipentene/related terpene solvents-sampling/testing, methods,
D 2247 (06.01) D 801 (06.03)
coatings-water resistance, using controlled condensation, glycerin (high-gravity)-sampling/testing, D 1258 (06.04)
practice, D 4585 (06.01) industrial chemicals, practice, E 300 (06.04)
coatings-water resistance, using (distilled/de-mineralized)water lac resins (orange shellac and button-/garnet-/bleached-
immersion, practice, D 870 (06.01) lac)/-sampling/testing, D 29 (06.03)
coatings-water resistance, using water fog apparatus, practice, liquid oils/fatty acids-sampling, used in paint/varnish/related
D 1735 (06.01) products, test, D 1466 (06.03)
degree of rusting on painted steel surfaces, method, A D 610 paints/pigmented coatings (from containers), practice,
(06.02) D 3925 (06.01)
painted/coated specimens-corrosive environments, evaluation, pine oils-sampling/testing, methods, D 802 (06.03)
method, D 1654 (06.01) rosin-sampling/grading, delivered in commercial bags/
Rust breakthrough barrels/drums, test, D 509 (06.03)
aged coatings on steel surfaces-visual assessment, guide, sample preparation for qualification testing of coatings (used in
D 5065 (06.02) nuclear power facilities), spec., D 5139 (06.02)
shellac varnish-sampling/testing, D 1650 (06.03)
Rutile turpentine-sampling/testing, methods, D 233 (06.03)
ratio of anatase to rutile in titanium dioxide (TiO,) pigments, volatile solvents/chemical intermediates-sampling/testing,
by x-ray diffraction, test, D 3720 (06.01) guide, D 268 (06.04)
Sampling-petroleum products
S purity of hydrocarbons from freezing points, test,
Safety precautions D 1016 (06.04)
understanding the properties of high visibility materials (for Sand
individual safety), guide, F 923 (06.01) organic coatings-abrasion resistance, by falling abrasive, test,
Safety precautions-coating applications D 968 (06.01)
establishing procedures to monitor performance of safety related rosin/rosin derivatives-toluene-insoluble solid matter, test,
coatings in operating nuclear power plant, guide, D 269 (06.03)
D 5163 (06.02) Sandmill
handling naphthalene, maleic/phthalic anhydride, practice, dry color pigments-color/strength, by miniature sandmill, test,
D 3438 (06.04) A D 3022 (06.01)
handling phenol and cresylic acid, practice, D 3852 (06.04) Sandstone
polymeric powders-safety/handling precautions, practice, preparatory surface cleaning of architectural sandstone, practice,
D 3451 (06.02) D 5107 (06.02)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Shortness ratio
Saponifiable chloride Service Level I
liquid epoxy resins-hydrolyzable chloride content, test, establishing procedures to monitor performance of safety related
D 1726 (06.03) coatings in operating nuclear power plant, guide,
Saponification number/value D 5163 (06.02)
Sa Unsaponifiabk matter content Service levels I and I1
apparent acetyl content of cellulose acetate proprionatel use of protective coating standards in nuclear power plants,
butyrate, test, A D 817 (06.03) selecting ASTM standards, guide, D 5144 (06.02)
lac resins (orange shellac and button-/garnet-/bleached- Setaflash testers
lac)/-sampling/testing, D 29 (06.03) flash point of liquids, by Setaflash closed-cup apparatus, test,
saponification number of rosin, test, D 464 (06.03) D 3278 (06.01)
saponification value of drying oils/fatty acids/polymerized fatty sustained burning (of liquid mixtures), by Seta-flash tester (open
acids, test, D 1962 (06.03) cup), test, D 4206 (06.01)
shellac varnish-sampling/testing, D 1650 (06.03) Settlement
tall oil-testing, methods, D 803 (06.03) evaluating degree of settling (pigment suspension/ease of
Saybolt viscometers remixing a shelf-aged sample) of paint, test, D 869 (06.02)
See Viscometers-Saybolt traffic paint, in containers, by laboratory simulation, test,
Scale D 1309 (06.02)
description/selection of conditions (for photographing Set-to-touch-time
specimens), practice, E 312 (06.01) See Drying time
Scaling Shear testing-paints/related coatings/materials
Sa Flaking consistency of paints, using Stormer viscometer, test,
exterior paints-degree of flaking (scaling), test, A D 772 (06.01) D 562 (06.01)
observers-selection/evaluation/training, guide, E 1499 (06.01) subjecting marine antifouling coating to bifouling and fluid
Scattering coefficient shear forces in natural seawater, test, D 4939 (06.02)
hiding power of paints, by reflectometry, test, A D 2805 (06.01) viscosity of printing inks/vehicles, by falling-rod viscometer,
relative tinting strength of white pigments, by reflectance test, D 4040 (06.02)
measurements, test, D 2745 (06.01) Shear thinning
Scattering parameters rheological properties of non-Newtonian materials, by rotational
optical components-effective surface roughness, by total (Brookfield) viscometer, test, D 2196 (06.01)
integrated scattering, test, F 1048 (06.01) Sheen
sa Gloss
Scrape gloss/sheen uniformity evaluation, test, D 3928 (06.02)
organic coatings-adhesion to smooth flat (planar) panel practical washability of organic coatings, test, D 4828 (06.02)
surfaces, by scrape adhesion test, D 2197 (06.01) specular gloss of nonmetallic specimens, test, D 523 (06.01)
Scrub resistance Sheet materials (general)
interior paints-wet abrasion resistance to scrubbing, test, continuity verification of liquidlsheet linings applied to concrete
D 4213 (06.02) substrates, practice, D 4787 (06.02)
scrub-to-failure of interior latex flat wall paints, test,
D 2486 (06.02) Sheet metal
flexibility/adhesion of organic coatings (paints) on prepainted
Sealability deformed metallic sheets, test, D 4145 (06.02)
evaluating pipeline coating patch materials, test, G 55 (06.02) mandrel bend test of attached organic coatings, test,
Sealers (floor) D 522 (06.01)
See Floor paints/coatings Shellac
Seashore shellac varnish-sampling/testing, D 1650 (06.03)
atmospheric environmental exposure testing of nonmetallic shellac varnishes, spec., D 360 (06.03)
materials practice, G 7 (06.01) volatile/nonvolatile content-cellulosics/emulsions/resin
Secondary butyl acetate (85-88 % grade) solutions/shellac/varnishes, selecting test procedures,
See n-Butyl acetate (all grades) practice, D 4209 (06.01)
Secondary butyl alcohol Shellac-electrical insulating
See sec-Butyl alcohol orange shellac/other indian lacs for electrical insulation, spec.,
Sediment D 784 (06.03)
clarity/cleanness of (nonpigmented) paint and ink liquids, by shellac (dry/powdered) used for electrical insulation, selecting
visual examination, test, D 2090 (06.03) test methods, D 411 (06.03)
Sedimentation Shellac-orange
reporting particle size characteristics of pigments, practice, lac resins (orange shellac and button-/garnet-/bleached-
D 1366 (06.03) lac)/-sampling/testing, D 29 (06.03)
orange shellac and (button lac/garnet lac), spec., D 237 (06.03)
Selecting tests-paints/related coatings/materials shellac varnish-sampling/testing, D 1650 (06.03)
See Guides/ptactices for testing paints/related coatings
Selection of observer candidates amount of liquid separated as upper layer from a viscous
observers-selection/evaluation/training, guide, E 1499 (06.01) solution/dispersion containing dispersed solids, test,
Self-aligning adhesion tester D 4948 (06.01)
pull-off strength of coatings, using portable adhesion testers, pipeline coatings-impact resistance, by falling weight test,
test, D 4541 (06.02) G 14 (06.02)
Semi-gloss paints Shortness ratio
interior latex semigloss/gloss paints, selecting test methods, laboratory preparation of gelled vehicles, using microwave oven,
guide, D 4540 (06.02) practice, D 5166 (06.03)
Sensory evaluation-odor laboratory preparation of gelled vehicles, using resin kettle,
volatile solvents and diluents, test, D 1296 (06.04) practice, D 5165 (06.02)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Short-radius bends
Short-radius bends Slope efficiency
specific bendability of pipeline coatings, test, G 10 (06.02) neodymium-doped laser rods, test, F 578 (06.01)
SI (International System of Units) ruby laser rods, practice, F 379 (06.01)
use of international system of units (SI) (modernized metric Slump
system), excerpts, slump of face glazing/bedding compounds on metal sash, test,
(Related Material-all volumes) (06.01, 06.02, 06.03, 06.04) D 2376 (06.02)
Sienna (burnt and raw) Slurries
chemical analysis of yellow/orange/red/brown pigments blasting abrasives-water soluble ionic contamination, by
containing iron/maganese, test, D 50 (06.01) conductimetric analysis, test, D 4940 (06.02)
raw/burnt sienna pigments, spec., D 765 (06.03) pipeline coatings (steel)-abrasion resistance, by coarse
Sieve analysis abrasive/water slurry, test, G 6 (06.02)
sieve analysis of glass spheres (for retroreflective pavements weight percent of solids in aqueous slurries of titanium dioxide
markings/industrial uses), test, D 1214 (06.02) pigments, test, D 3926 (06.01)
Sieve analysis-subsieve Smudging
reporting particle size characteristics of pigments, practice, printed matter-abrasion resistance, by GA-CAT tester,
D 1366 (06.03) D 5181 (06.02)
Silanes/Siloxane Snell’s law
nonvolatile content in silanes/siloxanes/silane-siloxaneblends understanding the properties of high visibility materials (for
used in masonry water-repellent treatments, test, individual safety), guide, F 923 (06.01)
D 5095 (06.02) Soapstone
paint/related coatings-volatile/nonvolatile content, selecting See Magnesium silicate
test procedures, guide, D 2832 (06.01) Sodium carboxymethylcellulose
Silica content sodium glycolate content of sodium carboxymethylcellulose,
acid-soluble extenders in (iron/copper phthalocyanine/ test, D 1439 (06.03)
ultramarine) blue pigments, test, D 1135 (06.01) Sodium glycolate content
cellulose, test, D 2438 (06.03) sodium glycolate content of sodium carboxymethylcellulose,
chromium trioxide content of basic lead silico-chromate test, D 1439 (06.03)
pigment, test, D 1844 (06.01) Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda)
free silica in barium sulfate pigment, test, D 715 (06.01) residual p-tert-butylcatechol (TBC) in styrene monomer, by
white titanium pigments, chemical analysis, test, D 1394 (06.01) spectrophotometry, test, D 4590 (06.04)
Silica (diatomaceous) solubility in sodium hydroxide, test, D 1696 (06.03)
diatomaceous silica pigment, spec., D 604 (06.03) Sodium sulfite
Silicon content free formaldehyde content of amino resins, test, D 1979 (06.03)
silicon polymers and silicon-modified alkyds, by atomic Softening point
absorption spectrophotometry test, D 3733 (06.03) clear/pigmented organic coatings, test, D 1308 (06.02)
Silicon dioxide (SiO,) content resinsfrosin-softening point, by ring-and-ball apparatus, test,
silicon dioxide in magnesium silicate pigment, test, E 28 (06.03)
D 717 (06.01) Soil accumulation
Silicone-coated paper paint films, evaluating degree of surface disfigurement,
organic coatings-uniform free film preparation, practice, A D 3274 (06.01)
D 4708 (06.01) Soil burial test
Silicone-modified alkyds disbonding characteristics of pipeline coatings, by direct soil
silicon content, by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, test, burial, test, G 19 (06.02)
D 3733 (06.03) Soil removal properties
Silicone polymers practical washability of organic coatings, test, D 4828 (06.02)
silicon content, by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, test, Solar collectors
D 3733 (06.03) optical components-effective surface roughness, by total
Simulated accident conditions integrated scattering, test, F 1048 (06.01)
protective coating systems-simulated design basis accident Solar spectral irradiance
(DBA), conditions, test, D 3911 (06.02) color measurement of fluorescent specimens, practice,
Skinning E 991 (06.01)
See Stability-package conducting exposures of nonmetallic materials to daylight
filtered through glass, practice, G 24 (06.01)
Skins content operating light-exposure apparatus (xenon-arc type) with/
clan?y/cleanness of (nonpigmented) pain? and ink liquids, by without water for exposure of nonmetallic materials,
visual examination, test, D 2090 (06.03) practice, G 26 (06.01)
Slag optical components-effective surface roughness, by total
blasting abrasives-water soluble ionic contamination, by integrated scattering, test, F 1048 (06.01)
conductimetric analysis, test, D 4940 (06.02) Solidification point
Sliding scale calibration graph aromatic hydrocarbons/related chemicals, terminology,
viscosity of printing inks/vehicles, by falling-rod viscometer, D 4790 (06.04)
test, D 4040 (06.02) benzene, test, D 852 (06.04)
Slip resistance 4,4’-isopropylidenediphenol(Bisphenol A), test, D 4493 (06.04)
static friction of coating surfaces, test, D 4518 (06.01) solidification point of industrial organic chemicals, test,
Slope D 1493 (06.04)
laboratory preparation of gelled vehicles, using microwave oven, solidification (titer) point of fatty acids, test, D 1982 (06.03)
practice, D 5166 (06.03) Solid phase materials
laboratory preparation of gelled vehicles, using resin kettle, fluorescence in object-color specimens, by spectrophotometry
practice, D 5165 (06.02) test, E 1247 (06.01)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Solvent-reducible paints/coatings
Solid phase materials-paints/related coatings/materials architectural coatings (solvent-/water-thinned), selecting test
amount of liquid separated as upper layer from a viscous methods, index, D 2833 (06.02)
solution/dispersion containing dispersed solids, test, architectural paints-hiding power, applied by roller, test,
D 4948 (06.01) D 5150 (06.02)
calculating formulation physical constants of paints/coatings, artists’ paints (oil/resin-oil/alkyd), spec., D 4302 (06.02)
practice, D 5201 (06.01) blocking resistance of trade sales paints, test, D 4946 (06.02)
determining liquid/solid status (of viscous materials), test, calculating formulation physical constants of paints/coatings,
D 4359 (06.01) practice, D 5201 (06.01)
driers/drying oils/naval stores/solvents-volatile/nonvolatile chromium content (low concentrations) in solids of liquid
content, selecting test methods, guide, D 4140 (06.01) coatings/dried films, by atomic absorption spectroscopy,
filter-retained solids content of polymer latexes, test, test, D 3718 (06.01)
D 5097 (06.03) coatings-water resistance in 100 % relative humidity, practice,
flash point (of fuel oils/lube oils/suspension of solids/liquids), by D 2247 (06.01)
Pensky-Martens closed tester, test, D 93 (06.01) coatings (solvent-/water-reducible)-volatile content by weight
infrared identification of vehicle solids from solvent-reducible percent, test, D 2369 (06.01)
paints, by infrared spectroscopy, test, D 2621 (06.01) conducting tests on paint/varnish/lacquer/related products,
rosin/rosin derivatives-toluene-insoluble solid matter, test, using enclosed carbon-arc light/water exposure apparatus,
D 269 (06.03) practice, D 5031 (06.01)
spray-applied coatings-transfer efficiency, under general directional reflectance factor (45-deg 0-deg) of opaque
laboratory conditions, practice, D 5327 (06.02) specimens, by broad-band filter reflectometry, test,
volatile/nonvolatile content-cellulosics/emulsions/resin E 97 (06.01)
solutions/shellac/varnishes, selecting test procedures, erosion testing of antifouling paints, using high velocity water,
practice, D 4209 (06.01) test, D 4938 (06.02)
volatile/nonvolatile content (of pigments), selecting test exterior solvent-reducible house/trim coatings-selecting test
procedures, guide, D 4139 (06.01) procedures, guide, D 2932 (06.02)
weight percent of solids in aqueous slurries of titanium dioxide
field identification of coatings, test, D 5043 (06.02)
pigments, test, D 3926 (06.01)
hiding power of paints, by reflectometry, test, A D 2805 (06.01)
Solubility house paints (solvent-reducible)-solvent composition, test,
refined pyridine in water, test, D 2030 (06.04) D 2349 (06.01)
resin solution dilutability, test, D 5062 (06.03) identification of oils and oil acids in solvent-reducible paints,
solubility in sodium hydroxide, test, D 1696 (06.03) test, D 2245 (06.01)
solubility range (of resins/polymers), test, D 3132 (06.03) indexes of whiteness/yellowness of near-white opaque materials,
soluble cellulose nitrate, testing, methods, D 301 (06.03)
test, E 313 (06.01)
Soluble cellulose nitrate nitrocellulose infrared identification of vehicle solids from solvent-reducible
soluble cellulose nitrate, testing, methods, D 301 (06.03) paints, by infrared spectroscopy, test, D 2621 (06.01)
Soluble sulfates content interior coatings-mold growth resistance, 4-week exposure in
lead peroxide/true red lead content of dry red lead pigments, environmental chamber, test, D 3273 (06.01)
test, D 49 (06.01) lead/cadmium/cobalt content (low concentrations) in
Solution injection technique nonvolatile portion of liquid coatings/dried films, by
residual vinyl chloride monomer content of poly(viny1 chloride) atomic absorption spectroscopy, test, D 3335 (06.01)
resins/compounds/copolymers by solution injection lead content in paint, by direct aspiration atomic absorption
technique, test, D 3680 (06.03) spectroscopy, test, D 4834 (06.01)
Solvent analysis (of solvent-type paints) mandrel bend test of attached organic coatings, test,
direct injection with a gas chromatograph, practice, D 522 (06.01)
D 3271 (06.01) mercury content (low concentrations) in liquid coatings/coatings
Solvent and fuel resistance of traffic paints vehicles/dried films, by atomic absorption spectroscopy,
See Traffic paint test, D 3624 (06.01)
Solvent brushing and wiping paint spatter resistance to roller application, test, D 4707 (06.02)
Sa Steel panels paint (water-/solvent-reducible)-package stability, test,
steel panels (zinc-/zinc alloy-coated)-preparation, for testing D 1849 (06.02)
paint/related coatings, practice, D 2201 (06.01) pigment content, high-speed centrifuging, test, D 2698 (06.01)
pigment content of solvent-reducible paints, test, D 2371 (06.01)
Solvent emissions porosity of paint films (to indicate coating penetration), test,
spray-applied coatings-transfer efficiency, under general D 3258 (06.02)
laboratory conditions, practice, D 5327 (06.02) practical washability of organic coatings, test, D 4828 (06.02)
Solvent-extractable matter preparing drawdowns of artists’ paste paints, practice,
pigment content of solvent-reducible paints, test, D 2371 (06.01 D 4941 (06.02)
Solvent naphtha (refined) relative tinting strength of chromatic paints, test, D 4838 (06.02)
See Naphtha and naphtha derivatives solvent analysis, by gas chromatography direct injection
Solvent-reducible coatings method, practice, D 3271 (06.01)
leveling-paints (water-/solvent-reducible), by draw-down solvent-borne paints-weight percent volatile content, in aerosol
method, test, D 4062 (06.02) cans, test, D 5200 (06.01)
Solvent-reducible paints/coatings solvent-reducible floor paints-selecting test procedures, guide,
antimony content (low concentrations) in solids of liquid D 3383 (06.02)
coatings/dried films, by atomic absorption spectroscopy, steel panels (zinc-/zinc alloy-coated)-preparation, for testing
test, D 3717 (06.01) paint/related coatings, practice, D 2201 (06.01)
antimony oxide content of white pigment (separated from subjecting marine antifouling coating to bifouling and fluid
solvent-type paints), test, D 2350 (06.01) shear forces in natural seawater, test, D 4939 (06.02)
architectural coatings (solvent-borne interior/exterior), selecting sulfide in white pigment separated from solvent-reducible
test methods, index, D 5146 (06.02) paints, test, D 2351 (06.01)

73 1
Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Solvent-reducible paints/coatings
sulfur dioxide in white pigment separated from solvent- methyl (amyl ketone/isoamyl ketone)-purity, by gas
reducible paints, test, D 2352 (06.01) chromatography, test, D 3893 (06.04)
titanium dioxide content-paint, by x-ray fluorescence methyl isobutyl ketone, spec., D 1153 (06.04)
spectroscopy, test, D 4764 (06.01) mineral (petroleum) spirits hydrocarbon drycleaning solvent,
vacuum distillation (for vehicle separation in solvent-type spec., D 235 (06.04)
paints), practice, D 3272 (06.01) nonvolatile content of resin solutions (in volatile organic
vehicle separation from solvent-reducible paints, by centrifuge, solvents), test, D 1259 (06.01)
practice, D 2372 (06.01) odor (characteristic/residual), test, D 1296 (06.04)
volatile solvents (for paint/lacquer/varnish)-nonvolatile matter, primary (synthetic) amyl acetate (98 % grade), spec.,
test, D 1353 (06.04) D 3540 (06.04)
volume nonvolatile matter in clear/pigmented coatings, test, printing ink (heatset/liquid)-nonvolatile weight content, test,
D 2697 (06.01) D 4713 (06.02)
wall paints (interior flat solvent-reducible)-selecting test n-propyl acetate (96 % grade), spec., D 3130 (06.04)
methods, guide, D 3323 (06.02) solvent composition analysis (in solvent-type paints), by gas
wall/trim enamels (interior solvent-reducible semigloss)- chromatography, test, D 3271 (06.01)
selecting test methods, guide, D 3425 (06.02) solvent extractable material in black pigments, test,
water content of paints/paint materials, by Karl Fischer D 305 (06.01)
method, test, D 4017 (06.01) solvent/fuel resistance of traffc paint, test, D 2792 (06.02)
wet-to-dry hiding change of architectural coatings, test, solvent tolerance, of amine resins, test, D 1198 (06.03)
D 5007 (06.02) trace amounts of peroxides in organic solvents (with active
wood used as panels in weathering tests of coatings, spec., oxygen in range 25-80 ppm), test, E 299 (06.04)
D 358 (06.02) turbidity in clear liquids, quantitative test, D 5180 (06.03)
Solvent release VM & P naphthas, spec., D 3735 (06.04)
amount of liquid separated as upper layer from a viscous volatile solvents/chemical intermediates-sampling/testing,
solution/dispersion containing dispersed solids, test, guide, D 268 (06.04)
D 4948 (06.01) volatile solvents/chemical intermediates-total acidity, test,
amount of volatile organic compound (VOC) released from D 1613 (06.04)
volatile solvents (for paint/lacquer/varnish)-nonvolatile matter,
solventborne automotive coatings and available for
removal in a VOC control device (abatement), test, test, D 1353 (06.04)
water content of paints/paint materials, by Karl Fischer
D 5087 (06.01) method, test, D 4017 (06.01)
Solvent rub method water in volatile solvents, by Fischer reagent titration method,
MEK resistance of ethyl silicate (inorganic) zinc-rich primers, test, D 1364 (06.04)
by solvent rub, test, D 4752 (06.02) water miscibility of water-soluble solvents, test, D 1722 (06.04)
Solvents Solvent tolerance
field identification of coatings, test, D 5043 (06.02) resin solution dilutability, test, D 5062 (06.03)
hexyl acetate, spec., D 5137 (06.04) Southern pine
mineral (petroleum) spirits hydrocarbon drycleaning solvent, wood used as panels in weathering tests of coatings, spec.,
spec., D 235 (06.04) D 358 (06.02)
trace amounts of peroxides in organic solvents (with active Soybeans-oil
oxygen in range 25-80 ppm), test, E 299 (06.04) degummed soybean oil, spec., D 124 (06.03)
Solvents-hydrocarbon refined soybean oil, spec., D 1462 (06.03)
aniline point/mixed aniline point of petroleum products/ Spark-source mass spectrometry
hydrocarbon solvents, test, D 611 (06.04) Sa Spectrophotometry (headings)
benzene content in hydrocarbon solvents, by gas chromatog- color of cresylic acids (“C” series standards), test,
raphy, test, D 4367 (06.04) D 3627 (06.04)
Kauri-butanol value, test, D 1133 (06.04)
Spark testers
Solvents-paints/related coatings/materials discontinuity (holiday) testing of nonconductive protective
acetone, spec., D 329 (06.04) coating on metallic substrates, practice, D 5162 (06.02)
amount of volatile organic compound (VOC) released from
solventborne automotive coatings and available for paint spatter resistance to roller application, test, D 4707 (06.02)
removal in a VOC control device (abatement), test,
D 5087 (06.01) Spat test (for lead)
n-butyl acetate (all grades), spec., D 4615 (06.04) detection of lead in paint/dried paint films, test, D 3618 (06.01)
calculating formulation physical constants of paints/coatings, Spatula rub-out test
practice, D 5201 (06.01) absorption of linseed oil in pigments, test, D 281 (06.01)
clarity/cleanness of (nonpigmented) paint and ink liquids, by Specifications-petroleum products
visual examination, test, D 2090 (06.03) commercial hexanes, spec., D 1836 (06.04)
commercial hexanes, spec., D 1836 (06.04) 2-methoxyethanol, spec., D 3128 (06.04)
dichloromethane/l ,1,1 -trichloroethane content-paints/coatings, mineral (petroleum) spirits hydrocarbon drycleaning solvent,
by direct injection gas chromatography, test, spec., D 235 (06.04)
D 4457 (06.01) Specific gravity-paints/related coatings/materials
dipentene/related terpene solvents-sampling/testing, methods, commercial density (of pure liquid chemicals), test,
D801 (06.03) D 3505 (06.04)
driers/drying oils/naval stores/solvents-volatile/nonvolatile dipentene/related terpene solvents-sampling/testing, methods,
content, selecting test methods, guide, D 4140 (06.01) D801 (06.03)
ester value of solvents and thinners, test, D 1617 (06.04) drying oils, varnishes, alkyd resins, fatty acids, and related
ethyl acetate (all grades), spec., D 4614 (06.04) materials, at 25/25C, test, D 1963 (06.03)
hexyl acetate, spec., D 5137 (06.04) pigments, tests, D 153 (06.03)
isobutyl acetate (95 % grade), spec., D 1718 (06.04) pine oils-sampling/testing, methods, D 802 (06.03)
lacquer solvents-heptane miscibility, test, D 1476 (06.04) turpentine-sampling/testing, methods, D 233 (06.03)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Spectrophotometry-atomic absorption (paints/related coatings)
Specific luminapce obtaining colorimetric data from a visual display unit (for
horizontal coatings (traffic stripe paint systems/traffic minimizing errors), using tristimulus colorimeters, practice,
tapes/traffic surface symbols), instrumental measurement, E 1455 (06.01)
test, D 4061 (06.01) obtaining colorimetric data from video display unit, by
Specific permeability spectroradiometry, method, E 1336 (06.01)
moisture vapor transmission of organic coating films, test, obtaining spectroradiometric data from radiant sources for
D 1653 (06.01) colorimetry, practice, E 1341 (06.01)
Specific resistance (resistivity) opaque materials-color differences, visual examination,
water-soluble salts in pigments, by measuring specific resistance practice, D 1729 (06.01)
of pigment leachate, test, D 2448 (06.03) operating light-exposure apparatus (xenon-arc type) with/
Specimen preparation (for testing) without water for exposure of nonmetallic materials,
obtaining spectrophotometric data for object-color evaluation, practice, G 26 (06.01)
practice, E 1164 (06.01) performing accelerated outdoor weathering of nonmetallic
Specimen preparation (for testing)-atmospheric analysis materials, using concentrated natural sunlight, practice,
conditioning of materials for tests, def. of terms, E 41 (06.01) G 90 (06.01)
Specimen preparation (for testing)-paints/related coatings reflecting characteristics of metallic surfaces, using integrating
abrading concrete, practice, D 4259 (06.02) sphere instruments, test, E 429 (06.01)
acid etching concrete, practice, D 4260 (06.02) selection of geometric conditions for measurement of
chemically cleaned/etched concrete surfaces-pH, test, reflection/transmissionproperties of materials, practice,
D 4262 (06.02) E 179 (06.01)
magnesium alloys, practice, D 1732 (06.02) visual characteristics of metamerism, practice, D 4086 (06.01)
making and preparing concrete/masonry panels for testing paint Spectrocolorimeter
finishes, method, D 1734 (06.02) appearance (of objects/materials/lightsources), terminology,
paint and related coatings exposure tests, methods for E 284 (06.01)
preparation, D 609 (06.01) obtaining spect:ophotometric data for object-color evaluation,
preparation of aluminum/aluminum-alloy surfaces (for practice, E 1164 (06.01)
painting), practice, D 1730 (06.02) reflectance factor/color of object-color specimens, using
preparation of hot-dip aluminum surfaces (for painting), bidirectional geometry, test, E 1349 (06.01)
practice, D 1731 (06.02) transmittance/color of object-color specimens, by spectrophoto-
preparation of methyl esters from fatty acids, for fatty acid metry using hemispherical geometry, test, E 1348 (06.01)
composition analysis, test, D 3457 (06.03) Spectrometry-mass
preparation of paint brushes for evaluation, practice, color of cresylic acids (“C” series standards), test,
D 5068 (06.02) D 3627 (06.04)
preparing drawdowns of artists’ paste paints, practice, Spectrophotometry
D 4941 (06.02) appearance (of objects/materials/light sources), terminology,
preparing glass panels for testing, D 3891 (06.01) E 284 (06.01)
reference white reflectance standards, practice, E 259 (06.01) indexes of whiteness/yellowness of near-white opaque materials,
roller covers (paint)-preparation for evaluation, practice, test, E 313 (06.01)
D 5069 (06.02) luminous reflectance factor of acoustical materials, by use of
selection of coating specimens and preparation for appearance integrating sphere reflectometers, test, E 1477 (06.01)
measurement, practice, D 3964 (06.01) obtaining spectrophotometric data for object-color evaluation,
standard pictorial surface preparation standards for painting practice, E 1164 (06.01)
steel surfaces, A D 2200 (06.02) reflectance factor/color (of object-color specimens), by
steel panels (zinc-/zinc alloy-coated)-preparation, for testing
paint/related coatings, practice, D 2201 (06.01) spectrophotometry using hemispherical optical measuring
surface cleaning concrete (for coating), practice, D 4258 (06.02) system, test, E 1331 (06.01)
surface cleaning concrete unit masonry (for coating), practice, reflectance factor/color of object-color specimens, using
D 4261 (06.02) bidirectional geometry, test, E 1349 (06.01)
zinc-coated (galvanized) steel, practice, D 2092 (06.02) transmittance/color of object-color specimens, by spectrophoto-
metry using hemispherical geometry, test, E 1348 (06.01)
Specimen preparation (general)-paints/related coatings
sample preparation for qualification testing of coatings (used in Spectrophotometry-absorption
nuclear power facilities), spec., D 5139 (06.02) carbon disulfide content of aromatic hydrocarbons, using
Spectral data spectrophotometry, test, D 2324 (06.04)
appearance (of objects/materials/light sources), terminology, color measurement of fluorescent specimens, practice,
E 284 (06.01) E 991 (06.01)
computing colors of objects, by CIE system. method. computing colors of objects, by CIE system, method,
E 308 (06.01) E 308 (06.01)
conducting exposures of nonmetallic materials to daylight iron content (of rosin), D 1064 (06.03)
filtered through glass, practice, G 24 (06.01) obtaining spectrophotometric data for object-color evaluation,
conducting tests on paint/varnish/lacquer/relatedproducts, practice, E 1164 (06.01)
using enclosed carbon-arc light/water exposure apparatus, spectrophotometric diene value of dehydrated castor
practice, D 5031 (06.01) oil/derivatives, test, D 1358 (06.03)
description/selection of conditions (for photographing thiophene content of benzene, by spectrophotometry, test,
specimens), practice, E 312 (06.01) D 1685 (06.04)
directional reflectance factor (45-deg 0-deg) of opaque trace amounts of peroxides in organic solvents (with active
specimens, by broad-band filter reflectometry, test, oxygen in range 25-80 ppm), test, E 299 (06.04)
E 97 (06.01) Spectrophotometry-atomic absorption (paints/related coatings)
high-gloss surfaces-gloss, by goniophotometry, test, cellulose pulp (from wood/cotton)-metals (Fe/Cu/Mn,Ca)
E 430 (06.01) content, test, D 4085 (06.03)
indexes of whiteness/yellowness of near-white opaque materials, lead content in paint, by direct aspiration atomic absorption
test, E 313 (06.01) spectroscopy, test, D 4834 (06.01)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Spectrophotometry-atomic absorption (paints/related coatings)
organotin release rates of antifouling coating systems in sea selection of geometric conditions for measurement of
water, using graphite furnace atomic absorption reflection/transmissionproperties of materials, practice,
spectrophotometry (GF-AAS), test, D 5108 (06.02) E 179 (06.01)
relative tinting strength of printing ink dispersions, test, Spherical optical surfaces
D 2066 (06.02) optical components-effective surface roughness, by total
residual p-tert-butylcatechol(TBC) in styrene monomer, by integrated scattering, test, F 1048'(06.01)
spectrophotometry, test, D 4590 (06.04)
Spirits of turpentine
Spectrophotometry-fluorescence See Turpentine
fluorescence in object-color specimens, by spectrophotometry
test, E 1247 (06.01) Spoilage
Spectrophotometry-goniophotometry See Stability-package
high-gloss surfaces-gloss, by goniophotometry, test, Spray-applied coatings
E 430 (06.01) Sa Coatings (headings)
measuring photometric characteristics of retroreflectors, evaluating and comparing transfer conditions-laboratory
practice, E 809 (06.01) conditions, test, D 5009 (06.02)
objects/materials (reflecting/transmitting), practice, spray-applied coatings-transfer efficiency, under general
E 167 (06.01) laboratory conditions, practice, D 5327 (06.02)
Spectrophotometry-infrared transfer efficiency-spray applied automotive paints, by weight
cellulose nitrate in alkyd lacquers, quantitative determination by basis under production conditions, practice, D 5066 (06.02)
infrared spectrophotometry, test, D 3133 (06.02) Spray method
infrared identification of vehicle solids from solvent-reducible industrial water-reducible coatings (pigmented/clear)-selecting
paints, by infrared spectroscopy, test, D 2621 (06.01) test procedures, guide, D 4712 (06.02)
qualitative identification of polymers in emulsion paints, by Spreading rate
infrared analysis/pyrolysis-gas liquid chromatography,
practice, D 3168 (06.01) hiding power of paints, by reflectometry, test, A D 2805 (06.01)
traffic paint-uniformity of vehicle solids, by spectroscopy/gas Squeeze test
chromatography, practices, D 2743 (06.02) ring bendability (resistance to cracking/spalling from
Spectroradiometricsystem deformation by diametral compression) of pipeline
obtaining colorimetric data from video display unit, by coatings, squeeze test, G 70 (06.02)
spectroradiometry, method, E 1336 (06.01) Stability-paints/related coatings/materials
obtaining spectroradiometric data from radiant sources for conducting tests on paint/varnish/lacquer/related products,
colorimetry, practice, E 1341 (06.01) using enclosed carbon-arc light/water exposure apparatus,
opaque materials-color differences, visual examination, practice, D 5031 (06.01)
practice, D 1729 (06.01) copper phthalocyanine blue pigment, spec., D 963 (06.03)
Spectroscopy-absorption (of paint) estimating package stability of coatings for ultraviolet curing,
lead/chromium content (in air particulate filter samples of lead test, D 4144 (06.02)
chromate type pigment dusts), test, D 4358 (06.01) filtered open flame carbon-arc light/water exposure apparatus-
titanium dioxide content of pigments (recovered from whole paints and related coatings/materials, conducting
paint), by atomic absorption spectroscopy, test, accelerated tests (using G 23), practice, D 822 (06.01)
D 4563 (06.01) freeze-thaw resistance of water-borne coatings, test,
Spectroscopy-atomic absorption D 2243 (06.02)
antimony content (low concentrations) in solids of liquid heat stability of cellulose acetate, test, D 871 (06.03)
coatings/dried films, by atomic absorption spectroscopy, heat stability of cellulose ester, test, A D 817 (06.03)
test, D 3717 (06.01) light stability of clear coatings, by sunlight-through-glass
chromium content (low concentrations) in solids of liquid method, test, D 2620 (06.02)
coatings/dried films, by atomic absorption spectroscopy, paint (water-/solvent-reducible)-package stability, test,
test, D 3718 (06.01) D 1849 (06.02)
lead/cadmium/cobalt content (low concentrations) in polymeric powders/powder coatings-package stability, practice,
nonvolatile portion of liquid coatings/dried films, by D 3451 (06.02)
atomic absorption spectroscopy, test, D 3335 (06.01) Stability-temperature
lead content in paint, by direct aspiration atomic absorption evaluating interferometers (for uniformity of illumination,
spectroscopy, test, D 4834 (06.01) focus, vibration, temperature stability, turbulence,
mercury content (low concentrations) in liquid coatings/coatings
cleanliness, component defects), practice, F 742 (06.01)
vehicles/dried films, by atomic absorption spectroscopy,
test, D 3624 (06.01) Staining
Spectroscopy-x-ray fluorescence JXRF) practical washability of organic coatings, test, D 4828 (06.02)
sulfur content (of cellulosic materials), test D 2929 (06.03) stain removal (from multicolor lacquers on primed steel panels),
titanium dioxide content-paint, by x-ray fluorescence test, D 2198 (06.02)
spectroscopy, test, D 4764 (06.01) stain resistance of factory-applied coatings on wood products,
practice, D 3023 (06.02)
contrast ratio of a pair of linear polarizers for visible radiation, Standard color solutions
test, F 743 (06.01) See Color (headings)
Specular gloss Static coefficient of friction _ _
See Gloss See Coefficient of friction
Specular optical properties Statistical methods
angle resolved optical scatter measurements on specular/diffuse conducting interlaboratory study to determine precision of test
surfaces, test, E 1392 (06.01) method, practice, E 691 (06.04)
goniophotometry of objects/materials, practice, E 167 (06.01) least squares of manual analysis of interferograms, by least
reflecting characteristics of metallic surfaces, using integrating squares (fitting to a plane reference surface), practice,
sphere instruments, test, E 429 (06.01) F 663 (06.01)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Styrene-butadiene coatings systems
least squares of manual/computer-aided analysis of interfero- Strength-general
grams, by least squares fitting to a plane/spherical reference dry color pigments-color/strength, by miniature sandmill, test,
surface, practice, F 664 (06.01) A D 3022 (06.01)
reducing the variability of color measurement, by use of Strength-tinting
multiple measurements, practice, E 1345 (06.01) colored pigments (dry/pastes in oil), using a mechanical muller,
Steam-distilled wood turpentine test, D 387 (06.01)
Sa Turpentine relative tinting strength of white pigments, by reflectance
spirits of turpentine, spec., D 13 (06.03) measurements, test, D 2745 (06.01)
relative tinting strength of white pigments, by visual
Steel observation, test, D 332 (06.01)
thermoplastic traffic marking materials-bond strength, using Stress
cement bricks/steel cubes, test, D 4796 (06.02) cathodic disbonding of pipeline coatings, by attached cell
Steel-surfaces method, test, G 95 (06.02)
abrasive blast-cleaned steel surfaces-surface profile, field pull-off strength of coatings, using portable adhesion testers,
measurement in laboratory/field/fabricating shop, test, test, D 4541 (06.02)
D 4417 (06.02) subjecting marine antifouling coating to bifouling and fluid
aged coatings on steel surfaces-visual assessment, guide, shear forces in natural seawater, test, D 4939 (06.02)
D 5065 (06.02) Strip test
blasting abrasives-water soluble ionic contamination, by detection of copper corrosion from petroleum products, by
conductimetric analysis, test, D 4940 (06.02) copper strip tarnish test, A D 130 (06.04)
coating contractor qualification (for nuclear-powered generation Stroke cure time
facilities), practice, D 4286 (06.02) stroke cure time of thermosetting phenol-formaldehyde resins,
degree of rusting on painted steel surfaces, method, A D 610 test, D 4640 (06.03)
(06.02) Stroke curve
evaluating (interior/exterior) coatings for protecting steel polymeric (thermosetting) powders-gel time/stroke curve,
surfaces at high-temperature service, test, A D 2485 (06.01) practice, D 3451 (06.02)
qualification of journeyman painters for application of coatings Strontium chromate pigment
to steel surfaces of safety-related areas in nuclear facilities, Sa Pigments (general properties)
practice, D 4228 (06.02) strontium chromate pigment, spec., D 1649 (06.03)
strontium content, by strontium sulfate method, test,
Steel blue pigment D 1845 (06.01)
See Iron blue
Strontium content
Steel cubes strontium chromate pigment-chemical analysis, test,
thermoplastic traffic marking materials-bond strength, using D 1845<06.01)
cement bricks/steel cubes, test, D 4796 (06.02) Structural applications-paint
Steel panels field identification of coatings, test, D 5043 (06.02)
atmospheric environmental exposure testing of nonmetallic Styrene
materials practice, G 7 (06.01) aldehydes in styrene monomer, test, D 2119 (06.04)
paint and related coatings exposure tests, methods for analysis of styrene by capillary gas chromatography, test,
preparation, D 609 (06.01) D 5135 (06.04)
spray-applied coatings-transfer efficiency, under general apparent density o i industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, test,
laboratory conditions, practice, D 5327 (06.02) D 2935 (06.04)
steel panels (zinc-/zinc alloy-coated)-preparation, for testing benzene contknt of cyclic hydrocarbon products, by gas
paint/related coatings, practice, D 2201 (06.01) chromatography, test, D 4534 (06.04)
Steel pipe commercial density (of pure liquid chemicals), test,
holiday detection in pipeline coatings, test, G 62 (06.02) D 3505 (06.04)
peroxides in styrene monomer, test, D 2340 (06.04)
Steel samples polymer content of styrene monomer, test, D 2121 (06.04)
sample preparation for qualification testing of coatings (used in purity of hydrocarbons from freezing points, test,
nuclear power facilities), spec., D 5139 (06.02) D 1016 (06.04)
Step gages residual p-tert-butylcatechol (TBC) in styrene monomer, by
wet film thickness of organic coatings, by notched gages, spectrophotometry, test, D 4590 (06.04)
practice, D 4414 (06.01) sampling/handling liquid cyclic products (at ambient
temperature), practice, D 3437 (06.04)
Sticking styrene-purity, by freezing point method, test, D 3799 (06.04)
blocking resistance of trade sales paints, test, D 4946 (06.02) styrene-purity/impurities, by gas chromatography, test.
Stiffness D 3962 (06.04)
free films of paints and related coatings, test, D 2370 (06.01) styrene monomer 996, spec., D 2827 (06.04)
Stoddard solvent unreacted monomer content of latexes, by gas-liquid
mineral (petroleum) spirits hydrocarbon drycleaning solvent, chromatography, test, D 4747 (06.01)
spec., D 235 (06.04) unreacted monomer content of latexes using capillary column
gas chromatography, test, D 4827 (06.01)
Stone-marble/limestone/sandstone/granite volume/weight of industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, method,
preparatory surface cleaning of architectural sandstone, practice, D 1555 (06.04)
D 5107 (06.02) Styrene-butadienecoatings systems
Stormer method dichloromethane/ 1,1,1-trichloroethane content-paints/coatings,
consistency of paints, using Stormer viscometer, test, by direct injection gas chromatography, test,
D 562 (06.01) D 4457 (06.01)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Styrene-butadiene coatings systems
water content of water-reducible paints, by direct injection into Sunflower oil
gas chromatograph, test, D 3792 (06.01) sunflower oil (once-refined, technical grade), spec.,
Subsieve analysis D 3169 (06.03)
See Sieve analysis-subsieve (headings) Sunlight/monochromatic light exposure
Substrates-coating applications atmospheric environmental exposure testing of nonmetallic
accelerated outdoor exposure tests of coatings (applied to metal materials practice, G 7 (06.01)
substrates), practice, D 4141 (06.01) clear coatings-light stability, by sunlight through glass, test,
architectural coatings (solvent-borne interior/exterior), selecting D 2620 (06.02)
test methods, index, D 5146 (06.02) conducting exposures of nonmetallic materials to daylight
discontinuity (holiday) testing of nonconductive protective filtered through glass, practice, G 24 (06.01)
coating on metallic substrates, practice, D 5162 (06.02) lightfastness of pigments (in artists’ paints), test, D 4303 (06.02)
film thickness of pipeline coatings on steel, nondestructive performing accelerated outdoor weathering of nonmetallic
measurement, method, G 12 (06.02) materials, using concentrated natural sunlight, practice,
mandrel bend test of attached organic coatings, test, G 90 (06.01)
D 522 (06.01) Surface analysis
organic coatings-adhesion to plastic substrates, by direct goniophotometry of objects/materials, practice, E 167 (06.01)
tensile testing, D 5179 (06.01) Surface analysis-electronic components/devices
organic coatings-uniform free film preparation, practice, optical components-effective surface roughness, by total
D 4708 (06.01) integrated scattering, test, F 1048 (06.01)
painting inspectors (metal substrates), guide, D 3276 (06.02)
paint spatter resistance to roller application, test, D 4707 (06.02) Surface analysis-metals/alloys
specifying inspection requirements for coating/lining work on reflecting characteristics of metallic surfaces, using integrating
metal substrates, guide, D 5161 (06.02) sphere instruments, test, E 429 (06.01)
Sulfate ash content Surface analysis-paints/related coatings/materials
pentaerythritol, test, D 2195 (06.04) abrasive blast-cleaned steel surfaces-surface profile, field
measurement in laboratory/field/fabricating shop, test,
Sulfate content-paints/related coating/materials D 4417 (06.02)
strontium chromate pigment-sulfate content, USE D 444 (v evaluation of visual color difference (of non-self luminous
06.01), D 1845 (06.01) materials) with a gray scale, test, D 2616 (06.01)
Sulfate content-paints/related coatings gloss differences-surfaces of similar appearance, visual
acid-insoluble extenders in (iron/copper phthalocyanine/ evaluation, test, D 4449 (06.01)
ultramarine) blue pigments, test, D 1135 (06.01) high-gloss surfaces-gloss, by goniophotometry, test,
cellulose acetate propionates/butyrate, test, A D 817 (06.03) E 430 (06.01)
cellulose acetate, test, D 871 (06.03) printing inks/ink films/related materials, selecting test methods,
lead peroxide/true red lead content of dry red lead pigments, guide, D 5010 (06.02)
test, D 49 (06.01) pull-off strength of coatings, using portable adhesion testers,
yellow/orange/green pigments containing lead chromate/ test, D 4541 (06.02)
chromium oxide green, test, D 126 (06.01) static friction of coating surfaces, test, D 4518 (06.01)
Sulfated ash content subjecting marine antifouling coating to bifouling and fluid
ashing cellulose, test, D 3516 (06.03) shear forces in natural seawater, test, D 4939 (06.02)
ethylcellulose, test, D 914 (06.03) temperature of applied coatings on wood products during the
Sulfate turpentine curing cycle, by infrared radiation thermometers, practice,
Sa Turpentine D 3259 (06.02)
pinene composition, by gas chromatography, test, Surface preparation-paints/related coatings
D 3009 (06.03) Sa Specimen preparation (for testing)-paints/related
spirits of turpentine, spec., D 13 (06.03) coatings
Sulfate white lead pigments preparatory surface cleaning of architectural sandstone, practice,
See Basic sulfate white lead D 5107 (06.02)
Sulfide content standard pictorial surface preparation standards for painting
sulfide in white pigment separated from solvent-reducible steel surfaces, A D 2200 (06.02)
paints, test, D 2351 (06.01) steel panels (zinc-/zinc alloy-coated)-preparation, for testing
Sulfur content paint/related coatings, practice, D 2201 (06.01)
cellulose acetate propionates/butyrate, test, A D 817 (06.03) Surface roughness
cellulose acetate, test, D 871 (06.03) abrasive blast-cleaned steel surfaces-surface profile, field
ce!lu!osic materials, by X-ray fluorescence, test, D 2929 (06.03) measurement in laboratory/field/fabricating shop, test,
sulfur (trace quantities) in liquid aromatic hydrocarbons, by D 4417 (06.02)
oxidative microcoulometry, test, D 3961 (06.04) Surfacers
Sulfur content-miscellaneous metals/alloys See Primer
zinc dust (metallic zinc powder), test, D 521 (06.01) Surfaces (of nuclear facilities)
Sulfur content-petroleum products coating contractor qualification (for nuclear-powered generation
mineral (petroleum) spirits hydrocarbon drycleaning solvent, facilities), practice, D 4286 (06.02)
spec., D 235 (06.04) qualification of journeyman painters for application of coatings -
sampling/handling 4,4- isopropylidene diphenol (bisphenol-A), to concrete surfaces of safety-related areas in nuclear
practice, D 4297 (06.04) facilities, practice, D 4227 (06.02)
Sulfur dioxide (SO,) content qualification of journeyman painters for application of coatings
hydrogen sulfide/sulfur dioxide content (qualitative) of to steel surfaces of safety-related areas in nuclear facilities,
industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, test, D 853 (06.04) practice, D 4228 (06.02)
sulfur dioxide in white pigment separated from solvent- Surface water resistance
reducible paints, test, D 2352 (06.01) See Resistance-water

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Tension (tensile) properties/tests-paints/related coatings
Surveillance sampling and handling naphthalene, maleic anhydride, and
establishing procedures to monitor performance of safety related phthalic anhydride, practice, D 3438 (06.04)
coatings in operating nuclear power plant, guide, sampling/handling liquid cyclic products (at ambient
D 5163 (06.02) temperature), practice, D 3437 (06.04)
Suspension fluids Tar acids
flash point (of fuel oils/lube oils/suspension of solids/liquids), by color of cresylic acids (“C” series standards), test,
Pensky-Martens closed tester, test, D 93 (06.01) D 3627 (06.04)
Sustained burning test gel time, test, D 2870 (06.04)
sustained burning (of liquid mixtures), by Seta-flash tester (open phenol content (of tar acid mixtures), by gas liquid chromatog-
cup), test, D 4206 (06.01) raphy, test, D 3626 (06.04)
sustained burning (of low viscosity liquid mixtures), by Wick
test, D 4207 (06.01) TBC inhibitor
residual p-tert-butylcatechol(TBC) in styrene monomer, by
clear/pigmented organic coatings, test, D 1308 (06.02) spectrophotometry, test, D 4590 (06.04)
Swelling and cracking TDI content
edge performance of composite wood products under surfactant See Free toluene diisocyanate content
accelerated moisture stress, test, D 2065 (06.02) Temperature (application)
Symbols chemical/gravimetric analysis of white/yellow thermoplastic
description/selection of conditions (for photographing traffic marking material containing lead chromate and
specimens), practice, E 312 (06.01) titanium dioxide, test, D 4797 (06.01)
Synthetic amyl alcohol thermoplastic traffic marking materials-bond strength, using
amyl alcohol (synthetic), spec., D 319 (06.04) cement bricks/steel cubes, test, D 4796 (06.02)
Synthetic black iron oxide (magnetite) Temperature service applications-high
See Iron oxide black conducting tests on paint/varnish/lacquer/relatedproducts,
Synthetic drying oils using enclosed carbon-arc light/water exposure apparatus,
See Oils-drying practice, D 5031 (06.01)
Synthetic ethylhexanol Temperature tests-paints/related coatings/materials
See 2-Ethylhexanol evaluating (interior/exterior) coatings for protecting steel
Synthetic hematite (red) surfaces at high-temperature service, test, A D 2485 (06.01)
See Iron oxide red exposure of paints/related coatings to fluorescent UV-
Synthetic phenolic resins condensation light-water-exposure apparatus, practice for
See Resins-phenolic conducting tests, D 4587 (06.01)
Synthetic pine oil freeze-thaw resistance of water-borne coatings, test,
See Oils-pine (natural/synthetic) D 2243 (06.02)
Synthetic primary amyl acetate latex paint films-low temperature coalescence, test,
See Primary amyl acetate D 3793 (06.02)
Synthetic yellow iron oxide latex vehicles-nonvolatile content,quality control test,
See Iron oxide yellow D 4758 (06.03)
minimum film formation temperature (MFFT) of emulsion
T vehicles, test, D 2354 (06.02)
operating light-exposure apparatus (xenon-arc type) with/
Taber abraser without water for exposure of nonmetallic materials,
organic coatings-abrasion resistance, by Taber abraser, test, practice, G 26 (06.01)
D 4060 (06.01) pigment content of paint/traffc marking material, by
Tack low-temperature furnace ashing, test, D 4451 (06.01)
apparent tack of printing inks/vehicles, by inkometer, test, solidification point of 4,4’-isopropylidenediphenol (Bisphenol
D 4361 (06.02) A), test, D 4493 (06.04)
Tag closed-cup tester temperature-change (high-low) resistance of clear nitrocellulose
flash point by Tag closed tester, test, D 56 (06.04) lacquer films applied to wood, test, D 1211 (06.02)
Tag open-cup tester temperature of applied coatings on wood products during the
flash/fire point of liquids, by Tag open-cup apparatus, test, curing cycle, by infrared radiation thermometers, practice,
D 1310 (06.01) D 3259 (06.02)
Talc (pigment) Temperature tests-plastics
See Magnesium silicate operating light-exposure apparatus (xenon-arc type) with/
Tali oil/tall oil rosin without water for exposure of nonmetallic materials,
naval stores-acid number, incl. tall oil/wood and gum practice, G 26 (06.01)
rosin/related products, test, D 465 (06.03) Temperature tests-semiconductors
naval stores-unsaponifiable matter, incl. rosin/tall oil/related interferometer-uniformity of illumination/focus/vibration,
products, test, D 1065 (06.03)
naval stores (incl. tall oil/related products)-terminology, temperature stability/turbulence/cleanliness/component
D 804 (06.03) defects, practice, F 742 (06.01)
tall oil-testing, methods, D 803 (06.03) Ten-degree xylene (10” xylol)
volatile resin acids in tall oil/gum/wood rosin, by gas See Xylene (ten-degree)
chromatography, test, D 3008 (06.03) Tension (tensile) properties/tests-paints/related coatings
Tank cars/wagons/other shipping containers organic coatings-adhesion to plastic substrates, by direct
See Containers-tank cars/wagons tensile testing, D 5179 (06.01)
Tanks organic coatings-uniform free film preparation, practice,
cresylic acid and phenol, practice, D 3852 (06.04) D 4708 (06.01)
sampling and handling aniline, practice, D 3436 (06.04) paints/related coatings (free films), test, D 2370 (06.01)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Terminology Thermoplastic traffic marking
appearance (of objects/materials/light sources), terminology, evaluation of color for thermoplastic traffic marking materials,
E 284 (06.01) test, D 4960 (06.02)
description/selection of conditions (for photographing Thermoplastic traffic marking material
specimens), practice, E 312 (06.01) chemical/gravimetric analysis of white/yellow thermoplastic
retroreflection-retroreflectors, terminology, practice, traffic marking material containing lead chromate and
E 808 (06.01) titanium dioxide, test, D 4797 (06.01)
Terminology-nonmetallic materials pigment content of paint/traffic marking material, by ~

nonmetallic materials-natural/artificial weathering, low-temperature furnace ashing, test, D 4451 (06.01)

terminology, G 113 (06.01) Thermosetting materials/properties-resins
Terminology-paints/related coatings/materials stroke cure time of thermosetting phenol-formaldehyde resins,
aromatic hydrocarbons/related chemicals, terminology, test, D 4640 (06.03)
D 4790 (06.04)
cellulose/cellulose derivatives, terminology, D 1695 (06.03) Thermosetting phenol-formaldehyde
freeze-thaw resistance of water-borne coatings, test, See Phenolic resins
D 2243 (06.02) Thickness-paints/related coatings/materials
naval stores (incl. tall oil/related products)-terminology, coil coatings, application using a wire-wound drawdown bar,
D 804 (06.03) practice, D 4147 (06.02)
paint/varnish/lacquer/relatedproducts, terminology, dry film thickness, of nonmagnetic coatings (paints/
D 16 (06.01) varnish/lacquer) applied to a ferrous base, D 1186 (06.01)
Terpene alcohols content dry-film thickness of organic coatings, using micrometers, test,
pine oils-sampling/testing, methods, D 802 (06.03) D 1005 (06.01)
Terpene solvents dry film thickness of protective coating systems, by destructive
Sa Solvents (headings) means, test, D 4138 (06.02)
dipentene/related terpene solvents-sampling/testing, methods, erosion testing of antifouling paints, using high velocity water,
D 801 (06.03) test, D 4938 (06.02)
Terra alba film thickness of pipeline coatings on steel, nondestructive
See Calcium sulfate content measurement, method, G 12 (06.02)
pipeline coatings-penetration resistance, by blunt rod test,
Terra di sienna
See Sienna (burnt and raw) G 17 (06.02)
producing films of uniform thickness of paint/varnish/related
Testing methods-paints/related coatings products on test panels, test, D 823 (06.01)
See Guides/practices for testing paints/related coatings subjecting marine antifouling coating to bifouling and fluid
Test samples shear forces in natural seawater, test, D 4939 (06.02)
sample preparation for qualification testing of coatings (used in wet film thickness of organic coatings, by notched gages,
nuclear power facilities), spec., D 5139 (06.02) practice, D 4414 (06.01)
Test specimens Thinners (paint)
See Specimen preparation (for testing) (headings) ester value of solvents and thinners, test, D 1617 (06.04)
Tetraethylammonium bromide evaporation rate, test, D 3539 (06.01)
titanium dioxide content-paint, by x-ray fluorescence house paints (solvent-reducible)-solvent composition, test,
spectroscopy, test, D 4764 (06.01) D 2349 (06.01)
Textile fabrics (general) Thiophene content
indexes of whiteness/yellowness of near-white opaque materials, refined benzene, by gas chromatography (with flame
test, E 313 (06.01)
photometric detection), test, D 4735 (06.04)
Textile fibers thiophene content of benzene, by spectrophotometry, test,
indexes of whiteness/yellowness of near-white opaque materials, D 1685 (06.04)
test, E 313 (06.01)
Texture Thiosulfate method
gloss differences-surfaces of similar appearance, visual strontium chromate pigment-chromium content, by
evaluation, test, D 4449 (06.01) thiosulfate method, test, D 1845 (06.01)
Thawing Thixotropy
See Freezing and thawing rheological properties of non-Newtonian materials, by rotational ,
Thermal black (Brookfield) viscometer, test, D 2196 (06.01)
See Pigments-carbon black Three-degree xylol (3" xylol)
Thermal degradation and endurance See Xylene (nitration grade)
cellulose acetate, test, D 871 (06.03) Time tests
soluble ceiluiose nitrate, testing, methods, D 301 ((16.03) amount of liquid separated as upper layer from a viscous
Thermal transmittance solution/dispersion containing dispersed solids, test,
See Transmittance and reflectance D 4948 (06.01)
Thermal voltaic-type infrared radiation thermometers Tinted paints
temperature of applied coatings on wood products during the latex paints (tinted)-color development, test, D 5326 (06.02)
curing cycle, by infrared radiation thermometers, practice, Tinting strength
D 3259 (06.02) colored pigments (dry/pastes in oil), with a mechanical muller,
Thermistor-type infrared radiation thermometers test, D 387 (06.01)
temperature of applied coatings on wood products during the dry color pigments-color/strength, by miniature sandmill, test,
curing cycle, by infrared radiation thermometers, practice, A D 3022 (06.01)
D 3259 (06.02) relative tinting strength of chromatic paints, test, D 4838 (06.02)
Thermometers relative tinting strength of printing ink dispersions, test,
thermometer specifications for flash point (of fuel oils/lube D 2066 (06.02)
oils/suspension of solids/liquids), by Pensky-Martens closed relative tinting strength of white pigments, by reflectance
tester, test, D 93 (06.01) measurements, test, D 2745 (06.01)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Traffic paint
relative tinting strength of white pigments, by visual Topcoat compatibility
observation, test, D 332 (06.01) factory-primed wood products (with representative finish
strontium chromate pigment-mass color/tinting strength, USE coats)-durability/compatibility, test, D 2830 (06.02)
D 387 (v 06.01), D 1845 (06.01) Top liquid layers
Titanium content amount of liquid separated as upper layer from a viscous
white titanium pigments, chemical analysis, test, D 1394 (06.01) solution/dispersion containing dispersed solids, test,
Titanium dioxide slurries D 4948 (06.01)
weight percent of solids in aqueous slumes of titanium dioxide Total chloride
pigments, test, D 3926 (06.01) See Chloride content
Titanium dioxide (TiO,) Total chloride content
ratio of anatase to rutile in titanium dioxide (TiO,) pigments, See Chloride content (headings)
by x-ray diffraction, test, D 3720 (06.01) Total integrated scatter
relative tinting strength of white pigments, by reflectance angle resolved optical scatter measurements on specular/diffuse
measurements, test, D 2745 (06.01) surfaces, test, E 1392 (06.01)
titanium dioxide content-paint, by x-ray fluorescence Total nitrogen oxides content
spectroscopy, test, D 4764 (06.01) See Nitrogen oxides
titanium dioxide content of pigments (recovered from whole Total/normal reflectance/transmittance
paint), by atomic absorption spectroscopy, test, obtaining colorimetric data from a visual display unit (for
D 4563 (06.01) minimizing errors), using tristimulus colorimeters, practice,
titanium dioxide pigments, spec., D 476 (06.03) E 1455 (06.01)
weight percent of solids in aqueous slurries of titanium dioxide obtaining spectrophotometric data for object-color evaluation,
pigments, test, D 3926 (06.01) practice, E 1164 (06.01)
white titanium pigments, chemical analysis, test, D 1394 (06.01) Total sulfur content
Titer See Sulfate content (headings)
solidification (titer) point of fatty acids, test, D 1982 (06.03) Total titanium
Titrimetric method total titanium in white titanium pigments, by Jones
resin solution dilutability, test, D 5062 (06.03) reductor/aluminum reduction method, test, D 1394 (06.01)
Tolerances Toxicity/toxicolog y
color/gloss tolerances, establishing, practice, D 3134 (06.01) unreacted monomer content of latexes, by gas-liquid
reducing the variability of color measurement, by use of chromatography, test, D 4747 (06.01)
multiple measurements, practice, E 1345 (06.01) Trace elements content
Toluene sulfur (trace quantities) in liquid aromatic hydrocarbons, by
acidity of benzene/toluene/xylenes/solvent naphthas/similar oxidative microcoulometry, test, D 3961 (06.04)
industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, test, D 847 (06.04) trace amounts of peroxides in organic solvents (with active
acid wash color, test, D 848 (06.04) oxygen in range 25-80 ppm), test, E 299 (06.04)
apparent density of industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, test, Trace elements content-chloride
D 2935 (06.04) Sa Chloride content (headings)
aromatic hydrocarbons/related chemicals, terminology, trace (total) chloride (organic/inorganic) in liquid aromatic
D 4790 (06.04) hydrocarbons, test, D 5194 (06.04)
benzene content of cyclic hydrocarbon products, by gas Trace impurities content
chromatography, test, D 4534 (06.04) See Impurities content
C, hydrocarbon analysis, by gas chromatography, test, Sa Purity
D 2306 (06.04) Trace lead/cadmium/cobalt paint
commercial density (of pure liquid chemicals), test, lead/cadmium/cobalt content (low concentrations) in
D 3505 (06.04) nonvolatile portion of liquid coatings/dried films, by
distillation, test, D 850 (06.04) atomic absorption spectroscopy, test, D 3335 (06.01)
ethylbenzene-purity/impurities, by gas chromatography, test, Trace monomers
D 5060 (06.04) unreacted monomer content of latexes, by gas-liquid
nitration grade toluene, spec., D 841 (06.04) chromatography, test, D 4747 (06.01)
purity of hydrocarbons from freezing points, test, Trade sales coatings
D 1016 (06.04) architectural coatings (water-borne)-selecting test procedures,
sampling/handling liquid cyclic products (at ambient for interior/exterior use, guide, D 5324 (06.02)
temperature), practice, D 3437 (06.04) Trade sales paint
soluble cellulose nitrate, testing, methods, D 301 (06.03) blocking resistance of trade sales paints, test, D 4946 (06.02)
total non-aromatic/trace monocyclic hydrocarbon aromatic
hydrocarbons in high-punty benzene/toluene/mixed Traffic marking materials
zylenes, by gas chromatography, test, D 2360 (06.04) evaluation of color for thermoplastic traffic marking materials,
trace (total) chloride (organic/inorganic) in liquid aromatic test, D 4960 (06.02)
hydrocarbons, test, D 5194 (06.04) Traffic paint
volume/weight of industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, method, evaluating degree of bleeding of traffic/pavement marking paint,
D 1555 (06.04) test, A D 868 (06.02)
glass spheres in, test for roundness, D 1155 (06.02)
Toluene insolubles content laboratory evaluation of degree of bleeding of trafic/pavement
rosin/rosin derivatives-toluene-insoluble solid matter, test, marking paint, test, D 969 (06.02)
D 269 (06.03) laboratory test for settling properties, during storage,
Toluidine red D 1309 (06.02)
para red/toluidine red pigments, testing, D 970 (06.01) methods of conducting road service tests on, D 713 (06.02)
pure toluidine red toner, spec., D 656 (06.03) no-pick-up time (drying time), test, D 711 (06.02)
Toner (para/toluidine red) pigment content of paint/traffic marking material, by
para red/toluidine red pigments, testing, D 970 (06.01) low-temperature furnace ashing, test, D 4451 (06.01)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Traffic paint
resistance to wear of traffic paint, method, A D 913 (06.02) Triangle test
retroreflectance/specificluminance, test, D 4061 (06.01) observers-selection/evaluation/training, guide, E 1499 (06.01)
sieve analysis of glass spheres (for retroreflective pavements Tributyl tin (TBT)
markings/industrial uses), test, D 1214 (06.02) organotin release rates of antifouling coating systems in sea
solvent and fuel resistance, test, D 2792 (06.02) water, using graphite furnace atomic absorption
traffic paint-uniformity of vehicle solids, by spectroscopylgas spectrophotometry (GF-AAS), test, D 5108 (06.02)
chromatography, practices, D 2743 (06.02) Trichlorotrifluoroethane-extractable matter
traffic paints-selecting test procedures (laboratory/field), guide, acetone/methanol-permanganate time, test, D 1721 (06.04)
D 2205 (06.02) naval stores-unsaponifiable matter, incl. rosin/tall oil/related
Training of observers products, test, D 1399 (06.04)
observers-selection/evaluation/training, guide, E 1499 (06.01) Tricresyl phosphate
Transesterification tricresyl phosphate, spec., D 363 (06.04)
carboxylic acids identification-alkyd resins, method, volatile matter in tricresyl phosphate, test, D 1468 (06.04)
D 2455 (06.03) Tristimulus value
Transfer efficiency (TE) Sa Color (headings)
evaluating and comparing transfer conditions-laboratory appearance (of objects/materials/light sources), terminology,
conditions, test, D 5009 (06.02) E 284 (06.01)
spray-applied coatings-transfer efficiency, under general calculation of color differences from instrumentally measured
laboratory conditions, practice, D 5327 (06.02) color coordinates, test, D 2244 (06.01)
transfer efficiency-spray applied automotive paints, by weight color/color-difference of object-color specimens, by tristimulus
basis under production conditions, practice, (filter) colorimetry, test, E 1347 (06.01)
D 5066 (06.02) computing colors of objects, by CIE system, method,
Translucent materials E 308 (06.01)
color/color-difference of object-color specimens, by tristimulus directional reflectance factor (45-deg 0-deg) of opaque
(filter) colorimetry,'test, E 1347 (06.01) specimens, by broad-band filter reflectometry, test,
fluorescence in object-color specimens, by spectrophotometry E 97 (06.01)
test, E 1247 (06.01) indexes of whiteness/yellowness of near-white opaque materials,
reflectance factor/color of object-color specimens, using test, E 313 (06.01)
bidirectional geometry, test, E 1349 (06.01) obtaining colorimetric data from a visual display unit (for
selection of geometric conditions for measurement of minimizing errors), using tristimulus colorimeters, practice,
reflection/transmission properties of materials, practice, E 1455 (06.01)
E 179 (06.01) obtaining colorimetric data from video display unit, by
transmittance/color of object-color specimens, by spectrophoto- spectroradiometry, method, E 1336 (06.01)
metry using hemispherical geometry, test, E 1348 (06.01) obtaining spectrophotometric data for object-color evaluation,
practice, E 1164 (06.01)
Transmittance obtaining spectroradiometric data from radiant sources for
obtaining colorimetric data from a visual display unit (for colorimetry, practice, E 1341 (06.01)
minimizing errors), using tristimulus colorimeters, practice, specifying color of objects, using Optical Society of America
E 1455 (06.01) (OSA) uniform color scales system, practice,
Transmittance and reflectance E 1360 (06.01)
appearance (of objects/materials/light sources), terminology, visual evaluation of metamerism, practice, D 4086 (06.01)
E 284 (06.01) True red lead
color/color-difference of object-color specimens, by tristimulus lead peroxide/true red lead content of dry red lead pigments,
(filter) colorimetry, test, E 1347 (06.01) test, D 49 (06.01)
conducting exposures of nonmetallic materials to daylight Tung oil
filtered through glass, practice, G 24 (06.01) See Oils-tung
goniophotometry of objects/materials, practice, E 167 (06.01)
luminous reflectance factor of acoustical materials, by use of Tunnel method
integrating sphere reflectometers, test, E 1477 (06.01) small-scale evaluation of fire-retardant paints, by 2-foot tunnel
obtaining spectrophotometric data for object-color evaluation, method, test, D 3806 (06.01)
practice, E 1164 (06.01) Turbidimetric method
selection of geometric conditions for measurement of reporting particle size characteristics of pigments, practice,
reflection/transmission properties of materials, practice, D 1366 (06.03)
E 179 (06.01) Turbidity
specular reflectance/transmittance of optically flat-coated/ resin solution dilutability, test, D 5062 (06.03)
non-coated specimens, test, F 768 (06.01) turbidity in clear liquids, quantitative test, D 5180 (06.03)
transmittance/color of object-color specimens, by spectrophoto- Turbulence
metry using hemispherical geometry, test, E 1348 (06.01) interferometer-uniformity of illumination/focus/vibration,
Transparent liquids temperature stability/turbulence/cleanliness/component
See Liquids defects, practice, F 742 (06.01)
Transparent materials Turkey red
color/color-difference of object-color specimens, by tristimulus See Iron oxide red
(filter) colorimetry, test, E 1347 (06.01) Turkish umber
reflectance factor/color of object-color specimens, using See Umber (burnt and raw)
bidirectional geometry, test, E 1349 (06.01) Turpentine
transmittance/color of object-color specimens, by spectrophoto- pinene composition, by gas chromatography, test,
metry using hemispherical geometry, test, E 1348 (06.01) D 3009 (06.03)
visual color evaluation of transparent sheet materials, practice, spirits of turpentine, spec., D 13 (06.03)
E 1478 (06.01) turpentine-sampling/testing, methods, D 233 (06.03)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Twenty-four hour testing Unsaponifiable matter content
amount of liquid separated as upper layer from a viscous alkyd resins and resin solutions, test, D 1397 (06.03)
solution/dispersion containing dispersed solids, test, naval stores-unsaponifiable matter, incl. rosin/tall oil/related
D 4948 (06.01) products, test, D 1065 (06.03)
Two-foot tunnel method tall oil-testing, methods, D 803 (06.03)
small-scale evaluation of fire-retardant paints, by 2-foot tunnel tricresyl phosphate, test, D 1399 (06.04)
method, test, D 3806 (06.01) unsaponifiable matter in drying oils/fatty acids/polymerized
fatty acids, test, D 1965 (06.03)
U Unsaturation
drying oils/derivatives total, by modified Rosenmund-
Ultrafiltrates/ultrafiltration (UF) systems Kuhnhenn method, test, D 1541 (06.03)
acid/base milliequivalent content of (anodic/cathodic) drying oils/derivatives Wijs method, test, D 1959 (06.03)
electrocoat baths/their ultrafiltrates, test, D 4370 (06.01)
electrical conductivity of electrocoat baths, test, D 4399 (06.01) Up and down method
electrocoat baths-apparent pH, test, D 4584 (06.01) pipeline coatings-impact resistance, by falling weight test,
nonvolatile and pigment content of electrocoat baths, using G 14 (06.02)
mume furnace, test, D 5145 (06.01) Upper liquid layer
Ultramarine blue pigment amount of liquid separated as upper layer from a viscous
chemical analysis of (iron/copper phthalocyanine/ultramarine) solution/dispersion containing dispersed solids, test,
blue pigments. test. D 1135 (06.01) D 4948 (06.01)
chemical analysis of phthalocyanine blue/green pigments, test, Urethanes
D 3256 (06.01) isocyanate group content of urethane materials/prepolymers,
ultramarine blue pigment, spec., D 262 (06.03) test. D 2572 (06.03)
Ultraviolet-cured coatings unreacted toluene diisocyanates in urethane prepolymersl
cure time, practice for reporting, D 3732 (06.02) coating. solutions, by gas chromatography, test,
estimating package stability of coatings for ultraviolet curing, D 3432 (06.03)
test, D 4144 (06.02) Urethanes-coatings
Ultraviolet (UV) light/radiation 2-ethoxyethyl acetate (99 % grade), spec., D 3728 (06.04)
angle resolved optical scatter measurements on specular/diffuse isocyanate group content of urethane materials/prepolymers,
surfaces, test, E 1392 (06.01) test, D 2572 (06.03)
conducting tests on paint/varnish/lacquer/related products, unreacted toluene diisocyanates in urethane prepolymersl
using enclosed carbon-arc light/water exposure apparatus, coating solutions, by gas chromatography, test,
practice, D 5031 (06.01) D 3432 (06.03)
exposure of paints/related coatings to fluorescent UV-
condensation light-water-exposure apparatus, practice for
conducting tests, D 4587 (06.01)
filtered open flame carbon-arc light/water exposure apparatus- Vanadium content
paints and related coatings/materials, conducting vanadium content-paint driers, by EDTA method, test,
accelerated tests (using G 23), practice, D 822 (06.01) D 3988 (06.01)
performing accelerated outdoor weathering of nonmetallic Vapors
materials, using concentrated natural sunlight, practice, chemical resistance of pipeline coatings, test, G 20 (06.02)
G 90 (06.01) organic coatings-uniform free film preparation, practice,
Umber (burnt and raw) D 4708 (06.01)
chemical analysis of yellow/orange/red/brown pigments Variability
containing iron/maganese, test, D 50 (06.01) reducing the variability of color measurement, by use of
raw/burnt umber pigments, spec., D 763 (06.03) multiple measurements, practice, E 1345 (06.01)
Underground environments Variances in manufacturing process
cathodic disbonding of pipeline coatings, by attached cell sampling industrial chemicals, annex, practice, E 300 (06.04)
method, test, G 95 (06.02) Varnishes
pipeline coatings-cathodic disbonding, accelerated procedures, acid value of organic coating materials, test, D 1639 (06.03)
test, G 8 (06.02) atmospheric environmental exposure testing of nonmetallic
Uniform color scales system materials practice, G 7 (06.01)
specifying color of objects, using Optical Society of America clarity/cleanness of (nonpigmented) paint and ink liquids, by
(OSA) uniform color scales system, practice, visual examination, test, D 2090 (06.03)
E 1360 (06.01) clear/pigmented organic coatings, test, D 1308 (06.02)
Uniformity of illumination coatings-water resistance in 100 % relative humidity, practice,
interferometer-uniformity of illumination/focus/vibration, D 2247 (06.01)
temperature stability/turbulence/cleanliness/component coatings-water resistance, using (distilled/de-mineralized) water
defects, practice, F 742 (06.01) immersion, practice, D 870 (06.01)
Uniform thickness (of paints/related coatings) conducting tests on paint/varnish/lacquer/related products,
See Thickness-paints/related coatings/materials using enclosed carbon-arc light/water exposure apparatus,
Unloading tank cars/wagons/other shipping containers practice, D 5031 (06.01)
cresylic acid and phenol, practice, D 3852 (06.04) density-paint/varnish/lacquer/related products, test, A D 1475
naphthalene, maleic/phthalic anhydride, practice, (06.01)
D 3438 (06.04) discoloration (light stability), test, D 2620 (06.02)
sampling and handling aniline, practice, D 3436 (06.04) dried varnish films, test, D 1647 (06.03)
Unreacted monomer content dry-film thickness of organic coatings, using micrometers, test,
unreacted monomer content of latexes, by gas-liquid D 1005 (06.01)
chromatography, test, D 4747 (06.01) elasticity/toughness of varnishes, test, D 1642 (06.03)
unreacted monomer content of latexes using capillary column elongation/tensile strength/stiffness, test, D 2370 (06.01)
gas chromatography, test, D 4827 (06.01) exterior durability, test, D 1641 (06.03)

74 1
Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
film formation rates in drying or curing process, at room pigment content of solvent-reducible paints, test, D 2371 (06.01)
temperature, test, D 1640 (06.03) vacuum distillation (for vehicle separation in solvent-type
filtered open flame carbon-arc light/water exposure apparatus- paints), practice, D 3272 (06.01)
paints and related coatings/materials, conducting vehicle separation from solvent-reducible paints, by centrifuge,
accelerated tests (using G 23), practice, D 822 (06.01) practice, D 2372 (06.01)
flash point of liquids, by Setaflash closed-cup apparatus, test, Vehicle solids content
D 3278 (06.01) See Solids content
Gardner color scale-transparent liquids, test, D 1544 (06.01) Venetian red
gas checking and draft test, D 1643 (06.03)
chemical analysis of yellow/orange/red/brown pigments
glacial acrylic acid (99.0 % grade), spec., D 4416 (06.04)
containing iron/maganese, test, D 50 (06.01)
high shear viscosity (of paints/varnishes/related products), by
IC1 cone/plate viscometer, test, D 4287 (06.01) Vibration test
liquid paint driers, selection of test methods, D 564 (06.01) interferometer-uniformity of illumination/focus/vibration,
methyl n-amyl ketone (98 % grade), spec., D 4360 (06.04) temperature stability/turbulence/cleanliness/component
moisture vapor transmission of organic coating films, test, defects, practice, F 742 (06.01)
D 1653 (06.01) Viewing distance
nonconductive coatings-dry film thickness, nondestructive description/selection of conditions (for photographing
measurement, test, D 1400 (06.01) specimens), practice, E 312 (06.01)
nonvolatile matter content, test, D 1644 (06.01) Viewing geometries
organic coatings-abrasion resistance, by air blast abrasive, test, obtaining spectrophotometric data for object-color evaluation,
A D 658 (06.01) practice, E 1164 (06.01)
organic coatings-abrasion resistance, by falling abrasive, test,
D 968 (06.01) Vinyl acetate
organic coatings-adhesion to smooth flat (planar) panel acetaldehyde content of vinyl acetate, test, D 2191 (06.04)
surfaces, by scrape adhesion test, D 2197 (06.01) hydroquinone in vinyl acetate, test, D 2193 (06.04)
organic coatings-indentation hardness, by Knoop and Pfund vinyl acetate (refined)/acetaldehyde-total acidity, test,
methods, test, D 1474 (06.01) D 2086 (06.04)
organic coatings-uniform free film preparation, practice, vinyl acetate, spec., D 2190 (06.04)
D 4708 (06.01) Vinyl antifouling coatings
paint and related coatings exposure tests, methods for See Antifouling coating system
preparation, D 609 (06.01) Vinyl chloride monomer (residual) content
paint/varnish/lacquer/related products, terminology, residual vinyl chloride monomer content of poly(viny1 chloride)
D 16 (06.01) resins/compounds/coplymers by solution injection
preparing glass panels for testing, D 3891 (06.01) technique, test, D 3680 (06.03)
qualitative detection of rosin in varnishes, by Lieberman- Viscometers-Brookfield
Storch/Halphen-Hicks tests, D 1542 (06.03) rheological properties of non-Newtonian materials, by rotational
rosin acids content, test, D 1469 (06.03) (Brookfield) viscometer, test, D 2196 (06.01)
shellac varnish-sampling/testing, D 1650 (06.03)
specific gravity at 25/25C, test, D 1963 (06.03) Viscometers-falling rod
standard environments for conditioning/testing paint/ viscosity of printing inks/vehicles, by falling-rod viscometer,
varnish/lacquer/related materials, spec., D 3924 (06.01) test, D 4040 (06.02)
steel panels (zinc-/zinc alloy-coated)-preparation, for testing Viscometers-Ford
paint/related coatings, practice, D 2201 (06.01) viscosity of paints/varnishes/lacquers, by Ford viscosity cup,
varnishes-selecting test procedures, guide, D 154 (06.03) test, D 1200 (06.01)
viscosity of paints/varnishes/lacquers,by Ford viscosity cup, Viscometers-Gardner-Holdt
test, D 1200 (06.01) tall oil-testing, methods, D 803 (06.03)
viscosity (of paints/varnishes/lacquers/relatedmaterials), by
dip-type viscosity cups, test, D 4212 (06.01) Viscometers-IC1 cone/plate
volatile content in phenolic resins, test, D 4639 (06.03) high shear viscosity (of paints/varnishes/related products), by
volatile/nonvolatile content-cellulosics/emulsions/resin IC1 cone/plate viscometer, test, D 4287 (06.01)
solutions/shellac/varnishes,selecting test procedures, Viscometers-Weissenberg Rheogoniometer
practice, D 4209 (06.01) polymeric (molten) powder coatings-viscosity, by Weissenberg
volatile solvents/chemical intermediates-total acidity, test, rheogoniometer, test, D 3451 (06.02)
D 1613 (06.04) Viscometers-Zahn
volatile solvents (for paint/lacquer/varnish)-nonvolatile matter, coil coatings, testing, practice, D 3794 (06.02)
test, D 1353 (06.04) Viscosity-paints/related coatings/materials
wet film thickness of organic coatings, D 1212 (06.01) cellulose acetate propionates/butyrate, test, A D 817 (06.03)
wet film thickness of organic coatings, by notched gages, cellulose acetate, test, D 871 (06.03)
practice, D 4414 (06.01) coil coatings, testing, practice, D 3794 (06.02)
Vegetable origin comparison of the brush drag of latex paints, test,
artists’ paints (oil/resin-oil/alkyd), spec., D 4302 (06.02) D 4958 (06.02)
Vehicles consistency of paints, using Stormer viscometer, test,
printing ink (heatset/liquid)-nonvolatile weight content, test, D 562 (06.01)
D 4713 (06.02) dip-type viscosity cup, test, D 4212 (06.01)
Vehicle separation-solvent-type paints ethylcellulose, test, D 914 (06.03)
amount of liquid separated as upper layer from a viscous high shear viscosity (of paints/varnishes/related products), by
solution/dispersion containing dispersed solids, test, IC1 cone/plate viscometer, test, D 4287 (06.01)
D 4948 (06.01) hydrogen sulfide/sulfur dioxide (qualititative) of industrial
high-speed centrifuge, for pigment content, test, D 2698 (06.01) aromatic hydrocarbons, test, D 2363 (06.03)
infrared identification of vehicle solids from solvent-reducible hydroxyethylcellulose, test, D 2364 (06.03)
paints, by infrared spectroscopy, test, D 2621 (06.01) intrinsic viscosity of cellulose, test, D 1795 (06.03)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Volatile matter content
methylcellulose, test, D 1347 (06.03) Visual examination-paints/related coatings/materials
paints/vamishes/lacquers,by Ford viscosity cup, test, clarity/cleanness of (nonpigmented) paint and ink liquids, by
D 1200 (06.01) visual examination, test, D 2090 (06.03)
polymeric (molten) powder coatings-viscosity, by Weissenberg color by Munsell color ordering system, test, D 1535 (06.01)
rheogoniometer, test, D 3451 (06.02) color of cresylic acids ("C"series standards), test,
resin solutions, test, D 1725 (06.03) D 3627 (06.04)
rheological properties of non-Newtonian materials, by rotational color (of maleic anhydride/phthalic anhydride-in molten state
(Brookfield) viscometer, test, D 2196 (06.01) and after heating), by platinum-cobalt scale, test,
rosin oil, test, D 1131 (06.03) D 3366 (06.04)
sodium glycolate content of sodium carboxymethylcellulose, color (of solid aromatic hydrocarbons/related materials-in
test, D 1439 (06.03) molten state), by platinum-cobalt scale, test,
soluble cellulose nitrate, testing, methods, D 301 (06.03) D 1686 (06.04)
soluble nitrocellulose base solutions, test, D 365 (06.02) evaluating degree of bleeding of trafic/pavement marking paint,
tall oil-testing, methods, D 803 (06.03) test, A D 868 (06.02)
transparent liquids, by bubble-tiome method, test, formability/adhesion of zinc-rich primer/chromate complex
D 1545 (06.03) coatings (on steel), test, D 4146 (06.02)
viscosity of cellulose derivatives, by ball-drop method, test, freeze-thaw resistance of water-borne coatings, test,
D 1343 (06.03) D 2243 (06.02)
viscosity of paints/related materials, by IS0 flow cups, test, gloss differences-surfaces of similar appearance, visual
D 5125 (06.01) evaluation, test, D 4449 (06.01)
viscosity of printing inks/vehicles, by falling-rod viscometer, gloss/sheen uniformity evaluation, test, D 3928 (06.02)
test, D 4040 (06.02) industrial water-reducible coatings (pigmented/clear)-selecting
Wick test (for low viscosity liquids) D 4207 (06.01) test procedures, guide, D 4712 (06.02)
Viscosity at high shear laboratory evaluation of degree of bleeding of trafic/pavement
high shear viscosity (of paints/varnishes/related products), by marking paint, test, D 969 (06.02)
IC1 cone/plate viscometer, test, D 4287 (06.01) MEK resistance of ethyl silicate (inorganic) zinc-rich primers,
Viscous liquids/materials by solvent rub, test, D 4752 (06.02)
flash point (of fuel oils/lube oils/suspension of solids/liquids), by metamerism, visual evaluation, D 4086 (06.01)
Pensky-Martens closed tester, test, D 93 (06.01) opaque materials-color differences, visual examination,
liquid/solid status (of viscous materials), test, D 4359 (06.01) practice, D 1729 (06.01)
painted/coated specimens-corrosive environments, evaluation,
Visibility enhancement method, D 1654 (06.01)
retroreflective pedestrian markings-visibility enhancement, porosity of paint films (to indicate coating penetration), test,
nighttime photometric performance, spec., E 1501 (06.01) D 3258 (06.02)
Visibility/vision relative tinting strength of white pigments, by visual
angle resolved optical scatter measurements on specular/diffuse observation, test, D 332 (06.01)
surfaces, test, E 1392 (06.01) solution color of 4,4'-isopropylidenediphenol (dissolved in
understanding properties of high visibility materials (for methanol), test, D 4789 (06.04)
individual safety), guide, F 923 (06.01) subjecting marine antifouling coating to bifouling and fluid
Visible radiation shear forces in natural seawater, test, D 4939 (06.02)
contrast ratio of a pair of linear polarizers for visible radiation, wet-to-dry hiding change of architectural coatings, test,
test, F 743 (06.01) D 5007 (06.02)
Visual display unit (VDU) Visual examination-pipeline coatings
obtaining colorimetric data from a visual display unit (for pipeline coatings-cathodic disbonding, accelerated procedures,
minimizing errors), using tristimulus colorimeters, practice, test, G 8 (06.02)
E 1455 (06.01) pipeline coatings-effect of outdoor weathering, test,
obtaining colorimetric data from video display unit, by G 11 (06.021
spectroradiometry, method, E 1336 (06.01) pipeline coatings-impact resistance, by limestone drop test,
Visual examination G 13 (06.02)
appearance (of objects/materials/light sources), terminology, Visual observation
E 284 (06.01) observers-selection/evaluation/training, guide, E 1499 (06.01)
visual color evaluation of transparent sheet materials, practice, VM & P naphthas
E 1478 (06.01) VM & P naphthas, spec., D 3735 (06.04)
Visual examination-color VOC abatement
color by Munsell color ordering system, test, D 1535 (06.01) amount of volatile organic compound (VOC) released from
evaluation of visual color difference (of non-self luminous solventborne automotive coatings and available for
materials) with a gray scale, test, D 2616 (06.01) removal in a VOC control device (abatement), test,
indexes of whiteness/yellowness of near-white opaque materials, D 5087 (06.01)
test, E 313 (06.01) VOC baking temperature
obtaining colorimetric data from video display unit, by coatings (solvent-/water-reducible)-volatile content by weight
spectroradiometry, method, E 1336 (06.01) percent, test, D 2369 (06.01)
reducing the variability of color measurement, by use of VOC calculation
multiple measurements, practice, E 1345 (06.01) volatile organic compound (VOC) content-paints/related
selection of geometric conditions for measurement of coatings, selecting test procedures, practice, D 3960 (06.01)
reflection/transmission properties of materials, practice, Void content
E 179 (06.01) holiday detection in pipeline coatings, test, G 62 (06.02)
specifying color of objects, using Optical Society of America Volatile liquids
(OSA) uniform color scales system, practice, low viscosity, rate of evaporation, test, D 3539 (06.01)
E 1360 (06.01) Volatile matter content
Visual examination-copy materials strontium chromate pigment-moisture content, USE D 280 (v
color by Munsell color ordering system, test, D 1535 (06.01) 06.01), D 1845 (06.01)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Volatile matter content-paints/related coatings/materials
Volatile matter content-paints/related coatings/materials Volume-volume change
aerosol paints (water-borne)-volatile content by weight interior pahts-wet abrasion resistance to scrubbing, test,
percent, test, D 5325 (06.01) D 4213 (06.02)
calcium borosilicate, test, D 4487 (06.01) Volume nonvolatile content
coatings (solvent-/water-reducible)-volatile content by weight volume nonvolatile matter in clear/pigmented coatings, test,
percent, test, D 2369 (06.01) D 2697 (06.01)
driers/drying oils/naval stores/solvents-volatile/nonvolatile Volume solids
content, selecting test methods, guide, D 4140 (06.01) calculating formulation physical constants of paints/coatings,
hygroscopic moisture (and other matter volatile under test practice, D 5201 (06.01)
conditions) in pigments, test, D 280 (06.01) Volumetric measurement
lac resins (orange shellac and button-/garnet-/bleached- water pickup of lithographic printing inks/vehicles in a
lac)/-sampling/testing, D 29 (06.03) laboratory mixer, test, D 4942 (06.02)
loss on heating of drying oils, test, D 1960 (06.03)
moisture content of pigments, D 1208 (06.03)
paint/related coatings-volatile/nonvolatile content, selecting
test procedures, guide, D 2832 (06.01) Washability
polymeric powderslpowder coatings-volatile content, practice, interior architectural coatings, test, D 3450 (06.02)
D 3451 (06.02) practical washability of organic coatings, test, D 4828 (06.02)
solvent-borne paints-weight percent volatile content, in aerosol Water
cans, test, D 5200 (06.01) water pickup of lithographic printing inks/vehicles in a
volatile content in phenolic resins, test, D 4639 (06.03) laboratory mixer, test, D 4942 (06.02)
volatile matter in tricresyl phosphate, test, D 1468 (06.04) water-soluble chromates-safety/health requirements relating to
occupational exposure, practice, E 848 (06.01)
volatile/nonvolatile content-cellulosics/emulsions/resin
solutions/shellac/varnishes, selecting test procedures, Water-high-purity/reagent-grade
practice, D 4209 (06.01) reagent water, spec., D 1193 (06.01)
volatile/nonvolatile content (of pigments), selecting test Water-resistance
procedures, guide, D 4139 (06.01) See Resistance-water
volatile organic compound (VOC) content-paints/related Water-sea water
coatings, selecting test procedures, practice, b 3960 (06.01) erosion testing of antifouling paints, using high velocity water,
volatile solvents/chemical intermediates-sampling/testing, test, D 4938 (06.02)
guide, D 268 (06.04) organotin release rates of antifouling coating systems in sea
water, using graphite furnace atomic absorption
Volatile organic compounds (V0C)-paints/related coatings/ spectrsphotometry (GF-AAS), test, D 5108 (06.02)
materials subjecting marine antifouling coating to bifouling and fluid
aerosol paints (water-borne)-volatile content by weight shear forces in natural seawater, test, D 4939 (06.02)
percent, test, D 5325 (06.01) Water absorption
calculating formulation physical constants of paints/coatings, comparative corrosion preventive characteristics of materials
practice, D 5201 (06.01) used for joints/couplings/fittings/patches in pipeline
coatings (solvent-/water-reducible)-volatile content by weight coatings, test, G 18 (06.02)
percent, test, D 2369 (06.01) water penetration into pipeline coatings, test, G 9 (06.02)
dichloromethane/ 1,1,1-trichloroethane content-paints/coatings, Water-base paints
by direct injection gas chromatography, test, See Latex paints
D 4457 (06.01) Water-borne coatings
distillation range (between 30 and 350°C) of volatile organic Sa Latex paints
liquids, test, D 1078 (06.04) aerosol paints (water-borne)-volatile content by weight
nonvolatile content in silanes/siloxanes/silane-siloxaneblends percent, test, D 5325 (06.01)
used in masonry water-repellent treatments, test, architectural coatings (solvent-/water-thinned), selecting test
D 5095 (06.02) methods, index, D 2833 (06.02)
nonvolatile content of resin solutions (in volatile organic architectural coatings (water-borne)-selecting test procedures,
solvents), test, D 1259 (06.01) for interior/exterior use, guide, D 5324 (06.02)
printed matter-lightfastness/weatherability, by natural density-paint/varnish/lacquer/related products, test, A D 1475
daylight/laboratory exposures, test, D 3424 (06.02) (06.01)
solvent-borne paints-weight percent volatile content, in aerosol field identification of coatings, test, D 5043 (06.02)
cans, test, D 5200 (06.01) freeze-thaw resistance of water-borne coatings, test,
spray-applied coatings-transfer efficiency, under general D 2243 (06.02)
laboratory conditions, practice, D 5327 (06.02) leveling-paints (water-/solvent-reducible), by draw-down
volatile oil in rosin, test, D 889 (06.03) method, test, D 4062 (06.02)
volatile organic compound (VOC) content-paints/related paint spatter resistance to roller application, test, D 4707 (06.02)
coatings, selecting test procedures, practice, D 3960 (06.01) paint (water-/solvent-reducible)-package stability, test,
Volatile resin acids content D 1849 (06.02)
See Resins (headings) sag resistance-liquid coatings (aqueous/nonaqueous), using
multinotch applicator, test, D 4400 (06.02)
Volatile solvents (in paints/coatings) water-borne floor paints-selecting test procedures, guide,
See Solvents-paints/related coatings/materials D 3358 (06.02)
Volatility Water-borne paints
distillation range (between 30 and 350°C) of volatile organic aerosol paints (water-borne)-volatile content by weight
liquids, test, D 1078 (06.04) percent, test, D 5325 (06.01)
Volume-petroleum products Water channel method
volume/weight of industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, method, erosion testing of antifouling paints, using high velocity water,
D 1555 (06.04) test, D 4938 (06.02)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Weathering-accelerated and outdoor
Watercolor paint Water-soluble solvents
Sa Artists’ paints See Solvents (headings)
artists’ watercolor paints, spec., D 5067 (06.02) Water spotting
Water content-paints/related coatings/materials reporting paint film failures characteristic of exterior latex
cresylic acid content (of alkaline cresylate solutions), chemical paints, classification, D 1848 (06.02)
analysis, D 3439 (06.04) Water vapor permeance
fatty nitrogen compounds, test, D 2072 (06.03) moisture vapor transmission of organic coating films, test,
Karl Fischer reagent method, test, D 4017 (06.01) D 1653 (06.01)
lacquer solvents-heptane miscibility, test, D 1476 (06.04)
moisture content of pigments, D 1208 (06.03) Water vapor transmission (WVT)
oil/water presence in compressed air (used for coating moisture vapor transmission of organic coating films, test,
application/air blast cleaning/abrasive blast cleaning), test, D 1653 (06.01)
D 4285 (06.02) Wavefront deviation/distortion
phenol/cresols/xylenols/naphthalene/pyridine/quinoline-water laser rods, by Fizeau interferometer, test, F 530 (06.01)
content, by iodine reagent method, test, D 1631 (06.04) optical elements having nominally parallel surfaces, due to
water content of water-reducible paints, by direct injection into refractive index inhomogeneity, test, F 611 (06.01)
gas chromatograph, test, D 3792 (06.01) polished circular/elliptical laser disks, using a Fizeau
water in liquid naval stores, test, D 890 (06.03) interferometer, test, F 531 (06.01)
water in volatile solvents, by Fischer reagent titration method, Wavefront deviationJdistortion-flatness deviation
test, D 1364 (06.04) evaluating interferometers (for uniformity of illumination,
Water content-petroleum products focus, vibration, temperature stability, turbulence,
water in petroleum products/bituminous materials, by cleanliness, component defects), practice, F 742 (06.01)
distillation, test, D 95 (06.04) Wavefront deviation/distortion-peak-to-valley
Water fog test glass laser rods, by Fizeau interferometer, test, F 530 (06.01)
coatings-water resistance, using water fog apparatus, practice, in polished optical (laser glass planar) surfaces, with Fizeau
D 1735 (06.01) interferometer, test, F 579 (06.01)
Water immersion interferometric testing of optical components (manual analysis,
coatings-water resistance, using (distilled/de-mineralized) water by least squares fitting to a plane reference surface),
immersion, practice, D 870 (06.01) practice, F 663 (06.01)
Water-insoluble chromates interferometric testing of optical components (manual/
water-soluble chromates-safety/health requirements relating to computer-aided analysis, by least squares fitting to a
occupational exposure, practice, E 848 (06.01) plane/spherical reference surface), practice, F 664 (06.01)
Water-insoluble impurities content nominally plane wavefronts (in optical components), method
See Impurities (headings) for interpreting interferograms, F 529 (06.01)
Water-insoluble matter content Wavefronts (plane)
hydrogen sulfide/sulfur dioxide (qualititative) of industrial interpreting interferograms of, method, F 529 (06.01)
aromatic hydrocarbons, test, D 2363 (06.03) Wavelength accuracy
methylcellulose, test, D 1347 (06.03) obtaining spectrophotometric data for object-color evaluation,
phenol-formaldehyde resins (water-insoluble)-apparent pH, practice, E 1164 (06.01)
test, D 4613 (06.03) Wavelength scale
Water miscibility spectroradiometric system for characterizing color/absolute
Sa Miscibility luminance of radiant source, calibration, practice,
water miscibility of water-soluble solvents, test, D 1722 (06.04) E 1341 (06.01)
Water of hydration spectroradiometric system for obtaining colorimetric data from
calcium borosilicate, test, D 4487 (06.01) video display unit, calibration, method, E 1336 (06.01)
Water penetration Waxes
water penetration into pipeline coatings, test, G 9 (06.02) alcohol-benzene soluble matter in cellulose, test, D 1794 (06.03)
Water pickup Wear testing
water pickup of lithographic printing inks/vehicles in a
laboratory mixer, test, D 4942 (06.02) resistance to wear of traffic paint, method, A D 913 (06.02)
Water-reducible coatings Weatherfastness
industrial water-reducible coatings (pigmented/clear)-selecting printed matter-lightfastness/weatherability, by natural
test procedures, guide, D 4712 (06.02) daylight/laboratory exposures, test, D 3424 (06.02)
Water repellency Weathering
wood products, qualitative test for, D 2921 (06.02) conducting tests on paint/varnish/lacquer/relatedproducts,
Water resistance using enclosed carbon-arc light/water exposure apparatus,
See Resistance-water practice, D 5031 (06.01)
Water-soluble-matter content factory-primed wood products (with representative finish
blasting abrasives-water soluble ionic contamination, by coats)-durability/compatibility , test, D 2830 (06.02)
conductimetric analysis, test, D 4940 (06.02) painted/coated specimens-corrosive environments, evaluation,
lac resins (orange shellac and button-/garnet-/bleached- method, D 1654 (06.01)
lac)/-sampling/testing, D 29 (06.03) Weathering-accelerated
moisture content of pigments, D 1208 (06.03) carbon-arc light-exposure apparatus-nonmetallic materials,
painting inspectors (metal substrates), guide, D 3276 (06.02) operating with/without water, practice, G 23 (06.01)
salt content of blue pigments, test, D 1135 (06.01) Weathering-accelerated and outdoor
water miscibility of water-soluble solvents, test, D 1722 (06.04) coatings-water resistance, using water fog apparatus, practice,
water-soluble salts in pigments, by measuring specific resistance D 1735 (06.01)
of pigment leachate, test, D 2448 (06.03) coatings (applied to metal substrates), practice, D 4141 (06.01)
yellow/orange/green pigments containing lead chromate/ Dew cycle, light-water-exposure apparatus, practice for
chromium oxide green, analysis, test, D 126 (06.01) operating, D 3361 (06.01)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Weathering-accelerated and outdoor
filtered open flame carbon-arc light/water exposure apparatus- Wet-to-dry hiding change
paints and related coatings/materials, conducting wet-to-dry hiding change of architectural coatings, test,
accelerated tests (using G 23), practice, D 822 (06.01) D 5007 (06.02)
nonmetallic materials-natural/artificial weathering, White architectural enamels
terminology, G 113 (06.01) See Architectural paints/coatings
performing accelerated outdoor weathering of nonmetallic White extender pigments
materials, using concentrated natural sunlight, practice, See Extender pigments
G 90 (06.01) White hiding pigments
Weathering-artificial See Antimony oxide/Basic carbonate white lead
nonmetallic materials-natural/artificial weathering, Sa Basic sulfate white lead/Leaded zinc oxide
terminology, G 113 (06.01) Pigments (general properties)/Titanium dioxide
Weathering-outdoor Zinc oiide/Zinc sulfide
atmospheric environmental exposure testing of nonmetallic White linseed oil paints
materials practice, G 7 (06.01) white linseed oil paints-chemical analysis, selecting test
conducting exterior exposure tests of (exterior) paints on steel, methods, practice, D 215 (06.01)
test, D 1014 (06.02) Whiteness index
conducting exterior exposure tests of house/trim paints on indexes of whiteness/yellowness of near-white opaque materials,
new/unpainted wood, practice, D 1006 (06.01) test, E 313 (06.01)
exposure of paints/related coatings to fluorescent UV- White pigments-general analysis
condensation light-water-exposure apparatus, practice for analysis of white zinc pigments, test, D 3280 (06.01)
conducting tests, D 4587 (06.01) antimony oxide content of white pigment (separated from
pipeline coatings-effect of outdoor weathering, test, solvent-type paints), test, D 2350 (06.01)
G 11 (06.02) basic carbonate white lead pigment, spec., D 81 (06.03)
quantifying dirt collection on coated exterior panels, test, chemical analysis of white pigments, selection of test methods,
D 3719 (06.02) guide, D 34 (06.01)
wood used as panels in weathering tests of coatings, spec., particle size distribution, by hydrometer of common white
D 358 (06.02) extender pigments, test, D 3360 (06.03)
Weight ratio of anatase to rutile in titanium dioxide (Ti02) pigments,
density-paint/vamish/lacquer/related products, test, A D 1475 by x-ray diffraction, test, D 3720 (06.01)
(06.01) relative tinting strength of white pigments, by reflectance
pipeline coatings-impact resistance, by falling weight test, measurements, test, D 2745 (06.01)
G 14 (06.02) relative tinting strength of white pigments, by visual
solvent-borne paints-weight percent volatile content, in aerosol observation, test, D 332 (06.01)
cans, test, D 5200 (06.01) sulfide in white pigment separated from solvent-reducible
transfer efficiency under production conditions for spray paints, test, D 2351 (06.01)
application of automotive paints, by weight basis, practice, sulfur dioxide in white pigment separated from solvent-
D 5066 (06.02) reducible paints, test, D 2352 (06.01)
volume/weight of industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, method, white lead- chemical analysis, test, D 1301 (06.01)
D 1555 (06.04) white linseed oil paints-chemical analysis, selecting test
methods, practice, D 215 (06.01)
Weight-weight loss white titanium pigments, chemical analysis, test, D 1394 (06.01)
interior paints-wet abrasion resistance to scrubbing, test, zinc oxide pigments, spec., D 79 (06.03)
D 4213 (06.02) White pine
Weight-weight-per-gallon cup wood used as panels in weathering tests of coatings, spec.,
density-paint/varnish/lacquer/related products, test, A D 1475 D 358 (06.02)
(06.01) White zinc pigments
Weight percent epoxide (WPE) See Zinc oxide
epoxy content of epoxy resins, test, D 1652 (06.03) Whiting
Weight solids See Calcium carbonate
calculating formulation physical constants of paints/coatings, Wick test
practice, D 5201 (06.01) sustained burning (of low viscosity liquid mixtures), by Wick
Weissenberg rheogoniometer test test, D 4207 (06.01)
polymeric (molten) powder coatings-viscosity, by Weissenberg Width
rheogoniometer, test, D 3451 (06.02) defect width on optical surfaces, using Nomarski differential
Welding/welds microscopy, test, F 532 (06.01)
flue gas desulfurization system components-design/fabrication Wijs procedure-iodine value
for protective lining application, spec., D 4618 (06.02) drying oils and their derivatives, test, D 1959 (06.03)
Western red cedar fatty amines/diamines, test, D 2075 (06.03)
wood used as panels in weathering tests of coatings, spec., Wire-wound drawdown bar method
D 358 (06.02) coil coatings, application using a wire-wound drawdown bar,
practice, D 4147 (06.02)
Wet abrasion resistance
interior paints-wet abrasion resistance to scrubbing, test, Wolfe-potentiometric method
D 4213 (06.02) oleic acid content of tall oil rosin, test, D 1585 (06.03) ~~

Wood and wood products

Wet film thickness atmospheric environmental exposure testing of nonmetallic
See Film-wet film thickness materials practice, G 7 (06.01)
Wet film thickness gage chlorinated phenol preservative content in wood products,
wet film thickness of organic coatings, D 1212 (06.01) qualitative test, D 2921 (06.02)
Wet ground muscovite mica coatings on wood products-dry film thickness, microscopical
See Stone-mica measurement, test, D 5235 (06.02)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Yellow pigments
temperature of applied coatings on wood products during the flash/fire point of liquids, by Tag open-cup apparatus, test,
curing cycle, by infrared radiation thermometers, practice, D 1310 (06.01)
D 3259 (06.02) purity of hydrocarbons from freezing points, test,
wood used as panels in weathering tests of coatings, spec., D 1016 (06.04)
D 358 (06.02) sampling/handling liquid cyclic products (at ambient
Wood and wood products-cellulose pulp temperature), practice, D 3437 (06.04)
cellulose pulp (from wood/cotton)-metals (Fe/Cu/Mn,Ca) total non-aromatic/trace monocyclic hydrocarbon aromatic
content, test, D 4085 (06.03) hydrocarbons in high-purity benzene/toluene/mixed
pentosans content of cellulose, test, D 1787 (06.03) zylenes, by gas chromatography, test, D 2360 (06.04)
Wood and wood products-composites volume/weight of industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, method,
edge performance of composite wood products under surfactant D 1555 (06.04)
accelerated moisture stress, test, D 2065 (06.02) xylenes for p-xylene feedstock, spec., D 5211 (06.04)
Wood and wood products-heartwood apparent density of industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, test,
wood used as panels in weathering tests of coatings, spec., D 2935 (06.04)
D 358 (06.02) commercial density (of pure liquid chemicals), test,
Wood and wood products-paintslrelated coatings D 3505 (06.04)
block resistance of organic coatings, test, D 2793 (06.02) volume/weight of industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, method,
coatings on wood products-dry film thickness, microscopical D 1555 (06.04)
measurement, test, D 5235 (06.02) ortho-Xylene
conducting exterior exposure tests of house/trim paints on apparent density of industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, test,
new/unpainted wood, practice, D 1006 (06.01) D 2935 (06.04)
factory-primed wood products (with representative finish commercial density (of pure liquid chemicals), test,
coats)-durability/compatibility, test, D 2830 (06.02) D 3505 (06.04)
humid-dry cycling (for coatings on wood/wood products), purity, by gas chromatography, test, D 3797 (06.04)
method, D 3459 (06.02) volume/weight of industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, method,
specifying properties of paint from the liquid state through the D 1555 (06.04)
curing stage for factory applied coatings on wood products, o-xylene 950, spec., D 4076 (06.04)
practices, D 2336 (06.02)
Wood preservatives apparent density of industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, test,
chlorinated phenol preservative content in wood products, D 2935 (06.04)
qualitative test, D 2921 (06.02) commercial density (of pure liquid chemicals), test,
Wood rosin D 3505 (06.04)
Sa Rosin high purity p-xylene, spec., D 5136 (06.04)
Oils (headings) trace (total) chloride (organic/inorganic) in liquid aromatic
rosin/rosin derivatives-toluene-insoluble solid matter, test, hydrocarbons, test, D 5194 (06.04)
D 269 (06.03) volume/weight of industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, method,
Wood turpentine D 1555 (a~.o4)
Sa Turpentine p-xylene-puritylimpurities, by gas chromatography, test,
pinene composition, by gas chromatography, test, D 3798 (06.04)
D 3009 (06.03) xylenes for p-xylene feedstock, spec., D 5211 (06.04)
spirits of turpentine, spec., D 13 (06.03) Xylene (five-degree)
C, hydrocarbon analysis, by gas chromatography, test,
X D 2306 (06.04)
Xylene (mixed)
Xenon-arc lamps apparent density of industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, test,
lightfastness of pigments (in artists’ paints), test, D 4303 (06.02) D 2935 (06.04)
obtaining spectrophotometric data for object-color evaluation, commercial density (of pure liquid chemicals), test,
practice, E 1164 (06.01) D 3505 (06.04)
operating light-exposure apparatus (xenon-arc type) with/ volume/weight of industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, method,
without water for exposure of nonmetallic materials, D 1555 (06.04)
practice, G 26 (06.01) Xylene (nitration grade)
printed matter-lightfastness/weatherability, by natural C, hydrocarbon analysis, by gas chromatography, test,
daylight/laboratory exposures, test, D 3424 (06.02) D 2306 (06.04)
X-ray diffraction xylene (nitration grade), spec., D 843 (06.04)
ratio of anatase to rutile in titanium dioxide (TiO,) pigments, Xylene (ten-degree)
by x-ray diffraction, test, D 3720 (06.0i) c8 hydrocarbon analysis, by gas chromatography, test,
X/Y crystal axes D 2306 (06.04)
crystallographic axes/contrast ratio of a Pockels cell electro-optic Xylenol
crystal (in longitudinal mode), test, F 741 (06.01) phenol/cresols/xylenols/naphthalene/pyridine/quinoline-water
Xylene content, by iodine reagent method, test, D 1631 (06.04)
acidity of benzene/toluene/xylenes/solventnaphthas/similar
industrial aromatic hydrocarbons, test, D 847 (06.04)
acid wash color, test, D 848 (06.04)
aromatic hydrocarbons/related chemicals, terminology, Yellowness index
D 4790 (06.04) indexes of whiteness/yellowness of near-white opaque materials,
c8 hydrocarbon analysis, by gas chromatography, test, test, E 313 (06.01)
D 2306 (06.04) Yellow ocher
distillation, test, D 850 (06.04) See Ocher
ethylbenzene-purity/impurities, by gas chromatography, test, Yellow pigments
D 5060 (06.04) chrome yellow/orange pigment, spec., D 211 (06.03)

Index of ASTM Standards, Section 6
Yellow pigments
yellow iron oxide (hydrated), spec., D 768 (06.03) zinc yellow (zinc chromate yellow) pigment, test, D 444 (06.01)
yellow/orange/green pigments containing lead chromate/ Zinc driers
chromium oxide green, analysis, test, D 126 (06.01) See Driers
Yield value Sa Oils-drying
laboratory preparation of gelled vehicles, using microwave oven, Zinc dust
practice, D 5166 (06.03) Sa Pigments (general properties)
laboratory preparation of gelled vehicles, using resin kettle, analysis, D 521 (06.01)
practice, D 5165 (06.02) zinc dust pigment, spec., D 520 (06.03)
Zinc hydroxy phosphite
Z analysis, D 4450 (06.01)
zinc hydroxy phosphite pigment, spec., D 4462 (06.03)
Zahn viscometers Zinc oxide-pigment
See Viscometers-Zahn analysis of white zinc pigments, test, D 3280 (06.01)
Zeisel technique zinc oxide pigments, spec., D 79 (06.03)
ethoxyl substitution in cellulose ether products, by gas Zinc oxide content
chromatography, test, D 4794 (06.03) zinc hydroxy phosphite, test, D 4450 (06.01)
gas chromatographic analysis of methoxyl/hydroxypropyl Zinc-rich primer
substitution, in cellulose ether products, test, Sa Primer
D 3876 (06.03) MEK resistance of ethyl silicate (inorganic) zinc-rich primers,
Zinc by solvent rub, test, D 4752 (06.02)
liquid paint driers, selection of test methods, D 564 (06.01) Zinc sulfide
Zinc chromate (yellow) analysis of white zinc pigments, test, D 3280 (06.01)
analysis, D 444 (06.01) Zinc white
zinc yellow (zinc chromate) pigments, spec., D 478 (06.03) See Zinc oxide-pigment
Zinc-coated (galvanized) surfaces Zinc yellow
preparation for painting, practice, D 2092 (06.02) See Zinc chromate (yellow)
Zinc content Zirconium content
analysis of white zinc pigments, test, D 3280 (06.01) zirconium content-paint driers, by EDTA method, test,
paint driers-calcium/zinc content, by EDTA method, test, D 3969 (06.01)
D 2613 (06.01) ZTO chromate
zinc dust (metallic zinc powder), test, D 521 (06.01) See Zinc chromate (yellow)

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