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 DLP No.: 3 Learning Area: EPP Grade Level: Six Quarter: 1st Duration: 50 min.

Learning Uses technology in the conduct of survey to find out the elements to be Code:
Competency/ies observed in planting trees and fruit bearing trees TLE6AG-Ob-2
Key Concepts/ 1. The pupils can identify the elements to be observed in planting trees.
Understanding to 2. They can interpret data from table and report it with confidence.
be Developed: 3. Practice caring the environment with carefully planned tree planting activity/project.
Knowledge Identify the elements to be observed in planting trees and fruit bearing trees
Skills Interpret the data from the survey about the elements to be observed planting trees and fruit
bearing trees
Attitudes Practice caring trees in the environment by considering its elements in planting.
Values Love of Mother Earth
2.Content/Topic Elements to be Observed in Planting Trees and Fruit-bearing Trees
Moving Up with HELE 6 pg. 136-137
3.Learning HELE Home Economics and Livelihood Education 6 pg.152-153

Materials/ Tree Illustration, word strips, flash cards,

4.1 Introductory Drill: Arrange the jumbled letters in the parenthesis that matching the given meaning. Write
Activity (5 min. ) the correct answer in the space provided.
___1. It refers to the sources of water that supply the plants in order to live. (rewat pulspy)
water supply
___2. It is man-made creek intentionally created to let the water flow continuously. (draigane)
___3. Process of plant food making with the help of sunlight and carbon dioxide.
(syphetisonoh) Photosynthesis
Review: Answer the following with TRUE or FALSE.
___1. Propagating trees is a good source of extra income. (True)
___2. Well-propagated trees can pollute the air. (False)
___3. They are good source of wood for house construction. (True)
___4. Fruit-bearing can give nutritious foods (True)
___5. Fully grown trees can’t give shades and fresh air. (False)
Ask: What is the greatest problem that continuously destroying our Mother Earth
nowadays? (Global warming)
What do you think we can do to save Mother Earth? (Planting more trees)
4.2 Activity (5 min.)
A. Follow the direction in the Activity card.
1.Analyze the given data in the table.
Name Elements to Consider in Planting Trees
Sunlight Water Atmosphere Temperature Space Soil People Others
Mr. Go / / / / / /
Mr. Ya / / / /
Mr. Bu / / /
2. Surround the image of tree with the elements in the word strips that can help the
trees grow healthy. Base your answer from the data in the table. Paste the important
elements near the tree and least important far from it. Arrange your answer in the manila
sunlight space soil water atmosphere temperature people

2.Answer the questions.
a. What are the factors/elements to be consider in planting trees?
b. Which of the factors you think is the most important? Why?
3.Publish your work
B. Checking of output
4.3. Analysis (10 Ask:
min.) What are the elements to consider in planting trees?
Why do we need to consider the elements in planting trees?
Growth is the progressive development of an organism. In order for these organism
like plant to grow to its full potential we need to consider the following elements/factors
in planting trees:
A. Sufficient Sunlight - Plant growth requires energy, and through the process of
photosynthesis, leaves of trees and shrubs capture light energy from the sun and
convert it to soluble carbohydrates (starch and sugar). In turn, these soluble
carbohydrates are transported to all parts of the plant to satisfy energy needs.
Plants should be carefully matched to sites to accommodate their specific light
B. Sufficient water - An adequate amount of water is essential for plant growth and
maintenance of essential plant processes. There is no organic process occurs in the
absence of water. But plants probably suffer more from moisture-related problems
either inadequate amounts of water or too much water is considered by many to be the
primary cause of death for newly-planted trees and shrubs. Many landscapes, about 1
inch of water every 7 to 10 days is sufficient to support tree and shrub growth. And
because many soils will not allow penetration of this amount of water all at once, it is
more efficiently applied in two or three applications.
C. Adequate space - is a basic requirement for trees and large shrubs. Space for lateral,
overhead, pedestrians and vehicular traffic clearance must be provided. Equally
important is adequate space for root growth. Many of the problems with declining
plants in urban and suburban environments can be attributed to restricted root growth
because of inadequate soil volumes. Roots are responsible for water and mineral
element uptake, energy storage, synthesizing important organic compounds, and plant
anchorage. If root growth is restricted, these important processes and functions are
slowed or impeded and plant health will be jeopardized. It has been estimated that 300
to 400 cubic feet of soil is required to support a medium-sized shade tree, yet in many
urban sites
D. Atmospheric factors - The atmosphere surrounding both above- and below-ground
parts of woody plants if often taken for granted. But growth cannot occur without
oxygen which is essential for respiration (the plant process that releases the energy of
stored sugars to fuel growth), and carbon dioxide which is required for photosynthesis.
Compacted soils frequently are oxygen deficient can cause plants to die suddenly,
poorly aerated soils gradually weaken plants.
E. Mineral elements and soil reaction - following absorption by the roots, mineral
elements are translocated to various parts of the plant for utilization in important
biological functions. There are mineral elements essential for normal plant growth
classified as either macronutrients or micronutrients according to their relative
concentration in plant tissue. Throughout a plant’s life, mineral elements are required
for growth and maintenance, adding mineral elements through fertilization is an
important cultural practice that contributes to plant health and vigor. When a mineral
element is deficient (frequently nitrogen), the appropriate fertilizer should be applied at
recommended rates and at a time when it will be most readily available for plant
uptake. Soil reaction (expressed as pH) refers to the acidity or alkalinity, in other
words, the relative proportion of hydrogen (acid) and hydroxide (basic) ions. Equal
concentrations of the two produce a neutral reaction (pH 7.0). As a soil becomes more
acidic, its pH decreases; as it becomes more alkaline, its pH increases. Availability of a
number of mineral elements, particularly phosphorus and the micronutrients, is
significantly influenced by soil pH.
F. Appropriate temperatures - Plants react to temperature by speeding up or slowing
down all of their life processes. Woody plant species differ considerably in their
response to temperature, however, most require a broad range of temperatures to
complete their life cycles. For example, many trees and shrubs require a relatively long
exposure to temperatures near 40-degree F during winter before they can overcome
dormancy, yet much higher temperatures are needed for optimal growth and
development. But temperature extremes, both high and low, can result in injury or
even death.
G. People pressure - Roots can be injured and plant health compromised when soil is
compacted around trees and shrubs. And wounds to trunks and branches
administered by vehicles, bicycles, hot charcoal, lawn mowers, and string-trimmers
can injure plants directly, and/or predispose them to secondary attack by insects and
disease-causing pathogens.
4.4 Abstraction Mastery exercises:
(10 min.) A. Answering of flash cards
B. Matching of ideas from column A and B.
C. Filling on the blanks with appropriate data.
 What are the factors to consider in planting trees and fruit-bearing trees?
 What will happen to the trees if one or more elements are neglected?
 What is the effect of considering the elements in planting trees to our environment?
4.5 Application Group Work:
(8 min.) 1. Make a plan of a tree planting activity. (when, where, what who)
2. Cite a spot in the school premises/at home that qualify to the required elements for
planting trees
3. Explain the benefits it can give to the chosen spot.
4. Publish your work.
5.Assessment (5 min.)
Give the correct answer to the given question. Choose your answer in the box below
Temperature People pressure pH 7.0 sunlight adequate space
macronutrients and micronutrients water atmospheric factor carbohydrates

_____1. What do you call to the essential elements needed for the plants normal growth?
_____2. How much is the appropriate acidity/alkalinity of soil for planting?
_____3. What factor refer to the required energy needed by plants for photosynthesis?
_____4. It is the lateral, overhead, pedestrian and vehicle clearance needed for adequate
root growth.
_____5. What elements is being considered for essential for plant growth and
maintenance of important organic/plant processes?
Answer Key:
1. macronutrients and micronutrients 4. adequate space
2. pH 7.0 5. Water
3. sunlight
6.Assignment (Reinforcing) (5 min.)
Conduct a survey of at least 3 personalities in community known for having trees/fruit-bearing
trees plantation/plants
Name Elements to Consider in Planting Trees
Sunlight Water Atmosphere Temperature Space Soil People Others
Publish your work in our group account or submit your report through cd/usb.
7.Wrap-up (2min.)

Rubrics for Application:

10 Detailed plan, cited a place where to plant, plan is fluently presented
8 Detailed plan, cited a place where to plant, plan is not fluently presented
6 Not detailed plan, cited a place where to plant, plan is not so fluently presented
4 Not detailed plan, no cited place where to plant, plan is not fluently presented
2 No output at all
Prepared by:
Name: Ma. Shiela D. Palco School: S.A. Tecala Memorial Elementary School
Position/Designation: Teacher 1 Division: Danao City
Contact Number: 09430144577 Email Address:

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