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General Education: Sociology & Culture/Values Ed. Ethics & Moral Ed.

(C. R. Magallanes) 2003


1. Frankness of the American can be considered rude by the Filipinos. This assessment of
American behavior is attributed to
a. Cultural lag c. Cultural pluralism
b. Cultural relativism d. Cultural University
2. Filipinos are particular about their relations with other people in society. They are very
careful about their behavior such that they are conscious of the means of the controlling
their behavior. The least effective means of social control among the following is:
a. Ostracism c. Gossip
b. Public opinion d. Laws
3. Social mobility is best illustrated in one’s
a. Attending social gatherings c. Getting older
b. Moving from one place to another d. Becoming richer
4. The least used research method in Sociology is
a. Social survey c. Interview
b. Participant observation d. Controlled experiment
5. Rhea is described as very much like her mother in behavior and attitudes. This is said to
be the result of the strong influence of the family as a
a. Peer group c. Primary group
b. Reference group d. Secondary group
6. Which among the following is NOT a non-material culture
a. Values c. Language
b. Norms d. Tools
7. Language is an important tool in transmitting messages. Which of the following indicates
a. Pensive look c. Tapping of the shoulder
b. Nod of the head d. Stern look
8. The principal means through which culture is transmitted from generation to generation is
a. Language c. Diffusion
b. Action d. Education
9. The practice of “pamanhikan” especially in the rural areas is an illustration of a Filipino
a. Value c. Mores
b. Folkways d. Law
10. Philippine politics has been described as “dirty”. This description is best illustrated in one
of the following:
a. Candidates for the position do not advocate cleanliness for the community
b. Candidates do not observe proper decorum
General Education: Sociology & Culture/Values Ed. Ethics & Moral Ed.
(C. R. Magallanes) 2003

c. Candidates employ back propaganda tactics

d. Candidates do not resort to white washing of controversial issues.
11. The peer group as an agency for socialization provides the individual
a. First experience in love and affection
b. Camaraderie’s that develops stable personal identity
c. Incentive or rewards for performance of goal behavior
d. Orientation into the culture of the group.
12. A nuclear family is that where the members consist of the following:
a. Father, mother, son and grandfather
b. Father, mother, son and daughter
c. Father, mother, son, daughter and grandparents
d. Father, mother, son and cousins
13. A typical social culture which describes a pattern through which relationships at work are
ordered is termed
a. Capitalistic c. Communistic
b. Technological d. Bureaucratic
14. Values may be terminal or instrumental. This statement explains values as
a. Goal of one’s life
b. As goal and mode of behavior
c. As the reason why we behave the way we do
d. As the means of expressing our feelings
15. The saying that” the child is the father of man” is best explained in this statement.
a. Human development starts from childhood
b. Childhood experiences significantly contribute to the formation
c. The child belongs to the future generation
d. Of all stages of growth, childhood is the most critical
16. When a person plans his life and eventually accomplished his plans and starts to enjoy it,
what is the best description for such person?
a. He has a purpose in life
b. He used his will property
c. He manifested love for others
d. He is a competent person
17. In contemporary times a person is beset with problems which are global and perspective.
What set of values must a person possess to help him cope with the present world?
a. Independence, service and personal authority
b. Self-acceptance, work ethics, positive vision
c. Intimacy, synergy, interdependence
d. Security, survival, pleasure
18. The child takes in and incorporates the moral standards of the parents. Which of the
following processes best describe the situation?
General Education: Sociology & Culture/Values Ed. Ethics & Moral Ed.
(C. R. Magallanes) 2003

a. Introjections c. Inculcation
b. Imitation d. Identification
19. Which among the following refers to the science which deals with the rightness or
wrongness of human acts?
a. Morality c. Philosophy
b. Theology d. Values
20. When a person works towards an ideal goal or commitment which are worth living for
such person is said to have
a. Values c. Convictions
b. Ideas d. Determination
21. Which of the following statements best describes the self-actualization process?
a. Every human person has peak experiences which could be considered as self-
actualizing moments.
b. It is uniquely personal yet universally shared and experienced by every human
c. It is an innate human motivation to grow and develop all his/her potentials
d. It is a universal growth pattern which occurs at the same continuum for all
22. Which of the following assumptions is true regarding the law and order orientation of
moral development?
a. Right behavior is one which is approved by authorities
b. Right behavior motivates the performance of one’s duty and the maintenance of
social stability
c. Right behavior is that which is approved by others
d. Right behavior is defined in terms of standards that have been.
23. Which among the following is not true regarding the moral development of man?
a. Movement from one stage to another is a long term process.
b. Moral development is highly dependent on the person’s social experiences and
interaction with the environment.
c. Progression is the automatic. Once a person reaches a certain age, moral reasoning
automatic improves.
d. The general direction of more development is free from preconventional morality to
autonomous morality.
24. Which among the following considered as a society’s moral imperative?
a. Norm’s c. Law
b. Values d. Ethics
25. The science of the morality of human act is referred to as
a. Ethics c. Philosophy
b. Values d. Virtue
General Education: Sociology & Culture/Values Ed. Ethics & Moral Ed.
(C. R. Magallanes) 2003


1. If the school is considered as agent of social and cultural change it should be therefore
function as
a. Transmitter of culture c. Agent of the state
b. Perpetuator of tradition d. Pioneer of programs

2. Which of the following best exemplifies achieved status

a. Inherited real estate properties from parents
b. Finished law as working student
c. Inherited talents from parents
d. Reached the age of 50

3. Which of the following best describes the basic goal of sociological inquiry?
a. To control deviant behavior
b. To increase our understanding of ourselves and our programs
c. To improve society
d. To help people who have problems

4. When a person say that “rich people acquired their wealth through foul means” the
person is expressing his
a. Anger c. Inferiority
b. Discrimination d. Prejudice

5. In the study of political system, sociologist would be most interested in

a. The effect of political institution on other institutions in society
b. Voting behavior
c. Political theory
d. Functions of government
6. Purposely organized social structure have the following characteristics except
a. Goal direction c. Intimate face to face association
b. Hierarchy of authority d. impersonal social relationships

7. Which of the following is an example of an issue a sociologist would study?

a. Which political system is the best?
b. Why is the rate of abortion rising?
c. What is the interaction between chemicals and behavior?
d. How do police actions influence crowd behavior?
General Education: Sociology & Culture/Values Ed. Ethics & Moral Ed.
(C. R. Magallanes) 2003

8. Among the Bontoc Igorot in the Philippines, a woman reaches “her prime” at 23 while at
30 she is getting old; before 45 she is “old” and by 50 she is a mass of wrinkles from foot
to forehead. What does this description speak of in so far as biological traits: race, sex
and age are concerned?
a. That rates define the characteristics
b. That sex defines the role of a person
c. The age is a universal criterion for assigning expectations sets.
d. That all biological traits.

9. Material culture refers to the tangible and objects produce d by man. Which among the
following is not a material culture?
a. Bow and arrow of the Aetas c. Ceremonial bench of the Ifugao
b. Stone tools of the Tasadays d. Celebration of the Moriones festival

10. Which among the following is considered the “raw material” of personality
a. Social environment c. Heredity
b. Training d. Culture

11. Which among the following is an individual’s consaguineal relation

a. Stepsister c. Half-brother
b. Brother-in-law d. Godfather

12. Student protest can be used to uncover features of change reflecting change-inducing
movement. This of a group is termed
a. Deviant behavior c. Revolutionary movement
b. Collective behavior d. Industrialist movement

13. Contemporary Filipino values has been shaped by

a. Our oriental forefathers
b. Our western colonizers
c. Our accepted religion
d. Influences of oriental and occidental people we got in contact with

14. The process in which the child imitates the behavior of parents or significant person is
being described in the following theories except:
a. Confluent theory c. Behaviorist Theory
b. Psycho-analytic theory d. Moral-Cognitive Development
General Education: Sociology & Culture/Values Ed. Ethics & Moral Ed.
(C. R. Magallanes) 2003

15. When a child constantly withdraws herself/himself from other people, what value is
lacking in that child?
a. Trust c. Industry
b. Intimacy d. Justice

16. In Kohlberg’s Moral Development Theory, which of the following orientations describe
the source of values as originating from parental authority and control?
a. Good boy /nice girl c. Instrumental Relatives
b. Law and Order d. Reward and Punishment

17. A human person is greatly influenced by many factors in the development of his moral
values. Which among the following is the most effective means of acquiring moral
a. By listening to people known for their moral values
b. By reading literatures on moral development
c. By interacting with various environmental forces
d. By imitating moral behavior of adults

18. Man is a social being. This means therefore that

a. Man necessarily relates with other man
b. Man many choose to relate with other man
c. Man has the capacity to adapt the ways of other people
d. Man should always be happy in the company of other people

19. The greater the knowledge of a person, the greater is his responsibility. Which among the
following situations best illustrate the given statement?
a. The teacher has greater responsibility than the pupil in the classroom.
b. The teacher and the pupil both assume great responsibility in the classroom.
c. The pupil has greater responsibility because he is the learner.
d. The teacher shares the responsibility with the school principal when inside the

20. Which of the following theories of values development is far by convincing as regards
the significance of nurturing a healthy concept of oneself in acquiring a positive value
a. Person centered c. Humanistic
b. Confluent d. Psycho-analytic

21. The theory that emphasizes the adolescence period as the period which has the greatest
importance in the development of the adult personality is:
General Education: Sociology & Culture/Values Ed. Ethics & Moral Ed.
(C. R. Magallanes) 2003

a. Humanistic c. Psycho-social
b. Confluent d. Psycho-analytic

22. The structure of personality which operates as a moral arbiter of behavior and conduct is:
a. Conscience c. Ego
b. Super-ego d. Ego-ideal

23. Which among the following is the main vision of the DECS when drew up the Values
Education Program?
a. A productive society
b. A just and humane society
c. A highly industrialized society
d. A society with global perspective

24. Which of the following moral orientations is not correctly ordered?

a. Interpersonal concordance, law and order, universal-ethical
b. Instrumental relativist, social contract legalistic, universal ethical
c. Punishment obedience, law and order, social contract legalistic
d. Instrumental relativist, Law and order, interpersonal concordance

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