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History 2nd Semester Final


1. V-E Day

2. D-Day

3. A. Philip Randolph

4. Manhattan Project

5. Office of Price Administration

6. War Production Board (WPB) and Development

7. Selective Service system

8. Douglas MacArthur

9. Axis Powers

10. Allied Powers

11. Hiroshima and Nagasaki

12. FDR & WW II

13. Truman & WW II

14. George Patton

15. Japanese Internment Camps

16. Battle of Midway

17. Korematsu V. U.S.

Cold War

18. Satellite Nations

19. United Nations

20. NATO

21. Marshall Plan

22. Cold War

23. Korean War; China, dividing line, MacArthur

24. Senator Joseph McCarthy

25. Alger Hiss

26. Hollywood Ten

27. Ethel & Julius Rosenberg

28. U.S. and the Hydrogen Bomb

29. CIA in Iran and Guatemala

30. Eisenhower and the U2 Incident

31. William Levitt

32. Dixiecrats

33. Truman’s Fair Deal

34. GI Bill of Rights

35. 1950s culture- TV shows, Radio, rock ‘n’ roll, Beat Movement

36. Bay of Pigs

37. Election of 1960

38. Hot Line (Kennedy & Khrushshev)

38. Kennedy & his New Frontier

39. Peace Corps

40. Major Warren Court rulings Brown v board; Miranda v Arizona, Engel v. Vitale

41. Medicare and Medicaid

42. Immigration Act of 1965

Civil Rights

43. Plessy v. Ferguson

44. Thurgood Marshall

45. Rosa Parks

46. Southern Christian Leadership Conference

47. Sit-ins

48. Robert Moses

49. “I Have a Dream” Speech

50. James Meredith

51. Freedom riders

52. Freedom Summer

53. JFK & desegregation of U. of Miss and Alabama

54. De Jure Segregation

55. De Facto Segregation

56. Black Panthers

57. Malcom X

58. Black Power


59. Geneva Accords and the 17th parallel

60. Tonkin gulf Resolution

61. Ho Chi Minh

62. Ho Chi Minh Trail

63. Credibility Gap

64. Agent Orange

65. Napalm

66. Search and Destroy Missions

67. Doves

68. Hawks

69. Vietnam Draft

70. Wallace (president ’68)

71. Nixon

72. Robert Kennedy

73. My Lai Massacre

74. Pentagon Papers

75. War Powers Act

Women’s Liberation

76. Roe v Wade

77. Phyllis Schlafly

78. Feminism

79. Equal Rights Amendment

80. Betty Friedan

81. N.O.W.


82. OPEC

83. Stagflation

84. SALT 1 Treaty

85. Détente

86. New Federalism

87. Watergate Scandal

1980s and beyond

88. Entitlement Programs

89. Conservative Coalition

90. Moral Majority

91. Reagonomics

92. Geraldine Ferraro

93. AIDS

94. Asian Women United

95. Persian Gulf War

96. Gorbachev

97. Iran-Conta Affair

98. NAFTA- Mexico brought into free trade zone

99. Clinton’s Universal Health Care (fail)

100. Internet; Information superhighway

101. Election of 2000

102. Clinton Impeachment

103. Bush and Tax cuts

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