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Lecture : Dra. Hj. Fitrani Dwina, M.ed


Group 4


MITA SARI HALAWA ( 17029035 )


VANY BARRULISTA ( 17029123 )




1. National Education Standards
In the National Education Standards, the explanation of article 28
paragraph (3) point d states that what is meant by social competence is the ability
of teachers as part of the community to communicate and interact effectively with
students, fellow educators , and surrounding communities.
This is further explained in the RPP on Teachers, that social competence
is the ability of teachers as part of the community, which at least has the
competence to:
a) Communicate verbally, in writing and in cues.
b) Using communication and information technology functionally.
c) Associating effectively with students, fellow educators, educational
staff, parents / guardians of students; and
d) Associate politely with the surrounding community.

2. Conclude
teacher social competence is the ability and skill of a teacher in
communicating and interacting effectively in the implementation of the learning
process and the surrounding community.

According to Karl Alberch (2006) there are five dimensions of social

intelligence, namely:

a) Situational Awareness. Awareness of situations that can make others feel

happy and comfortable.
b) Presence. That is the presence that can make other people feel happy and
c) Authenticity. Originality in attitude, can accept one's own condition and
willing to accept the situation of others.
d) Clarity. Namely clarity in communicating and providing information to
e) Emphaty. That can also feel the condition of others and be attentive in
interacting with others.

The Importance of Social Competence

The teacher in living his life is often a character, role model and
identification for students, and their environment

The Role of Teachers in the Community

The teacher is an important key in the activities of school relations with

the community. Therefore, he must have the competence to do the following

a) Assist schools in implementing Husemas techniques. Although the

principal is a key person in the management of Husemas, it is not
possible for school principals to implement the Husemas program
without the help of teachers. Teachers can be assigned by the school
principal to carry out matters relating to Husemas, adapted to the types
and forms of existing activities. For example, if the principal wants to
carry out a visit to a student's home, the principal can delegate the task to
the teacher. Teachers can also be assigned by school principals to create
work programs that have an impact on school popularity.
b) Making himself better in society. Teachers are community
leaders. Behavior or a lunge done by teachers in schools and in the
community becomes something very important. What teachers do or
don't do is a role model for the community. In this position the teacher
must show excellent behavior. If the community knows that certain
school teachers can be role models in the community,
the community's trust in the school will be greater and eventually the
school's assistance will also be greater.
c) In carrying out all this the teacher must implement the code of ethics. The
teacher code of ethics is a set of rules or guidelines that are followed and
may not be violated by the teacher. The code of ethics regulates teachers
to become commendable human beings in the eyes of society. Because
the code of ethics is also a reflection of the will of the community
towards teachers, it becomes an obligation of teachers

Teacher's Social Responsibility

The role of teachers in schools is no longer limited to providing learning,

but must bear more responsibility, namely in collaboration with managing other
education in the community. For this reason, teachers must have the opportunity
to involve themselves more in activities outside of school.


1. Communicate verbally, non-verbally, gesturing politely
2. Using communication and information technology
3. Interact effectively with students, fellow educators, staff of
educators, and parents of students
4. Interact politely with the community


1. Audience or communication goals, namely in communicating should
pay attention to who the target is so that the communicator can adjust
the style and "rhythm" of communication according to the
characteristics of the target. Communicating with elementary students
is certainly different from high school students
2. Behavior, which is what is expected of the target after the
communication takes place. For example a history teacher as a
communicator while it is ongoing and after finishing explaining the
Prince Diponegoro Incident, what student behavior is expected. Do
students become sad and cry contemplating the fate of their nation, or
students clench their fists as if they are about to hit the Dutch
invaders. This is closely related to the success of the history teacher's
3. Condition or condition, namely in what conditions such as when
communication is in progress. For example, when a Math teacher
wants to explain difficult formulas, he must. A teacher must know the
condition of the student, whether he is happy or sad, or is sleepy
because there was an event last night. By understanding these
conditions, the teacher can determine what strategies he uses so that
later what is taught can be accepted by students.
4. Degree or level, that is to what extent the target of communication
material must be mastered by the target itself. For example, when an
English teacher explains verbs according to unit of time, past tense,
present tense and future tense, what is the minimum number of verbs
students must memorize on that day. The minimum number of verbs
that are mastered by students can be used as a measure of the success
of an English teacher. If achieved means he is successful, otherwise if
not achieved means he fails.
In life, the teacher becomes a leader and role model for students and the
surrounding environment. Abduhzen revealed that "Imam Al-Ghazali put the
teaching profession at the highest and noblest positions in various levels of society
work. Teachers carry out two missions at once, which is a religious duty and
sociopolitical duty. "
The meaning of religious duties according to Al-Ghazali is the task of the
teacher when he was doing a favor to convey science to man, the teacher is the
noblest creature on earth. While that is a socio-political task is that teachers build,
lead, and an example for enforcing the order, harmony, and ensure the
sustainability of the community.
As individuals who are involved in education, teachers must have a
personality that reflects an educator. Demands for a personality as educators
sometimes perceived as being more severe than other professions. The phrase is
often used is that "teachers can digugu and imitated"


Gullotta et al (1990) suggested some aspects of social competence,
1. Cognitive capacities, it is underlying social skills to establish and maintain
positive interpersonal relationships. Cognitive capacities include positive self-
esteem, the ability to see things from the standpoint of social and
interpersonal problem-solving skills.
2. The balance between social needs and the need for privacy. Socialization
needs an individual needs to be involved in a group and establish
relationships with other people. While the need for privacy is the desire to be
a unique individual, different, and free to act without the influence of others.
3. Social skills with peers, an individual's ability to establish relationships
with peers that do not have difficulty in adjusting to the group and can get
involved in group activities.


Packaging of social competence development for teachers,
prospective teachers (student teacher) and student is different. Packaging it
must pay attention to the characteristics of each, whether related to
psychological aspects as well as the system that supports it. To develop
social competence of an educator, we need to know the target or the
dimensions of this competency. Some of these dimensions, for example,
can be filtered out of the concept of life skills. Of the 35 life skills or
intelligence of life, there are 15 that can be inserted into the dimensions of
social competence, namely:
1. Team work
2. Seeing an opportunity
3. Role in group activities
4. Responsibilities as citizens
5. Leadership
6. social volunteers
7. Maturity in relationships
8. Share
9. empathize
10. Concern for others
11. tolerance
12. conflict solution
13. Accepting the difference
14. Cooperation
15. communication

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