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In the Laboratory

An Exploration of a Photochemical Pericyclic Reaction

Using NMR Data W
Sara M. Hein
Department of Chemistry, Winona State University, Winona, MN 55987

In this experiment, a photochemical [2+2] cycloaddition promotes one molecule from its ground-state HOMO to its
reaction is investigated. Such reactions often are given as ex- excited-state HOMO, enabling overlap to occur.
amples on paper, but are rarely investigated by students in The objective of this investigation is to determine which
the laboratory (1, 2), and very few experiments involving peri- one of eleven possible products, including stereoisomers, is
cyclic reactions have appeared in this Journal (3–10). The formed when trans-cinnamic acid is dimerized. Initial analy-
photoisomerization of cinnamic acid derivatives has been sis by 1H NMR spectroscopy indicates the product is sym-
published as an investigative experiment for a sophomore- metrical because of the presence of only two resonances
level organic synthesis laboratory (11, 12). Melting points representing two different sets of magnetically equivalent
were used to identify the cinnamic acid dimer. This method nuclei, corresponding to the original alkenyl protons. How-
was preferred because it allowed quick identification of the ever, these data also support several possible head-to-tail or
product with minimal subsequent experimentation. Because head-to-head candidates. Therefore, some previous knowl-
sensitive NMR instruments and molecular modeling pro- edge about [2+2] cycloaddition reactions and radical stabil-
grams are now available, we have used these valuable tools to ity is required.
characterize synthetic products, including photochemically Suprafacial–suprafacial (same algebraic sign at both ends)
derived products. and antarafacial–antarafacial (opposite algebraic sign at both
Students carry out the photodimerization of trans-cin- ends) orbital symmetries are plausible orientations for cy-
namic acid and derivatization of the product. Analysis of the cloaddition. In this experiment, only the head-to-tail,
derivatized products and NMR spectroscopy allows students suprafacial–suprafacial product is formed because the
to identify the product of the synthesis. The NMR analysis antarafacial–antarafacial product is geometrically impossible.
involves molecular models and the application of coupling Further, dimerization of alkenes can be shown to involve bi-
constants to determine the product. Once the correct prod- radical intermediates (17, 18). A biradical intermediate sug-
uct has been correctly identified, a mechanism can be pro- gests stability is the driving force behind the orientation of the
posed. This article outlines the significance of both the monomers, supporting the head-to-tail configuration. There are
photochemical and spectroscopic aspects of the photoisomer- only five possible head-to-tail cycloaddition products.
ization of trans-cinnamic acid. Two possible radical intermediates need to be consid-
ered: (i) a benzylic radical and (ii) a secondary radical next
Experimental Overview to the carboxylic acid (Figure 2). The benzylic radical is sig-
nificantly more stable than the secondary radical, as observed
Trans-cinnamic acid is available from several commer- through energy calculations. The biradical transition state has
cial sources (Aldrich Chemical Company and Acros Organ- a reasonably long lifetime and the monomers will assume a
ics) and has been used in traditional synthetic undergraduate conformation with the least steric hindrance. In addition,
organic laboratory experiments (13–15). The trans isomer is
thermodynamically stable. However, when the reagent is ex-
posed to ultraviolet light, it becomes reactive and subse-
quently dimerizes. The product is first studied by NMR A B
spectroscopy to propose its structure. Then its structure is LUMO LUMO
confirmed through esterification, acetylation, and computer no overlap bonding overlap
modeling experiments. Each step of the experiment results
in 75% yield or better. HOMO of HOMO of
ground state excited state

Results and Discussion

Figure 1. HOMO and LUMO: (A) before UV irradiation and (B)
Ring formation via dimerization of alkenes utilizing [2+2] after irradiation
cycloaddition conditions is well documented (16). These re-
actions, forbidden thermally because of high activation ener-
gies, can be initiated through photochemical means.
Theoretically, π orbitals representing ethylene moieties exist
as bonding orbitals in the ground state, HOMO (highest oc- COOH COOH
cupied molecular orbital). For cycloaddition to occur, overlap
must occur between the HOMO and an antibonding orbital,
LUMO (lowest unoccupied molecular orbital). This is not pos-
sible under ground-state conditions (Figure 1). However, un- i ii
der UV light, trans-cinnamic acid is able to absorb energy that Figure 2. Two possible radical intermediates of trans-cinnamic acid.

940 Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 83 No. 6 June 2006 •

In the Laboratory

overlap of the p orbitals stabilizes the radicals, which pre- NMR data from the anhydride derivative are used to differ-
vents rotation of the carbon–carbon single bond, thereby re- entiate between the two possible structures. The 1H NMR
taining a geometrical (trans) configuration. spectrum of anhydride A should reveal three different
The trans configuration of the monomers is confirmed cyclobutyl resonances with an integration of 1:2:1. The 1H
by studying NMR spectra. Two doublet of doublets reso- NMR spectrum of the anhydride B would reveal only two
nances in the 1H NMR spectrum at 3.78 and 4.25 ppm rep- separate resonances with a 1:1 ratio. The number of reso-
resent protons on opposite faces of the cyclic portion of the nances (three) is clear at both high-field and low-field NMR.
dimer. These are the only two proton resonances that are This supports the original assumption that A is the correct
present aside from those representing the acid and aromatic product.
protons. Further computational analysis supports the trans Homonuclear decoupling experiments can be carried out
orientation of the phenyl and acid moieties, narrowing the to identify the cyclobutyl proton resonances, if desired. The
number of possible dimers to two, as shown in Figure 3. unusual coupling constants observed require homonuclear
Simple esterification of the two carboxylic acid moieties decoupling experiments to determine the identity of each
can be carried out to help students verify the presence of two proton. These coupling constants can be confirmed by sev-
chemically equivalent groups of cyclobutyl protons. 1H NMR eral published tables (19).
analysis of the esterified dimer reveals a singlet, representing
two overlapping methyl groups. This resonance confirms that Experimental Procedure
protons H1 and H1´ and protons H2 and H2´ are magneti-
cally equivalent and not accidentally isochronous. It is recommended that this experiment (20) be carried
Truxillic acid A and B can then be differentiated. At first out in conjunction with other laboratory experiments. The
glance, truxillic acid A seems more stable and may be pre- first laboratory period involves the preparation of the reaction
sumed to be the correct product of the reaction because of flask for photodimerization. This requires only 30 minutes,
the greater distance between the phenyl and carboxylic acid with an additional hour for evaporation. The photo-
groups. However, the difference in energy between A and B dimerization is allowed to proceed for at least two weeks. The
(4 kcal兾mol) suggests the formation of B, as determined dimer is then derivatized by two methods, esterification and
through molecular modeling experiments. Therefore, further acetylation. Esterification requires 1.5–2 hours. Acetylation
analysis is required. Elucidation of the product as truxillic requires 2–2.5 hours. Subsequent spectroscopic analyses could
acid A is determined by 1H NMR analysis of the cyclobutyl be carried out concurrently with other procedures to allow
signals. They exist as doublets of doublets at higher fields (≥ each student some instrument time. Each step results in
200 MHz). Splitting patterns at low-field 1H NMR (60–100 ≈ 75% yield. A high-field NMR spectrometer at 200 MHz
MHz), cannot be determined but the product is possible to or greater is most useful. However, elucidation is also possible
determine with additional derivatization. with a lower-field instrument. Mechanistic studies could be
Formation of an anhydride and 1H NMR analysis are integrated into a laboratory investigation without a
used to verify the structure. By looking at the two possible spectrometer if the NMR data are provided to the students.
truxillic acid structures, it may be presumed that the only pos- Sun lamps capable of emitting a wavelength of 273 nm are
sible anhydride can be formed from truxillic acid B because required.
of the proximity of the carboxylic acid groups (Figure 4).
However, epimerization of H1 or H1´ in truxillic acid A is Hazards
possible, which also leads to formation of an anhydride. 1H
Trans-cinnamic acid and magnesium sulfate are mild ir-
ritants. Tetrahydrofuran, hexanes, and toluene are flammable
and can be inhalation hazards. These solvents should be used
CO2H Ph CO2H H in the hood. DMSO-d6 and CDCl3 are carcinogens and can
be readily absorbed through the skin. Gloves, goggles, and a
H2′ H1 H CO2H laboratory coat are recommended. [Editor’s Note: CLIPs are
H1′ H2 H Ph available in J. Chem. Educ. for MgSO4 (2005, 82, 678) and
hexane (2001, 78, 587, 1021, 1593).]
Ph CO2H Ph H
A B Experimental
Figure 3. Truxillic acids, two possible dimers from cinnamic acid.
Cinnamic Acid Dimer
Trans-cinnamic acid (1.5 g) is added to a 125-mL Er-
Ph lenmeyer flask with 2–3 mL of tetrahydrofuran (THF). The
acid is dissolved by heating the flask over a steam bath. Once
O O the solution is hot, the flask is rotated to allow the solution
O Ph O Ph to coat the sides and bottom evenly. Excess THF is drained
O O by inverting the flask in a hood for an hour and a cork is
added. The inverted flask is then placed in front of a halo-
A B gen sun lamp (λmax = 273) for 15 days and rotated every 2–
Figure 4. The two possible anhydrides from the truxillic acid struc- 3 days. The white solid is recrystallized in toluene (2.5 g,
tures in Figure 3. 85.0%). 1H NMR data are acquired in DMSO-d6. • Vol. 83 No. 6 June 2006 • Journal of Chemical Education 941

In the Laboratory

Ester Derivative Literature Cited

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3 drops of sulfuric acid are added to a 25-mL round-bottom
ganic Chemistry, 3rd ed.; HarperCollins: New York, 1987; pp
flask. The mixture is allowed to reflux for 1.25 hour, cooled,
and then 13 mL of water and 13 mL of diethyl ether are
added. The aqueous layer is removed and the ether layer 2. March, J. Advanced Organic Chemistry, 4th ed.; John Wiley
washed with saturated NaHCO3 solution. The ether layer is & Sons: New York, 1992; p 861 and references therein.
dried over MgSO4, filtered, and evaporated. The solid is re- 3. Martin, W. B.; Kateley, L. J.; Wiser, D. C.; Brumond, C. A.
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round-bottom flask. The mixture is allowed to reflux for 1.5 7. Patterson, R. T. J. Chem. Educ. 1999, 76, 1002.
hours, cooled, and H2O is added dropwise until the remain- 8. Lee, A. W.; So, C. T.; Chan, C. L.; Wu, Y. K. J. Chem. Educ.
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Hyperchem 7. The two structures were studied for geometry 14. Schoffstall, A. M.; Gaddis, B. A.; Druelinger, M. L. Micro-
optimization. The resulting energies of the truxillic acids were scale and Miniscale Organic Chemistry Laboratory Experiments;
A = ᎑4265 kcal兾mol and B = ᎑4269 kcal兾mol. Radical ener- McGraw-Hill: New York, 2000; pp 405–407.
gies were ᎑2152 kcal兾mol and ᎑2175 kcal兾mol for the car- 15. Gilbert, J. C.; Martin, S. F. Experimental Organic Chemistry;
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This experiment encourages students to determine the p 861.
product of a cycloaddition reaction based on mechanistic ra- 17. Lowry, T. H.; Richardson, K. S. Mechanism and Theory in Or-
tionale and NMR data. Molecular modeling will support the ganic Chemistry, 3rd ed.; HarperCollins: New York, 1987; p
elucidation process. Although the energy difference in the two 907.
possible truxillic acids is minimal (4 kcal兾mol), it can be ex- 18. Jones, Maitland, Jr. Organic Chemistry, 3rd ed.; W. W. Norton
plained that truxillic acid A is formed because the activation and Co.: New York, 2005; pp 1135–1136.
barrier of the HOMO energy transition is less than B. 19. Pretsch, E. Structure Determination of Organic Compounds:
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Supplemental Material 20. Adapted procedure from Bell, C. B.; Clark, A. K.; Taber, D.
Instructions for the students and notes for the instruc- F.; Rodig, O. R. Organic Chemistry Laboratory; Harcourt Brace
tor are available in this issue of JCE Online. College: New York, 1997; pp 477–483.

942 Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 83 No. 6 June 2006 •

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