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Analysing Customers Reactions on Paradigm

22(1) 80–99
Social Media Promotional Campaigns: © 2018 IMT
SAGE Publications
A Text-mining Approach
DOI: 10.1177/0971890718759163

Anant Saxena1
K. R. Chaturvedi2
Sapna Rakesh3

Nowadays, it is a general practice by all major firms to launch social media promotional campaigns/
advertisements while launching their new products; however, no study has discussed the customer’s
reactions on these social media promotional campaigns. In this study, we have analysed customer reac-
tions on social media promotional campaigns launched by three major mobile phone companies selling
their phones in India. The analysis has been done on 18,659 tweets by performing part of speech (POS)
categorization-based thematic analysis, Harvard-IV lexicon-based sentiment analysis and social media
index-based reach analysis. The results of the study showed that there was a significant difference in
customer’s reactions on different brands promotional campaigns; ranging from very high social media
reach and customer engagement to low social media reach and no customer engagement. Based on
its results, the study also proposes major recommendations for marketing managers who are in the
process of creating social media promotional campaigns for new products.

Social media advertisements, text mining, POS categorization, sentiment analysis, designing promotional

Social media has profoundly changed the way people communicate with each other. Large number of
people are joining social networking sites, with an average growth rate of 21 per cent in 2016–2017
(Kemp, 2017). Social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn are the biggest

Practice Expert, Customer Insights and Data Analytics, Evalueserve, Gurugram, India.
Head of Department (HOD), Krishna Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ghaziabad, India.
Director, Institute of Management Studies, Ghaziabad, India.

Corresponding author:
Anant Saxena, 8th Floor, Tower 6, Candor Gurugram One Realty Projects Pvt. Ltd, IT/ITES SEZ, Candor TechSpace, Tikri Sector 48,
Gurugram 122018, India.
Saxena et al. 81

names in social networking world, which acts as a platform for communication, expression of sentiments
and engagement. This fact bound all major brands to maintain their social media accounts. Brands which
are not active on social media pay the price of losing out customers to competitors, as customers did not
feel connected to those brands (Bennett, 2012; Wardini, 2017). Brands who maintain their social media
accounts use social media platforms for four major purposes, that is, sales, customer engagement to
induce customer loyalty towards brand, branding (marketing and promotional activities) and customer
Most of the big brands have started to cater their customers by providing them customer support on
Twitter and Facebook. According to a report by Microsoft (2017), 55 per cent of the surveyed people
responded that they have a more favourable view of brands that respond to their queries or complaints
on social media. When asked the same question to respondents within age bracket 18–34, 74 per cent of
the respondents responded in favour of social media platform for customer service. While ‘customer
service’ is one domain where companies are working on social media strategy, ‘branding and promotion’
is the other domain, which is also connected to customer engagement and sales. Almost all the big brands
promote their brands on social media in different ways. These can be broadly classified into two types.
First is organic marketing, that is, promotion on brand home page, customer engagement through social
media pages and social media word-of-mouth. Second is in-organic marketing which is basically paid
marketing. Social media marketing is important as it gives companies an easy platform where they can
convert customers into consumers owing to large people based on social media. According to a report,
social media advertising will reach US$35.98 billion worldwide by 2017, a 16 per cent share of all global
digital expenditure. North America (the USA and Canada) alone will spend approximate US$15.15,
whereas Asia-Pacific will spend approximately US$11.91 on social media advertising (eMarketer, 2015).
According to Hootsuite (2016) out of 200 B2B marketers surveyed, 50 per cent felt that social media is
a comparatively low-cost advertising option, and they will invest more in social media advertising in
future. These figures highlight the importance of social media marketing in the current competitive
business scenarios.
Although companies are investing much time and money on social media branding and promotional
studies, on researching Google Scholar, EBSCO and ProQuest online libraries for ‘analysing customers
social media comments on social media advertisements/promotional campaigns’ OR ‘text mining of
customers social media comments on social media advertisements/promotional campaigns’ we found no
existing research. This article fills this gap by analysing individual’s comments on selected promotional
campaigns by performing text mining, lexicon-based text analytics and sentiment analysis. The analysis
was performed by utilizing text analytics packages in R. The results of this study help businesses to
understand ‘how they can leverage the power of text analytics to measure the effectiveness of their
promotional campaigns’ and ‘what are the key ingredients of a successful social media promotional

Literature of Review for Text-mining Studies

Literature review has been started by searching for literature related to text mining and text analytics on
Google Scholar, EBSCO online library and ProQuest Online library. The search results are then classified
into four major categories based on similarity of their industry or domain. The categories for the found
text-mining literature were customer reviews and comments, health and medicine, disaster management
and politics.
82 Paradigm 22(1)

As this research was focused on customer’s response on advertising campaigns, we only dug into
literature related to text analytics of ‘customer reviews and comments’. Large number of studies have
been done focused on analysing customer reviews in contexts, such as gaining competitive advantage
against competitors, customer likes/dislikes in hospitality industry, entertainment industry and customer
likes/dislikes for products and services. This section will summarize the work done in these areas. He,
Zha and Li (2013) have done a study with the objective to show how social media data can be used for
competitive advantage by competitor forms. In their study, authors have compared customer reviews of
three major players of US pizza industry, that is, Pizza Hut, Dominos and Papa John’s Pizza. The reviews
were collected for Facebook pages and Twitter handles of the respective firms. The results showed that
all firms actively maintain their social media profiles, answer to customer queries and acknowledge
customers on their comments; however, Domino’s Pizza demonstrated higher engagement. The study
also showed that all firms use social media as a tool to understand customer needs and change their menu
as per customer demands highlighted in customer reviews on their social media pages. In another study
focused on competitive advantage through social media, Shen, Li, Akula, Yan and Tao (2015) have
compared the customer reviews for select products by two largest retail chains in the world, Walmart and
Costco. The results of the study showed that customer’s sentiments of same product type are different for
two retail chains. For example, there were more positive comments for Costco muffin than Walmart
muffin. The study based on its results finally suggested that companies should analyse customer
sentiments at product level rather than company level. Mostafa (2013) has compared the brand sentiments
for different brands such as Nokia, Pfizer, IBM and DHL by analysing 3,516 tweets for these brands.
They have used lexicon; a dictionary-based approach to identify positive and negative sentiments in the
tweets. The results of the study showed that customers had more positive sentiments for Nokia in
comparison to Pfizer. Moreover, the sentiments are positive for DHL and Lufthansa, whereas negative
for T-Mobile. In another brand comparison study, Kim, Dwivedi, Zhang and Jeong (2016) have compared
iPhone and Samsung Galaxy S5 based on 229,948 tweets extracted through ‘twitteR’ R package for
‘#iPhone6’ and ‘#GalaxyS5’ twitter handles. The result of the lexicon-based sentiment analysis showed
that there was no significant difference between the sentiment scores of both the brands over a period of
time study; however, there was a slight dip in iPhone positive sentiments due to ‘Bendgate’ accident
which was soon returned to normal sentiments. In another study focused on banking industry, Afolabi,
Ezenwoke and Ayo (2017) have analysed how social media data can be used to develop competitive
intelligence in banking industry. In their study, the authors have analysed Facebook and Twitter data of
GTBank, United Bank for Africa, Zenith Bank, First Bank and Access Bank, leading banks in Nigeria.
The research questions of the study were: what are the patterns in Facebook and Twitter data and is there
any difference between patterns of these two data sources? k-means clustering and sentiment analysis
based on SentiWordNet 3.0.0 were used for recognizing patterns and sentiments in text. The results of
the study showed that customer tweets were clustered into five clusters based on themes ‘enquiry and
complaints’, ‘appreciation’, ‘technical issues like mobile banking network’, ‘service issues’ and ‘good
services and bank customs’, whereas customer comments on Facebook were clustered into themes like
‘account verification’, ‘appreciation’, ‘debit and credit card-related comments’, ‘bank services like
money transfer, ATM, cash withdrawal’ and Miscellaneous items. Sentiment analysis showed that Zenith
bank has most negative comments on both Facebook and Twitter, whereas other banks are somewhat on
the same level on sentiment scores.
While few studies have focused on gaining competitive advantage through text mining and analytics,
a number of studies have been done to gauge the customer sentiments in the hospitality industry. In the
same area, Zhou, Ye, Pearce and Wu (2014) have studied the user-generated content available on online
travel website for four- and five-star hotels. The researchers have categorized the customer
Saxena et al. 83

reviews into eight categories manually, that is, room setting, hotel setting, food setting, staff, location,
welcome extras, Wi-Fi availability and price. These eight categories further contain 23 detailed attributes,
out of which 17 found to be significant on getting regressed with overall satisfaction score given by
online reviewers. On the same lines, Ting, Chen, Chen and Fang (2017) have extracted the customer
reviews form another travel website ‘’, analysed and grouped them into 6 categories containing
36 words associated with customers different hotel requirements. These groups were core requirements,
amenities, hotel attributes, staff-related attributes and overall experience. In another study, Claster,
Pardo, Cooper and Tajeddini (2013) have examined tourist motivations and sentiments for tourism
destinations Thailand, Mexico and Sri Lanka. The study has employed Kohonen’s ‘self-organising map’
(SOM) to visualize sentiments at different times. The result of the study showed that there was a
significant impact of events like cricket matches and post-war tension on Sri Lankan tourism, whereas
there was no impact of political unrest in Bangkok on Phuket tourism. In a study for comparing restaurant
preferences among Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Thai restaurants, Park, Jang and Ok (2016) have
analysed 86,015 tweets related to five words (i.e., ‘Chinese restaurant’, ‘Thai restaurant’, ‘Asian
restaurant’, ‘Japanese restaurant’, and ‘Korean restaurant’), and authors have found that sentiment scores
for Chinese restaurants were lowest in comparison to other restaurant types. The sentiment scores were
calculated by SentiStrength 2.2 software which evaluates comment to be either positive or negative score
on a scale of 1–5. Finally, sentiment scores are calculated as a sum total of positive and negative sentiment
scores. The study also found that most negative tweets are associated with service quality and food
culture, whereas most positive words are associated with food quality. While above studies have focused
on one side of hospitality industry, that is, hotel and restaurants, Yee Liau and Pei Tan (2014) have
focused on Airline sector. In their study, authors have analysed 10,895 tweets for studying consumer
opinion about low-cost airlines in Malaysia. The study reports that the major topics of discussion among
tweets were tickets promotions, flight delays and cancellations and post-booking management. The
sentiment analysis was done by applying two different algorithms. The first method to do sentiment
scoring was based on (Hu & Liu, 2004) lexicon-based method which contains 2,006 positive and 4,783
negative words, whereas the second method was sentiment scoring through SentiStrength sentiment
analysis tool. Both the methods showed that there is more positivity than negativity in overall tweets.
Another field for text-mining research is analysing viewer’s sentiment towards in entertainment
industry, majorly for movies. Thet, Na and Khoo (2008) have analysed 520 movie reviews comprising
of critic reviews, user reviews, blogs and discussion boards threads. The reviews texts were analysed
from different aspects, such as vocabulary, review length, aspects of movie discussed, and the movie
content in the reviews. The study has found that critic reviews contain more noun and prepositions,
whereas viewer’s reviews have more verbs and adverbs. The study also has found that although the critic
reviews comprehend much better, user reviews try to give review based on their overall feeling towards
movies. Words such as ‘awesome’, ‘funny’, ‘boring’, ‘sucks’ and ‘horrible’ in user reviews provide a
one-liner movie crux to the readers of reviews. In another study, Singh, Piryani, Uddin and Waila (2013)
have analysed movie reviews at two levels, that is, document-level sentiment and aspect-level sentiment
classification. One thousand movie reviews for 100 Hindi language movies have been collected for
study. To test the performance of their algorithms, the authors have first labelled the sentiments of movie
review manually with 760 positive reviews and 240 negative reviews. The study findings report that
‘AAAVC’ has highest accuracy among combination of Adverb+Adjective and Adverv+Verb (‘AAAVC’),
combination of Adverb+Adjective (AAC) and Alchemy API for document-level sentiment classification.
The study also reports that the aspect-level sentiment analysis approach developed by authors has
produced accurate results matching document level. Kennedy and Inkpen (2006) tested machine learning
(ML) technique ‘term counting method—TCM’ and ‘support vector machine—SVM’ for sentiment
84 Paradigm 22(1)

analysis. While the first method does not require any training dataset, the latter being ML technique
required training dataset. The ‘TCM’ was enhanced by taking ‘valence shifters’ such as ‘not’, ‘never’ and
‘none’ into account to correctly gauge the review sentiment. On the other hand, the ‘SVM’ used ‘Unigrams’,
that is, single words as features for running algorithm and classify reviews. Both the techniques were tested
on a movie review dataset by Pang and Lee (2004), which contains 2,000 movie reviews containing 1,000
positive and 1,000 negative reviews. The results of the study showed that ‘SVM’ technique produced better
results than enhanced ‘TCM’ method; however, combination of both these techniques produced the best
result with 86.2 per cent accuracy, an addition of 1.3 per cent accuracy over ‘SVM’ method.
Customer’s comments on social media about their likes and dislikes can help companies improve and
develop their products. Few studies discussing ‘social media text mining’ and ‘product development’
have been discussed in this section. Abrahams, Jiao, Wang and Fan (2012) have developed ‘smoke’
words dictionary, which are implemented to develop a new way of vehicle defect discovery system
(VDDS) for defect discovery based on analysis of social media data. In this study, the authors have
collected social media data for Honda, Toyota and Chevrolet from,
and, respectively, after getting permission from forum owners to crawl data. Top
1,500 threads which contained the most occurrences of defective words based on National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) were selected for further analysis. Data for Honda and Toyota
were treated as a training set whereas data of Chevrolet were treated as a test set to check accuracy of
defective word and sentiment detection model. Training set was manually coded for ‘performance
defects’, ‘safety defects’ and ‘junk’. The tagging was done by domain experts. It takes 30-person days of
efforts for 11 weeks to do this mammoth task of manual tagging. After tagging, sentiment analysis model
was developed basis on ‘Harvard General Inquirer’ dictionary and the ‘Financial’ dictionary to determine
negative and positive words in consumer comments, but the results were not satisfactory as the defect
words coded are not positively correlated with the negative sentiment. This was because users were
using negative words even if they are not discussing defects in their comments. To overcome model
failure, the authors have developed automotive ‘smoke’ words, which are marker words based on training
set. These words are further divided into two categories, that is, ‘smoke defect’ and ‘smoke safety’. This
exercise resulted in a successful sentiment analysis on test data, where sentiments were matching the
defect tagged comments. In a similar kind of study but in healthcare and cosmetics industry, Isah, Trundle
and Neagu (2014) have analysed the consumer comments on social media for three cosmetic and drug
brands, that is, ‘Oral B’, ‘Dove’ and ‘Avon’. The objective of the study was to predict the adverse effect,
product counterfeiting and consumers sentiment for brands by analysing social media data. To get the
sentiment scores for consumer comments for these brands, authors have used a combination of industry
specific lexicon and general English-based lexicon. The combined dictionary was used, as general
English dictionary alone was not enough to catch the sentiments of context dependent words. Machine
learning techniques, such as SVM, naïve Bayes and maximum entropy, were tested to get sentiment for
test database on training dataset; however, Naïve Bayes was finally used because of its efficiency
literature. The results showed that sentiment scores for all the three brands was positively skewed. While
above studies in this section revolves around getting product feedback from reviews for product
development, Ghose and Ipeirotis (2011) studied the economic impact of product reviews. The objective
of study was to find the relationship between product reviews and change in sales. The authors have
collected data for top 100 products listed for selected 3 months on The data comprise of
product and sales data, individual review, reviewers characteristics, reviewer history, readability and
subjectivity data. The results of the study reveal following findings: (a) there is a significant positive
relationship between the subjectivity of review with increase in product sales, (b) for products like
digital cameras, higher readability is associated to increase in sales, (c) increase in spelling mistake in
Saxena et al. 85

reviews is associated with decrease in sales, (d) reviews with right blend of subjective and objective
elements are considered more informative by buyers and help them in making online purchase and
(e) product reviews that rate products negatively and are informative and detailed, can also increases
sales as they give clear picture about pros and cons of the product to the buyer.

Objective of Research
As mentioned earlier, we found no study which has analysed customer comments on social media
promotional campaigns, and the objective of the study was to fill this gap. The sub-objectives of the study are:

1. To analyse customers reactions on company’s promotional campaigns, that is, whether customers
are only reacting upon social media advertisements or choosing them as a medium to discuss
about their likings and dislikings for phone with the company.
2. Sentiment analysis of customer comments on social media promotional campaigns.
3. To analyse whether social media promotional campaigns were successful in increasing reach and
generating customer engagement.


Selection of Social Media Platform

To meet the objective of study, it was important to choose a social media platform where plenty of social
media promotional campaigns and customer reactions on those campaigns are available. Both these
goals can be met on Twitter and Facebook, as most companies make especially designed promotional
campaigns for these social media platforms. For example, most of the firms, which are active on social
media, launch #tag campaigns on Twitter and Facebook. We have chosen Twitter over Facebook as a
preferred social media platform for this study because of following reasons: First, as we already know
that Twitter has character restriction upto 280 characters, comments on Twitter are short and informative,
whereas Facebook has no word limit, which makes customer comments on Facebook sometimes too
lengthy with non-relevant words in a higher percentage. The second benefit of using Twitter was that it
has more number of comments for the same product promotion in comparison to Facebook. Third, the
people uses hashtag more on Twitter than on Facebook, which will help promotion to increase reach.
Fourth, comments on Twitter are easy to analyse as they are short and crux, and finally, Twitter allow
users to freely extract public data/tweets by generating API which is not a case with Facebook.

Selection of Promotional Campaigns

After the selection of preferred social media platform, it was important to select promotional campaigns
which can complete the requirement of study. Also we need an industry where products launch are very
frequent so that the promotional campaigns are frequent. Both these points are true for mobile phone
industries. Mobile phones are a product type, which has number of brands with intense competition. To be
alive in this intense competitive market, almost all mobile brands launch their products with high spending
86 Paradigm 22(1)

on promotional campaigns. Almost all the big brands launch their product in a live launch where they
showcase their products in front of media and customers. From the day of launch, companies launch their
hashtag campaigns on Twitter. The reason for aggressive social media campaigns in the case of mobile
phones is also because social media connects companies to their major group of target customers—‘youth’.
In this study, we have taken promotional campaigns of three different brands of mobile phones, that
is, OnePlus, Xiaomi and Huawei. Three brands were chosen so that we can also understand the
competitive landscape by analysing of customer comments. Also, the reason for specifically selecting
these three brands was because they represent high-, medium- and low-budget phone market in India.
The campaigns were chosen for OnePlus 5T which was launched on 21st November and was available
for sale from 28th November with a price tag of `32,999 (Gadgets 360, 2017); Huawei Honor 7x,
launched on 5th December with its sales begin from 7th December onwards and comes price tag of
`12,999 (Gadgets 360, 2017); and Xiaomi 5A launched on 30 November 2017 and comes with a price
tag of `5,999 (Gadgets 360, 2017). The twitter promotional campaigns hashtags for these phones were
‘#OnePlus5TRiddles’, ‘#maxyourview’ and ‘#DeshKaSmartphone’.

Figure 1. Diagrammatic Representation: Text Analysis Approach

Source: Authors’ own.

Tweets Extraction
Extraction of twitter data was done by using ‘devtools’, ‘TwitteR’ and ‘httr’ R package. The procedure
followed for extraction of tweets was:

1. Creating Twitter API—First step was to create a Twitter REST API. After registration a consumer
key and consumer secret code was generated which was used for calling API through R.
Saxena et al. 87

2. Installing ‘devtools’, ‘TwitteR’, and ‘httr’ R package

3. Loading ‘devtools’, ‘TwitteR’, and ‘httr’ R package
4. Setting up direct authentication by using ‘API key’, ‘API secret’, ‘Access token’ and ‘Access
token secret’
5. Extracting desired Twitter hashtag data
6. Converting data into data-frame
7. Exporting data-frame to a .csv excel file.

Snippet—Data Extraction Code

A total of 18,659 tweets were extracted for a period of 10 days for all the three brands. There was no
sampling in the selected 10 days, and thus, all the tweets for brand specific 10 days have been extracted
from twitter. Also, the tweets were extracted in such a way that it covers both the promotional period and
the selling period for the brand. The dates for the selected brands were:

Xiaomi: 24 November to 3 December—Total Tweets: 10,845

Honor: 17 December to 27 December—Total Tweets: 3275
OnePlus: 28 November to 7 December—Total Tweets: 4539

Data Cleaning
Data cleaning was done by using ‘tm’ package in R. The data-cleaning process involves a sequential
process, that is, making corpus of comments → converting sentences in lower case → remove
punctuations → removeNumbers → removeURL → strip whitespace → remove stopwords → stem the
document → clean comments for only text.

Snippet—Data-cleaning Code
88 Paradigm 22(1)

Text Analysis

Lexicon-based Sentiment Analysis

Comments can be categorized into respective sentiments based on two different sentiment classifications
methods, that is, ‘ML’-based methods and ‘Lexicon’-based methods. Both the methods require a
predefined list of words—a dictionary; however, ML-based methods require building a specialized
dictionary, training dataset and test dataset. The ML methods are more useful when the sentences contain
words that are more relevant to a particular area/domain, for example, on any medicine/health blog,
comments are more word specific which requires a special library for pharmacy area. On the other hand,
‘Lexicon’-based methods have a predefined list of words in the dictionary and does not require a training
and test dataset (Rice & Zorn, 2013). This method is more useful where the comments are general in
nature and also incur lesser cost and time in comparison to ML methods. As the tweets in our study will
contain general words which are not specific to any domain, we have used ‘Lexicon’-based method in
our study. More specifically, we have used ‘SentimentAnalysis’ package in R which contains four types
of dictionaries, that is, Harvard-IV dictionary, Henry’s Financial dictionary, Loughran-McDonald
Financial dictionary and QDAP dictionary (Feuerriegel & Proellochs, 2017). From these dictionaries, we
have used a Harvard-IV dictionary which was developed by Harvard University. Harvard-IV dictionary
has been used because it is a general purpose psychology-based dictionary. The common words which
are related to general psychology and vocabulary are listed in this dictionary. This dictionary contains a
list of more than 11,000 words and 182 dimensions. Out of this list, there are 1,915 positive words and
2,291 negative words. (‘General Inquirer Categories’, n.d.). The remaining words are considered neutral
and do not fall into any sentiment category.
To measure the sentiment scores of comments, the ‘SentimentAnalysis’ package compares the words
in the comments with the words available in the dictionary. It gives a score basis on the degree of
positivity and negativity in the sentence.

Thematic Analysis—Part of Speech (POS) Tagging

To extract themes from extracted customer tweets on three mobile phone advertisements, we have used
‘part of speech’ (POS) tagging method, also known as ‘grammatical tagging’. It has been done by using
‘openNLP’ package in R. The POS tagging is a method of annotating the sentence by tagging different
parts of the sentences. The R reads the text and assigns different tags to different parts of the speech.
These different parts of the speech can be marked into 36 different tags based on Penn Treebank tag set.
These tags are coordinating conjunction; cardinal number determiner; existential there; foreign word;
preposition or subordinating conjunct; adjective; adjective, comparative; adjective, superlative; list item
marker; modal; noun, singular or mass; noun, plural; proper noun, singular; proper noun, plural;
predeterminer; possessive ending; personal pronoun; possessive pronoun; adverb; adverb, comparative;
adverb, superlative; particle; symbol; to; interjection; verb, base form; verb, past tense; verb, gerund or
present participle; verb, past participle; verb, non-third-person singular present; verb, third-person
singular present; wh-determiner; wh-pronoun; possessive wh-pronoun; and wh-adverb (Santorini, 1990).
After the ‘tagging’ is done, based on given tags, the next step is to perform ‘chunking’. The chunks are
created based on the given POS pattern for chunking. For example, if the sentence is tagged for noun
(NN), adjective (JJ) and verb (VB), the desired chunk pattern can be NN|JJ-NN|NN-NN|VB. ‘Tagging’
and ‘chunking’ are purely objective oriented, and thus, POS tagging can be done for any of the above
available tags and can be chunked in any desired pattern. We have chosen NN, VB tags and NN, VB. –
Saxena et al. 89

VB chunk for extracting the themes in customer comments. These tags were used as ‘noun’ and ‘verb’
that almost cover all the meaningful words. VB. –VB chunk was used so that all the verb forms listed
earlier should be covered while analysing tweets. By using these combinations of tags and chunk, we can
easily generate themes from customer tweets.

Manual Intervention—Part of Speech (POS) Tagging and Sentiment Analysis

As our data are for Indian brands, it was very obvious that tweets are not in pure English language. Also
because the promotional campaigns for Xiaomi (#DeshkaSmartphone) was in Hindi language with word
‘Desh’ written in English, we found number of Tweets which have the same pattern. This has restricted
the ‘NLP’ package to perform a very accurate POS tagging and ‘sentiment analysis’ package for doing
very accurate sentiment analysis in some of the tweets where this problem persists. To overcome this
problem, it was necessary to manually check the results of tagging and sentiment analysis for the select
tweets. This was a tedious task but necessary to guarantee the accuracy in results.


Xiaomi—Redmi 5A
Xiaomi has launched a number of promotional campaigns, ranging from claiming to give a solution for
storage problem and battery problem of phones to advertisements invoking nationalist sentiments so that
Indian people can connect to the Chinese brand which is launching a phone that can solve their all
problems by spending less.
On analysing the social media traffic of these advertisements, it seems Xiaomi has done well in
achieving its goal of connecting with Indian people and generating hype for its phone. The traffic for
social media promotion was good with 10,845 tweets; highest among the brands selected for the study.
The traffic (Figure 2) shows that tweets traffic was almost in the same range of 500–1,000 tweets, other
than launch date (30 November 2017) of the smartphone (Gadgets 360, 2017), where it was 5,871 tweets.
This shows that the customers have responded well to the launch of Redm5A which gets its name

-1 17

-1 17
-1 17

-1 17
-1 17

-1 17

-1 17
-1 17

-1 17
25 -20

26 -20
27 -20

28 -20
29 -20

30 -20

01 -20
02 -20

03 -20




Figure 2. Traffic Analysis—Redmi 5A Advertisements

Source: For the first advertisement image (Battery Problem), see
flipkart-exclusive/ and for the second (Desh Ka Smartphone), see
90 Paradigm 22(1)

Table 1. Xiaomi Redmi 5A—Thematic Analysis

Themes Count Percentage

Endorsing #Deshkasmartphone by comparing with movie titles 1,153 26.6
Promoting Phone Launch 846 19.5
Endorsing #Deshkasmartphone 743 17.1
Customers responding on storage problem campaign 590 13.6
Customers responding on battery problem campaign 570 13.2
Excited about phone launch 218 5.0
Wish to win phone after playing contest 64 1.5
Endorsing Deshkasmartphone YouTube advertisement 55 1.3
Endorsing less price 53 1.2
Disliking because of Chinese origin 21 0.5
Predicting Deshkasmartphone to be Redmi 5A 15 0.3
Price query 6 0.1
Source: Authors’ own.

undisclosed on the same date. The other measure of a successful campaign is the number of retweets,
number of unique comments and reply with @ symbol. All these indices for Redmi 5A, that is,
#deshkasmartphone were 6,435,743 retweets, 4,334 unique comments and 2,300 replies on @RedmiIndia,
@Xiaomi and @XiaomiIndia handles, which are official twitter handles of brand Xiaomi.
For POS categorization and sentiment analysis, we have only used unique comments. This has been
done as using retweets for these analyses can cause over estimation of customer sentiments and voice.
By using only unique comments, we assure that our results are not biased and is giving the true picture
of customer voice over different brand campaigns. The results of thematic analysis based on POS tagging
are shown in Table 1.
Results in Table 1 show that customer tweets were divided for different social media campaigns ran
by Xiaomi, which shows that all campaigns ran by Xiaomi got customers attention. Customers have
tweeted on Xiaomi battery problem campaign, storage problem campaign, contest campaign, budget
smart phone campaign and #deshkasmartphone hashtag campaign which was also a part of all Xiaomi
campaigns. Also, it was interesting to see that customers have not just copied the tweet while tweeting
but also tweeted unique comments in terms of tweet text. This was very much visible in tweets where
customers have compared the smartphone with Indian movie titles (approximately 27%), such as ‘Hero’
#DeshKaSmartphone, ‘Khiladi’ #DeshKaSmartphone, ‘Rockstar’ #DeshKaSmartphone, ‘Avenger’
#Deshkasmartphone and ‘Secret Superstar’ #DeshKaSmartphone. These tweets showed that Xiaomi was
successful in engaging customers with their social media campaigns and generating the hype in market
before the launch of their flagship budget smartphone—Redmi 5A. Although there were more positive
comments, few negative comments were also found because of the Chinese origin of Xiaomi brand. With
the aim to suppress this negative sentiment among Indian customers, Xiaomi has projected their
smartphone as a smartphone for India by their hashtag campaign #Deshkasmartphone, which was very
successful clearly visible based from the results of this study.
While, consumer voice for Xiaomi different campaigns was clear based on thematic analysis, further
sentiment analysis of tweets has revealed the sentiment behind the themes. The sentiment analysis of all
4334 unique comments was done based on Harvard-IV dictionary and manual intervention for comments
Saxena et al. 91

Table 2. Xiaomi Redmi 5A—Cross Analysis (Themes and Sentiments)

Negative Neutral Positive

Themes (%) (%) (%)
Endorsing #Deshkasmartphone by comparing with movie titles 0 87 13
Promoting Phone Launch 0 65 35
Endorsing #Deshkasmartphone 0 73 27
Customers responding on Storage problem campaign 0 59 41
Customers responding on Battery problem campaign 0 71 29
Excited about phone launch 0 60 40
Wish to win phone after playing contest 0 66 34
Endorsing Deshkasmartphone YouTube Advertisement 0 36 64
Endorsing less price 0 49 51
Disliking because of Chinese origin 100 0 0
Predicting Deshkasmartphone to be Redmi 5A 0 67 33
Price Query 0 50 50
Source: Authors’ own.

with ‘Hindi’ language in between the tweets text. The analysis results showed that there were 3,089
Neutral comments, 1,224 positive comments and 21 negative comments in overall unique comments.
For further investigation of the sentiment scores for different themes, a cross-analysis of thematic
analysis and sentiment analysis has been done. Table 2 reports the results of cross-analysis.
The thematic and sentiment score cross-analysis suggests that Xiaomi online video advertisement has
received most positive reviews from the customers who have watched it. The storage advertisement and
the phone launch have also received most positive scores after YouTube advertisement. We have not
considered ‘endorsing less price’ and ‘price query’ themes in this comparison because of their less base.
Further, it was interesting to note that there was no negative sentiment for any of the promotional
campaign. This further confirms the successful campaigning of Redmi 5A by Xiaomi.

Huawei—Honor 7x
Honor, a sub-brand of Huawei, has launched their new mid-budget phone Honor 7x in November
2017. The phone has been launched as a mid-range superior dual camera phone with sleek design,
4GB RAM and wide screen, but the major selling point of Honor 7x in their promotional campaigns
was dual camera feature. The company might have used this feature as their unique selling point
(USP), as there are few dual camera phones in the market and mostly are high-budget phones. The
company has promoted Honor 7x with a hashtag and contest #maxyourview. Under this contest,
customers have to click pictures with their Honor 7x mobile and post them on Twitter, Instagram and
Facebook. As shown in Figure 3, the traffic for the #maxyourview campaign was less in comparison
to Xiaomi with only 3,275 tweets. It was steady for all days and ranged between 30 and 100 but had
peaked on 23rd December, the starting date of open sale for Honor 7x on Amazon India online
shopping website (Gadgets 360, 2017). This showed that there was a social media buzz about Honor
7x open sale on Amazon.
92 Paradigm 22(1)

Figure 3. Traffic Analysis—Honor 7x Advertisements

Source: For the first advertisement image (Max your View), see
st=1523954040319207 and for the second (Amazon Exclusive), see

Other major social media indices for #maxyourview were 39,670 retweets, 1,951 unique comments and
105 replies on @HiHonorIndia, the official twitter handle of Honor India. The results of these indices
show that Honor 7x was way behind Xiaomi Redmi 5A in generating potential outreach on social media
but managed create a small hype for it.
As we have used only unique comments while analysing Redmi 5A tweets, same strategy has been
followed for thematic and sentiment analysis of Honor 7x, to maintain the accuracy and non-duplicity of
results. The results of thematic analysis based on POS tagging were shown in Table 3.
The results of the thematic analysis showed that most of the tweets were promotional tweets for
Honor 7x flash sale and open sale. Almost 80 per cent of the tweets were from these two categories. The
customer engagement through Honor 7x maxyourview campaigns contests was around 10 per cent of the
total tweets which was divided into categories ‘Sharing Pics taken from Honor 7x’, ‘Customer replies on
Honor7x campaigns’, ‘Sharing Pics taken from Honor 7x—Taking part in Maxyourcity contest’ and
‘Playing Maxyourview Contest’. Again, the share of engagement tweets on promotional campaigns was
very low in comparison to Redmi 5A where it was around 65 per cent. Although the customer engagement
for Honor 7x was low, around 6 per cent of the tweets were talking about the purchasing the phone in
future flash and open sales, which was a positive sign for the brand.

Table 3. Huawei Honor 7x—Thematic Analysis

Themes Count Percentage

Promoting flash sale 1,262 64.7
Promoting open sale 307 15.7
Purchase intention for Honor 7x 123 6.3
Sharing pics taken from Honor 7x 107 5.5
Tweets from Honor India 66 3.4
Customer replies on Honor7x campaigns 33 1.7
Sharing Pics taken from Honor 7x—taking part in Maxyourcity contest 30 1.5
Playing Maxyourview contest 18 0.9
Delightful after purchase experience 5 0.3
Source: Authors’ own.
Saxena et al. 93

Table 4. Huawei Honor 7x—Cross Analysis (Themes and Sentiments)

Neutral Positive
Themes (%) (%)
Promoting flash sale 14 86
Promoting open sale 7 93
Purchase intention for Honor 7x 31 69
Sharing pics taken from Honor 7x 30 70
Tweets from Honor India 30 70
Customer replies on Honor7x campaigns 36 64
Sharing pics taken from Honor 7x—taking part in Maxyourcity contest 83 17
Playing Maxyourview contest 22 78
Delightful after purchase experience 0 100
Source: Authors’ own.

The sentiment analysis of the tweets reveals that there were 1,623 positive comments whereas 328
neutral comments by the customers. There was no negative tweet for the brand. Any manual intervention
was not done while performing sentiment analysis of Honor 7x tweets; as all the comments were in
English language which can be analysed by the ‘SentimentAnalysis’ package accurately, however,
thorough manual check of sentiment scores has been done to guarantee accuracy of results.
The cross-analysis results (Table 4) for thematic and sentiment analysis showed that all themes have
majorly positive themes. This is because customers have used positive words like ‘excited’, ‘love the
pics’, ‘awesome design’, while promoting Honor 7x sales drives and also while showing purchase
intention. The results of the Honor 7x thematic analysis, sentiment analysis and cross-analysis showed
that, although Honor 7x was able to get positive sentiments and customer engagement on its promotional
campaigns, it lags behind Redmi 5A in terms of getting social media buzz and customer engagement for
its social media promotional campaigns.

OnePlus is primarily known for its premium phones in India. The company has launched its new
premium phone OnePlus 5T in November 2017 and begun selling the phone from 28 November
onwards on Amazon India. The company projected, fast processing, dual camera and fast charging as
the major USPs of OnePlus 5T. It has launched OnePlus riddle contest on 28th November in
collaboration with Amazon, where customers have to answer some queries related to mobile phones
and they can win OnePlus 5T. To promote this contest, OnePlus has launched promotional camping’s
on twitter and other social media platforms with hashtag #OnePlus5TRiddles. As shown in Figure 4,
the traffic analysis of hashtag #OnePlus5TRiddles reveals that a total of 4,539 tweets were tweeted for
the hashtag in a period of 10 days. The number is comparatively higher than Honor, but far less than
Xiaomi. The trend shows that 76 per cent of the tweets were tweeted on 28th November, the date on
which contest begins and phone launched, however, after 28th November, the trend dipped and was in
the range of 100–300 only.
94 Paradigm 22(1)


12 7
2- 017

3- 017

4- 017

5- 017

6- 017

7- 017

29 201

30 201


















Figure 4. Traffic Analysis—OnePlus Advertisements
Source: For the advertisement image (One Plus 5T Riddles), see

Table 5. OnePlus 5T—Thematic Analysis

Themes Count Percentage

Promoting OnePlus5TRiddles contest 1,787 42.27
Participated in contest—waiting for winner list 1,330 31.46
Participated in contest—excited about phone 1,087 25.71
Customers happy with Price for premium features 17 0.40
Appreciating dual camera 7 0.17
Source: Authors’ own.

The same is the scenario with Xiaomi and Honor too where the trend has only peaked on a specific date
and then dipped for other range of dates; however, the tweets for Xiaomi brand for other than peak date
were in the range of 500–1,000, which is not the case with OnePlus and Honor too. Other social media
indices for OnePlus were 4,228 unique comments, 1,751 retweets, 356 replies on handles (@amazonIN,
@amazon, @amznind, @oneplus, @OnePlus_IN and @OnePlus_Support), the official twitter handles
of Amazon India and OnePlus India. The social media indices count showed that OnePlus has generated
minimum retweets which has surely impacted its social media reach which in-turn has a negative impact
on promotional campaigns by OnePlus.
Results in Table 5 show that thematic analysis for 4,228 unique tweets based on POS categorization
showed that 99 per cent of the tweets were discussing about the contest. Almost 42 per cent tweets were
promoting the contest, whereas around 57 per cent of the tweets showed that customers have taken part
in the OnePlus riddle contest, and now they are waiting for winning the contest and are excited about
phone too. Very less, that is, 1 per cent tweets were related to phone specifications and features, which
shows that although OnePlus contest was successful, it did not served the purpose of word-of-mouth
marketing about phone premium features through social media, as was the case with Xiaomi where it got
much hype for its features such as good battery and bigger storage.
The results of OnePlus sentiment analysis showed that there were 3,100 neutral comments and 1,128
positive comments. No negative sentiment was discovered in OnePlus tweets too. The results of thematic
and sentiment analysis (Table 6) showed that almost all the tweets which were just promoting the
OnePlus riddle contest were neutral.
These should be neutral as most of these tweets are just forwarding the link for contest in their text.
Also 25 tweets which are appreciating phone features and dual camera got positive sentiment in the
Saxena et al. 95

Table 6. OnePlus 5T— Cross Analysis (Themes and Sentiments)

Neutral Positive
Themes % %
Promoting OnePlus5TRiddles contest 97 3
Participated in contest—waiting for winner list 51 49
Participated in contest—excited about phone 64 36
Customers happy with price for premium features 12 88
Appreciating dual camera 0 100
Source: Authors’ own.

analysis. This validates that Harvard dictionary-based ‘SentimentAnalysis’ package was rightly doing
the task of measuring tweets sentiments.
The overall results for OnePlus tweets showed that OnePlus remained way behind Xiaomi and Honor
too in terms of contest proliferation in social media because of minimum number of retweets. Also the
@replies and too few comments where customer talk about phone features, specifications and purchase
intention showed that OnePlus failed to engage with customers, in comparison to its competitors Redmi
5A and Honor 7x.

Theoretical Contributions and Managerial Implications

The objective of this research was threefold: First to study the patterns in customer’s tweets, that is,
whether they were only reacting over company’s mobile phones promotional campaigns or they are also
talking about phones features, their liking and disliking for phones displayed in these advertisements.
Second, what were the customer sentiments in these tweets, and third, whether companies were able to
reach maximum customers and increased customer engagement; the primary objective of different
brands’ promotional campaigns. For meeting with these three objectives, we have analysed the tweets for
three brands with POS categorization-based thematic analysis and ‘SentimentAnalysis’ Harvard lexicon-
based sentiment analysis in R. The results showed that among three brands, that is, Xiaomi, Huawei
Honor and OnePlus, Xiaomi appears to be the winner in all aspects, whether it is social media reach,
advertisement proliferation or customer engagement. Xiaomi lead the competition with more than 1,000
times retweets than OnePlus and more than 100 times retweets than Huawei Honor. In terms of @replies,
it is way ahead than Honor and OnePlus with 2,300 @replies against 105 and 356 @replies. Also thematic
analysis showed that Xiaomi was again winner in engaging customers with almost 74 per cent tweets
under engagement themes like ‘Endorsing #Deshkasmartphone while comparing with Indian movie
titles’. ‘Endorsing #Deshkasmartphone’, ‘Customers responding on Storage problem campaign’,
‘Customers responding on Battery problem campaign’, ‘Endorsing Deshkasmartphone YouTube
Advertisement’, ‘Endorsing less price’, ‘Disliking because of Chinese origin’ and ‘Price Query’.
Although Honor and OnePlus were nowhere appeared competing Xiaomi in any of the areas, they were
winner or loser in different areas when compared to each other. For example, OnePlus was ahead of
Honor in terms of unique comments and @replies received on promotional campaigns; Honor was far
ahead in terms of social media reach because of higher retweets.
Apart from analysing objectives, this study majorly contributes to the existing body of research on
social media campaigns. A number of studies have been done where researchers have worked upon
96 Paradigm 22(1)

analysing different attributes of social media campaigns which can impact consumers watching these
advertisements. For example, studies by Chu, Kamal and Kim (2013), Logan, Bright and Gangadharbatla
(2012), Saxena and Khanna (2013), Taylor, Lewin and Strutton (2011) and Wirtz, Piehler and Ullrich
(2013) have attributes like informativeness, irritation, entertainment and advertisement value of social
media campaigns. The researchers have asked a series of standard questions from consumers to gauge
these attributes in social media campaigns and then statistically tested the relation between these attributes
and consumers attitude towards social media campaigns. Although these studies have contributed a lot to
the existing research related to social media campaigns, none of them have analysed the un-aided
consumer’s generated responses and reactions on social media campaigns/advertisements. Also, none of
these studies have focused on analysing how different social media campaigns engage customers and
what properties of an advertisement can result in increased customer engagement. This study fills these
gaps in the existing literature, by analysing un-aided consumers tweets on different social media
campaigns/advertisements from different perspectives, that is, advertisements’ reach, effectiveness,
sentiments and major themes customer have talked about. This study also looks into how different
company’s social media advertisements have performed on the meter of consumer engagement and which
properties of these campaigns have increased customer engagement. These reasons differentiate our study
and acts also as a major contribution to the existing research on social media campaigns.
Although theoretical contributions are important for any research work, they should also have
managerial implications so that research can be practically implemented by business. This study also
reveals very important findings which will help marketing managers in designing their social media
campaigning strategy. The study showed that it is not just enough to launch promotional campaigns but
also important to design campaigns in a way that they can engage customers and generate curiosity for a
new product. Also, from design perspective of a promotional campaign, it is important that it negates the
shortcomings of a brand and somehow connects to the local customer sentiments. This was clearly seen
in advertisements launched by Xiaomi where the advertisements were asking about some key problems
customer faces with their current mobile phones like ‘battery’ and ‘storage’ problem, and at the same
time, generating curiosity and invoking nationalist sentiments for the new phone by suggesting that new
phone is very Indian and will end their day-to-day phone problems. These advertisements were also
successful in generating curiosity about the new phone and engaging customer by getting their replies on
asked questions. Honor also tried to increase engagement through ‘share your picture’ campaign and was
successful a little, but OnePlus totally failed because of no dialogue of phone features in their campaigns.
The study also suggests that aggressive marketing is important to proliferate campaign to make it
successful with maximum reach, which was also correct in case of Xiaomi, but not with Honor and
OnePlus. In sum, the study can be an eye opener for marketing strategists who are working on making
new campaigns for technology products. They can use this study to understand what features of a
promotional campaign can generate curiosity for product, increase customer engagement and generate
positive sentiments for the product.

Limitations and Further Research

The limitations of the study were that it was confined upto mobile phones only. Also, the data were
extracted from Twitter only as it is the only social media platform from which one can fetch data for free
by using R. In future, researchers can also study the social media promotional campaigns effectiveness
for different technology product categories like laptops, tablets and other consumer durables. Also, the
researchers can use Facebook and other relevant social media platforms data for understanding consumer
comments and sentiments for different brands social media promotional campaigns.
Saxena et al. 97

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Authors’ Bio-sketch

Anant Saxena is a Data Analytics Professional. He has 7 years of experience in Data Analytics and
Machine Learning Techniques. He is currently working as a Practice Expert at Evalueserve, Gurugram,
India. He is an MBA and currently pursuing his PhD from Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam University, Lucknow. His
interest lies in the fields of machine learning, neural networks, social media analytics and customer analytics.

K.R. Chaturvedi is presently associated with Krishna Institute of Engineering & Technology at Ghaziabad
as a Professor and the Head of Department in the Department of Management Studies. He attained his
MBA from Pune University, LLB from Utkal University and PhD from Indian Institute of Technology,
Saxena et al. 99

Kharagpur. He carries with him 16 years of administrative and 14 years of academic experience. He is a
member of the Advisory Board of a number of education Institutes and also an expert and a convener
of the Research Doctoral Committee of Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam University, Lucknow. He has organized
several seminars, conferences and faculty development programmes, and has also contributed more than
20 research papers in leading national and international journals/conferences.

Sapna Rakesh is an MBA from Jiwaji University Gwalior, She earned her PhD in the area of
electronic marketing from Kurukshetra University. She is currently working as a Director at Institute
of Management Studies, Ghaziabad, India. She has keen interest in researching consumer behaviour,
retailing, CRM and strategy.

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