Politics Makes Us Worse

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FEBRUARY 01, 2020

“Politics Makes Us Worse: Aaron Ross Powell &Trevor Burrus

SEP 14, 2012 | Cato Institute”

It is very important to care about politics because you should know what
is going on around you. Also, it is important to have a say in what is going on
around you. The political decisions people make will affect many lives. Many
people see politics as the government and the laws being made, and that is true,
but it is way more complicated than that. Every law that is made will impact
many. Sometimes the decisions will affect people in a bad way. Every vote that
you make will either break people or make people.

The authors main points are the following;

Political Ideologies has been always a factor in terms of political beliefs
of the people because it is something that believe and how they perceive them
owns political perspective and choosing the right one who and how they
distribute the power within the society. These standard of people are creating a
chaos about how these certain set of ethical ideals, principles, social
movement, institution, class or large group that explains how society should
work and offers some political and cultural plan for a certain social order.
Political Disagreement people has different opinions, specifically
speaking when it talks about politics they have this dilemma that defending their
party that they like and filtering the do’s and don’ts of each side and this
dilemma turns out conflict not just conflict but actually a war between who will
won against their bet’s platform. In addition, people tend to highlight the
negativities of the parties so that the positive impacts will radiate to their party
however each people do not want to lose and that tends to convert in a long-
term discussion/debate. Therefore, in the end it is actually knowing who is on
your side and not.
Untrue Advocacies each politician has their own advocacies so that they
will catch the attention of the people and vote for them however some certain
advocacies did not comply to happen because they already won. In addition,
because of these advocacies some people need are ignored because of the
volume of people in that place will not make the politician to win the election.
Therefore, following the higher volume of people needs this mind set of the
politician really rises conflict between the people who needs it and the people
who doesn’t need it.
Lastly Good Policy Over Virtue this main point of the author catches my
eyes because sacrificing the high moral value of the people so that we can form
a good policy where negative would not foster and the opinions and perspective
of the people will be respected. In addition, because of this high moral value
some people tend to ignore the people who badly needs help just because they
don’t need it. Therefore, it rises the poor people to ignore and because of this it
causes rally since they are not hear by the government.

As a Filipino citizen that is totally against people who are not that good in
governing the country which is a politician who only promises his advocacies to
the people and not compromisingly doing it at the end. In addition, changing a
political perspective of one person is really hard however this paper gives me a
lot of new things learned and considering the people needs. Therefore, this
paper made me realize how people political ideologies changes because we have
different opinions and perspective in a certain topic. This article gives me the
importance of every people not just by your own but as a whole and honestly
speaking I am that kind of Filipino citizen who judges every move of the
President how many mistakes he made, what are the wrong move he made. This
paper makes me visualize if all of the people will agree to a certain issue there is
no long term discussion and what we need to do is to educate the people on
how they perceive the politics not by their self-political ideology but for the good
governance of the country. Furthermore, this paper also emphasizes the decision
making of every Filipino citizen because selecting who will rule the country is
crucial because that one vote is powerful enough to change our life or make it
even worse. Hence, education is really a factor considering many people are not
educated enough to further broadened politics into a complex one. Nonetheless,
this paper gives a big impact on how I perceive the politics before as a set of
political beliefs of our family also we should set aside the political beliefs when
voting the right person in that position.

As a productive member of MAHARLIKA it is also change the way I

perceive and concept many things like we should consider everyone not only the
affected ones but everyone. In addition, a instructor once said, that we should
not let people left behind also compromising things that you can’t do just to get
the attention of the people therefore, debating your perspective to the other
people because we perceive one thing differently. Furthermore, we should stop
filtering the wrong doings of the people lets focus on the good things that she/he
for us to move forward and improve our selves also to be a better version of our
self. Nevertheless, the article makes me visualize if people will live the way we
perceive a certain issue we will live in peace also in my own assessment people
are naturally born having competitive attitude towards one another. Therefore,
sacrificing virtue over good governance made a big impact to me as a productive
member of Maharlika organization.

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