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Last month, I’m almost had a heart attack when someone suddenly tap
on my shoulder and said
‘hey girl what have you done to my daughter?’
Surprisingly I said I’m sorry madam who are you and who is your
daughter actually? Politely I said this to her but she still sticks with her
horrible amusement that she still wants to prove that I’m wrong.
Luckily, it just misunderstanding issues between her relative and me
I don’t understand why everyone always love to jump into a conclusion
before investigate it.
Until today, I feel so confused what happened to me on that day.
Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to honourable judges,
accurate time timer, teachers and my fellow friends even all of the living
things around us.
Have ever feel so weird went a stranger did this thing to you?
So am I,
But how to keep your foot on the ground and stay firm even the hardship
hit you up?
We might be stress but we’re no stranger to stress.
Am I right?
When we think of stress, we will think about negative things that can
lead to negative things.
So, I will give three ways on how to engage with stress which are stay
calm, keep on positive, and be rational with every situation.
First of all, stay calm. Even though you felt so stress at that time but you
have to remember that you have yourself.
You can control your emotion from getting too much.
Go and for a walk.
There’s nothing wrong to take a walk I think everyone supposed to
understand your situation.
Getting away from a situation that is causing you to feel angry can help
you calm down and think things through.
Getting outdoors and focusing on nature can be even more helpful.
Taking a walk will help you burn off some of that negative energy
instantly and can help you get away burn off some of that negative
energy instantly and can help you get away from the problem.
If you're in the middle of a heated argument, there's nothing wrong with
"I'm going to go for a walk”
they’re supposed to understand you need to take some time to think and
make a decision.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Maybe all of your problem can disappear like a cloud of dust.
But it won’t be that easy.
While you’re walking you also can do a deep breathing exercise.
Sit straight upright in a chair. Breathe in deeply through your nose,
counting to 6. Then slowly breathe out, counting to 8 or 9. Pause and
repeat 10 times.
Thing that you can do is try to focus only on your breathing, clearing
your mind of whatever has upset you.
Yes, you just need to focus on breathing
Like Ariana Grande songs: Breath
Just keep breathing and breathing and breathing.
Keep on repeating this step until you’re feeling better.
‘’Remember to pause”
Secondly, thing that we can do this keep on positive or another word that
we can say is stay motivated.
‘’We’re motivational enough if only we knew’’
Our mind can harm. Overthinking.
This is because our mind can harm us, the way we’re thinking can lead
us to do unexpected things such as kill yourself when you’re in
Do you know there’s a lot of cases about depression may lead to
Sometimes people express their stress by becoming violent or abusive.
If this is the case, and if you’re overthinking your safety may be at risk,
remove yourself from the situation and get help. It’s never okay for
someone to be violent or abusive
But the question is how to keep yourself stay motivated?
Ladies and gentlemen,
Close your eyes, banish every negative thought that comes your way,
and think of at least three positive things.
You can pat yourself and say
“Everything going to be alright”
You have the control over yourself, in the midst of everything that seems
so out of control.
‘’We’re motivational enough if only we knew’’
We’re not here to stay anyway,
It’s a journey, remember that every day,
Thirdly the other way how to deal with your stress is be rational on
certain issues?
Why we need to be rational even though we feel so stress and confuse
on that time but make a decision when you’re in a rage is unrecommend
thing causes it can lead to worst effect to your life.
Sometimes we need to see, and behold who we’re dealing with?
Do you know that naughty people exist in our life? Of course, we should
think good of people but yeah we cannot run away from simple fact that
there are naughty people out there.
The only thing that I can say is you should focus on the solution. When
an issue or a problem arises, we have to think rationally what would
make the situation better for ourselves and others.
“If we can’t make it better don’t make it worse’’

In conclusion we need to remember that how you think is how you feel
Bad things happen to everybody. No exceptions.
Stress is subjective.
Embrace yourself.
Thank You.

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