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Merry Riana is one of the motivators from Indonesia that has been

recognized internationally. Besides being known as a motivator, Merry

Riana is also known as a successful woman entrepreneur. Merry Riana
was born in Jakarta, May 29, 1980. Her father was a businessman and her
mother was a housewife.

After completing her education, Merry Riana then planned to study at

Trisakti University. However, because at that time Jakarta was not
conducive, Merry Riana was rushed to Singapore by her parents and
continued her studies at Nanyang Technological University majoring in
Electrical and Electronics Engineering.

The great dream of Merry Riana is achieved through step roads and not
smooth as imagined. Merry Riana experienced many problems while in
Singapore because she did not have enough preparation to study abroad
and even failed a foreign language test. Minimal family financial situation
forced her to think hard by looking for additional living expenses while in

Merry Riana even used to borrow money for everyday life, also she did a
lot of side jobs, such as distributing pamphlets, being kiosk guards, and
being hotel maids. Merry was sure that no matter how heavy the road she
would be able to pass through. This belief is the capital and strengthens
her intention.

Merry’s mentality was compeletely forged while in Singapore. In the 20th

anniversary of the results, Merry made a resolution. Before she worked 30
years, she must have been a successful person and realized that dream.
Merry also tried to start doing business ranging from the MLM business to
the stock business which in fact made Merry increasingly swallowed by
failure and lost capital of 10,000 dollars.

The turning point of Merry Riana’s life fell after she completed her studies
and made the decision to try to open a business opportunity for financial
planning. Even though the people closest to her were doubtful about this,
Merry carefully considered the business opportunity while learning and
deepening it.

Maxmanroe said, although Merry had to work very hard to offer financial
planning products in public places with Mandarin that was not too good, but
this hard work and enthusiasm never went out. Slowly, Merry managed to
sell its financial products such as insurance, credit cards, savings and
deposits to citizens in Singapore. Even within 1 year, she was appointed as
manager and received various awards.

Her name soared with the establishment of the Merry Riana Organization
(MRO) which is engaged in the empowerment of children and women. She
also developed her dream by benefiting 1 million people in Asia, especially
Indonesia. She realized that dream one of them by writing a best seller
book entitled “Mimpi Sejuta Dollar” which has been booming until now and
has increasingly catapulted her name. in her book, she described the
experiences and tricks of being successful at a young age.

Currently Merry Riana is still active as a motivator and runs her business
under the auspices of MRO, Merry Riana is an inspirational woman who
can be a role model to all young people in Indonesia.

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