Nformative Speech Outline Andrea Gonzalez

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Title: God I'm Glad I Have Siblings!

I. Introduction
A. Hello everyone! My name is Andrea Gonzalez and I’m here to talk about the
benefits of having siblings.
B. As a person who experienced both, the single child life and the one accompanied
by siblings, I can testify that many times as a kid, having siblings felt like a
hassle. How many of you agree with me?
C. Now, how many of you knew that according to science, having a sibling makes
your life a lot better?
D. Yes, having siblings bring many benefits to a person’s life. It teaches you
essential life skills, how to be selfless, and how to be responsible and patient.
Eldest siblings may naturally grow to be more responsible and patient.

II. Body

A. Main Point: According to the website, kids who have siblings are
more likely to develop essential life skills earlier than those who are an only child.
What are those life skills?
1. Cooperation and teamwork.
a. Kids don't get to choose their brothers and sisters, however, they have to
work together.
b. Sounds familiar? At work, we don't always have coworkers we like.
However, we need to work together and get the job done.
2. Tolerance
a. In most cases, as kids or teens, we thought our siblings were weird.
However, we loved them or accepted them even if sometimes they did
things that we found odd or didn't comprehend.
b. When we translate that to today's society, we will always find people who
we find weird or don't always share our opinions or points of view.
However, we have had to learn how to tolerate, respect and accept them
just the way they are.

Now let's touch another point on how your siblings make you a better person.

B. Main Point: New researches show that growing up with siblings teaches you how
to be selfless.
1. It has been proven how growing up with siblings helps develop altruism in
teens, especially in boys.
a. How many of you have gotten in trouble because of your siblings before?
Either getting in a fight or in trouble with your parents to save them.
2. Having siblings teaches you how to share even when you don’t always want
Now let's jump into the third point

C. Main Point: Eldest siblings may naturally grow to be more responsible and
1. They are mostly known for taking responsibility for their younger siblings.
They are also known for taking care and pampering them.

III. Conclusion:

In conclusion, even if you find it a little bit annoying, growing up with siblings
can make your life a lot better. It teaches you essential life skills. Growing up with
siblings helps you to learn how to work in a team, as well as how to be tolerant. Siblings
can help you to become selfless, patient, and responsible for someone else other than you.


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