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Answer the question by following the instruction!

1. Make a short dialogue with the expression of introducing someone to others!

2. Fill the blanks with the suitable verbs and change into past tense!
go bite repair put
a. He ... his books in my room yesterday morning.
b. The cat ... the mouse three days ago.
c. Did they ... to Surabaya two weeks ago?
d. My bicycle was broken. My father ... it.
3. Translate into English (Gerund)!
a. Menonton film adalah hobiku.
b. Menjadi cantik membuatnya sedikit sombong.
c. Pekerjaanku adalah menulis novel.
d. Saya tidak dapat berhenti makan bakso.
4. Read the following text carefully! Then answer the following questions based on the text!
Visiting Pagora Swimming Pool
Last week my friends and I visited Pagora swimming pool. We left our
homes at seven. We went there by public transportation and went to the Pagora
at eight.
First, we bought 3 tickets for all of us. We had to wait for some minutes
to get our tickets because there were so many visitors at the time. Then we
entered the Pagora and we went around the playground. In the playground, we
saw some children riding mini Pedicabs. On the way to the pool, we stopped in
the shop to buy some snacks and some drinks. In the pool, we directly got into
the water. Brrr. It was very cold. After swimming and playing water polo for
almost one hour, we felt very tired. Finally, we go out from the water and had
Bakso for our lunch before going home.
After that, we went home. It was very exciting trip. We enjoyed the trip
very much although we were very tired.

a. How many people are there in the text?

b. When did they visit the Pagora swimming pool?
c. What did they do before entering the Pagora swimming pool?
d. What is the name of the text above? What is the purpose of this text?

5. Read the following text carefully! Then answer the following questions based on the text!
One day a poor old widow, Mbok Rondo Dadapan, found a golden snail. She
took it home and put it in a jar. She took a good care of it.
All of a sudden, unexpected good things started to happen in Mbok Rondo’s
life. Coming back from her daily fishing, she found delicious food on the table. The
house was always clean. When this went on for several days, she could not resist
finding out who the mysterious kind person was.
One morning, she went fishing as usual but she returned home sooner. She
peeped through a hole in the wall of her house. She was very surprised, there was a
beautiful girl doing some household work inside her house.

a. What is the suitable title for the text above?

b. What did Mbok Rondo Dadapan find?
c. Can you guess who the beautiful girl was?
e. What is the name of the text above? What is the purpose of this text?

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