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Note: This e book is for the general fitness interest only. The information contained herein should not be
taken as medical advice. The information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any health
problem. The information is not intended to replace the advice of a physician or health professional.
Please consult your physician or a health professional before beginning any diet or exercise program.


First things first – this is not a diet. trust us! Furthermore, nourishing your body
Diets are a short-term solution with proper, wholesome fuel, especially
during this critical phase of development will
to a problem that almost always ensure you realize your full potential.
results in you over-indulging. So,
how do you improve your health We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again
in the long-term? The answer is to – if it seems too good to be true, it most
probably is. Like anything else in life, results
create healthy eating and exercise don’t come without hard work. But, we feel
habits. But how?! confident that with the right advice, some
serious commitment, and a thick slice of
Well, lucky for you, we are a generous hard work, you’ll reap the rewards in no
bunch! Our experts are brimming with time.
wonderful wisdom to hone your diet and
fine tune your fitness regime. Regardless Expertly created and super easy to follow,
of whether you’re a professional athlete, our ‘Teen Fitness Guide’ will dispel some
talented actor, avid reader or video game long-held myths, provide you with a
enthusiast, your body needs to be filled with supreme collection of home work-out
the correct fuel to reach its full potential. So, routines, and recommend some meals
what are you waiting for? and snack ideas to set you on the path to
success. Whether you’re completely clueless
or a freak for all things fitness, our butt-
kicking program caters to all abilities and
We’ve said it before objectives. Ready to embark on your voyage
and we’ll say it again to fitness success? Well, let’s get started!
– if it seems too good
to be true, it most
probably is.
It’s no secret that being young comes with
a truckload of advantages. Establishing
healthy eating habits and exercise routines
as a teenager will help you in the future –

u l d yo u l o o k
Why you sho r health?
after you



Eating the right foods gives you the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients you
need to function and thrive.

Regular physical activity and a healthy diet can lower your blood pressure and
cholesterol levels, and reduce the risk of illnesses such as type 2 diabetes or
heart disease.

Regular exercise facilitates an effective and regular sleeping pattern, which

improves concentration levels and general mental health.

Exercise, combined with foods rich in calcium, is necessary to build strong,

healthy bones, and can help slow the bone loss associated with getting older.

Being in good shape can give you more energy, reduce anxiety and
depression, improve self-esteem, and help you better manage stress.
You look better when you’re in shape and eating right. Staying active helps
you tone muscles and improve your posture. Both moving more and eating
healthy are important to maintaining a healthy weight.

Studies have shown that being physically fit during your teenage years is
linked to having a higher IQ, and increases the likelihood of higher-than-
average educational and professional achievements in adulthood.

As a teenager, it is even more important to eat healthy as you’re constantly

growing. Whilst growing, you will feel hungrier because you need the extra
calories to develop. Eating the right foods, along with engaging in regular
exercise, will help with weight control.

So, where does food
into all of this? f i t
A nutritious diet is central to good health.
The food that you eat provides you with vital
energy, and directly controls the function of
your body and brain. Calories are the unit
of measure for stored energy in food. The
body utilizes energy released from calories
for a range of bodily functions, ranging from
concentration to growth and repair.
Not only does the body require nutrients from food for
its everyday processes, but when you exercise, proper
nutrition is crucial to replenish your stores.

As nutrition and exercise go hand in hand, your success

will largely hinge on striking a healthy balance between
the two. A proper diet will provide your muscles with the
energy needed to work-out and recover.

At Fit Affinity, we understand that the world of nutrition

can be complex and overwhelming, but we are here to
guide you along the way. Eating the right foods doesn’t
have to be difficult – as long as you understand the
essentials, you’ll be well on your way to success.

The basic premise of a diet encourages the avoidance

A PROPER DIET of ‘bad’ foods and the consumption of ‘good’ foods, but
WILL PROVIDE which are which, and how much is too much? Let’s break
YOUR MUSCLES things down a bit!
WITH THE Nutrients are substances found in all foods, and they’re
ENERGY NEEDED required by your body for growth, metabolism, and
TO WORK-OUT many other essential functions. Nutrients are split into
two categories – micronutrients and macronutrients.
Micronutrients are comprised of vitamins and minerals,
and are essential in small quantities to ensure normal
metabolism, growth, and physical well-being. In
comparison, macronutrients are chemicals found in
food that provide calories (energy) to the body, and they
come in three forms – carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
It is vital that your diet consists of a balance of all three.

A protein is made up of building blocks known as amino acids.
There are 20 different amino acids, nine of which are said to be
essential, as our bodies cannot manufacture them on their own.
Essential proteins must be consumed through the foods that we

Proteins play a central role in building and repairing body

tissue. The consumption of protein is particularly important for
physically active people, as their muscle tissue is always in need
of constant repair. As they are complex molecules, proteins are
a slow releasing source of energy, which explains why you feel
fuller for longer.

Some foods rich in protein include chicken, turkey,

egg whites, fish, Greek yoghurt, beef, and cottage

Carbohydrates act as the brain’s main energy source. The body
requires energy in the form of glucose, and works by converting
carbohydrate molecules into energy. Carbohydrates are also a
source of calories to maintain body weight. An optimum level of
carbs prevents the likelihood of the build-up of fat.

Carbohydrates are split into two categories – simple and complex.

Simple carbs are just that – carbohydrates in their simplest form.
They are the most basic sugars (glucose, fructose) and cannot be
broken down. In contrast, complex carbohydrates consist of long
strings of simple carbohydrates, thus they can be broken down
into their primitive form.

Fast or simple carbohydrates include processed sources, such

as bread, candy, fruits, and some starchy vegetables. As the
carbohydrate molecules are simple, the body can break them
down very rapidly to release the energy it needs. They are a great
way of restoring glycogen stores following rigorous exercise,
however, they must be consumed in moderation as they elevate
blood sugar levels, which can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes
and heart disease.

In contrast, slow or complex carbohydrates are much more

difficult for the body to break down, meaning they provide your
body with energy over an extended period, without a sharp rise
in blood sugar levels. Slow releasing carbohydrates include whole
grains, the majority of vegetables, beans and seeds, and more
often than not are high in fiber.

Examples of carbohydrate rich foods include bread,

rice, pasta, quinoa, oats, cereals, energy drinks, fruits,
and vegetables.

Fats are the slowest source of energy, and work to protect the body’s
internal organs. Certain essential fats are also needed for the formation
of hormones, and for this reason they are a vital part of your diet. There
are four main types of fats found in food – saturated, monounsaturated,
polyunsaturated, and trans-fatty acids.

Saturated fats: Solid at room temperature and most commonly

originating from animals, they consist of fatty acid chains, and are
saturated because they have no available bonds for more hydrogen
atoms. Examples of foods loaded with saturated fats include butter,
cheese, and lard.

Monounsaturated fats: Liquid at room temperature, monounsaturated

fats are believed to play a key role in lowering blood cholesterol levels,
thus are an essential part of one’s diet to protect against heart disease.
Examples of foods rich in monounsaturated fats include olive, peanut,
and canola oils.
Polyunsaturated fats: Like monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats
are liquid at room temperature. They can be further divided into the
omega-6 and omega-3 categories. Corn oil and safflower oil both have
omega-6 and omega-3. Omega-3 is believed to aid in heart health, and
to positively impact on brain and eye function. Oily fish such as salmon,
herring, and mackerel are all good sources of omega-3, as are walnuts
and some oils.

Trans-fatty acids: Produced as a result of the partial hydrogenation of

vegetable oils, trans-fatty acids are present in hardened vegetable oils,
most margarines, commercial baked foods, and many fried foods. Eating
an excess quantity of these fats is believed to be linked to an increased
risk of heart disease.

Sources of ‘good’ fats include avocado, egg yolks, olives,

nuts, salmon, coconut oil, flax seeds, and fish oil capsules.

Forget everything
you’ve already
learnt about why,
when, what, and
how much you
should be eating
– we are going

c h ?
back to basics.

How much i s t o o m u
weight loss from eating too little is from burning
There is a headache-inducing pool of advice muscle and not fat, and when you inevitably
when it comes to weight loss and nutrition, and fall off the starvation wagon, there is even
although the majority of it will assist you in less muscle than before to burn off the excess
your quest for success, it’s virtually impossible calories you have started to consume, resulting
to follow all of the rules to the letter. Whether in greater weight gain. To add to this nightmare,
although a serious calorie deficit will display an
you’re hoping for a quick fix shake diet or a slow initial weight loss, you’re likely to hit a plateau,
and steady change to your lifestyle, the advice and will need to lower your calories even further
out there can be quite complex and conflicting. to lose more weight.
So, let’s make things simple! When it comes to
food, balance is your best friend! You need to A gradual, sustainable, and healthy weight loss
strike a nice balance between proteins, fats, and regime will not affect your metabolism. In fact,
carbohydrates to give your body everything it with the right amount of the right foods, your
requires to function to the best of its ability. metabolism will become more efficient, so you’ll
find that you can eat more whilst maintaining a
Forget everything you’ve already learnt about steady weight.
why, when, what, and how much you should be
eating – we are going back to basics. First and In what’s increasingly becoming a world in which
foremost, this program is designed for you – a instant gratification is sought, many people fall
young adult with a body that is still growing! into the trap of expecting too much too soon,
Plus, it incorporates a fair amount of exercise, and when their unrealistic expectations aren’t
so we cannot stress enough the importance of realized, they lose sight of their initial goals.
eating plenty. Although it may be tempting to Newsflash – quick fixes do not work! You won’t
dramatically reduce calorie intake so that your achieve your goals overnight, and, conversely,
body will eat away at its existing fat stores, it just you won’t lose any progress made overnight.
doesn’t work like that. Want the truth? Eating less By taking things slowly and adapting your
doesn’t create the need to burn body fat. In fact, lifestyle, you will see marked, visible changes
it creates the need for the body to slow down. with little effort, and if you find yourself giving
If you aren’t eating enough, your body will hold into temptation on occasion, your body will be
onto body fat and burn muscle tissue instead. programmed to reorganize itself and compensate
Muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue, for any deviation from the correct path (as long
so when your body thinks it’s starving, it chooses as you get things back on track eventually!)
to burn away at calorie-hungry muscle tissue to
preserve calories. Further, your metabolism slows Whether you have weight loss in mind, just want
right down, meaning the rate at which you burn to look better, or get fitter and healthier, you
calories is lessened significantly. Up to 70% of must eat enough. There are absolutely no good
reasons to starve yourself.

Don’t worr
There is no y about timings.
carbs afte truth in the ‘no
Here are some quick-fire tips r 5.00pm’ r
for nutritional success:
• Aim for three nutritious and hearty portions a day, with two to three healthy snacks
squeezed in.

• The goal after a meal is to feel full. Anything less and you’ll be reaching for the snack stash
in no time. Anything too much, and you’ll find yourself consuming unnecessary calories.

• If you’re feeling hungry, grab something to eat. It’s that simple! But, be sure to go for
healthier options. Instead of chocolate or candy, reach for an apple or non-fat yoghurt.

• Include plenty of vegetables, lean meats, and fish; basically everything you’ve been advised
to eat in the past. Where possible, avoid processed foods. Get back to basics and go for the
natural version instead – fruits, vegetables, fresh chicken breasts, and plain nuts.

• To ensure you feel fuller for longer, opt for complex carbohydrates.

• Avoid sugary drinks and fast food, as they contain unnecessary calories with minimal
nutritional value.

• Carry a nutritious snack around with you, as it will stop you from heading to the candy
section in the store when hunger strikes.

• Don’t worry about timings. There is no truth in the ‘no carbs after 5.00pm’ rule. In saying
that, try to avoid eating very late, as your body needs a chance to digest the food it consumes
before it sleeps.

• If you’re eating out, don’t panic as there are plenty of healthy options available on
restaurant menus. You might even find that checking out the menu beforehand helps you
prepare or you can take the stress out of the occasion by selecting your dish at home! Also,
don’t be afraid to make specific requests to the person serving you, for example, you can ask
for no oil, salad instead of fries, or dressing on the side of salad. It’s perfectly normal to make
a request when dining out, and it’s a great way to ensure you’re not consuming pointless

• As it is beneficial to consume protein after a work-out, you should grab a protein shake, bar
or some Greek yoghurt to get the most out of your training efforts.

• Have a treat every now and again! Aim for 80/20 – eat well 80% of the time and indulge for
the other 20%. Don’t deprive yourself of anything or you’re likely to obsess over it and splurge
in a weak moment.

• If you’ve had a carb heavy breakfast or a lot of fat at lunch, aim to reduce your intake of that
macronutrient for the rest of the day. It’s not necessary to count how much you’re having, but
try to balance the amounts from day-to-day. Even if you indulge on fast food at lunch, opt for
a lighter meal at dinner and you’ll regulate your calorie intake.

• One cheat snack/meal/day is not going to affect the course of your progress too much – just
don’t make a habit of it! If you fall off of the wagon, just get back on and don’t look back!


Whether you’re a hardened health fanatic or fit-phobic

rookie, our teen fitness program has been expertly
designed to assist you at each and every stage of your
fitness voyage.
As we’ve examined what you should be eating, we now need to
focus on what you should be doing. You’ve heard it time and
again – exercise is fantastic for your health, but why? Well, it keeps
your body conditioned and mobile, maintains strong joints, builds
stamina and flexibility, and aids in weight control. If that wasn’t
good enough, it also keeps your heart healthy, lowers blood
pressure, and releases chemicals called endorphins which support
positive mental health. And, those are just a few of the many
benefits associated with engaging in regular exercise.

As nutrition and exercise are dependent on one another, a proper

diet is critical when paired with regular exercise, as it will allow
“EXERCISE IS your muscles to endure the work-out, assist you in recovery, and
give you the best possible chance of changing your body for the
YOUR HEALTH, If visible, solid results sit at the top of your wish-list, the solution is
BUT WHY? consistent exercise, proper nutrition, and good old-fashioned hard
YOUR BODY The best exercise routine consists of cardio, strength and
CONDITIONED resistance, and flexibility and stretching. An effective combination
of all three will tone your body, increase endurance, build muscle,
AND MOBILE, encourage flexibility, and offer the previously mentioned health
MAINTAINS benefits, but if all of this sounds terrifyingly complicated, don’t
worry! Our fitness experts have carefully constructed, prepared,
STRONG and gift-wrapped a practically perfect work-out plan for you to
JOINTS, BUILDS follow, which incorporates everything that’s important.
STAMINA AND Oh, and we forgot to mention the best bit – the work-outs can be
FLEXIBILITY, performed anywhere – the comfort of your own home, at the park
or even in your bedroom. No fancy equipment and no expensive
AND AIDS gym memberships are needed – all you require is good old-
IN WEIGHT fashioned hard work.
To help you out even more, we’ve tackled
some of the most common fitness traps to
prevent you from stumbling at the starting

Fitness Trap #1 - Expecting pain, boredom or embarrass
andable, as it is hard work, boring, and you
So, you hate running? That’s quite underst walk . The
your friends as you crawl along the side
dread the thought of getting recognized by , whe ther
something that you derive enjoyment from
solution is simple – don’t run! Instead, find ousl y,
t, swimming, cycling or country walks. Seri
it be dancing, yoga, martial arts, a team spor it!
something else a try. You might just enjoy
there are so many options out there. Give

Fitness Trap #2 - Sticking to the sa

me old thing
Like your brain, your body get
s bored very easily, and witho
and grow. If the cross-traine ut being challenged, it will no
r is your thing, that’s fine, bu t develop
sessions spent exclusively on t if your exercise routine con
the cross-trainer, you’ll find sists of long
quickly. By incorporating oth that your results reach a pla
er types of exercise (strength teau very
muscles will be faced with a , endurance) into your routin
challenge and will be forced e, your
to adapt and grow.

Fitness Trap #3 - Worrying about weight gain

In case you missed the memo, girls gain weight in their teen years. It is natural and very healthy
for girls, as they develop into women, to put on pounds as they progress through such a
hormone heavy stage of life. We cannot stress enough how important it is for you to accept this.
In fact, you should embrace it, however, this doesn’t mean that you should spend your teens on
the couch with a tub of Ben & Jerry’s. Regular exercise and proper nutrition will not only keep you
healthy, but also ensure you don’t venture into the red zone of weight gain.

Fitness Trap #4 - Talking yourself

out of exercise
Maybe it’s because you don’t
think you have the time or pe
silly when exercising. Whate rhaps you believe that you loo
ver your excuse, it’s almost k
understand that everyone ha certain to be invalid. At Fit Affi
s excuses, but it’s key that you nity, we
simply get on with it. We can ignore the voice in your head
assure you that nobody has and
will regret not working out. ever regretted a work-out, ho
Not only do we recommend wever, you
but we also expect you to tak the work-outs detailed in the
e advantage of opportunities program,
taking the stairs instead of the for activity in your everyday
elevator, parking your car in life, such as
car at home – it will all be of the farthest spot or even lea
benefit to you in the long run ving the

Health myths debunked!
‘Eggs are bad for your heart’, ‘calories eaten at night are
more fattening than those eaten early in the day’, and ‘if
you’re not working up a sweat, you’re not working hard
enough’. These are just some of the tons of ridiculous myths
floating around the Internet, and you may even trust a few of

The thing is, some myths are just harmless half-truths,

but many others can actually be harmful, thus it’s crucial
to separate the facts from the fibs. We’re going to take a
look at some of the most common and most outrageous
myths to uncover the truth, and ensure what you’re doing is
completely constructive.

The gym isn’t the solution to your problems. If you want to get in shape, all you need
to do is get moving. Fancy gym equipment doesn’t provide a miracle quick fix, and no
amount of money will get you to where you want to be. We cannot stress enough the
“I need to simple value of a good plan and some steely determination.
work-out at
the gym for it Not only can you easily accomplish an effective work-out at home, you’ll probably
find that the gym provides even more excuses to stand in the way of your success.
to count.” Whether it’s the worry of embarrassing yourself by trying something new, lacking the
time to get to the gym or putting it off because of the crowds, you’re bound to find a
reason not to go.

The only thing that will hamper your progress at home is a lack of guidance. Donning
your work-out gear and performing some star jumps will not equal results. You will
find it very difficult to monitor progress, and as a result you will quickly lose your
drive. By following Fit Affinity’s exercise program, you can ensure what you’re doing
is worth it, whilst saving yourself a considerable amount of time and money. All you
need to bring to the party is motivation!

Not true. Many people believe that by putting in hours at the gym, they’re entitled to eat
whatever they want. After all, they’re working the calories off, right? Wrong! Feasting on a
post-workout Big Mac will replace all of the calories (and then some) that you burned off
during exercise, leaving you back at square one. Plus, you’re not re-fuelling your body with
the right nutrients, which will impede your progress and recovery.
“If I’m
Although regular exercise will help you reach whatever your aims may be, diet still exercising, I
remains the most crucial key to victory. If you work-out regularly, you can afford to indulge
occasionally. If you eat anything you want and justify it because you work-out on a regular
can eat what
basis, you’re missing the point entirely.
I want”
Even if you’re exercising regularly, you must pay attention to your diet. This will ensure that
you’re not consuming unnecessary calories, and that you’re effectively powering your body.
It’s okay for serious body builders to increase their calorie intake, as their muscles need
adequate fuel to recover and grow, but training a few times a week doesn’t give you the
right to eat what you want. It’ll wreck your efforts and slow down your progress.

Although there is no magic formula for getting in shape quickly, research has found
that spending hours exercising is counterproductive. In fact, studies have shown that
even 20 minutes of exercise will help improve your fitness. Often, long work-outs
heighten the risk of injury, and it is so much harder to maintain motivation for a long
period of time.
“I need to
It is important, however, to ensure your work-outs are intense enough to get train for
your heart pumping. Luckily for you, our program incorporates High Intensity
Interval Training (HIIT) – a fancy title for short work-outs that require significant
hours to get
cardiovascular effort (in other words, you’ll be struggling to catch your breath). But,
in shape”
we’ve also included a mix of other training styles to properly challenge and change
your body.

Getting in shape takes a lot of hard work and consistent effort, but it’s often the case
that short, regular work-outs, paired with a good diet, are much more beneficial.

Supplements can help, especially if you’re a body builder or strength athlete, but
working out several times a week to build your fitness base and tone your muscles
doesn’t warrant supplementation. Whilst we advise that you consume a protein source
following strength training to aid in muscle recovery and growth, you don’t need to
obsess about it. Protein shakes and bars are a great source of protein, and are just as
“I need effective as natural protein sources, but a complete diet will give you everything you
need. If you find that a shake better suits your lifestyle or the thought of a chicken
supplements to salad following a work-out turns your stomach, then do what works for you. All we’re
build muscle” saying is that a balanced diet will provide you with all of the nutrients you need, thus
supplements aren’t required.

The same goes for sugary drinks. Sports drinks, sometimes called ‘isotonic’, aim to
replace what is lost in sweat and sugar (glucose) during very intense exercise, such as
marathon training. They aren’t necessary for low intensity exercise, and won’t enhance
your performance. Our advice? Stick to water, and steer clear of sugary drinks.
Depending on your work-out, the calories in the drink may even offset the calories
you’ve burned!

Carbohydrates get a bad rap. They are the first to get cut out of the diets of people
looking to lose weight, and are often replaced with proteins.

But, carbohydrates aren’t evil. In fact, as we’ve already mentioned, they are an essential
macronutrient, and your body needs them to function properly. Of course, there are good
and bad carbohydrates. Refined carbohydrates, found in candy, chocolate, cakes, and
white bread should be avoided, however, the good kind are extremely good! Fruits and
vegetables are examples of foods rich in carbohydrates, and they provide your body with
a host of fantastic macronutrients. As long as you limit your intake of sugar rich fruits
such as pineapples and grapes, you can pretty much eat as many vegetables and fruits “Carbs are bad
as you want. What’s more, carbohydrate rich foods often contain whole grains, which for me”
provide fiber, iron, folic acid, and vitamin B, all of which are necessary for our overall

As long as you’re eating the right kinds and do so in moderation, carbohydrates should be
an integral element of your diet.

Contrary to popular belief, weight training can be safe and good for children, and
doesn’t stunt their growth or make them susceptible to weak joints and injuries for the
rest of their lives. In fact, strength training is not only safe for youngsters, with some
suggesting that it’s essential.

“Weight With so many benefits linked to weight training, you would be foolish to disregard it. On
top of strengthening muscles, tendons, and ligaments, it also reduces the risk of injury.
training is Further, it builds muscle, boosts metabolism, assists with fat loss, defines muscles,
bad for young improves balance and stability, and lowers blood pressure. And, that is just the tip of
people” the iceberg!

There are a few caveats to bear in mind. Don’t overdo it. It’s totally up to you to decide
what constitutes as enough and what’s too much. If you feel discomfort or pain, stop.
You’ll risk injury and impede your progress. Make sure you warm-up and cool down
for five to 10 minutes to prepare your muscles for vigorous exercise. Ensure your
technique is proper. Generally, you can tell what’s right by examining yourself in the
mirror. If your form is painful or strained, adapt your technique. It also important that
you get plenty of rest, as your muscles won’t grow if they aren’t given the chance to
recover. Lastly, avoid weight training on consecutive days and get lots of sleep. Your
body and mind will thank you!

“The thing is, some

myths are just
harmless half-truths,
but many others can
actually be harmful,
thus it’s crucial to
separate the facts
from the fibs.”

Portion c o n t r o l
No matter how healthy your diet is, eating too much or too little can still be bad for
you. What a portion size actually is - and eating that amount - is tricky. People are
notoriously bad at estimating what, say, a cup of breakfast cereal looks like, so it’s
important to give serious thought to how much you’re eating.

• Don’t skip meals: If you’re starving, you’re more likely to help yourself to an extra-large portion. You
need to eat at least three times a day, and try to avoid going without eating for longer than five hours.
As a general rule, breakfast, lunch, and dinner followed by one or two small snacks will keep hunger at
bay, and ensure you’re consuming stable portions.

• Stick to portion sizes: If a food specifies a serving size, weigh it out and stick to it. The
recommendation is there because it’s deemed to be a normal amount for a person to consume.

• Know your rules of thumb: Did you know that three ounces of lean meat is the approximate size of a
deck of cards or that a sensible portion of pasta or rice is about the size of a fist? Use these rules and
stick to them!

• Plan meals: If you have a general idea of what you’re going to eat for the day, you won’t experience
the last-minute panic when it’s about time to eat. It’ll help with what you’re eating, as well as how

• Control your snacks: As a general rule, snacks should contain approximately 100 calories and 15
grams of carbohydrate. Try to avoid anything that will push you too far over that limit.

• Use your plate: Did you know that there are portion control plates you can buy to manage your
portion sizes? Unless you think these would be of benefit to you, it isn’t necessary to get one, but it’s
a useful concept to bear in mind. For most of your meals, stick to the 25% protein, 25% carbohydrate,
and 50% vegetable rule.

• Develop good habits: Begin by filling your plate with green veggies. Not only will they trick your mind
into thinking you have a huge plate of food, you will fill up with minimal calorific content.

• Don’t snack out of the bag: Read the food label, serve yourself one portion, and put the rest away.
Practice this for chips, nuts, pretzels, and other snacks.

To make your fitness journey that little bit easier, we’ve provided you
with a list of carbohydrate, fat, and protein source examples. Although
we’ve specified recommendations for ‘good’ and ‘not so good’ options,
we must stress that this is only a guideline.

We aren’t advising you to consume foods exclusively from the ‘good’

list. As mentioned previously, the key to a healthy lifestyle is balance.
As a rule, aim mostly for ‘good’, but don’t completely exclude the ‘not so

Oh, and another thing - the ‘not so good’ column is not necessarily bad.
Whilst we wouldn’t recommend drinking soda as it’s full of unnecessary,
un-nutritional calories, the majority of foods on the ‘not so good’ list are
just not the best option.

It’s just a case of using your common sense. If you can opt for
something from the ‘good’ column, then go right ahead, but if you want
to treat yourself, don’t restrict yourself just because it’s on the ‘not so
good’ list. Be sensible and try to strike that all-important balance!

• Any complex, slow release carbs • Fruits with a high sugar content
• Sweet potatoes (i.e. bananas, mangoes, grapes)
• Legumes (i.e. lentils and beans) • Refined grains
• Berries (i.e. raspberries, blueberries) (i.e. white bread, pizza crust)
• Lightly sweet/salted popcorn • Baked goods and pastries
• Oats • Candy
• Unprocessed whole grains (i.e. rye, quinoa) • Artificial syrups
• Non-starchy veg. (i.e. lettuce, broccoli) • Soda and sugary drinks

• Plain nuts • Stick margarine
• Egg yolks • Whole milk
• Avocado • Cheese
• Dark chocolate • Butter or lard
• Fatty fish (i.e. salmon, mackerel) • Pre-packaged treats
• Seeds (i.e. flax/chia) (i.e. cookies, potato chips)
• Olives and olive oil • Milk chocolate
• Natural nut butters

• Chicken breast • Processed meats (i.e. burgers, hotdogs)
• Turkey breast • Any meat deep fried in oil
• Egg whites • Bacon
• Non-fat Greek yoghurt • Sandwich meat
• Cottage cheese • Sausages
• Lean steak • Marbled steak
• Ground beef
• Fish (i.e. tuna, halibut)
• Beans and lentils

In the event that you’re still completely puzzled about what to eat, we’ve listed some really
simple meal ideas to get you started. Whilst we haven’t specified which meal type they are,
it gives you an idea of how much you should be putting on your plate so you’re not over or
under-eating. Again, it’s a case of using your common sense to adapt them to your tastes
whilst sticking to the rules!

• Two slices of wholemeal toast topped with sliced avocado

• Oatmeal made with water and topped with berries
• Non-fat Greek yoghurt with strawberries and blueberries
• Chicken Caesar salad (without dressing)
• Vegetable soup with small wholemeal roll and non-fat cottage cheese
• Whole egg or egg white omelette with peppers and onions
• Wholemeal wrap with tuna and salad
• Grilled turkey breast with brown rice and broccoli
• Vegetable stir fry
• Baked white fish, potato, and asparagus

What y o u n e e d
for th e p r o g r a m

Small handheld weights used to build strength in your arms, shoulders,
chest, back, and so much more. It’s vital that they are a comfortable
weight for you. If they’re too heavy, you’ll risk injury and failure, and if
they’re too light, you won’t be challenging yourself.

If you’re looking to expand your kit, dumbbells can be purchased fairly

cheaply. If not, any two equal-sized, equal-weighted handheld objects will
work just fine.

Exercise mat
Working out on hard flooring can be uncomfortable, and there is the
possibility that you could end up with a few bruises. A yoga mat or soft
exercise mat is ideal to soften the impact and provide your back with the
support it needs. Having said that, a thick beach towel, rug or blanket will
work just as well – just make sure it isn’t slippery or unsafe.

A great way to get the energy flowing and pump some motivation through
your body. Create a work-out playlist and blast your favourite music. If
you’re working out at home, you might find that headphones are a bit
more considerate.

Whether you’re an elite athlete or a professional in the making, it’s essen-
tial that you drink water during exercise. Your ability to reach your athletic
potential can decline as a result of a small degree of dehydration, so be
sure to keep a bottle of water handy, and keep yourself hydrated at all

The 30-day program will include Moderate Intensity Steady State cardio (MISS).
MISS refers to cardiovascular activity that demands you exercise at 60 to 70% of your
maximum heart rate. Good forms of MISS cardio include:
- Incline walking
- Jogging
- Bike riding
- Elliptical

In the 30-day program, you will be given a certain

number of calories to burn in each of your MISS ses-
sions. How you burn them is up to you, and you may
fit the MISS session in at any time of the day that
suits you best.

The 30-day program will also include High Intensity

Interval Training. A HIIT work-out should be
structured as follows:
- Five-minute warm-up
- Ten one-minute rounds, with 45 seconds of all-out
intensity followed by 15 seconds of rest
- Five-minute cool down

HIIT can be done in a variety of ways, such as running,

swimming, skipping cycling, on the Stairmaster, and
on the elliptical, just to name a few.

Other definitions
Rep: One repetition
Set: The total repetitions of one exercise comprise one set
Cardio: Cardiovascular
Superset: When one exercise is completed and another immediately follows
Dropset: The same exercise done with less weight immediately after

Work-out Diary


Upper Body
Lower Body A Cardio: MISS Rest Push A Legs A Core A

DAY 8 DAY 9 DAY 10 DAY 11 DAY 12 DAY 13 DAY 14

Upper Cardio:
Pull A Cardio: HIIT Lower Body B Rest Push B

DAY 15 DAY 16 DAY 17 DAY 18 DAY 19 DAY 20 DAY 21

Cardio: Upper Lower Body

Pull B Legs B Core B Rest

DAY 22 DAY 23 DAY 24 DAY 25 DAY 26 DAY 27 DAY 28

Cardio: HIIT Rest Push C Pull C Legs C Core C

DAY 29 DAY 30

Upper Body
Lower Body D

Day 1: Upper Body A
Exercise SETS REPS
Standing dumbbell shoulder press 3 10-12
Push-ups (on knees if necessary) 3 8 - 10
Dumbbell bicep curls 3 10 -12
Overhead dumbbell extensions 3 10 - 12

Day 2: Lower Body A

Exercise SETS REPS
Jumping squats 3 20
Walking lunges 2 10 -12
Donkey kick-backs 3 10 -12
Goblet squats 2 15

Day 3: Cardio (MISS)

CARDIO OF CHOICE Aim to burn 250 to
300 calories

Day 4. REST

Day 5: Push A
Exercise SETS REPS
Bench dips 3 10
Dumbbell side raises 3 12
Dumbbell front raises 3 10 -12
Tricep kick-backs 3 15

Day 6: Legs A
Exercise SETS REPS
Squats holding dumbbells overhead 3 10 - 12
Step-ups 3 10 -15
Jumping burpees 3 25
Squats (hold on the wall) 3 30 -40

Day 7: Core A
Exercise SETS REPS
Crunches 3 15
Leg raises 3 12 -15
Mountain climbers 3 30 - 45

Day 8: Pull A
Exercise SETS REPS
Bent over dumbbell rows 3 10 - 12
Lower back curls 3 10 - 12
Bent over flys 2 10 - 12
Dumbbell bicep hammer curls – palms 3 15
facing inside at all times

Day 9: Cardio (HITT)


Day 10: Lower Body B

Exercise SETS REPS
Walking lunges 4 15 steps per
Standing bench jumps 3 20
Sumo squats 3 20 - 25
Glute bridges – three second hold at 3 15 -20

Day 11: Upper Body B

Exercise SETS REPS
Push-ups (on knees if necessary) 3 10
Double arm dumbbell rows 3 10 - 12
Standing dumbbell shoulder press 3 10 - 12

Dumbbell bicep curls - palms facing 2 15

forward at all times
One arm dumbbell tricep extensions 2 15

Day 12: REST

Day 13: Cardio (MISS)

CARDIO OF CHOICE Aim to burn to 300

Day 14: Push B
Exercise SETS REPS
Dumbbell front raises 3 16 - 18
Bench dips superset with dumbbell 3 15 - 20
side raises
Tricep kick-backs 3 10 - 12

Double arm overhead dumbbell 3 15


Day 15: Pull B

Exercise SETS REPS
Lower back curls with two second pause 3 25
at top
Bent over flys 3 15
Dumbbell bicep curls – any variation you 4 10 - 12
Single arm dumbbell rows – palms facing 4 15

Day 16: Legs B

Exercise SETS REPS
Goblet squats superset 3 20 reps per exercise
holding dumbbell over-
Stationary lunges superset 3 24 reps per leg and
with mountain climbers 40 reps of mountain
Donkey kick-backs super- 4 12 to 15 reps per leg
set with glute bridges for kick-backs and
30 reps for glute

Day 17: Core B

Exercise SETS REPS
Reverse crunches 2 25
Heel touches 3 20 reps
Sit-ups 2 10 -15

Obliques/side crunches 3 15

Day 18: Cardio (MISS)

CARDIO OF CHOICE Aim to burn to 350

Day 19: REST

Day 20: Upper Body C
Exercise SETS REPS
Standing dumbbell shoulder press sup- 3 20 reps per
erset with bent over dumbbell rows exercise
Dumbbell bicep curls - palms facing 3 20 to 25 reps
forward – superset with overhead tricep per exercise
Bench dips superset with push-ups on 3 8 to 15 reps
your knees per exercise

Day 21: Lower Body C

Exercise SETS REPS
Goblet squats 3 10 - 20
Knee-ups 3 20 steps per
Jumping squats 3 20

Donkey kick-backs 3 20 reps per

Squats - hold on wall 2 40 to 50

Day 22: Cardio (HITT)


Day 23: REST

Day 24: Push C

Exercise SETS REPS
Push-ups (on knees if necessary) 3 20
Standing dumbbell shoulder press – 3 20 + 15 on
dropset the dropset
Dumbbell side raises superset with 3 15 to 20 reps
dumbbell front raises per exercise
Tricep kick-backs superset with double 3 15 reps per
arm overhead extensions exercise

Day 25: Pull C

Exercise SETS REPS
Dumbbell lat pullovers 4 20 -25
Single arm dumbbell rows – dropset 3 20 + 15 on
the dropset
Bent over flys 3 20

Dumbbell bicep curls – palms facing 3 20

inward (hammer curls)

Day 26: Legs C – Jumping stationary lunges
Exercise SETS REPS
Jumping stationary lunges 4 20 per leg
Squats holding dumbbell overhead 3 20
Side lunges 3 20 per leg
Glute bridges 3 20

Day 27: Cardio (MISS)

CARDIO OF CHOICE Aim to burn to 400 calories

Day 28: Core C

Exercise SETS REPS
Top taps 3 25
Heel touches 3 20 reps per side
Scissor kicks- if too hard, do regular 3 10 reps per exercise
Planks 3 45 to 60 seconds

Day 29: Upper Body D

Exercise SETS REPS
Press-ups into burpees (on knees if neces- 3 20
Dumbbell bent over rows 3 25
Dumbbell curls- with palms facing forward – 3 15 reps per exer-
superset with palms facing inward cise
Dumbbell shoulder press – dropset if you 3 20
Commandos 2 40 to 50 seconds

Day 30: Lower Body D

Exercise SETS REPS
Sumo squats with two to three sec- 3 20
ond pause at the bottom
Standing bench jumps 3 15 -20
Lunges with leg ups 3 12 to 15 reps per leg
Jumping squats superset with 3 20 reps followed by 30 to
squats – hold on wall 40 second hold on wall
Donkey kick-backs superset with 3 20 reps per leg followed by
glute bridges 20 reps

Lat Pull Overs

Laying on your back with your feet flat and knees bent, hold a
dumbbell in both hands or a weight in each hand over your chest,
and make sure that your arms are straight up.

Lower the dumbbells straight back behind your head until your
arms are in line with your torso and parallel to the floor, then
lower your arms until the weights are just above, but not touch-
ing the floor.

Keeping your arms straight, pull your arms to start position over
your chest. As you reach the start position, think about tightening
your lat/back muscles.

Dumbbell Rows
Hold one dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing inward.
Let the dumbbells hang toward the floor, with your feet shoul-
der width apart.

Pull the dumbbells up to the side until they make contact with
your ribs or until your upper arm is just beyond horizontal.

Return until your arms are extended and shoulder are stretched
downward. Repeat and continue with the opposite arm if you
commenced the exercise exercising just the one arm.

Bent over Flys

Hold a dumbbell with your palms facing inward and stand
with your feet shoulder width apart.
Bending slightly at the knees, bring your torso forward by
bending at the waist.
Each elbow should be slightly bent, and the dumbbells should
be directly under your chest, not touching. This is the starting
Moving only at the shoulders, raise your arms in a semi-circu-
lar motion out to your sides until your arms are parallel to the
floor. Throughout the movement, keep the slight bend in your
At the height of the movement, squeeze your shoulder blades
and then slowly lower the dumbbells back to the starting

Dumbbell Front Raises

Pick up a couple of dumbbells and stand with a straight torso, and the
dumbbells on the front of your thighs at arm’s length, with the palms of
your hands facing your thighs. This will be your starting position.
Whilst maintaining the torso in a stationary position, lift the dumbbells
to the front with a slight bend in the elbow, and the palms of the hands
always facing down. Continue to go up until your arms are slightly above
parallel to the floor. Exhale as you execute this movement, and then
pause for a second at the top.

As you inhale, slowly lower the dumbbells back down to the starting posi-
tion. Repeat the movement for the recommended amount of repetitions.

Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Whilst holding a dumbbell in each hand and maintaining an upright
torso, raise the dumbbells to shoulder height one at a time.

Rest the dumbbells on your shoulders, and make sure to rotate your
wrists so that the palms of your hands are facing forward; this is your
starting position.

Exhale and push the dumbbells upward until they nearly touch at the
After a brief pause at the top of the contraction, slowly lower the
weights back down to the starting position whilst inhaling. Repeat the
movement for the recommended amount of repetitions.

Starting in a plank position with your forearms resting on the
floor, push your right forearm and place your right hand on the
floor. Follow the same pattern with your left arm. Slowly return
back to the plank position. This is one repetition.

Walking Lunges

With your feet shoulder width apart and hands on hips, step
forward with one leg, flexing the knees to drop to your hips.
Descend until your rear knee nearly touches the ground. Your
posture should remain upright, and your front knee should
stay above the front foot.
Drive through the heel of your lead foot, and extend both
knees to raise yourself back up.

Step forward with your rear foot, repeating the lunge on the
opposite leg. When doing weighted walking lunges, hold a
dumbbell in each hand to your side.

Stationary Lunges
Stand with your torso upright (holding two dumbbells in your hands by
your sides if the exercise is weighted). This will be your starting position.

Step forward with your right leg until there’s a gap of approximately two
feet from the foot being left stationary, and lower your upper body down,
whilst keeping the torso upright and maintaining your balance.

Inhale as you go down, and make sure that you keep your front shin per-
pendicular to the ground. Using mainly the heel of your foot, push up and
go back to the starting position as you exhale.
Repeat the movement for the recommended amount of repetitions, and
then perform with the left leg.

Lunges with Leg-Ups

This exercise is the same as stationary lunges, but with
these your back foot as at knee height on a bench behind

With your feet shoulder width apart, place your hands behind your
head or out in front of you. This will be your starting position.

Begin the movement by flexing your knees and hips, sitting back with
your hips. If you’re able, continue down to full depth, then reverse the
motion until you return to the starting position.

Whilst performing this exercise, keep your head and chest up, and
push your knees out.

Standing Bench Jumps

Begin with a bench one to two feet in front of you, and your feet
shoulder width apart. This will be your starting position.

In preparation for the jump, perform a short squat, swinging your

arms behind you.
Rebound out of this position, extending through the hips, knees,
and ankles to jump as high as possible. Swing your arms forward
and up.

Jump over or onto the bench, landing with bent knees so that
you’re absorbing the impact through the legs. This is one repeti-

Donkey Kick-Backs
Kneel on the floor and bend at the waist with your arms extended
in front of you (perpendicular to the torso) to get into a kneeling
push-up position, with the arms spaced at shoulder width. Your
head should be looking forward and the bend of the knees should
create a 90 degree angle between the hamstrings and the calves.
This will be your starting position.

As you exhale, lift up your right leg until the hamstrings are in
line with the back, whilst maintaining the 90 degree angle bend.
Throughout this movement, contract the glutes and hold the
contraction at the top for a second.

At the end of the movement, the upper leg should be parallel to

the floor, and the calf should be perpendicular to it.

As you inhale, go back to the initial position, and then repeat

with the left leg. Continue to alternate legs until all of the
recommended repetitions have been performed.

Step Ups
Stand up straight facing a bench (if holding a dumbbell in each
hand, palms should be facing the side of your legs).

Place the right foot on the elevated platform. Step on the bench
by extending the hip and the knee of your right leg. Use the heel
mainly to lift the rest of your body up, and place the foot of the
left leg on the platform as well. Breathe out as you execute the
force required to come up.

Step down with the left leg by flexing the hip and knee of
the right leg as you inhale. Return to the original standing
position by placing the right foot next to the left foot on the
initial position. Repeat with the right leg for the recommended
amount of repetitions, and then perform with the left leg.

This exercise is the same as step-ups, except when you
extend onto the bench, raise one knee toward your chest. On
the next repetition, raise the opposite knee.

Mountain Climbers
Begin in a push-up position, with your weight supported by your
hands and toes. Flexing the knee and hip, bring one leg down
until the knee is approximately under the hip. This will be your
starting position.
Explosively, reverse the position of your legs, extending the bent
leg until the leg is straight and supported by the toe, and bring
the other foot up with the hip and knee flexed.

Goblet Squats
Stand holding a dumbbell with both hands close to your chest.
This will be your starting position. Squat down between your
legs until your hamstrings are on your calves. Keep your chest
and head up, and your back straight.

At the bottom position, pause and then reverse the motion until
you return to the starting position. This is one repetition

Sumo Squats

Standing with your feet 10 inches wider than shoulder width

apart, place your hands behind your head or out in front of you.
This will be your starting position.

Begin the movement by flexing your knees and hips, sitting back
with your hips. Continue down to full depth, pause at the bot-
tom, and then reverse the motion until you return to the starting

During the squat, keep your head and chest up, and push your
knees out. This is one repetition.

Medicine Ball Squats

Standing with your feet shoulder width apart, hold a

medicine ball above your head. This will be your starting

Begin the movement by flexing your knees and hips, sitting

back with your hips. If you’re able, continue down to full
depth, then reverse the motion until you return to the
starting position.

During the squat, keep your head and chest up, and push
your knees out. This is one repetition.

Jumping Squats
Standing with your feet shoulder width apart, place your hands
behind your head or out in front of you. This will be your starting
position. Begin the movement by flexing your knees and hips,
sitting back with your hips.

Jump directly upwards into the air. Continue down from the
jumping position then reverse the motion until you return to the
starting position.

During the squat, keep your head and chest up and push your
knees out. This is one repetition

Squats – Hold on Wall
Place yourself in a squat position with your back against a wall
Your thighs should be parallel to the floor with a 90-degree angle
between your upper and lower legs

Hold this position for the allotted time given.

Press-Ups into Burpees

After completing a press-up, perform one burpee immediately
after. This is one repetition.

Laying on your back with your feet flat on the ground, place
your hands lightly on either side of your head. As you push
your head lower back down into the floor, begin to roll your
shoulders off the floor.

As you contract your abdominals and exhale, continue to

push down as hard as you can with your lower back. Your
shoulders should come up off the floor only about four inch-
es, and your lower back should remain on the floor

At the top of the movement, contract your abdominals hard

and hold the contraction for a second. After the contraction,
slowly come down to the starting position as you inhale.

Reverse Crunches

Lie down on the floor with your legs fully extended, and arms
to the side of your torso, with palms on the floor. For the du-
ration of this exercise, your arms should stay here. Move your
legs until your thighs are perpendicular to the floor, and your
feet are together and parallel to the floor.

Whilst inhaling, move your legs towards the torso as you roll
your pelvis backward and raise your hips off the floor. At
the end of this movement, your knees will be touching your
chest. Hold the contraction for a second, and then return
your legs to the starting position.

Lower Back Curls
Lie on your stomach with your arms out to your sides. This will
be your starting position. Using your lower back muscles, extend
your spine by lifting your chest up off the ground; don’t use your
arms to push yourself up. During the movement, keep your head

Toe Taps
With your legs raised in the air, perform a crunch. Your body
and legs should form a 90 degree angle. Exhale out, crunch
your abs, and touch your toes. This is one repetition.

Oblique Crunches

Lay on your right side with your legs on top of each other, and
your knees forming a 45 degree angle. Place your left hand
behind your head, then start to move your left elbow up as you
would when performing a normal crunch, except this time you’re
focusing on your obliques. 

Crunch as high as you can, hold the contraction for a second, and
then slowly drop back down. Breathe in during the eccentric (low-
ering) part of the exercise, and breathe out during the concentric
(elevation) part of the movement. Switch to the other side and
complete the specified amount of repetitions.

Scissor Kicks

Lay down with your back pressed against the floor. Your arms
should be fully extended to the sides, with your palms facing
down. Throughout this exercise, your arms should remain

With a slight bend at the knees, lift your legs up until your
heels are approximately six inches off the ground. This is the
starting position.

Now, whilst lowering your right leg until the heel is about two
to three inches from the ground, lift your left leg up until a 45
degree angle is formed. Switch movements by raising your
right leg up and lowering your left leg.

Remember to breathe whilst performing this exercise, and

repeat the movement for the recommended amount of rep-

Leg Raises

Lying flat on the floor, extend your legs in front of you, and
place your hands either under your glutes with palms down or
by your sides. This will be your starting position.

With your knees extended as straight as possible and your

knees slightly bent but locked, raise your legs until they form a
90 degree angle with the floor.

Exhale as you perform this portion of the movement, and then

hold the contraction at the top for a second. Now, as you inhale,
slowly lower your legs back to the starting position.


With your feet hip width apart and arms by your side, lower
into a squat position, with your hands flat on the floor in
front of you.

Kick your legs backward into a press-up position, and lower

your chest to the floor.
Push your chest back up to the press-up position, and thrust
both feet forward so you’re back in the squat position.

Jump up and raise both hands over your head. Stand with
your feet hip width apart and your arms by your side. This is
one repetition.

Heel Touches
Lie on the floor with bent knees and your feet approximately 18 to
24 inches apart. Your arms should be extended by your side. This
will be your starting position. Crunch over your torso forward and up
about three to four inches to the right, and touch your right heel as
you hold the contraction for a second. Exhale whilst performing this
movement. As you inhale, slowly return to the starting position.

Now, crunch over your torso forward and up approximately three

to four inches to the left, and touch your left heel as you hold the
contraction for a second. Exhale whilst performing this movement,
and then return to the starting position as you inhale. Now that
both heels have been touched, one repetition has been completed.
Continue alternating sides in this manner until the recommended
amount of repetitions have been completed.


This Ebook belongs to FIT AFFINITY
All images, information, layout and designs belong to FIT AFFINITY
No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any
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Created by Fit Affinity



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