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Introduction of Python

01) Python is a programming language which is use to develop a programs
02) It is high level language which is progammer friendly
03) It can be understand easily
04) Python is a general purpose high level programming language
05) Which can be used to develop a program in any area
06) Like Desktop application , Web application , Data Science application , machine
Learning application

Who developed python and when ?

Developer : Guido Van Roussm

Developed year : 1989
Release year : feb-20-1991
When he was worked in NRI(National Research Institute) in Netherland.

Why python become more popualr in nowadays ?

01) Market required a programming language more simple and easy to learn and understand
02) The code must be less
03) The market of AI , ML ,DL , DS , IOT are required python to implement

What is the prerequisite for learn python ?

01) Nothing than reading , writing and understanding of english

Program Features

01) Python is dynamically typed programming language

02) There is no need to specify a type of data type in this language
03) It can be automatically specify the type of datatype
04) we can change the value of any type into anyone


a = 10
print(a) # The output is 10
type(a) # The output is int ( type is a method to find the data type of a variable Syntax :
type(variable_name) )
a = 10.5 # Now it will changes the value from int to float
print(a) # The output is 10.5
type(a) # The out is float
Python name and reasons ?

01) Guido Van Roussm is a fan of The Complete monty Python's Cirucus
02) Which was telecasted in BBC from the year of 1969-1974
03) Then he took the name python for his programming language

Python is a allrounder language why ?

01) C language have only functional programming

02) c++ , java having OOP features
03) Javascript , perl ,shellscript are scripting language
04) In this all the language have only some of features
05) but, Python have all the features in above
06) So , only the python is a allrounder language

07) Scripting language means it executes in one by one line only

08) It does not have any function or classes concept

09) Functional language means it executes a set of program

10) And it can be reused

11) Like this it support all type of features

12) So it is know as all rounder language

13) Most of the syntax are borrowed from c and abc language

Application Areas

Where we use python ?

01) Desktop Application

02) Web Application
03) Network Application
04) Games Development
05) Neural Networks
06) Machine Learning
07) Deep Learning
08) Data Analysis
09) IOT
10) AI
11) Data Science

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