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Ada 6 orang mahasiswa tingkat akhir, yang menanti pengumuman judul TA yang mereka ajukan.

Pada suatu kelas, terjadi percakapan (classroom)

Faiqoh : Hmm… I’m worry about tomorrow.what do you think … ?

Mei : We all here worrying too, qoh.
Zharfan : If you just think about tomorrow, iam sure rest of your day will felling worry
Faiqoh : I think you’re right
Zharfan : Than you just sitting here and feeling worry. Why you didn’t come home..?
Mei : Nah, that’s what I want. Let’s go home fiqo…
Faiqoh : ok , see you…

Besoknya ketika pengumuman judul TA, dikelas

Dimas : Whoooaaaa… my idea was accepted. I don’t believe it

Aviv : Haha my idea was accepted too, it was unexpected
Abi : how about my idea? It is accepted, right?
Aviv : Don’t ask, no one will doubt your idea rejected, bi
*semua ketawa*

Dimas : Hey, look.. is zharfan idea rejected?

Aviv : I don’t see his name on that announcement
Abi : really? But, I think zharfan idea is unique
Dimas : Hmm.. let’s talk to him.let’s go

Aviv : Hey, are you okay?

Zharfan : Hey, its okay~ don’t worry about me
Dimas : There is another way, don’t give up
Zharfan : Haha, yeah. Thanks. Failed is a postponed of success right?
Abi : We are here, fan. We will help you for find an idea
Zharfan : Hmm… thanks for your help, friends
Aviv : don’t be sad, fan. Come on find an inspiration
All : Lets go~

*dikelas lain*

Mei : All of our idea are accepted except zharfan

Faiqoh : Yeah, yesterday.. he was happiest person. But today, hmm…
Mei : Let’s go help him, qoh
Faiqoh :We have to, but how?
Mei : how about ask lecturer,ask alumnus,find an inspiration?
Faiqoh : that’s great, let’s go
*Dikelas besoknya*

Faiqoh : have a new idea, fan?

Zharfan : Yeah, some an idea, qoh
Aviv : I found some idea from alumnus, there is it... *nyodorin kekrtas*
Zharfan : Ah, thank you, viv
Dimas : I have too fan *nyoh kertas nyoh*
Abi : And this is from alumnus , and from abi , and from me too and Meilani also
Zharfan : Waaaaah, so much idea.. thank you, guys.
I will face my lecturer and ask for all your idea. Bless me my friend
All : Fighting~

*Pengumuman judul lagi*

Aviv : *robek kertas di papan* Look at this,zharfan,his name is here~~

Dimas : Waaah, zharfan must to know
Faiqoh : Lets go to class and hide
Mei : Come on~~~
Abi : Nice idea, go~~

All : Congrats faaaaaan, your idea have been accepted

Zharfan : Alhamdulillah. Thanks for all of your help, thank you so much~~

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