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2 Propulsion

2.1 Fixed pitch propellers
2.2 Ducted propellers
2.3 Podded and azimuthing propulsors
2.4 Contra-rotating propellers
2.5 Overlapping propellers
2.6 Tandem propellers
2.7 Controllable pitch propellers
2.8 Waterjet propulsion
2.9 Cycloidal propellers
2.10 Paddle wheels
2.11 Magnetohydrodynamic propulsion
2.12 Superconducting motors for marine propulsion
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Propulsion systems 13

The previous chapter gave an outline of the early devel- production of spare propellers, has now virtually dis-
opment of the propeller up to around 1900 together appeared from use. Alternatively, for small propellers,
with a few insights into its subsequent progress. In use is frequently made of materials such as the poly-
this chapter we move forward to the present day and mers, aluminium, nylon and more recently carbon fibre
consider, again in outline, the range of propulsion sys- composites.
tems that are either currently in use or have been under For fixed pitch propellers the choice of blade number,
development. The majority of the topical concepts and notwithstanding considerations of blade-to-blade clear-
systems discussed in this chapter are considered in ances at the blade root to boss interface, is largely an
greater detail in later chapters; however, it is impor- independent variable and is normally chosen to give
tant to gain an overview of the subject prior to dis- a mismatch to the range of hull, superstructure and
cussing the various facets of propulsion technology in machinery vibration frequencies which are considered
more depth. Accordingly, the principal propeller types likely to cause concern. Additionally, blade number is
are briefly reviewed by outlining their major features also a useful parameter in controlling unwelcome cavi-
and characteristics together with their general areas of tation characteristics. Blade numbers generally range
application. from two to seven, although in some naval applica-
tions, where considerations of radiated noise become
important, blade numbers greater than these have been
researched and used to solve a variety of propulsion
2.1 Fixed pitch propellers problems. For merchant vessels, however, four, five and
six blades are generally favoured, although many tugs
The fixed pitch propeller has traditionally formed the and fishing vessels frequently use three-blade designs.
basis of propeller production over the years in either its In the case of small work or pleasure power-boats
mono-block or built-up forms. Whilst the mono-block two-and three-bladed propellers tend to predominate.
propeller is commonly used today the built-up propeller, The early propeller design philosophies centred on
whose blades are cast separately from the boss and then the optimization of the efficiency from the propeller.
bolted to it after machining, is now rarely used. This Whilst today this aspect is no less important, and, in
was not always the case since in the early years of this some respects associated with energy conservation, has
century built-up propellers were very common, partly assumed a greater importance, other constraints on
due to the inability to achieve good quality large cast- design have emerged. These are in response to calls for
ings at that time and partly to difficulties in defining the the reduction of vibration excitation and radiated noise
correct blade pitch. In both these respects the built-up from the propeller. This latter aspect has of course been
propeller has obvious advantages. Nevertheless, built- a prime concern of naval ship and torpedo propeller
up propellers generally have a larger boss radius than its designers for many years; however, pressure to intro-
fixed pitch counterpart and this can cause difficulty with duce these constraints, albeit in a generally less stringent
cavitation problems in the blade root section regions in form, into merchant ship design practice has grown
some cases. in recent years. This has been brought about by the
Mono-block propellers cover a broad spectrum of increases in power transmitted per shaft; the use of after
design types and sizes, ranging from those weighing deckhouses; the maximization of the cargo carrying
only a few kilograms for use on small power-boats to capacity, which imposes constraints on the hull lines;
those, for example, destined for large container ships ship structural failure and international legislation.
which can weigh around 130 tonnes and require the For the majority of vessels of over 100 tonnes dis-
simultaneous casting of significantly more metal in placement it is possible to design propellers on whose
order to produce the casting. Figure 2.1 shows a collage blades it is possible to control, although not elimi-
of various types of fixed pitch propeller in use today. nate, the effects of cavitation in terms of its erosive
These types range from a large four-bladed propeller fit- effect on the material, its ability to impair hydrodynamic
ted to a bulk carrier and is seen in the figure in contrast performance and it being the source of vibration exci-
to a man standing on the dock bottom, through highly tation. In this latter context it must be remembered that
skewed propellers for merchant and naval applications, there are very few propellers which are free from cav-
to small high-speed patrol craft and surface piercing itation since the greater majority experience cavitation
propellers. at some position in the propeller disc: submarine pro-
As might be expected, the materials of manufac- pellers when operating at depth, the propellers of towed
ture vary considerably over such a wide range of array frigates and research vessels when operating under
designs and sizes. For the larger propellers, over part load conditions are notable exceptions, since these
300 mm in diameter, the non-ferrous materials pre- propellers are normally designed to be subcavitating
dominate: high-tensile brass together with the man- to meet stringent noise emission requirements to min-
ganese and nickel–aluminium bronzes are the most imize either detection or interference with their own
favoured types of materials. However, stainless steel instruments. Additionally, in the case of propellers oper-
has also gained limited use as will be seen in Chap- ating at significant water depths such as in the case of
ter 18. Cast iron, once a favourite material for the a submarine, due account must be taken of the additional
14 Marine propellers and propulsion
Propulsion systems 15

hydrostatic pressure-induced thrust which will have to propellers are termed surface piercing propellers and
be reacted by the ship’s thrust block. their design immersion, measured from the free surface
For some small, high-speed vessels where both the to the shaft centre line, can be reduced to zero; that is,
propeller advance and rotational speeds are high and the propeller operates half in and half out of the water. In
the immersion low, a point is reached where it is not these partially immersed conditions the propeller blades
possible to control the effects of cavitation acceptably are commonly designed to operate such that the pressure
within the other constraints of the propeller design. To face of the blade remains fully wetted and the suction
overcome this problem, all or some of the blade sec- side is fully ventilated or dry. This is an analogous oper-
tions are permitted to fully cavitate, so that the cavity ating regime to the supercavitating propeller, but in this
developed on the back of the blade extends beyond the case the blade surface suction pressure is at atmospheric
trailing edge and collapses into the wake of the blades conditions and not the vapour pressure of water.
in the slipstream. Such propellers are termed super-
cavitating propellers and frequently find application
on high-speed naval and pleasure craft. Figure 2.2(c) 2.2 Ducted propellers
illustrates schematically this design philosophy in con-
trast to non-cavitating and partially cavitating propeller Ducted propellers, as their name implies, generally
sections, shown in Figure 2.2(a) and (b), respectively. comprise two principal components: the first is an annu-
lar duct having an aerofoil cross-section which may be
either of uniform shape around the duct and, therefore,
symmetric with respect to the shaft centre line, or have
certain asymmetric features to accommodate the wake
field flow variations. The second component, the pro-
peller, is a special case of a non-ducted propeller in
which the design of the blades has been modified to take
account of the flow interactions caused by the presence
of the duct in its flow field. The propeller for these units
can be either of the fixed or controllable pitch type and
in some special applications, such as torpedo propul-
sion, may be a contra-rotating pair. Ducted propellers,
sometimes referred to as Kort nozzles by way of recog-
nition of the Kort Propulsion Company’s initial patents
and long association with this type of propeller, have
found application for many years where high thrust at
low speed is required; typically in towing and trawling
situations. In such cases, the duct generally contributes
some 50 per cent of the propulsor’s total thrust at zero
ship speed, termed the bollard pull condition. However,
this relative contribution of the duct falls to more mod-
est amounts with increasing ship speed and it is also
Figure 2.2 Propeller operating regimes:
(a) non-cavitating; (b) partially cavitating and possible for a duct to give a negative contribution to
(c) supercavitating the propulsor thrust at high advance speeds. This latter
situation would nevertheless be a most unusual design
When design conditions dictate a specific hydro- condition to encounter.
dynamic loading together with a very susceptible cavi- There are nominally two principal types of duct form,
tation environment, typified by a low cavitation number, the accelerating and decelerating duct, and these are
there comes a point when even the supercavitating pro- shown in Figure 2.3(a), (b), (c) and (d), respectively. The
peller will not perform satisfactorily: for example, if underlying reason for this somewhat artificial designa-
the propeller tip immersion becomes so small that the tion can be appreciated, in global terms by considering
propeller tends to draw air from the surface, termed ven- their general form in relation to the continuity equation
tilation, along some convenient path such as along the of fluid mechanics. This can be expressed for incom-
hull surface or down a shaft bracket. Eventually, if the pressible flow in a closed conduit between two stations
immersion is reduced sufficiently by either the design a-a and b-b as,
or operational constraints the propeller tips will break ρAa νa = ρAb νb (2.1)
surface. Although this condition is well known on cargo
vessels when operating in ballast conditions and may, where νa is the velocity at station a-a;
in these cases, lead to certain disadvantages from the νb is the velocity at station b-b;
point of view of material fatigue and induced vibration, Aa is the cross-section area at station a-a;
the surface breaking concept can be an effective means Ab is the cross-section area at station b-b and
of propelling relatively small high-speed craft. Such ρ is the density of the fluid.
16 Marine propellers and propulsion

Figure 2.3 Duct types: (a) accelerating duct; (b) ‘pull–push’ duct; (c) Hannan slotted duct and (d) decelerating duct

Within this context station b-b can be chosen in way duct and providing reasonable engineering clearances
of the propeller disc whilst a-a is some way forward between the blade tips and the duct: recognizing that
although not necessarily at the leading edge. In the case from the hydrodynamic viewpoint that the clearance
of Figure 2.3(a), which shows the accelerating duct, it should be as small as possible.
can be seen that Aa is greater than Ab since the internal Many standard duct forms are in use today but those
diameter of the duct is greater at station a-a. Hence, most commonly used are shown in Figure 2.3. While
from equation (2.1) and since water is incompressible, the duct shown in Figure 2.3(a), the Wageningen 19A
νa must be less than νb which implies an acceleration form, is probably the most widely used and has a good
of the water between stations a-a and b-b; that is, up to ahead performance, its astern performance is less good
the propeller location. The converse situation is true in due to the aerofoil form of the duct having to work in
the case of the decelerating duct shown in Figure 2.3(d). reverse: that is, the trailing edge effectively becomes the
To determine precisely which form the duct actually is, leading edge in astern operations. This is of relatively
if indeed this is important, the induced velocities of minor importance in, say, a trawler or tanker, since for
the propeller also need to be taken into account in the the majority of their operating lives they are essentially
velocity distribution throughout the duct. unidirectional ships. However, this is not true for all
By undertaking a detailed hydrodynamic analysis vessels since some, such as tugs, are expected to have
it is possible to design complex duct forms intended broadly equal capabilities in both directions. In cases
for specific application and duties. Indeed, attempts at where a bidirectional capability is required a duct form
producing non-symmetric duct forms to suit varying of the type illustrated in Figure 2.3(b), the Wageningen
wake field conditions have been made which result in No. 37 form, might be selected since its trailing edge
a duct with both varying aerofoil section shape and represents a compromise between a conventional trail-
incidence, relative to the shaft centre line, around its ing and leading edge of, for example, the 19A form. For
circumference. However, with duct forms it must be this type of duct the astern performance is improved
appreciated that the hydrodynamic desirability for a but at the expense of the ahead performance, thereby
particular form must be balanced against the practi- introducing an element of compromise in the design
cal manufacturing problem of producing the desired process. Several other methods of overcoming the dis-
shape if an economic, structurally sound and competi- advantages of the classical accelerating duct form in
tive duct is to result. This tenet is firmly underlined by astern operations have been patented over the years.
appreciating that ducts have been produced for a range One such method is the ‘Hannan slot’, shown in Fig-
of propeller diameters from 0.5 m or less up to around ure 2.3(c). This approach, whilst attempting to preserve
8.0 m. For these larger sizes, fabrication problems can the aerodynamic form of the duct in the ahead condi-
be difficult, not least in maintaining the circularity of the tion allows water when backing to enter the duct both
Propulsion systems 17

in the conventional manner and also through the slots obviates the need for a rudder, is mounted on pintles
at the trailing edge in an attempt to improve the astern whose axes lie on the vertical diameter of the propeller
efficiency of the unit. disc. This then allows the duct to be rotated about
When the control of cavitation and more particularly the pintle axes by an inboard steering motor and con-
the noise resulting from cavitation is of importance, use sequently the thrust of the propeller can be directed
can be made of the decelerating duct form. A duct form towards a desired direction for navigation purposes.
of this type, Figure 2.3(d), effectively improves the local Clearly, however, the arc through which the thrust can
cavitation conditions by slowing the water before pass- be directed is limited by geometric constraints. Appli-
ing through the propeller. Most applications of this duct cations of this type can range from small craft, such as
form are found in naval situations, for example, with harbour tugs, to comparatively large commercial ves-
submarines and torpedoes. Nevertheless, some special- sels as shown by Figure 2.5. A further application of
ist research ships also have needs which can be partially the steerable ducted propeller which has gained con-
satisfied by the use of this type of duct in the appropriate siderable popularity in recent years, particularly in the
circumstances. offshore field, is the azimuthing thruster where in many
An interesting development of the classical ducted cases these units can be trained around a full 360◦ .
propeller form is found in the pump jet, Figure 2.4.
The pump jet sometimes comprises a row of inlet guide
vanes, which double as duct supports, followed by a row
of rotor blades which are finally followed by a stator
blade row. Typically, rotor and stator blade numbers
might lay between 15 and 20, respectively, each row
having a different blade number. Naturally there are
variants of this basic design in which the blade numbers
may be reduced or the inlet guide vanes dispensed with.
The efficiency achievable from the unit is dependent
upon the design of the rotor, the rotor–stator interaction,
the final stator row in converting the swirl component
of the flow generated by the rotor into useful thrust and
the reduction of the guide vane size in order to limit skin
friction losses: hence, the desirability of not using them
if possible. The pump jet in this form is largely restricted
to military applications and should not be confused with
a type of directional thruster discussed in Chapter 14.

Figure 2.5 Steerable ducted propeller

2.3 Podded and azimuthing


Figure 2.4 Outline of a pump jet Azimuthing thrusters have been in common use for
many years and can have either non-ducted or ducted
propeller arrangements. They can be further classified
The ducts of ducted propellers, in addition to being into pusher or tractor units as seen in Figure 2.6. The
fixed structures rigidly attached to the hull, are in some essential difference between the azimuthing and podded
cases found to be steerable. The steerable duct, which propellers lies in where the engine or motor driving the
18 Marine propellers and propulsion

Tractor arrangements of podded and azimuthing

propulsors generally have an improved inflow velocity
field since they do not have a shafting and A-bracket
system ahead of them to cause a disturbance to the
inflow. This tends to help suppress the blade rate har-
monic pressures since the relatively undisturbed wake
field close to zero azimuthing angles is more conducive
to maintaining low rates of growth and collapse of cavi-
ties. However, there is a tendency for these propellers to
exhibit broadband excitation characteristics and during
the design process care has to be exercised to minimize
Figure 2.6 Pusher and tractor thruster units
these effects. At high azimuthing angles then the flow
field is more disturbed.
propeller is sited. If the motor is sited in the ship’s hull Each of these systems posses significant manoeuvra-
then the system would be termed an azimuthing propul- bility advantages, however, when used in combinations
sor and most commonly the mechanical drive would be of two or more care has to be exercised in preventing
of a Z or L type to the propeller shaft. Frequently, the the existence of sets of azimuthing angle where the
drive between the vertical and horizontal shafts is via propulsors can mutually interfere with each other. If
spiral bevel gears. this occurs large fluctuating forces and moments can be
In the case of a podded propulsor the drive system induced on the shaft system and significant vibration
normally comprises an electric motor directly coupled can be encountered.
to a propeller shaft which is supported on two rolling
element bearing systems: one frequently being a radial
bearing closest to the propeller while the other is spher-
ical roller bearing at the opposite end of the shaft line. 2.4 Contra-rotating propellers
Nevertheless, variants of this arrangement do exist. The
propellers associated with these propulsors have been of The contra-rotating propeller principle, comprising
the fixed pitch type and are commonly built-up although two coaxial propellers sited one behind the other and
their size is not particularly large. Currently, the largest rotating in opposite directions, has traditionally been
size of unit is around the 23 MW capacity and the use associated with the propulsion of aircraft, although
of podded propulsors has been mainly in the context of Ericsson’s original proposal of 1836, Figure 1.7, used
cruise ships and ice breakers where their manoeuvring this method as did de Bay’s design for the Iolair shown
potential have been fully realized. Clearly, however, in Figure 1.11.
there are a number of other ship types which might Contra-rotating propulsion systems have the hydro-
benefit from their application. Figure 2.7 shows a typical dynamic advantage of recovering part of the slip-
example of a large podded propulsor unit. stream rotational energy which would otherwise be lost

Figure 2.7 Typical podded propulsor unit

Propulsion systems 19

to a conventional single screw system. Furthermore,

because of the two propeller configuration, contra-
rotating propellers possess a capability for balancing
the torque reaction from the propulsor which is an
important matter for torpedo and other similar propul-
sion problems. In marine applications of contra-rotating
propulsion it is normal for the aftermost propeller to
have a smaller diameter than the forward propeller and,
in this way, accommodate the slipstream contraction
effects. Similarly, the blade numbers of the forward and
aft propellers are usually different; typically, four and
five for the forward and aft propellers, respectively.
Contra-rotating propeller systems have been the
subject of considerable theoretical and experimental
research as well as some practical development exer-
cises. Whilst they have found a significant number
of applications, particularly in small high-speed out-
board units, operating for example at around 1500 to
2000 rpm, the mechanical problems associated with
the longer line shafting systems of larger vessels have
generally precluded them from use on merchant ships.
Interest in the concept has had a cyclic nature: interest
growing and then waning. A recent upsurge in interest in
1988, however, has resulted in a system being fitted to a
Figure 2.8 Overlapping propellers
37 000 dwt bulk carrier (Reference 1) and subsequently
to a 258 000 dwt VLCC in 1993.
arrangement may be associated with lower building
costs, and this is portrayed as one further advantage
2.5 Overlapping propellers for the concept.
When designing this type of propulsion system sev-
This again is a two-propeller concept. In this case eral additional variables are presented to the designer.
the propellers are not mounted coaxially but are each These are the direction of propeller rotation, the dis-
located on separate shaft systems with the distance tance between the shafts, the longitudinal clearance
between the shaft centre lines being less than the between the propellers and the stern shape. At the
diameter of the propellers. Figure 2.8 shows a typical present time there are only partial answers to these ques-
arrangement of such a system; again this is not a recent tions. Research tends to suggest that the best direction of
idea and references may be found dating back over rotation is outward, relative to the top-dead-centre pos-
a hundred years: for example, Figure 1.12 showing ition and that the optimum distance between the shafts
Taylor’s design of 1830. lies below 0.8 D. In addition there are indications that
As in the case of the contra-rotating propeller prin- the principal effect of the longitudinal spacing of the
ciple, recent work on this concept has been largely propellers is to be found in vibration excitation and
confined to research and development, and the system that propulsion efficiency is comparatively insensitive
has rarely been used in practice. Research has largely to this variable.
centred on the effects of the shaft spacing to propeller
diameter ratio on the overall propulsion efficiency in the
context of particular hull forms (References 2 and 3). 2.6 Tandem propellers
The principal aim of this type of propulsion arrangement
is to gain as much benefit as possible from the low- Tandem propeller arrangements are again not a new
velocity portion of the wake field and, thereby, increase propulsion concept. Perhaps the best-known example
propulsion efficiency. Consequently, the benefits is that of Parson’s Turbinia where three propellers were
derived from this propulsion concept are intimately mounted on each of the three propellers in order to
related to the propeller and hull propulsion coefficients. overcome the effects of cavitation induced thrust break-
Despite one propeller working partially in the wake of down, Figure 2.9. Indeed, the principal reason for the
the other, cavitation problems are not currently thought employment of tandem propellers has been to ease
to pose insurmountable design problems. However, sig- difficult propeller loading situations; however, these
nificant increases in the levels of fluctuating thrust and occasions have been relatively few. The disadvantage of
torque have been identified when compared to single- the tandem propeller arrangement when applied to con-
screw applications. In comparison to the twin-screw ventional single and twin-screw ships is that the weights
alternative, research has indicated that the overlapping and axial distribution of the propellers create large
20 Marine propellers and propulsion

Figure 2.9 Tandem propeller arrangement on a shaft line ofTurbinia

bending moments which have to be reacted principally from representing a small proportion of the propellers
by the stern tube bearings. produced to its current position of having a very sub-
Some azimuthing and podded propulsor arrange- stantial market share. This growth is illustrated by
ments, however, employ this arrangement by having Figure 2.10 which shows the proportion of control-
a propeller located at each end of the propulsion shaft, lable pitch propeller systems when compared to the total
either side of the pod body. In this way the load is shared number of propulsion systems classed with Lloyd’s Reg-
by the tractor and pusher propellers and the weight ister during the period 1960 to 2004, taken at five-year
induced shaft moments controlled. intervals. From this figure it can be seen that currently
the controllable pitch propeller has about a 35 per cent
market share when compared to fixed pitch propulsion
2.7 Controllable pitch propellers systems, whilst Table 2.1 shows the relative distribution
of controllable pitch propellers within certain classes of
Unlike fixed pitch propellers whose only operational ship type. From the table it is seen that the controllable
variable is rotational speed, the controllable pitch pro- pitch propeller is currently most favoured in the pas-
peller provides an extra degree of freedom in its ability senger ship and ferry, general cargo, tug and trawling
to change blade pitch. However, for some propulsion markets, noting of course thatTable 2.1 relates to vessels
applications, particularly those involving shaft-driven with installed powers of greater than 2000 bhp.
generators, the shaft speed is held constant, thus redu- The controllable pitch propeller, although of neces-
cing the number of operating variables again to one. sity possessing a greater degree of complexity than
While this latter arrangement is very convenient for the fixed pitch alternative, does possess a number of
electrical power generation it can cause difficulties in important advantages. Clearly, manoeuvring is one such
terms of the cavitation characteristics of the propeller by advantage in that fine thrust control can be achieved
inducing back and face cavitation at different propulsion without necessarily the need to accelerate and deceler-
conditions. ate the propulsion machinery. Furthermore, fine control
The controllable pitch propeller has found application of thrust is particularly important in certain cases: for
in the majority of the propeller types and applications so example, in dynamic positioning situations or where
far discussed in this chapter with the possible exception frequent berthing manoeuvres are required such as in
of the contra-rotating and tandem propellers, although short sea route ferry operations. Moreover, the basic
even in this extreme example of mechanical complexity controllable pitch propeller hub design can in many
some development work has been undertaken for certain instances be modified to accommodate the feathering
specialist propulsion problems. In the last forty years of the propeller blades. The feathering position is the
the controllable pitch propeller has grown in popularity position where the blades are aligned approximately
Propulsion systems 21
22 Marine propellers and propulsion

Figure 2.11 Controllable pitch propeller schematic operating systems: (a) pull–push rod system and (b) hub
piston system

pose problems that cannot be either directly or indirectly but with a finite ship speed the blades are designed to
solved by known design practices. feather. At the present time these propellers have only
Certain specialist types of controllable pitch pro- been used on relatively small craft.
peller have been designed and patented in the past. Two The Pinnate design is to some extent a controllable
examples are the self-pitching propeller and the Pinnate pitch–fixed pitch propeller hybrid. It has a blade acti-
propeller, both of which are modern versions of much vation mechanism which allows the blades to change
earlier designs. Self-pitching propellers are a modern pitch about a mean position by varying angular amounts
development of Griffiths’ work in 1849. The blades are during one revolution of the propeller. The purpose of
sited on an external crank which is pinned to the hub the concept is to reduce both the magnitude of the blade
and they are free to take up any pitch position. The cyclical forces and cavitation by attempting to adjust the
actual blade pitch position taken up in service depends blades for the varying inflow velocity conditions around
on a balance of the blade loading and spindle torque the propeller disc. Trials of these types of propeller have
components which are variables depending on, amongst been undertaken on small naval craft and Simonsson
other parameters, rotational speed: at zero shaft speed describes these applications (Reference 7).
Propulsion systems 23

2.8 Waterjet propulsion surface piercing propellers and waterjet systems are to
some extent competitors for some similar applications.
The origin of the waterjet principle can be traced back to Waterjet units, however, tend to be heavier than conven-
1661, when Toogood and Hayes produced a description tional propeller-based systems and, therefore, might be
of a ship having a central water channel in which either a expected to find favour with larger craft; for example,
plunger or centrifugal pump was installed to provide the large wave-piercing ferries.
motive power. In more recent times waterjet propulsion In terms of manoeuvrability the waterjet system is
has found considerable application on a wide range of potentially very good, since deflector units are normally
small high-speed craft while its application to larger fitted to the jet outlet pipe which then direct the water
craft is growing with tunnel diameters of upwards of flow and hence introduce turning forces by changing the
2 m being considered. direction of the jet momentum. Similarly for stopping
The principle of operation of the present-day waterjet manoeuvres, flaps or a ‘bucket’ can be introduced over
is that in which water is drawn through a ducting system the jet outlet to redirect the flow forward and hence
by an internal pump which adds energy after which the apply an effective reactive retarding force to the vessel.
water is expelled aft at high velocity. The unit’s thrust
is primarily generated as a result of the momentum
increase imparted to the water. Figure 2.12 shows, in 2.9 Cycloidal propellers
outline form, the main features of the waterjet system
and this method of propulsion is further discussed in Cycloidal propeller development started in the 1920s,
Chapter 16. initially with the Kirsten–Boeing and subsequently the
Voith–Schneider designs. As discussed in Chapter 1, it
is interesting to note that the Kirsten–Boeing design was
very similar in its hydrodynamic action to the horizontal
waterwheel developed by Robert Hooke some two and
half centuries earlier in 1681.
The cycloidal or vertical axis propellers basically
comprise a set of vertically mounted vanes, six or eight
in number, which rotate on a disc mounted in a horizon-
Figure 2.12 Waterjet configuration tal or near horizontal plane. The vanes are constrained
to move about their spindle axis relative to the rotating
The pump configuration adopted for use with a water- disc in a predetermined way by a governing mechan-
jet system depends on the specific speed of the pump; ical linkage. Figure 2.13(a) illustrates schematically
specific speed Ns being defined in normal hydraulic the Kirsten–Boeing principal. It can be seen from the
terms as figure that the vanes’ relative attitude to the circumfer-
ence of the circle, which governs their tracking path,
(N )Q1/2
Ns = (2.2)
H 3/4
where Q is the quantity of fluid discharged, N is the
rotational speed and H is the head.
For low values of specific speed centrifugal pumps
are usually adopted whereas for intermediate and high
values of Ns axial pumps and inducers are normally
used, respectively. The prime movers usually associated
with these various pumps are either gas turbines or high-
speed diesel engines.
Waterjet propulsion offers a further dimension to the
range of propulsion alternatives and tends to be used
where other propulsion forms are rejected for some
reason: typically for reasons of efficiency, cavitation
extent, noise or immersion and draught. For example,
in the case of a small vessel travelling at say 45 knots
one might expect that a conventional propeller would be
fully cavitating, whereas in the corresponding waterjet
unit the pump should not cavitate. Consequently, the
potential for waterjet application, neglecting any small
special purpose craft with particular requirements, is Figure 2.13 Vertical axis propeller principle:
where conventional, transcavitating and supercavitating (a) Kirsten–Boeing propeller and (b) Voith–Schneider
propeller performance is beginning to fall off. Indeed propeller
24 Marine propellers and propulsion

is determined by referring the motion of the vanes to a separate rudder installation on the vessel. Despite the
a particular point on that circumference. As such, it relative mechanical complexity, these propellers have
can be deduced that each vane makes half a revolution shown themselves to be reliable in operation over many
about its own pintle axis during one revolution of the years of service.
entire propeller disc. The thrust magnitude developed
by this propeller design is governed by rotational speed
alone and the direction of the resulting thrust by the 2.10 Paddle wheels
position of the reference point on the circumference of
the vane-tracking circle. Paddle propulsion, as is well known, predates screw
The design of the Voith–Schneider propeller is rather propulsion however, this form of propulsion has almost
more complex since it comprises a series of linkages completely disappeared except for a very few special-
which enable the individual vane motions to be con- ized applications. These are to be found largely on
trolled from points other than on the circumference of lakes and river services either as tourist or nostalgic
the vane-tracking circle. Figure 2.13(b) demonstrates attractions, or alternatively, where limited draughts are
this for a particular value of the eccentricity (e) of the encountered. Nevertheless, the Royal Navy, until a few
vane-control centre point from the centre of the disc. years ago, also favoured their use on certain classed of
By controlling the eccentricity, which in turn governs harbour tug where they were found to be exceptionally
the vane-pitch angles, both the thrust magnitude and manoeuvrable. The last example of a seagoing paddle
direction can be controlled independently of rotational steamer, the Waverley, is seen in Figure 2.14.
speed. In the case of the Voith–Schneider design, in The principal reason for the demise of the paddle
contrast to the Kirsten–Boeing propeller, the individual wheel was its intolerance of large changes of draught
vanes make one complete revolution about their pintle and the complementary problem of variable immersion
axes for each complete revolution of the propeller disc. in seaways. Once having been superseded by screw
In many cases the units are provided with guards to help propulsion for ocean-going vessels their use was largely
protect the propulsor blades from damage from external confined through the first half of this century to river
sources. steamers and tugs. Paddle wheels, however, also suf-
Vertical axis propellers do have considerable advan- fered from damage caused by flotsam in rivers and were
tages when manoeuvrability or station keeping and relatively expensive to produce when compared to the
this is an important factor in the ship design, since equivalent fixed pitch propeller.
the resultant thrust can be readily directed along any Paddle design progressed over the years from the
navigational bearing and have variable magnitude. original simple fixed float designs to the feathering
Indeed, this type of propeller avoids the necessity for float system which then featured throughout much of its

Figure 2.14 P.S. Waverley : Example of a side wheel paddle steamer

Propulsion systems 25

Figure 2.15 Paddle wheel (Reproduced from Reference 8)

life. Figure 2.15 shows a typical feathering float paddle

wheel design from which it can be seen that the float
attitude is governed from a point just slightly off-centre
of the wheel axis. Feathering floats are essential to
good efficiency on relatively small diameter and deeply
immersed wheels. However, on the larger wheels, which
are not so deeply immersed, feathering floats are not
essential and fixed float designs were normally adopted.
This led to the practice of adopting feathered wheels in
side-mounted wheel applications, such as were found
on the Clyde or Thames excursion steamers, because of
the consequent wheel diameter restriction imposed by
the draught of the vessel. In contrast, on the stern wheel
propelled vessels, such as those designed for the Mis-
sissippi services, the use of fixed floats was preferred
since the wheel diameter restriction did not apply.
The design of paddle wheels is considerably more
Figure 2.16 Paddle wheel float relative velocities
empirical than that of screw propellers today, never-
theless, high propulsion efficiencies were achieved
and these were of similar orders to equivalent screw- resultant vector represents the absolute velocity at the
propelled steamers,. Ideally, each float of the paddle point of entry and to avoid shock at entry, that is a
wheel should enter the water ‘edgeways’ and without vertical thrusting action of the float, the float should be
shock having taken due account of the relative velo- aligned parallel to this vector along the line YY. How-
city of the float to the water. Relative velocity in still ever, this is not possible practically and the best that can
water has two components: the angular speed due to be achieved is to align the floats to the point B and this is
the rotation of the wheel and the speed of the vessel Va . achieved by a linkage EFG which is introduced into the
From Figure 2.16 it can be seen that at the point of entry system. Furthermore, from Figure 2.16 it is obvious that
A, a resultant vector ā is produced from the combination the less the immersion of the wheel (h), the less is the
of advance speed Va and the rotational vector ωR. This advantage to be gained from adopting a feathering float
26 Marine propellers and propulsion

system. This explains why the fixed float principal is

adopted for large, lightly immersed wheels.
With regard to the overall design parameters, based
on experience it was found that the number of fixed
floats on a wheel should be about one for every foot of
diameter of the wheel and for feathering designs this
number was reduced to around 60 or 70 per cent of the
fixed float ‘rule’. The width of the floats used in a par-
ticular design was of the order of 25 to 40 per cent of
the float length for feathering designs, but this figure
was reduced for the fixed float paddle wheel to between
20 and 25 per cent. A further constraint on the immer-
sion of the floats was that the peripheral speed at the
top of the floats should not exceed the ship speed and,
in general, feathering floats were immersed in the water
up to about half a float width whilst with sternwheel-
ers, the tops of the floats were never far from the water
The empirical nature of paddle design was recognized
as being unsatisfactory and in the mid 1950s Volpich
and Bridge (References 9 to 11), conducted systematic
experiments on paddle wheel performance at the Denny
tank in Dumbarton. Unfortunately, this work came at
the end of the time when paddle wheels were in use
as a common form of propulsion and, therefore, never
achieved its full potential.

2.11 Magnetohydrodynamic
Magnetohydrodynamic propulsion potentially provides
a means of ship propulsion without the aid of either
propellers or paddles. The laws governing magneto-
hydrodynamic propulsion were known in the nineteenth
century and apart from a few isolated experiments
such as that by Faraday when he attempted to mea-
sure the voltage across the Thames induced by its
motion through the earth’s magnetic field and the work
of Hartmann on electromagnetic pumps in 1918, the
Propulsion systems 27

Figure 2.18 Internal magnetic field electromagnetic propulsion unit: (a) the dipole propulsion unit with internal magnetic
field and (b) a cross-section through a prototype propulsion unit

to create the Lorentz forces necessary for propulsion. a major obstacle to the development of electromagnetic
Nevertheless, the efficiency of a unit is low due to propulsion until relatively recently was that the super-
the losses caused by the low conductivity of sea water. conducting coil, in order to maintain its zero-resistance
The efficiency, however, is proportional to the square of property, required to be kept at the temperature of
the magnetic flux intensity and to the flow speed, which liquid helium, 4.2 K (−268◦ ). This clearly requires
is a function of ship speed. Consequently, in order to the use of thermally well-insulated vessels in which
arrive at a reasonable efficiency it is necessary to create the superconducting coil could be placed in order to
a strong magnetic flux intensity by the use of power- maintain these conditions. The criticality of this thermal
ful magnets. In order to investigate the full potential condition can be seen from Figure 2.20 which indicates
of these systems at prototype scale a small craft, Yam- how the resistance of a superconductor behaves with
ato 1, was built for trial purposes by the Japanese and temperature and eventually reaches a critical tempera-
Figure 2.18(b) shows a cross section through one of ture when the resistance falls rapidly to zero. Supercon-
the prototype propulsion units, indicating the arrange- ductors are also sensitive to current and magnetic fields;
ment of the six dipole propulsion ducts within the unit. if either become too high then the superconductor will
Figure 2.19 shows the experimental craft, Yamato 1. fail in the manner shown in Figure 2.21.
Electromagnetic propulsion does have certain poten- Superconductivity began with the work of Kamer-
tial advantages in terms of providing a basis for noise lingh Onnes at Leiden University in 1911 when he
and vibration-free hydrodynamic propulsion. However, established the superconducting property for mercury in

Figure 2.19 Yamato 1: Experimental magnetohydrodynamic propulsion craft

28 Marine propellers and propulsion

Table 2.2 Development of superconducting ceramic


Date Ceramic oxide Superconducting

temperatures (K)

September 1986 La Ba Cu O 35
January 1987 Y Ba Cu O 93
January 1988 Bi Sr Ca Cu O 118
February 1988 Tl Ba Ca Cu O 125

Whilst these advances are clearly encouraging since

they make the use of superconducting coils easier from
the thermal insulation viewpoint, many ceramic oxides
are comparatively difficult to produce. First, the process
by which the superconductor is made is very important
if the correct molecular structure is to be obtained and
second, ceramics are brittle. Consequently, whilst this
form of propulsion clearly has potential and significant
advances have been made, both in the basic research and
application, much work still has to be done before this
type of propulsion can become a reality on a commercial
scale or even the concept fully tested.

Figure 2.20 Superconducting effect

2.12 Superconducting motors for
marine propulsion
Notwithstanding the problems for magnetohydro-
dynamic propulsion, superconductivity has in the
last few years shown its potential for the produc-
tion of marine propulsion motors using the high-
temperature superconductors of Bi-2223 material
[(Bi,Pb)2 Sr2 Ca2 Cu3 Ox ] which have a Tc of 110 K but
operate at a temperature of 35 to 40 K. This mate-
rial has, at the present time, been demonstrated to
be the most technically viable material for propulsion
motors. In the USA a 5 MW demonstrator machine
Figure 2.21 Effect of a magnetic field on a has proved satisfactory and a 25 MW demonstrator
superconductor is being constructed to demonstrate the potential for
marine propulsion purposes. In addition to other marine
propulsion applications the relatively small diameter of
liquid helium; for this work he won a Nobel Prize. Work these machines, if finally proved satisfactory, may have
continued on superconductivity, however, progress was implications for podded propulsors since the hub diam-
slow in finding metals which would perform at tempera- eter may be then reduced given that this diameter is
tures as high as that of liquid nitrogen, −196◦ C. By principally governed by the electric motor size.
1973 the best achievable temperature was 23 K. How-
ever, in 1986 Muller and Bednorz in Zurich turned
their attention to ceramic oxides which had hitherto References and further reading
been considered as insulators. The result of this shift
of emphasis was to immediately increase the critical 1. IHI CRP System for Large Merchant Ships, Ship
temperature to 35 K by the use of a lanthanum, barium, Technology International ’93, SPG, 1993.
copper oxide compound: this discovery led to Muller 2. Kerlen, H., Esveldt, J., Wereldsman, R. Propul-
and Bednorz also being awarded a Nobel Prize for their sion, Cavitation and Vibration Characteristics
work. Consequent on this discovery, work in the USA, of Overlapping Propellers for a Container Ship.
China, India and Japan intensified, leading to the series Schiffbautechnische Gesellschaft, Berlin, Novem-
of rapid developments depicted in Table 2.2. ber 1970.
Propulsion systems 29

3. Restad, K., Volcy, G.G., Garnier, H., Masson, J.C. 9. Volpich, Bridge. Preliminary model experiments.
Investigation on free and forced vibrations of an Trans. IESS, 98, 1954–55.
LNG tanker with overlapping propeller arrange- 10. Volpich, Bridge. Systemic model experiments.
ment. Trans. SNAME, 1973. Trans. IESS, 99, 1955–56.
4. Plumb, C.M. Warship Propulsion System Selec- 11. Volpich, Bridge. Further model experiments and
tion. I.Mar.EST, 1987. ship model correlation. Trans. IESS, 100, 1956–57.
5. Smith, D.W. Marine Auxiliary Machinery (6th edn). 12. Rice, W.A. US Patent 2997013, 22, August 1961.
Butterworth-Heinemann, UK, 1983. 13. Iwata, A., Tada, E., Saji, Y. Experimental and the-
6. Brownlie, K. Controllable Pitch Propellers, oretical study of superconducting electromagnetic
I.Mar.EST. ISBN 1-902536-01-X. ship propulsion. Paper No. 2, 5th Lips Propeller
7. Simonsson, P. The Pinnate Propeller, Depart- Symposium, May 1983.
ment of Mechanics, Royal Institute of Technology, 14. Iwata, A. Superconducting electromagnetic propul-
Stockholm, 1983. sion system. Bull. of Mar. Eng. Soc., 18(1),
8. Hamilton, F.C. Famous Paddle Steamers. Marshall, 1990.
London, 1948.
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