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ANALYTICAL Add a Heading Here

The laboratory activity that I
witness for the first time is the blow-
job activity. In this activity, a simple
routine of inhaling and exhaling can
be the product of learning in
chemistry specifically in the
experiment. Phenolphthalein is an
acid/base indicator. It is colorless
when it is an acid and pink when it is
a base. Lime water is a calcium
hydroxide solution, which is a base.
Lime water was added to the regular
water in the solution. Lime water is a
base, so when the phenolphthalein
was added to the solution, it turned
the solution pink. When I exhaled
into the solution, the carbon dioxide
in a person's breath reacted with the
water to form Carbonic Acid. When
enough carbonic acid is formed it
neutralizes the lime water, which is a
base and makes the solution an
acid. Therefore, with the
phenolphthalein, the color
disappears in the now acidic
solution. As you keep blowing your
breath into the solution, there is now
an excess of hydrogen ions or acid.
I would like to thank the
people behind the successful
semester in Analytical Chemistry.
First, to our instructor in this
course, Mr. Jefferson Flores who
is always there for us and giving
his best always in teaching us.
And also for understanding and
caring even if we are not that good
academically. Second, to my
classmates, my second family
which I can share and always UNFORGETABLE
there for all time. Lastly, to my EXPERIENCES IN THE LAB
ACTIVITY THAT HAD TAKEN family who gives moral support
SERIOUSLY when I feel down. The most unforgettable that I
encounter in the Analytical
Chemistry was there is always a
The activity that I/We need collaborative learning in our section
to take it seriously is the titration. before the class starts. With this, we
Because, as we put the NaOh in are able to know each other and
the solution of the HCl with antacid there is cooperation each one of us.
tablet together an indicator, we But, no matter what and how hard
need to give serious attention we study is, there is no improvement
since it easily changes the color of of my or our grades. I always ask
solution into magenta. The color myself if what’s wrong with me. And
must be pink. sometimes I compare myself to
another. And every time I refresh
what we did and review the topic last
time I thought I really learned but
during the test or quiz, I felt
disappointment to myself.
In the laboratory activities, I
have violated some guidelines
before, during, after and how
to use laboratory equipment.
Here is the list I have violated
in the laboratory:

EXPERIE NCES 1. I ate food inside of the science
The laboratories we had was 2. Every time I get some equipment
a great experience. Since the for our activity I didn’t check the
experiment we had in this glassware if there is crack.
3. I didn’t acclimatize the glassware
semester was a first-hand
for the first time.
experience, we are able to
4. Because of curiosity, I always
learn more and also enjoyed. smell the chemicals every time
May I or we don’t have a good we had an activity.
academic performance or we 5. In measuring the concentration of
didn’t meet the objectives in the solution, I used beaker and
the evaluation, what most Erlenmeyer flask instead of
important is the learning and volumetric flask.
we are able to understand the 6. I wear my ring during the
concept through experiments. laboratory activity.
Those experiment will be 7. After the activity, I mixed the left
helpful to us in our future over chemical substances after
the activity and I throw it
career because we can able to
share to our students and
facilitate those laboratory
experiments to our future

Republic of the Philippines

Leyte Normal University
Tacloban City

Reflection Paper
in Analytical Chemistry
Submitted by: Resty Z. Lerios
Submitted to: Mr. Jefferson Flores RN, LPT

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