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Let`s Try This

Processing questions

1. As I do the activity, I felt my emotions rushing in because of the things and

scenarios I thought about. I observed that I was anxious about my body posture
and to my attitude upon facing the difficulties or obstacles in my life. Thus, this
also taught me and made me aware of my emotions that I show to my friends,
family, and colleagues.
2. It was easy, because all I have to do is to act my true self in front of a mirror
where I was tasked to think about these given scenarios and act what would I do
in that specific scenario.
3. Yes, I did mirror out my emotions since the theme of the task was to let myself
see how`d I act in front of myself and to the other people. What I did was I
pictured out the scenario and be myself on that scenario while I see with my eyes
on how I would react on that scenario.
4. The strength I saw upon doing the activity was that I am determined to do my
best because the person I have in relationship is supporting me to reach my
goals in life. But the weakness I have is that I get anxious easily, I would be
brave for a minute but after that I would be thinking negative thoughts that would
slow me down.

Activity 2

Personal Stop Minimize Continue improve start


1 Better Sleeping late Using Keeping my Reading in Developing a

grades for at night gadgets for notes advance daily personal
this year gaming orderly study plan
2 Being Eating Slouching Exercising Balanced diet Doing a fitness
physically fit unhealthy after eating plan
3 Having a Facing Using of Resting eyes Discipline on Minimizing
good eyesight radiated gadgets for 4 to 5 not to use facing gadgets
phones for hours of phones
hours sleep
4 Know how to Being terrified The stop of Learning the Air by diving Watching
swim of sea water paddling the basic for seconds videos of
feet swimming under the tutorials online
strokes water
5 To be a honor Using The use of Studying for Reading Organizing the
student cellphones gadgets 4 to 6 hours comprehensio topics and
always n subjects to
study it easily

Processing question

1. I find this activity interesting and encouraging since it aims for me to strategize
my goals in life and taught me what are the strengths and weaknesses in
attaining my goals.
2. This would help me attain my goals because it provides discipline to things for
me to obtain success. This also helps me create new sets of goals after I
achieved my goals.
3. The possible barriers that would slow me down is the resting period and my
anxiety to things, because the resting period is a waste of time but it is essential
to us humans since we feel tiredness in our body and to avoid fatigue that would
most likely consume 2 to 4 days of resting. While the anxiety is that I am afraid
that I might not overcome the obstacles upon achieving my goals.

Activity 3

(Poem Writing)

I valued myself on what did I become,

And appreciated the good things I`ve done.

I felt happy on how far I`ve come,

Thanked myself for being number one.

What I have learned

 Despite having hard difficulties and obstacles, I pledged to myself that no matter
what happens I will be standing still and held my head high while I face those
hardships that will come.
Share your thoughts and feelings

My insights upon reading the texts written on the module and answering the questions
given is that this modules means that we shouldn`t give up on the things we`ve come
this far and we should continue our goals because there is only small amount of time
and we will attain or achieve the dream we`ve been dreaming.

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