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Study Guide Exam No. 2, Friday, March 13.

Please do
not ask to take this exam at another time.

Covered in your readings and lectures: Subjects/topics explored

in literature, art and music in the romantic age. How are these
illustrated in works we have listened to in class and are on your
Listening Assignments?
Social context for music in the 19th century.
Beethoven’s influence on 19th century music. Evolution of
Beethoven’s style from Early to Late period works.
The romantic Lied.
Italian opera from Rossini to Verdi.
Verdi and the evolution of Italian opera styles in the 19th century.
La Traviata
Music in the salons and drawing rooms in the romantic period.
The cult of virtuosity In the romantic age.
Women as composers in the 19th century.
Important composers covered:
Schubert, Schumann (Clara and Robert), Mendelssohn (Fanny and
Felix), Bellini, Donizetti, Verdi, Weber, Paganini, Heinrich Wilhelm
Ernst, Amy Beach, Teresa Carreño.
Know all the music on Listening 5-8, including texts for vocal works
and dramatic situations/character(s) singing in operatic excerpts.

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