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May 21-26, 2012

A midst the growing population of Patul National High School is the completion of school’s facilities to
improve the learning status and physical development around the vicinity of the campus. The goal to attain
quality education faces the strong demand of meeting the needs of the learners. Yet, it’s a fact to shoulder
responsibilities by making the institution a well-improved destination to visit. Reminiscing its early existence
from borrower to owner of classroom buildings contribute a lot in inspiring stakeholders to feel empathy with
the school’s existing dilemma.
Each school year produces products of accomplishment initiated by the city government. Both internal and
external stakeholders display a community of oneness to come up with the following projects:
1. The visage of the classroom reflects a conducive learning site where things found in its four corners are
newly repaired, repainted, and replaced by desirable furniture.

2. The walls of the classrooms are repainted for a better atmosphere; school’s benches are repaired and
repainted as additional spots to maintain; computer laboratory is also repainted to bring enthusiasm while
the learners are encouraged to be well-equipped with technical know-how; classrooms and offices are well
improved with the uniform painting and physical arrangement.

3. The beauty of the school’s ground was made possible by the conglomerated efforts and skills of
volunteers who are good in landscaping.

4. Additional comfort rooms were developed and constructed to cater urinal problems and improve
unnecessary scent; school’s benches and lavatories are evidently seen with their useful functions; the
construction of separate offices, the guidance and prefect of discipline play the most important role of
maintaining peace and order among student-clienteles.
5. The drainage system is one of the needed facilities to improve especially when typhoon comes. Its on-going
construction becomes the answer to the school’s flooded site. To minimize number of cutting classes,
perimeter fence is another major project of the school where its construction is still on-going.

6. The on-going cultivation of different gardens with respective areas of maintenance shall be fully-developed
through the guidance of botanical experts.
7. The school’s signage marks the name of our school which shall be known based on the outstanding projects
to accomplish.

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