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Instructor de la Especialidad


La lectura es una de las habilidades más utilizadas en el mundo, pero a la vez es
la menos motivante, dado que en ocasiones hay textos muy extensos y con
vocabulario complejo que dificulta su comprensión y le resta interés al texto;
afortunadamente existen nuevos métodos que facilitan obtener la información
necesaria y con ello aumentar el léxico personal.
En este orden de ideas y con la finalidad de cumplir con el propósito de esta
evidencia, consulte el material complementario denominado Integration of products
and services.
Luego de esta consulta, resuelva el siguiente taller sobre comprensión lectora:

1. Find the main idea of paragraphs 1, 2, 9, 10, 11, and 12, and write them in a

paragraph 1: speaking of the three factors which combine to remodel the foundations
of the modern economy, digital revolution, international competition and cultural and
structural trends
paragraph 2: the main idea of this paragraph is as the economy was redesigning its
rules and the role of the industrial revolution where the. consummators and users
are becoming increasingly important in the economy.
paragraph 9: the main idea the value added with new technologies, products and
paragraph 10: the main idea the competitive advantages are more fluid from what
used to be, which require dynamic approaches to competitiveness and productivity.
paragraph 11: the main idea he economy is influenced by continuous cultural and
structural changes; the exchange economy and the expectations of consumers will
become dominant even in business-to-business transactions
paragraph 12: the main idea the products are increasingly adapted to the needs of
consumers the energy system is changing, the energy will become a service and not
just a commodity supplied providing new opportunities for energy service providers
and aggregators and bringing new digital products to life

2 Write a summary of ten lines from the text.

The economy has three factors: digitalization, globalization and sociocultural

transformations combine to produce a more versatile, creative and interactive economy,
where value is increasingly found in the interoperability between products and services,
products adapt every time more to the needs of consumers. configure the value chain of
manufacturing and open the way to personalized production and the appearance of
hyperconnected services. If the industrial era was marked by standardization, the digital era
is about personalization, Europe should accelerate its integration of technology, services
and design to seek success and advance in the race to the top that the most important
competitors seek. the search for sustainable and high-quality jobs complementing it with its
traditional strength in the manufacturing industry

3 Choose a paragraph and translate it with your own words

Jobs in developed economies have 30 to 55% in service functions and 20 to 25% in

manufacturing production is represented in the search for high quality jobs have a link
between production countries that have teaching methods high quality industry-oriented

4 Choose ten words from the text and organize them alphabetically. Look for the
meaning of each word.

communications Business communication is the strategic planning area within the framework of a company
companies A company is that company that has been organized as a limited company, labor, limited, etc
consumers It refers to talk about the person who consumes products or goods in a market society
factors The factors are circumstances or elements that form a set with other variables, these helps
produce a result
influence This verb refers to the effects that one thing produces on another
innovation Innovation is an action of change that is a novelty
Integration constitute a whole, complete a whole with the missing parts or make someone or something
become part of a whole
Products It is known as a product that has been manufactured
services A Service is a set of actions which are performed to serve someone, something or some cause
Strategy it's a plan to conduct a matter

1 Match the term with the corresponding meaning

a Client d Things created by projects.

b Solution c A series of tasks to be done in a specified sequence.
c Engagement a A customer.
d Project b Products and services that solve a client’s problem.
e Deliverable e An agreement between client-service provider.

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