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Name ____________________________________________ Date _____________________

Active Voice vs. Passive Voice

In active voice sentences, the subject does the action.
The people voted for a town curfew.
In passive voice sentences, the subject receives the action.
A town curfew was voted for by the people.

Directions: Convert each sentence form active to passive or from passive to active.
1. The artist created a series of modern masterpieces.
2. The winning tomato at the county fair was grown by Jimmy Smith.
3. The best performance of the night was performed by the Macy City High School Band.
4. Bobby’s parents gave him a new car for his graduation present.
5. Students celebrated the completion of their final exams with a big party.
6. The notes played by the musicians were flawless.
7. The doctor diagnosed the first case of flu this season.
8. The introduction to the book was written by the author’s father.


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