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Keluarga memiliki 6 efek terhadap kesehatan dari anggota keluarganya :

1. Pengaruh Genetik
setiap individu adalah produk dari interaksi antara genotipe dan lingkungannya. Kemajuan
terbaru dalam mendeskripsikan dan memahami genom manusia membuatnya lebih penting
dalam hal dokter keluarga menjadi fasih dan mampu mengkomunikasikan pentingnya hasil
konseling genetik kepada pasien dan keluarga mereka.
2. Peran keluarga sangat krusial pada masa pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak
Although children have a remarkable capacity for overcoming early difficluties, there is a large
body of evidence supporting the relationship between family dysfunction and childhood
disorders- both physical and behavioral
Parental deprivation for prolonged periods is associated with psychological problems, including
suicide, depression, and personality disorder. The relatinship is by no means constant, and the
outcome depend on individual factors such as the previous parent-child relationship and the
availabily of parent substitutes. The evidence is sufficiently suggestive, however, for the family
physician to advise parents to avoid separation from the child whenever possible in the crucial
stage between 3 months and 4 years. When separation is unavoidable, as in the serious illness
of mother or child, care should be taken to minimize the trauma by providing a good mother-
substitute or by keeping the child;s time in the hospital to a minimum.
Study has continued to demonstrate the importance of parenting and the harmful effect or
parenting failure on child development. Klaus have demonstrate the importance of early
postnatal bodning between mother and child, a relationship enhanced by breast feeding but
made more difficult by some of the procedures used in obstetric units/
Parental neglect, both physical and emotional, is considered to be the most common cause of
failure to thrive. In emotinally deprived children, the secretion of growth hormone is reduced.
Inadequate parenting has a range of effects on child development. From physical trauma at one
end of the scale to mild behavior disorders at the other. What makes this doubly important is
that children deprived of adequate parenting are likely to repeat the same pattern when
themselves become parents
3. Beberapa keluarga lebih rentan terhadap penyakit dibandingkan yang lain

The psychological and social characteristics of parents showed a stronger relationship with the
frequency of illness in their children than with their own. Children had more illnesses when their
parents tended to avoid conflicts. Their mother was little invoved in social networks outside the
family. Their parents were prone to somatic complaints. Their parents had less than average
sense of well-being. Their mother was strongly inclined to accept the sick role. There was a
disrepancy in their parents knowledge of the complaints of the spouse.

4. Penyakit infeksi yang menyebar di keluarga

The number of infections is directly related to family size. Preschool children are the most
susceptible to infectious because they have not yet acquired immunity. Children starting school
are more likely to bring infections home because they exposed to other children at a time when
their immunity is incomplte. The number of infections falls rapidly as immunity is acquired
during the early school years.
The same infection may take different forms as it spreads through the family. A virus may
produce sore throat in one member, diarrhea in another, cough and coryza in another. The
mumps virus may produce parotitis in one member, orchitis in another, tuberculosis, venereal
disease, intestinal parasites, and skin infections must be included in any list of family infections
5. Faktor keluarga yang mempengaruhi morbilitas dan mortalitas
Mortality is significantly increased in widowers and widows in the first year after bereavement.
This increase in mortality is not confine to one or two causes of death. It covers the whole range
of diseases.
Mortality for most causes of death is much higher among widower, divorced, and single people
than among the married. Widowers are especially susceptible. Lilienfield have shown that
yourng widowers (age 25-35) have a mortality rate 12 times higher than the comparable
married grouf for tuberculosis, eight times higher for vascular lesions of the nervous system, 10
times higher for hypertensive heart disease, eight times higher for influenza and pneumonia,
and nearly five times higher for arteriosclerotic.
Bereavement is associated with an increase in consultation rate. This probably represents both a
true increase in mobidity rate and an increased utilization of medical services
6. Keluarga yang memiliki peran penting dalam proses penyembuhan dari penyakit
Family support is an important factor in the outcome of all kinds of ilness, but especially in
chronic illness and disability. Satterwhile found that children with chronic disease fared better
in well-functioning than in poorly functioning family.
When combined with the emerging understanding from the neuroscience, a picture is evolving
that recognizes the impact of genetic endowment, prenatal and early childhood environment,
on later physicial and mental health and over the course of a person’s lifetimee. This begins to
provide a unified vision of human health and disease for family practitioners. It fits well with the
fundamental assumptions in the discipline of family medicine when we comfort an adult with a
new diagnosis, we need to understand the entire history of patient, not only current and recent
life style choices.
The physician who has attended a patient for a long period of their life time, perhaps including
the prenatal period, delivery, and childhood, has an obvious advantage in coming to an
insightful understanding and helping their patient cope realistically with the implication of a
new diagnosis, illness, or life event. Indeed, such a physician has become an integral part of the
patient’s life history and vice versa. In addition, however, this new understanding of the
importance of host factors in early life requires physicians to be advocates for measures that
address negative environmental influences in early life

Rujukan ke perawatan spesialis: dewasa

Pertimbangkan rujukan ke perawatan spesialis jika:

• Penyebab mendasar dari kelebihan berat badan dan obesitas yang perlu dinilai

• Ada keadaan penyakit yang kompleks dan / atau kebutuhan yang tidak dapat dikelola secara
memadai dalam perawatan primer atau sekunder

• Pengobatan konvensional gagal

• Intervensi spesialis mungkin diperlukan

• Terapi obat sedang dipertimbangkan untuk seseorang dengan BMI 50 kg / m2 atau lebih

• Pembedahan sedang dipertimbangkan

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