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Anthony’s College
Nursing Department


Name of Patient: S.S.T. Attending Physician: Dr.V

Age: 70 yrs. old Ward/Bed Number: ICU Bed no.5 Impression/ Diagnosis: _____________

Name of Drug Dosage, Mech. of Action Indication Adverse Special Nursing

Route, Reactions Precautions Responsibilities
Generic: Dosage: Lactulose Treatment of *Diarrhea Patients with *Check the physicians
Lactulose 30ml promotes constipation *Severe lactose order.
peristalsis by diarrhea which intolerance, *Follow the 10 rights
Brand: producing an may lead to diabetes of medications.
Lilac osmotic effect in hypovolemia, mellitus, gastro- *Monitor blood
the colon with hypokalemia, cardiac pressure, serum
Route: resultant and syndrome electrolyes, fluid status
Oral distention. hypernatremia. (roembheld and bowel movement
*Pneumatosis syndrome) patterns.
cystoides *Advice patient to
intestinalis drink sufficient amount
of fluids (6-8 glasses
Frequency: *Assess for history of
Classification: HS Contraindications: Side Effects: allergy to lactulose.
Functional: Galactosaemia, Nausea, *Ask patient to report
Laxative gastrointestinal Vomiting, diarrhea, severe
obstruction or flatulence, pain belching, abdominal
subocclusive or distension, fullness.
Timing: syndromes, acute Dehydration, *Monitor patient or ask
Pharmacological 8pm inflammatory abdominal her if she already has
: bowel disease cramps defecated in order for
Colonic acidifier (e.g. ulcerative her diaper to be
colitis, Crohn’s changed.
disease), *Clean patient and
digestive replace diaper once
perforation or risk defecated. Dispose
of digestive diaper properly.
painful abdominal
syndromes of
unknown cause,
low galactose

Student’s Name:Cen Janber A. Cabrillos BSN 4

Clinical Instructor:Ms.Deannah Lou F. Tampus, RN

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