Clinical Informatics in Critical Care

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Clinical Informatics in Critical Care

Article  in  Journal of Intensive Care Medicine · June 2004

DOI: 10.1177/0885066604264016 · Source: PubMed


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3 authors, including:

George Daniel Martich Michael Imhoff

University of Pittsburgh Ruhr-Universität Bochum


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Clinical Informatics in Critical Care

G. Daniel Martich, MD*

Carl S. Waldmann, MA, MB, BChir, FRCA, EDIC†
Michael Imhoff, MD, PhD‡

claim that efficiencies, greater productivity,

Health care information systems have the potential to
enable better care of patients in much the same manner as
increased revenues, and improved customer satis-
the widespread use of the automobile and telephone did faction have been a direct result of automation.
in the early 20th century. The car and phone were rapidly Still, hospitals are at least as complex as banks, air-
accepted and embraced throughout the world when these lines, or steel plants. Even without an electronic
breakthroughs occurred. However, the automation of patient record, a 300-bed hospital in the United
health care with use of computerized information systems
has not been as widely accepted and implemented as com-
Kingdom will generate 500,000 transactions every
puter technology use in all other sectors of the global day; about the same number of transactions as a
economy. In this article, the authors examine the need, 180-branch bank network in the same time. In the
risks, and rewards of clinical informatics in health care as United Kingdom, intensive care costs about £1.5
well as its specific relationship to critical care medicine. billion ($2.35 billion) annually. Can you name
another multimillion-pound business that runs
Key words: electronic medical record, electronic health record,
clinical information systems, clinical decision support, comput- without computerization?
erized physician order entry, health care informatics, critical We in health care have fallen woefully behind
care information systems, leapfrog, Institute of Medicine, med- other industries in automation of many processes.
ical errors, clinical decision support, return on investment
• Is there a need for clinical information systems
(CIS) in critical care?
• What should a CIS do for critical care?
The New York Stock Exchange developed its first • Why is there a reluctance to embrace information
automated quotation system in 1953, electronic technology in health care?
ticker display boards in 1966, and by 1996, it had a • Can clinical decision support improved care?
fully integrated technology network with wireless • What is the return on investment for CIS?
data system. Stock markets throughout the world
have similarly relied on electronic transaction sys- In this article, we will address the above ques-
tems for years. Banks and mutual fund companies tions and discuss the state of the art of health care
do not balance their books at the end of the day informatics.
using paper and pen, but rather through electronic
spreadsheets with linked databases. The airline
industry, too often used as a benchmark for the Is There a Need for CIS in Critical Care?
health care industry, could not fly the thousands of
flights with disparate equipment to all corners of Perhaps the most gripping reason for development
the globe without electronic tracking and reserva- of CIS comes from the reports of the Institute of
tion systems. Each of these industries can rightfully Medicine (IOM). The IOM, part of the National
Academy of Sciences, is an adviser on scientific and
From the *Department of Critical Care Medicine, University of
Pittsburgh School of Medicine; †Intensive Care Unit, Royal
technological matters to the US government. In
Berkshire Hospital, Reading, UK; and the ‡Surgical Intensive June 1998, the IOM Quality of Health Care in
Care Unit, Klinikum Dortmund gGmbH, Dortmund, Germany. America Committee was formed and ultimately
Received Jul 14, 2003, and in revised form Jan 28, 2004. concluded in their report “To Err Is Human” that as
Accepted for publication Jan 31, 2004.
many as 98,000 Americans die each year from pre-
Address correspondence to Dr G. Daniel Martich, Department of ventable medical mistakes they experience during
Critical Care Medicine, 3550 Terrace Street, Room 602B,
Pittsburgh, PA 15261. hospitalizations [1]. The report goes on to indicate
Martich GD, Waldmann CS, Imhoff M. Clinical informatics in that there are more deaths in hospitals each year
critical care. J Intensive Care Med. 2004;19:154-163. from preventable medical mistakes than there are
DOI: 10.1177/0885066604264016 from motor vehicle accidents, breast cancer, or AIDS.

154 Copyright © 2004 Sage Publications

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Clinical Informatics in Critical Care

The single leading type of error is the medication Compliance With Accreditation Rules
error. Estimates range from 4% to 20% of all hos-
pitalized patients encountering medication errors The every-3-year assessment of hospitals in the
[2,3]. These errors result in increased charges of United States by the Joint Committee on Accredi-
$2900 to $9000 per error, save litigation costs [4-6]. tation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) man-
One of the oft-repeated recommendations from this dates compliance with certain standards. This year,
IOM report is that information systems could the JCAHO has developed 6 new core competen-
reduce these mistakes considerably. cies for all ICUs. These include the following [18]:

• ICU-1, ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP; VAP

prevention: patient positioning): numerator = num-
Information Overload ber of ventilator days in which the patient’s head of
at the Point of Care bed is elevated equal to or greater than 30°;
denominator = total number of ventilator days.
• ICU-2, stress ulcer disease (SUD) prophylaxis:
An intensive care unit (ICU) is a data-rich environ- numerator = number of ventilator days in which
ment. When so many data elements need to be patients received SUD prophylaxis; denominator =
turned into information and knowledge, errors total number of ventilator days.
occur because of sheer volume. A physician may • ICU-3, deep vein thrombosis (DVT) prophylaxis:
numerator = number of ventilator days in which
be confronted with more than 200 variables during
patients received DVT prophylaxis; denominator =
typical morning rounds [7]. However, even an total number of ventilator days.
experienced physician is often not able to develop • ICU-4, central line associated primary blood stream
a systematic response to any problem involving infection (BSI): numerator = number of central
more than 7 variables [8]. Moreover, humans are line–associated BSI by type of ICU; denominator =
number of central line days by type of ICU.
limited in their ability to estimate the degree of
• ICU-5, risk adjusted ICU length of stay by type of
relatedness between only 2 variables [9]. This prob- ICU: continuous variable statement = mean length
lem is most pronounced in the evaluation of the of stay for ICU patients by type of ICU.
measurable effect of a therapeutic intervention. • ICU-6, risk-adjusted hospital mortality for ICU
Personal bias, experience, and a certain expecta- patients: numerator = total number of adult patients
having had an ICU stay and whose hospital out-
tion toward the respective intervention may distort
come is death; denominator = total number of adult
an objective judgment [10]. patients having had a qualified ICU stay.
While the first IOM report did not focus on care
in ICUs, the report does suggest that critically ill Each of these measures makes a strong case for
patients are at a particularly high risk for adverse capturing data electronically at the point of care.
events. That ICU risk, as high as 17.7% for death or For instance, for the VAP core competency, the
disability and nearly 46% for any type of adverse measurement needed by the JCAHO requires
event, was highlighted in “To Err Is Human” [11]. reporting the number of days that the head of the
The abundance of information generated during bed is tilted at least 30° upward in a mechanically
the process of critical care can now be captured ventilated patient (numerator) over the total num-
and stored using CIS, which provide for complete ber of ventilated days (denominator) for the
medical documentation at the bedside. The clinical patient. This would need to be done for all venti-
usefulness and efficiency of CIS have been shown lated patients and would be a daunting task with-
repeatedly [12-15]. out electronic documentation by the bedside nurse,
On the level of the hospital enterprise, informa- data capture, and database analysis tools.
tion overload is an issue too. In addition to the In Germany, in conjunction with disease-related
administrative aspects of such a complex enter- groups (DRGs) as the sole method for inpatient
prise, new and much more complicated reimburse- reimbursement, health care authorities will require
ment and accounting policies lead to an un- hospitals to publish quality benchmarks and also
matched complexity of data and information [16]. accumulate accreditation data after 2005. This can
The volume of scientific literature is growing realistically be captured only by means of an elec-
exponentially. As of 1993, the number of systemat- tronic patient record.
ic reviews in medicine increased 500-fold during In the United Kingdom, a recent government ini-
a 10-year period [17]. It is impossible for the indi- tiative has set up the Modernisation Agency for
vidual health care professional to keep track of all Critical Care to try to ensure standardization of pro-
relevant medical knowledge even in very narrow tocols for transfers and the introduction of care
subspecialities. bundles for stress ulcer prophylaxis and DVT pro-

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Martich et al

phylaxis with hopes to address other issues such as payer’s perspective, has explicitly defined 3 issues
the management of head-injured patients not that will influence their choice of health care organ-
requiring neurosurgery in district general hospi- izations for their respective companies’ health
tals. Now that more than two-thirds of UK ICUs plans. These 3 major goals would result in leaps
subscribe to the Intensive Care National Audit and forward for health care, with a 105% to 50% reduc-
Research Centre, it has been possible for ICUs to tion in patient mortality. Attendant to these 3 aims
measure themselves on case-mix adjusted outcome was the explicit cost savings associated with better
against other units. Each of these initiatives, includ- care to their employees both directly by decreasing
ing data collection and standardization, lends itself the cost of the health insurance and indirectly by
perfectly to the use of CIS for the ICUs. reducing lost days of work by the employee. The
medical directors of many Fortune 500 companies
determined these goals. The goals were chosen on
Shortage of Intensivists the basis of likely impact on health care quality,
attainability, and ease of explanation to large seg-
It is well known, at least among intensivists, that in ments of the population. The initiatives can be
addition to national and global shortages of nurses, found in Table 1, with the translation to the sixth
there are too few intensivists to staff ICUs across grader next to the original goal.
the United States and the world. While intensivist-
led care teams demonstrate improved mortality, it
would be impossible to physically provide each Data Security and Confidentiality
ICU with enough intensivists on site to demonstrate
the better outcomes. Therefore, 1 possible solution Yet another requirement for pursuing CIS imple-
using information technology (IT) in the ICU is to mentations in hospitals includes the Health
create an e-ICU. One commercial model for such a Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
virtual ICU care team is that established by VISICU (HIPAA) in the United States. This act demands that
[19]. The VISICU model is dependent on 2 essential hospitals know which individuals have accessed
factors: technology at the bedside capable of cap- patient-specific data. This daunting task cannot be
turing vital signs, medication administration, docu- done with paper charts. Only with electronic time,
mentation, and laboratory information and hospi- date, and person stamping will this degree of iden-
tal/physician practice change behavior to enable an tification be in compliance with the law. Compara-
off-site intensivist to lead the care team. ble rules and legislation apply in many other
developed countries, where federal or state super-
vision of confidentiality of private data, including
What Should a CIS Do specifically patient data, has a long tradition.
for Critical Care?
Current State

The Leapfrog Group

In addition to the reasons mentioned already, there Documentation in Critical Care
are many other compelling initiatives that push for
the development of CIS. The first of these ideas The patient record remains the principal instrument
should be well known to intensivists around the for ensuring continuity of care. The numerous
world despite being a proposal by American com- drugs and devices for diagnostics, monitoring, and
panies to improve health care in the United States. therapy combined with the steadily increasing acu-
This initiative, called Leapfrog, was presented on ity of our patients prompt a demand for an
January 26, 2000, to the Senate committee of improvement of integration and acquisition of data
Health, Education, Labor and Pensions by Dr Arnie [20,21]. The current methods for documentation are
Milstein, the medical director of the Pacific Group fraught with inefficiencies. The paper chart can be
on Health. A group of large employers, such as used by only one individual at a time. The paper
General Electric, International Business Machines, chart can be in only one location at a time. The
General Motors, and Boeing, who have also paper chart is fragmented (Fig 1) and does not
focused on the issue of medical errors from the allow for extraction of data across a defined popu-

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Clinical Informatics in Critical Care

Table 1. Leapfrog Group Standards for Improving Health Care

Translation From Mother
Leapfrog Initiative Goal to Her Sixth Grader
1. Computer physician order entry (CPOE): physician order entry in hospitals Doctors have bad penmanship so
should be computerized. Adverse drug treatments are the leading cause of they should type directly what
avoidable death and disability in American hospitals. they really want for the patient
into a computer.

2. Evidence-based hospital referral: patients requiring selected complex Practice makes perfect.
treatments should routinely be referred to hospitals that offer the best odds
of survival, based on risk-adjusted comparisons or based on a hospital’s
annual volume of such treatment.

3. Intensive care unit physician staffing standard: physicians with credentials Really sick patients need doctors
in critical care medicine should at least, during the day, actively monitor who specialize in care of really
patients in intensive care units. sick patients.

These items represent in numerical order up to a 50%, 30%, and 10% reduction in mortality according to the literature. The common-
language “translation” of each of these initiatives is stated in the right-hand column.

lation of patients. The discordance between the

mass of data and the capacity of paper-based doc-
umentation leads to major defects in information
processing. As many as 30% to 50% of all interven-
tions and observations are not recorded, especially
in emergency situations [16,20,22].
Although many vendors offer CIS software sys-
tems for critical care, only a very small minority of
ICUs inside and outside the United States are using
paperless documentation. Despite its very small
market penetration, CIS for critical care can be con-
sidered a mature product. In many instances, sys-
tems have been on the market today for more than
20 years.
Some ICUs have replaced the paper record at the Fig 1. A partial medical record. Three of 7 total paper
bedside by a computerized patient record. Early portions of a patient’s current inpatient paper chart that
studies reported optimistic figures for achievable has been debrided in an intensive care unit because of
time savings with electronic ICU documentation. the size of the chart and inability to close the binder.
Two of the other parts of the current admission’s chart
Estimates of 30 to 90 minutes saved per shift per could be found on other medical/surgical units. Two
nurse with a CIS compared to manual documenta- parts of this patient’s chart were never found.
tion were reported [12,23,24]. In recent years, a
more realistic evaluation of the potential of time
saving from electronic documentation alone has at the point of care is the indispensable prerequi-
prevailed. More recent studies suggest that only site for any workflow automation and for any effec-
minor time savings are feasible but that adoption of tive implementation of computerized physician
an electronic flow sheet (Fig 2) significantly order entry (CPOE).
improves the quality of documentation and care
It must be assumed that documentation alone, Why Is There a Reluctance
while definitely feasible with CIS, is not an end in to Embrace IT in Health Care?
and of itself. Electronic documentation at the bed-
side becomes extremely productive when the data Most health care institutions in the Western world
are used for further analysis and processing (eg, have already implemented IT systems for business
charge capture, quality control) and for medical administration, billing, and accounting. Although
process control (eg, online decision support, elec- these systems provide some of the IT infrastructure
tronic protocols). Electronic data capture with a CIS needed to support clinical systems, most of these

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Fig 2. Electronic data capture. A sample computerized spreadsheet with the patient’s noninvasive blood pressure high-
lighted with the detail of who, what, and when the data were entered on this test patient, automatically captured dur-
ing the documentation process. Similar data capture occurs each time a patient’s record is accessed electronically.

installations cannot handle the kind of medical minology of total quality management, an explicit
information that is necessary to manage the process method (eg, a computerized protocol) is part of the
of care. Today there are only very few examples of stabilization of the process necessary to improve
robust, integrated hospital-based clinical informa- quality [30,31]. With the above background infor-
tion systems, notably most in the United States [26]. mation, the major focus in health care informatics
Only about 20 full CPOE systems are installed in US in the United States has been CPOE with or with-
hospitals [27]. out electronic decision support systems. While
Moreover, investments into IT systems to im- endorsed by the Leapfrog Group and recommend-
prove the quality of care have to compete for fund- ed by the IOM, many hospitals and vendors are
ing with legally required changes, such as HIPAA in struggling to implement these extremely complex
the United States or the introduction of DRGs in systems. Physician order entry can be considered
Germany. It is also noteworthy that about 70% of the key to medical process control. It is probably
all medical IT projects do not fully succeed [27]. the most complex functionality in any CIS.
The major factor in the recent and remote failures
of CPOE has been the lack of process control in
(Lack of) Process Control hospitals [32-34]. Physicians have long been taught
to “trust no one but yourself” and are in many ways
Point-of-care CIS allows the broadest control over independent practitioners of their trade despite
the process of care. Outstanding examples for the being members of private group practices or aca-
management of process control are computerized demic departments. Therefore, when CIS and
protocols, clinical pathways, and guidelines. Order CPOE “force” the individual physician down a
entry and decision support systems offer a unique pathway that is not to his or her liking, he or she
opportunity to dramatically improve the quality of will rebel. That rebellion has stopped the imple-
care while reducing overall costs [28,29]. In the ter- mentation of CPOE efforts despite all of the hereto-

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Clinical Informatics in Critical Care

fore mentioned need at Cedars-Sinai Medical tribution of confidential medical information has
Center in Los Angeles [35]. been mentioned numerous times by the lay press
This example shows how important it is that with a multitude of high-profile cases. The physi-
complex medical information systems fit into the cians who begin with skepticism over adoption of
clinician’s workflow. The importance of under- CIS can rightly point to the lack of data security
standing medical workflows on a very detailed stewards scrutinizing access to every piece of a
level before implementing medical information sys- person’s record.
tems cannot be overstated [34,36].

Time Is Money
Experience shows that the largest investments are
Before process control manifests itself as an issue, needed to provide the information infrastructure
however, physicians most often disdain new infor- such as electronic patient records and physician or-
mation systems because it costs them extra time. der entry systems, while the cost of implementing and
Unlike attorneys who bill quarter hours for even maintaining online CDS in these systems is moder-
thinking about a case, intensivists in the United ate [39-41]. Depending on the kind of decision sup-
States can charge a 99291 code beginning at only port and the level of standardization, even expen-
the 31-minute threshold and up to 75 minutes for sive systems have the potential to generate signifi-
the time spent actually caring for the patient. The cant financial return on investment [16,42].
extra time required logging in to CIS or waiting for The implementation costs for CIS can be stagger-
the processing of lab data, orders, and so forth ing, in the range of $5 to $20 million for a single
results in frustration from simply waiting for com- hospital. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that
puter screen flips. While realtors worldwide con- CPOE is not widely implemented in US hospitals or
stantly speak the mantra of “location, location, around the rest of the world. Hospital operating
location” when it comes to properties they wish to margins in the United States average less than 3%;
sell, physicians who are selling CIS deployments indeed, many hospitals are hemorrhaging red ink.
stress to our technology colleagues the need for In the United Kingdom, the National Health
“performance, performance, performance.” In Service has experienced embarrassment following
other words, lack of speed kills when it comes to massive investment in computer systems. The most
physician adoption of CIS. Early analysis of the recent fiasco concerned the information system
extra time spent by medical residents at Regenstreif introduced for dealing with calls by the London
Institute found that it took an extra 5.5 minutes per Ambulance Service. The system reportedly resulted
patient per day to enter orders using CPOE versus in ambulances being sent to wrong addresses and
handwriting orders [37]. When that is multiplied by delay in care resulting in several deaths [43]. It is no
an average ICU census of 12 critically ill patients, wonder, then, that hospital administrators and
more than an hour will be added to the intensivist’s boards of directors are often fearful of implement-
day in performing a function formerly done by unit ing an unfamiliar technology such as CIS. With no
clerks. Several investigators have found and sup- clear-cut vendor-provided electronic health record
ported what most of us feel when working with system leading the marketplace and the bursting of
computers: speed is everything [38,39]. It has been the dotcom balloon, hospital’s capital-improvement
shown that fast response times are what medical dollars are more often spent on bricks and mortar
users value most in their IT systems. For CPOE and than on picks and clicks on a computer screen.
clinical decision support (CDS) systems, typical
response times should be subsecond [36].
Further Problems

Don’t Surf My Electronic Records! Also, significant technological hurdles have still to
be overcome. Most decision support applications
All of the advantages of sharing information via CIS and any kind of qualified data analysis require con-
can be washed down the drain with one example sistent and standardized medical vocabularies,
of inappropriate sharing or access to electronic which are still lacking in all developed countries
patient records. Not exclusive to physicians or despite the formidable efforts of international and
other clinicians, the concern over widespread dis- national organizations [44].

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But there may be even more daring challenges to changes were to avert potential adverse drug
the implementation of IT to reduce medical errors events [49].

• The successful implementation of medical informa-

tion technology often requires changes in the way What Is the Return on
health care professionals think and act. These may Investment for CIS?
include, among other issues, the standardization of
care, the abandonment of personal style, and The increasing pressure on health care expendi-
development of trust in computer systems.
• The small number of fully evidence-based guide-
tures and cost-effectiveness of care has made
lines and pathways indicates the need for sub- return on investment (ROI) analysis more impor-
stantiation and validation of medical guidelines and tant for the health care professional [13,29,45]. In
common practices in a timely and cost-efficient other industries, the scope of ROI most often is
manner. very clear. It is typically analyzed from only the
perspective of the investor, which in most cases is
also the company benefiting from this investment.
Can CDS Improve Care? Normally, this perspective is the only applicable
Assuming that physicians and hospital organiza- In health care, there may be many different per-
tions buy into the notion of process and change spectives to assess ROI. We need also to keep in
control as well as acceptance of evidence-based mind that investor and beneficiary are not always
medicine in their daily practice, then the imple- the same. Therefore, we need to define which per-
mentation of CIS, CPOE, and, perhaps most impor- spective we address before we engage in an ROI
tant, CDS is possible. The goal of CDS is to supply analysis. Different perspectives in health care may
the best recommendation under all circumstances include
[45]. In its 2001 report, the IOM strongly recom-
mended the use of sophisticated electronic CDS • the individual care provider (eg, the primary care
provider, surgeon, nurse, dietician),
systems for radically improving safety and quality • the health care organization (eg, a hospital, clinic,
of care [12]. Clinical information systems that gen- nursing home),
erate CDS-driven electronic reminders and CDS- • a health maintenance organization,
assisted CPOE have been shown to improve both • an entire health care system (ie, the public purse,
quality and cost-effectiveness of care [4,20]. Medicare),
• the employer of the patient, or
Electronic reminders can significantly improve • the individual patient.
physicians’ compliance with guidelines, reduce the
rate of human errors, and make physicians more There are significant differences between health
responsive to specific clinical events [6,46]. care and other industries in how ROI can be gen-
The most detailed and explicit algorithms in clin- erated [21,29]. Of course, from a monetary per-
ical decision making use rule-based computer sys- spective, there are still only 2 basic approaches to
tems [27,47]. Using data from one of the most com- improve ROI: increase revenue or reduce cost. The
prehensive clinical data repositories in the world differences are how likely each of these approach-
(LDS Hospital, Salt Lake City, Utah), the group of es can be followed in health care compared to
Morris developed a rule-based CDS for the other industries.
mechanical ventilation of the critically ill [48]. Their In health care, the emphasis has been on cost
CDS generates, on the basis of actual patient data, reduction rather than on increasing revenue. The
explicit, executable, and reproducible instructions highest cost in health care is also the most limited
or recommendations for the next therapeutic step. resource: personnel. With that in mind, the greatest
Their study found that it was possible to control potential for cost reduction is associated with
more than 95% of the ventilation times with these changing the process of care in a way that allows
protocols, while intermediate and final clinical out- a reduction in personnel [17,50]. As alluded to
comes showed a beneficial effect [30]. above, CIS, CPOE, and CDS are possible (and
Another tangible benefit of a CDS system is evi- potentially profitable) only if associated with large-
dent in the example of a large institution in which scale acceptance of standardized process of care.
the CDS checked all doctors’ orders for drug inter- However, the more complex the change in the
actions and approximately 400 of 15,000 orders were processes of care, the more difficult it is to carry
changed daily. Most of these CDS-recommended out an appropriate ROI analysis. Many analyses are

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Clinical Informatics in Critical Care

based on assumptions derived from studies in the to reduce medical errors. Therefore, medical infor-
literature. Whether these assumptions are actually mation management, with or without the help of
justified is often questionable [51]. Differences in computers, will play a decisive role in any solution
health care systems and the practice of medicine posited for the growing concerns of quality in
may render it impossible to extrapolate results from health care. The application of technology to the
one country to another. For example, CPOE sys- solution is a certainty given the complexity of the
tems and CDS systems have been shown in US problem with the caveats of cost, timing, and
studies to reduce the rate of medical errors [4,20]. acceptance.
As medical errors are a problem in all developed Specific recommendations from many groups
countries and their underlying causes are compara- focus on point-of-care CIS with CPOE and CDS sys-
ble, it is probable that findings from these studies tems. For the development of medical IT systems,
also apply to other countries. Nevertheless, the the implications are the following:
absolute ROI may be different because of different
cost structures, ancillary workflows, and litigation • The development of medical IT must be in point-
of-care information systems integrated into the
practices. health care enterprise-wide information manage-
ROI analysis is feasible even in the highly com- ment approach.
plex setting of a health care institution. It is neces- • The integration of information and knowledge
sary to justify the significant investments into med- must be seamless along the continuum of care and
ical information technology that will be needed in across the entire health care enterprise.
• Clinical information systems, electronic order entry
the upcoming years to cope with the problems of systems, CDS systems, medical knowledge bases,
cost reduction, medical errors, and quality of care [21]. and ultimately the electronic patient record provide
But even on a limited scope, ROI analysis is a for- the most powerful solutions to the problem of
midable task that carries a high level of uncertainty. medical errors. These systems may even become in
Finally, ROI and cost-related issues may become part legally compulsory or may be enforced by
major payer groups.
moot as initiatives such as Leapfrog, the IOM
reports, and especially the medical malpractice cri-
It is also clear that IT must reach a critical mass
sis in many US states mandate that CIS and CPOE
to be effective. For instance, payback from a physi-
be implemented. The only ROI justification needed
cian order entry system can be expected only if it
may be that these information technologies are
covers most of the continuum of care. This means
essential to fulfill requirements and permit hospi-
that massive up-front investments are needed.
tals to stay in business. Therefore, CIS and CPOE
Moreover, most advanced online CDS systems
could become just part of the cost of doing (health
require comprehensive patient information in elec-
care) business [52].
tronic format, which can be provided only by clin-
ical information systems.
There is no doubt that medical information man-
Discussion agement is one answer to the problem of medical
errors. Standardization of care, process control,
Medical errors are without any doubt one issue of physician order entry systems with online CDS, and
major public interest and concern. The IOM report the electronic patient record have the potential to
“To Err Is Human” describes a situation that is in- make health care safer, improve quality of care,
tolerable in the United States. Although the report and reduce cost in the interest of all parties
covers only the US health care situation, its findings involved.
also give a broad idea of how the situation is in We do not know how long it will take nor how
other countries with advanced health care systems. expensive it will be. But we know that action, in-
There are studies that make it very likely that the vestments, and commitment are needed now. And
problem of medical errors is as grave in Europe as we know that the way we practice medicine will
in the United States. Although the debate on med- never be the same again.
ical errors has not fully started in Europe yet, the
question is not whether it will become a high pri-
ority issue, but only when this will happen.
Information management, given its broadest References
meaning to include communication among care- 1. Karlsson G, Johannesson M. Cost-effectiveness analysis
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