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The culture of any company is closely related to its success.

Culture is at the root of many things,

and not merely performance and productivity. It also impacts the atmosphere of the product, and
its brand loyalty afterwards. A large amount of research focusing on the impacts of organizational
culture and what should be a source of strategic advantage has indeed been carried out. Not
long-ago Microsoft was commonly recognized to have an obsessive culture of performance.
However, many aspects have changed with respect to the corporate culture over the last several
years. Microsoft is a multi-billion dollar company and its culture has been at the root of many of
the problems it faced.
It was discovered very early by CEO Satya Nadella and decided to root out these issues.
According to him all is culture. A cultural change is a must for any organization, which has not
reflected on its culture. Work has continued to illustrate the importance of the organizational
culture and how it affects many things inside a corporation. Tech companies such as Apple and
Microsoft remained infamous for their success fixation. Culture and employees within such
organizations may often go unnoticed before productivity. Once the cultural issues are resolved,
several of the employee issues are automatically resolved.
Ford is the strongest example of cultural change where its One Ford program helped to build a
strong and long-lasting community. CEO Satya Nadella realized right from the very beginning that
something similar was desperately needed by Microsoft too. A more significant factor was rivalry,
which in large measure had ruined the atmosphere of Microsoft. So, the most essential thing was
to reboot this culture. Throughout Microsoft, teams were working intensively and much of the
creative ideas for competition could not find their way to the top lost their worth. These things can
cause profound disengagement and in the long run can prove detrimental to the company's brand
image. Just a few years through his entering and Nadella seems to have addressed the problems
Microsoft's Cultural Mantra is acknowledged throughout "Mission and Culture" “Empower ever
other individual and organization on either the planet to accomplish too much. That is what
encourages us, drives our work and pushes us every day to challenge the status quo. We are
indeed working at Microsoft to inspire our workers to do more. We agree that each of us should
find meaning in our jobs and ensure that workers are free from having to make a positive
difference in the world. Therefore, workplace satisfaction is a key focus area for Microsoft's new
corporate culture. Through working on it Microsoft was able to align the personal goals of
employees with Microsoft's priorities. Employee satisfaction will also be the secret to employee
engagement and Microsoft has gained no one other than itself by focusing on it. A culture through
gender diversity plus empowerment leads to increased prosperity and a harmonious climate.
However, there are several other important factors also that are a part of the new organizational
culture of Microsoft.
1. Accountability
a. Microsoft characterizes the corporate culture as something of an answerable
society. This cultural aspect helps to ensure that each and every employee
realizes that his motives everyone has consequences for the meaning of the
company. This aspect of Microsoft's organizational culture is implemented in the
form of any and all-employee surveys as well as incentive and acknowledgement
systems to ensure transparency.
2. Quality and Innovation
a. Microsoft has to evolve as a technology business in order to preserve its
dominance against other computer hardware and software firms. Innovation and
efficiency are characteristics developed into the organizational culture of the
3. Responsiveness to Customers
a. Microsoft Corporation integrates responsiveness as a feature in its organizational
culture to ensure customer satisfaction. Attention is accomplished by preparation,
so that staff consistently accept consumer and partner input.
4. Growth Mindset
a. Growth is a vital part of any undertaking. Microsoft was using its organizational
culture to develop its hardware computer and software business.
5. Diversity and Inclusion
a. Diversity and inclusion are being seen as an important element in the growth of
companies. Microsoft incorporates these considerations into appropriate training
programs, in its organizational culture. Furthermore, the company's recruiting and
hiring human resources practices maintain a high level of diversity and inclusion
within the organization. This cultural organizational feature provides Microsoft with
a way of optimizing business development expertise concentrated on diverse
perspectives and employee alignment.

Microsoft’s Corporate Culture – Implications, Advantages & Disadvantages

The corporate culture of Microsoft promotes business objectives for sustained commercial
success. This business model is based on creativity and sensitivity to the needs of consumers.
These corporate cultural additional benefits illustrate that Microsoft has everything it takes to
achieve its market dominance, based on computer hardware and software market needs being
A downside of the organizational culture of Microsoft is the lack of institutionalized support for a
reasonable autonomy. Autonomy is empowering workers to contribute innovative new ideas. On
the basis of such a drawback, Microsoft is advised to incorporate tremendous flexibility into its
organizational culture.

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