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This course was
produced, written
& designed by
José Hekkens
Jaap Daalhuizen
Jan Schoormans
Annemiek van Boeijen
Koen Schellekens
Iris Jönsthövel

Jos Vlugter © TU Delft 2017
table of content
1. Introduction 4
1.1 Delft Design Approach 4
1.2 Delft Design Guide 5

2. Course structure 6
2.1 Planning 6
2.2 What to expect each week 8

3. Deliverables 9
3.1 Templates 9
3.2 How to upload your work 10
3.3 Share your work 11
3.4 Assessments 11

4. Discussion forum 12
4.1 Guidelines 12

5. Grading and certification 13

5.1 Grading 13
5.2 Certification 13

6. How to get most out 14

of this course

Delft Design Approach Syllabus 3

This MOOC introduces you to the Delft 1.1 Delft Design Approach
Design Approach: an iterative design
process we use in the Design program This MOOC offers you the opportunity
in Delft. During this course you will to gain insight in and training with
be introduced to - and be using! - a number of signature methods and
techniques and methods that can help tools from the faculty of Industrial
you in creating successful products Design Engineering, Delft University of
people love to use. Technology. The methods and tools that
Main learning objectives are: we offer you - and the way that they
have been integrated in this course - are
You will understand the basics and particular for the way that we teach
a structure of designing meaningful designing in Delft. The program is one
products for people. of the oldest, university-level, design
programs in the world, dating back
You will be able to apply relevant
more than 40 years. We find it important
design methods and tools in a
to share the vision on design and design
design project; starting from
education that drives our educational
discovering a design domain and
program forward.
ending with the delivery of a tested
design concept. The faculty of Industrial Design
Engineering has a rich tradition in
You will be able to communicate
developing and teaching models and
your design process.
methods for product and service design.
You will understand the iterative and In this course you have the opportunity
reflective nature of designing. to get introduced to some of the basic
principles that underlie the way we
teach design in Delft and to some of the
key methods and tools that we use to
teach design.

4 Delft Design Approach Syllabus

1.2 Delft Design Guide
Most of the methods that we use in
our design program in Delft have been
published in the Delft Design Guide.
This guide presents an overview of
models, perspectives and methods used
in the Bachelor and Master curriculum
of the faculty of Industrial Design
Engineering of the Delft University of
Some of the reading material for this
course is from the Delft Design Guide
and is available on the course pages as
pdfs in the appropriate weeks. If you are
interested in all of the methods in the
guide you can order the book or ebook
at the publisher or via bookstores. The
guide is also available in Chinese and

Figure 1:
Delft Design Guide,
available in Chinese,
Japanese & English

course structure
2.1 Planning
The course is structured along 7 steps
that can be completed over a period
of 7-8 weeks. Each week will teach
you a key element of the Delft Design
Approach, including relevant methods
and/or tools. When you go through the
whole course you will complete a whole
‘design cycle’ in 4 main phases: Discover,
Define, Design & Deliver.
Before you start the course, you will get
familiar with the contents and structure
of the course in the ‘welcome’ section.
Then, we kick off by introducing you
to the way that we advocate Design
in Delft. In this first week, we will also
teach you how to design meaningful
products for people. After that, the
course takes you through the Delft
Design Approach as illustrated in Figure
2. There is also an (optional) extra
assignment: building a prototype for
your final concept!
The course starts with an exploration of
the design theme. You will then define
your own design challenge within that
theme, design something that meets
your design challenge and deliver your
end result in a final presentation.

6 Delft Design Approach Syllabus

Figure 2: Course structure

2.2 What to expect each week your own design project. The details of
each assignment will be revealed per
Each week (or period of two weeks) of week. In most assignments we ask you
the course has more or less the same to upload a picture or a link to a short
structure. Figure 3 shows what content movie or presentation of your work.
you can expect every week and what Assessment
kind of activities are expected from you. Every week we will ask you to assess
Introduction videos your results. This will be done via self
Each week starts with an introduction assessments and checklists. For more
video by Dr. Ir. Jaap Daalhuizen. He will see Chapter 3.4.
highlight the previous week’s learning
points and introduce the topic of the Benchmark video
new week. For each exercise, there will be a
benchmark video to which you can
Lecture videos
compare your own work. You can
The topic and related methods and/or
use it either before you start with the
tools are introduced in two or more
assignment as inspiration, or afterwards
videos by the relevant lecturer. There is
for reflection purposes. The benchmark
a quiz after each lecture that you can
video shows you how Koen and Iris,
use to test your knowledge.
two experienced students from Delft,
Assignment template did the same exercises, and it contains
For each assignment you can find reflections from a design professional.
instructions that guide you through the
steps. You will also find a downloadable Sofa session
template (PDF) that you can use to At the end of each week there is a sofa
present your results. session video in which Dr. Ir. Annemiek
van Boeijen discusses intermediate
Design assignment
results and shares some inspiring
In this course we focus on the design
examples that were submitted by
exercises. We think this is the most
learners during the instructor-paced
important part of the course. And the
version of this course.
most fun! The exercises build on each
other, so as you go along, they form
8 Delft Design Approach Syllabus
Figure 2: Course structure

Course content (input for you)

Work session (your output)

lecture 1

Introduction Video Assignment

video lecture 2 template

Input for assignment

Design Upload & share

assignment work

Reflecting on & discussing your work

Assessment Benchmark Sofa Session


Figure 3: Weekly content & work

3.1 Templates
A work template will accompany every
week’s assignment. These templates
will guide you through the steps of the
assignment. You can fill these in on your
computer or use a printed version. A
printed version also allows you to clarify
your thoughts with drawings. This can
help in communicating your ideas; see
Figure 4.

Figure 4: Filled in templates by Koen & Iris

10 Delft Design Approach Syllabus

3.2 How to upload your work is available for anyone watch. While
making a video make sure if there is
There are multiple ways to upload your enough light and that you talk clearly.
work. Please follow the instructions in Worldmap
the assignments. For the final assignment we will also
JPEG ask you to place your work on the
In the self assessment module you can “worldmap”. This edX feature allows
only upload 1 Jpeg (and a URL). You can you to see all contributions from
place all your printed templates next around the world. You can only
to each other and take a photo, or use upload URLs on the worldmap.
a computer image tool to cluster your
templates into one image. Make sure all
text and images are clear and readable.
A link or URL can refer to any online
storage facility that gathers your work
(e.g. Google Drive, Dropbox, Microsoft
Onedrive). Make sure that your files are
accessible for your peers and make sure
your work is available during the full Copyright
run of the course. Only share formats Please only use your own
that are commonly used (e.g. JPEG, PDF, pictures and ideas or use pictures
Word or PNG). with a creative commons license.
For more information: https://
You could also make a video of your
templates in which you discuss your
output. If you use this possibility make
sure your video has a maximum length
of 3 minutes. If you place your video
file on an online streamer (for example
Youtube or Vimeo) double-check if it

3.3 Share your work 3.4 Assessments
If you want to get direct feedback from Every week we ask you to assess your
your peers in an open conversation we work through checklists and/or self-
advise you to share your work on the assessments.
discussion forum. The discussion forum
In Table 1 you can find when to perform
can be found on the edX platform (for
which assessment.
guidelines See chapter 5 Discussion

Type of assessment c Quiz

Checklistc Self-
Peer review c
Week 1 c XX X
Week 2 XX X
Week 3 XX X X
Week 4 XXX X
Week 5 & 6 XXXX X X
Week 7 X X X
Final presentation & Wrap Up X X

Table 1: Assessment per week

12 Delft Design Approach Syllabus

discussion forum
4.1 Guidelines Be constructive in your feedback.
Learning in an online community is
The discussion forum is an important about interacting with each other.
tool on the edX platform for you When commenting or providing
to share and discuss your insights, feedback on work of others
exercises and reflections. It allows be constructive and whenever
you to learn from your peers (and possible provide suggestions for
allows your peers to learn from you). improvement.
In this course, an important part of the Be sensitive to your peers’
learning happens on the discussion background and culture. This is
forum. The forum is all about showing a global forum with participants
your work to your peers and inviting from around the world. This means
them to give feedback. Sharing on the that your fellow participants come
Discussion Forum will also give us the from very diverse cultures and
possibility to reflect on your work in the backgrounds. Please be sensitive to
Sofa Sessions. this when discussing your own work
We stimulate a positive, constructive or results of others.
atmosphere. Please attend to the rules Post appropriate content. Content
provided below to make this course a that violates the Terms of Service
pleasant experience for everyone! is not permitted. You may not post
inappropriate (eg. pornographic)
Be respectful to your peers. Please, or copyrighted content, advertise
show respect to your fellow or promote outside products or
participants. We encourage debate organizations, or spam the forums
and discussion but only when that with repeat content.
is done in a polite and respectful
manner. We do not tolerate rude
behavior, condescending or abusive
words. Instances will be reported
and removed.

grading and certification
5.1 Grading 5.2 Certification
The assessment of exercises together If you are a verified learner, when you
with the final presentation will have earned 60% or more of the total
determine whether you passed the score, you will receive a certificate. You
course or not (see Figure 5). In total you can see your progress in the Progress
will be asked to complete 3 checklists tab on edX.
and 4 self-assessments (including the
The verified option is available for $79-.
final presentation). In order to
Doing the course for fun is totally fine,
successfully pass the course we
but sometimes you need to complete a
encourage you to complete all of them.
course to get a better job or to include
in a college application. Besides,
working towards a verified certificate
has proven to keep students more
motivated. If you want to, you can
change your registration on the site.

Figure 5: Grading versus assessments

14 Delft Design Approach Syllabus

how to get most out of this course
We have designed this course to give additional reading in relation to the
you the opportunity to learn all about exercises.
the Delft Design Approach and to apply
Think of the design exercises as
what you have learned in a series of
part of a design project in which
design exercises.
you want to design something
Of course, every participant in this valuable for real users rather than
course has her or his own unique goals something you turn in for a grade.
for what they want to get out of it. So, To make the design exercises more
please spend your time accordingly. focused and close to real life, we
The basic idea is: you will get out of the have chosen to work with a design
course what you put in! If you do the theme: ‘morning rituals’. You might
design exercises and share and discuss want to keep in mind that whatever
your experiences with your peers, you you are going to design might
will really be able to internalize some of actually improve the morning rituals
the design skills that we teach. But that of people close to you.
doesn’t mean that you will not get any
If you get stuck during an exercise,
value out of simply watching the videos
leave it alone for a while. It is very
and doing some follow-up reading
normal that designers get stuck from
based on our reading tips.
time to time, and the trick is to find
Here are some tips for the most effective a strategy that gets you going again.
ways to engage with this course. You might want to watch the video
lecture again or skip forward to the
Get to know your peers! Share your benchmark video to get inspired.
experiences and exercise results on Or you might want to share your
the forum. Post your questions on problem on the forum to discuss it
the forum as well and discuss them with your peers. They might have
together. good suggestions to get going
Look at the exercises at the
beginning of each course week. There are no right or wrong
That way you will know what to answers in design, but there may
get out of the video lectures and be more or less valuable and/

or meaningful ideas. In order to If possible follow this course
explain the merits of an idea, together with your colleagues or
it’s important to back it up with friends. Experiences from other
evidence from your field work online courses show that it is
or with an explanation why your very motivating to do the course
idea or concept is valuable to its together.
users. This helps the person giving
Have fun! In this course you have
the feedback to solidify their
the freedom to choose your own
understanding of a concept.
direction. You have the opportunity
Remember that the best way to to design something for a challenge
learn how to design is by designing that you formulate yourself and
things yourself. Going through for a user-group that you choose.
the iterative process of designing is Please don’t do things just because
what makes your design better and we ask you to. Do them because you
your design skills sharper. So take see the value and enjoy creating a
the opportunity to take the methods meaningful design!
and tools that we offer and apply
them in actual design work.
On the forum, give your peers the
kind of constructive feedback that
you would want to receive. Don’t
just point out the negative parts of
someone’s work, but instead provide
suggestions for how he or she
could improve it. Try to both point
out things that are well done and
things that could be improved (and
suggestions for how they might do

16 Delft Design Approach Syllabus


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