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Why Not Use requires order and system in His work

now no less than in the days of Israel.
All who are working for Him are to

the Net Too? labor intelligently, not in a careless,

haphazard manner." Patriarchs and
Prophets, p. 376.
This call to an organized plan was also
supported by the scientific basis for
gaining results emphasized in Testi
monies, volume 9, page 221: "There are
great laws that govern the world of na
ture, and spiritual things are controlled
by principles equally certain. The
IF WE as ministers were able to in means for an end must be employed, if
CLARK B. the desired results are to be attained."
spire 50 percent of our members to give MC CALL
weekly Bible studies and participate As I put this all together it seemed to me
regularly in literature distribution, we that the desired end of a hundredfold
might feel we had achieved a reasonable fruitage was to be achieved through a
degree of success. Actually, we probably systematic-kindness approach.
would be pleased with missionary par After a sermon appeal on the soul-
ticipation involving even a third of our winning effectiveness of kindness, our
membership. The number of souls won members were invited to volunteer one
would undoubtedly multiply many "kindness call" each week to a name
times over by such a display of faithful assigned to them. There was nearly a
ness. 100 percent response.
Let me share with you my discovery of "Kindness-Call" Program
a plan for soul winning that proved so Developed
simple that it could easily be overlooked
in our concentration on highly devel An assistant to the lay activities
oped plans for evangelism. Recognizing leader was selected to serve as secretary
that new methods sometimes prove ef of our "kindness-call" program. Her re
fective, I was especially challenged by sponsibility was to assign members to
the often-unclaimed promise that if we their weekly call. She also asked for a
would be "kind and . . . tenderhearted brief report on any significant develop
. . . there would be one hundred conver ment from the previous week. Tele
sions to the truth where now there is phone calls on Sunday morning were all
only one" (Testimonies, vol. 9, p. 189). that was necessary to take care of this
Every pastor, I'm sure, has at some task. In a larger church, of course, more
time or other contemplated the tremen than one secretary could be used.
dous possibilities reflected in this condi A vital consideration in selecting this
tional prophecy. The utter simplicity of secretary is that he or she should be
the plan, coupled with the magnitude of acquainted with many of the people who
the promised results, makes a formula are to be called on, and should possess
worthy of most serious study. Despite the power to judge which personalities
the fantastic amount of faith it might will best blend, and plan with the mis
seem to require to accept a completely sionary committee the best approach for
literal fulfillment of this prediction, one each name. Some persons will appreci
cannot but sense the power kindness ate weekly visits for a while, and others
wields in attracting people to our mes may better be reached every other week
sage. How many converts to our church or even once a month. The number and
were first attracted to a lovely Christian frequency of the calls must be carefully
character before the logic of our truth determined by the needs and receptivity
began to appeal to the reason? of the family.
Some members shrink from giving Members who volunteer to participate
Bible studies and tracts to strangers, are not asked to call on someone with
but they surely would not be afraid to be whom they do not have at least a casual
kind. The most introverted personality Clark B. acquaintance. This removes the fear of
McCall is ringing the doorbells of strangers. How
is willing to be kind if the particular pastor of
kindness is adapted to his individuality. the Herman, ever, some members are quite capable of
Kindness, however, needs to be or California, making community calls on those they
ganized and channeled into an active Seventh-day have not previously met. Here again,
ministry of love. "Success can only at Adventist circumstances will indicate what is best
tend order and harmonious action. God church. in each case.
2/The Ministry/December, 1977
The member checks the type of kind Kindness is home in an Adventist church. It helps
ness service he will offer weekly on a the dessert them look forward to a fuller unity.
volunteer sheet. Included on the list are that tops off One woman told her mother, who was
baby-sitting, transportation, assistance an Adventist, "That's one church I
with housework, and general visits. One all other would never want to belong to." Kind
woman who had no source of transpor evangelistic ness, carefully carried out, gradually
tation offered to bake bread, which methods. wore down the wall of prejudice she had
others offered to deliver. In small built. The favorable impression made
churches it might be well to approach resulted in Bible studies, and today she
each member and personally ask is a baptized member.
whether he would help with at least one One couple moved to our city from
general visit each week. The personal Montana. The husband remarked dur
approach always wins more helpers ing the trip that if he ever joined a
than does a mass appeal. church it would be associated with an
Every pastor senses the value of pas other denomination. He had difficulty
toral visitation, and with most of his finding a job, and during this period of
members making calls according to an crisis we provided his family with
organized plan, he will have the equiv several food baskets. This produced a
alent of several evangelistic teams as favorable atmosphere that led to Bible
sisting him. Also, with many names to studies and baptism.
work with, he has a brighter hope of During the holiday season the
obtaining maximum results, since each chamber of commerce needed churches
name is given personalized planning in and other organizations to help them
advance and is more thoroughly fol supply fifty-seven needy families with
lowed up by his helpers as a result of the food baskets. It was expected that each
careful records kept. organization might supply one or two
As a result of this emphasis we expe baskets. The response, however, was not
rienced a 2,000 percent increase in bap as favorable as they had hoped. When
tisms over the previous year in one of we provided nineteen, the public re
our churches. The kindness-call pro sponse was most heartwarming.
gram was launched the year of this Among the names of former Advent-
growth. We have concluded that more ists we compiled was a teacher in our
calls usually mean more baptisms. city's public school system. At one time
Someday, comparison surveys may in she taught in one of our academies, but
dicate that the number of souls won had not been a member of the church for
each year in a particular church was in twenty-one years. One of our members
direct proportion to the number of remarked, "She's so far away from the
members engaged in missionary activ church that it will take a long time to
ity and the number of calls the pastor- win her back." But an intensive kind
member teams made. ness plan wooed her back within six
It is not always easy to discover all the months. Now, more than a year later,
factors that lead an honest-hearted per she remains a dedicated lay activities
son to unite with the church. In most leader.
cases a number of positive influences Kindness cares. Kindness calls. And
probably produce the decision. The kindness wins.,,, II
kindness-call plan complements every
other avenue or approach. Kindness is
the dessert that tops off other evangel
istic methods. It gives life and vitality to
doctrinal Bible studies. It adds the emo
tional stimulus of desire to the intellec
tual appeal of conviction when the time
comes for decision. Organized kindness
makes it easier for newcomers to feel at

The Shammy of the True

Misunderstanding began early in
His life. It began with His parents
Unfortunately this is true not
only of the Christian's relationship
VOL. 50, NO. 12
chiding Him for His supposed neg with those in the world about him
lect when, in fact, they had neg but too often of his relationships International Journal of the
Seventh-day Adventist
lected their duty toward Him. After with members of his own church
He returned home His brother family.
joined His playmates in taunting Quite often, of course, we bring
Editorial Director:
the Youngster for being too "goodie- such trouble on ourselves by taking N. R. Dower
goodie" to enter into their mischief. self-righteous, "holier than thou"
This kind of misunderstanding con stances. But there are those times Editor:
J. R. Spangler
tinued right through the years of when we are bitterly criticized for
His ministry. attempting "to stand for the truth Executive Editors:
The rulers and priests attempted though the heavens fall." Since ours O. M. Berg
to shame Him with the mystery is an age when church authority is Leo R. Van Dolson
surrounding His birth. His home being strongly attacked and is thus Associate Editors:
town church bitterly attacked Him put on the defensive, it is easy to be E. E. Cleveland
for claiming to be the Messiah when misunderstood if we in any way ex R. Dederen
A. E. Schmidt
they knew Him to be the carpenter press dissent toward policies that
D. Skoretz
Son of Mary, One who had so faith are emotionally tied to positions
fully worked to meet their needs in taken by those in authority. This is Health Editor:
the little shop year after year. Then true even when such positions J. Wayne McFarland, M.D.
there was the cruel rejection by His clearly violate instruction given to Associate Health Editors:
own followers when He refused to the church by the pen of inspiration. Marjorie Baldwin, M.D.
give in to their wishes to make Him But perhaps even more difficult is Herald Habenicht, M.D.
king of a temporal political entity. the position of those in leadership Mervyn Hardinge, M.D.
who seek to maintain church Allan Magie
We note also the rulers' frantic
demand that His followers stop pro standards at a time when such a Editorial Assistant:
claiming Him King during the stand is thought to be intolerant. Marta Hilliard
triumphal entry. This misunder They are attacked as lacking per Editorial Secretaries:
standing continued right through spicuity in sensing "how times have Nan Harris
the last moments of Jesus' life. changed." Thus, those who attempt Dorothy Montgomery
Jesus' experience is the classic to stand for right as God describes Designer:
demonstration of how even today the right find themselves being Gert Busch
those whose lives and actions are ground between the millstones of
rebuked by the example of one who expediency and liberalism. Printed monthly for the Min
isterial Association of Seventh-
stands true to principle counter such Isn't this the same tactic Satan day Adventists by the Review
testimony by heaping abuse, shame, used against Jesus? On one hand, and Herald Publishing Asso
ciation, 6856 Eastern Avenue
and insult on those they cannot oth He was abused and persecuted by NW., Washington, D.C. 20012,
the religious leaders jealous for U.S.A. $9.95 a year; 85c a copy.
erwise fault. Price may vary where national
Jesus not only informed His fol their authority and on the other, currencies are different. For
each subscription to go to
lowers that those who misunder by His own followers whose selfish a foreign country or Canada,
stood them would "say all manner of ambitions were threatened by His add 95c postage. THE MINISTRY
is a member of the Associated
evil against you falsely" (Matthew integrity. Satan's tactic, then, was Church Press and is indexed
5:11) but indicated that they must the "shaming of the true," and he is in the Seventh-day Adventist
Periodical Index. Second-class
expect to be treated as He was since still using it effectively. He causes postage paid at Washington,
"the disciple is not above his master, those who attempt to take their D.C. Editorial office: 6840
Eastern Avenue NW., Washing
nor the servant above his lord" stand on what God says is right to be ton, D.C. 20012.
(Matthew 10:24). He even made it the butt of misunderstanding, criti Unsolicited manuscripts are
welcome, but will be accepted
clear that "a man's foes shall be they cism, and abuse. without remuneration and will
of his own household" (Matthew Those doing their best to follow be returned only if accompanied
by a stamped, self-addressed
10:36). the clear teaching of the Lord can, of envelope.

4/The Ministry/December, 1977

contents FEED UI VA
Why Not Use the Net Too? 2 Nutrition and the Minister 26
Clark B. McCall Alice G. Marsh
We Dare Not Disappoint Hazards Mount for the
Them! 6 Unborn 29
Never Disappointed
Robert H. Pierson Herald A. Habenicht I read my copy of THE MINISTRY each
month with eager interest and never
What Is the Biblical View of "Bridging the Gap" 32 find myself disappointed with the
the Laity? 7 Ronald E. Ruskjer
fare served up for me. Thanks for the
John Fowler
Christian Stewardship 35 fine work of bringing the most mean
Speak With Care 10 AT. R. Dower ingful matters to our colleagues in
O. M. Berg the ministry.
The Christmas Bus Ride 36 ROBERT C. CLARKE
Fidelity a Commandment 11 Bobbie Jane Van Dolson
F. E. Schlehuber Reading, Pennsylvania
Adventist Education Year 12 Helpful Articles
Garland J. Millet
Enclosed find my check for the re
Are the Natural and the DEPARTMENTS
Supernatural the Same? 14 newal of the magazine THE MINISTRY.
Frank Lewis Marsh By His Side 36 Thanks so much for your having sent
Family Life 17 it along voluntarily. Many interest
Church Growth Through Health and Religion 26 ing articles have been helpful.
the Family-Life Center 17 PASTOR
Index 40
Richard Stenbakken News Briefs 48 Maryland
Evangelism and Finishing President's Page 6
the Work 20 Science and Religion 14 July Issue Challenging
Neal C. Wilson Shop Talk 39
Please accept this belated con
Picture Credits: Cover, pp. 3, 20, 22, 23, Skip Ba:ker; p. 27, Loma Linda University School of gratulation on your July issue. Usu
Health: pp. 30, 31, ICPA Bulletin; pp. 32-34, Da niel Ipes; p. 37, S. E. Bohlmann. ally I find no more than two articles
in a magazine that hold my attention,
but your July issue was challenging
and interesting from cover to cover.
course, find some comfort in Jesus' God answered long ago as well as Of particular value was Van Rooyen's
words: "Blessed are ye, when men on those He saw best not to an article on the Incarnation.
shall revile you, and persecute swer for us. SIDNEY REINERS
you, and shall say all manner of L. R. V. D. Bovey, Montana
evil against you falsely, for my
sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding
glad: for great is your reward in
heaven: for so persecuted they the
prophets which were before you" We Don't Mean to Twist Anyone's Arm, But . . .
(Matthew 5:11, 12).
Yet, if the church is to achieve We have been receiving many letters and tele
the goal Christ sets before it of phone calls requesting information regarding the
uniting in brotherly love and P.R.E.A.C.H. project. If you happen to be among those
presenting a clear, uniform wit who have not had official word from your conference
ness before the world that we regarding the divisionwide expansion of this program,
have been with Jesus, none of us
can any longer continue to prac you may want to participate on a local church or
tice "the shaming of the true." It's district basis. If so, please contact THE MINISTRY office
all too easy to ridicule someone immediately concerning details on how you can spon
who conscientiously takes a posi sor this project locally. We are quite sure that this
tion that differs from ours, but offer can never again be repeated at the almost ri
certainly it is time for all who
love the Lord and long for the
diculously low price made possible through participa
finishing of His work to unite de tion by nearly the entire North American Division.
cidedly on those principles out Why not add the names of clergymen in your area,
lined by inspiration and allow if we do not already have them, to the 250,000
room for differences of opinion in scheduled to receive the new MINISTRY on an every-
those areas where there is room other-month basis for the next two years beginning
for such. We need to clearly dif
ferentiate between the two. By
with the January, 1978, issue?
doing so we can avoid self-serving
arguments on those questions
The Ministry/December, 1977/5
These saints most of them are well
We Dare Not acquainted with God's Word and the
Spirit of Prophecy writings. They know

Disappoint what is ahead a time of trouble, times

of testing before the coming of Jesus.
They are counting on us to prepare them
for these trying days, as well as to help
Them! them meet their day-by-day trials and
When I read the letters they write to
us and listen to their plaintive personal
appeals, when the earnest prayers of our
When I read the letters church members fall upon my ears,
when expressions of love and confidence
and listen to the personal are heard, a great burden rests upon my
appeals of church heart. A tremendous sense of responsi
bility possesses me, a great, over
members, a great burden whelming desire to measure up a de
rests on my heart. sire not to disappoint these dear men
and women of God.
We must not betray this confidence.
We must not disappoint our people. We
must not cause a single one of them to
lose his or her way!
Our people need help. Our people
want help. Our people must have help.
They are looking to us as ministers and
WE WERE having "community wor From One Leader leaders to provide this help in our
ship" to close the Sabbath at Pitcairn to Another preaching, in our visitation, in our dis
Place, where some of us live near cussion groups, in our Sabbath school
Washington. Along with General Con classes. They have confidence that we
ference, Columbia Union College, and will not fail them. They believe that as
other workers present there were two or leaders we will so manage the affairs of
three lay members who were visiting their church that we will make first
friends among our group. things first, and the first thing is their
One of these godly laymen was pray salvation.
ing. God is calling for repentance among
"Dear Lord," he said, "we thank Thee us personally as his workers and cor-
for our church leaders these men and porately as a church. The hour is too late
women of God whom Thou hast placed for us to preside as baby-sitters for a
in positions of responsibility to teach us sleeping church. He invites us to bestir
the right way and to lead us in right ourselves from our lukewarm condition.
paths. We thank Thee for our pastors in He is calling us individually to a recom
our churches who are preparing us for mitment of all that we have and are to
the testing time of trouble just ahead Robert H. Pierson Christ and His last-day message.
men who are helping us get ready for He challenges us to permit the fires of
the coming of Jesus." the first love to be rekindled in our
This dear saint of God then went on to hearts and to light some fires in our
express confidence that the ministry of pulpits. Away with any tame, lifeless
his church would never lead the mem discourses. On our knees let us plead for
bers in a wrong way, but that under the fire of God to fall upon us, that we
God's blessing they would soon be led will be used to exhort men and women to
into the kingdom of heaven. By the time repentance and righteousness to victo
he had finished praying I confess I felt rious Christian living. We are to feed,
something moist trickling down my not fool, the flock. God calls us to a new
cheeks. I felt very humble. commitment to the Christ-centered,
There is no question about it thou Bible-based Advent message that has
sands upon thousands of our dear people Robert H. Pierson
made us a people of the Book.
are depending upon us as ministers and is president Fellow leaders, our people are looking
leaders. There may be some who are of the General to us; they have confidence in us. They
critical, but the great majority are with Conference are trusting us to lead them forward
us and are trusting us to lead them of Seventh-day into the kingdom. We dare not, we must
aright into the kingdom. Adventists. not, disappoint them! M
6/The Ministry/December, 1977
Is the ognize that the work of God will never
be finished in this earth "until the men
and women comprising our church
Biblical I >V**r membership rally to the work and unite
their efforts with those of ministers and
of the church officers." 3 The same inspired pen
tells us that "hundreds of men and

Laity? women now idle could do acceptable

service. . . . [God] will use humble, de
voted Christians, even if they have not
received so thorough an education as
some others." 4
With such potential in the rank-and-
file membership of our churches, why
With such potential in the have we not employed them more fully?
In some cases there has simply been a
rank-and-file membership lack of confidence in the church mem
of our churches, why have bers' ability to do the work of soul win
ning. As a result we have actually
we not employed them restrained many who have desired to do
more fully? personal and public evangelistic work.
Ellen G. White presents this truth
pointedly: "If men in humble life were
encouraged to do all the good they could
do, if restraining hands were not laid
upon them to repress their zeal, there
would be a hundred workers for Christ
WHY ARE we as a church not effec where now there is one." 5
tively employing our laity? Is it because JOHN FOWLER
they are incapable of successful soul- Has This Been the Result of an
winning work? Quite the contrary. Overemphasis on Evangelism?
Ample evidence establishes the fact that The heavy emphasis we have been
when employed properly they are highly giving to public evangelistic meetings
effective. possibly has eclipsed the importance of
Gottfried Oosterwal describes the ef lay involvement. If evangelism is de
fective work of laymen in the non- fined as the work of the "public evan
western world as follows: "The bur gelist," who is assisted by the churches
geoning church growth of the sixties did once or twice each year, then what is
not result primarily from big evangelis there for the church members to do
tic campaigns or from the work of well- while the evangelist is away?
trained ministers. It came about as a Another reason why we may be fail
result of the work of lay members." 1 ing to train and employ our laity care
In A History of Christian Missions fully is what Oosterwal calls the
Stephen Neill notes that much of the "'three-more-months-and-then-the-har-
work of the early church was done by vest' idea." 6 While we believe that we
laymen, even to the extent of establish are living in the last hours of this
ing churches. Pointing out that the total world's history, we also realize that "one
membership of the church was actively day is with the Lord as a thousand
involved in the witness of the church, he years, and a thousand years as one day"
adds: "Where there were Christians, (2 Peter 3:8). We erect buildings to stand
there would be a living, burning faith, 100 years why shouldn't we train our
and before long an expanding Christian laymen as though we would be here that
community. In later times great long? In fact, we may very well be here
churches were much set on claiming ap longer than 100 years more if we do not
ostolic origin to have an apostle as train and employ our laity in the grand
founder was a recognized certificate of work of evangelism.
respectability. But in point of fact few, Of all the reasons for not employing
if any, of the great churches were really John Fowler our laity properly, the one factor that
founded by apostles. Nothing is more is president probably hinders this effort the most is
notable than the anonymity of these of the Missouri our theology of the laity. Theology is a
early missionaries." 2 Conference potent influence in society. It strongly
Not only do we realize that laymen of Seventh- affects all belief and conduct. If our the
can do effective work, but we also rec- day Adventists. ology is in error, or confused, the result
The Ministry/December, 1977/7
will be widespread confusion and error. The concept of It seems to me that the critics of this
Two basic theologies govern our atti every church concept stand on firm theological
tude toward the laity. One is Calvinis- member being ground.
tic, the other is Arminian. Church his The term laity has often been used in
torian Williston Walker says that a minister contrast to the term clergy. The first
Arminianism was a reaction to "rigor of seems to be the denotes the role of church members who
Calvinism" and that "it manifested it stimulus for are not employed by the church; the sec
self in an emphasis on the more practi some of the ond defines the role of those who are
cal aspects of religion." 7 great employed in the services of the church.
Against the Calvinist doctrine of ab This cannot help but lead to the idea
solute predestination, Arminianism successful that the primary responsibility for the
taught a predestination based on divine movements in work of the church rests upon the
foreknowledge of the use men would the history of clergy. However, the Biblical view of the
make of the means of grace. It also op the Christian laity is quite different. In the New Tes
posed the sharp distinction between church. tament, the singular form of the word
clergy and laity made by Calvinism. laos is used almost exclusively when
This distinction was not made by Calvin referring to the church as God's people.
himself but reflects a later development (See Hebrews 4:9; 11:25; 1 Peter 2:10.)
of Calvinism. This points to a very important char
Although Arminianism originated in acteristic of the Biblical view of the
Holland, it had its greatest influence in laity. It does not refer to a group within
England through the work of John the church but to the entire church it
Wesley. One of its practical aspects was self. Laos, used in the context of the
the concept of the oneness of the min church, literally means "God's own peo
istry and laity. This Arminian theology ple." It is nowhere used in contrast to
gave rise to "lay preaching," since it others within the church.
made no distinction between laity and Gottfried Oosterwal develops this
clergy and taught that all believers are point clearly, stating: "The terms laity
to work for the salvation of man. Sev and clergy in the Bible are used for one
enth-day Adventists, generally, have and the same people. These are not each
been Arminian in theology. This can other's opposites, or even distinct from
probably be traced to the strong influ one another. The laity is clergy. As
ence of Methodists in the early Sev God's chosen people, they are called
enth-day Adventist church and our be laity." 9
lief that Arminian theology is more in He goes on to show the proper dis
harmony with Scripture than is Calvin tinction between the terms, leading us
ism. to see more clearly the intended role of
Arminian theology is not without its the entire membership of the church:
opponents, however. D. Martyn Lloyd- "One might also say that the term laity
Jones debunks Arminianism as "un- stresses in particular the privileges of
theological." He leans toward a Re being chosen by God from among the
formed Calvinistic theology that rejects many others to the exalted status of
the "lay preaching" concept, believing God's own people, separated and dif
that modern lay preaching originated ferent from the world; while the term
with Arminianism. In his book Preach clergy emphasizes in particular the
ing and Preachers he states: "It was the function and role of the laity, namely to
shift in theology last century from a share their gift of grace with others.
reformed Calvinistic attitude to an es Laity stands for the status of God's peo
sentially Arminian one that gave rise to ple. Ministry is their function." 10
the increase in lay-preaching." 8 This concept of every church member
Preaching is something done only by being a minister seems to be the stimu
one who is "called by a special act of lus for some of the great successful
God" beyond the call to be a follower of movements in the history of the Chris
Christ. If a person does not receive that tian church. The Reformation of the
call, then he is to do something other sixteenth century, the great awakening
than preach, but just what he should do in John Wesley's day, as well as the
is not defined very clearly by Lloyd- work of the Millerite movement of the
Jones. nineteenth century and that of the Sev
enth-day Adventist church all reflect
The Biblical View of the Laity this emphasis.
This sharp distinction between the Martin Luther wrote: "'Every Chris
preacher and other church members is tian man is a priest, and every Christian
coming more and more under fire today. woman is a priestess, whether they be
8/The Ministry/December, 1977
young or old, master or servant, mis If the early to convert believers, as to train church
tress or maid, scholar or illiterate. All Christian members for acceptable cooperation." 14
Christians are, properly speaking, church was a She also compared the pastor to an
members of the ecclesiastical order, and overseer, supervisor, or superintendent
there is no difference between them ex lay church, of a job, whose task it is to train and
cept as they hold different offices.'" n then we who guide those under his direction in ac
Oosterwal develops the idea that at claim to be complishing the task. Notice her plan:
baptism every believer is ordained to the remnant " 'In some respects the pastor occupies a
the ministry and receives the gift of the should by all position similar to that of the foreman
Holy Spirit for the purpose of ministry. means of a gang of laboring men or the captain
This concept is based on the record of of a ship's crew. They are expected to see
the baptism of Jesus, at which time He conform to the that the men over whom they are set, do
was ordained to His ministry and re original the work assigned to them correctly and
ceived the Holy Spirit. Also, the writ pattern. promptly, and only in case of emergency
ings of Paul seem to support this view. are they to execute in detail.'" 15
In Ephesians, the fourth chapter, he Seventh-day Adventists have an
speaks of the body of Christ, the church, abundance of programs designed for in
and the gifts given to it. In verse 12 he struction and employment of our laity.
states that these gifts are "to equip As the church leaders realize the im
God's people for work in his service" portance of the laity in the work of the
(N.E.B.).* ministry and begin seriously to train
Speaking persuasively regarding them, a great work will be realized,
every baptized person's call to the min health and vitality will come to the
istry, Oosterwal adds: "To be baptized in church, evangelism will become a vital
the baptism of Jesus means not only part of the entire church program, a
God's confirmation that we are a multitude of souls will be won, and the
member of His chosen people, the laity, day of the Lord will come.
but also our ordination to the min Ellen White presents a thrilling pic
istry." 12 ture of a work soon to be a reality in the
He argues cogently for a lay church, Seventh-day Adventist Church: "In all
stating that the rediscovery of this con fields, nigh and afar off, men will be
cept could very well be the key to a called from the plow and from the more
finished task in the seventies. If the common commercial business vocations
early Christian church was a lay that largely occupy the mind, and will
church, then we who claim to be the be educated in connection with men of
remnant should by all means conform to experience. As they learn to labor effec
the original pattern. tively they will proclaim the truth with
Ellen White's Position power. Through most wonderful work
ings of divine providence, mountains of
Theory is one thing, practice another. difficulty will be removed and cast into
Ellen White not only solidly supports the sea. The message that means so
this view of a lay church but outlines a much to the dwellers upon the earth will
concise program intended to bring about be heard and understood. Men will know
such an objective. However, there has what is truth. Onward and still onward
been some confusion regarding her po the work will advance until the whole
sition in this area. Some have overem earth shall have been warned, and then
phasized one or two isolated quotations shall the end come." 16 II
that tend to obscure her overall view. * Prom The New English Bible. The Delegates of the
One of these follows: "Our ministers are Oxford University Press and the Syndics of the Cambridge
University Press 1961, 1970. Reprinted by permission.
not to spend their time laboring for 1 Gottfried Oosterwal, Mission: Possible (Nashville, Tenn.:
those who have already accepted the Southern Publishing Association, 1972), p. 63.
2 Stephen Neill, A History of Christian Missions (Baltimore:
truth.... Those who take their stand for Penguin Books, 1971), p. 24.
the truth are to be organized into 3 Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 9, p. 117.
4 Ibid., vol. 7, p. 21.
churches, and then the minister is to 5 , The Desire of Ages, p. 251.
pass on to other equally important 6 Oosterwal, op. cit., p. 62.
7 Williston Walker, A History of the Christian Church (New
fields." 13 York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1959), p^ 399.
8 D. M. Lloyd-Jones, Preaching and Preachers, p. 101.
Such statements do not reflect the 9 Oosterwal, "The Role of the Laity," Andrews University
broad design Ellen White was given for Focus, vol. 9, no. 3, supplement (July, August 1973).
0 Ibid.
the work of the ministers of the Sev 1 Quoted in The Lay Preacher and His Work (Nashville,
enth-day Adventist Church. In Gospel Tenn.: Southern Publishing Association, 1940), p. 9.
2 Oosterwal, "The Role of the Laity."
Workers she writes: "In laboring where 3 White, Testimonies, vol. 7, pp. 19, 20.
there are already some in the faith, the 4 , Gospel Workers, p. 196.
5 Ibid., p. 197.
minister should at first seek not so much 6 , Testimonies, vol. 9, p. 96.
The Ministry/December, 1977/9
FOLLOWING the harrowing incident
last March in Washington, D.C., in
which 134 hostages were held at gun
Speak these two events, Dr. David Hyatt,
president of the National Conference of
Christians and Jews, declared, "I urge
point for thirty-nine hours, E. E. Cleve
land issued a timely statement that we
believe should be emphasized through
With all people worldwide to join in a common
fight against religious bigotry and ha
tred." He went on to emphasize that "it
out the world field. He cautioned church
spokesmen to avoid the use of the words Care is absolutely imperative that people of
different countries, and indeed of the
Mohammed, Moslem, Mohammedan same country, begin to respect the
ism, Islam, or any other references to rights and dignities of others and truly
this Eastern religion in a negative O. M. BERG form a world of peaceful coexistence."
sense. Because of extreme sensitivities, Seventh-day Adventists, with a mes
it may be best in many instances for sage for all people, should be most re
these terms to "be left off our lips." spectful and considerate of the feelings
Concerning his own practice, he says, and sensitivities of others. We cannot
"In certain neighborhoods, when abandon the gospel with its centrality in
preaching the seven trumpets and dis the cross, nor fail to lift up Christ; but
cussing the shooting star and the smoke we need not speak of the Jewish leaders
from the bottomless pit, I simply refer to involved in His death in such a way as to
it as an 'Eastern religious influence,' cast contempt upon an entire people.
and pass on." Recently an evangelistic campaign
Cleveland appropriately suggests that scheduled to begin on a Saturday night
"the time has come for us to exercise in a public high school auditorium had
tactfulness in all of our presentations as to be canceled the day before it opened
it concerns references to other religious after fifty thousand handbills had gone
faiths." He says, "In my public presen out in the mail. In the handbill the
tation of the Word, I have come to the question was raised as to why God com
place where I mention other religious missioned Israel to exterminate the in
faiths only in a complimentary sense; habitants of Palestine. It then referred
and I have thus been able to retain their to the excavations of Ras Shamra as
adherents as listeners for a much longer giving us "a clue in our puzzle to find a
span of time than before." reason for the mass genocide." Taking
We must all agree that there is no offense, the Jewish community forced a
place for slanted political sermons that close-down of the meetings. The account
encourage racial intolerance or that are of the episode appeared on the front
in any way provocative in speech and page of the local Jewish newspaper, to
manner. Nevertheless, Cleveland is also gether with a picture of the Seventh-day
right when he admonishes that this Adventist church and some very un
"should in no wise be interpreted as complimentary remarks.
inhibiting the forceful, plain, pointed So we see how extremely careful we
preaching of the everlasting gospel. It is must be. We must guard against saying
intended to suggest tact, wisdom, love, anything that might be interpreted as
and kindness in all of our public ex casting contempt on, or discriminating
pressions and manner." against, others' culture, worship, or past
A word should be said also about the and present history. Most of us have too
way we refer to members of the Jewish limited a knowledge of Jewish history
faith. Recent events, such as the Sixth and seem particularly unaware of the
Annual Meeting of the International shameful way Jews have been dealt
Catholic-Jewish Liaison Committee and with in so-called Christian lands. Acts
the third National Workshop on Chris against them have included the po
tian-Jewish Relations point out the lemics of church fathers, forced bap
changing climate. The former meeting tisms (especially for children), church
was highlighted by the issuance of a edicts encouraging raids on Jewish syn
Catholic statement rejecting "in a clear agogues, and expulsions, all of which
way every form of proselytism" of the help us understand why so many Jews
Jews by Catholics. today look upon those of their number
The fact that Easter and Passover fell converting to Christianity as "joining
on the same day this year also gave the enemy."
occasion for statements evoking better Our chief concern should be that our
understanding. President Jimmy Car words spring from hearts that are sin
ter's call for the protection of human O. M. Berg is an cerely interested in the welfare of our
rights around the world has also had its executive editor of fellow beings and that we appreciate the
influence in this area. In referring to The Ministry. worth of each person as an individual.
10/The Ministry/December, 1977
Fidelity-a selfish course, we describe such action as
infidelity. Similarly, one who disavows a
commitment to a religious faith may be
Commandment spoken of as an infidel.
Fidelity is a quality greatly needed in
the world today. Sometimes it seems
that it is even in short supply within the
membership of the Seventh-day Ad
ventist Church, to say nothing of the
employees of the organization itself. Fi
But sometimes it seems delity is a quality of the seventh com
that it is even in short mandment that directs us to believe in,
uphold, and honor our associates. Let
supply within the church. me illustrate this from an experience
with our family pet.
Some years ago we had a big Labra
dor, black as coal, whom we called
Cobba ("Pal," in the common parlance of
Australia). He was a beautiful dog, well
disciplined, obedient, loyal, and true,
and a terror to anyone who might chal
lenge a member of the family. He didn't
roam the neighborhood, but was always
at home. You could count on him. We
THE SEVENTH commandment, had him in Africa, when our children
"Thou shalt not commit adultery," is a F. E. were growing up; they ranged in age
SCHLEHUBER from two to ten. They romped and tum
statement about basic human relation
ships. Like the other simply worded bled with that dog. He tolerated all their
commandments "Honour thy father roughness and foolishness with the
and thy mother," "Thou shalt not kill," greatest of patience. Even I enjoyed an
"Thou shalt not steal," "Thou shalt not occasional period of play with Cobba.
bear false witness," "Thou shalt not If we went for a walk he would run
covet" the seventh commandment em along with us if we called him to do so,
bodies principles and values that have or he would remain at home if we so
far-reaching implications. As the entire ordered, and he would do either cheer
law is "a revelation of the will and the fully. Cobba was at the height of his
character of its Author" (The Great glory on a walk. As all dogs are, he was
Controversy, p. 467), each part of the law curious, running off momentarily to
tells us something of the values by chase a squirrel or cat, or just investi
which God wants man to live. gating; but he was always back at our
In this commandment God is con side without the need for a call. The
cerned about more than extramarital Labrador just seemed to sense his re
sexual liaisons, as is amply documented sponsibility and was a model of good
in many parts of the Bible. When an canine behavior.
cient Israel turned from God to worship Then one day I did something to
pagan idols, Jeremiah and Ezekiel Cobba for the first and last time. I
reprimanded the nation for committing grabbed him by the tail, thoughtlessly. I
adultery. (See Jer. 3:8; Eze. 23:37; Rev. did it in play, not really meaning to hurt
2:22.) him. However, the effect on Cobba was
Thus the underlying principle in the immediate and disrupting. He didn't try
seventh commandment would seem to to bite me or defend himself in any way.
be that when two persons commit them He was too loyal for that. However, he
selves to each other for certain objec thought better of me and was offended.
tives, they should honor that commit Sticking his tail between his legs, he
ment with loyalty and fidelity. Their beat a fast retreat to home. As far as he
motivations and conduct should be open was concerned, our relationship had
and transparent to each other, and each changed. I had let him down.
should be able to trust the other. When When I returned to the house the dog
partners in a marriage honor their F. E. Schlehuber was lying on the front porch in a very
vows, believing in each other and work is business melancholy mood, not even wagging his
ing toward common goals, we speak of manager of the tail in his usual greeting. He never
their fidelity to each other. When one Guam Seventh-day moved, never twitched a muscle. His big
disregards those vows and pursues a Adventist Clinic. black eyes stared off into space. I petted
The Ministry/December, 1977/11
him and talked to him, but he didn't
After a few hours, Cobba forgot all
about the incident and was himself once
again, but I have never forgotten it. I
still feel bad whenever I think of the
temporary damage I did to that beauti
ful dog in a careless, thoughtless mo
ment. I have tried to analyze what took
place in the dog's response and have
arrived at these two conclusions:
First, when I grabbed him by the tail,
I did the unexpected. I approached him
from the wrong end. It was a sneak
attack. He didn't think I would take
advantage of him when his back was
turned. In other words, he had more FOR MORE than a century since
confidence in me than I deserved. their first school opened its doors, Sev
Second, I gave him no opportunity to enth-day Adventists have demonstrated
defend himself; he didn't have a chance an avid commitment to Christian edu
to understand what was going on. I cation. The result, under the Lord's
acted without preparing him for the guidance and blessing, has been a re
"game" I thought we were playing. markable upthrust of educational insti
This incident reflects what I believe tutions undergirding the global spread
the seventh commandment is all about. of the Advent Movement. Throughout
It points beyond the most obvious intent the world the church now operates 4,294
of this commandment to an eternal elementary and secondary schools, col
principle. Whether at the beginning in leges, seminaries, and universities the
heaven Lucifer indulged his fancies in largest international Protestant school
play or in spite, he must have violated system extant.
this commandment in doing the unex Why, then, has the church set aside
pected against God. Trustworthiness, 1978 for education emphasis? The 1976
fidelity, and loyalty must be as impor Annual Council listed the following six
tant in heaven as they are on earth. purposes for Adventist Education Year:
Fidelity in the marriage relationship 1. To emphasize the value and the
means a great deal more than just re necessity of carrying on Seventh-day
fraining from what is commonly re Adventist education throughout the
garded as adultery. It means that I will world.
always be the same to my wife, whether 2. To highlight the contributions of
in her presence or in her absence. When the educational program to the Sev
I talk about her when she isn't present enth-day Adventist movement.
or engage in other behavior related to 3. To develop strong training for a
our marriage vows I will always be loyal witnessing and outreach program that
to her. I will always honor her. will lead to greater participation by the
In the same way, fidelity in my rela education community in world evangel
tionships with all my associates will re ism.
flect the same type of conduct, regard 4. To set spiritual, academic, recruit
less of the circumstances. I will never ment, and physical-expansion goals for
take advantage of someone in any situ the future, and to focus attention on
ation. The rights, the individuality, of their accomplishment.
every person I meet will be carefully 5. To identify strengths and weak
respected. nesses in the present educational sys
Ellen White has written, "Fidelity to tem, and to point out the major needs of
God involves fidelity to man. Thus the conference systems, elementary schools,
law guards the rights, the individuality, academies, and higher institutions,
of every human being. It restrains the placing emphasis on the spiritual values
superior from oppression, and the sub on all levels.
ordinate from disobedience. It insures 6. To effect a forward thrust in Ad
man's well-being, both for this world ventist education, selecting specific
and for the world to come. To the obe needed projects, and providing financial
dient it is the pledge of eternal life, for it assistance for the expansion of materi
expresses the principles that endure als and facilities.
forever." Education, p. 77. II The theme for the year, "Redemption
12/The Ministry/December, 1977

Through Christ in Education," puts GARLAND J. What can you as ministers and church
Christ in the center and reminds us that MILLET leaders do to help? Here are some sug
the goals sought in Adventist education gestions:
are distinct, involving the saving of our 1. Preach creatively and often on the
young people through their winning doctrine of Christian education.
others to the Redeemer. 2. Conduct study groups on Spirit of
Adventist Education Year provides an Prophecy guidelines on education.
extended opportunity to reflect on the 3. Counsel all families to enroll
contributions that Christian education their children in Seventh-day Adventist
has made through the history of the schools.
church, and a special time for gratitude, 4. Plan inspirational education days
for re-examination, for planning, study, and rallies, including Education Week
giving, and action. The entire church activities.
should be made aware that Christian 5. Where no school exists to serve a
education is indispensable. local church, lead the church to pray and
Concerning our heritage of Christian plan and give and act until a new school
education, Ellen White wrote: "Of all is built.
institutions in our world the school is 6. Work with the church educational
the most important!" "There is no more secretary in the interest of the church
important work that can be done than school, including appropriate publicity.
the educating and training of ... youth 7. Lead your school board in assess
and children." Fundamentals of ing the school's program and facilities
Christian Education, pp. 226, 267. and in providing needed improvements.
(Italics supplied.) 8. Stimulate total support of Chris
Educational leaders have laid plans tian education, including tuition assist
that include an already-distributed spe ance to large families.
cial calendar on Adventist education, 9. Support the Home and School As
several major conventions, improve sociation.
ment campaigns, and systematic re- 10. Recommend that at camp-meet
study of Spirit of Prophecy guidelines ing time a sermon on Christian educa
for education. tion be given on Sabbath during the
A four-volume paperback set of the 11-o'clock service.
Ellen White books on education (Edu 11. Visit the church school and acad
cation; Counsels to Parents, Teachers, emy, and encourage both students and
and Students; Counsels on Education; teachers.
and Fundamentals of Christian Educa 12. Obtain and utilize as much of the
tion) will be offered in several lan available promotional material on
guages. A study guide for the book Ed Christian education as is useful in your
ucation will be available in English, situation.
Portuguese, and Spanish. A high point Garland J.
occurs during the third quarter of 1978, Millet, Ph.D., Efforts to strengthen Adventist edu
is associate
when the entire church will ponder as director of cation will pay priceless dividends. More
pects of Christian education through education in children will be saved and baptized into
that quarter's Sabbath school lessons. the General the church. An increased number of
One major priority will be the transla Conference of youth will choose to witness for Christ,
tion and adaptation of some new Bible Seventh-day and many will formally enter full-time
textbooks for overseas schools. Adventists. service for the Lord. II
The Ministry/December, 1977/13
IF WE picture God as an honest FRANK LEWIS As more and more of the vital proc
worker, who placed a reasoning man in MARSH esses were shown to result from the
a reasonable and understandable uni operation of the laws of physics and
verse, it then becomes a function of chemistry, men turned from the unjus
science to change gaping wonder into tifiable assumption that a supernatural
intelligent delight, to convert supersti Power carried on these processes in
tion into rational worship. ways that humans could never under
In the past there were students of stand to the opposite and equally unjus
nature who considered that a natural tifiable assumption that vital processes
process was the result of the action of a were the result of the operation of un
Higher Power if it could not be ex aided physiochemical laws in the proto
plained in terms of physics and chemis plasm of plants and animals.
try, that is, if it could not be understood. In the earlier part of the present cen
But as soon as the process was found to tury the purely mechanistic concept of a
be explainable by natural laws, and universe that operated without any
therefore understandable, they con need of a supernatural Power was wide
cluded that God was not directing it. spread. We are encouraged today to see
As man has become better informed among scientists evidence of a revival of
there seems to be a normal tendency to the concept of a Higher Power; but there
adapt to the more obvious and to ignore is still a general opinion that the two
or even consider as nonexistent that ideas of natural and supernatural are
which appears unfathomable. This eva antagonistic. Even among creationists
sion of unnatural facts that is, the su there is some confusion with regard to
pernatural becomes still more appeal where one ends and the other begins.
ing when moral and spiritual We may well raise the question, "Is
responsibilities considered to be dis there a clear line of demarcation be
tasteful accompany the acceptance of tween natural law and supernatural
the supernatural. manifestation?"
The scientists of the Middle Ages It appears to trouble some that God's
quite unanimously accepted as fact the servants are subject to natural laws in
idea of the supernatural working to ac the same way that sinners are subject to
complish natural processes. To illus them. They have difficulty accepting the
trate, the circulation of the blood was concept that God's love is extended to
believed to result from the effect of the the sinner as much as to the saint. They
"vital spirit" that the blood was thought seem to expect a servant of God to be
to receive in the heart. Thus the impor immune to being run down by an auto
tant function of the heart was dilata mobile, or to death in an airplane ac
tion, because, by its receiving the blood, cident. But in the same way that God
more of the spiritus could be imparted so makes His "sun to rise on the evil and on
that the blood could be empowered to the good," and sends His "rain on the
make the circuit once more. When Wil just and on the unjust" (Matt. 5:45), He
liam Harvey, of England, demonstrated continues to express impartially His
in 1628 that the blood did not circulate power in all the regular, natural ways
by the action of the vital spirit but that we call natural processes. Any in
rather because it was simply a liquid Frank Lewis dividual, godly or godless, who is mo
Marsh is pro mentarily out of harmony with these
confined in tubes that was kept in a fessor emeritus
one-way motion by means of the con of biology at
natural laws must suffer the conse
traction of the heart and the action of Andrews Univer quences that come to lawbreakers. The
valves, a major impetus was given to a sity, Berrien effect may be immediate, as when we
search for rational explanations of nat Springs, step in front of a speeding car or off a
ural phenomena. Michigan. roof, or the effect may be more delayed
14/The Ministry/December, 1977
and hidden, as when we neglect the in It is essential and aids in the preparation for the life
clusion of essential vitamins in our diet. to the to come." The Ministry of Healing, p.
The necessity of natural processes oc well-being of 146. "God is constantly employed in
curring in regular ways becomes appar upholding and using as His servants the
ent as we think how things would be in the universe things that He has made. He works
our universe if this regularity were not that natural through the laws of nature, using them
present. For instance, if gravity worked processes as His instruments. They are not self-
only part of the time, or in different operate in acting. Nature in her work testifies of
directions at different times, we would regular ways. the intelligent presence and active
not know what to expect. We might re agency of a Being who moves in all
tire at night resting on top of the bed, things according to His will." Ibid.,
but because gravity reversed in direc p. 416.
tion during the night, we would experi No Essential Differences
ence a hard fall against the ceiling.
Needless to say, if natural forces did not The concept of natural law being an
work in regular ways, we could find expression of God's power and character
ourselves in a chaos. However, as a re causes us to see that in actuality there
sult of their regular behavior we live in are no essential differences between the
a cosmos. natural and the supernatural. The su
Before looking thoughtfully into the pernatural is considered more miracu
situation, some exclaim, "How can the lous only because it occurs differently
cold, mechanical, heartless, impersonal from, and out of the regular order of, the
laws of physics and chemistry be ex natural laws as usually perceived. As
pressions of a God of love?" But even a Ellen White has expressed it: "In dwell
brief consideration will show that a ing upon the laws of matter and the
reasonable universe must be just this laws of nature, many lose sight of, if
kind, a place where things occur in reg they do not deny, the continual and
ular and predictable ways. It is possible direct agency of God. They convey the
to learn the laws of operation for such a idea that nature acts independently of
universe and intelligently harmonize God, having in and of itself its own
with them. We suffer injury in this limits and its own powers wherewith to
cosmos whenever we do that which we work. In their minds there is a marked
should have known better than to do. distinction between the natural and the
These very characteristics of the natu supernatural. . . . This is false science;
ral processes, with all their regularity there is nothing in the word of God to
and impartiality, make it possible for us sustain it. God does not annul His laws,
to steer our course quite safely as re but He is continually working through
gards physical mishap so long as we them, using them as His instru
plan in harmony with natural law. If ments." Testimonies, vol. 8, p. 259.
nature were still perfect and we were It is not common to find Christians
familiar with it, for every result, happy who expect God to upset His regular
or sad, we could find a cause. We read in way of doing things just for them. But
Proverbs 26:2, "The curse causeless such an expectation is not being fair
shall not come." The true cause could be with God. This attitude of mind devel
known if we lived in a perfect, unde- ops within the individual a type of
generated world of law-bound power smugness that may result in a fatal
where every effect had its natural cause. discouragement when he or his loved
Ellen White states it this way: "The ones suffer in the course of natural
laws of nature, being the laws of God, events. We live in a universe where ef
are designed for our good; . . . obedience fect must follow cause in order to pro
to them promotes happiness in this life, duce a harmonious whole.
The Ministry/December, 1977/15
It is not often that God chooses to It is well for sprang up. ... All tares are sown by the
perform a miracle. We cannot require us frequently evil one. Every noxious herb is of his
this of Him in the world of natural to remind sowing, and by his ingenious methods of
things. God's blessings will naturally amalgamation [hybridization] he has
fall upon those who study the rules and ourselves that corrupted the earth with tares."
regulations in the natural world, and our earth is Selected Messages, book 2, p. 288.
place themselves in harmony with the actual Here we get a glimpse of the origin of
them. Any time God chooses He may battleground such degenerates as thorns, thistles,
perform an unnatural act, such as heal of the tares, all pestiferous and poisonous
ing someone of a hereditary disease but plants, and disease-producing orga
we must recognize that such occurrences controversy nisms. Other references could be cited to
are definitely unusual. If God does not between Christ show that this applies in equal manner
choose to work the miracle for us, it may and Satan. to unfriendly and dangerous animals, as
be because of one of two things: either well.
God sees that it is not best in the light of Satan cannot create life. "The prince
His entire plan, or we do not have of evil, though possessing all the wis
enough faith in what God can do. dom and might of an angel fallen, has
not power to create, or to give life; this is
What About the Evidences of Evil? the prerogative of God alone." Patri
What about the malevolent and the archs and Prophets, p. 264. But he does
disharmonious aspects of the natural work through natural laws and proc
world? How can they be harmonized esses as a superscientist.
with the concept that natural phenom Scientists, through selection, hybridi
ena are the expression of infinite intel zation, and proper use of such poisons as
ligence, self-discipline, and love? Our colchicine, have been able greatly to
earth is described as presenting a beau improve our domesticated plants and
tiful scene of perfect harmony among animals. Satan, by the same means, as a
living things at the close of Creation superscientist, has been able to change
week. Animals lived peaceably together already-existing helpful plants and an
as they all fed upon plant materials imals into dangerous degenerates.
(Gen. 1:30). Then came that tragic day Without doubt his superior understand
when our first parents chose rather to ing of the hereditary substance DNA
believe the god of deceit than the God of enables him to bring about numerous
truth. Because of this disobedience chemical deteriorations that cause
Satan was able to wrest the viceregency numberless health hazards.
of this earth from Adam and to begin a Happily, through God's providence,
gradual burgeoning degeneration in the all nature is in a state of dynamic bal
natural world. The threads of the beau ance that makes human life still not
tiful web of life became tangled and its only possible but even pleasant, the de
lovely pattern stained with blood. generative changes produced by Satan
Fairness required that Satan be given notwithstanding.
an opportunity to demonstrate his claim It is well for us frequently to remind
that he could maintain a superior ruler- ourselves that our earth is the actual
ship. Then it was that God placed a battleground of the controversy between
curse upon the ground, an act that ap Christ and Satan. This conflict is waged
parently consisted of a removal, to a just as truly in the natural realm as in
gradually increasing degree, of His pro the spiritual realm. As is the case on
tection over nature. The experience of every battlefield, we must expect cas
Job illustrates how this curse of God ualties. Because of the present confused
enabled Satan to afflict Job within the state of nature produced by sin, it is
limitations set by God. inadvisable, and possibly even danger
Satan's hatred of God and jealousy of ous, to try to understand why the life of
Christ led him to attempt to destroy all a dear saint may be tragically lost. It is
that is good and fair. The following in required of us to have faith in God and
sight has been given concerning his in the truth of His Word. Eventually we
operation in nature: "Christ never will know why tragedies came. Until
planted the seeds of death in the system. that time we must exercise the faith the
Satan planted these seeds when he poet Whittier expressed in his poem
tempted Adam to eat of the tree of "The Eternal Goodness":
knowledge which meant disobedience to "I know not what the future hath
God. Not one noxious plant was placed Of marvel or surprise,
in the Lord's great garden, but after Assured alone that life and death
Adam and Eve sinned, poisonous herbs His mercy underlies." II
16/The Ministry/December, 1977
Church Growth There are ways to make your church a
means of really helping the family. The
church can become a family-life center.
Through This can be done without changing the
soul-winning-evangelistic objectives or
the Fumtty-Life the normal patterns; it may be that you
are already doing many things sug
Center gested in this article. By changing some
of the emphases and putting the pro
gram into a new format, it is possible to
bring new vitality to the individuals and
families of your community and your
church. Most of this can be done without
special training for the pastor or the
Specific instructions administrator of the program.
on how to organize a family- A key factor in developing a family-
life center is, of course, organization.
life center in your church. God's Spirit must guide, but He can best
guide a well-organized program. "God is
not the author of confusion" (1 Cor.
14:33). Since one of the gifts of the
Spirit is that of "governments" (chap.
12:28) or "power to guide" (N.E.B.),* it is
essential that there be a long-range
No pastor can direct a family-life
center alone. Not only would it be too
much to handle but it would deny the
WITH DIVORCE rates soaring, teen RICHARD
use of talents, ideas, and help available
agers running away as never before, STENBAKKEN from others in the church. In most con
and family problems increasing, there gregations there can be an almost auto
obviously is a crying need for a better matic selection of lay leaders who have
understanding on the part of ministers interests or training to help carry on
as to what they can do to help the most this kind of outreach. Their help, ideas,
basic unit of church and society the and objective view of the plans can be a
family. valuable asset to the church.
"One well-ordered, well-disciplined Something as simple as the idea of
family tells more in behalf of Christi using one of the housewives in your
anity than all the sermons that can be congregation to teach how to bake bread
preached." 1 Or, as Verna Birkey says, may develop into one of your most pop
"No church is stronger than the Chris ular classes. If competent people are not
tian families that are in it. You can already available, perhaps those inter
almost measure the effectiveness and ested could be sent for such training as a
vitality and the Christian influence and legitimate lay activity of the church. In
power for the gospel of a church by case appropriate help is not available in
checking the families that represent it. the church, Christian resource people in
No church is stronger than the family the community might be used on a
life of its members." 2 limited and carefully screened basis as
It is abundantly clear that something we are already accustomed to doing in
must be done to reduce the devastating our Five-Day Stop Smoking classes.
pain and disruption families are ex Many programs are now available on
periencing today and to create positive tape, video cassette, or movie if person
patterns of ministry that will build nel are not available to run them "live."
stronger families both spiritually and Richard Sten- The organizational chart on page 18
emotionally. Any impact the church is bakken is cur can serve as a guideline in achieving
able to make on the changing family rently serving evangelistic outreach and family heal
structure will of necessity be grounded in the U.S. ing through a family-oriented church
in the principles of an unchanging gos Army at Fort
Leonard Wood,
program. The four suggested headings
pel. Missouri, where all have the same aims, that is: (1) to
Sure! Great! Amen! But . . . how do he holds the apply the healing of the gospel to
you do it? That is the practical question position of wounds and hurts in families, and (2) to
that underlies the philosophical and administrative develop positive patterns of ministry for
theoretical inertia many churches face. chaplain. spiritual and emotional growth.
The Ministry/December, 1977/17
Advisory Council
(Church Board)
Pastor arid Others
—————————————' 1

Education Worship Enrichment Counsel!][»g
(Prevention) (Growth) (Change)
Sabbath school Church services Marriage-enrichment Problem solving
5-Day Plans Home-emphasis weeks programs and growth
Cooking classes Special speakers Retreats Referral or
Health care Prayer meetings on Small study groups personal counseling
Weight control the home Family visitation Etc.
Etc. The Adventist Home Etc.
Child Guidance

A vital concept to keep in mind is that this period. You may wish to emphasize
of planning active programs, not just vegetarian cooking during Lent or
reactive ones. Prevention of problems sponsor nutrition classes during Na
and encouragement of positive Chris tional Nutrition Week or hold a special
tian growth are primary goals. Coun series or class on Christian women dur
seling, when that is needed, has its place ing National Women's Week. Depend
in a viable family-life program. How ing on your community, you might offer
ever, counseling families is just as spe something special for the black family
cific a skill as is preaching. As people in during Black History Week or in con
the church and community become nection with Martin Luther King, Jr.'s
aware that there is a caring ministry to birthday. When working within such a
families, another problem (or blessing structure your advertising and public-
or challenge) develops: people will begin relations problems are greatly simpli
to seek help for family and personal fied.
hurts. The prepared pastor will know One excellent planning book that I
his capabilities and limitations in coun find most helpful is the Ecumenical
seling. He will know who is available to Daily Appointment Planner available
help with counseling when it is beyond from Catholic Supply Company, 5851
the limits of his skills or time. Chippewa, St. Louis, Missouri 63109.
The regular edition is $3.95 and the
Long-range Planning deluxe padded-cover desk edition is
One way to expand ministry to fami $6.95. Its value lies in its listings of
lies is to be aware of the opportunities Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, national,
that beg to be used every year through and other holidays for the current year
the use of long-range planning around and for the next three years.
the calendar. Most Christians are al One lesson learned through experi
ready familiar with the liturgical cal ence in developing a family-life center is
endar and plan their year around Lent, the absolute need for long-range plan
Advent, Easter, and other Christian ning. Unless serious time is spent with a
events. Many other weeks are promoted calendar in one hand and the Bible in
through the secular calendar. It may be the other, even an outstanding idea can
helpful for the Adventist pastor to con turn into a mess. Programs should have
sider such a calendar and build his pro an easy flow and sequence. They should
gram around specific local and national be spaced well so people don't weary
interests. For instance, the whole nation themselves in well-doing. Retreats,
is promoting Mother's Day and Father's guest speakers, films, and other items
Day. Why not take advantage of this demand advance scheduling. So do their
period and have a special series of ser costs.
mons on the home in this six-to-eight- Some of the programs and classes you
week period? A family-life evangelistic may wish to promote through your fam
series, as outlined later in this article, ily-life center church are indicated in
might be particularly effective during the box on the next page.
18/The Ministry/December, 1977
Some of these classes or programs
have openly religious connotations and
Doctrine Related family topic
some do not, but all will bring people to
your church and make it an obvious Health Keeping the family alive and well
center for the improvement of your Sabbath How to have time for your family
community. They will break down State of the dead What happens when the circle is broken
Trinity (God's family) The family structure who's boss
prejudice and encourage interests to at Spirit of Prophecy The Adventist Home concepts of family
tend other programs the church has to relationships
offer. The regular Sabbath, church, and Law of God/grace Legalism or relationship
prayer meetings, and youth services of Tithe How to have money for the family
the church can and should be advertised Sanctuary The cure called forgiveness
also as part of the educational and wor Judgment hour Father loving figure or ogre?
ship aspects of the family-life center. Conversion I'm adopted
Sanctification Growth and commitment
Evangelistic Follow-up Gifts of the Spirit Using one's capabilities to the full
The evangelistic meeting can be an Sacraments baptism, Outward signs of inward commitment
important part of the family-life year, Church standards Discipline and limits
also. The Bible contains many parallels Prayer and Bible study Communication
between the relationship of husband
and wife and the relationship between
Christ and the church. It would seem
natural that the doctrines that draw us not important now. By building your
to Christ would also have their counter series around family-problem preven
parts in family relationships. tion and therapy you may be able to
One of the pitfalls of modern evan reach many people for the first time.
gelism is that of answering questions One suggestion for such a series may
that most people are not ready to ask, or be a one-hour, early-evening series with
that their immediate pain tells them are very little of the usual music, movies, or
other preludes. The first half hour might
be spent on a special family emphasis
and the last half hour on the related
Natural childbirth doctrinal study, or they may be com
La Leche League bined. Such a program can be quite rel
Vegetarian cooking classes evant to the busy modern young family,
Nutrition classes especially if nursery services are also
Wa-Rite weight-control program provided. A schedule showing how the
Five-Day Stop Smoking program family topics might be related to doctri
nal subjects appears in the box above.
Classes or programs for singles
For most programs involving families
Parent-effectiveness classes it is a good policy to provide nursery or
Dare to Discipline child care so parents with small children
Parent-effectiveness guidance can attend and give their full attention,
Home nursing, first aid knowing their children are nearby and
Classes on retirement and aging cared for.
Premarital classes
Of course, the best problem to have
and any church developing a fully bal
How to live with your parents
anced family-life center should have
(for teen-agers) it is what to do with the rapid growth
Dealing with grief and crisis that will be experienced. People will re
Mothers' prayer groups spond when the church begins to answer
Dial-a-Prayer daily devotionals questions that are being asked. And
Dial-for-Help counseling where is a better place to get answers to
Dynamic Dads family living than the church? After all,
Womanhood classes: the Biblical account of God's dealing
Total woman with man begins and ends with the
Woman's seminar workshops theme of the family from our first
Marriage-enrichment classes or retreats parents in Eden to the marriage supper
Alcoholics Anonymous and/or Alateen of the Lamb. God has a vital interest in
Divorce groups/counseling classes the family.
Sewing classes Can we have less? II
Homemaking 1 E. G. White, Review and Herald, June 6, 1899.
2 Verna Birkey, God's Pattern for Successful Living (Kent,
Washington: Seminar Workshops for Women, 1971), p. 1.
The Ministry/December, 1977/19
MY PURPOSE in this report is to revive and
reawaken your sensitivities to the document "Evan
gelism and Finishing the Work," which we whole
heartedly approved at the last Annual Council. To do
that, I have chosen to use an approach that may be
somewhat different, in which I endeavor to simulate
in North American situations, hardships, and prob
lems such as were experienced by the early Christian
church, and by our pioneers, and are now being ex
perienced by many of our brothers and sisters in
other parts of the world field. Using sanctified imagi
nation along with God's prophetic revelation, we can
postulate certain events that might become reality.
As I try to get us to take another look at the total
evangelism document, unanimously adopted last An
nual Council, please do not misunderstand and take
my remarks in a negative or cynical way. Rather, let
us honestly ask ourselves how serious have been our
efforts to implement the specific provisions of that
Let us suppose that a decree were to be issued
indicating that as of November 1, 1977, all North
American Seventh-day Adventist medical, publish
ing, and educational institutions, as well as Harris
Pine Mills, Loma Linda Foods, and the Radio Televi
sion and Film Center would be removed from de
nominational control. As of midnight of the same
date, all salaries, allowances, sustentation benefits,
and exportation of currency to overseas divisions will
be cut off. To put it bluntly, our organizational struc

Evangelism ture as we know it tonight will grind to a halt within

the next six weeks. Because there are some excep
tions to this harsh decree, our soul-winning possibili

and ties are not totally wiped out. For instance, although
we will be prohibited from building any new church
buildings, the doors of our existing churches will

Finishing remain open. We will also be permitted to conduct

public meetings. Furthermore, we will be allowed to
go from home to home to share our faith. Personal

the Work and group witnessing activities will not be curtailed.

There is no prohibition against our taking up offer
ings or securing tithe, but these funds cannot be used
for the financial support of the clergy, or for teachers,
secretaries, or any other class of denominational em
NEAL C. WILSON ployees. We will, however, be allowed to use the funds
collected through offerings, Ingathering, and other
donations to buy radio and television time, to print
our literature on commercial presses, to publicize our
work in newspapers and other mass-media commu
nications, and to minister to the needs of disadvan-
Neal C. Wilson is vice-president of the General taged and suffering humanity in the cities and in the
Conference for North America. vast rural areas of North America.
Actually, the primary way in which the church will
be affected by this November 1, 1977, decree is that
we will be forbidden to hire or pay denominational
employees. All our institutions and offices will be
closed, and there will be a specific moratorium on all
building projects. I almost neglected to inform you of
This article is a condensation of the North American Division
report presented at the 1977 Annual Council by Elder Neal C.
20/The Ministry/December, 1977
another restriction mentioned in this order. We will work, shall be expected to give priority of their time,
not be allowed to convene Annual Councils, Union talent, energy, and planning to evangelistic work,
and General Conference sessions, conference constit according to their gifts, in preaching, personal wit
uency meetings, or any other kind of convention. But, ness, and teaching."
and thank God for this, we will be able to rent halls, In the light of the sanctions mentioned above, I am
use churches, visit from door to door, hold cottage sure that all of us can appreciate the tremendous
meetings, pitch tents, build temporary tabernacles, significance of this Annual Council action more than
hold outdoor meetings, preach on street corners and ever before. Since we will no longer be spending as
in parks, and utilize every communication media. In much time conducting committee meetings, traveling
other words, there will be no interference with our to and fro throughout the earth holding conventions
personal and collective witnessing endeavors. and institutes of various kinds, generating policies to
Of course, this will present a traumatic life-style deal with the various phases of our denominational
change for the nearly 35,000 Seventh-day Adventist program, we can now use all of our time, with the
employees in the North American Division working exception of that portion dedicated to earning a live
force. All of us, like the apostle Paul, will be forced to lihood, to preaching, witnessing, and preparing peo
find jobs outside our present employment in the ple for the kingdom.
church structure in order to support ourselves. Some Here is another section in our finish-the-work ac
of us may have to seek unemployment compensation tion, which is now more likely to become a reality
or go on welfare. immediately after November 1. "One of the weakest
But at any rate, as lay people, we will still have links in our evangelistic chain is the follow-up of the
freedom to preach the gospel in any way we wish. multiplied thousands, if not millions, of names that
This will, of course, test our mettle, and challenge our have been gathered in during the past years. Imme
ingenuity. We will have to find a way of being able to diate action must be taken to remedy the situation."
make a living, and still spend a considerable part of Since we will no longer be allowed to spend our time
our time in doing God's work. Many of us will want to and energy in organizational business and mainte
emulate James White, whose fertile mind discovered nance, we will be free to begin to follow up these
new ways of earning money. If you haven't read names, visiting and praying with those who have
Virgil Robinson's book entitled James White please expressed interest and helping to prepare them for
obtain a copy and read it carefully. His ingenious the coming of Jesus.
methods of making money to support himself and the Now consider what the implications will be re
cause, included importation of tubs of butter from garding implementation of the funding of our evan
Michigan, as well as nuts, beans, and other commod gelistic outreach. I am sure you will recall our voted
ities, which he sold in the southwest. At the same expression of intention that "in view of the primacy
time, he bought, shipped, and sold buffalo skins and of evangelism, the local conference shall take from its
wildcat hides in the north. On another occasion he share of retained tithe income at least 1O percent
earned $4.00 in a single day, selling brooms. He annually, and set it up for evangelistic funding.
almost started a broom factory in Texas, which would Unions shall set up at least 10 percent of their share
have provided employment for needy Adventists. of retained tithe income to be added to evangelism
James's earnings were not spent for self-gratifica funds received from the General Conference and
tion. In fact, at that time he and his wife pledged shared with the conferences to be used for evangel
$2,000 to help pay off the debts on the Dime Taber ism, as the Union Committee may direct." Since after
nacle, and on the Oakland, California, church. Times November 1 there will no longer be any local, union,
were hard, and money was scarce, but James and or General Conference organizations, we will be able
Ellen White were determined to see the work go to use 100 percent of our tithes for direct evangelistic
forward. Nearly all of our early pioneers had to outreach, not just 10 percent. What is about to hap
support themselves by secular employment, and they pen to us on November 1, then, is not entirely un
dedicated as much as they possibly could, aside from mitigated evil. Imagine what an impact will be made
maintaining a bare existence level of living, to God's when 35,000 former church employees are using all
program. of their spare time, their evenings, their Sabbaths
So, fellow delegates, be of good courage. Where and Sundays, in contacting people, preaching, giving
there's a will, there's a way. In spite of the November away literature, talking with people on the tele
1 mandate, we can return to our places of labor with phone, having group Bible studies in their homes,
positive, optimistic attitudes. organizing companies and churches, and training our
It has occurred to me that perhaps a number of the people by going with them from door to door.
items in the action on evangelism and the finishing of One extremely fascinating part of our recommen
the work will now be more readily and promptly dation was given the title "Limitations of Building
implemented. For instance, under the section "The Projects." Let me refresh your memories. We voted
Role of the Ordained or Licensed 'Non-Pastoral' Min that "a serious attempt shall be made to be conserva
ister," we voted that "the large body of ministers in tive in our building expansion, so that only absolutely
the General Conference and its divisions, the union essential buildings are constructed." We cannot help
and local fields, the institutions and other types of putting this into effect, since we will no longer be able
The Ministry/December, 1977/21
to build any type of church or church-related struc shared, will be realized in the context of the greatest
ture. This means that we will have to secure halls, redemptive thrust in our history!" Another thought-
use members' homes, rent churches, and in fair provoking passage read, "Administrative action is
weather even hold meetings on the hillsides and in urgently needed to help reclaim this glorious,
the parks. Interestingly, this unforeseen result will Christ-centered purpose. The essence of righteous
be a far greater application of our action than we ever ness, demonstrated by a faith that works, is evangel
dreamed of or intended. May I read another sentence ism, revival, and salvation. This work is to penetrate
or two that I'm sure we were serious about when we all the ranks of the church. It is time for the showers
voted it. "The one purpose of this economy would be to of the latter rain and the finishing of the work. We, as
release more funds for the church to use in giving the leaders, have permitted the pressures of our church
last warning message to every nation, kindred, and the influence of people and programs to distract
tongue, and people." What will happen when 100 us from our central work." One of the Spirit of
percent of our building funds are released for the Prophecy statements included in the document read,
giving of the last warning message to the world in "All that the apostles did, every church member
direct communication of one type or another? today is to do. And we are to work with as much more
I really feel, fellow delegates and friends, that we fervor, to be accompanied by the Holy Spirit in as
should not be disheartened by the news that the much greater measure, as the increase of wickedness
restrictions we have been talking about will go into demands a more decided call to repentance. . . . At
effect on November 1.1 honestly believe that this will this time, when the end of all things is at hand,
bring the coming of the Lord more quickly than should not the zeal of the church exceed even that of
anticipated in the document we adopted at the last the early church? . . . Should not the power of God be
Annual Council. In fact, I can envision that the Lord even more mightily revealed today than in the time
will finish the work in a very short time after the of the apostles?" Testimonies, vol. 7, p. 33.
decree goes into effect. That is, He will if it results in As the November 1 deadline draws near can you
our dedicating our energies and time to letting the not see that perhaps we will be able more fully to
world hear our message. Time does not permit a follow the counsel that our document quotes from
complete review of the document, but in view of our Evangelism, pages 17 and 18: "Evangelistic work,
November 1 deadline, some of the statements in it are opening the Scriptures to others, warning men and
far more meaningful than before. Listen to this women of what is coming upon the world, is to occupy
statement, "The real issue before the leadership of more and still more of the time of God's servants. . . .
God's church is whether or not we are serious enough The Lord designs that the presentation of this mes
to take decisive action now to overcome the church's sage shall be the highest, greatest work carried out in
inertia, and thus arise with holy courage and faith to the world at this time."
finish God's work in all the world. At stake is the Don't you see that this can now become a reality? In
mission of the church, and whether or not the power fact, this is all that we will have to do, besides
ful calls given by our General Conference president earning a living. Think of the time and energy, to say
for revival and reformation, in which we have all nothing of our means, that we can now put into

<fjp"<iJPW>" baptisms 'Jet- ffa$"«t AwtJMto.1

22/The Ministry /December, 1977

warning men and women of what's coming upon the follow Christ's commission to witness and preach the
world, and in offering them a way of escape through gospel.
the glorious message of salvation that centers in For a long time we have realized that the dramatic
Christ alone. moment would probably come when we would present
Furthermore and some of you will undoubtedly our very last statistical report. That time is now. And
heave a sigh of relief at this we will no longer be we want to present it in a vivid manner. Since this
under pressure to raise funds in order to keep the will be our last Annual Council, I know you will
structure functioning. As you remember, we quoted listen to and appreciate this report as you have sel
Testimonies, volume 9, page 85, in the document. dom done in the years gone by. And if by chance,
"Our greatest burden should be, not the raising of several years from now, we can get together again for
money, but the salvation of souls." Remember, at the one more Annual Council, who knows, but perhaps
beginning of my report tonight I told you I was trying that part of the statistical report that deals with
to make a point, and not to be critical. Now, looking membership increases may be far beyond our wildest
over our appropriation requests for North America, I expectations. Perhaps we will have to resort to the
notice the request for millions of dollars for items language Luke used, in order to describe our statisti
that have ho direct bearing on soul winning. I am cal reports. In the first several chapters of Acts he
quite willing to admit that these funds are to be used spoke of the startling and increasing figure as to the
for very worthwhile projects. The appropriation re numbers being baptized. Then finally, in Acts 5:14,
quest for operating the General Conference office the church, evidently without the benefit of com
amounts to several millions of dollars. When you puterized records, was not able to keep accurate fig
consider the operating costs of not only the General ures any longer concerning church growth and the
Conference office but all our union and local confer large number of people coming into its ranks, for
ence offices you can begin to see that we are dealing Luke reports that "more than ever believers were
with large sums of rrtoney. Please understand that I added to the Lord, multitudes both of men and
believe that this money in the past has been well women" (R.S.V.).
spent. I am only pointing out that in view of the new Fellow delegates, this kind of situation may never
decree we will now have these funds to use for direct actually develop in North America, and we are not
evangelistic endeavors in the field. even suggesting that it will. We have, however, de
My courage is strong. In no way do I feel that we liberately used a hypothetical setting in which to test
are defeated just because we are being forced to close the degree of our commitment and ask ourselves
our organized work as of November 1. We still have some honest questions. God has made Himself re
our distinctive and precious message, we still have sponsible for the success in the finishing of His work.
the promise of the glory of the Lord filling the earth, He calls for us to yield to the power and guidance of
we still have the assurance of the ministry of the the Holy Spirit and to be willing to be used as in
Holy Spirit. We still have our churches, we still have struments of righteousness and salvation. We do
our lay people (we will all be lay people), we can still have an unusual opportunity to hasten the glorious
give our offerings and pay our tithe, and we can still coming of Christ. II

The Ministry/December, 1977/23

NAD - 34,887 Top figures represent the North Ameru
OTHER DIV. = 41,758

^^^^^^^^i^j^^^iMiMiSd t^illSiSiSpP

iaisilS-iSii^i^ ttttttmt
jiiiltiiJif^is-^1 ~~, -•'
tmmmti M
,.5^r:%jWlK^*i?,Nis "','„'--"',' ,;-•''",«""*","-..*."T

tttt tttftff tti


5S|iSii^PiiSi|^^iife^® There

24/The Ministry/December, 1977

ISTICAL REPORT All figures are based on the 1976 statis
tical report and have been carefully
division; bottom figures, other divisions. checked by the General Conference Sta
tistical Department.

mtttttttmtttm* 14,814 = 42.


mid today 'be in the field one hundred

fied laborers where now there is but
nuscript 82, WO4.

The Ministry/December, 1977/25

\ntrilMHi in this area revolves around cures
promised that are not and cannot be
given presently by ethical medicine and
and the dietetics.
3. An understanding that nutrition
represents a balance in the biochemistry
Minister of the body that does not allow overem
phasis on any nutrient or group of nu
4. A firm realization that nutrients
are best provided by food.
5. Knowledge of a guide in meal
Are You Up on planning that within close limits will
assure good nutrition to normal people
\<nir R UA's? of all ages above infancy.
Recommended Dietary Allowances
First, the recommended dietary al
lowances are based on a consortium of
decision by experts. The Food and Nu
trition Board of the National Research
Council is charged with setting the Rec-
JUST NOW I feel sorry for ministers. ommended Dietary Allowances,
My question is "How can you be expert ALICE G. MARSH hereafter referred to as the RDA. This
in all you are expected to know?" I will group studies all sound research and
not try to list all the peoplfe you are, all views all angles of the nutritional pic
the "hats" you wear, all the "chairs" you ture. Undernutrition, overnutrition,
fill. But this I do know, when there is a nutrient interdependence, and more are
personal nutrition problem in the com considered as the amounts of the vari
munity or church the pastor is often ous nutrients for different ages of the
among the first to be confronted with it. two sexes are assigned in grams, milli
Sixteen experts depicted on the cover grams, micrograms, or international
of the February 4, 1977, issue of Chris units, according to appropriate measure
tianity Today illustrated the "Impossi for nutritional use. This committee con
ble Dream" of the many professionals tinuously reviews and revises amounts
the seminary graduate is supposed to be, and additions of nutrients as new re
and, even then, the expertise depicted search methods enlarge their view.
did not include "nutrition education." How are these unfamiliar RDA's use
Of course, the minister's operation in ful to a minister who wants to evaluate
the area of nutrition may be oblique, a bottle of something said to be "essen
with the basic nutritional cause lying tial to good health"?
far below in underbrush of jangled Ministers are "reference people" with
nerves, marital clash, parent-teen prob impressive personal libraries. Would it
lems, or an out-and-out emergency trip not be well to keep at least one up-to-
to the hospital with ambulance sirens date reputable nutrition text on hand?
screaming and the pastor not far be This should include the latest revision
hind. of the RDA. Choice of such text could be
Ministers, like teachers, must be made from the latest editions of: Bogert,
among the most adaptable people. For Briggs, .and Galloway: Nutrition and
them a track has not been laid there is Physical Fitness (Saunders, tenth ed.,
no locomotive with exact instruction for 1977).
the operation to carry through a day's Deutsch; Realities of Nutrition (Bull
work. Anything can happen, and it usu Publishing Company, 1976).
ally does. Stare and McWilliams: Living Nutri
It is important that you be prepared to tion (John Wiley and Sons, 1973).
give counsel to your members who come SDA DA: About Nutrition (Southern
to you with nutrition questions; five Publishing Association, 1974).
lines of reference will be most helpful: Alice G. Marsh, It would also be desirable to have a
1. Acquaintance with the Recom Sc.D., R.D., is good food-composition reference text
mended Daily Dietary Allowances of the professor of such as: USDA Handbook No. 456: Nu
Food and Nutrition Board of the Na home economics at tritive Value of American Foods in
tional Research Council. Andrews Common Units (Washington, D.C.: U.S.
2. Recognition that most "quackery" University. Government Printing Office).
26/The Ministry/December, 1977
The text for the latest dietary-allow
ance revision (1973) is: Recommended
Dietary Allowances (Washington, B.C.:
National Academy of Sciences, 1974).
Is "More" Better?
The commonly held supposition "If a
little is good, more is better" is a dan
gerous theory in the whole gamut of
nutrition. "Megavitamin therapy" and
the popular "orthomolecular psychia
try" involve dangerous uses of vitamins
and minerals that are not endorsed or
recommended by ethical medical, nutri
tional, and psychiatric societies, includ
ing the American Psychiatric Associa
To pursue further our second line of
reference, the wonderful discoveries in
the 1930's of the chemical structures of
most vitamins revealed that ascorbic
acid (vitamin C) prevented and cured
scurvy, that niacin was needed to pre
vent and cure pellagra, that thiamin
prevented and cured beriberi. The for
mulas for vitamins A and D were among
the fat-soluble vitamins that were un
derstood more clearly the vitamins
that were essential to eye and bone
health, respectively. Since then the
metabolic pathways of the vitamins
have been mapped, and so much more is
known about their role in metabolism. It
is no wonder that we all have wished for
a vitamin, a mineral, or some nutrient
combination that would prevent or even
cure such diseases as cancer, arthritis,
diabetes, the many metabsorptive con
ditions, and the errors of metabolism.
Wishful thinking has often blended
with the dollar sign to cause the com
mercially-minded to sell nutritional
supplements under false pretenses of
protection or cure. To a large degree
much of this merchandising has become
illegal. Even so, the sale of unneeded
supplements or even a harmful level of
supplements has reached an ever-in
creasing high, sometimes robbing chil
dren and old people of the money needed
to buy good food.
Environmental, medical, and nutri
tional avenues for the protection from,
and even cure of, many conditions for
which no cure is now known are being
researched vigorously. In the meantime
"protection" and "cures" based on false
hopes only present dangers of wasted
time and misspent money to those who
accept these devious routes.
The third point of reference brings us
back to balance. No pills or potions can
give balanced nutrition. Something will
The Ministry/December, 1977/27
be high, something will be low, some Sooner or vitamin C it provides so abundantly.
thing will surely be missing. later the Nicely prepared vegetables, beautiful
Which brings us to the fourth point minister will fruits, whole grains (finely ground, if
nutrients can be provided successfully necessary), nuts, legumes with a little
only by food. God provided food before be faced with milk and very few eggs what a variety!
He made His crowning creation. As wise problems in How simple food selection and prepara
as we can become regarding the body's nutritional tion can be! Good food comes from the
need for nutrients and as knowledgea matters. garden, the orchard, the grocery, the
ble as we are regarding the metabolism dairy. It can be frozen, canned, and
of nutrients, with the ability of the cells dried for preservation to be used when
of the body to manufacture thousands of fresh food is not always available. In
enzymes and co-enzymes each moment areas blessed with abundance man does
to utilize effectively the carbohydrates, not have to subsist on a narrow diet, but
proteins, and fats, still man can devise can choose an excellent diet from a sur
no source of nutrition better than natu prisingly simple plan.
ral food. Sooner or later the minister will be
And fifth, what is a natural food? faced with problems in nutritional mat
Nearly everyone is informed that com ters. He has both a resource dietitian in
plete nutrition is provided from four his union conference and resources for
large comprehensive food groups, which his personal use that are correct and
include every good food and can auto usable. He should never allow himself to
matically exclude every poor food: (a) be driven or pressured by those who,
every edible fruit and vegetable; (b) all though sincere, could harm his flock in
the grains; (c) legumes, nuts, seeds, glu this area.
ten foods and their combinations, eggs; The minister must be so many ex
(d) milk for special nutrients and con perts the nutrition arbiter is but one
venience, from animal or enriched veg more. II
etable sources.
No good natural food is excluded from
these groups. No refined food need be
included. Where refined food is used it
should be used very sparingly. For the Something
average adult the servings, which may
vary in size, that should be used as a
Special Coming*
basis for menu planning are four each of
(a) and (b) and two each of (c) and (d). In
group (a) choices should be made that
will assure enough vitamin C (a serving
of citrus fruit, tomatoes, fresh greens,
berries, or muskmelon) and sufficient
vitamin A (indirectly from a very green
or a yellow-orange vegetable).
Within this simple plan we are given January 28, 1978, is
scores and scores of fruits and vegeta Medical Missionary Day.
bles from which to choose. We are given
a wide variety of grains and many good Give strong promotion for the
sources of food that provide the variety health-study groups on mental
of amino acids to make up the many health using the special edition of
protein substances the body requires.
The diet that includes these foods will Mind, Character,
lack no nutrients. and Personality:
Supplements, if needed, for some par Guidelines to
ticular condition or personal reason,
should be wisely chosen in sensible, Mental and
moderate amounts, from moderately
priced sources. The body cannot tell the
Spiritual Health.
difference between ascorbic acid from
the laboratory, from rose hips, from al By Ellen G. White
falfa, or watercress concentrates. But it
is wise to get this vitamin from an Order through your local Adventist
orange, a half grapefruit, or a tomato, Book Center. Price for two-volume set,
because the food, rather than the pill, plus study guide, is $4.95.
has so much more to offer besides the
28/The Ministry/December, 1977
Hazards Mount for
the Unborn
Prudent Life Styte

THE 1971 EDITION of The Health HERALD A. dren of smoking mothers and only 4.7 in
Consequences of Smoking contains an HABENICHT 1,000 children of nonsmoking mothers.4
extensive survey of world medical liter Dr. Raymond Denson, a Saskatoon
ature on the effects on the unborn child psychiatrist, has reported that 75 per
of the mother's smoking during preg cent of the mothers of a group of hy
nancy. One phase of the review, report peractive children he studied smoked
ing on more than 100,000 births, con heavily during their pregnancies. He
cludes: "Maternal smoking during discovered a relationship between the
pregnancy exerts a retarding influence number of cigarettes they smoked and
on fetal growth as manifested by de the amount of their hemoglobin that
creased infant birth weight and an in had combined with deadly carbon mon
creased incidence of prematurity. . . . oxide from cigarette smoke, and rea
There is strong evidence to support the soned that the resulting lack of ade
view that smoking mothers have a sig quate oxygen supply for the brains of
nificantly greater number of unsuccess the developing babies caused the hy-
ful pregnancies due to stillbirth and peractivity they manifested in child
neonatal [newborn] death as compared hood. 5
to nonsmoking mothers." 1 Effects of Maternal Alcohol
A seven-year follow-up of the British Use on Offspring
perinatal (occurring about the time of
birth) study "found that the children of It is only very recently that scientists
mothers who were heavy smokers dur have recognized that a mother's drink
ing pregnancy showed significantly de ing also affects her offspring.
creased height, retardation of reading In 1972 Ulleland noted low birth
ability, and lower ratings on social ad weight and delayed growth and devel
justment than children of nonsmoking opment in these children.6 In 1973 Jones
mothers. The differences were inde described for the first time a typical
pendent of such factors as social class, pattern of problems characteristic of
age of mother, and parity [number of these children of alcoholic mothers. 7
pregnancies]." 2 This has been called the fetal alcohol
Dr. Jacob Yerushalmy of the Univer Herald A. syndrome. Since then, numerous other
sity of California, has now shown that Habenicht, such cases have been reported, the latest
M.D., F.A.A.P., being a German study conducted by Dr.
the weight of babies is lower than aver is associate
age when the father smokes, regardless professor of
F. Mujewski and his co-workers at the
of whether or not the mother smokes. 3 health education University of Tubingen and published
And Dr. J. Fedrick, in the above-men at Andrews Uni in Munchener Medizinische Wo-
tioned British perinatal study, found 7.3 versity, Berrien chenschrift, No. 50, December, 1976.
congenital heart defects in 1,000 chil- Springs, Michigan. The fetal alcohol syndrome includes
The Ministry/December, 1977/29
growth deficiency, delay in develop more than 50,000 heroin addicts in some
ment, deformities of the head, face, and 300 methadone maintenance programs
limbs, defects of the heart and sex in the United States, thousands of preg
organs, poor muscle function, and nant women are receiving daily oral
blood-vessel tumors. doses of this narcotic drug.9
In Jones's original study, when the After studying 45 mothers on metha
alcoholic mothers' babies who died near done who delivered under his care,
birth were added to those who had the Kandall concluded that these babies had
fetal alcohol syndrome, there was a 43 more severe and prolonged symptoms of
percent adverse outcome of the preg withdrawal than infants of heroin-ad
nancies. Of the children who had lived dicted mothers. To make matters worse,
to age 7 and could be followed, the a number of these children did not show
highest IQ was 79 and most were much The risk of any symptoms until they were between
lower. using two and four weeks old, and one died at
prescription home. Kandall believes the danger of
Effects of Maternal Drug complications induced in newborns is a
Use on Offspring drugs and
over-the-counter major public-health hazard. 10
Maternal drug use especially demon medications Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) was
strates how the pains and effects of first reported to damage human chro
parental abuse can be passed on to "the during mosomes by Cohen in 1967." Since that
third and fourth generation." pregnancy is time numerous studies have been car
Heroin quickly and easily passes becoming ried out, sometimes with conflicting re
through the placenta and enters the increasingly sults.
baby's bloodstream. This gives the baby recognized. Jacobson studied 140 women who
varying degrees of asphyxia that can be were using LSD prior to and/or during
detected by changes in the rate and pregnancy, at the Washington, D.C.,
rhythm of its heart. Dr. Carl Zelson, Children's Hospital. Eighty-three
director of the New York City Neonatal babies were born alive, 8 had major
Narcotic Addiction Program, has re birth defects. There were 65 abortions,
ported on 623 heroin-addicted mothers of which 53 were induced and 12 were
who came to delivery under their care. 8 spontaneous. Four embryos from the
Within the first four days after de therapeutic abortions showed gross
livery these unfortunate newborns anomalies. Forty-three percent of preg
began to show withdrawal symptoms. In nancies of three months or less ended in
decreasing order, Zelson found the fol spontaneous abortions. Four of 8 preg
lowing symptoms: tremors, irritability, nancies in a sequence resulted in defec
hyper activity, vomiting, high-pitched tive embryos or infants. 12
cry, difficult breathing, sneezing, fever, The results of marijuana as a cause of
diarrhea, convulsions, poor feeding. birth defects are also conflicting. The
Unless the heroin addiction of the most carefully done and impressive
babies was recognized and promptly study that does show increased chromo
treated, they developed dehydration and some breakage also shows decreased re
acidosis, and died. sistance to infections. 13
Drug use in the mother also often The risk of using prescription drugs
results in small birth weight. Zelson and over-the-counter medications dur
showed that 48 percent of the babies ing pregnancy is also becoming increas
were of premature birth weight. ingly recognized. Dr. Bleyer studied 67
Fifty percent of the addicted babies private patients during their last three
needed from 10 to 20 days of treatment, months of pregnancy. These mothers
and 27 percent needed from 20 to 40 used an average of 8.7 different drugs
days of care. In the early period of the during the study period. Eighty percent
study, 93 percent of the babies died. were taken without medical supervi
Now, with better recognition and treat sion, and the remaining 20 percent were
ment, 96 to 98 percent can be expected prescribed. The drugs used included vi
to survive. tamin preparations (taken by 86 percent
These infants later have a high fre of the patients), aspirin (69 percent),
quency of problems such as abnormal antacids (60 percent), diuretics (30 per
sleep and behavior. There is also evi cent), cathartics (26 percent), antibiotics
dence of growth disturbances and ab (16 percent), antihistamines (14 per
normal metabolism. There is a real risk cent), and barbiturates (12 percent). 14
that these children may be more easily During the first three months of
addicted if they are exposed to narcotics. pregnancy the risk of medications pass
Now that methadone is being used by ing through the placenta and harming
30/The Ministry/December, 1977
or deforming the fetus are greatest. described a study done on single preg
Even before the first missed period and nant girls who carried their babies to
before the mother recognizes that she is term but with tremendous hostility.
pregnant damage may be done. 15 Observing the children afterwards, the
In the very early stages (first three author said, "Psychonoxious elements
weeks) the deforming agent usually affect the child by arousing sublethal
kills the embryo. From the third week factors in the mother." These were
through the third month, during which "aroused psychosomatically in unhappy
time the organs are being formed, spe and resentful girls."
cific deformities can be predicted and
are related to the time the agent is given Effects of Maternal Viral
and the amount. (High doses may kill; Disease on Offspring
An ever-increas Then there are the effects of virus
low doses may only deform.) ing number of
An ever-increasing number of medi diseases of the pregnant woman on the
cations taken by the pregnant mother medications developing baby, as was dramatically
have been incriminated as causing taken by the brought to public attention by birth de
problems to the child before and even pregnant fects in children born to women who had
during its first weeks after birth. The mother have rubella (German measles) during preg
list includes: heroin and morphine, some been nancy. More recently obstetricians and
anesthetics, antibiotics, sulfa drugs, an- incriminated pediatricians have a growing concern
ticancer drugs, anticoagulants, drugs that other viruses pose an equally
for diabetes, quinine, antithyroid drugs, as causing threatening hazard to the unborn child.
depressants (downers), diuretics (water problems to They wonder about such diseases as
pills), stimulants (uppers), sex hor the child mumps, influenza, herpes simplex, and
mones, and a miscellany of some vita before and others.
mins and other drugs. even during How important are good habits and
The only rational conclusion is that good mental attitudes during that most
"during pregnancy even well-known its first weeks. important period of pregnancy! Once
drugs should be administered only when again we have seen inspired writings
absolutely indicated." 16 vindicated as modern science continues
Effects of Maternal Emotions to uncover evidence to support the con
on Offspring cept of prenatal influences. ||
In the first decade of this century
Ellen White wrote of the thoughts and 1 The Health Consequences of Smoking: A Report to the
Surgeon General, 1971 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Printing Office,
feelings of the mother and their effects 1971), p. 415.
on the unborn child, stating: "The 2 Ibid., p. 407.
3 A. Ochsner, Smoking: Your Choice Between Life and Death
thoughts and feelings of the mother will (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1970), p. 133.
have a powerful influence upon the leg 4 J. Fedrick, et al., "Possible Teratogenic Effect of Cigarette
Smoking," Nature, 231: 529, 530, 1971.
acy she gives her child. If she allows her 5 "Pregnancy Smoking Linked to Hyperkinesia," Medical
mind to dwell upon her own feelings, if Tribune, February 19, 1975, p. 2.
6 C. N. Ulleland, 'The Offspring of Alcoholic Mothers," Ann.
she indulges in selfishness, if she is N.Y. Acad. Scl, 197:167-169, 1972.
' K. L. Jones, D. W. Smith, C. N. Ulleland, and A. P.
peevish and exacting, the disposition of Streissguth: "Pattern of Malformation in Offspring of Alco
her child will testify to the fact. Thus holic Mothers," Lancet, 1:1267 (1973). (Further cases in Lancet,
2:999 [1973].)
many have received as a birthright al 8 C. Zelson, "Maternal Narcotic Addiction and the Neonate,"
most unconquerable tendencies to evil. Drug Therapy, July, 1974, pp. 91-96.
9 "Methadone Maintenance: How Much, for Whom, for How
The enemy of souls . . . will bring his Long?" Medical World News, March 17, 1972, p. 53.
temptations to bear upon the mother, 10 S. R. Kandall and L. M. Gartner, "Delayed Presentation of
Neonatal Methadone Withdrawal," Pediatric Research, 1
knowing that if she does not resist him, (4):320 (1973).
11 M. M. Cohen, K. Hirschorn, and W. A. Frosch, "In Vivo and
he can through her affect her child." 17 In Vitro Chromosomal Damage Induced by LSD-25," New Eng
Now the scientific circles are beginning land Journal of Medicine 277:1043-1049 (1967).
12 C. B. Jacobson and C. M. Berlin, "Possible Reproductive
to say the same thing. "Emotional dis Detriment in LSD Users," JAMA, 222 (11): 1367, 1972.
turbances such as anxiety can adversely 13 G. G. Nahas, N. Sucui-Foca, J. P. Armand, and A. Mori-
shima, "Inhibition of Cellular Mediated Immunity in Mari
affect pregnancy, particularly the well- huana Smokers," Science, 183:419 (1974).
being of the fetus. Anxiety-prone 14 W. A. Bleyer, et al., "Studies on the Detection of Adverse
Drug Reactions in the Newborn," JAMA 213 (12): 2046-2048
mothers are more likely to give birth to (1970).
infants of low birth weight than 15 A. Goldstein, L. Aronson, and L. Kalman, "Chemical
Teratogenesis," Principles of Drug Action, the Basis of Phar
mothers who are emotionally stable. macology (New York: Harper and Row, 1968).
16 Drugs Adversely Affecting the Human Fetus (Columbus,
Maternal anxiety has also been impli Ohio: Ross Laboratories, Publication 36193, May, 1971).
cated in an increase in the incidence of "Ellen G. White, Temperance (Mountain View, Calif.: Pa
cific Press Publishing Assn., 1949), p. 171 (original 1910).
pregnancy complications, habitual 18 "How Mother's Mental State Affects Her Fetus," Medical
abortion, and stillbirths." 18 World News, January 27, 1975, p. 82. An interview with Dr. R.
E. Myer, chief of the Laboratory of Perinatal Physiology of the
The OB-GYN Observer of May, 1971, National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke.

The Ministry/December, 1977/31

lesterol, stress, or high blood pressure.
Premature death is preventable. Lower
your risk," we urged.

the Gap "

Scientifically sound counsel was com
bined with clinical support in our per
sonalized program. For openers we of
fered an inexpensive, medically
supervised "Risk Evaluation." Registra
tion, confidential health history, blood
pressure, and a grip-strength test were
followed by a blood test for cholesterol,
triglyceride, and glucose levels. Height
MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY RONALD EDWIN and weight measurements, a body-fat
has a student-faculty population of RUSKJER estimate, posture analysis, and simu
53,000. This group, like most groups, is lated breast self-examination were part
more health-conscious than soul- of the package, along with pulse-rate
searching. Can we bridge that gap? We recovery and muscle flexibility tests. A
gave it our best with Lifeline. seminar preview capped off the morn
Area physicians and ministers, den ing. Following the evaluation one lady
tists, nurses, health educators, and was overheard in the hallway, saying,
other Adventist health professionals "This is the best thing that's happened
comprised the Lifeline team. M.S.U. to me all year." "As far as I'm con
Campus Health Center and the Ingham cerned," her friend replied, "it's the
County Health Department endorsed greatest thing to come along since they
the program. The Michigan Heart Asso started slicing bread."
ciation and American Cancer Society Three days later, at the "group con
cooperated with free literature and sultation," evaluation results were fur
publicity. And Ingham County Medical nished and interpreted.
Society went on record as having no Then the "seminars," each three
objection to the program. nights in length. Unique mottoes for
Church members caught the chal life-style change were encouraged.
lenge of medical-missionary evangelism Smoking Cessation: "I choose not to
during an area-wide series designed to smoke."
help members appreciate our tremen Weight Control: "I choose to lose."
dous heritage of health and to learn how Physical Fitness: "I choose to move."
to put this knowledge to work in the Cooking and Nutrition: "I choose to ex
medical-missionary approach. When periment."
they completed the course our members Stress Management: "I choose to relax."
were motivated. They saw the need. A Health and Happiness: "I choose to ...
special orientation meeting followed, [more on this motto in a moment]."
acquainting our people with specific de Seminar sequence was of prime im
tails of the Lifeline concept. portance. The first four were designed to
Contacts with service clubs, TV ap deal with life's physical dimension, the
pearances, and county-fair exhibits fifth with the mental, the sixth with the
smoothed the way for warm and positive spiritual.
publicity. Attractive posters were placed
throughout the campus and local busi
ness district. Three newspapers, seven
radio stations, and three television sta
tions granted the equivalent of $3,500
in public-service-announcement time.
The team was the medium; the message: TOT HEALTH R
"Adventists care." £RFECT GIRCU
Student, professor, ice-cream vendor, ''.' - ,', - Minis
bicycle-shop owner, hog raiser, public-
health official, attorney, and district-
court judge responded to our invitation. Ron Ruskjer
"Lengthen your lifeline!" our bro pastors the
East Lansing
chure read. "Are you gearing up for University and
heart attack, cancer, or stroke? You Williams ton
could be if three out of the following six churches in
risk factors apply to you: smoking, the Michigan
overweight, lack of exercise, high cho- Conference.
32/The Ministry/December, 1977
At the very outset, participants were ness next year." Could be. We hope so.
told that team members were Seventh- Others did choose to come, including
day Adventists. After learning that the adherents to a wide range of religious
program director was a pastor, as well and philosophical traditions Baptists,
as a health educator, they were asked Methodists, Lutherans, Episcopalians,
whether they could accept an occasional Presbyterians, Roman Catholics, Daw-
reference to "the Creator," for example. nites, Buddhists, Moslems, and agnos
Heads nodded approval and smiles said, tics. They demonstrated a desire for the
"Of course." full program.
From night to night, folks were re Ellen White was inspired to write, "If
minded of coming Lifeline attractions, they see that we are intelligent with
including the final spiritual component. regard to health, they will be more
They seemed to appreciate candor. "Ex ready to believe that we are sound in
tremely pleasant approach!" wrote one. Bible doctrines." Counsels on Diet and
"Enjoyed the informal, low-keyed but Foods, p. 76. She was right.
positive format. Thank you for offering We set the stage by sharing our final
a free program that isn't trying to put Lifeline decision motto, "I choose to ex
anything over on us." plore." Presentation logic ran something
Strong group spirit developed as par like this: "It's sometimes hard to talk
ticipants became better acquainted with about the spiritual dimension of life.
one another and with one or more of the But this is an area that a lot of folks
fifty-two Seventh-day Adventists in at would really like to explore. Everyone
tendance. We learned folks' names and recognizes that there is more to life than
used them every chance we got "music the mere highs and lows of physical,
to the ear." Many of the seminars lent mental, or emotional experience. There
themselves to use of the "buddy sys are spiritual realities, too.
tem." During the course of the series "We come from such different back
many of the people were in daily tele grounds. Each has his own preconceived
phone conversation with an Adventist notions and views regarding right and
buddy. This really paid off. wrong. Yet we've all met wonderful
people who see things differently from
Transition From Physical the way we do. We wonder why. How are
to Spiritual life's values determined, anyway?
Transition from the physical and Beloiv, left to "At Lifeline we've found, as many of
mental to the spiritual was interesting. right: Team you have, that answers to life's greatest
Some chose not to attend our Health and member Jerry questions can be drawn from a serious
Happiness Seminar. They became un Jablonski, D.D.S., study of sacred Scripture, God's Holy
comfortable when exposed to the spirit takes a partici Word.
ual dimension. But they were the same pant's blood "Now what we're saying may seem
pressure; the
people who said, "Call me when you grip-strength
somewhat unrealistic to you. As a hu
have your next series. I wouldn't miss it test is popular manist or an agnostic, perhaps you've
for anything." As one team member put with students; found happiness enough in life, apart
it, "At least we know they haven't been Ron Ruskjer from a living faith in God. Whatever
vaccinated against Adventist thinking. estimates a philosophical tradition you may tend to
Maybe they'll catch Health and Happi- coed's body fat. identify with, however, you will want at


The Ministry/December, 1977/33

least to survey the basic concepts con tape production depicting in vivid color,
tained in the Scriptures. with full orchestra and chorus, the pan
"Maybe you're one who has met the oramic story of the great controversy
Master, the Lord of life. You walk with from the rebellion of Lucifer to the sec
Him day by day, seeking a growing re ond coming of Jesus.
lationship with Him; you feel secure On the final night we offered opportu
about questions of origin, purpose, des nity for folks to continue the dialogue
tiny. Maybe you've concluded that Jesus either in one-to-one studies or in the
Christ is, in fact, the saving lifeline group setting of the pastor's Bible class.
between heaven and earth Creator,
Redeemer, the Giver of every good and Response to Series
perfect gift. That's how we feel. All in all, 156 people attended Life
"But whatever your persuasion, line Health Series programming.
whatever your religious roots, we urge Twenty-seven chose to explore in our
you to place yourself persistently and Health and Happiness Seminar. Of
honestly on the advancing edge of spir these 14 expressed immediate and seri
itual frontier. Keep your heart and ous interest in continuing Bible study.
mind open. Mix eager anticipation with One beauty of the Lifeline format is
healthy reserve, and choose to explore. its flexibility. One theme variation that
Expand your thinking. Dare to engage the team feels especially comfortable
in dialogue, accepting what is good, en with is a three-week series comprised of:
hancing your character, personality, Risk Evaluation and Group Consulta
and life style. tion during the first week, a five-night
"An adventure of this nature is truly Test results Smoking Cessation Seminar during the
exciting. We offer no predictions where were released second, and five additional one-night
it may lead. But if, in a spirit of earnest and interpreted seminars Weight Control, Physical
enquiry, we purpose in our hearts to at a "group Fitness, Cooking and Nutrition, Stress
find and follow what is right, we will consultation" Management, and Health and Happi
surely be better for it. This is no casual session. Ron ness during the third. Following Life
and Sandy
matter. Physical and mental health Ruskjer
line, a second, separate seminar series
habits do not change with mere dab point out that entitled "Profiles of Faith" is offered.
bling in physiological or behavioral perfect health This excellent set of colorful study
concepts. The same is true of spiritual depends upon guides and companion booklets is avail
health. It is enhanced only as one gen perfect circu able through Adventist Book Centers.
uinely attempts the search to locate, lation. By studying two lessons an evening, the
analyze, and internalize truth.
"There are many means of meeting
this signal challenge. Lifeline has no
corner on the market. We have nothing
to urge. But we do have something to
offer. We're glad you've chosen to ex
plore with us. Ours is more than profes
sional interest in sharing the rational
and practical. It's a personal interest in
sharing with you life's best."
During the course of the seven-week
series we offered folks, seminar by sem
inar, our Lifeline syllabus. In the
Health and Happiness Seminar, in ad
dition to the "I Choose to Explore" pre
sentation briefly summarized above, we
featured the colorful and compelling
little book Because of You, one of the
most effective introductions to Advent-
ist thought available today.
We went through the entire booklet
together. The whole group seemed
enthralled with the cut and thrust of the
evening, as one after another they
shared their views and concerns.
The following evening we presented
"Earth: Theater of the Universe," a
moving and dramatic half-hour slide-
34/The Ministry/December, 1977
group can complete the series in four
teen nights. In concert with an Advent- 4 hrixluin
ist physician and other medical or para
medical personnel, a pastor can, with N. R. DOWER
this approach, make a significant im
pact. ONE WHO is truly in love with his
Another experimental approach, Lord is not thinking about what he has
physical to mental to spiritual, is a two- to do or how much he has to give;
rather, he is constantly seeking new
week Lifeline Health Series in which opportunities to demonstrate the depth
the five-night Smoking Cessation Semi of his love and the joy of sharing with
nar is held during the first week, and those about him.
the remaining five one-night seminars This philosophy undergirds our
as outlined above, during the second. No whole stewardship program. Steward
Risk Evaluation or Group Consultation ship involves responsibility, of course.
is presented, though with the Profiles But it also involves true love in its
seminars one could feature a different most practical manifestation.
health test nightly, including such God gives to us so that we in turn
items as: blood-pressure test, pulse- experience His joy in giving; He places
His gifts in. trust .with us that .we .might ;
rate-recovery test, simulated breast :'be' .: able -to demonstrate -what" :a" 'tni'ljr,
self-examination, grip-strength test, ; -loving-Christian can; do* with these,gifts.'
body-fat estimate, muscle-flexibility '-
test, posture analysis, et cetera. We He"'d6es;:,not'.,recko(i "with w.fiSt'
found such testing, in a post-Lifeline
decision series context, to be a good
drawing card. With or without the tests,
however, working in tandem with a
qualified health professional physi
cian, dentist, nurse, health educator, et
cetera almost any pastor could use this
particular series.
Another variation: as a Lifeline fol
low-up, in place of Profiles of Faith, use * -get' ;
the Century 21 Better Living Institute.
This proven evangelistic health-faith
format is designed for presentation by a ^:gj^^f'"^^'^^^aj3ist{i;^'--'"
doctor-pastor team. It is also available
through the Adventist Book Centers.
Century 21 comes complete with health
and doctrinal sermons, audience-ready little' ,'^,h*ile:; CiiristVip" come.,; Man^are1 -
syllabus materials, overhead trans • still "lining -In i<aialI;:ign,ora^ejvQ,|,v.t'fits:,,
parencies, and instructor's manual. ;'tre.mendoiis ;f act..' .Tftiey. ' "do- "hot :kjic>'s&i: t>f '
What's the bottom line? Within the .; the ,S,ayioiir,;S .Ib'ye'.or, the ,gl'aii,;df 'as.l
past eight months Lifeline has had a ; ti(>-n',"Yet; '
strong part to play in the baptism of 37
health-conscious, soul-searching people. iflisted Jtp. us-._. What ares;vve'..'d,oing; Ssath
' "''
Because of the health series, many were it %ith' ; gl^d hearts?':' .,, ',', ' ' ,'- .
living like Adventists even before hear is' ',a;: ~ti'me"',;:f:dr' ';
ing the "message." Some now rank
among our finest, most enthusiastic ; issues". We hope ';th'at", every minister-' ".,
witnesses for Christ. More are either , ,will' ,', present; !,;th'e , ip'rinciples" ""of--'-tru'e '.
taking studies or have indicated serious "Christi an,, stewardship to his people'. ; It
interest. is"first'"'ne',cessary, however, 'to;; demon-'"'
Bridges come in many shapes and strate these principles in ourown lives,
sizes. Lifeline is only one design. It has and theii'.vs'e shall see clearly how to'
present them, to the members a."nd :
demonstrated to us, however, that friends of our church. , . , ' ,,
"Christ's method alone will give true In recognizing our stewardship of
success in reaching the people. The time, talent, and means, let us not
Saviour mingled with men as one who overlook the one priceless, all-inclusive
desired their good. He showed His sym entrustment that God desires rnost
pathy for them, ministered to their that of giving ourselves back to Him,
needs, and won their confidence. Then totally, without reservation of any
He bade them, 'Follow Me.'" The Min ."kind.- '..''. ' . . ' "' , - , ' '..", ,
istry of Healing, p. 143. II
The Ministry/December, 1977/35
into his pajamas, and tucked him under
by his side the covers all without awakening him.
Sponsored by Catherine Dower But as he stooped low to give his son a
for the Shepherdess. good-night kiss, the boy stirred sleepily,
threw his arms around his father's neck
and said, without opening his eyes,
'Daddy, don't let the angel go away, and
Dear Shepherdess: Christmas will don't let the Christmas candle go out!'
soon be arriving. How we enjoy hearing "'Such a strange request,' remarked
from friends and loved ones! We are his father as he talked with the guest
especially thrilled when a picture is en later. 'He must have been dreaming.'
closed. The next morning Mr. Stidger ques
These messages of love bring warmth tioned the youngster and discovered
and memories. I read and reread them that he not only had been dreaming but
and many I put in a bulging file marked had remembered his dream. He saw an
"Among My Souvenirs." angel come into the softly lit living
I would like to share one letter I have room, go swiftly to the Christmas tree,
saved that we received several years ago and, starting at the bottom branches,
from Pastor James Gray. It contains a pinch out the flame of every candle ex
message to you from my heart. cept the one at the very top. That candle
"Dr. William L. Stidger tells of the angel took, flew over to the lad,
spending Christmas with friends in the handed it to him, and said: 'Here is the
country, where there was a small boy candle of Christmas love and good will.
who had a marvelous time. There was a Never let it go out, my son, not all the
wonderful tree, and presents, and a de year long. Keep it trimmed and burning
licious dinner plus an afternoon service always.'"
in the village church. Home again and Only a dream! But it holds the secret
supper eaten, the lad sat on his father's of happy, fruitful living. The spirit of
lap and his eyes shone as he looked at Christmas good will, good cheer, lov-
the tree and confided to the visitor that ingkindness, and charity must be kept
he never had seen anything so lovely in burning as a bright, shining candle all
his whole life! Old-fashioned candles the year long.
were burning on many of the evergreen And so, friend of mine, may the
branches, and as he watched their nick golden glow of friendship for God, and
ering light his eyelids grew heavier and man, and right, like a flaming candle,
heavier, and finally he dropped off to lend rare beauty to your life and make
sleep. not only this holiday season but the
"After a time his father carried him whole twelve months to come bright
upstairs, undressed him, slipped him with real happiness. With love, Kay.


heartwarming and true story of a
The sabotage Christmas Eve. The streets
Christmas bus ride that turned into a Christmas had been full of drab figures scuttling
along under umbrellas. Occasionally
most memorable Christmas. Bus Ride there was a glimpse of a cold, sullen face
Dick and Sally Glendinning had trav peering over cheerily wrapped
eled from Baltimore to New York to Christmas parcels a study in con
spend Christmas with Mom Glendin BOBBIE JANE
ning. Now Sally was in the pleasant VAN DOLSON "This scrawny woman got on just be
apartment kitchen making pies, and fore Sixtieth Street," Dick continued, as
Dick, just back from a Third Avenue bus Sally rolled out a neat, white circle.
ride, was complaining angrily. "She fooled around in her purse for a
"You wouldn't have believed that ugly Bobbie Jane while, and then the driver growled,
Van Dolson is
driver. And the passengers I never saw an associate
'O.K., let's get going.' She made some
such a grim-looking bunch." book editor at nasty remark in return, and he moved
It had been pretty bad. From the great the Review and off with such a jerk that she nearly fell."
sheets of rain that pounded into the Herald Publishing "Didn't you get off at Sixtieth?" Sally
sooty slush, one would have thought the Association, in was whipping up a fragrant brown mix
weatherman was deliberately trying to Washington, D.C. ture for the pie shells.
36/The Ministry/December, 1977
"Yes, and just before I got off I turned "How about this one?" a young woman
around and said loud and clear, 'You're called out from across the aisle. She
the worst bunch of sourpusses I ever saw began, "The first noel the angel did say
in rny life.'" . . ."By the time they got to the second
Sally stared, unbelieving. "You're chorus, almost everybody was singing.
kidding." At the various stops pedestrians
"I certainly am not. That bunch de looked first as if they couldn't believe
served it. They deserved worse than their ears, then started smiling. Dick
that." heard one fellow explaining to his wife
Sally put the pies tenderly into the that this probably wasn't a regular Lex
oven, and the blast of heat from the ington Avenue bus. "Must be a char
open door warmed Dick's still-chilled tered deal," he said. "They wouldn't sing
face. "Oh, I'm sure they deserved it," she like that unless they belonged to the
said. "But it wasn't a very nice thing to same club or something." Both he and
do. I'm sure those people can't be very the woman waved, and she blew a kiss.
happy. I wonder what would have hap Then they came to the southern ter-
pened if you had been kind to them,
perhaps wished them a Merry
Christmas instead of glowering."
Dick was a little startled, and to cover
his chagrin, he strode off into the living
room. A few minutes later he stopped at
the kitchen doorway, overcoated again,
and obviously ready to face the storm
outside. "Just had an idea," he said, a bit
sheepishly. "I'm going to try to make
When the next bus came south on
Lexington Avenue, Dick stepped
aboard. It seemed impossible, but as
Providence would have it, he found
himself staring into the angry face of
the same ill-tempered driver he had left
an hour before. The bus he had caught
earlier on Third Avenue had turned
around and was now heading back down
The driver's dark eyes narrowed.
"Sourpuss yourself!" he snarled.
"I'm sorry," Dick began, but the driver
turned away and the bus lurched for
There were a number of empty seats,
but Dick chose to share one. His partner
was a boy in his early teens. Dick took a
deep breath and began to sing "Jingle
Bells" out loud. In fact, it was very loud,
ringing above the strident cacophony of
the bus. The boy looked surprised, and
said, "We had that in school."
"Well, sing along then."
And he did, his clear young voice
blending pleasantly with Dick's some
what uncertain baritone.
Two women a couple of seats ahead
turned and stared for a moment. Then,
smiling, they joined in. Other people
hummed or came in on the chorus.
Ahead, the bus driver twisted around,
blinked, and then turned back, shrug
ging his shoulders. Dick watched the
back of his head, and it looked like he
was singing.
The Ministry/December, 1977/37
minus. "End of the line," the driver Dick as the bus pulled away. "Excuse
called pleasantly above "O Little Town me, sir. I usually get off a block up, but I
of Bethlehem." "Merry Christmas, wanted to speak with you."
everybody. Hey, Sourpuss," he added She touched Dick's arm with her
good-naturedly to Dick, "aren't you get gloved fingers. "You see, I was
ting off?" strengthened by the singing helped
"No, I'm going back to Sixtieth very much, in fact. But I couldn't join in
Street." Then Dick explained how it all . .." She pressed the handkerchief to her
came about, how he'd wanted to make eyes. "My granddaughter there was a
amends for his accusation. "Say," he car accident and . . . she was buried this
added, "did you know we belong to the afternoon. I just wanted to tell you why
same club?" And he told the driver what I couldn't sing."
the man had said to his wife back on one Dick's voice was shaky, but he asked
of the corners. whether he could walk her home.
"Well, maybe we do," the man "Thank you, but no, I'll be better
laughed. "We might call it 'The Great alone right now."
Human Club.'" Dick agreed that it was She walked away quickly, but turned
a pretty good name. The two chatted and called, "It really helped a great
while the bus filled for the return trip. deal." Then she hurried away, walking
The driver spoke of a long-ago tall. For a couple of minutes Dick Glen-
Christmas in Germany, when he, a dinning couldn't see anything. fit
tough master sergeant, had basked in
the hospitality of a pleasant couple
whose dead son's picture looked be
nignly down from the mantel. They had
tried to teach him German carols while
he munched fragrant Christmas cook Prayers From
"Well, we gotta start now. I can't talk
while I drive. O.K., everybody," the
the Parsonage
driver boomed, "get on with the sing CHEERY B.
It was as though those who had par
ticipated in the earlier songfest had left In a few minutes we'll be off across
a contagious something behind. This the drifted plains to deliver this box of
time everybody was singing as they food to Old John.
went happily through "While Shepherds I wonder whether a recluse cele
Watched Their Flocks," "Good King brates Christmas. Alone by choice,
Wenceslaus," "God Rest You Merry, he'll have some visitors tonight. Old
Gentlemen," "Silent Night, Holy Night" John looks poor, whether he is or not.
and everybody was loving it. Everybody He'll appreciate the canned goods col
except one woman in a worn fur coat. lected by the schoolchildren, but I like
There was a refinement about her, in to think of his pleasure when he sees
spite of her shabbiness. Her eyes rolled the fresh bread, bright apples, and
over the carolers as she listened, and home-grown cabbage we added. And
Dick noticed that a crumpled handker won't he smile into his coarse beard
chief was squeezed into her closed hand. when he opens that little package and
He saw her crying for just a moment finds pieces of yule-log cake!
and she didn't join in the singing. Christmas Eve is definitely the right
The bus bounced to a stop at the time to make our surprise call, but how
corner of East Sixtieth and Third Ave will we locate his dugout in the dark?
nue. Dick waved to the other passengers What if he's too suspicious to open his
and shook hands with the driver. "Don't door? Docile though his black Labrador
forget the club," he said. seems when he and Old John hitchhike
"So long, Sourpuss, and a Merry to town, he'd probably attack
Christmas to you," the driver said, strangers.
grinning. Dear God, please guide us safely to
Dick stepped down. Then he noticed this strange character's home. What
the woman in the shabby coat hurrying ever his attitude, may our friendliness
forward. The bus had begun to move, prove that we're not just one-time do-
but she spoke to the driver and he gooders out disturbing his peace.
stopped and opened the door again.
She stepped down and stood beside
38/The Ministry/December, 1977
shop talk Sponsored by Ralph Martin, Coordinator of Pastoral Ministries for the Oregon Conference.

ing results. This one plan instills of those former members and
Hymn Suggestions confidence, conserves the pastor's guests who are present. Have one
time by mapping out a way to of the former lay elders offer the
Among the helps available integrate prayer meetings, Pas blessing for the meal.
without charge from the Ministe tor's Bible classes, and home Following the luncheon, have
rial Association is a folder pre Bible studies, supplements the an afternoon program of about
pared by Charles Keymer in gift Bible program and corre one and one-half hours. Vary the
which are listed suggested hymns program with music, readings,
spondence lessons with a clear-
from the Church Hymnal for use cut plan to bridge the gap be history of the church, and brief
in the various services of the plays of bygone days. Give a slide
tween the diploma and the
church. These include "Opening baptistry. presentation of former church lo
Church Worship," "Meditation
Bible Studies You Can Give is cations and people in action in
and Prayer," "Closing of Service," building programs, church pic
currently available at your Ad-
"Evangelism," and "Baptism and ventist Book Center. nics, or social activities, with ap
Communion." If you are not using propriate narration, and possibly
this, you may wish to send for a recorded music of former choirs,
copy. It will help you to select Have a Homecoming! et cetera, if you have such. Read
more easily appropriate hymns letters and telegrams from those
for your services. Write to: Min More and more of our pastors
find that keeping something hap who can't be present.
isterial Association, 6840 Eastern Be sure to have a well-printed
Avenue NW., Washington, D.C. pening in the church stimulates
interest and keeps members from souvenir program to hand out. Be
20012. sure, also, to send special printed
drifting away to visit other more
interesting churches. One pastor invitations to all former members
has a special feature in his church you can find addresses for. Ask
In Touch each month. One month it is the the church to help you secure
One pastor keeps a warm con special Week of Prayer with a re these addresses.
tact with youth away at college by vival speaker, or a school of Have the church attractively
writing a letter just prior to va prayer; another month it is a decorated for the day and take
cations (Christmas, Thanksgiv cooking school; and yet another special note of the classrooms,
ing, and spring) to welcome stu might be a homecoming. restrooms, and offices.
dents back home to the church Usually, a homecoming is tied By all means, as pastor, do not
over their vacations from college. in with some special anniversary be jealous when members swarm
This "in touch" relationship helps date of the church, or perhaps around favorite former pastors.
the youth to feel that they are when the church is dedicated, or This does not hurt you but indeed
still a part of the home church. when some new addition is fin gives you credit for your humil
ished. Whatever the excuse, a ity, in standing back to see former
homecoming is a nostalgic day all colleagues get their accolades.
Prefab Bible Studies seem to enjoy.
Available First, one should select a com
mittee to plan the homecoming. Ministry Index
Although precutting of build The more involvement, the The Index to THE MINISTRY can
ing materials began with the greater the success. The morning be very helpful to you in your
construction of the pyramids in Sabbath school can be taught by a research on subjects covered
ancient Egypt, actual building former pastor. Returned mission through the years in this journal.
prefabrication began in 1905. aries, if available, make interest These may be secured from THE
Now the busy pastor can obtain ing Sabbath school speakers for MINISTRY office as follow:
prefab Bible studies. Southern the mission period, especially if 1928-1965 $3.00
Publishing Association's Bible they are former children of the 1966-1969 $1.00
Studies You Can Give, by Jerry J. church, now grown up and serv Since 1971 THE MINISTRY has
Johnson, offers a streamlined ap ing in the world work. A favorite been incorporated with fifty-one
proach to the art of giving per former pastor can be invited to other Seventh-day Adventist
sonal Bible studies. speak in the morning. If some publications in the Seventh-day
The prefab studies each contain former pastor has some particular Adventist Periodical Index, pub
eight texts. Every verse is on a musical talent, use him in the lished semiannually by Loma
separate sheet, which the teacher morning service, or in Sabbath Linda University Libraries,
inserts in his Bible at the proper school. Plan special programs also Grace Prentice Holm, editor. Al
reference opening. As he turns in the various Sabbath school di though rather expensive for indi
from text to text, each interleaved visions. viduals, it is available at most of
page tells him step by step what No doubt, you will want to have our institutional centers. Minis
to do and say. the ladies cater a big welcome- terial Association offices would do
Featured at several camp home dinner for guests and mem well to carry it also, for benefit of
meetings as part of the training bers. At the luncheon, see that the field. Cost is $25 per volume,
of lay soul winners, Bible Studies guests are served first, giving containing the index for six
You Can Give produces astound recognition to names and families months.
The Ministry/December, 1977/39
BHS By His Side ST Shop Talk
E.Editorial WR World Report
RR Recommended Reading


Adams, Elvin E. Following God's Plan in Medical Bork, Paul F. What Hierapolis Tells Us About
Missionary Work 4. Iri the Local Church Feb 31 Laodicea Aug 25
Salt, Diet, and Exercise Mar 27 Boyd, John. Titus Requests Another Pastorate Nov 27
Anderson, Roy Allan. Growing Minister—His Op Boyle, Patrick. Christian Universe, The, E. L.
portunities and Obstacles, The, Andrew W. Mascall (RR) Sep 31
Blackwood (RR) Oct 47 Letters on Preaching, William Wand (RR) Jun 47
Macartney Bible Characters Library Series II, Brand, Leonard. Evidence for Creation, The Part
Clarence E. Macartney (RR) Nov 31 2 Jan 34
Arendt, Kenneth A. Those Marvelous Microves- Bristow, A. Evangelism Update Zambia (WR) Mar 41
sels May 30 Brown, Edwin G. Lending Library A Program
Armstrong, H. L. What About Theistic Evolu That Doubled My Baptisms, The Jun 42
tion? Apr 19 Brown, Walton J. Adventist Education and the
Finishing of the Work Feb 5
In Hoc Signo, Glen Gabert (RR) Oct 46
Bacchiocchi, Samuele. Rome and the Origin of
Sunday Observance Jan 16 Calkins, Fern. How to Build a Family (BHS) Oct 38
Baldwin, Bernell. Wine Is a Mocker Jul 32 Coe, Hazel. Power Behind the Throne, The
Baldwin, Marjorie. Are You Always Tired? Here's (BHS) Jan 38
the Answer Sep 18 Coffen, Richard. Two-taled Dinosaur, The, Gerald
Chromium For More Than Shiny Bumpers Jun 33 W, Wheeler (RR) Jul 47
Bascom, M. T. Update Target 80 (WR) Jun 26 Currie, H. Carl. Evangelism Update Zambesi
Battista, O. A. Christ's Great Success Formula: Union (WR) Mar 40
Giving = Gaining May 24 Curtis, Kenneth. Telecult Our Real Religion Jun 4
Bauer, Carl L. Healing the Right Arm Feb 24
Bennett, Douglas. Preaching of Clovis Chappell, Day, Dan. Good and the Bad of TM, The Mar 24
The May 16 Dederen, Raoul. Adventists and Doctrinal
Berg, O. M. Cyrus Cylinder Confirms the Bible Jan 23 Change Feb 16
Have You Solved These Problems? G. Cuper- God, Revelation and Authority, Volumes I and
tino (RR) Nov 30 II, Carl F. H. Henry (RR) Nov 31
Interpreting the Book of Revelation, Kenneth New International Dictionary of New Testament
A. Strand (RR) Jul 47 Theology, The, Colin Brown, ed. (RR) Aug 31
Jonah: Messenger of the Eleventh Hour, Ger- Pope for All Christians? An Inquiry Into the
hard F. Hasel (RR) Jun 47 Role of Peter in the Modern Church, A, Peter
Laodicea: the Church That Doesn't Know, J. McCord, ed. (RR) Jul 47
Thomas A. Davis (RR) Apr 47 Why We Need the Pope: The Necessity and
Motivation (E) May 3 Limits of Papal Primacy, Karl-Heinz Ohlig
Needed A New Awakening (E) Sep 2 (RR) Jun 47
Pastor and Church Problems, The Apr 11 Delafield, D. A. Testimony Countdown II Apr 23
Prayer Ministry in the Local Church, Douglas, Walter B. T. Featuring God's Promises in
Steve Harper (RR) Sep 31 Our Sermons Sep 24
Speak With Care Dec 10 Meaning and Mystery Jul 42
Bietz, R. R. "Until Death Do Us Part" Oct 14 Douglass, H. E. Hooks Or No Hooks Apr 28
40/The Ministry/December, 1977

Pardon and Power Mar 9 Have the Genesis "Cities of the Plain" Been
Dower, N. R. Adventist Approach to Theology, Discovered? Sep 10
The Oct 24 Hewlett, Gordon. Free for the Taking, Joseph R.
E. E. Cleveland A Tribute (E) Aug 2 Cooke (RR) Jan 46
New Role of the Licensed Minister Feb 41 Healing Life's Sore Spots, Frank A. Kostyu
North American Division Evangelism Council (RR) Nov 30
High Lights Apr 1 Loneliness—Understanding and Dealing With
Dyer, Mercedes. People Are Important (BHS) Sep 26 It, Harvey H. Potthoff (RR) Nov 30
Dysinger, P. William. Following God's Plan in Minister and Grief, The, Robert W. Bailey
Medical Missionary Work 2. In His Medi (RR) Nov 30
cal Institutions Feb 27 Hooker, William M. Once Lost Gone Forever Apr 32
Hooper, Wayne. "If We Would Humble Our
Edwards, Josephine C. Little Acts of Kindness selves" Aug 30
(BHS) Aug 29 Hopkins, La Donna and Paul. Marriage and Fam
Ellison, James A. "Steps . . ." to the Door (WR) Aug 14 ily: Coming Back Nov 14
Hopp, Joyce W./Reuben Hubbard. Clergyman as
Ferch, Arthur J. Millennium, a Golden Age on Health Educator, The Mar 31
Earth Or in Heaven? The May 32 Hubbard, Reuben. Following God's Plan in Medi
Ferris, Roger H. Family Doom or Family Boom? Aug 24 cal Missionary Work 3. In the Ministry Feb 30
Selected Bibliography of Current Family-Life Medical Terminology in Luke May 26
Materials May 45 Hubbard, Reuben/Joyce W. Hopp. Clergyman as
Finley, Mark. Keys to City Evangelism Feb 10 Health Educator, The Mar 31
Fletcher, Austen G. Only Begotten, The Apr 40 Hubbard, Reuben A./Kathy Hargrave. Don't Stop
Foster, Vernon W. "I Don't Heal . . . God Does" Oct 26 With Community Programs Aug 20
Fowler, John. What Is the Biblical View of the
Laity? Dec 7 Johns, Warren H. Ellen G. White and Subterra
nean Fires Parts 1 and 2 Aug 9 Oct 19
Geraty, Lawrence T. Archeological Update From Johnson, Jan G. Building Prayer Meeting Attend
Syria, Israel, and Jordan Feb 34 ance (ST) Jan 44
1976 Excavations at Biblical Heshbon, The Johnsson, William G. Apostles, The, Donald
Parts 1 and 2 Mar 34 May 39 Guthrie (RR) Jan 45
Gibb, Edwin. Help to the Study of the Holy Spirit, Safeguarding the Sacred Jul 24
A, William E. Beiderwolf (RR) Jul 47 Johnston, Robert M. Missionary From Heaven Jul 10
Gimbel, Ann. Mother, an Executive (BHS) May 36 Jorgensen, Alfred S. Sabbath Earth's Reflection
Gladson, Jerry. Doctrine of Salvation, The, Arthur of Heaven, The Jan 6
W. Pink (RR) Jan 46
Sermon in Perspective, The, James E. Massey Kannenberg, F. Stanley. Following God's Plan in
(RR) Oct 46 Medical Missionary Work 6. House-to-
Gray, Don. When All Else Fails . . . Get Back to the House Outreach Feb 33
Blueprint! Oct 4 Keough, G. Arthur. Who Walk Alone: a Consid
Gray, Marjorie V. Visiting Nurse-Bible Instruc eration of the Single Life, Margaret Eve
tor Jun 28 ning (RR) Nov 31
Grosboll, Marshall J. Battling Over the Nature of Kilcher, Doug and Carols. Who Are the Old? Nov 21
the King of Peace Oct 9 Knowles, George E. Urgency of Territorial As
signment, The Aug 16
Habenicht, Cherry B. Prayers From the Parsonage Kretschmar, Juanita. Breakthrough in New York
(BHS) Jan 39 Feb 39 Mar 39 Apr 39 May 38 City (BHS) Jun 40
Jun 41 Jul 42 Aug 30 Sep 27 Oct 39 Nov 25 Dec 38 Kubo, Sakae. Fruitage of Faith, The May 9
Habenicht, Herald A. Hazards Mount for the Un Kurtz, Arnold. Clarence E. Macartney: Dramatic
born Prudent Life Style Rewarded Dec 29 Power in Preaching Jan 40
How Do You Treat It? "With Contempt" Jul 26 Fosdick: Case Study in "Successful" Public
Hammond, R. J. Hymn Hi-Lites Lord of All Address Mar 5
Being, Throned Afar Jul 35
Hymn Hi-Lites "Praise to the Lord" Jun 35 Lawson, D. E. "One Thing I Do" (WR) Aug 12
Harder, Frederick E. J. Preparing an Exposition of Linger, O. Afton. "Preacher, How Writest
Isaiah 40 Jul 4 Thou?" May 42
Hargrave, Kathy/Reuben A. Hubbard. Don't Stop "Wanted: Two-legged Donkeys" Nov 9
With Community Programs Aug 20 Lloyd, Ernest. Curse of Luxury, The Jan 42
Harrell, John. Tedium Is the Message, The Sep 29 Lloyd, Marjorie Lewis. Semantics and Salvation Sep 4
Hawley, Don. Something for Everyone Oct 34 Londis, James J./C. Mervyn Maxwell. Another
Health Staff. Again! Jan 32 Look at "Adventists and Politics" Oct 41
Ernest Lloyd In His 98th Year Sep 21 Loor, June. Hospital Visit, The Oct 12
Following God's Plan in Medical Missionary Lowry, W. G. On the Move in Southern Asia
Work 1. And God Looked Down Feb 26 Evangelism in India (WR) Apr 16
Heppenstall, Edward. Sin, Salvation, and the
Sanctuary Mar 13 Mackintosh, Donald. Miracle of the Third Day,
Herr, Larry G. Ancient Seals and the Bible Jun 38 The Apr 13
The Ministry/December, 1977/41

Magie, Allan R. Death by Ounces Jul 30 Martin, Ralph W. Church Pulpit Year (ST) Jan 43
Driving Ethics for Modern Jehus Apr 26 Mattison, W. H. On the Move in Southern Asia
Good Life-style = Good Health Jan 29 Health Evangelism in Southern Asia
Nature's Air Conditioners Jun 36 (WR) Apr 17
Why Do We Age? Nov 18 Maxwell, C. Mervyn. They Loved Jesus Jan 9
Magnusson, Eric. Mutations and the Origin of What Adventists Owe to Other Christians Sep 15
Species May 12 Maxwell, C. Mervyn/James J. Londis. Another
Maniscalco, Joe. Hallo ween Hobgoblins and Look at "Adventists and Politics" Oct 41
Heresy Oct 18 McAllister, F. B. Minister's Correspondence, The
Marsh, Alice G. Nutrition and the Minister Dec 26 (ST) Jan 43
Marsh, Frank Lewis. Are the Natural and the McCall, Clark B. Why Not Use the Net? Dec 2
Supernatural the Same? Dec 14 McFarland, J. Wayne. Church Dinners Apr 34
Loma Linda Alumni Take Second Look at
"Right Arm" Concept (E) Feb 3
Millet, Garland J. Adventist Education Year
1978 An Invitation Dec 12
Mitchell, Charles. Why "Jesus Came Healing" Jan 26
Modglin, F. Rene. Death, Violence, and Alco

VENDEN holism
Moore, Paul E. Student Mission at River Plate
College, Argentina (WR)



ON TAPE Morris, Henry M. Up With Catastrophism!

Mutch, Patricia B. Making Nutrition Education



Neall, Randolph E. C-14 Dating May Be Wrong

Before 2000 B.C. Sep 7
The week beginning September 19, 1977, Neff, LaVonne. Not in the Whirlwind (BHS) Apr 38
was a memorable week at world Netteburg, Kermit. Mind Changers, The, Em
headquarters. The Review and Herald Griffin (RR) Oct 46
Publishing Association employees and the Neuffer, Julia. Chronology of the Old Testament,
staff of the Columbia Union Conference Martin Anstey (RR) Sep 31
joined the General Conference family in a Nevins, Stuart E. Evolution: the Ocean Says No! Mar 20
special Week of Prayer with Morris Venden Niekerk, J. M. Evangelism Update Good Hope
Conference (WR) Mar 40
as speaker. The presentations relating to the
Nitowski, Eugenia L. Discovering the "Secrets" of
Laodicean message and righteousness by Early Church Lamps Nov 23
faith appear in the November release of the
ASPIRE Tape of the Month Club. You will Pardee, Dennis. Mari Archives, The Apr 35
want to hear them. If you are not a regular Pelton, Raymond F. Minister as Chaplain, The Jun 15
subscriber to the ASPIRE Tape Club, then Pereyra, Reuben. Evangelism Overview in South
send for your copy today, enclosing a check America (WR) Feb 14
or money order for $4.50 for the two Petersen, Barbara. Underground Manual for
cassettes, or $3.00 for the five-inch reel (1 Ministers' Wives, Ruth Truman (RR) Jan 45
7/8 ips). Phillips, Muriel. Loneliness (BHS) Mar 38
Pierson, Robert H. Alpha of Apostasy, The Aug 6
Are You a Spiritual Leader? Jan 8
Write today. Ask for the November, 1977, Do Your Buildings Say, "Even So, Come, Lord
release and send to: Jesus"? Sep 6
Green-eyed Monster, The Nov 7
ASPIRE Tape of the Month Club Is Your Health-Care Institution Distinctively
6840 Eastern Avenue NW. Seventh-day Adventist? Jun 8
Washington, D.C. 20012 Just a Moment, Please! Jul 7
Last-Day Leaders May 8
Omega of Apostasy, The Oct 8
If you do not belong to the ASPIRE Tape Club, There Shall Be No Alps Mar 8
why not join now? Thrilling and timely contents We Dare Not Disappoint Them! Dec 6
are planned. The January, 1978, release will What Is Righteousness by Faith? Feb 9
include key messages from the 1977 Annual "White Already to Harvest" Apr 8
Council. That and much more. Keep up with Provonsha, Jack W. Life After Life? Jul 20
what's up by listening regularly to ASPIRE tapes.
Qualley, Reed. Baptism Prayer or Formula? Apr 22
Join now for the new year. Still only $45 on
cassettes; $30 on five-inch reels. Ranzolin, Leo. Minister's Devotional Life, The Nov 8
Reaves, Benjamin F. Sermon Notes That Serve May 21
Renzi, Ada. "Blessed Are They That Mourn"
(BHS) Feb 38
42/The Ministry/December, 1977

Rhodes, John. TV Guide for Church Members Ellen White and Music—Background and
(ST) Feb 47 Principles, Paul Hamel (RR) Aug 31
Roberts, V. L. Pastor's Personal Finances, The Oct 22 Little Balm and a Little Honey, A, Ivy Duffy
Robinson, L. C. Evangelism Update Central Af Doherty (RR) Apr 47
rican Union (WR) Mar 40 Test Tubes and Chalk Dust, Barbara Phipps
Rossel, John. Ministers Anonymous Sep 22 (RR) Oct 47
Ruskjer, Ronald E. "Bridging the Gap" Dec 32 Van Dolson, L. R. Crowd Pleasers (E) Mar 3
If It's So Simple—Why Is It So Hard? Marjorie
Sauls, Lynn and Helen. CM for the Shepherdess Lewis Lloyd (RR) Jan 46
(BHS) Jul 40 Ministering to the Disillusioned (E) Feb 3
Schantz, Borge. Interpreters Aren't Interrupters Oct 16 "Quiet Saturdays" Dialogue at Seventh Day
Scharffenberg, John. Following God's Plan in Baptist General Conference Nov 16
Medical Missionary Work 5. In Organizing Shaming of the True, The (E) Dec 4
for Missionary Work Feb 32 Tax Time (E) Apr 3
Schlehuber, F. E. Fidelity A Commandment Dec 11 What Are We Waiting For? Aug 18
Schuleman, Richard. Seed in My Heart, A Feb 8 Van Dolson, L. R./J. R. Spangler. Are There
Schwantes, S. J. Did the Israelites Ever Reckon the Prophets in the Modern Church? (E) Jul 2
Day From Morning to Morning? Jul 36 Battle Over the Bible (E) Mar 42
Scragg, Walter R. L. "Power-packed Words" Jul 8 Van Rooyen, J. C. S. How Jesus Saves Jul 17
Shea, William H. Screen Search for Noah's Ark, Voyles, E. W. Love, Honor, and Be Free, Maxine
The Oct 35 Hancock (RR) Nov 30
Smoot, Joseph G. "Light to Them That Sit in Vyhmeister, Irma B. Wonder of Proteins, The Oct 28
Darkness" Jan 20
Snyder, Marjorie. Don't Ignore the "Special Peo Wagoner, Omer L. Man "A Noble Beast" or
ple" (BHS) Nov 26 "Fallen Saint"? Jun 17
Soper, Francis A. How to Stop Drinking Jul 34 White, Ellen G. Books or Bible? Apr 9
Sensual Drugs, Hardin and Helen Jones Why Efforts Are Nearly Fruitless Oct 40
(RR) Oct 47 Willoughby, William F. Is Religious Freedom the
Spangler, J. R. Camp Meeting for Singles (E) Oct 2 Basic Freedom of All Freedoms? May
Ministering to the Neglected "Singles" Jun 10 Wilson, Neal C. Evangelism and Finishing the
P.R.E.A.C.H. Project Goes Nationwide Will Work Dec 20
Reach Circulation of Nearly 300,000 (E) Jun 2
Rocks and Religion 1977 Geoscience Field Zackrison, James W. Church Growth in Inter-
Study Tour (E) Nov 3 America (WR) Sep 13
Spangler, J. R./L. R. Van Dolson. Are There
Prophets in the Modern Church? (E) Jul 2
Battle Over the Bible (E) Mar 42
Specht, Walter. Epistle to the Hebrews: a Com SUBJECT Mo Pg
mentary, The, Homer A. Kent, Jr. (RR) Apr 47
Light in the Darkness: Studies in the Gospel of Archeology: Ancient Seals and the Bible. Larry
John, Homer A. Kent, Jr. (RR) Apr 47 G. Herr Jun 38
Staff. Consider the Case for Quiet Mondays (E) Jan 3 Archeological Update From Syria, Israel, and
"I've Had You Adventists All Wrong" Jun 22 Jordan. Lawrence T. Geraty Feb 34
Standish, Colin D. "Finishing the Work": When Cyrus Cylinder Confirms the Bible. O. M.
Will It Happen? Aug 7 Berg Jan 23
Stanley, C. R. Evangelism in the Australasian Did the Israelites Ever Reckon the Day From
Division (WR) May 18 Morning to Morning? S. J. Schwantes Jul 36
Stenbakken, Richard. Church Growth Through the Discovering the "Secrets" of Early Church
Family-Life Center Dec 17 Lamps. Eugenia L. Nitowski Nov 23
Stirling, James H. Systematic Guide to Ellen Have the Genesis "Cities of the Plain" Been
White's Writings, A Jun 20 Discovered? Larry G. Herr Sep 10
Stoneburner, Ella May. Thin From Within: Values Mari Archives, The. Dennis Pardee Apr 35
Clarification and Dieting, Jack Osman 1976 Excavations at Biblical Heshbon, The
(RR) Jan 45 Parts 1 and 2. Lawrence T. Geraty Mar 34 May 39
Strand, Kenneth A. Literary Structure A Key to Screen Search for Noah's Ark, The. William
Interpreting the Revelation Mar 17 H. Shea Oct 35
Sunday in the Early Church Jan 11 What Hierapolis Tells Us About Laodicea.
Paul F. Bork Aug 25
Thomas, N. Gordon. Millennium A Major Theme Baptism: Baptism Prayer or Formula? Reed
of American Protestantism, The Nov 11 Qualley Apr 22
Trop, Moshe. Was Evolution Really Possible by Bible: Battle Over the Bible (E). J. R. Spangler/L.
Chance? Jul 13 R. Van Dolson Mar 42
Life After Life? Jack W. Provonsha Jul 20
van Bemmelen, P. M. James White, Virgil E. Literary Structure A Key to Interpreting the
Robinson (RR) Jun 47 Revelation. Kenneth A. Strand Mar 17
Van Dolson, Bobbie Jane. Christmas Bus Ride, Meaning and Mystery. Walter B. T. Douglas Jul 42
The (BHS) Dec 36 Only Begotten, The. Austen G. Fletcher Apr 40
The Ministry/December, 1977/43
SUBJECT_______________MO pg SUBJECT______________MO Pg
Preparing an Exposition of Isaiah 40. Fred Raymond F. Pelton Jun 15
erick E. J. Harder Jul 4 Christ: Battling Over the Nature of the King of
Book Reviews: Apostles, The. Donald Guthrie Jan 45 Peace. Marshall J. Grosboll Oct 9
Christian Universe, The. E. L. Mascall Sep 31 Why "Jesus Came Healing." Charles Mitch-
Chronology of the Old Testament. Martin An- ell Jan 26
stey Sep 31 Christian Life: Battling Over the Nature of the
Doctrine of Salvation, The. Arthur W. Pink Jan 46 King of Peace. Marshall J. Grosboll Oct 9
Ellen White and Music—Background and How Jesus Saves. J. C. S. Van Rooyen Jul 17
Principles. Paul Hamel Aug 31 Semantics and Salvation. Marjorie Lewis
Epistle to the Hebrews: a Commentary, The. Lloyd Sep 4
Homer A. Kent, Jr. Apr 47 Telecult Our Real Religion. Kenneth
Free for the Taking. Joseph R. Cooke Jan 46 Curtis Jun 4
God, Revelation and Authority, Volumes I and Church: Alpha of Apostasy, The. Robert H. Pier-
II. Carl F. H. Henry Nov 31 son Aug 6
Growing Minister-—His Opportunities and Lending Library A Program That Doubled
Obstacles, The. Andrew W. Blackwood Oct 47 My Baptisms, The. Edwin G. Brown Jun 42
Have You Solved These Problems? G. Cuper- New Role of the Licensed Minister. N. R.
tino Nov 30 Dower Feb 41
Healing Life's Sore Spots. Frank A. Kostyu Nov 30 Omega of Apostasy, The. Robert H. Pierson Oct 8
Help to the Study of the Holy Spirit, A. William Testimony Countdown II. D. A. Delafield Apr 23
E. Beiderwolf Jul 47 What Adventists Owe to Other Christians. C.
If It's So Simple—Why Is It So Hard? Marjorie Mervyn Maxwell Sep 15
Lewis Lloyd Jan 46 Church Leadership: Alpha of Apostasy, The.
In Hoc Signo. Glen Gabert Oct 46 Robert H. Pierson Aug 6
Interpreting the Book of Revelation. Kenneth Are You a Spiritual Leader? Robert H. Pier-
A. Strand Jul 47 son Jan 8
James White. Virgil E. Robinson Jun 47 Do Your Buildings Say, "Even So, Come, Lord
Jonah: Messenger of the Eleventh Hour. Ger- Jesus"? Robert H. Pierson Sep 6
hard F. Hasel Jun 47 Green-eyed Monster, The. Robert H. Pierson Nov 7
Laodicea: the Church That Doesn't Know. Is Your Health-Care Institution Distinctively
Thomas A. Davis Apr 47 Seventh-day Adventist? Robert H. Pierson Jun 8
Letters on Preaching. William Wand Jun 47 Just a Moment, Please! Robert H. Pierson Jul 7
Light in the Darkness: Studies in the Gospel of Last-Day Leaders. Robert H. Pierson May 8
John. Homer A. Kent, Jr. Apr 47 Omega of Apostasy, The. Robert H. Pierson Oct 8
Little Balm and a Little Honey, A. Ivy Duffy There Shall Be No Alps. Robert H. Pierson Mar 8
Doherty Apr 47 We Dare Not Disappoint Them! Robert H.
Loneliness—Understanding and Dealing With Pierson Dec 6
It. Harvey R. Potthoff Nov 30 What Is Righteousness by Faith? Robert H.
Love, Honor, and Be Free. Maxine Hancock Nov 30 Pierson Feb 9
Macartney Bible Characters Library Series II. "White Already to Harvest." Robert H. Pier-
Clarence E. Macartney Nov 31 son Apr 8
Mind Changers, The. Em Griffin Oct 46 Communication: "Power-packed Words." Walter
Minister and Grief, The. Robert W. Bailey Nov 30 R. L. Scragg Jul 8
New International Dictionary of New Testa "Preacher, How Writest Thou?" O. Afton Lin
ment Theology, The. Colin Brown, ed. Aug 31 ger May 42
Pope for All Christians? An Inquiry Into the Tedium Is the Message, The. John Harrell Sep 29
Role of Peter in the Modern Church, A. Peter Editorials: Are There Prophets in the Modern
J. McCord, ed. Jul 47 Church? J. R. Spangler/L. R. Van Dolson Jul 2
Prayer Ministry in the Local Church. Steve Battle Over the Bible. J. R. Spangler/L. R.
Harper Sep 31 Van Dolson Mar 42
Selected Bibliography of Current Family-Life Camp Meeting for Singles. J. R. Spangler Oct 2
Materials. R. H. Ferris May 45 Consider the Case for Quiet Mondays. Staff Jan 3
Sensual Drugs. Hardin and Helen Jones Oct 47 Crowd Pleasers. L. R. Van Dolson Mar 3
Sermon in Perspective, The. James E. Mas- E. E. Cleveland A Tribute. N. R. Dower Aug 2
sey Oct 46 Loma Linda Alumni Take Second Look at
Test Tubes and Chalk Dust. Barbara Phipps Oct 47 "Right Arm" Concept. J. Wayne McFar-
Thin From Within: Values Clarification and land Feb 3
Dieting. Jack Osman Jan 45 Ministering to the Disillusioned. L. R. Van
Two-Taled Dinosaur, The. Gerald Wheeler Jul 47 Dolson Feb 3
Underground Manual for Ministers' Wives. Motivation. O. M. Berg May 3
Ruth Truman Jan 45 Needed A New Awakening. O. M. Berg Sep 2
Who Walk Alone: a Consideration of the Sin P.R.E.A.C.H. Needs Your Help Jun 3
gle Life. Margaret Evening Nov 31 P.R.E.A.C.H. Project Goes Nationwide Will
Why We Need the Pope: The Necessity and Reach Circulation of Nearly 300,000. J. R.
Limits of Papal Primacy. Karl-Heinz Spangler Jun 2
Ohlig Jun 47 Rocks and Religion 1977 Geoscience Field
Chaplain's Work: Minister as Chaplain, The. Study Tour. J. R. Spangler Nov 3
44/The Ministry/December, 1977

Shaming of the True, The. L. R. Van Dolson Dec 4 Work 1. And God Looked Down. Health
Tax Time. L. R. Van Dolson Apr 3 Staff Feb 26
Education: Adventist Education and the Finish Following God's Plan in Medical Missionary
ing of the Work. Walton J. Brown Feb 5 Work 6. House-to-House Outreach. F.
Adventist Education Year 1978 An Invita Stanley Kannenberg Feb 33
tion. Garland J. Millet Dec 12 Following God's Plan in Medical Missionary
Evangelism: Church Growth in Inter-America Work 2. In His Medical Institutions. P.
(WR). James W. Zackrison Sep 13 William Dysinger Feb 27
Evangelism and Finishing the Work. Neal C. Following God's Plan in Medical Missionary
Wilson Dec 20 Work 5. In Organizing for Missionary
Evangelism in the Australasian Division Work. John Scharffenberg Feb 32
(WR). C. R. Stanley May 18 Following God's Plan in Medical Missionary
Evangelism Overview in South America (WR). Work 4. In the Local Church. Elvin E.
Reuben Pereyra Feb 14 Adams Feb 31
Evangelism Update Central African Union Following God's Plan in Medical Missionary
(WR). L. C. Robinson Mar 40 Work 3. In the Ministry. Reuben A. Hub-
Evangelism Update Good Hope Conference bard Feb 30
(WR). J. M. Niekerk Mar 40 Good Life-style = Good Health. Allan R.
Evangelism Update Zambesi Union (WR). H. Magie Jan 29
Carl Currie Mar 40 Hazards Mount for the Unborn Prudent Life
Evangelism Update Zambia (WR). A. Bris- Style Rewarded. Herald A. Habenicht Dec 29
tow Mar 41 Healing the Right Arm. Carl L. Bauer Feb 24
Keys to City Evangelism. Mark Finley Feb 10 How Do You Treat It? "With Contempt." Her
North American Division Evangelism Council ald A. Habenicht Jul 26
High Lights. N. R. Dower Apr 1 How to Stop Drinking. Francis A. Soper Jul 34
"One Thing I Do" (WR). D. E. Lawson Aug 12 "I Don't Heal . . . God Does." Vernon W. Fos
On the Move in Southern Asia Evangelism ter Oct 26
in India (WR). W. G. Lowry Apr 16 Medical Terminology in Luke. Reuben Hub-
On the Move in Southern Asia Health bard May 26
Evangelism in Southern Asia (WR). W. H. Nature's Air Conditioners. Allan Magie Jun 36
Mattison Apr 17 Nutrition and the Minister. Alice G. Marsh Dec 26
Speak With Care. O. M. Berg Dec 10 Once Lost Gone Forever. William M.
Student Mission at River Plate College, Ar Hooker Apr 32
gentina (WR). Paul E. Moore Feb 13 Salt, Diet, and Exercise. Elvin E. Adams Mar 27
Update Target 80 (WR). M. T. Bascom Jun 26 Those Marvelous Microvessels. Kenneth A.
What Is the Biblical View of the Laity? John Arendt May 30
Fowler Dec 7 Who Are the Old? Doug and Carole Kilcher Nov 21
When All Else Fails . . . Get Back to the Why Do We Age? Allan Magie Nov 18
Blueprint! Don Gray Oct 4 Wine Is a Mocker. Bernell Baldwin Jul 32
General: Christmas Bus Ride, The (BHS). Bobbie Health Education: Clergyman as Health Educa
Jane Van Dolson Dec 36 tor, The. Joyce W. Hopp/Reuben Hubbard Mar 31
Christ's Great Success Formula: Giv Don't Stop With Community Programs. Reu
ing = Gaining. O. A. Battista May 24 ben A. Hubbard/Kathy Hargrave Aug 20
Good and the Bad of TM, The. Dan Day Mar 24 Driving Ethics for Modern Jehus. Allan R.
Halloween Hobgoblins and Heresy. Joe Magie Apr 26
Maniscalco Oct 18 Good Life-style = Good Health. Allan R.
"Light to Them That Sit in Darkness." Joseph Magie Jan 29
G. Smoot Jan 20 Making Nutrition Education Practical. Patri
Ministering to the Neglected "Singles." J. R. cia B. Mutch Oct 30
Spangler Jun 10 Something for Everyone. Don Hawley Oct 34
"Quiet Saturdays" Dialogue at Seventh Day Wonder of Proteins, The. Irma B. Vyhmeis-
Baptist General Conference. L. R. Van Dol ter Oct 28
son Nov 16 Health Evangelism: Breakthrough in New York
Titus Requests Another Pastorate. John City (BHS). Juanita Kretschmar Jun 40
Boyd Nov 27 "Bridging the Gap." Ronald E. Ruskjer Dec 32
Health: Again! Health Staff Jan 32 Don't Stop With Community Programs. Reu
America's No. I Drug Problem Jul 29 ben A. Hubbard/Kathy Hargrave Aug 20
Are You Always Tired? Here's the Answer. Healing the Right Arm. Carl L. Bauer Feb 24
Marjorie Baldwin Sep 18 Hooks Or No Hooks. H. E. Douglass Apr 28
Chromium For More Than Shiny Bumpers. Is Your Health-Care Institution Distinctively
Marjorie Baldwin Jun 33 Seventh-day Adventist? Robert H. Pierson Jun 8
Death by Ounces. Allan R. Magie Jul 30 Medical Terminology in Luke. Reuben A.
Death, Violence, and Alcoholism. F. Rene Hubbard May 26
Modglin Jul 29 Visiting Nurse-Bible Instructor. Marjorie V.
Ernest Lloyd In His 98th Year. Health Gray Jun 28
Staff Sep 21 What Are We Waiting For? Leo R. Van Dol
Following God's Plan in Medical Missionary son Aug 18
The Ministry/December, 1977/45

Why "Jesus Came Healing." Charles Mitch- Not in the Whirlwind (BHS). LaVonne Neff Apr 38
ell Jan 26 People Are Important (BHS). Mercedes Dyer Sep 26
Home and Family: Church Growth Through the Power Behind the Throne, The (BHS). Hazel
Family-Life Center. Richard Stenbakken Dec 17 Coe Jan 38
Family Doom or Family Boom? Roger H. Prayers From the Parsonage (BHS). Cherry B.
Ferris Aug 24 Habenicht Jan 39 Feb 39 Mar 39 Apr 39 May
Fidelity A Commandment. F. E. Schle- 38 Jun 41 Jul 42 Aug 30 Sep 27 Oct 39 Nov 25 Dec 38
huber Dec 11 Missions: Evangelism in the Australasian Divi
How to Build a Family (BHS). Fern Calkins Oct 38 sion (WR). C. R. Stanley May 18
Marriage and Family: Coming Back. La Evangelism Update Central African Union
Donna and Paul Hopkins Nov 14 (WR). L. C. Robinson Mar 40
Telecult Our Real Religion. Kenneth Evangelism Update Good Hope Conference
Curtis Jun 4 (WR). J. M. Niekerk Mar 40
"Until Death Do Us Part." R. R. Bietz Oct 14 Evangelism Update Zambesi Union (WR). H.
Interviews: Ernest Lloyd In His 98th Year. Carl Currie Mar 40
Health Staff Sep 21 Evangelism Update Zambia (WR). A. Bris-
Ministering to the Neglected "Singles." J. R. tow Mar 41
Spangler Jun 10 Interpreters Aren't Interrupters. Borge
Salt, Diet, and Exercise. Elvin Adams Mar 27 Schantz Oct 16
Lay Evangelism: Urgency of Territorial Assign Missionary From Heaven. Robert M. John-
ment, The. George E. Knowles Aug 16 ston Jul 10
When All Else Fails . . . Get Back to the On the Move in Southern Asia Evangelism
Blueprint! Don Gray Oct 4 in India (WR). W. G. Lowry Apr 16
Why Efforts Are Nearly Fruitless. Ellen G. On the Move in Southern Asia Health
White Oct 40 Evangelism in Southern Asia (WR). W. H.
Why Not Use the Net? Clark B. McCall Dec 2 Mattison Apr 17
Management by Objectives: Adventist Educa "One Thing I Do" (WR). D. E. Lawson Aug 12
tion and the Finishing of the Work. Walton Student Mission at River Plate College, Ar
J. Brown Feb 5 gentina (WR). Paul E. Moore Feb 13
"Finishing the Work": When Will It Happen? Update Target 80 (WR). M. T. Bascom Jun 26
Colin D. Standish Aug 7 Music: Hymn Hi-Lites Lord of All Being,
What Is the Biblical View of the Laity? John Throned Afar. R. J. Hammond Jul 35
Fowler Dec 7 Hymn Hi-Lites "Praise to the Lord." R. J.
Ministerial Association: Behind the Scenes With Hammond Jun 35
ASPIRE Tape Club Jun 24 "If We Would Humble Ourselves." Wayne
E. E. Cleveland A Tribute (E). N. R. Hooper Aug 30
Dower Aug 2 Nutrition: Chromium For More Than Shiny
"I've Had You Adventists All Wrong." Staff Jun 22 Bumpers. Marjorie Baldwin Jun 33
North American Division Evangelism Council Making Nutrition Education Practical. Patri
High Lights. N. R. Dower Apr 1 cia B. Mutch Oct 30
Ministers: Books or Bible? Ellen G. White Apr 9 Nutrition and the Minister. Alice G. Marsh Dec 26
Church Growth in Inter-America (WR). James Wonder of Proteins, The. Irma B. Vyhmeis-
W. Zackrison Sep 13 ter Oct 28
"I've Had You Adventists All Wrong." Staff Jun 22 Parley: Another Look at "Adventists and Poli
Ministers Anonymous. John Rossel Sep 22 tics." James J. Londis/C. Mervyn Maxwell Oct 41
Minister's Devotional Life, The. Leo Ranzo- Pastoral Work: Church Growth Through the
lin Nov 8 Family-Life Center. Richard Stenbakken Dec 17
Pastor's Personal Finances, The. V. L. Rob Featuring God's Promises in Our Sermons.
erts Oct 22 Walter B. T. Douglas Sep 24
Safeguarding the Sacred. William G. Johns- Hospital Visit, The. June Loor Oct 12
son Jul 24 Lending Library A Program That Doubled
Minister's Wife: "Blessed Are They That Mourn" My Baptisms, The. Edwin G. Brown Jun 42
(BHS). Ada Renzi Feb 38 Minister as Chaplain, The. Raymond F. Pel-
Breakthrough in New York City (BHS). ton Jun 15
Juanita Kretschmar Jun 40 Ministering to the Neglected "Singles." J. R.
Christmas Bus Ride, The (BHS). Bobbie Jane Spangler Jun 10
Van Dolson Dec 36 New Role of the Licensed Minister. N. R.
CM for the Shepherdess (BHS). Lynn and Dower Feb 41
Helen Sauls Jul 40 Pastor and Church Problems, The. Orley M.
Dear Kay (BHS) Feb 40 Berg Apr 11
Don't Ignore the "Special People" (BHS). Mar- "Preacher, How Writest Thou?" O. Afton Lin
jorie Snyder Nov 26 ger May 42
How to Build a Family (BHS). Fern Calkins Oct 38 Safeguarding the Sacred. William G. Johns-
Little Acts of Kindness (BHS). Josephine C. son Jul 24
Edwards Aug 29 Sermon Notes That Serve. Benjamin F.
Loneliness (BHS). Muriel Phillips Mar 38 Reaves May 21
Mother, an Executive (BHS). Ann Gimbel May 36 Tedium Is the Message, The. John Harrell Sep 29
46/The Ministry/December, 1977

Urgency of Territorial Assignment, The. Modern Church? (E). J. R. Spangler/L. R.

George E. Knowles Aug 16 Van Dolson Jul 2
Why Not Use the Net? Clark B. McCall Dec 2 Books or Bible? Ellen G. White Apr 9
Preaching: Clarence E. Macartney: Dramatic Ellen G. White and Subterranean Fires
Power in Preaching. Arnold Kurtz Jan 40 Parts 1 and 2. Warren H. Johns Aug 9 Oct 19
Featuring God's Promises in Our Sermons. Systematic Guide to Ellen White's Writings,
Walter B. T. Douglas Sep 24 A. James H. Stirling Jun 20
Fosdick: Case Study in "Successful" Public Testimony Countdown II. D. A. Delafield Apr 23
Address. Arnold Kurtz Mar 5 Temperance: America's No. 1 Drug Problem Jul 29
Minister's Devotional Life, The. Leo Ranzo- Death by Ounces. Allan R. Magie Jul 30
lin Nov 8 Death, Violence, and Alcoholism. F. Rene
Preaching of Clovis Chappell, The. Douglas Modglin Jul 29
Bennett May 16 How to Stop Drinking. Francis A. Soper Jul 34
Sermon Notes That Serve. Benjamin F. Wine Is a Mocker. Bernell Baldwin Jul 32
Reaves May 21 Theology: Adventists and Doctrinal Change.
Speak With Care. O. M. Berg Dec 10 Raoul Dederen Feb 16
Religious Liberty: Consider the Case for Quiet Alpha of Apostasy, The. Robert H. Pierson Aug 6
Mondays (E). Staff Jan 3 Did the Israelites Ever Reckon the Day From
Is Religious Freedom the Basic Freedom of All Morning to Morning? S. J. Schwantes Jul 36
Freedoms? William F. Willoughby May 5 Fruitage of Faith, The. Sakae Kubo May 9
Revival and Reformation: "Finishing the How Jesus Saves. J. C. S. Van Rooyen Jul 17
Work": When Will It Happen? Colin D. Life After Life? Jack W. Provonsha Jul 20
Standish Aug 7 Millennium, a Golden Age on Earth Or in
Sabbath: Consider the Case for Quiet Mondays Heaven? The. Arthur J. Ferch May 32
(E). Staff Jan 3 Millennium A Major Theme of American
Rome and the Origin of Sunday Observance. Protestantism, The. N. Gordon Thomas Nov 11
Samuele Bacchiocchi Jan 16 Miracle of the Third Day, The. Donald Mack
Sabbath Earth's Reflection of Heaven, The. intosh Apr 13
Alfred S. Jorgensen Jan 6 Omega of Apostasy, The. Robert H. Pierson Oct 8
Sunday in the Early Church. Kenneth A. Only Begotten, The. Austen G. Fletcher Apr 40
Strand Jan 11 Pardon and Power. Herbert E. Douglass Mar 9
They Loved Jesus. C. Mervyn Maxwell Jan 9 Rome and the Origin of Sunday Observance.
Science: Are the Natural and the Supernatural Samuele Bacchiocchi Jan 16
the Same? Frank Lewis Marsh Dec 14 Sabbath Earth's Reflection of Heaven, The.
C-14 Dating May Be Wrong Before 2000 Alfred S. Jorgensen Jan 6
B.C. Randolph E. Neall Sep 7 Semantics and Salvation. Marjorie Lewis
Ellen G. White and Subterranean Fires Lloyd Sep 4
Parts 1 and 2. Warren H. Johns Aug 9 Oct 19 Sin, Salvation, and the Sanctuary. Edward
Evidence for Creation, The Part 2. Leonard Heppenstall Mar 13
Brand Jan 34 Sunday in the Early Church. Kenneth A.
Evolution: the Ocean Says No! Stuart E. Strand Jan 11
Nevins Mar 20 They Loved Jesus. C. Mervyn Maxwell Jan 9
Man "A Noble Beast" or "Fallen Saint"? What Is Righteousness by Faith? Robert H.
Omer L. Wagoner Jun 17 Pierson Feb 9
Mutations and the Origin of Species. Eric World Report: Church Growth in Inter-America.
Magnusson May 12 James W. Zackrison Sep 13
Up With Catastrophism! Henry M. Morris Feb 20 Evangelism in the Australasian Division. C.
Was Evolution Really Possible by Chance? R. Stanley May 18
Moshe Trop Jul 13 Evangelism Overview in South America.
What About Theistic Evolution? H. L. Arm Reuben Pereyra Feb 14
strong Apr 19 Evangelism Update Central African Union.
Seminary News: Schedule of Course Offerings for L. C. Robinson Mar 40
the Doctor of Ministry Program Feb 15 Evangelism Update Good Hope Conference.
Sermon Outline: Preparing an Exposition of Isa J. M. Niekerk Mar 40
iah 40. Frederick E. J. Harder Jul 4 Evangelism Update Zambesi Union. H. Carl
"Wanted: Two-legged Donkeys." O. Afton Currie Mar 40
Linger Nov 9 Evangelism Update Zambia. A. Bristow Mar 41
Short Articles: Adventist Approach to Theology, On the Move in Southern Asia Evangelism
The. N. R. Dower Oct 24 in India. W. G. Lowry Apr 16
Church Dinners. J. Wayne McFarland Apr 34 On the Move in Southern Asia Health
Curse of Luxury, The. Ernest Lloyd Jan 42 Evangelism in Southern Asia. W. H. Matti-
Letter to My Pastor Father Mar 46 son Apr 17
Popular Afterlife Phenomenon Borders on "One Thing I Do." D. E. Lawson Aug 12
Divination, Necromancy Jul 44 "Steps , . ." to the Door. James A. Ellison Aug 14
Quarrel of the Tools Sep 27 Student Mission at River Plate College, Ar
Seed in My Heart, A. Richard Schuleman Feb 8 gentina. Paul E. Moore Feb 13
Spirit of Prophecy: Are There Prophets in the Update Target 80. M. T. Bascom Jun 26
The Ministry/December, 1977/47
news briefs

T.O.R., president of Steubenville suading 50 percent of our congre

Creationist Inroads in (Ohio) College and a leading fig gations to prepare themselves for
Public Schools Is Driving ure in the Catholic charismatic effective witness to Jewish people
Evolutionists Up the Wall movement, was one of several by working through the Bible
major speakers at the three-day study materials and witness re
Some evolutionists, uptight Eastern General Conference of sources prepared by the Commit
over recent efforts to have scien the Catholic Charismatic Re tee on Witnessing to Jewish Peo
tific evidence for the Biblical newal at Convention Hall here ple."
Creation story taught in public who spoke of the strong ecumeni
schools, are out to "burn" Zonder- cal thrust of the growing move
van's Creation-oriented text, Bi ment. "Las Vegas Nights" Gam
ology: A Search for Order in
Complexity, which is on lists of bling Approved for Non
approved texts in six States. profit Units
Widespread Revival of
When the book was approved as a Religion Foreseen by U.S. NEW YORK New York City
supplementary classroom text by voters endorsed a referendum
the Dallas school board last Jan Sociologist that legalizes the maintenance of
uary, evolutionists reacted vehe LONDON A widespread re so-called "Las Vegas Nights" by
mently, and now plan to take the vival of religion in all classes of religious and other nonprofit or
issue to court. In the Midwest, the society is on its way, according to ganizations.
Indiana Civil Liberties Union has Prof. Daniel Bell, an American Early tallies indicated that the
legally taken on West Clark (Ind.) sociologist who is on sabbatical referendum was favored by a
community schools because the leave in Britain from Harvard margin of 3-to-l.
district uses this book as its major University. Promoters of the amendment
biology text. Even the American He said the revival will be said it was designed to help reli
Humanist Association declared marked by simple piety, a deep gious and other charitable orga
all-out war on Creation advocates sense of community, and concern nizations with their fund-raising
in the January/February issue of for both fellow men and the envi activities, and ,to legitimatize
The Humanist. Debate will most ronment. gambling activities that have
likely continue to burn even hot Dr. Bell made these points in been carried on for years by these
ter, as the San Diego-based Insti delivering the L. T. Hobhouse groups illegally.
tute for Creation Research's Memorial Lecture at the London
grass-roots influence builds. School of Economics in central Unless otherwise credited, these news items are
Evangelical Newsletter, April 22, London, marking the seventieth taken from Religious News Service.
1977. anniversary of the school's estab
lishment of its first chairs in so
ciology. Change of Address
Catholic Charismatics Told He said he discerned the begin
nings of a religious awakening in
They Are Part of a "Recon
ciliation and Unity" Process the rapid growth of fundamenta
list churches around the world PH £
S &5>
and people's desperate hunger for »~ tf
28,000 cheering, clapping charis wonder and mystery. Abstract o* »
o" <
-g1 .- 1* o
matic Christians, most of them science is continually failing to tr
Roman Catholics, were told here
« 3-• a
meet people's deepest needs, and » i
that they are part of a "process of now they are beginning to look
reconciliation and unity" in the again at the "simple pieties."
Christian church, that God is *> g- o S ,
"pouring out his Spirit on the 8 § T>S
Charismatic Renewal for Chris Missouri Synod 2 •.: 3=• g-^. c o
tian unity." Convention Votes to a
Warned of "difficult times" 5- a-. §_ g. •
Encourage Evangelism 5'
ahead and that God is leading His
Church back into the desert "to Among Jews
give her a new heart the heart DALLAS Delegates to the 13%$
of Jesus" they were also told fifty-second annual convention of
that the Charismatic Renewal The Lutheran Church-Missouri 0-
will be a "refuge and stronghold, Synod have voted "to encourage
anointed by God" during the time evangelism among the Jews." »«' 3 03

3 S 2
of difficulty in the future. Included in the approved pro
Father Michael Scanlan, gram is "a two-year goal of per
48/The Ministry/December, 1977

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