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A Detailed Lesson Plan

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
a) Identify the key structural features of DNA
b) Recognize the importance and function of DNA
c) Draw a model of DNA molecule and identify their different parts
II. Subject Matter
Topic: DNA Structure
Reference: Campbell Essential Biology, Biology: Understanding Life
Materials: Biology Textbook, Charts, Picture of a nucleotide identifying the base,
phosphate, and sugar portions of the molecule.
Skills to be developed: Thinking skill and creativity
Method: Lecture-Discussion
III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Daily Routines
a) Prayer

May we all stand and let us pray.

Let’s bow our head and feel the (Amen!)
presence of God.

b) Customary Greetings
“Good morning Class!” “Good morning, ma’am!”

How are you today? We’re good ma’am!

Have you taken your breakfast? Yes ma’am

That’s good!

Everyone! Before taking your seats,

kindly arrange your chairs and pick up
all the litters.

You may now take your seats. Thank you, ma’am!

c) Checking of attendance
Who is absent today? Are you all Yes ma’am!

That’s good!

B. Review of the Past Lesson

What was our topic yesterday? Ma’am!


Yes Shielyn? We discussed about cellular digestion.

Very good!
What else? Yes Maricel?
We also tackle about the lysosomes,
Very good! plants vacuole, Endocytosis and
Have you understood the lesson?
Yes ma’am!
C. Motivation

For today, we will be having an

I will divide the class into 2 groups.
This will be the group 1, and this is
group 2
(The class have divided into 2 groups)

This game is called


I have prepared here some terms, and

you will find their definition in this
box that you think is correct, and
afterwards you’ll going to paste it on
your chosen term.
Every correct answer is equivalent to
2 points. Every group will be given 3
mins to answer.
Yes ma’am!
Understood? Is it clear to you?

“Are you ready?”

Yes we are!
Group 1. Choose your
first representative.

D. Presentation

Class, based on our activity a

while back? What do you think is
our topic for today?
Yes, Mechelou?

The structure of DNA ma’am!

That’s right! Our topic for today is
about the structure of DNA

E. Discussion

Based on your past lessons during

your 2nd year, what is your idea about

Anyone? Yes Shydear?

DNA or deoxyribonucleic is a substance that
carries genetic information in the cells of
That’s right. They carry the genetic plants and animals.
information in the cell.
DNA is the information molecule.
They contain the instructions of an
organism needs to develop, live and
These instructions are found inside
every cell, and are passed down from
parents to their children.

I have here a trivia:

DNA was first observed by a German

biochemist named Frederich Miescher
in 1869. But for many years,
researchers did not realize the
importance of this molecule. It was not
until 1953 that James Watson, Francis
Crick, Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind
Franklin figured out the structure of
DNA — a double helix — which they
realized could carry biological
information. Watson, Crick and
Wilkins were awarded the Nobel in
1962 "for their discoveries concerning
the molecular structure of nucleic
acids and its significance for
information transfer in living
. No ma’am!
Are you familiar with them?

Inside the cell we will most commonly

find double stranded DNA, in which
two strands intertwined to form a
double helix.

(shows a picture of double helix DNA)

Now, let’s move to a more simplified

representation of DNA to discuss the
(shows another picture of zoomed

What you call each strand of the DNA? Ma’am!

Yes Maricel? We call it “polynucleotide ma’am!

That’s right!
What does it mean when we say it is
“polynucleotide?” Yes, Ariane?
When we say it is “polynucleotide” meaning,
each strand is made up of many nucleotide.
Very good! Each strand is made up of
individual units called nucleotides.
A nucleotide has 3 components
namely? Yes Karen please give one. Phosphate groups ma’am!

Yes, another?
Sugar and nitrogenous bases.

There are four nitrogenous bases. Adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine.

What are those?

The hydrogen bonding contributes to

the specificity of base pairing.
Thymine is preferentially paired with? Adenine!

While cytosine is preferentially paired Guanine!


Thymine and cytosine are called

pyrimidines characterized by their
single ring structure. Adenine and
guanine are called purines which have
double rings.

The nitrogenous bases is always

attached to 1 prime carbon of the

Adenine, Thymine, Guanine and

Cytosine are the four bases that codes
hereditary information.

What do we call that sugar again?


Very good!

Did you know that DNA has a very

important role to us humans?
Please give one Shileyn! They carry the genetic information
in the cell.
That’s right!
They carry the genetic information.

Another important role of DNA? Ma’am!

Yes Mechelou? DNA contains the information that determines

inherited characteristics.

Yes, in addition, DNA provides some

instruction to the cell to be able to
function properly, cell need guidelines,
rules, codes for making materials in
the cell and that code is DNA
Yes Ariane?

As I observed, DNA is also used in the

identification of a patient’s condition
especially when it is unrecognizable.
That’s right, and also they are used to
identify the paternity of a child.

Any question? Clarification? None ma’am!

F. Generalization

Based on what we have discussed,

what is DNA again? Yes Shydear? DNA or deoxyribonucleic is a substance that
carries genetic information in the cells of
plants and animals.

Who are the four scientists

who discovered the shape of a DNA? Ma’am! They are Watson, Crick, Wilkins,
and Franklin.

And what are the four nitrogenous

bases? Adenine, guanine, thymine, and cytosine.

What do you call the backbone or the

strand of a DNA? Yes Shielyn! “Polynucleotide ma’am!”

What do you call on the single-ringed

compounds? Pyrimidines

What about purines?

Purines are double-ringed compound
Very good, you seem you understood
our lesson.

G. Value integration

So can you, think of something that

you can relate it to DNA?
Yes Ariana?
DNA is like a……
Very good!
Any question?

None ma’am!

H. Evaluation

In 1 half sheet of paper, answer the

1. Draw and describe the structure of DNA

I’m giving you only 5 mins. To answer.

Are you done?

Past your paper. Shydear please collect.

I. Agreement

For your assignment, search the following:

1. Genome
2. Organization of genome
3. DNA packaging
To be place in 1 whole sheet of paper and to
be submitted next meeting.

That’s all for today Class. I hope you learned

something from our lesson.

Goodbye! God bless

Goodbye ma’am! See you tomorrow!

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