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I. Multiple Choice.

1. It deals with the use of different communication technologies such as mobile phones, telephone,
Internet, etc. to locate, save, send and edit information
a.)Information Communication Technology b).information Technology c.) Communication
Technology d. ) Technology
2. When the World Wide Web was invented, most web pages were static. Static (also known as flat page
or stationary page)
a. Web b. Web 1.0 c. Web 2.0 d.Web 3.0
3. The user is able to see a website differently than others.
a. Web b. Web 1.0 c. Web 2.0 d.Web 3.0
4. The Semantic Web is a movement led by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
a. Web b. Web 1.0 c. Web 2.0 d.Web 3.0
5. Is a website, application, or online channels that enable web users to create.
a. Social Media b. Social Network c. Social d. Social News
6. The Internet, truly, is a powerful tool. It can be used to promote your business, gain new friends, and
stay in touch with the old ones.
a. Online Safety and Security b. Online c. Safety d. Security
7. Stands for malicious software
a. Spam b. Phishing c. Copyright Infringement d. Malware
8. Unwanted email mostly from bots or advertisers. It can be used to send malware.
a. Spam b. Phishing c. Copyright Infringement d. Malware
9. Its goal is to acquire sensitive personal information like passwords and credit card details.
a. Spam b. Phishing c. Copyright Infringement d. Malware
10. If you create something—an idea, an invention, a form of literary work, or a research
a. Spam b. Phishing c. Copyright Infringement d. Malware
11. The document that contains the main body of the message we want to convey or send.
a. List or data file b. Form Document c. Picture d. Label Generation
12. This is where the individual information or data that needs to be plugged in (merged) to our form
document is placed.
a. List or data file b. Form Document c. Picture d. Label Generation
13. It creates a blank form document that simulates either a blank label or envelope.
a. List or data file b. Form Document c. Picture d. Label Generation
14. Generally, these are electronic or digital pictures or photographs you have saved in any local storage
a. List or data file b. Form Document c. Picture d. Label Generation
15. This is generally a .GIF type; line art drawings or images used as generic representation.
a. List or data file b. Clip art c. Picture d. Label Generation
16. Tabs which in turn contain groups of buttons for various options
a. Ribbon b. Quick Access Toolbar file Menu d. slides Pane
17. Contains all the creation, save, share, and print options
a. Ribbon b. Quick Access Toolbar c.file Menu d.slides Pane
18. Is a customizable toolbar placed by default above the Ribbon.
a. Ribbon b. Quick Access Toolbar c.file Menu d.slides Pane
19. Located on the left side of the interface.
a. Ribbon b. Quick Access Toolbar c.file Menu d.slides Pane
20. Displays the active slide
a. Slide Area b. Quick Access Toolbar c.file Menu d.slides Pane

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